ABO Blood Group and Infertility
ABO Blood Group and Infertility
ABO Blood Group and Infertility
Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Phulwari Sharif, Patna, Bihar, India.
Department of Biochemistry and Genetics,Barkatullah University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Correspondence to: Bheem Prasad, E-mail: [email protected]
Background: Blood is an important component of the human body that is responsible for complete human identity. The
ABO and Rh groups are very useful for blood transfusion, organ transplantation, biomedical research, and anthropological
study. The blood group incompatibility has been associated with some diseases.
Objective: To examine the relationship between blood group and infertility in men and to know the frequency of different
blood groups among infertile men who were referred from different infertility clinics and centers.
Materials and Methods: A total number of 88 infertile men along with 88 fertile men as controls were evaluated using the
antigenantibody agglutination test.
Result: The ABO blood group distribution among the infertile men was 40.90%, 29.54%, 19.31%, and 10.22% for blood
groups O, A, B,and AB, respectively, and the prevalence of ABO blood group in fertile were 44.31%, 27.27%, 22.72%, and
05.68% for groups O, A, B, and AB, respectively.
Conclusion: This preliminary study showed that the ABO blood group has no statistically significant association with male
KEY WORDS: ABO blood group, antigenantibody, male infertility, reproduction, Rhesus factors
Karl Landsteiner determined the ABO blood group system first time in 1901. There are about 400 blood grouping
antigens have been reported.[1] The ABO blood group and
Rhesus factors (Rh) are very useful in blood transfusion,
organ transplantation, genetic research, and anthropological
study in men.[2] Several studies demonstrated that the ABO
blood group is associated with some diseases. The ABO
blood group also more frequent in spontaneous miscarriage
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DOI: 10.5455/ijmsph.2015.21052015352
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health Online 2015. 2015 Bheem Prasad. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
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International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2015 | Vol 4 | Issue 12 (Online First)
Prasad et al.: ABO blood group among fertile and infertile male subjects
A total of 88 infertile men were included in this study.
Data were recorded for their age, height, and weight. The
average ages of infertile and fertile men were 38.63 (7.13) and
33.57 (5.96) years,respectively. The maximum infertile male
population was found between the age group of 3040 years,
comprising approximately 50% of the entire population.
The ratio of patients to control was 1:1. The distribution
of ABO blood group in infertile men shown the maximum
frequency of O blood group, followed by blood groups A and B,
while the AB blood group was less common in both infertile
and fertile men.
The distribution of blood groups in infertile and fertile
men is shown in Table 1. The prevalence of infertile men with
blood groups O, A, B, and AB was 36 (40.90%), 26 (29.54%),
17 (19.31%), and 9 (10.22%), respectively, as shown in Table 1.
The distribution of ABO blood group in fertile men showed
that 39 (44.31%), 24 (27.27%), 20 (22.72%), and 5 (5.68%)
were for groups O, A, B, and AB, respectively. There was
no statistically significant difference between the distribution
of the infertile and fertile men as shown in Table 1 (2 = 1.59,
P = 0.66).
The frequency distribution of ABO blood group in the
infertile group was the approximately same with fertile group.
There are no any significant differences in ABO blood group
There was no significant correlation between the ABO
blood group and infertility in male subjects. The prevalence of
Table 1: Comparison between the ABO blood group of infertile male (group A) and fertile male (group B) subjects
17 (19.31)
24 (27.27)
20 (22.72)
Not significant
05 (05.68)
Not significant
26 (29.54)
09 (10.22)
36 (40.90)
39 (44.31)
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2015 | Vol 4 | Issue 12 (Online First)
Not significant
Not significant
Prasad et al.: ABO blood group among fertile and infertile male subjects
We acknowledge Dr.Sarvesh Saxena, Saxena Infertility
and Diagnostic Research Center, Rewa, and Dr. Abha Jain,
Life Line Hospital, Bhopal, for providing the samples for the
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How to cite this article: Prasad B, Lalit A, Sharma NC.
Distribution of ABO blood group among fertile and infertile males
in central India: a pilot study. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2015;4
(Online First). DOI: 10.5455/ijmsph.2015.21052015352
International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2015 | Vol 4 | Issue 12 (Online First)