M-12-SG-WPR-X-004-01 Smart Grid Microgrid PDF

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Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating

Wind, Solar and other Distributed
Generation & Energy Storage
Kevin Meagher, CTO, and Rajan Chudgar, Member, IEEE

4. I-Phone [4] - The iPhone is Apple's first Internetenabled smartphone. It combines the features of a
mobile phone, wireless Internet device, and iPod into
one package.
5. Microgrid [5] - A Microgrid is defined as an integrated
power delivery system consisting of interconnected
loads and distributed generation units which as an
integrated system can operate in grid-connected
mode, autonomous (islanded) mode, and ride-through
between these two modes.
6. New Energy Sources [6] - focus on energy systems
that tap into inexhaustible, ubiquitous, and clean
sources of energy generation, such as solar, wind,
tide, and geothermal, but also including nonconventional avenues such as zero point energy,
radiant energy, cold fusion, and magnet motors
7. Power Management Systems [7] - ability to diagnose
the reliability and energy efficiency of complex
electrical infrastructure in real-time. Armed with this
information, site operators are given the insight they
need to optimize facility performance and anticipate
downtime, maintenance or repairs

Abstract--Basic guidelines for the preparation of a technical

work for in nearly every industry vertical, as the industry
matures the industry goes through a transformation that involves
innovation and efficiencies. For each of these areas the
innovation and efficiencies are a direct correlation of the
technology and capabilities and commonly societal and business
development of the time. For example, as our far past farmers
moved from hand planting to plows and wheels. In the near past,
the introduction of cell phones completely changed what had
been a highly regulated environment and then further
innovations in the cell phone business has changed how we all
talk, text, and surf thanks mainly to the iPhone and the killer
apps. The energy vertical is very similar to the cell business,
where to most people it is a commodity that is a monthly expense
item on a bill or a line item in the GL. What our industry is
looking for is the killer app that can transform and jump the
industry into something that customers get excited about, enable
the promised value propositions, and make Power solutions easy
to use from a central controls basis. This paper talks about the
opportunities and challenges for distributed energy or new
energy sources and how the strategy most companies are using
are flawed due to the lack foresight of the Killer application and
changing the business proposition including parallels to other
industries and technologies.
Index Terms:

1. Building Energy Management System [1] This system is

based on IT hardware and software with three primary
components: Building automation and control; Energy
efficiency technology and systems; and demand response
2. Distributed Energy [2] - The location of distributed
generation is defined as the installation and operation of
electric power generation units connected directly to the
distribution network or connected to the network on the
customer site of the meter
3. Killer APP - A software application that is exceptionally
useful or exciting. Killer apps are innovative and often
represent the first of a new breed, and they are extremely

Kevin Meagher is with Power Analytics, 9208 Falls of Neuse, suite 215,
Raleigh, NC 27615 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).
Rajan Chudgar is with Power Analytics, 9208 Falls of Neuse, suite 215,
Raleigh, NC 27615 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).


HIS document covers the integration of distributed

generation and storage into mainstream systems.

Most of us in the world today view electricity like any other

commodity similar to gas, water, telephone, trash we do
not pay attention to it accept for once a month when our bill
comes in and then for about 5 minutes. Market studies show
that most people consider these commodities to be a necessary
evil and they only pay attention to any detail when there is a
perturbation or abnormality that would cause a measure for
concern (e.g. spike in a bill). In general for power and energy
services, customers pay their bill without looking at what are
other options or suggestions on how to improve our
efficiencies or improve their current situation. Basically they
do not want to go through the trouble.

This was also true of the telephone industry for years. Back
in the 80s and 90s most people had a land line where they

would pay attention for about the same amount of time as

paying their electric bill. The sea change event that began first
the regulatory change was in introduction of long distance
carrier MCI. This led directly to the breakup of the Bell
operating companies, spurring competition and innovation
that ultimately created the environment for the introduction of
the cell phone.
Much like the evolution of the telephony world and
especially cell phones, the power industry is seeing regulatory
change an introduction of innovative technologies like photo
voltaic, electric vehicles, energy storage and other forms of
generation that are well suited for the distributed and
deregulated power industry. The primary issue is how to
facilitate the introduction of these technologies in a manner
that serves the best interest of the consumers of power and the
producers of power.
Much like the experience of early adopters of telephony
changes early attempts were of limited value. The biggest
suggestion at the time was if there was a way to get
consolidated billing with some of their other bills, consumers
would be interested. Additionally, customers had very little
education on optionality and capabilities that they had, and
frankly they did not believe that these value added options
were worth the trouble in order to get marginal savings to
their bottom lines. Part of this was due to the budgeting cycle
and the division of responsibilities (facilities folks did not pay
the billed and CFOs did not maintain equipment) and the other
part was that they did not want to go through the trouble.
With the cost advantages that deregulation brought to the
end users, new technology like cell phones quickly found
early adoption and growth initially as a business convenience
then as a necessity. Developing economies in fact never had
the centralized model of telephony and jumped immediately to
the distributed cellular model. A very compelling model for
developing economies now with distributed power generation
rather than the primary model we have today for centralized
generation and distribution.

Fig. 1. US household shift from landlines to cell phone technology graph

Continuing a growth trajectory of cell phones meant

expanding the use cell phones of cell phone capability and
breaking the traditional barrier the fact that most people

thought that cell phones were a privilege (mainly due to cost

barriers) and many customers used cell phones as a
methodology for improving reliability of their business. After
years of throwing more and more hardware to try to get
customers to buy cell phones (new phone types, new boards,
new chips) including lowering the price due to economies of
scale, the major innovation that changed the industry was the
smart phone including Blackberry, Apple iPhone and the
killer apps. This innovation brought a new way of thinking
to the industry and greatly increased the market penetration of
how people use their cell phones as well as ease of use (now
the question is not why go through the trouble but instead
what else can the cell phone do).
What the iPhone did was provide a centralized intuitive
platform for customers, but this alone was the not reason for
the massive cell phone expansion. Instead it was the software
applications that were created to allow customers to use their
cell phone to do everything from calling a friend to surfing the
net, to using their phone as a GPS, and finding the nearest gas
station in a rapid ease of use manner without purchasing more
hardware. The cell phone became MORE THAN just a bill
that people paid once a month; it became a part of their lives.
This is the transformation that the Power business is on the
brink of moving towards.
In the electric power industry, we have been on the
forefront of numerous innovative and technological solutions.
Back in the 70s when mainframes were first developed; the
electric industry was one of the first industries where it was
determined early on, that with computer technology you could
increase reliability of the grid due to the automation and
centralizing, and reduction in response times. In the bulk
generation and transmission grid, we have made further
advancements in automation, centralization, planning,
efficiencies, and equipment that have allowed us to view
thousands of data points in milliseconds and respond rapidly
as quickly. We have also developed contingency plans and
security plans that have allowed the USA bulk power grid to
provide over 99% up-time. [8]
These capabilities and lessons have been long in
development and costly, but they have provided the
foundation that is critical for the distributed generation and
new energy environment. Some of the key elements in the
bulk grid that were early lessons is that thorough planning of
changes to the electric grid provided greater predictability of
the outcome, which is critical for reliability. We also learned
that centralized data and controls are critical for automation,
operations, and general management. There were also learning
around requirements for state estimation and information, real
time analytics, scenario planning and operational training,
ease of use for operational screens, and standardization of data
integration. Finally, the bulk grid learned that throwing more
and more hardware at a problem, while providing incremental
value, the overall marginal cost did not justify the investment.
With most power customers, if they believed that they
needed reliable power supply, the customer would purchase
an automated transfer switch, a back-up diesel generator, and

register their equipment with the local utility and they were
off and running. The barrier for entry to ensure additional end
point reliability against what the utility provided was very low
since the utilities ENCOURAGED their customers to plan
for outages, disasters, or abnormalities in the bulk power grid.
The motivation for the utility was that if the customer had
back up generation on-site and there was a mass power
outage; the customer could stay on back-up power for some
time before they would call in and complain to the utility. This
allowed the utility to prioritize other outages/restorations and
still provide high value service. Additionally since the
generation was predictable, there were not voltage or
frequency issues that needed to be addressed.

Fig. 2. Flexible, Built in layout manager and designer provides single point
integration and design experience.

Since many customers have diversified electrical equipment

(e.g. switch gear, interconnections, meters) and diesel back up
generation, and given the fact that many of these customers do
not understand power management, they invest in new energy
sources like solar, wind, or storage based on commercial value
propositions that many times do not provide the outcome that
is expected. Additionally, when customers invest in these
items they do not take into account additional costs
(interconnections, additional equipment, etc.) and do not
understand the drop in efficiency due to lack of central
coordination. Lastly, the utilities for the most part do not
endorse distributed generation since it is not predictable and
does not (in many cases) increase reliability. For these
reasons, there is a large barrier for entry for distributed
generation to end point customers. One of the key findings in
our industry is that there is not a simple methodology to show
customers the value proposition for distributed generation that
is reliable due to the last of a centralized power management
These predicaments as well as bad or no power planning are
causing a lot of utilities to question the value of distributed
generation coming onto the grid as well as the ability to
sustain stability at the bulk grid level. In specific instances
where there is a high level of solar or wind installed at
customer sites where the customers are sending excess power
back to the grid, the utilities have put in requirements for
costly interconnection studies BEFORE additional distributed
generation can be implemented, or cutting the ability to sell
power back to the grid, which greatly diminishes distributed
generation value proposition. So you have to ask the question,

What is missing that would allow for seamless integration of

distributed generation onto the bulk grid and how can we
overcome these barriers.
With the lack of rules around storage and the cost barriers
storage has against standard UPS (uninterruptable power
system) equipment, in many cases customers do not believe
that batteries are the best economical option. What is difficult
for customers to understand is the value proposition for
energy storage and why a single customer would need to
purchase batteries when these could be used for more global
All these items and more suggest that the lack of the
centralized killer application is what is needed to help the
industry move forward. As mentioned, right now our industry
either throws additional costly hardware at the solution or the
customer does not understand the value proposition. , One
unfortunate approach is the utility does not endorse the
solution by putting up costly barriers to dissuade the use of
distributed generation. All these items make the value
proposition for distributed generation difficult for customers
to move forward. In addition, many distributed generation and
energy storage companies will tell you that due to these
reasons the sales cycles for customers greatly expands due to
the need for pilots or 3rd party analysis. All these items lead to
some of the following questions that are distributed generation
What if the customer did not have to have a full time
electrical engineer on staff to purchase and interconnect solar
or wind where do I find these people? What if there was an
application that could provide solid power planning analysis
with a solid industry proven methodology at the customer
level, and why is this not provided with distributed
generation? What if interconnection agreements could be
based on REAL data and REAL information on how the
customer in installing distributed generation? What if all this
information was available on a cell phone or touch pad or
other ease of use and intuitive centralized systems? What if
the guess work was taken out of the value proposition?
All these questions are what customers are asking, but yet
our industry still believes that the answer is throwing more
hardware at the problem, which is not the solution. Solving
these questions is the answer to distributed generation and
moving distributed generation into the mainstream customer
value proposition.



All distributed generation sources claim that they have

the ability to centrally manage the customers power system,
and they claim that they can do this without any additional
information/integration. What we have found is that this is
absolutely not the case. Additionally, if the customer has
equipment from a competitors (multiple building management
systems, BMS), solar, wind, diesel, plus switchgear etc., the
competitors will not provide information on how their data
can be accessed or how to integrate/control their information
for a centralized solution. For example, if a customer installs
solar and has a BMS and a diesel generator with an automated
transfer switch (ATS) at the interconnection point from
different vendors, none of these distributed systems can
natively talk to one another to coordinate optimized
generation/load management based on Microgrid conditions.,
None of these systems has the ability to centrally manage all
the data or provide holistic understanding of the Microgrid
capabilities or conditions.
What our industry needs is a shift from hardware and
control algorithms to simple applications that executives and
facilities managers can easily configure and set up on a
centralized platform. The applications have to be configurable
to meet different customer requirements but also have
interconnection and analysis capabilities to provide utilities
assurance in the data, and connect to vendor equipment. Some
of the base requirements would be:
1. Planning capabilities to create 1-lines and analysis
around Power Flow and protective studies
2. Contingency Analysis and simulation capabilities
3. Ability to create Scenarios and Plans for 24-48 hours
in advance for all Power equipment
4. Real time State estimation capabilities
5. Real time connection to all power consuming or
generating devices
6. Near Real time analysis with the ability to provide
results online
7. Near Real time notifications, warnings, and alarms
8. Converting Solar and Wind generation from
intermittent generation to predictable using highly
accurate data and converting information to fuel
9. Operational dashboards and screens for all equipment
and sources of load and generation
10. Simple secondary controls
11. After the fact compliance and operational reports

Fig. 3. Blackboard Screen provides analytical tool for power system with
what if scenarios

With these high level requirements and a process to
implement these requirements, what customers would be able
to do is quickly enable distributed generation within their
current environment, quickly obtain interconnection
agreements, and also quickly determine what their real value
proposition is. In general these are the base requirements for
an end use customer Power Management System. The issue
that many customers have is distributed generation vendors do
not provide a Power Management system and most customers
do not realize that this is the fundamental requirement in order
to obtain the value from distributed generation.
Multiple groups and companies are determining the
definitions of Smart grid and its interoperability. One of the
best guidelines to date is IEEE 2030 [9] which provides a
knowledge base addressing terminology, characteristics,
functional performance and evaluation criteria, and the
application of engineering principles for smart grid
interoperability of the electric power system with end-use
applications and loads. The guide discusses alternate
approaches to good practices for the smart grid. provides a
knowledge base addressing terminology, characteristics,
functional performance and evaluation criteria, and the
application of engineering principles for smart grid
interoperability of the electric power system with end-use
applications and loads. The guide discusses alternate
approaches to good practices for the smart grid.
Without a Power Management System solution the
challenges in the Power industry with distributed generation
becomes nearly insurmountable and unsustainable.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of
John Jennings for his work on the original version of this


Jevan Fox, "pike research Working definition of a Building Energy

management System (BEMS)," Pike Research Blog, September 10,
Thomas Ackermann, Goran Andersson, Lennart Soder, "Distributed
Generation: A definition," Electric power Systems research 57 (2001)
7,00.asp. 1996-2011
IEEE Panel Session, "Renewable and Alternative Energy Resources,
IEEE Canada Electrical power Conference, October 25-26, 2007,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
http://peswiki.com/index.php/New_Energy_Congress, November, 2005
Kevin Meagher, EDSA Power Management patent, June 18, 2010
http://www.pewclimate.org/docUploads/SmartGrid.pdf p.14, August,
IEEE: Draft guide for Smart Grid interoperability of Energy Technology
and Information technology Operation with the Electric Power System
(EPS), and End-use Applications and Loads, IEEE Guide 2030,
September, 2011.






Kevin Meagher CTO Power Analytics. Kevin
Meagher is internationally recognized as a leader in
defining power analytics, data acquisition and
communications. Kevin is responsible for the
introduction of key technologies in the power
management world including the model based
approach known as Paladin Power Analytics as well
as advanced energy management and pattern
recognition learning systems.
Mr. Meagher has authored numerous papers on power, energy, and high
availability architectures and over the past 25 years has lead development
organizations and provided strategic planning for companies including Eaton,
Invensys, Computer Associates and IBM. In 2010, Mr. Meagher was listed as
one top 100 most influential in Smart Grid by Green Tech Media. Mr.
Meagher was selected by the National Academy of Sciences to be part of the
Shifting Power: Smart Energy Grid 2020 advisory team.
Mr. Meagher has undergraduate degrees in biochemistry and business and an
MBA from the University of Colorado.
Mr. Meagher is the author and creator of the Paladin Power Analytics
process and has to his credit more than 15 patents in analytical processes.

Raj Chudgar - Raj Chudgar was born in the USA on June 30, 1973. He
graduated from University of Louisville Speed School. His employment
experience includes ExxonMobil, Black & Veatch, SunGard, ERCOT, and
numerous clients while working as a consultant. His special fields of interest
include SmartGrid and Microgrid development, Power System market
development and strategy, Business development for power management
companies, and assisting innovative power technology companies around
energy market entry and energy market capabilities.

Editor's Note: Kevin Meagher and Rajan Chudgar were

employed at Power Analytics Company at the time this paper

was published. Power Analytics is a privately held developer

of software solutions for the design, simulation, deployment,
and preventative maintenance of complex electrical power
systems. Founded in 1983, its software products are used by
thousands of commercial, industrial, governmental, and
military customers worldwide to protect more than $100
billion in customer assets. Primary offices are located in San
Diego, CA and Raleigh, NC with over 30 sales, distribution,
and support offices located throughout North America, South
America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

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