Case 8 Philips in China

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2nd Trimester, AY 2012-2013

University of San Carlos, Cebu City
Case # 8: Philips in China1
The Dutch consumer electronics, lighting, semiconductor and medical equipment conglomerate Philips NV has been
operating factories in China since 1985 when the country first opened its markets to foreign investors. Then China was seen
as the land of unlimited demand, and Philips, like many other Western companies, dreamed of Chinese consumers snapping
up its products by the millions. But the company soon found out that one of the big reasons the company liked China the
low wage rates also meant that few Chinese workers could afford to buy the products they were producing. Chinese wage
rates are currently 1/3 of those in Mexico and Hungary, and 5% of those in the United States or Japan. So Philips hit on a new
strategy: keep the factories in China but export most of the goods to the United States and elsewhere.
By 2003, Philips has invested some $2.5 billion in China. The company now operates 25 wholly owned subsidiaries and joint
ventures in China. Together they employ some 30,000 people. Philips exports nearly 2/3 of the $7 Billion in products that
the factories produce every year. Philips accelerated its Chinese investment in anticipation of Chinas entry into the World
Trade Organization. The company plans to move even more production to China over the next few years. In 2003, Philips
announced it would phase out production of electronic razors in the Netherlands, lay off 2,000 Dutch employees, and move
production to China by 2005. A week earlier, Philips had stated that it would expand capacity at its semiconductor factories
in China, while phasing out production in higher cost locations elsewhere.
The attraction of China to Philips include continuing low wage rates, an educated workforce, a robust Chinese economy, a
stable exchange rate that is linked to the US dollar (it has a managed float), a rapidly expanding industrial base that includes
many other Western and Chinese companies that Philips uses as suppliers, and easier access to world markets given Chinas
entry into the WTO. Philips has stated that ultimately its goal is to turn China into a global supply base from which the
companys products will be exported around the world. Today more than 25% of everything Philips makes worldwide comes
from China, and executives say the figure is rising rapidly. Several products, such as CD and DVD players, are now made only
in China. Philips is also starting to give its Chinese factories a greater role in product development. In the TV business, for
example, basic development used to occur in Holland but was moved to Singapore in the early 1990s. In the 2000s Philips
transferred TV development work to Suzhou near Shanghai. Similarly, basic product development work on LCD screens for
cell phones was recently shifted to Shanghai.
Philips is hardly alone in this process. By mid 2000s more that half of all exports from China came from foreign manufacturers
or their joint ventures in China. China was the source of more than 80% of the DVD players sold worldwide, 50% of the
cameras, 40% of all microwave ovens, 30% of the air conditioners, 25% of the washing machines, and 20% of all refrigerators.
Some observers worry that Philips and companies pursuing a similar strategy might be overdoing it. Too much dependence
on China could be dangerous if political, economics or other problems disrupt production and the companys ability to supply
global markets. Some observers believe that it might be better if the manufacturing facilities of companies were more
geographically diverse as a hedge against problems in China. These critics fears gained some substance in early 2003 when
an outbreak of the pneumonia-like SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) virus in China resulted in the temporary
shutdown of several plants operated by foreign companies and disrupted their global supply chains. Although Philips was not
directly affected, it did restrict travel by its managers and engineers to its Chinese plants.
Discussion questions:
1. What are the benefits to Philips of shifting so much of its global production to China? (relate to the report on risk
2. What are the risks associated with heavy concentration of manufacturing assets in China?
3. What strategies might Philips adopt to maximize the benefits and mitigate the risks associated with moving so much
product development and production activity to developing nations like China?


Source: Hill, Charles. International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace 7 edition. c. 2009. Page 568.

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