Tutorial Word 2007 PDF

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Microsoft Word 2007 on Windows

Word is a very popular text formatting and editing program. It is the standard for writing papers and
other documents. This tutorial and quick start guide will help you become more familiar with the basic
tools of Word.
This tutorial will walk you through editing a basic document from start to finish. It will also familiarize
you with the new Word 2007 workspace.

The Basics - Tips

Saving Your Work - The first thing you should always do when you start a new document is to Save
it. Saving your work ensures that it is not lost or misplaced and also allows Word to maintain an
AutoSave file. This allows you to recover a document if your computer malfunctions when you are in
the middle of editing.
Formatting - Avoid formatting as you type. In-line formatting tends to produce unintended results. It
is better to write your text first, then select the text and apply formatting to the entire section all at
Accessing Features - There is usually more than one way to access any given options or features in
Word. Most of the popular Tools are available to you as icons in the Ribbon at the top of the Word
window. You can also access the formatting options for any item by right-clicking on it (ctrl-click on
In this tutorial, for the sake of consistency, we will generally access tools from the Ribbon at the top of
the Word window.
Undoing Errors - If you make a mistake (for example, you paste over an entire section of text, or
delete by accident), you can usually undo it by choosing Quick Access Toolbar >> Undo on the
Menu Bar. This reverses the last several actions. You can also Undo an action by typing Ctrl-Z.

Microsoft Interactive Online Demos

Microsoft has developed a series of online demo programs to assist people with the transition to
Office 2007.
Start the Guide for a program by clicking on that phrase on the webpages listed below
A new window will open in your web browser showing Office 2003
Use the familiar Toolbar from Office 2003 to find a Tool
A second window will appear to show you how to use the same Tool in Office 2007
The web address for the Word Guide is:


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MS WORD 2007 - New Interface

When you open Word 2007, you will notice that it looks quite different from Word 2000 and Word 2003. The
same tools are all there, but they are arranged very differently and new features have been added.
If you are already familiar with Word 2000 or 2003, it may take you a while to adjust to this new arrangement of
tools. This tutorial uses Word 2007 and you can use it as a quick reference guide for most of the common

Arrangement of Tools in Word 2007

The MS Office Button contains the main file functions

New, Open, Save, Save as, Print, Print Preview, etc.
The Quick Access Toolbar contains shortcuts to Save, Undo, and Repeat
Each Ribbon Tab displays a Ribbon that provides a set of
Tool Groups.
The Ribbon Tab and the Tool Groups in the Ribbon
correspond to the Menu and Toolbar in Word 2000 and
The Name of each Tool Group is listed at the bottom of
the Group
o Example - In the Home Tab, the second Tool
Group is named Font
o The name "Font" is under the Font Tool Group
To change the Tool Groups being displayed in the Ribbon
Click on the appropriate Ribbon Tab
Example - The Home Tab contains Tool Groups for the most commonly used Tools
o ClipBoard, Font, Paragraph, and Style tools in Word
Some Tool Group boxes have a small arrow in the bottom right-hand corner.
If you click on this arrow, Word will open a Dialog Box which offers
more options and settings related to that Tool Group
In Word 2007, tools with similar uses are organized so that they are usually found within the same Tool Group
or at least within one Ribbon. If you do not find a tool in the Ribbon you think it should be in, try exploring the
other Ribbon Tabs.
In this tutorial, we will not use the control keys as these function differently on different computers. For the sake
of consistency, all instructions in this tutorial refer to the Ribbon Tabs and Tool Groups in each Ribbon.
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Getting Started Opening and Saving a Document

Start a New document

MS Office Button >> New

The MS Office Button is located in the top left corner of the Word
2007 Window

Open an existing Document

MS Office Button >> Open

Open a file from a different

Version or Format

Word 2007 will automatically convert a document from a compatible version of

Word or from .txt, .rtf, or Microsoft Works (*.wks)
Your document will open in Compatibility Mode
This will prevent you from using certain tools in Office 2007 which are not
compatible with Office 2000 or 2003
When you finish editing a document, be VERY CAREFUL to save any
converted documents in their original format
Please read the Important Notes below regarding saving in Office 2007.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Saving Documents in WORD 2007

1. In the Computing Facilities, files on the Desktop are NOT SAVED when you log off.
ALWAYS use Save As... to save your file to a USB Flash Drive, UVicTemp, or CD
You can also save a file to the Desktop and then send an email to yourself with the file as an attachment
2. If you are NOT running Office 2007 at home and you save a document as Word 2007 (*.docx), YOU WILL
NOT BE ABLE TO OPEN IT AT HOME! (see step 3 below)
3. If you have Office 2000 or 2003 or you use a Mac at home or in the Computing Facilities
You will have to save your document as an older version
Go to MS Office Button >> Save As
o At the bottom, there is a bar that asks you to Save as Type:
o Choose Word 97-2003 Document (*.doc)
DO NOT CHOOSE Word Document (*.docx)
4. If you are using a PC at home running Office 2000 or 2003
You can download the MS Office 2007 to Office 2003 Compatibility Pack from Microsoft's website
o http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/
o Under New Downloads, choose "Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word..."
Even with the Compatibility Pack, you might lose data / formatting when you save as an older version
There is no Compatibility Pack available for Mac yet.
Save the current document
Save a document as a
different Name, Version, or

MS Office Button >> Save or Save As...

Please read the Important Notes above regarding saving in
Office 2007!
In the bars at the bottom of the Save As... Window
Give your document a new name in File Name:
Select the version and format from Save as type:

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Setting Document Formatting and Page Layout

Page Layout Tab

Insert Tab

Set Page Orientation

Page Layout Tab >> Page Setup Group >> Orientation

Choose Portrait or Landscape depending on your text

Adjust the page Margins

Page Layout Tab >> Page Setup Group >> Margins

Adjust the values of the margins as desired.
For example:
o To have 1" margins on all sides, choose Normal
o To set 1/2" margins on all sides, choose Narrow
o To set your own margins, choose Custom

Create Columns - used for

newspapers or brochures

Page Layout Tab >> Page Setup Group >> Columns

Highlight the text you wish to split into columns or set up columns before you
start writing.
In the Page Setup Group, click on Columns
Choose the number of columns you wish to create

Design - Header & Footer Tab

Page Numbering &

Insert Headers and Footers
Page numbers are always
placed in the Header or
Footer and will be adjusted
automatically as you edit a

Insert Tab >> Header and Footer Group >> Page Numbers then
Design - Header and Footer Tools >> Header & Footer, Insert, Options, and
Position Groups
Click on Page Number and choose which type you want
o Plain 1, 2, and 3 correspond to Left, Right, and Centre
When you click on a type of Page Number, the Ribbon will change to a
hidden Ribbon called Design - Header and Footer Tools
The Header Footer Group (at the left of the Ribbon) has options for the
Header, Footer and Page Numbers
o Click on Page Number to add Page Numbers to your document
o To add the Date, your Name, or an image click on the appropriate tool in
the Insert Group (2nd group in Ribbon)
The Options Group lets you choose not to display the Header or Footer on
the first page. It also has options for creating different headers and footers for
even and odd pages.
Margins of Headers and Footers
o The Position Group changes margins for the Header or Footer

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Turn on in-line Spell Check
or Grammar Check to check
spelling and grammar as you

MS Office Button
Click on the MS Office Button
At the bottom of the MS Office Button Window, click on
Word Options
Choose Proofing from the side bar on the left
In the lower half of the Proofing window
Check boxes for
o "Check Spelling as you type"
o "Check Grammar with Spelling"

Formatting Text and Paragraphs

Home Tab - Clipboard, Font, & Paragraph Groups

Move a section of text

Home Tab >> Clipboard Group

Select the appropriate section of text
Click on the Cut or Copy Tools in the ClipBoard Group
Place the cursor at desired destination
Click on the Paste Tool in
Alternate method 1
Select the appropriate section of text
Click and hold the mouse button
Drag the selected text to its destination within your document
Alternate method 2 - common to most software
Select the appropriate section of text
Press Ctrl-X to cut or Ctrl-C to copy
Place the cursor at desired destination
Press Ctrl-V to paste

Change Font formatting

Home Tab >> Font Group

Select a section of text
Click on the appropriate tool to change the Font options
o Font, Font size, Font Colour, Bold, Italic, Underline

Indent first line of a

paragraph using Tab

The Left Tab is set by default to 0.5 inches.

To indent the first line of a paragraph with this tab setting:
Go to the beginning of the paragraph and hit the Tab key on the left of the

Indent a whole paragraph

Home Tab >> Paragraph Group >> Increase Indent Tool

Select the paragraph or section of text that you want to indent
Click on the Increase Indent tool in the Paragraph Group

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Create Block Quotes

Home Tab >> Paragraph Group >> Alignment Tools

Block quotes are basically regular text that is indented on both sides of the
page. They are usually aligned to Justify. This means that they are aligned to
have the left AND right sides of the paragraph even with the indentation
Select the portion of text you wish to block quote
In the Paragraph Group, click on the small arrow in the lower right corner
of the Group
The Paragraph Dialog Box should appear
o In the General section, set the Alignment to Justify
o Set the Indentation Before Text and After Text to the desired

Create Bullets or Numbering

Home Tab >> Paragraph Group >> Bullet and List Tools
Type out your points and place a return (hit Enter) at the end of each point
so they each start on a new line
At the end of the last point hit Enter twice
Select all of the points you typed
Click on the desired type of Bullet or List Tool in the Paragraph Group
To indent some points to a second level of Bullets
o Highlight those points and choose the Increase Indent Tool in the
Paragraph Group
To change the symbol used for the Bullet
o Click on the small arrow right next to the Bullet Tool
o A Dialog Box will pop up and allow you to edit the Bullet Symbol

Inserting Items Footnotes, Page Breaks, Tables, Images

Insert Footnotes & Endnotes

Reference Tab >> Footnotes Group >> Insert Footnote

To add Footnote:
Click on the Insert Footnote or Insert EndnoteTool in the Footnotes
Word will place a superscript number in the body of the text and insert a
matching number at the bottom of the page where you can type the
text of the Footnote.
For Endnotes, matching numbers are inserted at the end of the
Word automatically adjusts the numbering as you insert foot- or
endnotes into the middle of a document
More options for Footnotes can be found by clicking on the small arrow
at the bottom right corner of the Footnotes Group

Insert Tab - Pages, Illustrations, Text

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Insert a Page Break

Insert Tab >> Pages Group >> Page Break

Place the cursor where you want the Page Break to occur
Click on the Page Break Tool
To add other types of breaks (section, column...)
Page Layout Tab >> Page Setup Group >> Breaks
Place the cursor where you want the Page Break to occur
Click on the Breaks Tool to show the drop-down menu
Choose the type of Break you want to insert

Insert an Image from a File or

from Clip Art

Insert Tab >> Illustrations Group >> Picture or Clip Art

If you already have an image in a file on your computer
Click on the Picture Tool in the Image Group
In the window that opens locate and select the image you want to insert

If you want to use a Clip Art image

Click on the Clip Art Tool in the Image Group
A window will open on the right side of your screen
Type in key words for the type of clip art you want

Insert a Text Box

Insert Tab >> Text Group >> Text Box

Click on the Text Box Tool in the Text Group
Choose a type of Text Box
Type or copy text into the Text Box
Adjust the size accordingly by click-dragging the small side squares

Insert an Autoshape

Insert Tab >> Illustrations Group >> Shapes

Click on Shapes in the Illustrations Group
Choose a type of Shape
Click+drag to draw the shape to the size you desire
Adjust the size accordingly by click-dragging the small side squares

Change the Border or Fill of a

Text Box or Autoshape

Format - Drawing Tools Tab >> Shape Styles Group >>

Shape Fill / Shape Outline
Click on the Text Box or Autoshape to select it
Click on the Shape Fill Tool to change the colour of the Fill (inside) of the
Object or set it to None
Click on the Shape OutlineTool to change the Colour or Weight (width) of
the Outline (border) of the Object or set it to None

Note - See next page for


Insert an Excel spreadsheet

Insert Tab >> Text Group >> Object

The easiest way to insert an Excel Chart or Spreadsheet is to Copy it from
Excel and Paste it into Word.
Click on Object in the Text Group
In the Object Window which opens, choose Create New or Create from
File from the Tabs at the top of the window.
Choose the appropriate object to insert as new or find on your computer

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Where are the Editing Tools for Images and Objects?

The Tools for editing Images and Objects are found in several "hidden" Ribbon Tabs
There are several types of Special Ribbons such as
o Format Picture Tools, Format Drawing Tools, Format Text Box

These Ribbon Tabs only appear when you

1. Select an Image, Text Box, Autoshape, or other Object
o Click on an Image or Object
2. An extra Ribbon Tab will appear at the right end of the Ribbon Tabs
3. Click on this new Ribbon Tab to access the Format Tools for that Image, Object

Finding Extra Ribbon Tabs

Format - Drawing Tools Tab

Format - Picture Tools Tab

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Resize an image or object

Format - Picture or Drawing Tools Tab >> Size Group >> Height / Width
Click on the Image or Object and you will see the
Format Picture or Drawing Tools Tab at the end of the Ribbon Tab
You can adjust the size of an Image or Object using the Height and Width
Tools in the Size Group
If you type in a new value for one value, the other will change accordingly
This method s for precision size adjustments
You can also adjust the Size of an Image or Object by click+dragging any of the
small square handles at the corners of the object
Select one of the corner squares and hold the mouse button down
Move the mouse and the object will grow or shrink accordingly
To preserve the ratio of the dimensions of the object
o Hold the Shift Key down
o Then click on a corner handle of the object and move it
To change the shape of the object, choose a handle in the centre of one of the
sides to increase/decrease the width or height

Layer several Images or

Objects over each other

Format - Picture Tools >> Arrange Group >> Position / Text Wrapping
When you first insert an image, its position is
In Line with Text meaning that it is treated like another text character. Other
position options are:
Square - allows text to flow around the image This is useful for inserting an image in
a paper or article
In Front of Text - places image so that it floats over the text and blocks it. This is
useful for Layering images and objects to create more complex objects. Objects In
Front of Text can be moved freely on the page by click+dragging on their borders.
To change the Position of an image or object relative to the text on the page:
Click on the image
You will see a new Ribbon Tab appear at the end of the Ribbon Tabs called
Format. Above this it will say Picture Tools
Click on this Ribbon Tab to get the Picture Tools Ribbon
In the Arrange Group, click on Position or Text Wrapping and choose a
position for your image from the drop-down list.
Text Boxes are always In Front of Text, but can be arranged over or under other
objects that are In Front of Text

Arranging Objects that are

In Front of Text

Format - Picture Tools >> Arrange Group >> Bring to Front / Send to Back
Objects that are positioned In Front of Text can be arranged to overlap each other.
If you have 2 overlapping objects and you would like the one that is behind to move
in front of the other:
Click on the Object/Image and choose the Format - Picture Tools Ribbon
In the Arrange Group click on Bring to Front or Send to Back until the objects
are arranged in the order you desire.

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Group Objects together

Format - Drawing or Picture Tools >> Arrange Group >> Group

You can combine several Objects into a single Object by Grouping them. This
preserves the relationship between the Objects and allows you to move or copy them
as a unit.
Hold down the Shift Key
Click once on all the objects that you want in the Grouped Object
This will select all these objects and make the Format Drawing Tools Ribbon
Tab visible
In the Arrange Group in the Drawing Tools Tab, click on Group Tool and
choose Group to combine the Objects into one
NOTE - If one of the Objects is an Image, not a Shape:
The Format Picture Tools Ribbon Tab will appear instead
In this case, the Group Tool is still in the Arrange Tool Group

Inserting and Editing Tables

Insert a table

Insert Tab >> Tables Group >> Table

Click on the Table Tool in the Tables Group
A drop-down menu will appear
In the Table Grid at the top of the drop-down menu, highlight the number of rows
an columns you want in your Table

Where are the Editing Tools for Tables?

The Tools for editing Tables are found in several "hidden" Ribbon Tabs
There are several types of Special Ribbons such as
o Design Table Tools, Layout Table Tools
o and several for Images and Objects as we saw in that section

These Ribbon Tabs only appear when you

1. Place the cursor in a Table Cell
2. An extra Ribbon Tab will appear at the right end of the Ribbon Tabs
3. Click on this new Ribbon Tab to access the Design and Layout Tools for Tables

Layout - Table Tools

Add rows or columns to an

existing table

Layout - Table Tools >> Rows & Columns Group

Place the cursor in a cell of your table next to where you want the new Row or
Column to be inserted
In the Rows & Columns Group, click on the appropriate Tool to Insert a Row
above or below or a Column to the left or right
A new Row or Column will be inserted relative to where the cursor is placed

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Delete a Cell, Row,
Column, or entire Table

Layout - Table Tools >> Rows & Columns Group

Place the cursor in a Table Cell that is to be deleted or that is in a Row or
Column that is to be deleted
In the Rows & Columns Group, click on the Delete Tool and choose the
appropriate option

Change the Width/Height of

a Row or Column

The Width/Height of the Rows and Columns can be changed by click+dragging

the Borders of the table cells
Move the cursor over one of the Borders
The cursor should change to 2 lines with an arrow pointing in either direction:

|| or =
Click+drag the Border in either direction
Layout - Table Tools >> Cell Size Group >> Height/Width
To make Table Cells a specific Height or Width
Place the cursor inside the appropriate Cell
Use the Height or Width Tools to change a Cell Row or Column
Choose Auto Fit to automatically adjust the Cell sizes to fit their content

Format Table Cell Borders

The first method is more effective for single Cells or

Border Lines, the second for groups of Cells or an
entire Table
Method 1
Design - Table Tools >> Draw Borders Group
Choose the Line Style, Width, and Colour from
the Tools in the Draw Borders Group
Click on the Draw Table Tool to turn it on (it will
Click on any Tables Cell Border and it will
acquire the Style, Width and Colour you chose
Method 2
Design - Table Tools >> Draw Borders Group
Select the Cells you want to change
Click on the small arrow at the bottom right of
the Draw Borders Group to open the Borders
and Shading Window (see image)
Choose options in the Borders Tab to change
the Borders of the selected Cells

Merge or Split Table Cells

Layout - Table Tools >> Merge Group

Select a group of adjoining cells.
Click on the Merge Cells or Split Cells Tools in the Merge Group
If you are Splitting Cells, the Split Cells Window will open
o You can choose how many Rows or Columns to split the cells into

Sorting Table Data

Layout - Table Tools >> Data Group >> Sort

Save Your Work before performing this operation!
Select the Cells you want to Sort
Click on the Sort Tool. The Sort window will open.
Choose which column(s) you want to use to Sort the Data

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Finishing Steps - Spell Check and Print Preview

Spell-check my document

Review Tab >> Proofing >>

Spelling and Grammar
Save Your Work before performing this
The spell-check window will open automatically and
begin to check your document.

Print Preview - See what

printed output will look like

MS Office Button >> Print >> Print Preview

Save Your Work before performing this operation!
Close Print Preview is in the Preview Group at the right end of the
Ribbon. This will return you to your editable document.

Thank you for attending tutorial series.

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