Attendance Policy: No-Fault Point System:: Definition

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Attendance Policy: No-Fault Point System:

The goal of this attendance policy is to reward good attendance and eliminate people with
poor attendance.
It uses a point system, and does not excuse or unexcuse absences.

Each absence = 1 point(no multi-day occurrences)

Each late in (tardy) or early out = 1/2 point
Each no-show for work = 2 points
Each return with no prior call = 1 point
Each absence-free quarter eliminates all points and rewards the employee with
a day off with pay.
Each employee starts fresh, with no points, each year.

Disciplinary Action:

7 points = verbal warning

8 points = written warning
9 points = 3 day suspension
10 points = termination

The scheduled time off from work that occurs when an employee is not present at work
during a normally scheduled work period.
Excused absences are scheduled in advance for such events as vacation, medical
appointments, military service, family activities, surgery, jury duty, funerals and more
that cannot be scheduled outside of regular work hours.
Absences are generally compensated when their frequency and rationale fall within the
guidelines established in the organization's attendance policy. These compensated
absences may depend upon certain required employee actions such as seeking permission
for scheduled absences from work in advance, or calling in to report an unscheduled
absence within the organization's timelines and expectations.
Funeral Leave for an Immediate Family Member:
When a death occurs in an employees immediate family, all regular full time employees
may take up to three (3) days off with pay to attend the funeral or make funeral
arrangements. The pay for time off will be prorated for a part-time employee if the

funeral occurs on a scheduled work day. The Company may require verification of the
need for the leave.
Immediate Family Defined for Bereavement Leave:
Immediate family members are defined as an employees spouse, parents, stepparents,
siblings, children, stepchildren, grandparent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law,
sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, or grandchild.
Non-family Member Funeral Leave:
All regular, full-time employees may take up to one (1) day off with pay to attend the
funeral of a close, non-family member. This time off will be considered by the
employee's supervisor on a case-by-case basis. The pay for time off will be prorated for a
part-time employee if the funeral occurs on scheduled work days. The supervisor should
confirm that the time is recorded accurately on the timecards. The Company may require
verification of the need for the leave.
Additional Time Off:
The CORA understands the deep impact that death can have on an individual or a family,
therefore additional non-paid time off may be granted. The employee may make
arrangements with his or her supervisor for an additional four unpaid days off in the
instance of the death of an immediate family member. Additional unpaid time off may be
granted depending on the circumstances such as distance and the individuals
responsibility for funeral arrangements.

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