Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 1 (9) 2013, 13-19

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ISSN: 2320 - 4230

Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 1 (9) 2013, 13-19



*Abhijeet Welankiwar, Sushant Tope, Shrikant Saudagar, Ashwini Barabde, Gaurav Meshram, Hanuman Wable

Government College of Pharmacy Amravati (Maharashtra), 444604 India.

Received 10 August 2013; Revised 20 August 2013; Accepted 31 August 2013

Documentation within pharmaceutical industry is an essential part of both the Quality assurance and Quality
control system. Documentation describes the specifications for all materials, methods of manufacturing and
control. It will allow the personnel to decide whether or not to release batch for sale. And also to permit
investigation of history of batch of product through tool of audit trails. The purpose of this work is to specify the
GMP requirements on documentation within pharmaceutical industry. In this article firstly Processing of
documents like (preparation, issue, use, storage, retrieval, retention, and disposal) and briefly information about
the PMD is described. Secondly specification about key documents concerning Manufacturing, testing, packaging
and other aspects like (distribution, complaints, and labels) are described.
KEYWORDS: - PMD, Specifications, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Batch, SOP, Record.

It is a really complex subject. For a PMD programme one

needs to carefully study organizational environment and
for this following need to be consider.
1. Manufacturing activities taken under that
2. Which countrys requirements of documentation the
company needs to fulfill e.g. W.H.O., U.S.A. or any other?
3. Level of computerization available in that
4. Any other consideration.
Steps involved in Total PMD Programme: Step 1- Identify at least 2 knowledgeable persons from
production and Q.A/Q.C. who are familiar with
organization product profiles and Q.A/Q.C. Activities.
Step 2- List out the manufacturing formulation
Step 3- List out the Q.A/Q.C. Activities.
Step 4- List out the countries where the product is likely
to be sold and their PMD requirements.
Step 5- Categories the documents so as to meet the
requirements of step 4.
Step 6- Design the document.
Step 7- Explain the document to concerned persons and
train them for using same.
Step 8- Trial run the document, study difficulties, modify
if required.
Step 9- Implement the document.
Step 10 Review it by receiving feedback from users at
regular intervals.

Corresponding author: Abhijeet Welankiwar | Email: [email protected]


The Document is any a written statement or proof.

Documentation is an essential Part of Quality Assurance
and Quality Control system and it is related to all aspects
of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). It mainly defines
the specification for all materials, method of
manufacturing and control. It also ensures that personnel
concerned with manufacturing should know information
to decide whether to release the batch or not for sale it
also provides an audit trail which also allows the
investigation of history of any suspected defective batch.
These documents should be approved, signed, dated by
appropriate and authorized persons. These documents
shall specify their title purpose and nature. They should
be regularly reviewed and kept up to date and if any
alterations are made in their entry shall be signed and
dated. For any organization it is very difficult to make a
consolidated list of documents, which will meet all
requirements of company.
Objectives of Documentation: 1. It defines manufacturers system of information and
2. It will prevent the risk of errors and misinterpretation
which are inherent in oral or casual written
3. It allows the calculation to be checked.
4. It also allows the tracing of History of any product.
5. To provide confirmation of performance of task.


Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Documentation (PMD):


Abhijeet Welankiwar et al. / Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 1 (9) 2013, 13-19
Table 1: Categorization of Documents.

Second Category.
Standard Operating Procedures.
Test methods.

Preparation, Issue and Use of Documents:

Documents should be carefully and logically set out to
allow their correct use and easy to check. Each document
should include.
1. The name of company.
2. Purpose and title of Documents.
3. The document identity number.
4. Date of its authorization.
5. Date of its expiry or Review.
6. Signature of authorizing person.
7. Page number.
8. The distribution list where copies are distribute.
9. The way in which it is used and by whom.
10. The reason for its revision.
11. References used in its preparation.
Issued documents should not be hand written.
Reproduced computer printed documents should be clear
and legible. If any corrections are made in entry of
document should be signed and dated. Where the
documents which bears instructions should be written as
imperative. Master documents which have direct bearing
on product quality should be authorized by person
responsible for Quality Assurance. Documents should
allow sufficient space for entry, sufficient space between
the entries and should clearly indicate what is to be
Storage and Retention of Documents:


The completed documents and records of each batch

should be retained for at least 1 year after expiry date of
batch if expiry date is not mentioned then they should be
retained for at least 6 years from the date of its
manufacturing. Master documents should be kept
secured from theft loss or alteration of information. Even
the storage and retention of documents and records can
be done in electronic format in the form of microfilms
and microfiche that are photo reduced copies.

Storage and Retrieval of Documents: The documents

should be stored in such manner that their retrieval is
easy and for this purpose a system is adopted in which a
list of documents are prepared as per their name,
location, person to be contacted for its retrieval. Retrieval
of master documents should be possible with proper
authorization of Q.A.
Disposal of Documents: The expired Documents must be
destroyed by Q.A. with proper record and authorization
by suitable methods like shredding, burning.
Type of Documentation within Pharmaceutical industry:
Master formula Records: Such Type of master formula
record is prepared for each product and batch size to be
manufactured. These shall be prepared by competent
technical staff like head of production and Quality
control. They are one time documents. These documents
are prepared to achieve uniformity within batch to batch.
Such type of records shall contain.
1. Name of product along with its reference code which
relate to its specifications.
2. The patent or proprietary name of product along with
its generic name.
3. Description of dosage form, strength, composition of
product and batch size.
4. Specifications for all starting material used.
5. A statement of expected final yield along with its
acceptable limits.
6. A statement of processing location.
7. Methods or reference to methods used for preparing
and operating critical equipments to be used.
8. Detailed stepwise processing instruction.
9. Instructions for in process controls.
10. Instructions for storage conditions of product
including container, labeling and special storage
11. Any special precautions to be observed.
12. Packing details with specimen labels


First Category.
Documents for personal training.
Documents for Quality control
Documents for Building/Factory.
Documents for Materials/Stores
Documents for Engineering.
Documents for Distribution.
Documents for Market complaints.

Vol.1 Issue 9. September-2013

Abhijeet Welankiwar et al. / Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 1 (9) 2013, 13-19

2. Identification of major lines and equipments to be

used. Identification of rooms with their unique
identification number.
3. Specific identification of in-process materials.
4. Weights and measures of components used in
5. Inspection status of packaging and labelling area
before and after it use.
6. A statement of actual yield and percentage
theoretical yield at every stage of processing.
7. Complete labelling control records.
8. Description of container and closure system.
9. Any sampling which is performed during production
and packaging activities.
10. Identification of persons supervising significant steps
of operation.
11. Any investigation made of unexplained events like
yield variation.
12. Results of examination made.
13. In-process and laboratory control results.
Batch Packaging records: - It should be kept for each
batch which is produced/processed. It should be based
on relevant parts of packaging instructions. And method
of its preparation shall avoid transcription errors. As per
the schedule M before any packaging operation begins
checks shall be made and recorded that work stations are
clear of previous products and equipment is clean and
suitable for use. They should contain:
1. Name of product, batch number, and quantity of bulk
product to be packed.
2. Date and time of packaging operations.
3. Name of person responsible for carrying out
packaging operation.
Vol.1 Issue 9. September-2013


Master packaging records: - They should contain.

1. Name of the product.
2. Description of dosage form, strength and
3. The pack size in terms of number of doses, weight or
volume of product.
4. Complete list of all packaging materials required for
standard batch size.
5. Special precautions to be observed including careful
examination of area and equipments in order to ascertain
line clearance.
6. Description of packaging operation.
7. Details of in-process controls with instruction for
8. Reproduction of relevant packaging materials and
specimen indicating batch number and expiry date of
9. Detailed investigation of unexplained events e.g.
discrepancy in number of units labeled and packaging
units issued.
Batch production record: - It is a product and batch
specific document designed to provide information on
History of any batch of Product. It is a recurring
document. It is based on the Master formula record and
shall be compiled, checked and approved by competent
technical persons responsible for Production, Quality
control. The computer printout of such documents
should prefer to avoid transcription errors. Such type of
documents should contain.
1. Date and time of all activities which are carried out
concerning the production and control of batch.


Figure 1: Master formula Record.

Abhijeet Welankiwar et al. / Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 1 (9) 2013, 13-19
4. Initials of operator and different significant steps.
5. Check is made for identity and conformity with
packaging instructions.
6. Details of packaging operations carried out.
7. Details of sampling.

8. Note on any special problem encountered during

9. Identification of all printed packaging materials and
bulk product issued, used, destroyed or returned to stock

They shall be prepared by supervisor who supervising the

actual performance of the operations of respective
1. Objective: - This section should describe the intended
use and applicability of SOP.
2. Responsibility: - This section should describe the
designation of persons along with their responsibilities
towards the implementation of objective of SOP.
3. Accountability: - This section should describe
designation of persons who are seniors to person
responsible for compliance of any SOP.
4. Procedure: - This section must include operating
procedures in short and in unambiguous sentences. All
the process checks must be clearly defined.

5. Implementation of SOP: - it is done after approval of

SOP and then Q.A. department ensures that all persons
who are user get appropriate training before
implementation of SOP. And after its successful
completion of training SOP becomes effective.
6. Issuance and Retrieval Of SOP: - The original copy
shall be stamped as master copy using red ink to the top
right hand corner and the copies of it are distributed to
all concerned departments the master copy is duly
stamped as controlled copy In blue to top of left hand
corner and these master copies should be stored under
strict supervision of Q.A.
7. Revision Of SOP: - SOP revision should be carried out
as per change control procedures the document change
request form should be properly filled signed and
attached with SOP and submitted to document section by
respective department.

Vol.1 Issue 9. September-2013


Standard Operating Procedures (SOP):


Figure 2: Batch Packaging Record.

Abhijeet Welankiwar et al. / Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 1 (9) 2013, 13-19


Page No. of

Prepared by
Checked by
Approved by
Authorized by


Change control No.

Effective from Date



Reason for Revison.

Figure 3: Format of SOP.

Chapter 1- General information: - It should include brief

information of organization, its manufacturing activities,
and other too. Name and address of site, type of product
which are manufactured, Description of site, Employee
details, Quality management system.
Chapter 2- Personnel: - it includes the organization chart,
qualification experience and responsibilities of key
personnel, Training, Health requirements, and clothing.
Chapter 3- Premises: - Description of Manufacturing area,
nature of construction and finish, description of HVAC,
Special areas, water system description, maintenance of
Chapter 4- Equipments: -Maintenance of equipments,
calibration, sanitation, major production and laboratory
Chapter 5- Sanitation:
-Written specifications and
procedures for cleaning of manufacturing areas and
Chapter 6- Documentation: - Preparation, revision and
distribution of documents, additional documents, and
other documents related to product quality.
Chapter 7- Production: - Brief description of Production
activities, handling of products and rejected materials,
general policy for process validation.
Chapter 8- Quality Control: -Description of quality
management system.

Distribution Records:
Records of distribution shall be maintained in such way
that finished batch of a drug can be traced to retail level.
And It should also allow the prompt and complete recall
of batch whenever necessary.
Complaints and Adverse reaction records:
All complaints concerning the product quality has to
carefully reviewed and recorded as per standard
procedures. The complaints shall be evaluated by
designated personnel of company and records of action
which are taken shall be maintained.
Records concerning the adverse reactions result from the
use of drug shall be forwarded to licensing authority.
Specifications to be include in Documents:

The GMP has also described the specifications to be

included in documents they are:
1. Specifications for starting and packaging materials: Specifications for starting, packaging, printed materials
should provide description of materials which includes
the designated name and internal code of reference, the
reference to any pharmacopoeial monograph and to a
qualitative and quantitative requirements with its
acceptance limits. Depending on the specifications of
company the other data like supplier information,
specimen of printed materials, directions for sampling
Vol.1 Issue 9. September-2013


It is a document which contains specific and factual GMP

Information about production and control on
pharmaceutical manufacturing preparations carried out
at licensed premises. Its format varies from country to
country. The document should not be very much massive
like running not more than 100 pages. At the same time it
should not be very brief. It should be written of A4 size
pages. It has total 10 chapters they are:

Chapter 9- loan license manufacturing: - description of

way to asses compliance of GMP by loan licensee.
Chapter 10- Distribution complaint and product recall: arrangement and recording system for distribution,
complaints and product recall.
Chapter 11- Self inspection: - Description of self
inspection system.
Chapter 12- Export of drugs: - products exported to
foreign countries their complaints, and recalls.


Site Master File:

Abhijeet Welankiwar et al. / Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 1 (9) 2013, 13-19

Records of major equipment use, cleaning, sanitization

and/or sterilization and maintenance should show the
date, time (if appropriate), product, and batch number of
each batch processed in the equipment, and the person
who performed the cleaning and maintenance.
If equipment is dedicated to manufacturing one
intermediate or API, then individual equipment records
are not necessary if batches of the intermediate or API
follow in traceable sequence. In cases where dedicated
equipment is employed, the records of cleaning,
maintenance, and use can be part of the batch record or
maintained separately.
Laboratory Control Records:
Laboratory control records should include complete data
derived from all tests conducted to ensure compliance
with established specifications and standards, including
examinations and assays, as follows:
A description of samples received for testing, including
the material name or source, batch number or other
distinctive code, date sample was taken, and, where
appropriate, the quantity and date the sample was
received for testing.
1. A statement of or reference to each test method
2. A statement of the weight or measure of sample used
for each test as described by the method; data on or
cross-reference to the preparation and testing of
reference standards, reagents and standard solutions;
3. A complete record of all raw data generated during
each test, in addition to graphs, charts, and spectra from
laboratory instrumentation, properly identified to show
the specific material and batch tested;
4. A record of all calculations performed in connection
with the test, including, for example, units of measure,
conversion factors, and equivalency factors;
5. A statement of the test results and how they
compare with established acceptance criteria;

Batch Production Record Review:

Written procedures should be established and followed
for the review and approval of batch production and
laboratory control records, including packaging and
labelling, to determine compliance of the intermediate or
API with established specifications before a batch is
released or distributed.
Batch production and laboratory control records of
critical process steps should be reviewed and approved
by the quality unit(s) before an API batch is released or
distributed. Production and laboratory control records of
non-critical process steps can be reviewed by qualified
production personnel or other units following procedures
approved by the quality unit(s).
All deviation, investigation, and OOS reports should be
reviewed as part of the batch record review before the
batch is released.
The quality unit(s) can delegate to the production unit
the responsibility and authority for release of
intermediates, except for those shipped outside the
control of the manufacturing company.
Labels who are applied to container, equipments, or
premises should be clear and should be in companys
agreed format and should also be unambiguous. Labels
on finished drug product should contain at least following
1. Name of product.
2. A list of API showing amount each present.
3. Statement of net contents.
4. Batch number assigned by manufacturer.
5. Expiry date in uncoded form.
6. Storage conditions and handling precautions.
7. Directions for use, warning, precautions.
8. Name and address of manufacturing company.
For reference standard labels should indicate the
concentration, date of manufacture, expiry date, date of
closure first open, storage conditions, and control
number. All containers and equipments shall also bear
labels. Different color coded labels should be used to
indicate status of product (under test, approved) prior to
release of the product all labels on containers, cartons
and boxes shall be examined by Q.C. department.

Vol.1 Issue 9. September-2013


Equipment Cleaning and Use Record:

6. The signature of the person who performed each test

and the date(s) the tests were performed; and
7. The date and signature of a second person showing
that the original records have been reviewed for
accuracy, completeness, and compliance with established


and testing, storage conditions which are required and

time period of storage are included.
2. Specifications for intermediate and bulk products: These specifications should be similar to specifications for
starting materials or for finished products as appropriate.
3. Specifications for finished product: - it should include
the name of product along with its code reference, the
designated name of its API, formula, description of
dosage form its packing details, directions for sampling
and testing, the storage conditions and shelf life,
qualitative and quantitative requirements.

Abhijeet Welankiwar et al. / Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 1 (9) 2013, 13-19
Quality control Documentation:
As per GMP some important documents should readily
available to Q.C. department of company they are as
1. Specifications for R.M, P.M, intermediate and
finished product.
2. Sampling procedures for above.
3. Testing procedure and records.
4. Analytical reports and certificates.
5. Data from environmental monitoring.
6. Validation records of test methods.
7. Procedures for calibration of instruments and
maintenance of equipments.
8. All Q.C. documentation related to batch record.
9. Trend evaluation data should be maintained for
yields, environmental controls, and analytical test results.
10. Complete record should be maintained for any
modification in established method of testing.
11. Complete record should be maintained for periodic
calibration of lab instruments, apparatus, gauges and
recording devices.
12. Complete record should be maintained for stability
testing performed.
13. Complete record should be maintained for testing of
lab. Standards, reagents, standard solutions.

1. Potdar M.A. Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance.2nd
edition; Nirali Prakashan: Pune.2010. 7.1-7.36.
2. Aulton.M.E. Pharmaceutics.3rd edition; Churchill
Livingstone Elsevier. 2007. Pg no 254-257.
3. Lachman L., Lieberman, H. A., Joseph L. K. The Theory
and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy.3rd edition;
Varghese Publishing House; Mumbai.1990; Pg no
4. Kuchekar B.S, Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence.19th
edition; Nirali prakashan: Pune 2009:Pg no.5.1-5.67.
5. Sharma P.P, How to practice GMPs. 5th edition;
Vandana publication Pvt. Ltd: Delhi 2010:Pg no. 169234.
6. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for
industry Quality system approach to pharmaceutical
CGmp regulation. Rockville, MD 20857; September,
7. WHO Technical Report Series, No. 908, 2003. Good
manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals.
8. ICH Guideline, Good Manufacturing Practice Guide
For Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Q7, Dated 10
November 2000.
9. Willing Sidney H, Stoker James R. Good
Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceutical. 4th
edition. New York: Marcel Dekker, inc; 2004. Pg no.
10. Schedule M. Good manufacturing practices and
requirements of Premises plant and equipment for
pharmaceutical products. Drug and Cosmetic Rules



Documentation is essential to achieve total approach

towards GMP. It also ensures the availability of necessary
data needed for validation, review and statistical analysis.
The design of documents depends upon the
manufacturer. Documentation also serves as existence of
evidence and allows traceability. It also allows audit trail
which will permit the investigations. Master documents
like Master Formulae record, batch production record
which have direct bearing on the product quality should
always protected against theft, loss and alteration of
information. Even the design of the PMD depends upon

the manufacturing activities, regulatory agencies

certification, and computerization. These documents also
serve as written statements and proofs and should be
carefully handled and kept up to date. If any alteration is
made in their entry should be signed and dated.

Vol.1 Issue 9. September-2013

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