Wardrobes and Closet News and Updates
Wardrobes and Closet News and Updates
Wardrobes and Closet News and Updates
Organised wardrobe:
A well organised wardrobe with accessories that make life desiring
our wardrobe is where you start
your day. If it's organized, you
can get going quickly. If it's not,
finding the right outfit could be
the start to a rushed, confused day. When
trying to organize your life, the closet can
Wardrobes&Closets built
deliver sophisticated wardrobes for a
unveils award
multistoried building in Ikoyi, the building
accommodating expatriates staff of a
winning wardrobes
multinational company in Nigeria.
, the Nigeria’s
foremost furniture company with special
of the year expertise and experience in designing and
building state of the art wardrobes delivers
on the provision of wardrobes and special
cont’d on page 2 Serviced apartments with wardrobes by Wardrobes&Closet Furniture, Temple Road, Ikoyi, Lagos
Organised wardrobe: the first step to coordinating everything in life
garments. If you're having trouble cont’d from the cover
getting everything into your
closet, it's time to take something
out. You can either put the excess
clothes in storage, or get rid of
them entirely.
Get rid of
clothes that
are out of
fashion, even
if they have Installed wardrobe and cabinet by Wardrobes&Closet Furniture
sentimental Consider having a friend over to your closet for a year, the chances
value help you choose what should stay
and what should go.
are good that you won't wear the
garment again before it goes out
of style. While it's always good
4. Organize your wardrobe in as they go in and out of style. A outfits, and clothes you just don't Chris Ajayi (Managing Director)
small bursts. This can be a few basics are all you really need like uses up valuable space and wardrobe
big project for a lot of us. Clothes to accessorize most outfits. forces you to spend time searching have to spend valuable time down to just
accumulate over the years, and through clothes you'll never wear trying to figure out what to wear, what you need, and take time
without a regular closet cleanup,
organizing them can be a daunting
task. That's why you should just
6. If you haven't worn it in a year,
let it go. Sure, some clothes
are seasonal or special occasion.
to find the ones you do.
Organizing your wardrobe is
one important step to getting your
you can get on with your morning.
Don't spend your days in a rush
because you couldn't find the
to enjoy yourself. Organizing
your wardrobe is the first step to
coordinating everything in your
work on a little bit at a time. However, if it's been sitting in whole life organized. If you don't right shoes or jacket. Instead, pare life.
was my closet situation: casual division: i.e. suits,
shirts, ties, etc. // jeans, shirts,
sweaters, etc. Another way is
would wake up to find to bunch them by entire outfits
Friday night’s blazer and (so you can conveniently pull
jeans tossed over my chair, them out when you need
or worse, sprawled out in a them).
rebellious fashion on the floor. In Hack #6: Use a shoe hanger
disgust, I would make my way to like these:
my closet to find a chaos of dress
shirts, jeans, and sweaters, some
of which were last worn a decade
Stressed out by the mere sight
of it, I would abandon any hope
of a creative, high-caliber outfit,
and go for the most familiar shirt,
jeans, and jacket—one of my
“favorite,” safe, and uninspiring Also: for accessories like belts,
looks of the month. I use a belt hanger like this
(never roll your belts as the
Fast forward A very chaotic wardrobe makes living difficult leather will warp).
created stress, and eventually, I
to the present found myself utilizing less and 4. Start hanging (or folding)
less of the outfit “possibilities” in What clothes do you hang,
day: order to avoid the stress. In the and what do you fold? Hang
I wake up to find the floor of my end, it didn’t expand my outfit all your collared shirts, jackets,
bedroom is immaculate, clear of possibilities but significantly and even pants. Personally, I
any pieces of clothing. I open my limited it. usually fold my pants because
closet to a collection of classic, Having a few spectacular pieces I don’t like the crease that
robust, and daring pieces which is better than having a hundred you get on the leg when
are organized into professional mediocre ones. you hang them. Always fold
and casual, type of clothing (pants, It’s only after my total overhaul your sweaters, or any heavy
tops, etc.), and grouped by color. that I began to mix-and-match garments for that matter made
Inspired by my perfectly ordered effectively. After I threw out over of thicker material like wool
wardrobe, I easily pull out and put 50% of my wardrobe, and invested (gravity is their worst enemy).
together each piece to create a in a few amazing pieces, I began
bold outfit. It sets the tone of the creating my best outfits. Make sure you use wooden
day. hangers (get rid of all wire
Here’s how I did it: hangers as it will damage the
THE CURE shoulder line).
Phase 1: Triage
DIAGNOSIS 1. Take out everything –
Getting a pair of trouser could take a whole day
Hack #7: Fold like a pro in 2
One of the greatest reasons especially anything that has seconds with this amazing
why most men don’t know where nothing to do with clothing Japanese method:
they’re at with their style is from the closet. Vacuum the
because they don’t have a clear floor, papers, nails, dust, etc.
picture of their wardrobe. How can PREVENTION
you fix something you’ve never 2. Ask yourself these crucial Once you build the system, stick
diagnosed properly? questions: Have you worn it in to it no matter what
When you have a poorly the last 2 years? Does it fit? (Do Only a few days of not putting
organized wardrobe, everything you have Bad Fit Disease?…). your clothing in its proper place
starts to get lost in it. Not only Is it flattering? Do you have too will make your entire closet system
can you not find what you need many of the same thing? start to regress towards chaos.
whenever you need it, but as you Hack #1: Try Peter Walsh’s When you’re tempted to throw
rummage through it the mess (43Folders) clever hanger trick your clothing over the top of your
gets worse - and you continuously to determine what you don’t chair, your bed post, or floor, take
build up a negative association wear. the 20 seconds to put away the
with getting dressed every day. Different channels to relieve the wardrobe outfit in its rightful place. You will
3. Deciding the fate of each thank yourself the next day.
Less clothing in your closet = piece: For clothing that passes They say it takes 30 days to totally
more possibility the crucial questions from
Trash it organization. Here are some
unique closet “tools” that you
implement a habit. Challenge
Phase 2: Organize your new yourself to abide by your new
previous step: may not see in your typical
This single philosophy is wardrobe: wardrobe organization system for
1. Place in new wardrobe pile home furniture store:
responsible for transforming 1. Start with the basics – Start 30 days. It should become second
2. Place in canvas box for Hack #3: Checking out this
my wardrobe. Contrary to the with the basics. For some, this nature by that point.
other seasonal clothing amazing setup of “magnetic
common belief that we experience will be sufficient. By “basics”
I mean the classic, timeless, clothing hangers
with more, in this case, having less For clothing that fails the Plan according to your
and staple pieces upon which Hack #4: Get rid of your typical
gives us more. crucial questions from wardrobe before you go
almost 80% of your outfits are hooked hanger system all
If you’re like me, you probably previous step: shopping
going to be build around. This together and try “flying hooks”
love saving clothing. For the by :
longest time, I always believed is going to be more casual for Proactive shopping is the key to
3. Donate (donate clothing you
having more clothing in my some, and more professional dishing out tons of coherent new
haven’t worn for over 2 years)
wardrobe would expand my outfit for others. outfits, saving money, and keeping
Hack #2: Donate your unworn
possibilities. clothing to the charities that your wardrobe organized. Don’t
Wrong. Like a backlog of to-dos 2. Build a proper infrastructure
accept clothing donations buy a new piece before knowing
or new year resolutions, my closet & tools – An efficient and
such as the salvation army. at least one full outfit that you can
just became a total mess. The mess effective closet space is the
foundation of your wardrobe integrate it into.
Our design team made up of architects meets with potential clients, because nobody knows what kind of
cloths storage you need better than you.
We help you to express yourself, define your lifestyle and get better organized.
This process includes getting to your site to measure accurately the dimensions of the room where the
Ordering from Wardrobes&Closet
wardrobes are to be installed; it could be an existing apartment or a building under construction
Furniture is friendly and as simple as
abc, you can reach us now,
call Chris on 0803 402 2121
John on 0803 433 5222
Once the detailed measurement is taken, the design team comes up with a design plan which interprets
the client’s vision of his wardrobes – sketch up design and AutoCAD
images below: After approving the design plan and all the details agreed upon, the client makes financial commitment
shoe racks for women and men after which a contract is signed on delivery date.
After the financial commitment, all the design details are sent to the factory, where the fabrication and
productions are customized for the client.
The delivery process starts from the factory where the materials are load onto our delivery trucks; we can
deliver either in panels or fully connected as stand-alone wardrobes.
Once the wardrobes are delivered, the final installation process is done at the site and handed over to the
client, and the final payment is made