IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Investment Wakalah Agreement

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This document is in a non-binding, recommended form and intended to be used as a starting point for

negotiation only. Individual parties may depart from its terms and should always satisfy themselves of the
regulatory, legal and Shari ah implications of its use.

In The Name Of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

as Muwakkil
as Wakil



This document has been drafted for interbank placements and is not suitable for retail deposits. Potential
users of this document should always satisfy themselves of the regulatory, legal and Shari ah implications
of its use.
This agreement is supplemented with a set of operational guidance memorandum which will cover the
operational procedures to be implemented by the Wakil as well as the Wakil and Muwakkil responsibilities,
accounting assessment, regulatory treatment analysis and the IIFM Shari ah pronouncement.
International Islamic Financial Market. All rights reserved.

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013




DEFINITIONS AND CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................................... 3


INVESTMENT WAKALAH TERMS AND CONDITIONS ........................................................................ 6


WAKALAH INVESTMENT TRANSACTIONS .......................................................................................... 7


PAYMENTS ................................................................................................................................................. 9


REPRESENTATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 10


UNDERTAKINGS ..................................................................................................................................... 12


EVENTS OF DEFAULT ............................................................................................................................ 13


EARLY TERMINATION .......................................................................................................................... 15


LATE PAYMENT AMOUNT ................................................................................................................... 16


MISCELLANEOUS ................................................................................................................................... 17


GOVERNING LAW AND JURISDICTION ............................................................................................. 20

SCHEDULE 1 Form of Wakil Offer Notice ......................................................................................................... 22

SCHEDULE 2 Form of Muwakkil Acceptance Notice ......................................................................................... 24
SCHEDULE 3 Particulars ..................................................................................................................................... 25
SIGNATURE PAGE.............................................................................................................................................. 26

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


Agreement) is dated [] and made between

[INSERT NAME OF THE MUWAKKIL] a company incorporated under the laws of [] with company
registration number [], whose registered office is situated at [] (as the Muwakkil); and


[INSERT NAME OF THE WAKIL] a company incorporated under the laws of [] with company
registration number [], whose registered office is situated at [] (as the Wakil),

each a Party and together the Parties.


The Parties wish, from time to time, to enter into transactions whereby the Muwakkil will transfer
certain funds to the Wakil and appoint the Wakil as its investment agent to invest such funds on its
behalf in a manner compliant with the principles of Shariah and in accordance with the terms of this


Each Wakalah Investment Transaction shall be governed by the terms set out herein, which includes the
Schedules as executed by the Parties.

IT IS AGREED as follows:


In this Agreement:
Anticipated Profit Rate means, in relation to a Wakalah Investment Transaction, the profit rate
specified in the Wakil Offer Notice, which the Wakil expects to achieve during relevant Wakalah
Transaction Period by investing the Investment Amount for and on behalf of the Muwakkil in
accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
Actual Profit Rate means, in relation to a Wakalah Investment Transaction, the profit rate actually
achieved by the Wakil during and upon the maturity of the relevant Wakalah Transaction Period by
investing the Investment Amount for and on behalf of the Muwakkil in accordance with the provisions
of this Agreement.
Business Day means, a day (other than [a Thursday or Friday]/[a Friday or Saturday]/[a Saturday or
Sunday]) on which banks/financial institutions in [] and [] are open for general business.
Default means an Event of Default or any event or circumstance specified in Clause 7 (Events of
Default) which would (with the expiry of a grace period, the giving of notice, the making of any
determination under this Agreement or any combination of the foregoing) be an Event of Default.
Early Termination Date means a date designated or occurring in accordance with Clause 7.7
(Termination following an Event of Default), Clause 8.2 (Acceptance of Early Termination Request),
Clause 8.4 (Muwakkils right to continue or terminate) or Clause 8.5 (Illegality).
Event of Default means any event or circumstance specified as such in Clause 7 (Events of Default).
Indebtedness means (i) any obligation (whether present or future, contingent or otherwise, as
principal or surety or otherwise) in respect of any debt money to be paid to Muwakkil or other, (ii) any
amount raised under any transaction (including any financing transaction or arrangement entered into
which is expressed to be made in accordance with the principles and rules of Shariah) having the
commercial effect of a borrowing, and/or (iii) any indebtedness arising in relation to any risk mitigation
transaction entered into in connection with protection against or benefit from fluctuation in any rate or

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013

Investment Amount means, in relation to a Wakalah Investment Transaction, the amount specified
in the Wakil Offer Notice to be transferred by the Muwakkil to the Wakil on the Investment Date
provided that such amount shall be equal or greater than the Minimum Investment Amount.
Investment Date means, in relation to a Wakalah Investment Transaction, the date specified in the
Wakil Offer Notice, on which the Muwakkil shall transfer the relevant Investment Amount to the Wakil.
Material Adverse Effect means an event or circumstance which has or could be reasonably expected
to have a material adverse effect on the business or financial condition of a Party, the legality, validity,
effectiveness or enforceability of this Agreement and any Wakalah Contract, or the ability of a Party to
perform its payment and other obligations under this Agreement and any Wakalah Contract.
Maturity Date means, in relation to a Wakalah Investment Transaction, the date specified in the
Wakil Offer Notice, on which the Maturity Proceeds in respect of the relevant Wakalah Investment
Transaction shall be payable by the Wakil to the Muwakkil.
Maturity Proceeds means, in relation to any Wakalah Investment Transaction, the sums due (if any)
by the Wakil to the Muwakkil on the Maturity Date of the relevant Wakalah Investment Transaction
calculated in accordance with Clause 3.4 (Payment and calculation of Maturity Proceeds) and
Clause 8.6 (Payments upon early termination).
Minimum Investment Amount means the minimum amount required by the Wakil for investment
into a Wakalah Investment Transaction as notified by the Wakil to the Muwakkil from time to time.
Muwakkil Acceptance Notice means an acceptance notice to be sent by the Muwakkil to the Wakil
accepting the Wakil Offer Notice, substantially in the form set out in Schedule 2 (Form of Muwakkil
Acceptance Notice).
Repeating Representations means each of the representations set out in Clauses 5.1 (Status), 5.2
(Binding obligations), 5.3 (Power and authority), 5.5 (Validity and admissibility in evidence), 5.8
(Governing law), 5.9 (No default), 5.12 (No proceedings pending) and 5.13 (Non reliance).
Specified Currency means, in relation to a Wakalah Investment Transaction, the currency specified
in the Wakil Offer Notice.
Tax means any present or future tax, levy, impost, duty, charge, assessment or fee of any nature
which is imposed by any government or other taxing authority in respect of any payment under this
Agreement other than a stamp, registration, documentation or similar tax.
Threshold means [] or its equivalent in any other currency.
Wakalah Contract means an individual agency contract evidencing the terms of a Wakalah
Investment Transaction concluded in accordance with Clause 3 (Wakalah Investment Transactions) on
the terms set out in the relevant Wakil Offer Notice and the Muwakkil Acceptance Notice.
Wakalah Investment Transaction means each investment transaction entered into between the
Muwakkil and the Wakil subject to the terms of this Agreement and the relevant Wakalah Contract to
which such investment transaction relates.
Wakalah Pool means the pool of assets in which the Wakil shall invest the Investment Amounts
which may consist of the Wakils general treasury pool comprising the [Wakalah/Mudarabah] funds
held and invested by the Wakil from time to time or, at Wakils discretion, a segregated pool of assets
more specifically described in the Wakil Offer Notice.
Wakil Fee means, in relation to a Wakalah Investment Transaction, the fee specified in the Wakil
Offer Notice payable by the Muwakkil to the Wakil on either the Investment Date or the Maturity Date
as agreed between the Parties.

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013

Wakil Offer Notice means, in relation to a Wakalah Investment Transaction, an offer notice to be
sent by the Wakil to the Muwakkil, substantially in the form set out in Schedule 1 (Form of Wakil Offer
Wakalah Transaction Period means, in relation to a Wakalah Investment Transaction, the period
commencing on the Investment Date and ending on the earlier of the Maturity Date and the Early
Termination Date.
Zakat means an annual alms payment which must be paid by Muslims - individuals or corporationsin accordance with the principles of Shariah.

In this Agreement:

Unless the context otherwise requires:


use of the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;


a person includes any gender, any individual, firm, company, corporation,

government, state or agency of a state or any association, trust or partnership (whether
or not having a separate legal personality), joint venture, consortium or other entity;


assets include present and future properties, revenues and rights of every description;


the equivalent on any given date in one currency (the first currency) of an amount
denominated in another currency (the second currency) is a reference to the amount
of the first currency which could be purchased with the amount of the second currency
at the mid rate of (i) the rate of exchange quoted by a party (Party A) at or about
11.00 a.m. on such date for the purchase of the first currency with the second currency
and (ii) the rate of exchange quoted by Party A at or about 11.00 a.m. on such date for
the sale of the first currency for the second currency;


a law includes any law, statute, constitution, decree, judgment, treaty, regulation,
directive, by-law, order or any other legislative measure of any governmental,
intergovernmental or supranational body, agency, department or regulatory, selfregulatory or other authority or organisation and, for the avoidance of doubt, reference
to law does not include reference to principles of Shariah;


references to this Agreement or any other agreement or instrument is a reference to this

Agreement or other agreement or instrument as from time to time amended, restated,
novated, or replaced, however fundamentally;


references to Clauses and Schedules are to clauses of, and schedules to, this Agreement;

(viii) references to a time of day are to [] time;


a provision of law is a reference to that provision as amended or re-enacted;


Wakalah means an agency relationship between an agent and a principal whereby the
principal appoints the agent to perform a certain task or tasks on its behalf which may
or may not be in return for a fee;


Muwakkil, Wakil or any other Party shall be determined so as to include its

successors in title, permitted assigns and permitted transferees;


Mudarabah means a partnership established in accordance with the principles of

Shariah between two or more persons whereby one party provides capital (rab al-maal)
and the other party provides expertise (mudarib) with a view to sharing profits (in a preagreed ratio) gained as a result of administration of the capital by the mudarib.

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013



Clause and Schedule headings are included for convenience only and shall not affect the
interpretation of this Agreement.

Single agreement
Each Wakalah Contract is entered into in reliance on the fact that this Agreement and each Wakalah
Contract form a single agreement between the Parties, and the Parties would not otherwise enter into
any Wakalah Contract.


Third party rights

Unless expressly provided to the contrary in this Agreement, a person who is not a Party has no rights
to enforce or to enjoy the benefit of any term of this Agreement [including for the avoidance of doubt
under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999].



Appointment of Wakil as investment agent



The Muwakkil appoints the Wakil to act as its investment agent in relation to each Wakalah
Investment Transaction entered into between the Wakil and the Muwakkil from time to time to
invest the relevant Investment Amount on behalf of the Muwakkil in accordance with the
principles of Shariah and the terms of this Agreement.


In relation to each Wakalah Investment Transaction the appointment of the Wakil shall take
effect from the relevant Investment Date and terminate on the earlier of the relevant Maturity
Date and the Early Termination Date.


The Muwakkil authorises the Wakil to exercise the rights, powers, authorities and discretions
specifically given to the Wakil under or in connection with this Agreement together with any
other incidental rights, powers, authorities and discretions.


The Wakil shall be acting as agent for the Muwakkil on a limited agency basis in relation to
each Wakalah Investment Transaction. Except as expressly provided herein, the Wakil shall
not have any authority to represent or bind the Muwakkil in any other respect and shall not
purport to do so.


The Muwakkil is entitled to seek from the Wakil information about the Wakils investment
strategy and the performance of the Wakalah Pool.


[The Muwakkil acknowledges and agrees that, by entering into each Wakalah Investment
Transaction as contemplated in Clause 3 (Wakalah Investment Transactions), the Muwakkil
shall have no recourse to any funds transferred to the Wakil in accordance with the relevant
Wakalah Contract other than as described in that Clause and in particular, the title to such
funds shall vest fully in the Wakil and the Muwakkil shall have no proprietary interest over any
funds so transferred to the Wakil]1.

Acceptance of appointment
In accordance with the offer and acceptance process described in Clause 3 (Wakalah Investment
Transactions) and in consideration of the payment of the Wakil Fee (if any), in accordance with the
terms of each Wakalah Contract and the incentive payment (if any) pursuant to Clause 3.5 (Calculation
of incentive payment), the Wakil accepts its appointment as investment agent of the Muwakkil pursuant
to Clause 2.1 (Appointment of Wakil as agent) and agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement
and each Wakalah Contract.

Include this paragraph if a Party is licensed in and operating out of the UK.

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013




Duties of the Wakil


In respect of each Wakalah Investment Transaction, the Wakil shall invest the Investment
Amount in the Wakalah Pool and ensure that the Wakalah Pool is, at all times, invested in
accordance with the principles of Shariah.


In performing its duties pursuant to this Agreement, the Wakil shall act with professionalism
and exercise utmost due care and diligence.


The Parties agree that the Wakil may, but shall be under no obligation to, segregate the
Investment Amounts received from the Muwakkil from its own funds and the funds of other
customers but shall be entitled to commingle any Investment Amounts received from the
Muwakkil with the general treasury pool of the Wakil in its ordinary course of business.


The Wakil shall not propose to enter into a Wakalah Investment Transaction unless it
reasonably and genuinely believes, after due inquiry with respect to market conditions, past
performance and future projections, that the Actual Profit Rate, in relation to the relevant
Wakalah Investment Transaction, will be equal to or greater than the Anticipated Profit Rate.

Liability of the Wakil


The Muwakkil as principal shall bear all the risks associated with the acts of the Wakil as its
investment agent and the Wakil shall have no liability (including any liability relating to any
reduction to the Actual Profit Rate) to the Muwakkil other than any liability for any genuine
actual losses (not to include any opportunity cost or funding costs) arising as a result of the
Wakil's willful misconduct, negligence, misrepresentation or breach of the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.


The Wakil shall, within three (3) Business Days of demand, indemnify the Muwakkil against
any genuine actual cost, loss or liability incurred by the Muwakkil as a result of the Wakils
willful misconduct, negligence, misrepresentation or breach of the terms and conditions of this

No fiduciary duties
Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as constituting the Wakil as a trustee or fiduciary of the
Muwakkil or any other person.



No obligation to enter into transactions
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating an obligation on the part of the Wakil or the
Muwakkil to enter into any Wakalah Investment Transaction prior to a Wakalah Contract coming into
effect in accordance with Clause 3.3 (Muwakkil acceptance).


Notification and Wakil offer

On any Business Day during the business hours of both Parties either Party may, by telephone or any
other means approved by the Parties, notify the other of its desire to enter into a Wakalah Investment
Transaction. The Wakil shall then send to the Muwakkil the Wakil Offer Notice setting out the terms of
the proposed Wakalah Investment Transaction.


Muwakkil acceptance

If the Muwakkil is willing to enter into the proposed Wakalah Investment Transaction it shall
send to the Wakil the Muwakkil Acceptance Notice. The Muwakkil Acceptance Notice must be
received by the Wakil no later than one (1) Business Day prior to the proposed Investment
Date in relation to that Wakalah Investment Transaction. Upon receipt by the Wakil of the

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013

Muwakkil Acceptance Notice, a Wakalah Contract shall be constituted on the terms specified
in the Wakil Offer Notice and this Agreement.



If the Muwakkil transfers the Investment Amount to the Wakil on the Investment Date in
accordance with the terms of the Wakil Offer Notice, the Muwakkil shall be deemed to have
accepted the Wakil Offer Notice even in the absence of prior delivery of the Muwakkil
Acceptance Notice in accordance with Clause 3.3(a) and the Wakalah Contract shall be
deemed to have been entered into on the Investment Date. In the event that the Wakalah
Contract has been entered into without the Muwakkil delivering the Muwakkil Acceptance
Notice to the Wakil, the Muwakkil shall deliver the Muwakkil Acceptance Notice to the Wakil
as soon as practicable after the Investment Date.


If the Muwakkil fails to transfer the Investment Amount in full to the Wakil on the Investment
Date, the Wakalah Investment Transaction shall, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties,
terminate and the Wakil shall transfer any amounts received from the Muwakkil with respect to
that Wakalah Investment Transaction back to the Muwakkil. Following the return by the Wakil
of any amounts received in payment of the Investment Amount, the Parties shall have no
further obligations pursuant to the relevant Wakalah Investment Transaction.

Payment and calculation of Maturity Proceeds

On the Maturity Date of each Wakalah Investment Transaction, the Wakil shall pay to the Muwakkil the
Maturity Proceeds (if any) calculated as follows:



If the Actual Profit Rate is equal to or greater than the Anticipated Profit Rate, the Wakil shall
pay to the Muwakkil an amount equal to the aggregate of (i) the Investment Amount and (ii) an
amount equal to the Investment Amount multiplied by the Anticipated Profit Rate and the
number of days in the relevant Wakalah Transaction Period and divided by [360/365], less the
Wakil Fee if unpaid.


If the Actual Profit Rate is less than the Anticipated Profit Rate, the Wakil shall pay to the
Muwakkil an amount equal to the aggregate of (i) the Investment Amount and (ii) an amount
equal to the Investment Amount multiplied by the Actual Profit Rate and the number of days
in the relevant Wakalah Transaction Period and divided by [360/365], less the Wakil Fee if


If the Actual Profit Rate is a negative number, the Wakil shall pay to the Muwakkil the
Investment Amount less an amount equal to (i) the Investment Amount multiplied by (x) one
hundred per cent. (100%) minus the absolute value in per cent. of the Actual Profit Rate and
(y) the number of days in the relevant Wakalah Transaction Period and divided by [360/365],
less the Wakil Fee if unpaid.

Calculation of incentive payment

If the Actual Profit Rate is greater than the Anticipated Profit Rate, the Wakil shall pay to the Muwakkil
the Maturity Proceeds in accordance with Clause 3.4(a) and retain the excess as an incentive payment.


Wakil Fee
The Muwakkil shall pay to the Wakil a fee agreed in relation to each Wakalah Investment Transaction
which will be specified in the relevant Wakil Offer Notice and payable on the applicable Investment
Date or Maturity Date as agreed between the Parties. If the Wakil Fee is agreed to be payable on the
Maturity Date, the Wakil is entitled to deduct the Wakil Fee from the applicable Maturity Proceeds.


No withdrawal
Other than pursuant to Clause 8.1 (Early termination at the request of the Muwakkil), the Muwakkil
irrevocably agrees not to withdraw any Investment Amount prior to the relevant Maturity Date.

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


Transfer of the Investment Amount
Upon a Wakalah Contract being constituted in accordance with Clause 3.3 (Muwakkil acceptance), the
Muwakkil shall transfer, on the Investment Date, the Investment Amount into the Wakils account
specified in the Wakil Offer Notice.


Payment of Maturity Proceeds

On the Maturity Date of a Wakalah Investment Transaction, the Wakil shall pay the Maturity Proceeds
to the Muwakkil by crediting the Muwakkils account specified in the Muwakkil Acceptance Notice.


All payments pursuant to a Wakalah Investment Transaction shall be made in the Specified Currency
without any set-off, counterclaim or other deduction whatsoever in cleared, immediately available
funds for value on the date on which a payment pursuant to a Wakalah Investment Transaction shall be


Currency indemnity
If any sum due from one Party to the other Party (a Sum) pursuant to this Agreement, or any order,
judgment or award given or made in relation to a Sum, has to be converted from the currency (the
First Currency) in which that Sum is payable into another currency (the Second Currency) for
the purpose of:

making or filing a claim or a proof against a Party before a court of competent jurisdiction; or


obtaining or enforcing an order, judgment or award in relation to any litigation or arbitration


the paying Party owing such Sum shall, as an independent obligation, indemnify the Party to whom that
Sum is due against any actual cost, loss, or liability arising out of or as a result of the conversion
including any discrepancy between the rate of exchange used to convert that Sum from the First
Currency into the Second Currency and the rate of exchange available to that person at the time of its
receipt of that Sum provided that if, such conversion results in a gain for the party to which the Sum is
due, such gain shall be returned to the Party paying the Sum.

Tax gross up

All payment pursuant to this Agreement and any Wakalah Investment Transaction shall be
made without any deduction or withholding for or on account of any Tax or Zakat, unless any
such deduction or withholding is required by any applicable law, as modified by the practice of
any relevant governmental revenue authority, then in effect.


If a Party (the Withholding Party) is required to make any deduction or withholding

pursuant to paragraph (a) above, the Withholding Party shall ensure that such deduction or
withholding is made within the time allowed and in the minimum amount required by law, and
shall supply evidence reasonably satisfactory to the other Party as soon as possible (and in any
event within thirty (30) days of such deduction or withholding or any payment required in
connection with that deduction or withholding).


Where the Muwakkil is the Withholding Party, it shall, in addition to the payment to which the
Wakil is otherwise entitled pursuant to this Agreement, pay such further amounts as may be
necessary in order to ensure that the net amounts actually received by the Wakil after such
deduction or withholding are equal to the amount which would have been received by the
Wakil in the absence of such deduction or withholding.

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013



For the avoidance of doubt, where the Wakil is the Withholding Party, any payment to the
Muwakkil shall be made less any deduction or withholding and the Wakil shall be under no
obligation to pay any further amounts to the Muwakkil to compensate the Muwakkil for any
deduction or withholding made.

Business Days
If a payment falls due on a day which is not a Business Day the payment shall be made on the next
following Business Day, save where the next following Business Day falls in the next calendar month in
which event the payment shall be due on the Business Day immediately preceding the original due date.


Each Party hereby makes the representations and warranties set out in this Clause 5 (Representations)
to the other Party on the date of this Agreement.


It is a corporation, duly incorporated and validly existing under the laws of its jurisdiction of
incorporation and has the power to own its assets and carry on its business as it is being conducted.


Binding obligations
The obligations expressed to be assumed by it in this Agreement are legal, valid, binding and
enforceable obligations (subject to general principles of law limiting its obligations).


Power and authority

It has the power to enter into, perform and deliver, and has taken all necessary action to authorise its
entry into, performance and delivery of, this Agreement and the Wakalah Investment Transactions
contemplated by this Agreement.


Non-conflict with other obligations

The entry into and performance by it of this Agreement, and the Wakalah Investment Transactions
contemplated by this Agreement, does not and will not conflict with any law or regulation applicable to
it, its constitutional documents or any agreement or instrument binding upon it or any of its assets.


Validity and admissibility in evidence

All authorisations required to enable it lawfully to enter into, exercise its rights and comply with its
obligations in this Agreement, and also to make this Agreement admissible in evidence in its
jurisdiction of incorporation, have been obtained or effected and are in full force and effect.


No misleading information
Any factual information provided by it in connection with this Agreement was true and accurate in all
material respects as at the date it was provided or as at the date (if any) at which it is stated.


Compliance with Shariah

Insofar as a Party wishes or is required, for any reason, to enter into transactions, agreements and
arrangements which comply or are consistent with the principles of Shariah (Shariah compliant or
Shariah compliance):

it has entered into this Agreement and each Wakalah Investment Transaction after having
reviewed them for the purpose of their compliance with the principles of Shariah and, to the
extent it has considered this necessary, taken independent advice from a Shariah adviser;

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013




it is satisfied that the provisions of this Agreement and each Wakalah Investment Transaction
do not contravene the principles of Shariah;


it has made its own investigation into and satisfied itself as to the Shariah compliance of this
Agreement and each Wakalah Investment Transaction to be entered into under this Agreement;


all necessary action to confirm that this Agreement and each Wakalah Investment Transaction
to be entered into pursuant to this Agreement are Shariah compliant has been taken (including
the obtaining of an opinion or other attestation of the Shariah adviser, board or panel relevant
to it where required);


it has not relied, directly or indirectly, on the other Party or any opinion or other attestation or
document prepared by, on behalf or at the request of the other Party for the purposes of a
determination or confirmation that this Agreement and each Wakalah Investment Transaction
are Shariah compliant; and


it confirms that it does not have any objections, nor will it raise any objections as to matters of
Shariah compliance in respect of, or otherwise in relation to any of the provisions of this
Agreement and each Wakalah Investment Transaction to be entered into pursuant to this

Governing law
The choice of [] as the governing law of this Agreement will be recognised and enforced in its
jurisdiction of incorporation [and any judgment obtained in [] in relation to this Agreement will be
recognised and enforced in its jurisdiction of incorporation].


No Default
No Event of Default is continuing or might be expected to result from the entry into of any Wakalah
Contract and no other event or circumstance is outstanding which constitutes a default under any other
agreement or instrument which is binding on it or to which its assets are subject and which may
materially impair a Partys ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.


No deduction of Tax or Zakat

It is not required to make any deduction for or on account of Tax or Zakat from any payment it may
make under this Agreement.


[Pari passu ranking

Its payment obligations under this Agreement rank at least pari passu with the claims of all its other
unsecured and unsubordinated creditors, except for obligations mandatorily preferred by law applying
to companies generally.] 2


No proceedings pending
No litigation, arbitration or administrative proceedings of or before any court, arbitral body or agency
which, if adversely determined, might reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect have
(to the best of its knowledge and belief) been started or threatened against it.


Non reliance
It is acting for its own account, it has made its own independent decisions to enter into each Wakalah
Investment Transaction based upon its own judgment and upon advice from such advisers as it has

To be confirmed in light of the jurisdiction of incorporation of the Parties.

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


deemed necessary and it is not relying on any communications of the other Party as investment advice
or a recommendation to enter into the relevant Wakalah Investment Transaction.

The Repeating Representations shall be deemed to be made by:



the Wakil each time a Wakil Offer Notice is sent to the Muwakkil; and


the Muwakkil each time a Muwakkil Acceptance Notice is sent to the Wakil.

Unless otherwise specified, the undertakings in this Clause 6 (Undertakings) remain in force from the
date of this Agreement until all amounts outstanding under this Agreement or a Wakalah Investment
Transaction have been paid in full.


Constitutional documents
On or prior to entering into any Wakalah Investment Transaction, each Party shall provide to the other



a certified copy of its constitutional documents;


a certified copy of the resolutions of its board of directors or equivalent management body,
approving the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement and the Wakalah
Investment Transactions contemplated hereunder; and


specimen signatures of its authorised signatories who have the authority to sign this Agreement
and any Wakalah Contract on its behalf.

Each Party shall obtain, comply with and do all that is necessary to maintain in full force and effect and,
if requested by the other Party, supply certified copies to the other Party of any authorisation required
under any law or regulation of its jurisdiction of incorporation to enable it to perform its obligations
under this Agreement and each Wakalah Investment Transaction and to ensure the legality, validity,
enforceability or admissibility in evidence in its jurisdiction of incorporation of this Agreement and
each Wakalah Investment Transaction.


Compliance with laws

Each Party shall comply in all respects with all laws and regulations to which it may be subject if
failure so to comply would materially impair its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement
and each Wakalah Investment Transaction.


Information: miscellaneous
Each Party shall supply to the other Party:

all documents dispatched by it to its shareholders (or any class of them) or its creditors
generally at the same time as, or as soon as practicable after, the documents are dispatched;


promptly upon becoming aware thereof, the details of any litigation, arbitration or
administrative proceedings which are current, threatened or pending against it and which may,
if adversely determined, have a Material Adverse Effect.

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013



Notification of Default
A defaulting Party shall notify the non-defaulting Party of any Default and the steps, if any, being taken
to remedy it promptly upon becoming aware of its occurrence. Upon a request by the non-defaulting
Party, the defaulting Party shall supply to the non-defaulting Party a certificate signed by two of its
directors or senior officers on its behalf certifying that no Default is continuing or if a Default is
continuing, specifying the Default and the steps, if any, being taken to remedy it.


Know your customer checks


the introduction of, or any change in, any law or regulation (or in the interpretation,
administration or application thereof) after the date of this Agreement; or


any change in the status of a Party after the date of this Agreement,

obliges the other Party to comply with know your customer or similar identification procedures in
circumstances where the necessary information is not already available to it, such Party shall, promptly
upon request of the other Party, supply, or procure the supply of, such documentation and other
evidence reasonably requested by the other Party to carry out and be satisfied that it has complied with
all necessary know your customer or other similar checks under all applicable laws and regulations
applicable to the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and each Wakalah Investment

Each of the events or circumstances set out in Clause 7.1 (Non-payment) to Clause 7.6 (Insolvency
proceedings) inclusive constitutes an Event of Default.


The Wakil does not pay on the due date any amount payable pursuant to this Agreement at the place and
in the currency in which it is expressed to be payable.


Other obligations

A Party does not comply with any provision of this Agreement (other than the obligation
referred to in Clause 7.1 (Non-payment)).


No Event of Default under paragraph (a) above in relation to Clause [____] will occur if the
failure to comply is capable of remedy and is remedied within:

(in relation to Clause [_________]) [] Business Days; or


(in relation to Clause [_________]) [] Business Days,

of the earlier of the non-defaulting Party giving notice to the defaulting Party and the defaulting
Party becoming aware of the failure to comply.

Any representation or statement made or deemed to be made by a Party in this Agreement or any other
document delivered by or on behalf of a Party under or in connection with this Agreement is or proves
to have been incorrect or misleading in any material respect when made or deemed to be made.


Any Indebtedness of the Wakil:

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013



is not paid when due nor within any originally applicable grace period;


is declared to be or otherwise becomes due and payable prior to its specified maturity as a
result of an event of default (however described);


becomes capable of being declared due and payable by a creditor prior to its specified maturity
as a result of an event of default (however described); or


any commitment for any Indebtedness of the Wakil is cancelled or suspended as a result of an
event of default (however described),

provided that no Event of Default will occur under this Clause 7.4 (Cross-default) if the aggregate
amount of Indebtedness falling within paragraphs (a) to (d) above is less than the Threshold.

The Wakil is unable or admits its inability to pay its debts as they fall due, suspends making payments
on any of its debts or, by reason of actual or anticipated financial difficulties, commences negotiations
with one or more of its creditors with a view to rescheduling any of its Indebtedness.


Insolvency proceedings
Any corporate action, legal proceedings or other procedure or step is taken in relation to:

the suspension of payments, a moratorium of any Indebtedness, winding-up, dissolution,

administration or reorganisation (by way of voluntary arrangement, scheme of arrangement or
otherwise) of the Wakil;


a composition, compromise, assignment or arrangement with any creditor of the Wakil;


the appointment of a liquidator, receiver, administrative receiver, administrator, compulsory or

interim manager or other similar officer in respect of the Wakil or any of its assets; or


enforcement of any security over any assets of the Wakil (where the aggregate value of such
asset is in excess of the Threshold or its equivalent in another currency or currencies),

or any analogous procedure or step is taken in any jurisdiction.


Termination following an Event of Default

On and at any time after the occurrence of an Event of Default which is continuing, the non-defaulting
Party it may, by notice to the other party, declare that all Wakalah Investment Transactions entered into
pursuant to this Agreement are terminated and designate a day not earlier than the day such notice is
effective as an Early Termination Date with respect to all the Wakalah Investment Transactions.


Payments on early termination following an Event of Default

Following the designation of an Early Termination Date in accordance with Clause 7.7 (Termination
following an Event of Default), the Maturity Date with respect to all Wakalah Investment
Transactions shall fall on the Early Termination Date. The Wakil shall on, or as soon as practicable
after, such Early Termination Date pay the Maturity Proceeds calculated in accordance with
Clause 3.4 (Payment and calculation of Maturity Proceeds) in relation to each Wakalah Investment
Transaction to the Muwakkil, as if the Early Termination Date was the Maturity Date in relation to
each Wakalah Investment Transaction.


Set off

Any matured amounts due from the Wakil to the Muwakkil pursuant to Clause 7.8 (Payments
on early termination following an Event of Default) may, at the option of the Muwakkil, be set-

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


off against any other matured amounts (the Other Amounts) payable from the Muwakkil to
the Wakil whether or not arising under this Agreement and irrespective of the currency, place
of payment or place of booking of the obligation. (At the time of payment, the payment must
be in accordance with the prevailing exchange rate in the case of different currency/ currency



If the Wakil has not notified the Muwakkil of the amounts due and payable pursuant to
Clause 7.8 (Payments on early termination following an Event of Default) within seven (7)
Business Days of the designation of an Early Termination Date by the Muwakkil in
accordance with Clause 7.7 (Termination following an Event of Default), the Muwakkil shall
assume (based on the principle of profit under account) that the Actual Profit Rate is equal to
the Anticipated Profit Rate and estimate the Maturity Proceeds in relation to each Wakalah
Investment Transaction on that basis, provided that following the notification by the Wakil of
the Actual Profit Rate in relation to the relevant Wakalah Investment Transaction, the
Muwakkil shall either repay to or claim from the Wakil the amount corresponding to the
difference (if any) between the Anticipated Profit Rate and the Actual Profit Rate so notified.


For this purpose, the Muwakkil may convert, either the amounts due from the Wakil or the
Other Amounts (or the relevant portion thereof), from one currency into the currency in which
the other is denominated at the prevailing rate of exchange at which the Muwakkil would be
able, in good faith and using commercially reasonable procedures, to purchase the relevant
amount of such currency.

Early termination at the request of Muwakkil
Notwithstanding Clause 3.7 (No withdrawal), the Muwakkil may, during a Wakalah Transaction Period,
send a notice to the Wakil requesting that one or more Wakalah Investment Transactions be terminated
early prior to the Maturity Date (an Early Termination Request), provided that the Wakil shall not
be under any obligation to accept or to take any action whatsoever in relation to such Early Termination



Acceptance of Early Termination Request


The Wakil may elect, in its sole discretion, whether or not to accept the Early Termination
Request and shall notify the Muwakkil of its acceptance within five (5) Business Days of
receipt of the Early Termination Request, failing which the Early Termination Request shall be
deemed to have been rejected by the Wakil.


If the Wakil, in its sole discretion, accepts the Early Termination Request, the date on which it
notifies the Muwakkil of its acceptance shall be the Early Termination Date in respect of the
relevant Wakalah Investment Transaction, and the Wakil shall make the payments to the
Muwakkil pursuant to Clause 8.6 (Payments upon early termination).

Revised profit rate notice

If the Wakil, at any time during the Wakalah Transaction Period, determines that the Actual Profit Rate
in relation to a Wakalah Investment Transaction, may be lower than the Anticipated Profit Rate, the
Wakil shall as soon as practicable notify the Muwakkil thereof in writing and indicate the revised
Anticipated Profit Rate which the Wakil estimates that it will be able to achieve in relation to the
remaining period of the relevant Wakalah Investment Transaction (the Revised Anticipated Profit


Muwakkils right to continue or terminate

The Muwakkil shall, no later than three (3) Business Days following the receipt of a notice in
accordance with Clause 8.3 (Revised profit rate notice), have the right to notify the Wakil that:

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013



it accepts the Revised Anticipated Profit Rate, in which case the relevant Wakalah Investment
Transaction shall continue until the Maturity Date thereof and the amount of the Maturity
Proceeds shall be calculated by reference to (i) the Actual Profit Rate from the date of the
relevant Wakalah Investment Transaction until the date on which the Muwakkil sends a notice
to the Wakil accepting the Revised Anticipated Profit Rate and (ii) the Revised Anticipated
Profit Rate (instead of the Anticipated Profit Rate) from the date the Wakil notifies the
Muwakkil of the Revised Anticipated Profit Rate until the Maturity Date of the relevant
Wakalah Investment Transaction; or


it wishes to terminate the relevant Wakalah Investment Transaction in which case the day on
which such notice is delivered to the Wakil shall be the Early Termination Date in relation to
the relevant Wakalah Investment Transaction and the Wakil shall make the payment to the
Muwakkil in accordance with Clause 8.6 (Payments upon early termination).

If the Muwakkil fails to notify the Wakil within three (3) Business Days from the receipt of the notice
pursuant to Clause 8.3 (Revised profit rate notice) in accordance with paragraph (a) or (b) above, the
Muwakkil shall be deemed to have served a notice pursuant to paragraph (a) above on the third Business
Day from the receipt of such notice.

If it becomes unlawful in any jurisdiction for a Party (the Affected Party) to perform any of its
obligations under one or more Wakalah Investment Transactions (the Affected Transactions),



the Affected Party shall promptly notify the other Party upon becoming aware of that event;


the Affected Party shall take reasonable steps to mitigate or remove the circumstances giving
rise to such event; and


if, after taking the steps pursuant to paragraph (b) above, the event giving rise to the illegality
is continuing, the Affected Party may, upon three (3) Business Days notice, designate an Early
Termination Date with respect to the Affected Transactions.

Payments upon early termination

Upon the designation of an Early Termination Date pursuant to Clause 8.2 (Acceptance of Early
Termination Request), Clause 8.4 (Muwakkil's right to terminate) or Clause 8.5 (Illegality) the Maturity
Date with respect to the relevant Wakalah Investment Transaction shall, irrespective of other provisions
of this Agreement, fall on the Early Termination Date and the Wakil shall, within two (2) Business
Days of the Early Termination Date, pay the Maturity Proceeds calculated in accordance with
Clause 3.4 (Payment and calculation of Maturity Proceeds) as if the Early Termination Date was the
Maturity Date in relation to the relevant Wakalah Investment Transaction, provided that if the Early
Termination Date has been settled pursuant to Clause 8.2 (Acceptance of Early Termination Request),
the Wakil shall be entitled to retain from the Maturity Proceeds an amount which would compensate it
for any actual administrative and out-of-pocket costs and expenses (excluding any opportunity cost or
funding costs) which it has incurred as a result of the exercise by the Muwakkil of its right granted
under Clause 8.4 (Muwakkils right to continue or terminate).



Late Payment Amount
If any sum due and payable by a Party (the "Paying Party") under the terms of this Agreement,
except any sum due pursuant to Clause 2.4(a) (Liability of the Wakil) with respect to losses not
resulting from the Wakils willful misconduct or negligence, is not paid to the other Party (the
"Affected Party") on the due date (the "Due Date"), a late payment amount (the "Late Payment
Amount") shall be payable on such amount as calculated in accordance with Clause 9.2 (Calculation
of Late Payment Amount) and for the purposes of Clause 9.2 (Calculation of Late Payment Amount)

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


the unpaid amount due from the Paying Party shall be referred to as the "Unpaid Sum" and the period
beginning on the Due Date and ending on the date upon which the obligation of the Paying Party to
pay the Unpaid Sum is discharged in full shall be referred to as the "Applicable Period".

Calculation of Late Payment Amount

The Late Payment Amount shall be an amount equal to the sum of:


Unpaid Sum; multiplied by


[] per cent.,

multiplied further by the number of days in such Applicable Period and divided by [360/365];

the actual costs (not to include any opportunity cost or funding costs) incurred by the Affected
Party as a result of the late payment of the Unpaid Sum.

If the Applicable Period exceeds one week it shall be deemed to be divided into successive sub-periods,
each of which (other than the first, which shall be for a period of seven (7) days commencing on the
Due Date) shall start on the last day of the preceding such period and the duration of which shall be
selected by the Affected Party. The Late Payment Amount shall be calculated for each such sub-period
as if the references to Applicable Period above were references to such sub-period and shall be payable
at the end of each such sub-period.

Payment of Late Payment Amount

Any Late Payment Amount received by the Affected Party shall be used to:



pay any actual costs (not to include any opportunity cost or funding costs) incurred by it as a
result of the late payment of the Unpaid Sum in accordance with Clause 9.2(b) (Calculation of
Late Payment Amount); and


the remaining amount (if any) calculated in accordance with Clause 9.2(a) (Calculation of Late
Payment Amount) shall be donated by the Affected Party (on behalf of the Paying Party) to
such registered charitable foundations as the Affected Party may select under the supervision
of its Shariah board. The Paying Party shall be entitled to request the Affected Party to
provide the Paying Party with documentation evidencing any such donation.

Without prejudice to the rights and obligations of the Parties pursuant to any existing Wakalah
Investment Transaction and any other right or remedy of either Party arising as a result of a breach of
any term of this Agreement, either Party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by giving the
other Party written notice, such notice to be effective no sooner than fifteen (15) Business Days from its


Effect of termination

Following the receipt, by either Party, of the termination notice pursuant to Clause 1
(Termination), the Parties shall not enter into any new Wakalah Investment Transactions.


Following the receipt, by either Party, of the termination notice pursuant to Clause 10.1
(Termination), any Wakil Offer Notice delivered but not accepted by the Muwakkil shall be

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


cancelled and any purported Muwakkil Acceptance Notice of that Wakil Offer Notice shall be


The Parties shall remain obliged to fulfill their respective obligations in respect of Wakalah
Investment Transactions that have been accepted pursuant to Clause 3 (Wakalah Investment
Transactions) and which are outstanding at the date of the written notice of termination.

No Party to this Agreement shall be entitled to transfer or assign any of its rights or transfer any of its
rights and obligations without the prior written consent of the other Party.


Unenforceability/Partial invalidity
The illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement under the laws of any
jurisdiction shall not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this
Agreement, or the documents to be delivered or entered into pursuant to this Agreement.


Entire Agreement
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with regard to its
subject matter. Each of the Parties acknowledges that in entering into this Agreement it has not relied
on any oral or written representation, warranty or other assurance (except as provided for or referred to
in this Agreement) and waives all rights and remedies which might otherwise be available to it in
respect thereof, except that nothing in this Agreement will limit or exclude any liability of a Party for


Any amendment to any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement shall be made in writing, agreed
and signed by both Parties.


This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and this has the same effect as if the
signatures on the counterparts were on a single copy of this Agreement.


No failure by a Party to exercise any right under this Agreement will operate as a waiver of that right,
nor will a single or partial exercise of a right by the Party preclude its further exercise. The rights and
remedies provided in this agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies
provided by law.



Any notice to be given or communication to be made in connection with this Agreement shall,
unless otherwise agreed, be made in writing and may be made by letter, fax or email, SWIFT
message or other electronic communication system agreed between the Parties.


The address and fax number of each Party for any communication or document to be made or
delivered in connection with this Agreement shall be as set out in Schedule 3 (Particulars) or
any substitute address or fax number or department or officer as the Party may notify to the
other by not less than five (5) Business Days' notice.


Any communication or notice made or delivered by one person to another in relation to this
Agreement will only be effective:

if sent by way of fax, when received in legible form and the transmission has been
successfully completed as confirmed by a transmission report generated by the sender's

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


fax machine or, upon receipt of an email confirmation from the Party delivering such
communication to the other Party that such communication has been sent by fax;
(ii) if sent by way of letter, when it has been left at the relevant address provided such
delivery was by way of an internationally reputable courier company which retains proof
of delivery; or
(iii) if sent by email, SWIFT message or other electronic messaging system on the date that
the message is received.


Reliance on communications

The Parties hereby acknowledge that they are fully aware of the risk associated with
communications via telephone, facsimile, email or other electronic messaging systems.


A Party (the Receiving Party) is authorised, but not obliged, to act without further enquiry
upon any instruction or communication received by fax or telephone or any other electronic
mode of communication which it reasonably believes in good faith to be an instruction given
or communication made by the other Party (the Delivering Party) or any person authorised
by the Delivering Party to give instructions or make other communications by fax or
telephone, email or other electronic messaging system on its behalf and is entitled to treat any
such instruction as fully authorised by and binding upon the Delivering Party.


The Delivering Party acknowledges that the Receiving Party shall have no liability for
accepting, relying or acting upon such communication and shall have no liability in the event
any facsimile transmission is not received, or is mutilated, illegible, interrupted, duplicated,
incomplete, unauthorised or delayed for any reason.

Communications indemnity
The Delivering Party shall indemnify the Receiving Party and its officers, directors, employees,
representatives and agents against all actual losses, claims, actions, proceedings, damages, costs and
expenses (including reasonable legal fees) incurred or sustained by the Receiving Party as a result of
acting in accordance with Clause 10.10 (Reliance on communications).


Recording of telephone conversations

Each Party consents to the recording of the telephone conversations of trading, marketing or other
personnel of the Parties and their officers, employees, agents and affiliates in connection with this
Agreement or any potential Wakalah Investment Transaction and agrees to give notice to and obtain
any necessary consent of such personnel and each Party agrees that recordings may be submitted in
evidence in any proceedings relating to this Agreement.


[English language
This Agreement has been executed in the English language. The Parties agree that this Agreement may
be translated into the [] language and executed in such language upon translation. The Parties agree
that the English language shall prevail over the [] language in the event of any difference or dispute.
The Parties agree that any notice given or documents provided under or in connection with this
Agreement must be in English and []. In case of dispute, the English version will prevail unless the
document is a constitutional, statutory or other official document.]


Cost and expenses

Each Party acknowledges and accepts that it shall bear its own costs incurred in relation to the
preparation of this Agreement and each Wakalah Investment Transaction.

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013




Governing law
This Agreement and any non-contractual obligations arising in relation thereto shall be governed by []


Waiver of interest
The Parties recognise and agree that the principle of the payment of interest/usury is repugnant to
Shariah and accordingly, to the extent that any law or legal system would, but for the provisions of this
clause, impose, whether by contract, by statute or otherwise, an obligation to pay interest/usury or a
sum in the nature of interest/usury, each Party hereby expressly, irrevocably and unconditionally waives
and rejects any entitlement to recover from the other Party interest/usury or sum in the nature of




Each Party irrevocably agrees that the courts of [] have non-exclusive jurisdiction to settle
any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement
(including any question regarding its existence, validity, breach or termination) (a Dispute).


The Parties hereby irrevocably agree that the courts of [] are the most appropriate and
convenient forum to settle a Dispute and accordingly each Party waives any objection which it
may have to the bringing of proceedings in relation to a Dispute in the courts referred to in
paragraph (a) above and waives any claim that proceedings have been brought in an
inconvenient forum and further waives the right to object that such courts do not have any
jurisdiction over the relevant Dispute.]

Any Dispute shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the rules of [the
London Court of International Arbitration/Dubai International Islamic Centre for
Reconciliation and Arbitration Rule (the Rules)]3 which Rules are deemed incorporated
by reference into this Clause 11.4.


The tribunal shall consist of three arbitrators to be nominated in accordance with the Rules.


The seat of the arbitration shall be []. The language of the arbitration shall be [].


The arbitral award shall be final, binding and capable of being enforced as if it had been issued
by a court of competent jurisdiction and the Parties hereby waive any right to refer any
question of law and any right of appeal on the law and/or merits to any court.


The arbitration and all matters related thereto, including any awards, shall be confidential,
unless otherwise agreed in writing by both Parties or to the extent disclosure is required under
any applicable law.]

NR: The option to choose the rules of alternative arbitration bodies to be discussed. Such alternatives may include, for example, the rules
of the London Court of International Arbitration, DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Court, s, the International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration
Rules, The Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution Arbitration Rules, the Dubai International Arbitration Centre Rules and/or a number
of other alternative options.
NR: If this wording is used, the arbitrators will be appointed by LCIA. If the Parties want the ability to nominate their own arbitrators,
the following clause should be used instead: The Parties agree that one arbitrator shall be nominated by each Party for appointment by the
London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) in accordance with the Rules. The third arbitrator, who shall act as Chairman of the
arbitral tribunal, shall be nominated by agreement of the two arbitrators nominated by the Parties within [14] days of the confirmation of
the appointment of the second arbitrator or, in default of such agreement, the third arbitrator shall be appointed by the LCIA Court.
IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013



[Service of process



Without prejudice to any other mode of service allowed under any relevant law:

The Muwakkil irrevocably appoints [] (or its replacement registered office from time to
time) as its agent for service of process in relation to any proceedings before the English
courts in connection with a Dispute;


The Wakil irrevocably appoints [] (or its replacement registered office from time to
time) as its agent for service of process in relation to any proceedings before the English
courts in connection with a Dispute; and


both Parties irrevocably agree that failure by a process agent to notify the relevant Party
of the process will not invalidate the proceedings concerned.

If the appointment of an agent for service of process pursuant to sub-clauses (a)(i) and/or
(a)(ii) above ceases, for any reason, to be effective, such Party (the Affected Party) shall
immediately (and in any event no later than twenty four (24) hours thereafter) appoint another
person in England to accept service on its behalf in England. If the Affected Party fails to do
so (and such failure continues for a period of not less than fourteen (14) days, the other Party
shall be entitled to appoint such a person by notice to the Affected Party.)

Waiver of immunities
Each Party irrevocably waives, to the extent permitted by applicable law, with respect to itself and its
revenues and assets (irrespective of their use or intended use) all immunity on the grounds of
sovereignty or other similar grounds from (i) any suit, (ii) jurisdiction of any court or arbitral tribunal,
(iii) relief by way of injunction or order for specific performance or recovery of property, (iv)
attachment of its assets (whether before or after judgment or award) and (v) execution or enforcement
of any judgment or award to which it or its revenues or assets might otherwise be entitled and
irrevocably agrees, to the extent permitted by applicable law, that it will not claim any such immunity.

AS WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties or their respective duly authorised representatives have caused this
Agreement to be duly executed as of the day, date and year first above written.

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


Form of Wakil Offer Notice (Offer)



[] (the Muwakkil)


[] (the Wakil)
Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement dated

(the Agreement)


We refer to the Agreement between ourselves and yourselves.


Capitalised terms not otherwise defined in this notice shall have the meaning attributed to them in the


This is a Wakil Offer Notice pursuant to Clause 3.2 (Notification / Wakil offer) of the Agreement.


You indicated your wish to place an amount with us for investment by us in accordance with the terms of
the Agreement. We hereby offer to enter into a Wakalah Investment Transaction with you on the
following terms:

Investment Amount

: []


Specified Currency

: []


Anticipated Profit Rate

: []


Investment Date

: []


Maturity Date

: []


Wakil Fee

: [] payable on [Investment Date/Maturity Date]


Wakil reference number

: []


Wakalah Pool

: [Investment Amount will be placed in and commingled with the

Wakils general treasury pool]/[Insert description of the specific
asset pool in which the Investment Amount will be invested]

We will invest the Investment Amount in transactions expected to generate for you in aggregate the
Anticipated Profit Rate but there is no guarantee that the Anticipated Profit Rate will effectively be achieved.
Please credit the Investment Amount for value on the Investment Date to the following account:
Bank Name
Account Number
Sort Code
Swift Code:

: []
: []
: []
: []
: []
: []

or alternatively confirm your instruction to debit the Investment Amount from your account with us.
If you accept this offer, please send us a duly executed copy of the Muwakkil Acceptance Notice to [insert
address] for the attention of []].
This letter is governed by the laws governing the Agreement.
IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


Yours Sincerely

Authorised signatory for (Wakil)

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


Form of Muwakkil Acceptance Notice



[] (the Wakil)


[] (the Muwakkil)
Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement dated

(the Agreement)


We refer to the Agreement between ourselves and yourselves and the Wakil Offer Notice dated [].


Capitalised terms not otherwise defined in this notice shall have the meaning attributed to them in the


This is a Muwakkil Acceptance Notice pursuant to Clause 3.3 (Muwakkil acceptance) of the Agreement.


We hereby accept your offer set out in the Wakil Offer Notice dated [] to enter into a Wakalah Investment
Transaction with you upon the terms set out in the Agreement and your Wakil Offer Notice dated [].


We hereby confirm your appointment as our agent to act on our behalf, in accordance with the Agreement,
in relation to the Wakalah Investment Transaction.


[We hereby confirm that you can debit the Investment Amount from our account with you.]


[Please transfer any Maturity Proceeds on Maturity Date to the following Account:
Bank Name
Account Number
Sort Code
Swift Code:


: []
: []
: []
: []
: []
: []]

This letter is governed by the laws governing the Agreement.

Yours Sincerely
Authorised signatory for (Muwakkil)

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


Registration number:
Registered office:
Address for notices:
For the attention of:

Registration number:
Registered office:
Address for notices:
For the attention of:

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Master Wakalah Agreement 2013


For and on behalf of []
(as Muwakkil)


Name ....................................................................

Name ................................................................

Title ......................................................................

Title ..................................................................

For and on behalf of []

(as Wakil)


Name ....................................................................

Name ................................................................

Title ......................................................................

Title ..................................................................

IIFM Interbank Unrestricted Wakalah Agreement 2013


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