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12/14/99: Reading: Constructive

Criticism and Our Mission


Thursday 11 / 11 / 99 -- 5:37 a.m.

D: The morning of my departure to Florida for five days.

D: As far as I can see, the dream that I just had was simply being used to deal with an incidental
problem that popped up over the course of the last two days, and not really any more than that.
The problem essentially was one or a series of Email letters from people attacking me and my
credibility. This dream did seem to be really long, and it went on for a long, long time. The main thrust
of it seemed to be that there was someone else who was concerned with being accused of being a false
teacher and so forth.
I did speak to another client recently who was very concerned about...

D: ...Elizabeth Clare Prophet's cult, which she got involved in very directly.

A cliffhanger of sorts envelops the discrete nature of Oneness when applied to the immediate circumstances at
present. We are speaking here both of the personal and planetary picture. You can expect that as the energy
continues to increase, the concomitant desires of those more negatively oriented entities to express their venom
will become more widely seen than ever before. And so, although we know that we don't really need to tell you
this, [David,] we remind you that in our eyes, the work that you are doing is highly wonderful.
And therefore, you should never care or worry about the opinions that are expressed to you, as you know where
your loyalties lie, and how important it is that you stay in our esteem instead of the esteem of those upon your
plane. You must realize that this is one letter in a thousand, and thus it is a rare case indeed.
An energetic vacuum of sorts exists when you start to doubt yourself or doubt the process of this work. You
should expect that there will be more critical letters like this in the future, and not allow them to bother you. This is
a process of accepting the social and planetary changes as being valid, regardless of the opinions of others
concerning same. So don't fret about it. Simply come to a greater appreciation of where you stand in the midst of
all this, and you will not be led astray. That is all for now. Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. We
now end this reading. Adonai.

Saturday 11 / 13 / 99 - Close to Noon

Telepathic Dream Message Sent by David's Family Cat
D: I have lost most of this latest section. Very interestingly, there was one part in this where I saw at first what
appeared to be some Scandinavian crispbread. In the dream it was going into how the bread was made, and that
the inventor had named it "Deliciousgood," a combination of those two simple words.
Then, I was seeing the crispbread, and all of a sudden it turned more into something that someone was working
with a fork and putting onto a plate, which looked exactly like the way that we prepare Mandy's cat food here. And
then as soon as I had the image of the cat food, Mandy, the cat who has been in my family since I was in
eighth grade, was right here in the room with me and she started meowing very, very loudly.

D: So, it looks like she actually sent me that message that she was hungry in the dream plane like that. It is very
interesting that it would have come through that way to me. I don't know what it means, but it is definitely
interesting. It shows me that she is a sender as well as a receiver, too.
Perhaps the reason why she showed it to me as crispbread in my mind is that I think of it as a health food. It also
could be that I don't really think crispbread tastes very good, and she might not be able to taste her food anymore
- after all, she is now nearly deaf. But she definitely knows the purpose of the food, and feels that it is very
important to her health. Interesting.

[12/13: In her mind, I feel that the word "delicious" had more to do with the taste, and the word "good"
had more to do with the health benefits. She has been through many illnesses and almost died more
than once, and when she was near death she could not eat - so I am sure that she understands the value
of food for her health, and wanted to alert me to her hunger. She has demonstrated psychic ability
before, but never as dramatically or powerfully as this instance. Now it does start to make a lot more
sense to me that the Egyptians considered them so highly in the spiritual sense that they would
mummify them upon their death.]
[tape ends]

Sunday 11 / 14 / 99 -- still early.

Speaking Directly with the Forces

D: Okay. This dream was just totally, totally amazing and just very, very inspirational. They did a very
good job this time of inspiring me. This dream was just a whopper. I have never had anything so
inspirational as this. This is definitely up in the very rare categories of how inspirational and amazing
a dream could get.
Searching for the limelight.

This dream just really blew me away. I haven't had one that left me with such an incredible feeling like
this for a long time. The earliest sections that I am now remembering had some very strange
symbolism indeed. Now some of this symbolism might be related to what happened when my brother
and I tried to watch the old KISS videotape last night. We discovered that there were all these
recordings that we had put on the video of snippets from MTV and things like that. It was definitely a
blast from the past.
Anyway, let me try to get this out, because I hear some words coming in. The words were:
Nightmare Series.

D: That is probably about the MTV stuff.

Yes, you are right about that.

[12/13: It certainly was a very rough time period for me in my life.]

D: Anyway, the early part of the dream put me into the SG High school cafeteria. It was supposed to
be like a restaurant, and they were supposed to have some really high-quality stuff. It started with me
going into the cafeteria, but it also had the ambiance of a much fancier restaurant, with white
tablecloths and candles.

[12/13: We remember that issues surrounding high school have to do with the older,
maladaptive part of myself, and issues surrounding food and the serving of food have
to do with the food for the soul or the spiritual teachings that I am bringing forth in
these readings. And thus, we have a clashing between the past, present and future,
where I am trying to sort out my identity in the midst of having old memories

D: So for some reason, when I went in there they singled me out, and basically forced me to sit in a
separate section. There was a section in the front and another one right behind it that I thought they
were going to make me sit in. And there was also another section behind that. The section that they put
me in had the entire feel of backstage at a theater repertory company. There were old sets for different
plays, there were all these costumes, it was dark, the walls were painted black - it was standard
theatre - type stuff.

[12/13: And of course, the theater metaphor is yet another common one in these
readings - namely the idea of the massive performance that is playing itself out on
Earth at this time, now reaching its conclusion.]

D: So, I really was starting to feel discriminated against for being so singled out like that. Anyway, we
got up into this loft type of thing. Now there were some theater people around, but they weren't paying
attention to me - I was isolated. It seemed that there was a TV in front of me from where he sat me
down, and I did get the idea that I might be able to watch some videos on it - either videos of my own
or someone else's.
The theater people might have even been sort of lurking in the background and perhaps trying to get
me interested in working with them - I don't really remember. But as time progresses, it turned into
this scene of the wildest party. It seemed to be a combination of parties that I would go to in my
teenage and late teenage years, and those that my mother might have taken me to when I was a lot
younger, involving the hippie crews at Totem and so forth.

[12/13: So there is a part of myself that feels left out from the role I occupy in this
grand spiritual performance, as a result of the partying behaviors that I had been
involved with in high school.]

D: I was just lying here in bed and thinking about Ascension, and whether I would stay with the Earth
after the passage into the fourth density or move onto other things. I said to myself inside my head that
I would try to stick it out here, and as soon as I did, this hawk crowed exactly three times outside the
window. And I haven't heard it before or since. That was pretty symbolic, too.
This dream just blew me away!
During the course of this party, we met with several friends who had already been to the racetrack.

D: That was a channeled sentence.

They were all supposedly older than me, and when I reached that certain height, they defined me by
their actions towards me. I couldn't believe it when I opened the door to surprise and saw that they
were watching me. I almost forgot to make the critical leap in judgment that would necessarily take
this whole scenario and affair over to the next highest level.

[12/13: It seems clear that the "friends" being referred to here are the personalities
behind the readings themselves. The "racetrack" they speak of must be the fast-paced
world of living in the third dimension- and in terms of soul evolution they could
certainly be thought of as "older" than me. And the last sentence reveals the point of
stress that would later be expounded upon in other readings, namely how much I was
almost failing to make a critical leap into accepting their expectations on a higher

[Note: Here we have re-inserted the rest of the dream, which we did not actually get on tape until after
a bathroom / breakfast break at the end of this reading.]

D: After this whole section with the theater thing, and I had definitely been watching something on TV
there, I ended up in some sort of teenage party environment. There was a lot of stuff going on that was
pretty exciting on one level, but on another level I felt very disconnected from all of it. There was a
guy running around who I recognized from the church in Upstate New York where my father was
working. He was a little bit mentally slow. That guy showed up, and he had this child that somehow
ended up in my care.
It was a baby, and it didn't even have a regular full head of hair yet. Somewhere along the line, I
started a dialogue with this baby, and we ended up going to the local grocery store, which had all this
Halloween candy there still. At some point, the baby began speaking, and it became clear to me really
quickly that this baby was somehow in direct contact with my own readings!

[12/13: The grocery store contains the food of the Spirit, metaphorically speaking, and
the candy would represent the negative temptations that persist.]

D: The baby talked about "Mr. 281" and kept calling me that, and that was one of the most common
Edgar Cayce numbers, which may have been for himself- I will have to check on that.

[Note: It is actually the number for Cayce's wife, Gertrude. This could refer, therefore,
to the fusion between the masculine and feminine aspects of the self, the wedding of
flesh to Spirit.]

D: He also described the "Gray man," which made me think that he was talking about the Grays
[extraterrestrials.] This baby was obviously directly connected, and so at some point I started to ask
the baby what it wanted me to tell its parents. And that is when this baby really started channeling. I
just couldn't believe the syntax that was coming through, and the power of the message- it was just
I finally went back to this church guy and started to tell him what happened, that his baby had talked
to me. He seemed really nervous and uneasy about it when I first started to tell him - he was very
concerned. I tried to encourage him to look at it as a positive thing, and see how amazing it was that
his baby had this connection.
As I kept on talking to him, it was like he was a part of this television screen that I was talking to. The
screen was actually connected to a four-way TV. There was a cube, and each base of the cube had a
TV on it. It all came down in one unit.

[12/13: Television is never a positive metaphor in these readings, and the cube
symbolizes materialism in the Tarot card deck. Therefore, it seems to be discussing
how there are those hyper-religious people who will never accept a work such as what
is being done in these readings because it disagrees too strongly with the attitudes that
the media has fed them with.]

So that's as far as I think I am going to go with the dream here.

[Note: Now we pick up where the reading had left off.]

When I began to receive information regarding quakes and the like, I can then no longer fail to address
how important it is for me to log on to this connection as much and as often as possible in order to best
stimulate the types of experiences that will bear fruit in a very forthcoming future manner.
Now and again, I wait by the wayside, thinking that everything will happen at a certain moment. When I decide to
use these steps as a resource, I can then realize how emblematic the struggle for survival is to the greater whole
of the concord grapes that are served me by the Divine at the time of Harvest.
I must go forth with my sword blazing alight, and inform you peoples of this imminent transformation in your
personal vibratory essence. Archangel Michael, (meaning me,) sums it up by saying that those who have already
received the Light will not need to pose for the flash bulb going off. They are actively working and living in service
in a way that most others could not and do not comprehend.

[12/13: The reference to the "flash bulb" refers to the dream that I had which also featured physical
telekinesis in the room as I dictated it, namely the falling of my rainbow clown wig out of my closet to
the floor.
In the dream, a woman wearing the same clown wig was trying to hit me with a flash of light from
such a bulb, and I was told that it would kill me. I realized after awakening that it actually meant that a
fragment part of myself that overemphasized sexuality would have to die.
So here, they are talking about those in our society who must have some very significant karmic losses
in order to "get the message."]

And so, when we talk about graduation day, in a sense, what we are really addressing here is the fact that so
many of you can indeed lose your pride and come to a much more balanced and full understanding of who and
what you are doing here at every possible moment. So, when the spit hits the fan, we don't need to have a bunch
of martyrs on our hands. You will need to be courageous, and thoughtful in order to keep up with this

The sunrise will again be seen over the flattened top of the mesa. But flattened it will be, as these conditions and
concerns arise in the economic structures and so forth. So please remember that when we tell you to tighten up
your act, we mean to indicate how it is that you shall indeed receive the Light within you at the appropriate time.
And so, based on your present and future actions, a Rolls Royce of sorts in the higher realms does indeed await
you, and it is yours to explore. The nostalgia that you feel is that part of you which longs for an extreme example
of the repetition of past circumstances such that the present is overridden by the desire for memory and the
Now when there are those who liken these opportunities to slavery, we don't have very much more to say to them.
We can only intervene where appropriate and available, and that means stemming our concerns directly from the
highest sources, and thereby eliminating a certain degree of free will in the process. However, it is your free will
as to decide how to conduct yourself. And we generally save the best for last in terms of a channeling contact
such as this.
David is just now remembering the fact that we did mention the name of a full-body channel whom he has been
made aware of during the course of the dream. Like all others, this person is fallible, and has varying levels of
accuracy. And thus, our continuing milieu stays constant. We wish to use our inspired messengers to bring these
truths out to the public, while simultaneously attempting to tone down their conscious mind's messages quite a bit
so as to receive a clean and unfiltered channel. In David's case, we do not have to work very much more about
this, and thus the connection is quite good.
As to whether this connection is the best one in existence on your plane or otherwise seen as a mode of
comparison, there is no point in trying to talk about something like this that way. The fact of the matter is that
there are indeed many of those now who are being born into this ability, or who already have this ability, and are
capable of great teachings and great tidings.
We do then have a full spectrum of ability on your planet. There are many others whose connection mirrors that of
David's in their own way. You will see the unique personality of each individual, as you would call it, coming
through as it expresses the everlasting love of the Oneness in its own way. There are those who rise to the top
and who fall to the bottom as this process of sorting out in the spiritual sense of the term is then undertaken by us.
As we have already stated, we do keep close watch on these events, and put a great deal of energy investment
into those who are actively working in a format of service such as this.
Black turtles rise to the surface as the slow-moving thoughts in the mind can be overtaken in order to allow the
deep blue waters of Spirit to gush forth. So in such a monumental undertaking as this, there should very well be a
large variety of those inspired teachers who are doing quite well. We sincerely ask that no one compare one set
of readings to another on the basis of their relative merit or usefulness. This was done by an entity who had a
recent conversation with David, and who chose to make rather derogatory statements about the relative
usefulness of our work here in these readings as opposed to this other entity on your plane, who is a dedicated
full-body channel for Saint Germain.
The point that we wish to express here is that the excessive duration of time that has passed from one season of
the spirit to the next requires us to take equally excessive measures in overcoming the brainwashed responses
typical of a populace that is unused to speaking for itself or living for itself and the like. And so, when we want to
rally the people's support behind these issues, we will then indeed clone the available energies from on high so as
to reduplicate this birth of the Spirit within each of you.
And thus, David's dream, which featured a channeled interview with the forces through the proxy of a very young
child, was indeed designed not just for himself, but for all those who read or hear these words as well. When one
is capable of distinguishing clearly one's ideas and motivations, then there is no movement that might occur

outside of the spectrum of available opportunities for necessary change, growth and transformation. Indeed, all of
life begins to take on that deep indigo or even violet quality that comes with those who have truncated their minds
and seek to open up the highest levels of accuracy possible.
Even with such a perceived accuracy, we must make a statement here. For all those who would ever read these
readings or any other revealed teachings from any source, regardless of who they are or how much you trust
them, you must remember that there is no such thing as 100-percent accuracy, regardless of how much you may
believe it or not believe it, for there are never going to be those entities on your plane at this point in time who can
be completely accurate with everything that comes through them.
You must factor in a certain error ratio to the work of every intuitive who is gifted, and if you do not do this, then
your actions become much more like a follower and less like a seeker. In other words, there is a difference
between seeking the truth yourself and following someone else who simply declares the truth. You can also know
within yourself whether it is right for you to continue down a certain path or to support a certain notion in your
future endeavors.
And thus, you do not need or necessarily want a gifted intuitive's perspective on every little decision that you
would make in your life. Our purpose is to make the big picture more and more clear. Your purpose is to take
those day by day events that crop up in your life, and the varying information sources that come your way, and
make judgements of them based on your own discretion.
One of the main reasons for why we are discussing all of this is that David recently had a client who had indeed
been involved with several other gifted intuitives in the past.
This client decided not to use our guidance, and made it very clear to David that he felt that those sources he was
in contact with, in terms of those who would channel this information, were in his own words, "one hundred times
better" than the work of David.

[12/13: This person should know that the readings would have mentioned this statement!]

Furthermore, he refused to believe our word that the Wingmakers site was a hoax, despite the fact that it has
been so obviously debunked by its creator.
The main reason why he refuses to believe this is that the dedicated full-body channel for Saint Germain insisted
that it were the truth, and that those conspirators of the New World Order elite tried to discredit it through a
hoaxing campaign.

[3/18/09: My conscious mind was almost certainly too close to the surface in this particular passage,
due to the emotional charge I had around this issue. Nonetheless, the source recovered nicely from it.]
[12/13: The Wingmakers site, www.wingmakers.com, was very successfully debunked by the UFO
community in Nov. 98, and the results then published on the Sightings website, which basically
signaled the death knell to the site's once-explosive popularity.
When the researchers confronted the man who registered the domain name, he denied that he had done
any of the work on it, even though Email transmissions of his were taken from Usenet where he was
searching for collaborators for an "experimental art site."

The creator of this site was hoping to make a splash into the public world and hopefully attract interest
in a movie based on the ideas that he presented.
It is not even worth going into detail about all of the obvious hints that this site is a hoax, as it is quite
unfortunate that so many people are willing to concoct lies in order to aspire to fame. The author
probably justified the hoax as a means of presenting his inspired music, artwork and trance writings,
which do have some positive qualities.
Further evidence in support of the hoax idea is the fact that not a single update has been made to that
site for the last year -- the hoaxed storyline and characters were completely abandoned, but the
misleading site still stands with no written indications of it being fallacious. In short, these forces do
not at all mind if you present your creative works, ideas and inspired writings on the Internet, but to
concoct an elaborate and false fantasy around them is to court big-time, devastating karma for
misleading the people.]

Now all of this material may seem rather transient to you, the reader of these words. It may seem that we are
disposing of valuable signal time by discussing such matters. However, these situations allow us to develop larger
themes with which to work off of.
We have dealt with many, many different entities on your plane through David's proxy, and this is an experience
that allows us to unfold greater and greater aspects of the Divine Plan in these workings.
There is another question that we must address here that has been significantly raised by another of David's
clients. This particular client again did not choose to agree with our guidance. Since this is such a rare case, we
are indeed handling both of these situations individually, and posting their results for all others to see.
This particular client, again, chose not to receive the guidance from within our reading for her, and that is okay. As
we said before, it is impossible for anyone to legitimately claim 100 percent accuracy, and there can also be good
days and bad days.
The fact of the matter is that within these workings with David, we aspire to the highest quality controls
possible. And we seek to undermine the responses of the conscious mind as much as we can.
And thus, there may be some factual errors in transmission, but again in both of these cases it is highly unlikely
that any major or significant portion of the work would be distorted. Such is the nature of how we operate.

[3/18/09: This statement is rather humorous, since I had just interfered with the work by defending
myself regarding the client who had criticized me -- and he believed he was allegedly a "full-body
channel for Saint Germain," and clearly valued his own work a lot more than my own.
He could not accept that he might have been wrong about the Wingmakers, and when I told him the
site had been debunked, he blamed it on the "Illuminati" trying to discredit the site.]

We cannot claim full accuracy, nor do we want to, as this process must involve the subconscious or Astral Self,
even if you believe that the conscious mind is completely out of the picture, which in almost all cases it is not.

In those rare cases where you believe that someone's mind is completely out of the picture on the conscious
level, you are still doomed to repeat your mistakes if you fail to see that their subconscious mind is also capable
of distorting results or having an immediate emotional response to a question that would otherwise not be
The only other case of this client dissatisfaction that we are now speaking of occurred recently, over this woman
whom we are speaking about. Some of the content that we had in her reading was indeed rather strenuous, and
placed a great deal of responsibility upon her for changing some of her beliefs and attitudes. This material, and a
few other things in the reading, were rather difficult to swallow.
Please note that we are not here to provide what you would call the "feel good, curiosity feeding" psychic
readings. We are here to give those messages that may seem rather brutally intense at first, but they are,
however, exactly what you need to wake up from.
Except for these two cases that we speak of, the majority of those who have had readings with us have accepted
our guidance, knowing all the while that there may be a few slight errors in transmission.
Now this particular person, or entity whom we are speaking of, chose to raise another question that we must
heretofore address. The question, as it was stated, was this: "I am very suspicious of the fact that the source
never chooses to reveal its name. Perhaps if the source would tell us who it was, then the website might receive a
million more hits than it is now receiving."
We recognize the validity of this question enough to handle it in these workings, in a public forum. There are
indeed those who will consider the naming of such a source to be of paramount importance.
They feel that if they are not speaking with Commander Such and Such, or Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic
Federation, that they are not speaking to anyone of value.
There are indeed those who would choose to collect names and throw them around, and believe that there really
is a difference between entities in the higher realms enough so that they need and deserve to be named.
The guidance and the message that we bring is much different. Our purpose is to bring you those tools that will
help you to realize the Law of One within yourself. And within that context, there are a number of indigenous
opportunities that can arise along the way.
We can indeed feel compelled to offer you a whole host of different forms of guidance in different ways, and even
during the course of one reading there can be different members of the collective consciousness who choose to
direct the flow of energy and information to the forefront. In the workings of the Ra Material, you will notice this
many times when the tense switches from the "We" to the "I." And thus, this is important.

[Note: The next paragraphs below deal with another critique that was raised by the first of the two
dissatisfied clients, the supporter of the Wingmakers site. He accused my readings of being in error
that the Universe was organized into an octave of dimensions, since the Saint Germain source had told
him that there were actually thirteen.]

Now with regard to David's workings, we want to make a few statements here that will clarify these issues. First of
all, it is important to remember that each one of you have your own unique multidimensional soul. This soul does
indeed span the dimensional frequencies, from those base to those of the most highest chakra, or the completion
at the end of the Octave wherein all returns to Oneness.

And in between those two points, there are a host of vibrational frequencies. Some channels choose to break
them down via a chromatic scale, and thus come up with thirteen dimensions, whereas others such as this one
choose to break it up into a diatonic scale, such that there are eight frequencies.
There are indeed different ways to look at how these gradations of vibrations may occur, but the fundamental
point of importance is that you can indeed see how you as a third dimensional entity are distributed throughout
this spectrum of awareness.
It is rather amusing to us, as a humorous side note, that there are such a significant number of those who would
become so concerned with names, and trifle over such (what we consider to be) meaningless details. The fact of
the matter is that Ra is the collective Oversoul of which David is a part. There! We have said it.
Now that essentially means that Ra has always been the guiding principle behind David's works. Based on the
history of his past incarnations, this should not be difficult to see, and we do not need to explicate on these
matters any further, for our purpose is not to aggrandize David, merely to illustrate the point.
Archangel Michael and others like him work with the Confederation of Planets in Service of the One Infinite
Creator and the Council of Saturn, which is your own unique governing body, to bring about the personal and
planetary transformation that awaits you all at this time.
The reason why we do not trifle with names is that David's source connection is from himself. It is not necessary
for David to name himself, as his process of tuning into us is concomitant with the memory and recognition of his
If you notice, he always goes to sleep before doing any work. And therefore, this is another method by which the
connection is strengthened, for there is a bubble of protection that surrounds the entity at the time of awakening
from the sleep state that is highly useful.
We do understand that in the Ra Material, the continuous statement of the name was made after each question.

[12/13: In other words, Ra would always say "I am Ra" at the beginning of a statement. One reason
why my readings do not do this is that it would tempt my conscious mind into thinking, "Oh my gosh,
Ra is speaking!", which could then cause me to "lose the edge" and distort the results dramatically.]

However, in our readings no one asks us questions, and therefore we do not need to do this. David's dedication
and commitment to this process is all the quality control that we need. And so, please realize the importance of
staying clear about the ideas that are being presented herein.
If, for whatever reason, the words that we speak make you uneasy or otherwise impatient with our results, then by
all means connect with another source, and do not continue to pursue this guidance any further.
[tape flips]

Should anyone choose to dispute the evidence for the work that we or David are performing, then we do
indeed have a non-intervention policy at that point.
We must simply withdraw our influence from those who choose not to receive this guidance.

It is not our plan or purpose to alter the free will of an entity in any way.
And thus, it is an entity's free will to think us somehow inept in our workings, then we must not attempt to redouble
the proof for the validity of our contact. We address these concerns in this reading at this time in order to pave the
way for some large-scale understandings about the field of channeling in general, as currently it is very much
If anyone out there is concerned about the concept of naming, let us again state that David's extreme dedication
to this process has inspired us. It is therefore important to consider David's own actions and dreams as indicative
of the degree of work that he has done on himself. It is for this very reason that we have the greatest confidence
in him, right now and for the future. We do indeed see that our messages come through in a quite concise and
undistorted fashion, and that pleases us immensely.
We now have time for David to go forth and have breakfast, and we can continue these workings at a later point.

Same afternoon
D: I went right back to sleep here and am waking up again. I am finally starting to get some really, really good
rest. This reading, as well as the dream that just came up, obviously had everything to do with some little
whirlpools that were created in the recent past that I needed to clear and get out of my system, so that they didn't
create fragments.
One of them was in reference to this woman having criticized me, which was discussed in the reading. It seemed
to center around the garage at the house next door to 621, which used to be a house, and an underground
channel that connected that garage to the bike trails called "The Pines" that we used to go to, way, way down at
the end of the street about four blocks away. So obviously, the underground passage that would connect them
would be quite huge.

[12/13: Again, we are seeing the Pyramid / Giza plateau connections here.]

D: This dream also seems to be processing the downside of my acupuncture experience as well, as it was indeed
extremely painful.
There was also some content from my experiences with Angelica in there. The bottom line was that this woman
seemed to be storing money among other records and things in this vault that was under the house. This
does have obvious connections to the Pyramid and the record chamber underneath.
So this dream really brings in a lot of different levels. In my life as the priest from Egypt, there was an ostracism
that took place surrounding Isis. If Isis and Angelica really are the same person, then there is indeed a very
interesting karmic connection that one could make there. That garage definitely seems to have Pyramidal

[Note: The biggest clue of the Isis / Angelica connection stems from the fact that Cayce's wife
Gertrude was stated by the readings as being the reincarnation of the real Isis of Egyptian history. It
was the promise of bearing a "perfect child" with Isis that distracted Ra from his wife, which directly
led to his banishment from Egypt for breaking his own laws of marriage fidelity.

I had figured that based on the politics of reincarnation, someone in my life whom I already knew had
to be Gertrude in the past. The "aha" experience came in two stages, most recently by seeing a picture
of Gertrude where she was angry, and her eyes and facial expression were literally identical to
Angelica's. We were obviously not supposed to be married or together this time around!]

So anyway, the basic gist of the thing turns out to be that I had apparently done work for this woman. She
supposedly was going to pay me, and you could get to the money by either going directly down into the garage, or
from the bike trails that we used to call the Pines, which was a long tunnel. I was one of only very few who had
the keys to the room.
So somewhere along the way, as I was trying to collect the money for the work that I did with this woman, she
decided to start criticizing me. She didn't just criticize me, she acted like I needed some sort of therapy.
And thus, even though it wasn't something that I was asking her to do and even protested as it went along, she
essentially had me down on the bed and was sticking needles into my skin in different places. And all the while as
I protested, she acted like this was good for me. She even squeezed my testicles several times, and it was hard
enough to be painful. That made me really upset, and she kept acting like it was nothing, that it didn't even matter.

[12/13: I would realize later that this was actually discussing the humbling corrective experience that
the readings set up for my future, where I would be invited to The Ascension Celebration and then
have it drop out from under me. When I went to the professional acupuncturist, I had asked him to
perform a treatment that would forcefully bring up any remaining personality fragments that I had not
yet cleared. And my overemphasis on the public presentation of this material was the single biggest
"correction" that needed to be performed with me.]

And then to make matters even worse, after I got done she was telling other people about how silly and weak I
was for not being able to go through her medical treatment. I just couldn't believe that she was so obnoxious!
There really was no resolution, except that I had to know that I was right, even though other people thought that
she was right.
D: And that is like what these Emails have been. I am such a perfectionist that if even two people have any
problem with what comes through me, it can throw me off. We definitely did see that here, but I am really glad that
we have cleared these fragments. I can rest much easier, knowing on a much deeper level now that I can just be
myself and that is fine.

Monday 11 / 15 / 99 -- 7:00 a.m.

D: The morning of my departure from Florida.
It dawned on me as I was waking up here that part of what is happening is that I am reliving memories of Atlantis,
because this area [West Palm Beach] is the closest that I have ever been to the submerged Atlantean landmass
[of Poseidia.] That might explain both the pains and the triumphs that I have felt in my dreams, as well as some
other things like the emphasis on the Ra-Ta stuff.

There was something involving a tube. The tube had some sort of material in it that was like an ointment or
something, or maybe toothpaste. I believe that my grandfather used to sell it, and now it was considered being
taken over by someone else, perhaps my mother. I know that the older woman H from church had ordered one,
and I wanted to get it to her.

[12/13: This is obviously about the struggle to bring this healing and cleansing information to a wider
number of people.]

I have lost most of this, but it was just a really incredible experience. I am going to try to go back in and see if I
can get another one, or maybe remember it better.

12/15/99: Reading: Clearing Fragments

from Martial Law of the Mind


This starts out with an incredible dream where David appears to tap into the collective human memories from
events such as the Holocaust in Germany. This is presented as a metaphor of the mostly intellectual control that
is now being waged over many people.
The reading thereafter deals with how to re-integrate the fragments that these situations create.

Wednesday 11 / 17 / 99 -- 8:31 a.m

D: This dream was just so, so intense that you can hardly even describe it with words. It appears that
it was the United States, and that some sort of martial law had kicked in. People were all brought into
this building that was like a school.
Basically they were all being kept there against their will, and forced to sleep in bunks with other
people. It was definitely like the Nazis, and it was as if I was reading the collective consciousness
about something like this that had happened before, because this was obviously not very recent.
This was a really scary, fascist type of thing that was going on. You didn't want to do anything that
was against the Establishment, for fear of reprisal. There was a lot of really scary stuff going on.
There was a suspicion that people were being killed.
People were dying, and it seemed like they just kept on bringing even more in. So in that way I think it
is very much like the German situation. And I am probably realizing that metaphor to make it make
sense with today.

They really did want strict totalitarian control, and the way that people were being treated was really
scary. There was a school, and some had to go to class and others were made to work.
In the very beginning it featured a young teenage boy from the church who is a Jew. He was back in
school and was telling me about it. He was having a real hard time keeping involved, I guess, and I
was trying to alert him to what he needed to do.

[12/15: My dreams had been working with the school metaphor quite extensively as
part of an ongoing campaign to get me to work harder.]

I was basically working with the boy to try to get him to be more motivated and convince him that this
was the right thing. And as that continued and I worked on that with him, that was when this larger
scale plot involving this fascism thing started to take off.
So at one point, it featured a shop class. This was still earlier along. I saw AS and several other
people from high school.

This nightmare protects their lives. Although these storms are manmade, their effects can indeed be quite
We were giving you this dream to make you think about the possibilities, and to use this concept as a further
incentive to continue your work.
Obviously the great portion of this dream is entirely symbolic, but the enslavement that we speak of is much more
subdued on a subconscious level. And in that sense, it is entirely real, and we appreciate greatly your efforts to try
to mitigate these situations.
We have no other words for you but the highest praise. And as you see in this dream, there is indeed every
reason to believe that it will be a success.
She seemed disinterested, but do you not see the change?

D: I know the she is supposed to be me. No, I am not disinterested. It is a very inspirational and
powerful dream that you gave me. It makes me think a lot about what I am trying to do here, and how I
am trying to help people.

We simply want you to make a firmer decision to help save other people's lives, and win back their minds from the
control that currently ensnares them.

D: I understand.

Like a jet pack, your booster to the higher realms is well equipped. You are now seeing your efforts continuing to
bear fruit, and this is good.
We will have much more for you about this as time progresses. For now, just remain still and calm, and
understand the ultimate importance of what you are doing here.

So I was one of very few voices of resistance. There was an auto shop, and we were working with very
small parts, maybe screwdrivers. And then as the dream progressed, the totalitarianism just clamped
down harder and harder.
It got to a point where you were not even supposed to walk out of your room. There were monitors
everywhere, and it was a really bad scene. I continued to be the one who was rebelling, and I started
to try to encourage other people to do so.
There was one point involving an older man who had some really bad clothes on. He had gotten hold
of something that he called 'new,' which basically just meant that it hadn't been his before but it was
still really dirty. Even the old man was being mistreated by them.
There was one point where I met some girl who I really liked, and we were definitely getting romantic
with each other. It basically came up to a point where she was giving me oral sex in the loft of another
educational type building.
And so, I kept trying to pivot the action of what we were doing away from the guards. And as it
continued, the contingent of people who were possibly watching us grew more and more, and I got
really worried about what might happen. So, we finally had to break that up.
Right after this, someone just got too tired of being under such strictness, and got the idea to try to get
everyone to resist. So very quickly, a group of us got together and we started to go down the hallways.
We were pounding on the hallways, and the words that we were saying were "Say it." We kept saying
this over and over again. At first I wasn't sure why. I then passed a classroom where a teacher was
teaching all these people the propaganda stuff. But as I went past that room, I didn't want to say it too
loud, as I was afraid that it might attract too much attention too quickly.
As I went down the hallway, I started to say it again. I then ended up in the gym, and I continued to
yell 'Say it' with all the others. And then, all of a sudden, everyone started this chant.
[tape ends]

D: We are continuing a dictation from the previous tape.

So anyway, I got it in my mind to go along with this group in what they started to sing when we got
inside this gym. We kept saying the words "Say it," but I didn't know what we were going to say. So
when we did get there, everyone started chanting "Jesus Christ."

I believe that it was in the key of C, and I was very much aware that it was the fundamental. It was
really resonant and very slow, like the AUM, so it was like this... (demonstrates chant, which sounds
very low-pitched like a Tibetan Buddhist chant.)
As they started to chant this, I figured that I should help them, and so I levitated up into the air. I was
joking and laughing about it, because I knew that the overwhelming fundamentalist obsession with
Jesus Christ was what was causing all the problems that we were having.
But I raised up and lifted my hands out to the side, and realized that I was in a white robe, and I was
also singing with them. And then as I sang, you could hear this angelic chorus, and it was just
I woke up just feeling so inspired, so uplifted by that. So you guys did a good one. I can go back to
sleep again and try to get some more of this.

Thursday 11 / 18 / 99 -- 6:17 a.m.

D: This was in an area that was woodsy, sort of like my grandparents' camp in the Adirondacks. There
was a massive, massive restructuring going on and I was very excited about it.
The Cleansing and Renewal of Human Civilization.

D: They were painting everything green and totally renewing the property. There was some statement
in there somewhere about toilet paper -- they were even willing to help you with that. This is one of
those dreams that just makes you feel really, really great. There were a lot of really cool things going

[12/15: The idea of restructuring obviously has to do with the heart center, which is the
color green, and the fourth-density world which is being built up for us as time

Website Roundup.
David's arch-enemy Bachikan now comes into the fray as well.

[12/15: Bachikan was the name of an evil Samurai character that I came up with in a fantasy about
myself back in high school, where I was a warrior who called himself Hochi. In my fantasy, Bachikan
had been a student of mine and had eventually turned against me and murdered me, and the secret
tradition that I was keeping alive was quickly lost.
I was quite surprised many years later to discover that the phonetical Japanese word for "Vatican"
was "Bachikan," the same exact word. And thus I appeared to have "channeled" a metaphorical story

about how the invasion of Westernizing troops, courtesy of Colonel William Perry in the mid-1800's,
destroyed traditional Japanese culture in the name of a god they called "Bachikan."
This might have been one of very few words that the Japanese could grasp, not speaking a foreign
language, and they therefore associated it with the name of Perry's God, since what they probably
"asked" him was where he was from or who sent him.]

There are some important opportunities at the end of the millennium, and this involves the shedding of the past
biases and prejudices with the dawning of a new age and a new millennium. There is nothing that we want more
than to see an end to the cruelty, the dishonesty and the violence.
For those who live on the fringes of society, we encourage you to take stock in the message of these readings
and begin actively applying your new knowledge to each and every situation as it pops up on the chart.
The robotic messengers of doom will continue to spout their organized stream of endless deception and
In the meantime, you can indeed remain completely unwavered in your perspective, seeing how brutally honest
we can be with you in revealing the true nature of what is occurring in your mind and in the minds of others.
Pardon the deliberate misnomer, but we don't care if it disagrees with you in some way, certainly not on the
conscious level. What we really mean to say is that there are so many reasons to be positive that we choose
to focus on that.
We know that this material may upset some people, as they are unwilling to take change lightly and they can only
see a world that largely stays the same. But once again, end starters make a lot more money than end collapsers.

[12/7: I think what they are saying here is that it creates much more positive karma to use the end of
the old ways as a fresh start, rather than a collapse into panic and paranoia.]


Justifiably, the entire affair beckons a whole new host to come into view. That host is you, the reader of these
We want you to be accurately positioned so as to receive the testimonials of those who have gone beyond, and
those who are actively forming the New Age around you. And when you see discord, when you see misery, when
you see loss of life, keep yourself reminded of the fact that you do all have free will in this universe.
The changes that are coming will make these bellicose actions extinct upon your plane, at least by any of those
who are the immediate Presidents therein. There is still a possibility in the fourth and fifth density of warring tribes
and nations from different planetary influences.
However, much of this is guarded and watched over by those higher than the fourth dimension, or those
volunteers from the fourth dimension who come into view to defend the area in question for those who are more
recently involved in their arrival within same.

The lifeboat has a few more opportunities for you to experience a major or even dramatic release of your past
holdings, in the sense of karmic and energetic obligations. What we do see is that you have every opportunity to
renew and reinvigorate yourselves through the careful studying, mediation and remediation of your issues.
When we see your soul fragments, what we see is an aspect of your total vibrational unity that has been cordoned
off at a certain point in your linear spectrum of time.
Since time is nothing more than a continuous geometry that runs in cycles, we do then see how this event within
you must continue repeating itself. And therefore, the best ways for you to work on these soul fragments are to go
back to the initial event itself that caused the pain and to then identify its most recent parallel manifestation.
And so, if you are in a situation now where someone is continually hurting you and you are unwilling to stand up
for yourself, you must then go back through the chain of events to see when was the first time that you were hurt.
You may indeed discover that you have attracted those otherselves to you throughout your life over and over
again who have taken away your opportunities and your light in the sense of this energetic manipulation.
Each time that this spiral comes around, you have an opportunity to act directly in a fashion that will solve the
problem. However, many times you do not choose to do anything, and the situation must either persist or must
redevelop itself in some other new way later on.
And so, what we want for you to realize is that everything that you need to have in front of you in order to rebuild
and redesign your soul structure will be present in your life now.
The very things that you need to be working on are those things that should be most obvious to you
when you begin earnestly looking at the issues that are in place, and your points of resistance.
Take the time and be willing to look at your life very honestly, and see where the energy flows freely and where
the energy is constricted.
As you can become more and more honest with yourself about these constrictions, you will also begin to
understand your dreams more and more.
Each dream is tailor-made to bring out the most significant constriction that is occurring in your life at
that particular moment. And this does then provide you with an opportunity to have many different levels of foci
A dream is a multi-dimensional structure that involves a variety of different metaphors that can be worked
together. And therefore, simply because you understand your dreams on one level does not mean that you may
not understand them on another level.
As David has often discovered, dreams can accurately prognosticate the future about a month in advance, and
two months in advance is also possible, though the coordinates are not quite as strong.
Depending on the nature of the event itself, we can see that there can be events prognosticated much further in
the future as well. However, the general guidance is the one month vortex of time, as this involves one path of
your moon [around the Earth,] and we can work with the moon very easily in this way.
There is no need for your energetic fragmentation to continue. We work very diligently to make sure that those
areas where you remain imbalanced will be presented to you through seemingly miraculous coincidences.

You will find that the same problems continue to re-emerge over and over again until you adequately solve them.
And this is something that you do not need to think about consciously, although it does help you enormously to do
so. Whether you actively participate in it or not, it will continue happening, as this is the path.
And so therefore, remain clearly focused on the objective lens of reality that you think that you have in front of
you, and be willing to see outside that box, outside that paradigm.
Look into the deeper issues at hand, and know that there are indeed many different ways to look at your life and
to see the unity therein.
We remind you that with these differing opportunities and paths, there is a common denominator that can be
reached wherein all of these truths fuse together into a unity and wholeness never heretofore seen. And that
common denominator is the Oneness.
Keep returning your thoughts to the Law of One, and remind yourself that all is indeed contained in unity.
Everything around you is a projection of this One Self, including yourself. You can indeed work towards
discovering and having a consciousness of the divinity that is innately within you.
Ask yourself quite honestly if you would treat God the same way that you treat yourself.
Ask yourself quite honestly that if you knew you were God, would you be doing these same self-indulgent
repetitive behavior patterns, or would you choose to change them... to renew them... to reinvigorate them... to
make them something much more than they had been before?
These are the questions that you must ask as we move into Sagittarius.
Take the time to be still and know your Oneness with the All-There-Is. We thank you, and we remind you that you
are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. We now
end this reading. Adonai.

[12/7: I remember hearing the comment about Sagittarius and being worried, since I wasn't sure
whether they were right about it. But I just let it through anyway. It turns out, now that I have looked it
up, that it runs from Nov. 22 to Dec. 21 -- so at this point it was only four days away, and well covered
the time that I would transcribe and post it.]

12/18/99: Reading: Integrating and

Healing Negative Aspects


A variety of factors combined to put David into a depressing "head-space." Five days of this was quite enough for
the forces to become very concerned, and this reading is quite appropriately intense in its conveyance of the true
"emotions" that they were feeling about it.

[3/18/09: This was "the beginning of the end" of my relationship with Sabrina. This is when things started to get
bad, and they progressively worsened over the ensuing three years ( ! ) until we split up.]
Also included is prophetic material for the general readership, including the statement that "the martial law
scenario will play itself out" in America.

Wednesday 12 / 1 / 99 -- 6:23 a.m.

D: This dream definitely had some gore right at the end. I think it was designed to really capture my
attention so I would wake up quickly and dictate the dream. The dream itself actually was not
predominantly bad. There was this guy at the end who had a mustache, and he had been very heavily
wounded in a fight with light sabers. Half of his upper lip was coming off, and he was getting ready to
cut the rest off. I was urging him not to do that.
The battling that was going on between these two people with light sabers, of which mine was a
scintillating blue [and the enemy's a searing pink-red,] was just second to none. It was almost as
though both of us were also projecting an energy shield around ourselves.
And so, not only were you fighting the physical person with their light saber, you were also trying to
get through the energy field. Obviously the guy who I was fighting was supposed to be some
representative of heavy evil. When I would hit him with some sort of powerful blast, it would have to
come by spiraling inward through his energy field.
It was like pushing the saber through a spiraling field as you would go in on him, clockwise I believe.
You could go down from the top or up from the bottom.
Something tells me that this was just too intricate not to be a real glimpse at how some of this energy
fighting might work. The main thing was that the resistance to this guy was being so successful.
D: I just saw the image in my mind's eye of a sinker for a fishing line. I think that is talking about
being a fisher of men, and it is redirecting me to the physical plane in the present. I just got the word
"Sabbatical." I have been on a sabbatical from the readings. Last night I did several different rituals
including a scented bath and smudging the house in order to raise the energy vibrations in here.
The amazing thing was that this guy obviously controlled an incredible amount. Every single time
that I would score a hit on him, it was almost like the whole world around me was changing, in this
energy swordfight that was so high tech. And I was just getting such an incredible advantage so early
in the game that it was just amazing. I never would have expected that I would do that well.

[12/18: This is obviously a very intense prophetic statement in the dream about how
important it is to overcome the negative forces within ourselves, as this will make a
tremendous difference in the vibrations of the entire world. Each one of us matter far
more than we could ever believe.]

Directly before that section, it had involved my old Apple IIC computer. We had grabbed it and had
moved it from one location to another so that we could keep on using it, I guess. Don T was involved
among others, and the main question was whether it would still run when we transplanted it. It did
make some funny noises as we transplanted it, but the person whom I was with said that this was

[12/11: This could very well be about the y2k event.]

We finally brought it into the other room. It looked like it was hooked up to a TV, which was one of the
things that I used to be able to do with my computer. The image did come in, but the pictures were
overlapping, all the same image was overlapping. It would come in and out like that. But as soon as it
looked like I had successfully transferred the computer from one place to another, that is when this
swordfight got started with the two light sabers.

[12/11: This seems to set the "coordinates" for when this battle of light and darkness
will intensify; namely, after the y2k event gathers its steam.]

When I vanquished the guy, all of a sudden the force field around him was gone. I ended up chopping
him into an X - right shoulder down to left side, left shoulder down to right side. He didn't fall into
four pieces like you would have expected. I ended up doing his face some with the sword too, only to
turn around and realize that my own face had this very serious wound on it, quite awesomely gory.

[12/11: And thus, the message always ends up being the same - you are hurting
yourself when you hurt someone else.]

And what a horror it was to have the idea that there might be any reason to cut off the rest of the lip
that was partially severed, instead of trying to get it to heal back!
Aggressive icons will not work. This is the biggest secret. When they entirely depend on the flow of information to
and from various sources, we can then no longer require a determined effort to undermine their forces, as they
are already doing it themselves.

[12/11: This is obviously saying that the decay of normal social structures, icons and institutions will
automatically bring about the downfall of the negative elite cabal now in place, and thus it is not
necessary to "fight" them at all.]

The quiet role of the teachers will abstain from etheric incontinence so as to remain stabilized and purified in the
Light of the One as it gets closer and closer.

So, with our new arrival, namely you, we want there to be only light and joy. And any questions that you may ask
us are going to be answered in this reading, so please be patient.

[D: I knew that to mean that I should not at all try to listen or ask any questions while it was in
progress, and I didn't.]

The more we have to give you, the more gifts you have to receive. And when we have given you those gifts and
you fail to see them, there is a point of consternation for us that we cannot ignore.
All steps on the food chain demand that there be an entirely new event predicated upon past feelings and events
that will decidedly mature the outcome of prognostications of future events based on current paradigms.
And when that environment becomes cyclically repetitive, we must then again require that a determined effort be
made to stifle all those opportunities for negativity in concentrated outflow of negative energies.

[12/11: Although it is worded somewhat strangely, this above paragraph suggests that the "doomiest"
prophecies are continuing to be phased out in favor of new alternatives. And that makes the struggle to
cast out the negative forces all the more pressing.]

The most that we offer is service, and with that service does come a decidedly black element which resides most
affirmatively in the areas of resistance to the One, and how this resistance makes the little wills of men erode in
their faith.

[12/11: I think that what they are really saying here is that in order to allow growth to occur, they have
to manifest "black" situations that create great resistance -- similar to the depression that had just
occurred in my life as I realized that I was going to lose the Ascension Celebration.
It is as though the positive polarity must undergo constant testing and re-testing, to the limits of
tolerance of the entity.]

If we could close just a few more doors in terms of the paths now in place, we would see how many more doors
open as a result. And we can then know that a hundred times over the agony we have now felt can be
undermined by nothing more than the focus of conscious awareness.

[12/11: Again, they are saying that if I focus less on career and radio appearances, lecture tours and so
forth and get down to the core, which is my own personal initiation and spiritual attainment, many
more unexpected things will open up by the sheer power of positive karma.]

The comets have come to shatter past inconsistencies on one's behalf and to otherwise reveal the true nature of
the illusion to those who would but perceive of it. And when we wanted to express ourselves factually on these
issues, we often discovered that the straight truth was that these messages were often being distorted by those
who would receive them.

[12/11: I think that since comets are historically seen as harbingers of doom, they are talking
metaphorically here about the idea that a "comet" had been hanging over me, which was causing many
residual issues to be burned away.
Furthermore, the personal messages that they wanted to tell me were being distorted by the small
residual amount of my conscious mind that was still hearing the words.
This process is truly a difficult one to fully master, especially when doing a reading for yourself. This
last sentence probably also refers to channelers in general, and the high propensity for distorting the

So, the crowning gift of the victory of the spiritual over the material needed to take a sabbatical while these issues
were sorted out within the self, which they have never completely been done but certainly have reached a
satisfactory point of completion herein.
And so, when the checkout line becomes ever more interested in receiving discounts, we cannot build an
accurate portrayal of the future therein. There are those prices that must be paid in full in order for you to have the
deepest level of respect and admiration for this process.
So realize that when we take the care to bring you under our wing as we have done, then all of those shallow
opportunities of the self that might come your way both from yourself and from others should matter very little to
you compared to our love and protection.
We know that it is not easy for you to see or to feel this, and Sabrina is right about your need to meditate more
often. We were very happy to hear that indeed, as this is one of our important parts of the agenda.
The martial law scenario will play itself out. It demands that the people keep thinking that the worst is yet to come
-- and in a sense that is true.
And so, if the "Allied Commander of the Supreme Forces of Infinite Light and Infinite Intelligence" were to
suddenly declare bankruptcy, there is indeed every reason for panic. We are obviously speaking facetiously here
about those powers in force on your own earth and not our own, as there is no lack of excessive abundance in the
Donning your new set of apparel or clothing, you will indeed receive the ultimate amount of benefits through
approaching those others who would know what you are talking about without having to see it with their own eyes.
The thought bubble method of communication simply involves sending such a bubble from one to another, and
experiencing its movement as a subtle feeling and visual energy.
These feeling-tones cause the manager of same to unfold into a beautiful new portrait of great psychic
complexity, which is often unmatched by anything that could be constructed with words in your third dimension.
D: Bathroom, water.

And so, by collapsing a little bit with regards to these forces, the entire symposium of outside events retains a
discretely unique and vast nature of Oneness outside of physical gain and the needs therefrom.
So believe that all that there is to offer is a decidedly positive outlook on the situation, and you can see it from our

[12/11: In other words, the collapsing of our current societal order based on physical gain should only
be seen as positive.]

The recent telekinetic events do indeed include those that you can never see, but are still happening all around
you. We are the ones who are moving everything, and your thought yesterday was a very good one.
Still, so often, you have felt yourself separated from us. And you do not realize that on vibrational levels higher
than your own, we are constantly coexisting with you in the room and thereabouts.

[12/18: My thought was that if all this telekinesis was happening around me on a semi-daily basis, it
had to mean that the forces were standing right there in the room with me an awful lot more than I was
willing to admit to myself. See the article "Telekinesis Roundup" wherein I discuss some of my
Even more have happened since I did the interview, the most impressive of which occurred while I
was sitting down next to the computer. I picked up WH Church's "The Lives of Edgar Cayce" and
opened up to the chapter on Pythagoras, whom I have been studying for the Convergence rewrite.
And as soon as I began reading, there was a huge noise in the kitchen. A small paper bag filled with
recyclable cans and a brown medicine bottle fell over, but nothing broke.
It was very impressive to say the least, for the sheer timing of it and the fact that I hadn't moved my
body, other than one arm while I was sitting down, before it actually happened.]

So relax a little more into the excellence of the scenario now unfolding before you, as you would think us almost
unnervingly close to arriving at the same conclusions on our own.
It is not without some great consternation that I believe that the forces are willing to include a new member in their
ranks; a member who has occasionally fallen far off of the beaten path, but restarts inside again for clarity.
Obviously this messenger is you, [David.]
We have indeed decided that a high enough percentage of your wants and desires have been positive to continue
to do this work with you. And from the outside, it might not appear to be much of a struggle.
However, we know how much you have been suffering with feelings of aloneness and with long, late nights of
overworking and underloving yourself. We also need to again reinstate the fact that your clients are not your
friends, and you should not allow them to think that they can become them.

Nor should you allow these conversations to drag on past two hours, which is in itself far long enough. You should
rely on your boundaries and the strict enforcement of same, such that only the most coordinated actions can be
brought about and distributed.

[12/11: What the readings are saying about befriending clients does not mean that I cannot share love
with them. It does mean that I am at a point where I simply do not have the time to stay in good
contact with anyone, which is the classic definition of a friend.
I have a service to perform and a role to occupy, and that must be the form that my interactions take
when I am going to do a reading for someone. Although I try to keep the conversations down to one
hour, there have been many times where I have allowed others to keep me on the phone much longer
because of my innate love for them.
I must meditate on the greater good in these cases and remind myself that the work I do on my own
ultimately helps much larger numbers of people.]

When we use plants and animals in the same scheme, the desired design is for a new Eden that predominates in
love, light and in joy. We know that these truths are told to be self-evident, and that therefore you already know
this to be true.
The prolonged offering of self from the self to the self did cause us some great horror in the higher realms.
Were you to be more balanced and not affected as strongly by the negative forces, there would have been much
work that we could have done with you in terms of readings that we could bring through in intervening days and

[12/18: By publishing this rather intense chastisement, I hope that my readers will see that I am human
and fallible just like everyone else. I hope that others will be able to think about times where they went
into a prolonged period of despondency and realize exactly how much distress it causes our guardians
in the higher realms.]

So let us please reorient the focus now away from sheer, strict survival and back to a feeling of comfort and grace
that does not need anything like this to occur -- this collapse in your life.
Instead, all we have to do is to round up the starter quartet of sorts, those which completely reside in the higher
realms, and we will unfortunately reside in them yet again. And we say unfortunately because this does require
the Ego to give up its stranglehold over events, and over the physical reality as it is now seen.
Make no bones about it. The cargo hold of our vehicles of Ascension are ready and able to accept the influxes of
all those souls who would choose to do so, and there are incarnates and discarnates to be considered here as
well, so remember that too.
The most important point is for you to withstand the negative publicity that is coming at you from all sides now as
the moment itself gets closer and closer, and as your popularity continually increases. We have to learn to be
more careful about accepting or believing others' opinions, as those opinions can indeed create a great level of
distress within you.

We do think that it is high time for you to be up to date on transcription, and we do know that this will take some
work. However, in the immediate sense it will cause you to be able to live your life with a better knowledge of what
is coming in the future.
It will also better make you able to see how the content and flow of the readings is changing on a day by day
basis. By seeing this event in totality, you might then be better able to describe the fruits of the Spirit while there is
still time to do so.
Do not let those manmade objects that appear sharp and piercing affect the outcome of your own spiritual growth
and development.

[12/18: Here I believe that they are referring to the systems in society that are poised for a possible
collapse in the future. As much as these forces tell us to trust that everything is going to be okay and
we will be protected, I can't help but be concerned, for the simple fact that I have done so much
research on the subject and feel that I am very well-informed about the high probability for failures to
But in the deeper sense I stand behind these readings and know that we are indeed headed into the
greatest moment of all time. When I focus on that, the negative emotions quickly subside into the
purity of Trust.]

We find you so close to the finish line, and yet you have stumbled at the gate. The negative forces have indeed
been having their way with you, and you are seeing their results left and right at this point.
It comes about through nothing more than your desire to stay up late, to eat improper foods and to respond to
negative guidance coming from others as though it were a fact.

[12/11: Also, I was so "stuck" that I had to allow myself to delay several client readings by almost a
week, as I simply would not do them unless I was sure that I had the right attitude and energy level to
insure that their innate purity would be intact.
Also, there were a relatively small number of negative Emails that I had received, which had deeply
troubled me, as well as an apparently channeled message sent to me by someone that had certain
troubling elements within it.]

Please remember that we will be the ones to do readings for you, no one else. You do not need to share yourself
with your clients any more than is necessary to keep the flow of energy and information going, and you certainly
do not need to talk any longer than what you have priced yourself at - and that is important.

[12/18: Due to the imminency of these future scenarios, I am constantly working against time. The
actual Ascension should probably be the first real chance that I get to relax for a while!]

As for the bottleneck of readings that you now see, do not fear it. Everything will be fine. The crucial shift in your
attitude and vibrational level has been tentatively met. We hope that it will stay within you and not peter away yet
You are one of those people who can make a severe and profound difference in how much needs to occur on the
planet for the fruits of the Spirit to be tasted. We are not going to lie to you or joke about that, but indeed underline
the seriousness of our proposition.
All of this material that we give you is designed to keep having you ask the most basic questions, but coming up
with answers that could be indeed different than almost all others. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us
our trespasses for those who would trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Be beautiful, and remind yourself how beautiful you are to us. You are becoming a true man in the spiritual sense
of the word, and have been one for a long time. It occurs every time that you are willing to take a stand against
injustice and to be a voice for the Light that is audible enough that others can hear.
[tape flips]

So please don't feel slighted by this information, as it is not meant to describe your inadequacies. Rather, its
purpose is to make you ever more aware of the changes both within and without that are soon to precipitate a
dramatic renewal of the central axis of thought that runs through this great Oneness that we are all a part of.

[12/11: In a coded way they refer to a polar shift here, and my dream this morning featured it as well.
The sun moved about 20 degrees in the sky very suddenly.]

So take the spiritual guidance to heart, and know that you are indeed loved more than you could ever possibly
imagine. Remember that the next time that feelings of separateness might start to kick in. If you ever begin feeling
this way again, which most likely will still happen sometimes, then stop what you are doing. Stop what you are
doing and meditate or even get into bed, which is the encounter with the Self that you have not wanted to face, as
it feels like the intrusion of a higher aspect of society into those that you would still cling to.
[12/18: It is true that I often resist getting into bed when I know that I am tired, just because it still doesn't always
feel right to sleep twice a day, even though it is recommended that I do so.]
And in the bewilderment of same, there are then more opportunities for the negative forces to take hold and to
amplify your pre-existent behavioral patterns. And remember that their successes are your successes, and that if
you can clear this karma in the here and now, you are indeed working wonders. We are very close to seeing this.

[12/12: When they say that "(the negatives') successes are my successes," what they mean is that all
the negative forces can do is to amplify my own karma, which ultimately produces positive effects.
Therefore, if they are able to speed up the process of my own growth, then I end up benefiting from
the experience in the end. This is how Ra explains the positive aspect of these "psychic attacks" in the
Ra Material.]

Please be advised that your being backed up, or otherwise out of date in transcription, is another victory for these
forces, whereas your proper updating of the material is the highest victory for Light that you can attain. So with
that in mind, let our marriage stand and wear your gold ring proudly.
You are indeed a diamond in the higher realms, and your value is inestimable. Don't forget that. Peace be with
you in the Light of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai.
The bonfire of the vanities need not continue any longer. Amen.

12/21/99: Prophecy: Economic

Bombshells and Saving Yourself


The Mission Becomes Your Own Savior: Have Fun, Make Noise and Be Cheerful as You Approach Graduation.
The readings revert back to a global perspective and away from issues in David's immediate focus.
This reading is chock-full of beautiful metaphors and also contains prophetic statements about "tons of economic
bombshells that will be dropped." The most important thing that we can do is to remain positive in the midst of all
these changes and have a great time!

Sunday 12 / 5 / 99 -- 7:31 a.m.

D: At the end, there was a high school graduation with a classroom. I was already saying to people
how different it felt than other classes, because I knew that I didn't have any work. Although
somewhere in the back of my mind, I was thinking that if I didn't finish up all the work that I had,
they might not give me my diploma but would hold it back, and that might be most unfortunate
Earthquakes mean that the city must indeed again rise.

[12/18: I am not sure why I didn't try to get more on this sentence -- maybe I was afraid that my
conscious mind would contaminate the results since it was so easily understandable. It does seem to
refer, at least on the overt physical level, to geophysical changes that will precipitate the upheaval of
Atlantis from the sea.
On the more metaphorical level it refers to the earthquakes of the emotional body that will complete
and renew this knowledge within myself -- and that is probably the more accurate rendering of this
sentence. It also ties in with what I had just said in the dream about finishing up all the work that I
have in order to get my "diploma."]

[3/19/09: Indeed, I was heading into the beginning of a very heavy initiation phase -- and this was
intended to fully bring back my Atlantean memories.]

D: There was an interaction going on with my father earlier along where he was really, really urging
me in more ways than one to try to get him some marijuana the next time that I bought some.
And since it was a fragment, I did think that the next time I would be getting some would be Monday. I
don't know why I would be thinking that, as I am now seven years sober. It was obviously a fragment
from the past, a part of myself that is stuck and still believes that it exists there.
I might have actually almost smoked some with him. I think what happened is that I came to the house,
and he and my brother had been doing it and he was really wasted. I do definitely remember holding a
joint in my hand and thinking that it was rather poorly rolled, could fall apart rather quickly and that
therefore I had to be careful with it.

[12/18: It seems that clearing the residual fragments from marijuana use might be that
last piece that is "holding back my diploma" as referred to above. That forces me to
investigate all the multi-layered issues that come up when thinking about marijuana
use and other types of addictions, such as irresponsibility and hiding from your own
pain and emotions.]

D: I am getting some words coming in, but I want to say a couple more things.
There was some massive preparation going on to get ready for this graduation ceremony at the high
school. But it felt different this time. Indeed, it felt so different that I was almost completely
disconnected from it.
I remember that L, this guy who used to be in school and did drugs, was falling asleep. JB was right in
front of him further down, another drug user. He started to push his chair to wake him up. Then, L
thought it was being done by me, and he didn't realize that JB was doing it. Even though there was a
mix-up, the whole thing really wasn't very serious.
People had definitely been working on some sort of ice sculpture, and I realized that it was probably
going to be used in the graduation. There was another part of me that felt like I was in the past, and
that the graduation had already happened and I had already seen the ice sculpture. But it just felt so
strange to be in there.
Each student had such a unique personality, and the teacher was Mrs. G, I believe. She came in with
an AV cart. The phone was ringing and no one answered it, so she finally did at the last minute. I
was trying to get people to be quiet, because everyone was being inconsiderate and talking over her.

At the long outset, he expected to have these matters averted by a crisis. Even before it were so, we can become
firmly rooted in the past, present and future in all equal directions by getting a good, close look at the offering that
is being laid out by higher intelligence.
And so, whenever the gate seems to be too close, we must indeed again remember that the longer-term
opportunities that come about and arise from this connection are indeed at times most holy and beneficial to
those who would study these works later on.

[12/21: The message here seems to be for myself and other readers of this material to realize that this
work will actually be more widespread and well-known in the future as opposed to the present.
Furthermore, I assume that future to be after the time of Ascension, based on how they have been
phrasing it.]

Never pull back from the bank of stored energy within you, or underestimate its power and facility. When your
energy reserves are taking place and filling you with strength and hope, we can indeed certainly become aware of
how integral it is to your functioning to have *all parts of the personality become more and more acclimated to this
guidance each and every day.

[*Note: At this point and from hereafter, the voice suddenly gets even more distant - it is quite a deep
The cedar tree beckons us a little bit forward, and does not want the 911 numbers to be dialed any longer.
The seventh ray of Creation on the seventh day is upon us now. It would be unfortunate to cast these
opportunities aside without making a loop out of them which extends around to outside events as well as to those
precipitated by the more central issue within.
Even though we do not have a tax fee or a credit card as such, we can indeed charge those purchases of Light
with the energies required to make more than a few assumptions about the way that Nature and reality works.

D: They just gave me an image here that showed me a clear connection in the dream. Kevin S showed
up, and I had forgotten that. We were definitely on a friendly level with each other. [Note: I had very
painful issues surrounding Kevin in reality, while I was in junior high school.]

You are seeing how everything is coming together at this point. It becomes much more than you had already
planned -- the mission being your own savior.
So therefore, when we look into the pantry and discover what types of food there are, we know that the improper
body and health practices of the past will be surmounted by the new opportunities in the present and immediate
future. And as far as we can see, the conditions arise which embody these principles in as many different
miracles as possible.

[12/21: That statement was extremely powerful for me. I realized that what they were saying was that
even though I have treated this mission as more along the lines of something that I would do for
others, it is also something that has had an equally incredible impact upon my own life.]

Satan or any of the negative forces cannot denounce or deceive one who is strong-willed and determinedly
focused in the goal at hand. You can only rise when the contacts are made in such purity, grace, freedom and
We don't ever want you to get stuck in abandonment of vitality, or to feel that the cornstalks are on fire and need
to be put out and judged unfairly as a result of this improper ruling of the self by its own deeper forces in the
subconscious mind and beyond.
Now because we have opened the book a little bit further than usual, let us say that the rungs on the ladder are
still quite easy to climb, and quite beautiful to do so. Furthermore, we can never stop appreciating each rung that
is ascended, regardless of how relatively unimportant it may seem at the time that it is being done.
Now when the portal opens itself a little bit wider, we can then indeed see a whole new form taking shape -- a
form wherein this force is capable of entering into your life and transforming it on so many levels that it would
completely befuddle you to desire anything else but that light, love and warmth.
Mountains of evidence proved that the entire question of animated ash and other of our remedies are very useful
to others, and yet we still have not seen any widespread acceptance or understanding of the usefulness of these
forces. Remember that in one sense, this work will be better understood and revered in the future than in the
present. And now we are speaking of the work from both lifetimes, David.
Keep coming back to the central point of the stillness that emerges when all available precautions have been
necessarily met, and the body complex then directly situated in the modalities of learning that will be of greatest
benefit to it.
Speaking simply, there is nothing more important than getting up the inner drive and stamina to be
raucous and beautiful on all levels, to have fun, make noise and be cheerful as you approach graduation.
So this is the purpose of this dream -- to show how vital it is that even as others are missing the crucial phone
call, so to speak, there can still be joy and love and laughter.
For the general reader, the possibly unfinished work presented by David's struggle in the dream has to do with the
bedrock of opportunities within the self for transforming existing habit patterns, and for recognizing in the process
of deep meditation the fundamental unity and unanimity with the One Creator that is within each projection of
same, or entity.
And so, continue to turn the key very slowly, and be ye not surprised by what happens when the door finally
opens. The Hebrew alphabet was intended to design the universal aspects of the Creation and its various modes
and resting points into a living language of Light, and that is very important indeed. David has already taken the
burden of studying these things in great detail, and therefore one should never look much farther than the present
to see its effects.
Now when we want to stop a speeding bullet or an oncoming train, or leap tall buildings in a single bound, we will
be able to do so, as the fourth-density Earth is completed itself. The Superman story is yet another trace
example of how the minds of many entities upon your plane are creatively harmonizing with the concepts of
unlimited potential that will come after Ascension.
On some deep level, everyone knows that this is on the way. It cannot be looked at as anything other than
Divinely inspired and beautiful. Now and again, we catch a little phrase here and there coming out that makes it

sound as though we are not completely confident that you will believe what we tell you. In our deeper mind, we
know that there is a part of you that automatically resonates with these words and knows their truth.
As the hourglass is indeed entirely visible to the deeper mind, anyone can see that the sand is about to run out
and thus complete itself in that cycle. Beginnings and endings can blur the distinctions between here and there,
before and after, et cetera. Since we are at an ending point, it is prudent for you to look upon these choices that
you have, these deeper opportunities for growth and self-transformation that will extend to you the most unique
opportunities that you have ever had.
So never fail to look squarely at the goal, and at its completeness. We are not ready to achieve total
enlightenment with you yet, but the moment is arriving very soon, my friends.
So when you feel a little bit startled by the suddenness of these events that will occur in your future, which to us is
just the possible present, you must remember what we have said to you.
The critical turning point will be the frequency interchange that is created when a large enough number of
your people are able to turn over their fear and negativity of the emerging situation, and to love and trust
that all is working according to a higher plan.
Since we cannot foretell the future with great accuracy on a manner of such subjective importance, all we can say
is that we do hope that it will indeed come very soon, as each burst of literature that we provide prepares you for
this event as being nearer and nearer in the immediate future.

[12/21: This ambiguity has everything to do with how quickly things can change in the mass
consciousness, and the fact that we on Earth will ultimately determine when it happens.]

We don't want to overburden or overwhelm you with conjecture and hypothesis of the how, why, when, where and
so forth of this transition. It is better for us to keep you thinking about it as a very near-term event, but without
getting into distinct prayers over what month and year it might be, et cetera.

[12/21: It is interesting that they still throw on "years" with "months" in their sentences, as it leaves
open the possibility that it could still be several years away. On the other hand, we must continue to be
prepared within ourselves for it happening in the immediate future.]

In the proper circumstances, the wedding gown will be worn by all as they struggle to reunite the epic schism
between the inner masculine and feminine.
Now there will be a lot of backsliding, as tons of economic bombshells will be dropped that will allow many
distortions to arise in society. And on one level, you have indeed reaped what you have sown.
The Master continues to liken this thesis to a new valley that is emerging from the clouds. It is a valley that you
can descend into and explore as its own unique form. It is a valley that is at once rumbling with earthquakes and
volcanoes and at the same time sprouting with new life as the false teachings erode away in the ever-persistent
Light and Truth of the One.

So, wherever the crises are located, there will also be upliftments. This is part of the agenda of crisis
management and incorporation that is very difficult for many of you to accept. Indeed, one cannot ignore the
importance of reliving older buried memories of the past again in the present.
Since so many of you who are now reading this perished in the Atlantean cataclysm, it is good for you not to be in
denial of what might happen as the future progresses itself, as you might have been in those circumstances
The difference is that this time you come equipped with the personal self-knowledge to make use of this
transition, so that it can further your own spiritual development and give you a big boost.

[12/21: In other words, we are not going to see pole shifts and the like this time, providing that we are
willing to go with them when the opportunity is presented to us.]

We have entirely opposed those forces within the Self that would give power to the animal self, that side of the
personality that seeks only to indulge in lust and lustful behaviors and the like. Now, we want to come full circle
and to congratulate you for all the many efforts that you have done to bring about the emergence of the higher
Light to your mind / body / spirit / complex / beingness.
You can never open up the heart too much or too far, as it can be compensated for on all levels with love. It is
important to develop your wisdom as well, but compassion is a higher truth that stands inviolable throughout all
the then-known universe.
There are those who still insist on overdoing some things somewhat, and thus we do not want you to become
completely obsessive-compulsive with many of these behaviors. The idea is that if it feels of light, love and joy on
the deepest level of your being, then it is right for you.
Do not debase this knowledge with the idea that you can simply indulge in your appetites. There is a very large
and substantial difference between the feeling of gratifying the carnal self and the feeling of gratifying the spiritual
The one is very fleeting, like sand that blows through your fingers very quickly. The other has much more weight
and substance, and like a statue of gold materialized out of thin air, it is something that you can then suddenly
take with you and treasure for lifetimes to come.
Many millennia in the future, you will indeed look back at this present state of affairs as an ancient civilization. You
will applaud yourself as tears of normalcy are shed, and you regain the understandings that bring you closer to
the Oneness.
You will indeed know and expect to emerge in this higher being in the here and now when you go deep within
yourself and honor the truth that you can see when you listen to your faith.
So be dedicated and calm, and pursue these avenues of thought with resounding, scintillating completeness, and
you will not be led astray. We love you more than you could ever possibly imagine. Peace be with you in the Light
of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai.
We see a few new things on the breakfast table, and that should interest you somewhat. Bye for now.

12/25/99: Reading: Our Trust and

Protection Surrounds You


"...even as these scenarios unfold, there are immediately and extraordinarily powerful resources that will be
available to you at every turn in order that you will not go hungry or otherwise be affected and the like...
Please remember that our trust and protection surrounds you. The best thing you can do is to really come to grips
with this in yourself, and that way you can continue to remain joyful and happy on the planet."

Monday 12 / 6 / 99 -- 5:02 a.m.

D: In part of the dream, everything had been worked out with J, my friend who owns a farm where I
used to work and live. I had the clear go-ahead to go over there and work with him towards building
this community in the event that it needed to happen. And at that point, I guess that it did.
In order that we start something fantastic with you, we want to raise an arbitrary policy that insists that the
livestock cattle were not meant to be feed, merely venerated for the wonderful creatures that they are inside.
Time after time, this gift arises itself much as the web hackers would go into the main system and not know what
they were doing, or what they were getting. Since we have some really well defined precepts in place, it should be
no wonder that the entire affair is so well grounded in ritualistic magical symbolism and metaphor and the like.

[12/22: The statement about the "hackers" seems to be partially directed at myself. They want me to
realize how much more I can integrate their guidance into my own life than I have already done.]

California pitchers turn upside down and reveal no more water inside of them. Just the idea of going back to
basics all over again will be sufficient.
Deeper challenges will arise in these moments when the orthodox hostility towards these matters of personal and
planetary changes is passed up in favor of the interest of day to day survival and the like.
Now when you turn the television on, or if you turn the television on, the spikes that are in place which society is
soon to be impaling itself upon will be clearly seen. The stage is set, the tables are turning and there seems little
else that can happen at this point.

[12/22: The statement about California does not necessarily imply that this will occur as soon as the
Jan. 1, 2000 rollover takes place, but based on such a direct statement I would urge my readers in
California to take heed of it.]

[3/19/09: I was still stuck on the idea of a California earthquake, not realizing that it was speaking
about the incredible drought that we're now enduring 10 years later: "no more water inside the
California pitchers."]

You can achieve contact by getting a haircut in the etheric sense of the term, meaning that you can change your
appearance to others, sharpen it up neatly and considerably, and live more fully with the understandings that
reside within and without the mind / body / spirit complex structure.
So let's not feel that we have to clean the slate again and build up another new edifice of strong data. Simply take
the opportunities now available and work with them to approach greater light and greater love.
The enemies of the One are only really being enemies of themselves in the deeper sense. And though this seems
at times to be a tortured and unwise path, it is allowed for in order to promote balance.
We know that stability seems to be a rather redundant concept, as you think of yourselves as very stable. But
what we can tell you is that you will need to draw upon inner resources in a way that you have never before
known, in order to promote the flower of life to arise within, as Drunvalo Melchizedek would have it, with the idea
of the merkaba or fourth-density vehicle that is being prepared within the self.
In the afterlife, there are indeed those chances that you will receive to utilize astrology and its connections to
make haste towards the direction of unfolding a new event, a new chapter in the history of your life. While we
seem to like a bargain, at times there are reasons for this process that we do consider to be more important.

D: [Sneezes twice]

Moving your furniture down a narrow strait could be looked upon as one example. There are those who still cling
to the material aspirations in some form. If they are overly attached to their physical belongings of any kind, they
might not want to be ready to give them up when the moment itself arrives.
Indeed, there will be some catastrophic failures in this sense, although in the greater sense there is no failure, and
all occurs as an infinite part of the Oneness.
So we do want to be a good mother and try to remove some of the many obstacles in your path in the coming few
months ahead. We have already viewed the trailer for this event, and we still don't know its outcome at this point,
as there are several distinct probabilities for where it may go.
Fungus, mold or yeast needs a fungicide to kill it if it were to otherwise poison the corn and the like. Similarly, we
are working with the varying elements of humanity such as the Russian military and Mafia and the like, and their
brilliantly concealed negative residue.
So don't feel bad when you see these epic changes occurring. Understand that all that we have available to us is
being used to insure that the event itself will go as smoothly as possible, or even more smoothly than possible.
There are dozens of opportunities to be of service each day, and we never get tired of explaining them to you. So
for a last little look, we choose to remind you that for the time being, Greenland is covered with ice. When the
changes will occur, it will be more acutely temperate than it is now, or perhaps even sub-tropical.

[12/22: An obvious reference to pole shift, which directly follows the "boarding of ships" that is being
referred to in these workings as Ascension. As has been stated, this moment arrives when a certain
threshold of positive awareness is reached in the collective consciousness of humanity.
When this moment arrives, the pressure on the Grid that we have implemented through our collective
negativity will be released, and the Grid will realign to the new vibrations. They will offer us to go
with them in their ships before this happens, and tell us what is about to happen. We will have to make
our decision whether to stay or to go very quickly, and many people will distrust them, stay behind
and thereby die very soon afterwards.]

The greater consideration that factors in is this. Are you willing to play the piano when it arises to a new tune? Are
you willing to stop thinking in linear mode in exchange for that which is more circular and well defined? If the
music were coming at you from all sides, then when simplicity is dropped, do you yourself also perceive intimate
knowing and understanding of same?

[Voice gets suddenly deeper at this point]

Even the most ruggedly diehard opponents to the One Creator have all agreed that while they cannot completely
separate themselves from it, they certainly are capable of causing some disruption. In case there were any further
doubts, we want to underline the fact that Presidents such as Henry Ford and Harry Truman were working
together on these goals.
And yes, we did say Henry Ford, not Gerald. It is important to remember the delicate balance that is being
weighed out in your present times between the military, government and industry, as the three are becoming
more and more mutually interdependent with each other.
And so, once the equation is about to arise to a deliberately preplanned stage of events, as has already been
occurring to such a large extent, we can then see how imperative it is for you to go through these good disasters
with an attitude of forbearance and upliftment.
Do not cast a foul eye to the aspersions [*=harshness] of others. Recognize and know deep within yourself that as
the reader of these readings or other materials of similar import and quality, you are treated to a rare and blessed
privilege on this planet -- namely, you actually have advanced knowledge of something that will strike many
others as would the thief in the night, suddenly running and leaving disaster in his wake.
So continue to get more and more present-centered with yourself and your inner teachers will emerge. When you
begin to explore issues such as outdoor camping, fire houses, latrines and the like by necessity for the remainder
of time in the physical illusion, it is important to enumerate those options that you do possibly still have in your
own local area, as we have said before.
The boss also duplicates the exact statement from the collective subconscious which resides up in the ethers and
consists of nothing more than fragments of thought / energy / beingness. And yet, at the same moment, we have
been essentially trying to rediscover one's true Buddha nature by using a candle in the darkness. In order that we
not fail to appreciate you somewhat, we do want to remind you how deeply and profoundly you are loved by us.

Though these messages may get strict at various times, what is their greater meaning? To provide you with
anomaly corrections so that nothing is anomalous anymore, merely understandable in a new and higher context.
We want for there to be open communication between people of all races and nationalities so that they can foster
the common bonding with the true parents of this society and others like it.


There was some feuding disagreement amongst us as to how to facilitate this transition in the coming months and
years, as when the dam breaks as it is wont to do, there are several opportunities that are then made possible.
What we have decided upon is the direct approach. We are not going to lie to you when we tell you that we have
decided to allow these events to occur unimpeded, and to have their resultant effects play themselves out on the
global stage.
That is an important point, and it is one that has only come about after much deliberation. However, on the other
hand, we will be retelling the story of the One to those who have accurate predispositions to same before the
moment itself ever arrives.
So, one need not continue to dramatically look to the dolphins for a source of spiritual insight and amazement, or
a sense of freedom never before known. The mind and body and spirit that you will have in the fourth dimension
will be almost incomprehensibly beautiful to you.
Don't let your doubts and fears interrupt the free-flowing nature of the transition that is being made within your
greater mind, as it is this transition that bodes so amazingly well for the future of humanity, and indeed this whole
solar system at large.
Since your actions indeed affect the passage of sunspots and the like, the whole solar system will be made
beneficial by this renewed opportunity for change within the American subcontinent and greater planet as a
So please don't concern yourselves with the riff-raff of society in the etheric sense of the term, as they have come
due as well. Know and understand that even as these scenarios unfold, there are immediately and
extraordinarily powerful resources that will be available to you at every turn in order that you will not go
hungry or otherwise be affected and the like.
Now what we can say on this is a fundamental topic for daily living in general. The point is that you need to be
aware of the gifts of the Spirit when they manifest themselves, and not simply turn them away out of the strength
of the material-centered Ego position.
There have been so many times in each of your lives where we have presented you with the solution quite
directly, and you passed it up out of your own pride or a variety of other reasons.
Never fail to remember the penultimate importance of learning to communicate what is within you to others. Your
communication skills will need to be exceptionally sharp in the coming next few months and years, so keep that in
mind as well.

[12/22: I have had many experiences with this. There are many times when they can provide us with
the solution to our problems, but if we are not willing to take that solution when it is presented, then
our own free will short-circuits the positivity of what they are trying to do for us.]

Verily, verily we say unto you that as you do these harmful things to yourself, you are harming all others as well.
So let us indeed foster your Ascension with the renewal of the purpose and understanding that comes with being
willing to climb the rocky mountain slopes, knowing that the summit is indeed so clear at hand.
The President's books will gather on this subject as well, in order to more effectively promote their agendas and
turn on all with Love and Light, as one needs to arise.
It is important to keep everything seen from a moneyless systems perspective, when the index of human behavior
is what measures wealth and not the relative dollar value of one's bank account or automobile.
We do have grandiose reasons to be stable when our concerns of a new tomorrow are meant to procure those
things which will help us ease the transition from one style of living to another. As one would buy vitamins to
protect against getting a cold, one should also buy the necessary materials and supplies to protect against any
considerable disruption of the life forces as a result of the events that are taking place.
A few more soulless incarnations as this, and we would have needed another opportunity altogether. Instead,
take the clay that is your life now and sculpt it into the Divine beingness that you are already known to be.
We do not want to provide angst that would make you tear a muscle as you approach the gate, since you break
into a headlong sprint.
Please remember that our trust and protection surrounds you. The best thing you can do is to really come
to grips with this in yourself, and that way you can continue to remain joyful and happy on the planet.
Even if only one tenth of our Lightworkers remain joyful in these episodes, then we have far more than the
recommended dosage to effectuate positive transformation. So keep that in mind when you are wondering what
your mission is.
Your mission is to become the grace, beauty and joy of the One Infinite Creator in every thought and
action. Your responsibility is to take the duty of perfect Oneness upon yourself and then make an itemized list of
those things that you can change, those things that you cannot change and the courage to know the difference.
We again remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine, as David's stomach does not
hold out for this reading any longer.
Rocky mountainsides await you in the final climb to this destination, and for that we are very grateful indeed, and
we will welcome you with open arms.
Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai.

12/25/99: Reading: Our Trust and

Protection Surrounds You


"...even as these scenarios unfold, there are immediately and extraordinarily powerful resources that will be
available to you at every turn in order that you will not go hungry or otherwise be affected and the like...
Please remember that our trust and protection surrounds you. The best thing you can do is to really come to grips
with this in yourself, and that way you can continue to remain joyful and happy on the planet."

Monday 12 / 6 / 99 -- 5:02 a.m.

D: In part of the dream, everything had been worked out with J, my friend who owns a farm where I
used to work and live. I had the clear go-ahead to go over there and work with him towards building
this community in the event that it needed to happen. And at that point, I guess that it did.
In order that we start something fantastic with you, we want to raise an arbitrary policy that insists that the
livestock cattle were not meant to be feed, merely venerated for the wonderful creatures that they are inside.
Time after time, this gift arises itself much as the web hackers would go into the main system and not know what
they were doing, or what they were getting. Since we have some really well defined precepts in place, it should be
no wonder that the entire affair is so well grounded in ritualistic magical symbolism and metaphor and the like.

[12/22: The statement about the "hackers" seems to be partially directed at myself. They want me to
realize how much more I can integrate their guidance into my own life than I have already done.]

California pitchers turn upside down and reveal no more water inside of them. Just the idea of going back to
basics all over again will be sufficient.
Deeper challenges will arise in these moments when the orthodox hostility towards these matters of personal and
planetary changes is passed up in favor of the interest of day to day survival and the like.
Now when you turn the television on, or if you turn the television on, the spikes that are in place which society is
soon to be impaling itself upon will be clearly seen. The stage is set, the tables are turning and there seems little
else that can happen at this point.

[12/22: The statement about California does not necessarily imply that this will occur as soon as the
Jan. 1, 2000 rollover takes place, but based on such a direct statement I would urge my readers in
California to take heed of it.]
[3/19/09: I was still stuck on the idea of a California earthquake, not realizing that it was speaking
about the incredible drought that we're now enduring 10 years later: "no more water inside the
California pitchers."]

You can achieve contact by getting a haircut in the etheric sense of the term, meaning that you can change your
appearance to others, sharpen it up neatly and considerably, and live more fully with the understandings that
reside within and without the mind / body / spirit complex structure.
So let's not feel that we have to clean the slate again and build up another new edifice of strong data. Simply take
the opportunities now available and work with them to approach greater light and greater love.
The enemies of the One are only really being enemies of themselves in the deeper sense. And though this seems
at times to be a tortured and unwise path, it is allowed for in order to promote balance.
We know that stability seems to be a rather redundant concept, as you think of yourselves as very stable. But
what we can tell you is that you will need to draw upon inner resources in a way that you have never before
known, in order to promote the flower of life to arise within, as Drunvalo Melchizedek would have it, with the idea
of the merkaba or fourth-density vehicle that is being prepared within the self.
In the afterlife, there are indeed those chances that you will receive to utilize astrology and its connections to
make haste towards the direction of unfolding a new event, a new chapter in the history of your life. While we
seem to like a bargain, at times there are reasons for this process that we do consider to be more important.

D: [Sneezes twice]

Moving your furniture down a narrow strait could be looked upon as one example. There are those who still cling
to the material aspirations in some form. If they are overly attached to their physical belongings of any kind, they
might not want to be ready to give them up when the moment itself arrives.
Indeed, there will be some catastrophic failures in this sense, although in the greater sense there is no failure, and
all occurs as an infinite part of the Oneness.
So we do want to be a good mother and try to remove some of the many obstacles in your path in the coming few
months ahead. We have already viewed the trailer for this event, and we still don't know its outcome at this point,
as there are several distinct probabilities for where it may go.
Fungus, mold or yeast needs a fungicide to kill it if it were to otherwise poison the corn and the like. Similarly, we
are working with the varying elements of humanity such as the Russian military and Mafia and the like, and their
brilliantly concealed negative residue.
So don't feel bad when you see these epic changes occurring. Understand that all that we have available to us is
being used to insure that the event itself will go as smoothly as possible, or even more smoothly than possible.
There are dozens of opportunities to be of service each day, and we never get tired of explaining them to you. So
for a last little look, we choose to remind you that for the time being, Greenland is covered with ice. When the
changes will occur, it will be more acutely temperate than it is now, or perhaps even sub-tropical.

[12/22: An obvious reference to pole shift, which directly follows the "boarding of ships" that is being
referred to in these workings as Ascension. As has been stated, this moment arrives when a certain
threshold of positive awareness is reached in the collective consciousness of humanity.

When this moment arrives, the pressure on the Grid that we have implemented through our collective
negativity will be released, and the Grid will realign to the new vibrations. They will offer us to go
with them in their ships before this happens, and tell us what is about to happen. We will have to make
our decision whether to stay or to go very quickly, and many people will distrust them, stay behind
and thereby die very soon afterwards.]

The greater consideration that factors in is this. Are you willing to play the piano when it arises to a new tune? Are
you willing to stop thinking in linear mode in exchange for that which is more circular and well defined? If the
music were coming at you from all sides, then when simplicity is dropped, do you yourself also perceive intimate
knowing and understanding of same?

[Voice gets suddenly deeper at this point]

Even the most ruggedly diehard opponents to the One Creator have all agreed that while they cannot completely
separate themselves from it, they certainly are capable of causing some disruption. In case there were any further
doubts, we want to underline the fact that Presidents such as Henry Ford and Harry Truman were working
together on these goals.
And yes, we did say Henry Ford, not Gerald. It is important to remember the delicate balance that is being
weighed out in your present times between the military, government and industry, as the three are becoming
more and more mutually interdependent with each other.
And so, once the equation is about to arise to a deliberately preplanned stage of events, as has already been
occurring to such a large extent, we can then see how imperative it is for you to go through these good disasters
with an attitude of forbearance and upliftment.
Do not cast a foul eye to the aspersions [*=harshness] of others. Recognize and know deep within yourself that as
the reader of these readings or other materials of similar import and quality, you are treated to a rare and blessed
privilege on this planet -- namely, you actually have advanced knowledge of something that will strike many
others as would the thief in the night, suddenly running and leaving disaster in his wake.
So continue to get more and more present-centered with yourself and your inner teachers will emerge. When you
begin to explore issues such as outdoor camping, fire houses, latrines and the like by necessity for the remainder
of time in the physical illusion, it is important to enumerate those options that you do possibly still have in your
own local area, as we have said before.
The boss also duplicates the exact statement from the collective subconscious which resides up in the ethers and
consists of nothing more than fragments of thought / energy / beingness. And yet, at the same moment, we have
been essentially trying to rediscover one's true Buddha nature by using a candle in the darkness. In order that we
not fail to appreciate you somewhat, we do want to remind you how deeply and profoundly you are loved by us.
Though these messages may get strict at various times, what is their greater meaning? To provide you with
anomaly corrections so that nothing is anomalous anymore, merely understandable in a new and higher context.
We want for there to be open communication between people of all races and nationalities so that they can foster
the common bonding with the true parents of this society and others like it.


There was some feuding disagreement amongst us as to how to facilitate this transition in the coming months and
years, as when the dam breaks as it is wont to do, there are several opportunities that are then made possible.
What we have decided upon is the direct approach. We are not going to lie to you when we tell you that we have
decided to allow these events to occur unimpeded, and to have their resultant effects play themselves out on the
global stage.
That is an important point, and it is one that has only come about after much deliberation. However, on the other
hand, we will be retelling the story of the One to those who have accurate predispositions to same before the
moment itself ever arrives.
So, one need not continue to dramatically look to the dolphins for a source of spiritual insight and amazement, or
a sense of freedom never before known. The mind and body and spirit that you will have in the fourth dimension
will be almost incomprehensibly beautiful to you.
Don't let your doubts and fears interrupt the free-flowing nature of the transition that is being made within your
greater mind, as it is this transition that bodes so amazingly well for the future of humanity, and indeed this whole
solar system at large.
Since your actions indeed affect the passage of sunspots and the like, the whole solar system will be made
beneficial by this renewed opportunity for change within the American subcontinent and greater planet as a
So please don't concern yourselves with the riff-raff of society in the etheric sense of the term, as they have come
due as well. Know and understand that even as these scenarios unfold, there are immediately and
extraordinarily powerful resources that will be available to you at every turn in order that you will not go
hungry or otherwise be affected and the like.
Now what we can say on this is a fundamental topic for daily living in general. The point is that you need to be
aware of the gifts of the Spirit when they manifest themselves, and not simply turn them away out of the strength
of the material-centered Ego position.
There have been so many times in each of your lives where we have presented you with the solution quite
directly, and you passed it up out of your own pride or a variety of other reasons.
Never fail to remember the penultimate importance of learning to communicate what is within you to others. Your
communication skills will need to be exceptionally sharp in the coming next few months and years, so keep that in
mind as well.

[12/22: I have had many experiences with this. There are many times when they can provide us with
the solution to our problems, but if we are not willing to take that solution when it is presented, then
our own free will short-circuits the positivity of what they are trying to do for us.]

Verily, verily we say unto you that as you do these harmful things to yourself, you are harming all others as well.
So let us indeed foster your Ascension with the renewal of the purpose and understanding that comes with being
willing to climb the rocky mountain slopes, knowing that the summit is indeed so clear at hand.
The President's books will gather on this subject as well, in order to more effectively promote their agendas and
turn on all with Love and Light, as one needs to arise.
It is important to keep everything seen from a moneyless systems perspective, when the index of human behavior
is what measures wealth and not the relative dollar value of one's bank account or automobile.
We do have grandiose reasons to be stable when our concerns of a new tomorrow are meant to procure those
things which will help us ease the transition from one style of living to another. As one would buy vitamins to
protect against getting a cold, one should also buy the necessary materials and supplies to protect against any
considerable disruption of the life forces as a result of the events that are taking place.
A few more soulless incarnations as this, and we would have needed another opportunity altogether. Instead,
take the clay that is your life now and sculpt it into the Divine beingness that you are already known to be.
We do not want to provide angst that would make you tear a muscle as you approach the gate, since you break
into a headlong sprint.
Please remember that our trust and protection surrounds you. The best thing you can do is to really come
to grips with this in yourself, and that way you can continue to remain joyful and happy on the planet.
Even if only one tenth of our Lightworkers remain joyful in these episodes, then we have far more than the
recommended dosage to effectuate positive transformation. So keep that in mind when you are wondering what
your mission is.
Your mission is to become the grace, beauty and joy of the One Infinite Creator in every thought and
action. Your responsibility is to take the duty of perfect Oneness upon yourself and then make an itemized list of
those things that you can change, those things that you cannot change and the courage to know the difference.
We again remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine, as David's stomach does not
hold out for this reading any longer.
Rocky mountainsides await you in the final climb to this destination, and for that we are very grateful indeed, and
we will welcome you with open arms.
Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai.

12/27/99: Dream: Unplugging from the



This is a quite unusually powerful dream, where David and Sabrina travel back to Atlantis and see many
incredible things. A powerful message is conveyed about the holographic nature of reality and the need to get
people to "unplug" from the illusion and see the truth.
[3/19/09: No readings in this entry. It is strictly a dream, and may be useful to those wishing to study their own
dream language and see how it is spoken.]

Saturday 12 / 11 / 99 -- 5:07 a.m.

D: This dream was just totally, totally awesome. It started out in what appeared to be a pizzeria, although I didn't
realize that this is what it was at first. I was outside and there was some food that had been thrown away very
Dirt had fallen on it so that you couldn't eat it, and it actually looked as though concrete had been put on it. We
actually ended up going inside this pizzeria after this guy was talking to us outside, a guy who was a big
muscleman / bodybuilder type.

[12/27: The concept of wasted food could definitely relate to the idea of how the public ignores the
fruits of the Spirit.]

There were these paper towels in the kitchen of the pizzeria. They had some very old looking silverware, and they
said "1487" on them, indicating the year.
In some weird way I felt like there was a harmonic connection with what we were seeing and that time period, as if
perhaps we lived there or something was going on to that effect. I specifically remember the guy making a pizza,
and he was putting way too much sauce on it. I didn't know whether I should help him or not.

[12/27: This could indicate how there are many who feel that they are doing spiritual work of some
form or another, but it might not be an appropriate effort in the eyes of the Confederation.]

Then it seemed that I was back in bed pretty soon after this. Sabrina appeared and started to talk to me about all
the wonderful growth that she had made as a result of standing up for herself. As we talked about this, it seemed
that I was awake at first but didn't want to be.
The only thing I could do was to speak as if I were in a reading. As I spoke, I would answer her with "We." This
didn't even freak her out, as she just kept right on going as we talked.
And basically, I believe that we started to levitate at that point. God, this dream was amazing! As we continued
talking, I realized that we were under the sea, and we were inside some sort of megalithic ruined architecture.
There were megalithic stone blocks.
It looked actually a little more tending towards Mayan than Egyptian in some ways. Sabrina seemed very
comfortable there, but I was very uncomfortable there. She asked me why, and I said, "You know, I have already
died under the sea three times at least."

[12/27: It is interesting that I would say that in the dream, as consciously I do not know this. I do
remember that one of Cayce's incarnations as John Bainbridge supposedly died of drowning, and I had
a past life in Japan where I died by falling off of a bridge into a river from a great height in the pouring

[tape flips]
But more than that, I seemed to be very spooked by just being under the sea with her. It seemed cold and it
seemed far away, and a little bit foreign to me. As we looked at it, it was just incredible.
There was one gateway that had two big, huge rectangular stones on either side standing up straight, and two
over the top - one crossing the two standing stones, which fit over them at the edges just like Stonehenge, and
then another horizontal stone of equal size and shape laid perfectly over the top of that.
It was reminiscent both of Stonehenge as well as Mayan architecture. Behind that, there was a wall, and there
were square-shaped tiles in the wall that depicted stylized Mayan-type faces. Each tile was perhaps three feet by
three feet wide. There was just a whole row of them, and they all had big lips.

[12/27: In case there is any need not to say the obvious, this is clearly a view of submerged
architecture from Atlantis.]

I knew that it was under the sea, but as we kept talking and I was looking at these things, all of a sudden I could
see valleys beyond it, and it wasn't under the sea anymore- it was real. It was right there, and it was real crystallized into reality.
As she was talking to me a little bit more, we discussed reality being a matrix, and so therefore it wasn't actually
real - it was all based on perception, whether we saw it above water or below water. She was explaining to me
about how fundamental of a breakthrough this was. That was part of what her sudden new enlightenment was she was realizing that fact.
And as we sat there, I raised my hand to orchestrate a point. I said, "And now you have experienced the Light for
yourself, and this is a profound moment of awakening." As soon as I gestured with my arms, the sunlight burst out
onto the land, which was very dramatic.
So sunlight suddenly burst onto the ground, and we were sitting in the midst of this architecture. We had risen,
and we kept floating up at first and then we seemed to come to some ground where we could sit. It was no longer
underwater, as everything had crystallized into reality.
We looked up into the sky, and there was a sun up there, but it appeared as though it were in the middle of an
eclipse. It looked as though it were being eclipsed by a smaller body, not necessarily the moon, because it
wouldn't have eclipsed it partially like this did. I don't know what the hell it was.
We looked up at the sun, and all of a sudden it just up and moved like, whew!- probably almost thirty degrees.
Maybe not quite that much, but it had to be at least 20 degrees, which is what they say the pole shift is going to
be. It happened all at once, as you could actually see it move in the sky.

I didn't think it could be anything except something artificial - it didn't occur to me that there could be a natural
reason. I said, "You see, this proves the matrix right here. They are creating this reality, and it is not even real."
Once the sun moved, it was like there were staff who then checked to see if anyone was awake. We appeared to
be in some sort of resort area in Atlantis, I guess. They didn't think that anyone was awake yet, and that therefore
they had turned the Sun on too early! And in that sense it was like the Truman Show.
So then they were going to turn it back off, and I all of a sudden realized that when the sun moved, there was
another sun where it had already been. What I thought was the Sun was actually this gigantic disc that was flying,
and it was projecting the light from it like that. I couldn't even believe it when I realized it.
About this same time, it started to get dark again and we were by the sea - the ocean was to our right hand side.
We saw this guy who had a walkie-talkie and seemed to be in communication with the ships up in the sky that
were coordinating this.
I noticed that he had objects of metal, almost like acupuncture, that were implanted into his body at what
appeared to be certain acupuncture points like the bottom of the hands, the elbows et cetera. He was also very
much stuck on himself, wearing lots of gold jewelry and necklaces- a very image-conscious person.
I ran up to him and tried to show Sabrina what he was doing, to prove that this was part of the Matrix and he was
a part of it. She didn't want to believe me at first, but I said, "Look, these are what is connecting him to the Matrix."
I started to show her all the metal in his body, and there was tons of it. I started to unplug the metal out of his
body and take these pins out. But he didn't want me to do all of it - he only let me do a few of them.
So after we had encountered this guy, it was suddenly dark again, and there were a lot of gray clouds. We were
near the ocean, and there was a standing archway of stone out in the water a little bit, like a big gate similar to the
older one I had seen earlier, only much simpler in its geometry. All of a sudden, these two craft that must have
been UFO's flew by.
They were both shaped more like dumbbells that had angles in them in the center, each angle perhaps 70
degrees. In that sense, they looked like the "Discovery" spacecraft from the movie 2001, if you cut two of them in
half and then attached the front portions together at an angle. You would end up with two spheres with a crooked
point of connection.
One of these craft was a non-descript flat gray metal color, I believe, and the other one was bright yellow. They
actually tumbled in the air a little bit as they flew, and they were huge.
So when I saw that, I said, "You see! It is all a matrix! None of this is real, and this just proves it right here."

[12:21: A great one. No sooner do I type in that sentence but what the clock lands on 11:11 p.m.,
totally unplanned. I love it!]

Just seeing it was amazing. I was totally euphoric about it. At that point we walked further along, and pretty
quickly what manifested around us was a store. It reminded me of a bookstore, and there was a cashier there.
There were more people around us now, and it seemed like everybody had these metallic pins that they had stuck
in their skin. There were a lot of them, more than just a few.

We were in this market, as I said, and there was a guy in there. In this case he was still alive, but it seemed that
on another level he had died in the process of trying to alert people to what was going on and trying to get them to
unplug these needles out of their skin. He was strung out about it and was still wringing his hair with his hands.
He had curly hair and kept pulling it forward.

[12/27: This obviously deals with the frustration that many Lightworkers face in trying to get people to
change their attitudes about life and deprogram themselves from the media's powerful influences, such
as infidelity and unhealthy diet.]

There was a girl working at the cash register who was plugged in as well. Around this same time, there was also a
subplot involving another couple who were going to be doing some dancing. They didn't seem to be speaking
The woman looked Italian. She was putting on this incredible red and black dress with this paisley pattern. There
was red fabric underneath and black on top, with a very thin black fabric that covered that. She looked gorgeous
in it, and I saw her before she was going to completely put it on. She was laughing by herself. I spoke to her and
kept the comedy vibe going on longer than it would have on her own, so she thanked me for that.
I am not sure what all that part was about, but I know that Sabrina was discussing an Italian past life, so I actually
saw the woman. She didn't ever see Sabrina, though.
So then I went back into the store area again. Now the cashier was starting to pull out some of the needles. There
was another girl there who was ready to do the whole thing, ready to pull out all the needles and was in the
process of doing it.
She looked sickly, like a drug user, and had a lot of acne. For whatever reason, I had this preconceived notion
that it could be really gory when she pulled out all the needles. Nevertheless, she went ahead and started to do it.
It didn't actually turn out to be so bad, but the anticipation was really bad.

[12/27: This seems to be a statement in general about the social collapses that these readings have
been predicting for the year 2000 and beyond. These events will indeed cause people to "unplug" from
the current system, whether they are ready for it or not. What we see in the dream here is that the
anticipation of the events was far worse than the events themselves, which were relatively painless in

People were even taking one needle and putting it up through their upper lip, just straight up inside the flesh, way
up in there towards the nose. They were pulling that one out too.
There was some discussion as to why people were putting these needles into themselves like this, and what was
making them want to do it. I was pleased, because the efforts of the one guy who had gone crazy were clearly
starting to work. This one girl had unplugged everything, and the cashier was doing it too.
They were very common types of people. It was at that point that I woke up, and as soon as I did I said, "Now this
dream is just fantastic, and I have to get this on tape no matter how tired I am." I saw how early it was.

D: The other thing was that last night, Sabrina and I were talking about how this person whom I was in
correspondence with was channeling, and that this person seemed to be pulling in negative influences that were
trying to knock me off kilter. We were driving along and I saw this car immediately ahead of us, and it had 444 in
the license plate. The first three letters were ACT, which obviously meant the word "act," and the numbers read
No sooner did I point that out, but Sabrina started saying, "Oh my God, Oh my God," as her odometer had
just hit 4444 right as she looked at it. She was bugging out. To make it even better, no sooner did that happen
but what we look up at a billboard, and it has a car odometer that is going from 1999 to 2000, which was another
It all just happened so fast that I could hardly believe it. We meditated and got really still for a while, and I was
talking about the structured reality and how none of it is real - it is all a matrix, an illusion, a virtual reality machine.
We are only seeing the shadow of a higher dimension. This dream really proved it - it was just awesome, totally
incredible. Thank you guys - this was really nice.

12/28/99: Reading: Y2K and Our Future


[3/19/09: I'd almost be inclined to remove this from the collection, because I was growing increasingly concerned
about the idea of a mass computer collapse from y2k -- and it definitely affected the quality of the reading. I was
also concerned about mega-Earth Changes and that also interfered with the reading.
Nonetheless, I include this as another reminder of how you can be influencing your work and not realize it at the
time it's happening. That is why you should never see intuitive readings as strictly true... more as suggestions of
the truth that you can accept or refuse depending on how it resonates with you.]

The immediate future probabilities of y2k are unknown. We have readers all over the world. For some, this might
be the last posting that they will be able to receive, due to the breakdown of infrastructure.
In order to account for this possibility, the Council prepared this message of closure -- and by all accounts it is
simply extraordinary.
[Note: This was done more for Davids psychological comfort than anything else, since he did not know what the
outcome of y2k would be and was prepared for anything.]

Tuesday 12 / 14 / 99 -- 7:43 a.m.

D: This dream was another very, very sobering reminder of how quickly all of these changes are going to unfold in
our physical reality here. It seems like it is urging me to recognize that anything that I want to get done has got to
get done in the next seventeen days.

So obviously that means that today, since I finished transcribing my tapes and am all up to date, I need to see
how much I can do with Convergence in one day. For some reason, there is a part of me that is just scared to
touch it, knowing that it is like opening a Pandora's Box. There is no question that it will just grow as I go along,
but on the other hand I have just got to get it done.

[12/27: It now appears almost certain that Virginia Power company will have full services available
for its customers, including the Ascension2000 staff, after January 1st. They have supposedly been
working on the problem since 1993 and have isolated every single date-sensitive system required to
bring power to the consumer and upgraded it to more modern equipment.
Therefore I still respect the urgency, but I could hardly even think with the pressure of trying to get all
that work done by January 1st. So, if you're still out there, we'll still be here, and there's a lot more

[Note: Originally the reading started at this point. We have reinserted the dream from the end of the dictation at
this point for clarity, as the reading refers to it several times.]

D: So anyway, this dream had two basic parts. Part number one was that I had all these books, or
actually audio cassettes, that had been set up in the AV room where I used to do volunteer work in
high school. I had to travel quite a long distance on my bicycle outside, and it seemed that there was
some stupendous struggle to get where I needed to go and to do it in the appropriate time. There
definitely was not automotive transportation any more.
The words "my mother" are coming into my mind, although I don't remember her being in the dream.
What I do remember is that...
Drugs returned to normalcy at that point, and the tears that were shed were representative of same within society
as a whole, not just yourself, David.

D: Yes, I understand that, especially after this reading that we did here.
[Note: Remember that these sentences came in after the reading had already officially ended below.]

The immature status of those in the planetary picture who are working on the most grossly physical levels is
underlined herein, and our responses will be as indicated.

D: Right.
[12/27: Here and in the sentence before it, I knew that they were using the idea of drugs as a metaphor
for those in society who are tied up in addictive, self-gratifying behaviors, and how these changes will
help enormously to break those cycles for them.]

D: So, this involved someone coming into this room where all of my computer and tape and books were set up.
Spontaneously, this person started packing them all away, and many of them were just disappearing completely.
Obviously this was highly upsetting to me, as I was not at all willing to give up those things, so I was
definitely not happy.
And then I realized that these two guys in the class ended up doing a heroin deal with each other, and they did it
very stupidly. A handoff was made all too deliberately in the middle of the class, from a guy who was outside to a
guy who was inside.
The heroin itself seemed to be stored in a long and thin metal square tube, so there was quite a lot there. I
remember the one guy who had it telling the other guy who picked it up that he had put some on top that the other
guy could snort. So naturally he was stunned and horrified to realize that he was going to get busted and
everyone knew what he was doing.

[12/23: As we see from the reading itself, both the loss of material possessions and the fall-through of
the drug deal refers to the addictive qualities of modern society, and the fact that they will be stopped
short by the force and power of the coming changes.
The square shape of the tube also symbolically indicates material-centered consciousness. And in case
you have any doubts, the answer is no - I might have smoked marijuana in the past but I was scared to
death of hard drugs and never touched heroin, cocaine and the like.]
[Note: Original dictation ended with the following sentence:]
There were two main components to the dream itself. The first one seemed to be that I had a whole room set up
in the classroom in the high school where the AV room used to be.

We need you to become more singularly focused on these responsibilities. Don't let them become a drain on you,
but nevertheless move toward active service in these formats as soon as possible. That is important.

[12/27: Again, personal material about how much effort is going into this work at present.]

Look closely at the suit of armor that is being worn while the expectations continue to arise at every moment. An
apologetic tone of voice would not probably make much of a difference either, when the difference is that the
pump has been primed already and therefore lacks the appropriate adjustments to go any further.
The thoracic nerves in the body await their residual inputs, which would then override the previous stimuli in favor
of the new information.
And the latest control scars reveal that there are indeed some grandiose opportunities that come about when the
surgical alteration of sorts at the very basic genetic component level is then made. So indeed the alterations of
genes and the like is another facet of this process.
Thanks, but when we open the matter further, we see that it is not quite that simple. Were it only a question of the
mutation of DNA strands, or of something that would occur right here on the planet with no intervention, then that
would be another issue altogether.

What we keep trying to explain to you is that as the stones of powder rise within, (and this powder of course
would represent the negative forces, drug use and the like,) we can then see how to beat a path straight to the
front door of the issues within the self, never minding how theatrical it may be, or whether Argentina agrees or
disagrees with these views as well.
Now if the lead character dons a silver jumpsuit and suddenly becomes a man or a woman from space, then that
in itself is quite interesting to behold. The stupendous appearance of those in the higher realms would be quite
illusory to you here in the third, and yet contemporaneously we will never experience a true vision of yourselves in
the sense that you see each other.
And so, it does work both ways. We cannot shut off our perceptions of higher modalities while looking at you, and
it is for this reason that it can be rather difficult for us to center in on the personal issues of one entity without
having had a discussion beforehand.
The topics of certain items covered are of central importance, though, and we finally did arrive at a way-station of
sorts where the future is looming directly ahead of us and the past now stands as our own form of tribute to the
Great Work that has been passed down through the centuries and continues to reveal its inner symbolism and
symmetry in the present moment.
So even if the system does indeed balance itself out, and food is not in scarce supply for a while, we will still
continue to interact with you through these readings at every possible moment and encourage you to look at the
fact that we have now definitively chosen these changes to occur.
Do the math on that one for a while and you will realize that it really does not matter at this point whether it will
occur in one month, or three or four or five. The deeper issue is whether or not the insidious concentrations of
negative forces will be repealed.
And just when you think that the gunfight that is occurring on both sides can go no further, we do seem to find that
a rather arresting halt of sorts takes place, as it is simply not possible for these [negative] forces to enact their
demands without willing counterparts in large number, and the technology and supplies to achieve them. Since
that will no longer be available, you do then see the point.
Wordless scriptures of thought may arise, such as this one and others like it, where the deepest opportunities that
reside within the soul complex are then brought forth into a tangible and creative fashion such as this. The entire
Piscean community wants to put a few new parts forward as the continuous folding up of the past maps of
civilization is completed in the favor of the new scroll about to be unrolled into the global and planetary picture.
Mother Earth has done this many times before, and so it should not surprise you when we say that the Santa
Claus that will be arriving this time wants you to go with him to the North Pole, where you can work with all the
elves and prepare the gifts for the next Christmas, or harvest of souls.
So be aware of how the choices that you make each and every day do assert your masculinity in these matters,
allowing you to embrace the discrete unitary nature of the One without polarity, without separation consciousness,
but with nothing more than the dignified, unified truth of Light and Love. And as you are the creator of same from
within yourself, it finally behooves you to recognize that and begin working with it in an actively creative fashion.
The blue envelope of energies contained within will only be opened while there is still time. And as the pilot
opened his book, he realized that there were still many opportunities for how the matrix will reveal itself.

Please understand that we have to look at a lot of different outcomes, and we are really trying to take you along
the path, presenting as many different opportunities as possible so that the necessary ingredients will be in place
at the appropriate time.
So let us not misuse a camel. All are formed in the dimensions of the formless at first, and like the camel you
have come here with a stored reservoir of Spirit similar to the stored water in the hump.
And so, when the idealized forms of service to come through unpacking the desires of the self at every moment
are then no longer able to be met, it will be this inner reservoir of spiritual energy that you must draw upon for
strength and success in the planetary picture now unfolding.

[12/23: This last sentence about "unpacking the desires of the self" seems to have to do with the loss of
the conveniences and food choices now afforded by contemporary society.]

[tape ends]
And the smog over the cities continues to rise, as it is as much an etheric phenomenon as a physical one. The
deeper taboo is the smog that your people create every time that they appear ready and willing to allow an
outside power to manipulate them and to create distortions within their consciousness.
So as not to vacillate any further, we do then notice that the past history is smeared with lost opportunities,
notices of failure and the ganging together of heads of state so as to cause great destruction in their wake. A
parody of life's concerns, stemming from the concerns themselves, will not amount to very much.
But on the other hand, were you to abstain from etheric incontinence and instead keep your finger on the pulse of
the black box of humanity that is now being created, you will indeed see how vital it is to be contemporaneously
connected with the ethers that would define somewhat the scary picture now unfolding, if you would think it to be
so, in the physical plane wherein the resultant effects of this picture are then playing themselves out -- in a much
less grounded or linear fashion, we might add.

[12/27: Okay. The "parody of life's concerns stemming from the concerns themselves" seems to be
regarding the deliberately fabricated terrorist events that the negative Cabal now in power has brought
about in order to amplify the existing predilections in society towards worry, distrust, fear and
paranoia. The "black box" of humanity makes clear reference to the fact that this current system is
soon to "crash," quite literally.]

Embrace the preciseness of these understandings with the gripping truth of the reality that comes at the fringes of
mind every time that the governments paint a picture of an overarching menace that is not capable of being
quashed at any one moment.
While the events of neutral or even high strangeness continue to occur, there will be those who will have their
heads firmly buried in the sand directly up until the moment itself- and that is okay.
We have an entirely new basis for defining this work in the future, and that will be the relative level of acceptance
of the inner voice over that of the tabloid media, which would seek to imbue its purposes onto the consumer -and the very fact that they call you that should tell you something right there.

Indeed, there are considerations being made that no one else has been thinking about. They include the fact that
the wastewater entities become intimately connected with the refusal to propose same as any alternative.

[12/23: This seems to be saying that if sewage facilities break down, there will not be any immediate
contingency plan that is implemented for an alternative means of disposal - certainly a difficult
scenario, to say the least.]

And so, the degree of dysfunction continues to arise while the course of humanity itself is steered in a less
popular direction by human standards. While there can be no debate about it any longer, we do still see that there
are several varieties of outcomes that could occur herein. And thus, those who would choose the path of life, light
and joy will find a ringing in their ears that is concomitant with these desires of higher service and better moral
value questionings.

[12/27: They are speaking quite literally about a ringing in the ears here. I still continue to get this
periodically. The most recent time occurred about a week and a half ago, while I was finalizing plans
to have Hideo Izumoto, an aged Japanese acupuncture master and teacher of teachers, work out of my
house for three days in mid-January.]

In order that you not think us self-defeating, we do advise you to be prepared as soon as possible with those
basic essential items that will give any of your struggles much more of a safety cushion. Again, there will be
societal restructurings at lightning speed, and this will be the greatest focus behind the martial law scenario.
But don't fail to realize that when you are sitting or standing at the cusp of these events, their concatenations
could be revealed more directly through prayer, [meditation, dreamwork,] achievement of celibacy on the directly
metaphorical moral level and the like.
The super grocery stores will not be there any longer, nor will there be such ease and convenience in so many
facets and aspects of life. The martial law scenario does indeed require an accepting populace at first for there to
be any question of control in these matters.
We again remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine, and that this love retains a
discretely unitary nature of Oneness that cannot be considered a duplicate, but is actually an original - and that in
itself makes the whole thing more worthwhile.
Since we have extended ourselves to you, let us remain as firmly entrenched in the positive as we can, so as to
never fail to realize the burning light of the Christ within, and the imminency of our own graduation from these
Assembled upon the conveyor belt are those throngs of spectators on the outside who wait as you move forward,
ever closer to the final destiny itself. So don't think of these as only jumper cables that will restart an ailing engine,
but rather that this is a whole new car -- a car that will be taken with you for a much longer period of time during
one week in conventional terms than you could have ever imagined.

[12/27: For those unfamiliar with the "dream lingo" that these readings utilize, the car in a dream is
just another symbol of the self.

Many times I have had dreams involving cars, airplanes, trains, buses, bicycles and just about anything
else that we use for travel, and these symbols almost always represent the higher levels of our
"vehicle" of consciousness that we are working within now and will be fully transitioning into in the
very near future.]

So please don't think of these workings as only being minimally possible in the strictest sense of reality and those
terms therein. Instead, see that the mucus that this creates therefrom is designed most exclusively to oppose the
warring factions of the sub-personality and personalities in order that the clear breath of the Spirit may continue to
flow unimpeded, without irritating any of its tissue components along the way.
Day after day, time after time, this breathtaking scenario continues to unfold as the fragments continue to expand
into Oneness and Unity, and explore their own beingness. We do surmise that there are a few new encounters
that will be of great assistance to you. And this has more to do with the energetic repealing of certain laws of
normalcy that have been made in the physical and even genetic sense.

[12/27: This one is still open to interpretation at this point. It appears to refer to the "unzipping" of the
DNA molecule, tying it in with the concept of Earth Changes. Most of us only use but three percent of
the code in our DNA, and these readings and other sources have described how your personal spiritual
growth process actually allows more of your DNA to be used.
As this happens, you "mutate" into a healthier, happier being. The downside of this for the Ego self is
that you will no longer be able to tolerate things like cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, red meat, white flour,
refined sugar, dairy, fried foods and the like- you mutate into a person that cannot handle these lower
vibrations any longer.
To tempt fate and continue to indulge in these things as your DNA unzips more and more is to court
ever-more serious karmic balances such as accidents and health problems.]

The cantaloupe of the higher realms will be split forth, and its fruits, as we have said, must be scooped out one
piece at a time. We do not want you defining your life by the signal coming from the TV, or by the war occurring
between all fronts in this country or abroad.
So please again recognize that the least that you can do is to begin aligning yourself with the chief engineer of
sorts, with those who are actively working on surmounting your planetary difficulties with a grandmotherly wig that
you can wear while there is still time.
When you can change your appearance to that of the wise old ones, you will be given much more energy than
those who get caught up in the schtick and only see their role as a victim and not as a living inheritor of this same
Messianic legacy that has been so often discussed and talked about.
The Messianic outlets do provide each person with a house counterpart to their religious beliefs - a new house
that is born within the self. From a robotic standpoint, this might not seem to be anything of crucial importance,
but we can assure you that this is not the case.
The radio dial beckons forth the opportunity to shift its frequencies yet again, and arrive at a whole new picture.
So in these moments of great adversity and great triumph, great struggle and great joy, great sense and great

sensibility, please remember all that we have taught you, and that our continuing presence [exists] around you
each and every moment as you continue to march to the beat of your own drum and relive those portions of the
personality that will know what to do in the twinkling of an eye when the moment itself arrives.


The time is coming now for us to put a close to these workings, in the sense that we know that with each reading
that we perform, we are moving closer to the imminent possibility of this being the last that will be presented in
this direct fashion now being seen. And so, we want to assure you that it is not these readings that you should be
concerned with, but rather the living force behind them that exists all around you.
You might have become accustomed to seeing readings pop up on this page every few days or so, eagerly
awaiting the next update so as to find out what 'God' will say next. Let us instead reorient this focus to the
immediate present moment.
Stay in the here and now. Recognize that right here, right now, the smoking gun is not going to be found on the
Internet or the radio. It is going to be found in the outpouring of emotion that wells up and arises within you as
tears of joy have come to be shed as you recognize that your normalcy is indeed again retained.

[12/27: In other words, now more than ever is the time to meditate, get still and find the answers
within ourselves, instead of searching for the latest tidbits on the metaphysical Internet and radio
[3/19/09: Certainly we can see here that my belief in y2k being a real event was so strong that for
certain periods of time, like the above, my conscious mind interfered with the stream of words as they
came through.]

It is only in the humiliation and breakdown of this extraordinarily arrogant society that it will be forced to stop using
its drugs of television and other addictions, and must squarely face the Self for the very first time.
And when we deliberate over our conclusions this long, you know that there is going to be a volunteer rescue
squad approaching in tow. So let's keep your chin up, and remain focused squarely on the goal that is at hand.
Recognize that even as a lethargic nation is forced to move its legs, there will be those vibrational quickenings as
well that will allow you to stand up for the first time and get away from the couch-potato syndrome.
You can be one who will wipe off the tears of many eyes and speak of the fact that what is now happening has all
been written, and that its outcomes must continue to be positive.
You can speak of the imminent reality of future events, and the cycles that underline them.
You can speak of all the glorious things that you have to take with you from your own travels of Spirit on this
plane, and get others to recognize that the bottom line is Spirit, not material, not physical.
There are so many who will be perished in the earthquakes and the like by their simple failure to accept the
Ascension when it comes. We have spoken of this before. For those, the lives that they have now will become

one in the mythical and magical realm - a sense of ever-so-fleeting brilliance that they were never quite able to
attain, and yet now they desperately long to relax into yet again.

[3/19/09: This next passage is another example of how my own thoughts interfered with the reading. I so believed
that people would physically perish in mega-Earth Changes at this time that I interfered with the reading. A great
deal of data has come in since this point suggesting that the vast majority of people will NOT experience Earth
Changes in the physical sense.]
(There are going to be those survivors [still on Earth after the initial Global Grid realignment, after the first wave of
Ascension has occurred] who will partake of the viewings of those Ascended who have then returned to show
them the way -- and this will be one of the tasks that you yourself can perform, should you choose to.
There will be much less on the planet at this time, but it is more important that you focus on the ones who do still
remain, as they are the beauty and bounty of the harvest as future successive underminings of the strict physical
prison are then made and rapid advances towards the Light are then marked as distinctly possible instead of
obscurely probable.)

[12/27: Even though this may sound scary, there are some people who could really make great use of
this catalyst, in the sense of the evolution of their eternal soul. Don't expect that you are going to be
one of them.
When they come and ask you if you are ready, you go without hesitation. Don't wait, second guess or
ask if you can take anything with you. Don't just stand there crying in disbelief that they have
considered you worthy to participate. [11:11 p.m. as I write this.] Just GO!
We'll all get the chance to relax, meet each other and rejoice in the fact that all that was written in the
Bible and so many other sources came to pass.
I look forward to the experiences of their awesomely beautiful holodecks and wondrous facilities on
board their cities in the sky, and the incredible abilities that I will regain, most of which I am already
actively using night after night in the dream plane- not to mention the increasing presence of
telekinesis in waking reality.]

So if this is our last time together, let us please say that we thank you for reading this material. We ask that you
not look at the windblown sand dunes of the desert that is created when the waters of Spirit recede from the
physical questions, but rather to the glorious paradise in the clouds that awaits you as Earth prepares to be
terraformed yet again to the precise stipulations of a new order of events.
Now is the time where all that you have learned in your life will be forced into the limelight, as the economic
bombshells and the like continue to be dropped. We thank you for being with us now in this moment.
We continue to appreciate your willingness to read our words, even if you do not necessarily believe them or
follow their guidance to the letter. There is a straight scaffolding that arises to the sky and continues to amaze at
every moment. We are the ones who have built this, and will indeed continue to erect it for you whenever needed.

And thus shall we say, the case is sealed. We put our finishing touches on the embossed cover of the work itself,
and delicately consider our workings to have arrived at a possible completion point.
Now obviously we will continue to do readings, and David will continue to transcribe them for as long as he
possibly can. But in the event that this is the last one, Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
We will always be with you - wherever you are, wherever you go, in that point of power that is the present. Just
because we cannot see you does not mean that we are not intimately working to manifest discretely wondrous
events in your life all around you. The lemons are turned into lemonade, and the rod of control is returned to your
hands. You have the power to make these prophecies come true in your own life.
When the time comes that we are parked outside and awaiting your return to us, do not fear the process. Be
prepared to leave behind the aspirations of the material self for those much higher wants and desires of your true
self that exists not in solitary confinement but in Oneness.
We thank you, and we again remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. This will
be demonstrated to you in so many ways that it boggles the mind to conceive of it. Peace be with you in the Light
of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai.
[Note: Dream content removed here and placed at beginning of reading]
D: So that is pretty much what happened. I can now definitely realize how this was a dream for all of society and
not just for myself. My first impulse as always is to jump the gun to the conclusion that all of this has something to
do with myself not doing the right thing or otherwise.
I do think that it is good that I am completing my obligations of transcribing this material as I go along, as it gives
me more and more of a reason to get the full picture of this work put up for others in its completeness. I am ready
to go back to sleep now, and I am sure that they will have more to say even though this was a final reading.
Perhaps they needed to do a final reading so that the other readings that I do afterwards will not need to have that
note to them. This could be like the official goodbye, and anything I do thereafter will be like supplementals. That
is a good way to look at it.

11:52 a.m.
D: I have been resting here in bed this whole time, thinking about how to rewrite Convergence and put a chapter
about Atlantis in the beginning. It does hinge on everything else. I did have some dreams, but I just don't feel like
it is important enough to try to remember them, because I really have needed the rest.

Wednesday 12 / 15 / 99 -- 9:19 a.m.

D: A pretty good way of telling what time it is in the morning is when the jets start flying. I just had one rip over my
head here.
I think that this dream was predicated by my interest in reading The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly
Palmer Hall, in preparation for writing an introductory chapter on Atlantis that will later form the new beginning of

my book Convergence, which I am definitely going to be streamlining so that it addresses the central point and
doesn't digress. And if I budget the words like that, I will probably have space left over to play with.
Let us now begin with an accretion of selective guidance so as to better inform the individual personality (and of
course, this is apparent individual) of the multitudinous opportunities for service that become possible in these
times. Now when the halo is seen around you, it becomes imperative that you realize that all that has ever been
seen or done can be summed up in one simple phrase:
The Light and Love of the One Infinite Creator.
There is nothing else to do, to see or to know, for all knowledge stems from this Oneness, all existence, all
thought and beingness. So no matter where you go, the ascending spiral staircase always awaits you to plumb its
mysteries to deeper and deeper degrees of wisdom and foresight.
And though it may irk you somewhat, these times are approaching so rapidly now that you must immediately
come to grips with the prospect of your own death to the physical in exchange for the unbroken continuity of the
new life that you will be experiencing as you progress forward.
Now of course, we are not talking suicide here, nor will this appear to be any death of the kind that you would
have it, as there is no pain, only great joy. At these moments when all is said and done, you will have the
opportunity to reflect back on the past and to look forward to the future as well.
We ask that you mind your manners in this transition, and try not to be belligerent or have an attitude about all the
sacrifices that you must make and all the things that you are giving up. We don't want you to be upset about this
and to project that emotion into the experience itself, as it will indeed make the transition more difficult.
There can be a lot of different things that happen to you in this moment itself, and to harbor that sense of
negativity could make it impossible for you to continue. It is another form of hesitation in a sense.
What concerns us is that there are so many who have never even begun to think something like this through, and
therefore when the moment itself does indeed come to pass, they have not been adequately prepared with the
necessary degree of willingness of renunciation of the past in exchange for the most glorious, joyful and incredible
So we wait by the sidelines and we do say that you are doing exceptionally well - you as the reader of these
words. There will be a few more lines to recite, a few more motions to go through, a few more performances to
see and hear, but deep down inside you already know what is going to happen.
You also know that there is no need for you to make desperate maneuvers, as the Light and Love that these
forces represent will always be around you to guide, to care and to protect you
So don't think of this as a situation that you are heading into that will be the object of such great fear and
desolation. Rather, it will get those otherselves on your plane out of their own box, out of their own modality of
living, and into community such that you will definitely see the people cooperating and living together in ways
never before thought possible.
The terminal illness that is shown by some is not likely to continue. However, those who choose to indulge in
negative behaviors will find themselves unable to survive very quickly. And thus, it is not an overstatement when
we say that you will be forced to cooperate with others, whether you like it or not. That is important.
[tape flips]

The gate is seen so clearly now that you cannot hide from it any longer. The opportunities still persist, and their
resultant effects will be rather immediate in your linear time system. So, ignite the flames of the inner self with
your willingness to press on and go forward in love, joy and in service. Our forces will surround you and uplift you
as you do this. We now end this reading. Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. Adonai.

1/4/00: Reading: The Dawn of Change in

the New Millennium


This reading, done before the y2k rollover itself, appears to already know what it was going to be like. In addition
to that, it continues to remind us that this does not automatically nullify the prophecies surrounding the social
restructurings necessary for Ascension to occur. David sorts out his own feelings about y2k in this article as well.

Thursday 12 / 23 / 99 -- 9:37 a.m.

D: I just woke up this minute spontaneously. I have not moved, been to the bathroom or drank water
This dream seems pretty terrific in terms of its relevancy, so I wanted to make sure that I got it.

Were there to be more than one reason for what is going on here, we just need to take a look at a deeper solid of
truth to unveil and explore the hidden caustic comments that still remain when discussing this issue.
The abandonment of vitality need not continue, nor must you feel the corporate clone. With the great man's gifts,
see how the tide of events has turned indeed. The sharp objects we have spoken of need not impale you, and
that is important.

[1/04: All of this seems to be personal material to get me more motivated to renounce any feelings of
angst over getting this work done, i.e. feeling like a stressed-out corporate clone.]

D: I want to get some of this out. There was a whole section towards the end that had to do with a
military base. And although I was not directly in the military, I was living on this base for some
reason. That was strange, as I wondered what I had done to make myself choose that. There was
definitely the schema of moving around, which was one of the first words that the readings said.

This accomplished singer indeed has much more to say, because it stands to reason that the most empirical facts
have yet to be determined on some levels of importance.
Therefore, we should continue to remind you that the work is never truly finished, merely progressed through
different stages of evolution. And these games that people play involve much more than the direct foresight of the
issues closely at hand.

[1/04: And thus we can see here that they [the "accomplished singers"] already knew that this would
be their first new reading after the y2k roll-over. They are comparing this to a new stage of evolution
in the work itself, and perhaps the "last chapter" could be seen as the end of one book and this as the
beginning of another. And since they say that "the most empirical facts have yet to be determined on
some levels of importance," there may well be some very important things that I do not yet understand
about the timelines and / or specific events surrounding the Ascension scenario.]

The deeper challenge arises with the ability to use forethought in an active manner so as to duplicate the
conditions of heaven while still here on Earth.
The passive voice is not as suitable as the active voice, and thus, David, you have now remembered that part of
the dream.

D: Yes, as soon as you said 'passive voice,' you also gave me a vision of that. There was also a part of
the dream where someone had been looking at the way that I wrote the original manuscript for
Convergence, and was severely criticizing the fact that it wasn't more direct.

In troubled times like these, the will of the individual self matters much more to those who only see the tears that
are shed in themselves, rather than the tears of others. Awakening to a global perspective, we notice that the
intermittent opportunities to become more cognizant of others' issues and expectations continue to arise with
greater and greater frequency and power.

[1/04: I do understand this. What they are fundamentally telling me is that I have to write the book in a
way that will be of most use to others, not of most use to myself - and there can certainly be a
difference between those two things. I had been having the ideas coming in for a whole new book that
would actually need to be either a side tangent, appendix or entirely different volume to Convergence.
This book would systematically trace the existence and breakdown of the information structure of
Atlantis and where all the pieces are today, including how those pieces assemble together into the
question of Ascension. It seems that it is too much material to add to the extant Convergence text as it
now stands, since it is the product of a wealth of new research that I have been conducting.]

Integrating these fragments together will prove that the truth is necessarily borne out by the immediate mastery of
life's most fundamental issues and paroxysms [=fits, outbursts.] While a little gunfight is continuing to occur

between these two issues, we can still perform many services that are quite formidable in their power and
And that should alert you to the fact that we are certainly not a force that simply speaks from the outside and
cannot intervene where appropriate. Quite to the contrary, the degree to which we can mold and manipulate the
physical illusion would be quite fascinating to you to perceive of it. We have covered this material before.

[1/04: Going back to the first two sentences above, they refer to my ongoing struggles for selfintegration that were occurring at the time of the reading itself. Even though there was quite a battle in
myself as I wrestled with the idea of losing power and time to finish my projects due to an imminent
y2k-related collapse through the year of 2000, along with other personal issues I could not ignore
including lack of money, I could still produce this material.]

The purported enemies of the One all take their ties simultaneously, and transform them into a new whole that
they feel cannot be quashed. We are here, and have been here, to tell you the opposite.
Unless we make a direct statement such as this, there might well be the impossible nature of Truth assumed at
the wrong time and for the wrong reasons.
The relative value of the dollar will not stand up to the angst of the global populations and their resultant collapses
in terms of their Westernization. More and more, you are becoming dependent and reliant on each other, and this
cannot change overnight.

[1/04: It is interesting that they mention the world's economic collapses due to its Westernization. We
already saw this accelerating throughout Asia in 1998. I think it is important to remember that we
dont need a y2k bug to see these changes come to pass, and thus to think that all these problems have
suddenly evaporated is to again bury one's head in the sands.
The icecaps aren't melting any more slowly and we still have to address the extremely grave
environmental and climatic concerns that are coming about from the accelerating vibrations as we
head into the fourth-density.]
The hook is baited, and the fish must all find it and be captured. In this metaphor, the fish represent those
bastions of society that have no choice but to become ensnared in the whirlwind of events as they continue to


At this point the corporate media is portraying a scenario where, almost as if by some miraculous,
metaphysical sweep of a "magic wand" over the world, NOTHING is wrong and hardly a single
computer anywhere has been affected by the y2k bug. This, despite the fact that there is such
widespread usage of non-compliant systems throughout the world, along with the inevitable problems
with embedded chips in the oil industry that I have previously alerted my readers to.

(No business in their right mind is going to tell the truth about their level of compliance, so remember
that too. We won't know what is going on unless their ability to deliver products is obviously
compromised in the future.)
This public perception of the "non-event" scenario was so strong that I even went through a brief,
depressing period (about four hours long last night) of questioning the results of these readings and
wondering if they were somehow using this as an opportunity to teach myself and all of my readers a
harsh lesson.
Good old Dad even called me up and said, "Well, David, if you want to keep your business going,
you'd better stop making those crazy disaster prophecies that we all know are never going to come true
-- otherwise you might have to start looking for another job." Thanks Dad.
You all out there can send me an Email if you think that there is no benefit to this work and I should
just abandon the whole thing, stop posting articles, dreams and research and go back to corporate
temping where I can use my 75-wpm typing skills to tie up 60 hours a week for 200 dollars. Not.
If that idea were true and these readings were simply "crying wolf" with no wolf, then I would feel a
sense of extreme responsibility -- even though I have very little say over the content and wording of 80
to 90 percent of these global readings, as it comes straight from the Source at a very slow speed and I
pay little or no attention to the words themselves and / or how they fit together as they come in.
In short, if nothing at all happens and society just keeps on humming merrily along for years to come,
then these forces would have some extreme apologies and explanations to conduct, as the trust of
myself and many other readers of this material, the Cayce material, the Bible and so many other
spiritual texts would have been totally defeated. Frankly I feel that they have more than adequately
explained why the "status quo" needs to be interrupted, and the longer we have to wait before this
happens the more damage the Earth will sustain.
I do not now believe that the "non-event" scenario that is being set forth is the case. There are just far
too many systems that were not repaired for there not to be trickle-down effects and economic
slowdowns and / or collapses as a result of this situation. If sewers were non-compliant, you wouldn't
know until they stop up.
If a water system is non-compliant, you wouldn't know until the gravity-fed "water towers" are empty.
So let's not rush out and sell our supplies and blow off the ascension2000 website and others like it as
"false teachings." We're not even a week out at this point, and we really need anywhere from three to
five months to really know the truth, because it probably won't be spoken to us before it is right up in
our faces. And this is not paranoia but intelligence speaking.
I think we are all grateful to still have our lights on, and in the deeper picture, we must remember that
the negative forces still exist and these events continue to be the most probable way for them to be
rooted out at the present. The only way we can overcome such prophecies is for sweeping, sudden and
dramatic changes to occur in our entrenched systems in the very near future -- and there are really no
signs of this taking place in the immediate present.

So I will continue to ask my readings to speak the truth, and go to these depths of trance where I do
not know what I am saying until I transcribe it anyway. I am not going to pass judgement on these
results and in one sense feel very relieved that if these things are going to have to happen, we have
more time than I thought.]

The homicides and myriad problems of physical violence will be surmounted by the need and desire of society to
maintain order.
And thus, it will not be an anarchic situation, but rather one wherein a carte blanche has been handed to the
established ways of society, and a new envelope is produced to contain it so that it may be sent to the appropriate
authorities at the appropriate time and utilized as such.

[1/04: The above paragraph is important. It is again reminding us that these changes will not be
anywhere near as "bad" as so many people have projected. I must continually remind myself of that as
well. It will give us an opportunity to completely change the way that things are being run.]

Between and below the front paws of the Sphinx, the room still occurs and stands fast. Look closely at the moon,
if possible, and see the architectures that others have written about.
This will be part of the reference that is then made when the Hall of Records itself is opened. And as you are
aware, the room underneath the Sphinx is but a portal, or the beginning of the labyrinth to lead to this location.

[1/04: This is a very tantalizing paragraph indeed! They again confirm that some of the lunar ruins that
Hoagland and the Enterprise Mission and / or lunaranomalies.com have alerted us to are actually
Atlantean. I think that the "Blair Cuspids" are one such example- an obvious set of obelisks on the
Moon that are arranged again into the shape of the constellation Orion, just like at Giza. Pictures of
this are in the book "Psychic Discoveries."]

You don't want to become beheaded by your own consciousness. The transformations of light and love and purity
must continue to occur in the midst of suffering and lack of grace. So don't continue to feel overwhelmed by what
is occurring when the rookies of the spiritual realm become completely disillusioned.
Your job, along with others like you, will be to completely polarize in a positive direction so that everyone who
meets you will recognize that you are an authority figure and a friend. That is all the license that you will need to
begin doing your own work.
As we have already stated many times before, the changes that will precipitate this need will arise more and more
quickly than you could have forecasted unless you are already very aware of these trends of prognostication.

[1/04: Now that statement is even more clear, as I think most people have already written off the
whole thing at this point.]

Once more, we again state indeed that the superstores are to become a thing of the past. In certain senses, there
will be a renewal of the Mom and Pop businesses, for the simple reason that they require less participants and
corporate structuring, and can therefore accommodate the changes with much greater ease and fluidity.
Corporations will blow apart and scatter to the winds very quickly when the profit motive is eliminated, and you will
be quite surprised when you see this.

D: Anyway, for some reason the dream scattered pretty quickly upon awakening. I do just remember
at some point that I became aware that I was living in a military base.
I was thinking to myself about how since I was there, it really meant that I would have an opportunity
to live my own way, because I knew that I wasn't in the military. I would also be able to go through the
experience of those places that many others had who had been in the military before.
There was an area where I was sleeping that was near to many others in bunk beds. There were large
buildings like hangars. There were large strips of concrete tarmacs between buildings. There was a
definite purpose in mind.
I seemed to run into jazz musician Miles Davis at some point, and he actually was running with me as
we continued to try to figure out where we were going.
I remember that there was something involving a few other guys around the area where my bed was,
and I wasn't very pleased with them. They seemed to be very mundane people. So I was trying to keep
my own sense of identity in the midst of that.
[tape flips]

Hardware failure necessitates some changes that can be seen as both negative and positive. In order that we not
delude you somewhat, there will be those who have considered the opportunities and find that grains, beans and
vegetables are the only appropriate choices that are remaining for the time being.
We have spoken much about such a relatively short period of time in your history, and yet we enunciate it further
to ensure that it does not surprise you when it happens.
By discussing it in such detail, you have a firmer expectation of both what will happen and what will not happen.
What we can say is that the enemies of the One are prepared for this to occur on their own level, but they are not
prepared for the public reaction to same, nor for the degree of unpreparedness that their own participants will

[1/04: I would like to think that what they are saying above is that the entrenched negative forces in
power, or those whom they are calling the "enemies of the One," are not prepared for how
POSITIVELY the public will respond to the loss of these conveniences.
I can imagine that Cayce felt equally foolish when he was predicting the Crash of 1929 before it ever
happened... people just don't believe that society could change like that, or that the whole stock market

is really nothing but a hot-air balloon of overinflated, groundless consumer confidence that could
actually burst.]

So, the seed does sprout forth and burst into bloom when it is placed in a favorable environment. We do remind
you that as the wind torrents continue to increase, there are still more reasons than ever to keep believing that all
is being guided by a superior principle, and that therefore you should not worry for your needs will be met in a
changing and dynamic fashion.
You will be forced to cooperate with others, and this is only a good thing, never a bad thing. The benefits will
cause you to increase your positive polarity somewhat exponentially, and this is what we find as the most likely
scenario that will directly pave the way to the higher degree of work that is done within the self, which then leads
to the critical frequency being met.

[1/04: They again state that the Ascension process itself will be brought about as a direct result of
people having to increase their cooperation with each other, through very straightforward changes in
the social structure.]

Now I have every reason to believe that the entire future changes moment by moment upon its arrival, and that
there are still many diverse circumstances that could play themselves out. Like any good chess game, you have
to think many moves ahead to see if such a process is ultimately beneficial.
And thus, we can tell you that even though these scenarios might appear to only bespeak of doom and disaster,
they will never actually become as serious as you might think, merely different than the way things now

[1/04: And perhaps even at the time that this reading was done, it was still unclear exactly how well
the world at large would fare through the initial rollover date, in the sense of the power grids still
operating, which appears to be the main index for success at this point.
Again I assume that the "I" speaking is Archangel Michael, as more and more I feel that he is directly
associated with Ra anyway. They just gave it a different name for the Bible.]

The forces available for your protection and custody will be there, and David's dream is a probable vision of one
such scenario, though not necessarily one that will come to pass. The greater focus should be within yourself
during these coming months and years.
Look within the self to find those pieces of the puzzle that are scattered about and can be put back together. In
the midst of all these changes, you will find all of the issues that you have been working on within yourself to
suddenly crystallize into form in ways that you had never heretofore imagined.
You will have a renewed appreciation and understanding for your own status in light of the higher realms, as well
as how others see you.

[1/04: I can certainly attest to the validity of their statements here. The incredible energies on the
planet at this time are certainly forcing us all to think about things in new and exciting ways, and face
up to the buried skeletons in our collective closets.]

Do not fear the facing of the self for the first time, as it is a highly instructive and even transformative process. As
the arming of the enemies of the One continues at the present moment, do not be short-sighted into thinking that
all will go to hell, so to speak.
Simply remain focused on the goal, which is positive changes in society. You have all the tools that you need to
become an effective instrument for this change, and these last few months and years will be exactly the proving
grounds necessary for you to do your work.
Essentially, we do not want others to keep mistreating each other, and to think only of themselves. These
situations will foster community and communalism, and encourage widespread acceptance of cooperation.
So keep the everlasting Light of the One burning at the forefront of your consciousness. Do not fail to remind
yourself that when you see these changes occurring, we have already described them to you in such accuracy
and detail that all the ambiguousness surrounding them is removed.
That should give you greater confidence to not get swept up into the maelstrom of public opinion as it continues to
deal with and accept the reality of the seriousness of these propositions.

[1/04: And since they have always tagged "...and years" on the end when discussing the idea that these
changes may emerge in future months, perhaps on one level this whole roll-over question did give us
another opportunity to very seriously consider these propositions for the future while there is still time
for us to act.
And I do think that many more people are aware of how fragile our current society really is- perhaps
on one level this whole roll-over question did give us another opportunity to very seriously consider
these propositions for the future while there is still time.
Many more people are aware of how fragile our current society really is -- we are certainly not
immune to disruptions.]
You have the ability to overcome fear, terror and paranoia within yourself. If we had not warned you of this
through so many diverse sources of prophecy, including the Bible, then you might not be prepared for it when it
But the time has arrived to put the rubber to the road, and to make the prophecies make sense for yourself. Now
is not the time to feel the need to rewrite what has been written, but rather to use that which has already been
gained as a vehicle for self-exploration and understanding.
The fragmented pieces of the puzzle do fit together, and do not be deluded by the simple passage of time into
thinking that these prophecies will not come to pass.
It is more important that you focus on what must needs occur than on the exact timeline for when it will occur. By
preparing yourself now - mentally, emotionally and spiritually - for this, it will not be as much of a surprise.

[1/04: Yes -- again, even though I wasn't really listening before the date change itself, they were
already making it very clear that everything would appear to be perfectly normal and uninterrupted at
first. I admit that I was ready for anything, and I think that the "goodbye reading" was just as much to
placate my own feelings of responsibility to all of my readers as it was for them.]

We have worked with David on these issues as well, in trying to get him to see that things are not going to be so
apocalyptic as they might appear.
There are indeed many opportunities for health and happiness and fellowship among the otherselves upon your
plane, and in one sense it will break the cycles of misery that many are now entrenched within, as the societal
restructurings will create free time that has not been seen before.

[1/04: I am sure that many will be glad to hear that part!]

So think about all these things, and recognize that you are on the cusp of the most unique and rare opportunity in
your modern civilization's history.
There will be those who have never been receptive to these messages before who will now listen with open ears
and an open heart. Wherever you are, you will be the one who they are talking to, and you can make the
difference that will help these people.

[1/04: Again they are saying that the more we learn of God, the more we can do in our own area when
the final social accelerations before the vibrational shift are in process.]

So, what we are serving as at the present moment is a teacher of teachers. You will eventually go forth and apply
these truths and these pieces of knowledge and information in the way that you see fit. And thus the process
comes full circle.
We remind you that we will never allow the suffering to continue beyond a certain point, and it is when that
certain point is about to be reached that the rescue mission arrives.
So keep thinking with a clear head and with conscientious force about the inevitable conclusion to these events.
The others around you will doubt you and think that you are crazy. You can tell them that it is okay if they think
you are crazy, but they should still listen and at least be aware of the possibility that this might happen.

[1/04: I'm working that advice myself right now!]

If we can reduce fear and increase trust so that more of the otherselves around you will choose to go with us at
the appropriate time, then we have indeed performed a wonderfully valiant service.
We are very excited to have you come on board with us, and we assure you that you will be dazzled and
eminently satisfied by the quarters that we have prepared for you within our ships of Light.

It will indeed be a time for great rejoicing, a time for dancing and signing, for laughing and joy, and for the greeting
of many friends of lives past, present and future with great love and acceptance.
It will be a time of teaching, learning and renewal -- a time to bring back lost family relationships that have been
scattered across the cosmic gulf of Time.
Since so many of you who read these words are Wanderers, this will be the time when you will regain your true
sense of identity and meet those long lost friends who you will suddenly remember as though you had never left.
We have spoken on these matters before regarding the sense of unbroken continuity that you will return to at this
time. We encourage you to indulge in fantasy and speculation about what these quarters will be like when you
arrive in them.
Similar to the Holodeck in Star Trek, your thoughts and wishes and desires will have a direct effect upon how it
appears to yourself and to others.

[1/04: This whole concept of what the ships will be like is very exciting, and a friend of mine
reminded me that it does indeed have all the properties that are typically ascribed to the Heaven of the
Bible and other religious texts. Here, they are presenting it in modern terminology to make it more
visually accessible to us.]

You do have the choice as to how this creation will look, and it is the collective choices that determine the final
appearance, although we do have many designs in place already. Remember that no one will be lost, nothing will
be forfeited. There is only gain.
When the planet is appropriately cleansed, you who have Ascended will be able to reunite with it once again. And
there will be greater surprises as well, as there will be the final renewal of the vortex that will occur when you have
already entered into the ship.

[Note: I assume that this "renewal of the vortex" is surrounding the completion of the Great Solar
Cycle in December 2012. So even once we've gotten ourselves up there and made that level of
progress, there are yet further surprises to await us in the near future. Perhaps we will all be going
through training for the final stage of this process once we are "on board."
In the Ra Material they do talk about how incredible of a process it is to be harvested, and that it is
actually presided over by beings from a higher octave of dimensions than our own. Clearly not all of
this is going to happen at once, and that makes it all the more exciting. I really do look forward to this
very eagerly.]

So, it does not simply happen all in one sudden, deafening moment, but rather is a product of continuing intensity
that moves forward as time goes on.
And so, we look forward to having you with us again, and we remind you that you are loved more than you could
ever possibly imagine.
Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. We now end this reading. Adonai.

1/21/00: Reading: God is Perfection


Tuesday 12 / 28 / 99 -- 8:48 a.m.

You need to arrive at a place of more secure stillness and peace within yourself, and that necessitates the arrival
of a few new participants into the equation, so that we have then changed that which exists at present into a new,
greater whole, composed of so much more validity and motion.

[1/21: Two interesting things immediately show up as I transcribe this. One, I have been reading the
Dewey Larson material, and the word motion is constantly used as a defining characteristic of how our
universe functions. I just found the website three days ago.
Secondly, even as I was transcribing the sentence I was thinking about my long and wonderful phone
conversation with Carla Rueckert, the channel for the Ra Material / Law of One books, last night on
the telephone right before the lunar eclipse.
For some reason I had never tried to get in contact with her before, and once I did everything really
clicked, since we are both scholars of the same material and she actually lived all the events that I have
studied for four years now.
Right as I was transcribing the above paragraph, I was thinking about how she had said that it would
be nice sometime for me to visit them and do a co-channeling session with her. So you can imagine
my surprise as I am thinking this and it is immediately followed by this phrase from a reading that
came in over three weeks ago.]
[3/19/09: Interestingly, the path for where I would go next -- three years later at this point -- was
established just as my first major initiation was underway.]

The harvesters need to ride on the currents of the public opinion vibration, and they cannot take action until the
appropriate understandings have been reached. We now hope that through these teachings and others like them,
these understandings may be appreciated at face value and accepted in due course through a much quicker
period of time.
It stands to reason that in so many cases, the minds of your people are distracted by myriad different stimuli, both
from outside the self and inside the self. Stilling the mind and stopping this incessant chatter is a very important
procedure that takes time and a diligent application of knowledge to endure.
By not watching television, you force yourself to see what is cooking inside your own mind, and uncover the
canonical dictation of same instead of simply running away from yourself to have another misadventure in TV

We do speak in a derogatory fashion about your television, as we feel that its negative influences are strong
enough that it is not worthy of your time and consideration at this point. We have spoken of these things many
times before, and do not need to repeat our words here again.
The luminous body does indeed take form as you continue to strip away the walls and partitions that blockade the
outer self that is the Ego from the inner self that is your own core of Oneness.
We do not want to appear to be sideshow magicians, but we can tell you that the rabbit will be pulled out of the
hat at the appropriate time, and the missiles stored within the silos of the self will be defused and rendered
So just for a while longer, continue to laugh and relax before you really have to be put on the spot and call upon
all of these things that you know to be true. There is still some time for you to enjoy the illusion that life will not
change, and that all things are going to remain stable.
Take this time to get even more clear about what your mission priorities are -- namely the full enlightenment and
revelation of the self by the One Self, in order to realign these fragments of Divine Essence within you to their
central core.
The realization of this divinity within yourself comes about when you are capable of walking through the vineyards
and plucking those grapes that are of the sweetest taste, to then mold and renew the vital energy with the
offerings that are then made available by the Higher Self.
Those who congregate together in joy and in service to the One Infinite Creator can have quite a quickening effect
upon your personal growth process. And thus, do not feel that these workings are telling you that you should only
pursue these avenues of thought and exploration in silence and solitude.
Rather, now is the time to begin fostering more and more intimate friendships with those in your own local area,
so that when any changes do arise, there is a support network in place.
You will also find that working on these issues collectively as a group does make quite an enormous difference in
the effectiveness with which you can pursue these ideas, and that is an important concept as well.

[Phone ringing in room - pause]

Maintain the effectiveness and continuity of these workings with the understanding that arrives to the inner self
that the phone is always ringing, and you can pick it up any time that you want to and begin listening to the prerecorded messages that will be in place for you.
You can become your own client, and seek to do readings for yourself. The best way to do this is through diligent
meditation -- day after day, you must finally accept that zone of stillness and peace that you have resisted for so
long with distraction and mundane recourses to typical events of the day.
Instead, you can move towards the crown of victory of attainment of mastery over the physical illusion by quelling
the furies within the self such that your odometer does indeed become perfectly aligned as a bank of digits.

[1/21: As any long-term reader of this material knows, I have often had repeating digits show up on
my odometer at precisely significant times -- often it is the exact moment that I pull into my driveway,

and suddenly the "wrong" turns that I made while driving make much more sense. Some of these
synchronicities are discussed in the article "Telekinesis Roundup."]

All is occurring according to a greater plan, and you are part of that plan as well. By strengthening your own Light
and Love and bringing it forth unto others, you are performing the highest service that is available to you.
So don't feel confounded by responsibility, or that you are otherwise incapable of proceeding. Simply allow
yourself to relax, and become complacent with Divine Order in your life.
Understand and recognize that once all is said and done, what you take with you is that very essence of life that
you grasp every time that you are willing to turn your back on a negative thoughtform or habit pattern and achieve
its more difficult and yet far more rewarding opposite.
It may seem that we ask very much of you, and that these are perfectionistic demands that cannot be met.
Understand that in the deeper sense, all must again return to Oneness, and the Oneness is perfection. We think
that overindulgence in perfectionism for the wrong reasons can be very detrimental, but you should also
understand that God is perfection.
The perfection that you should strive to attain within yourself, more than anything else, is the complete
abandonment of worry, guilt, fear, anger, sadness, depression and other negative emotions, and the complete
adaptation of joy, life, love and service to others as the maxims by which your life is led.
Take every available opportunity for these negative emotions to arise as another chance to practice meditating on
their opposite, which is in the positive, and then balance those energies together.

[Pause-unpause tape -- brief break]

And so, this panorama of new consciousness awaits you every time that you are willing to receive it -- and that
implies the gradual elaboration upon the laws of infinite intelligence within the mind complex of each seeker such
that these influences might then be met in the day to day life.
We thank you, and we again remind you that you are loved more than you could ever possibly imagine. For now,
this is our mantra, as always. Peace be with you in the Light of everlasting Love. We now end this reading.

1/25/00: Dream: Prophecy of House

Burning Down


[3/19/09: No readings in this entry. However, this is a fascinating example of how I had a dream that was blatantly
personal, showing me what a situation I had gotten myself into in my relationship. At the time I totally did not see
it, and actually did not understand the dream until now, when I reviewed it. The dream did also predict the fire that
was about to happen in the house next door to me.]

Note: This is the first installment of what is going to be a series about the fire that destroyed the house next to
David Wilcock's.This dream / reading was the last thing we transcribed right before the fire itself.
Obviously this is a "once in a lifetime" event and even our earliest assessments reveal that the time-bending
effects are extraordinary -- the fire had cast a significant future shadow accordingly in the few weeks building up
to the moment itself.
Through association, this dream makes clear references to the symbolic importance of the fire in showing what
must happen to society on a larger scale if we don't change our ways. David is reminded that just because the
y2k rollover date has passed, that does not at all mean that such changes in society could not occur.
This event caused David to lose electric, water and sanitation for an entire night and subsequent morning.
The fire seems to dramatically underline David's need to take the prophecies of his readings seriously, and not
just automatically discard them because of the fact that we are now well into January 2000.


1/18/2000 - Note to Our Readers. Nothing is wrong with Asc2000 principal investigator David
Wilcock. He is not depressed, he has not given up on this website, and he is essentially financially
No "chemtrails" are being sprayed over Virginia Beach. He is healthy, happy and sane.
In fact, he has stumbled over an incredible series of new information and is working overtime to
rework it all back into the revised text of Convergence, which will be posted when ready.
Furthermore, David has been led to start a whole new book which we will post chapter by chapter as it
is completed. The tentative new title is The Atlantean Heritage, and it will systematically trace the
breakdown of Atlantean knowledge as well as the reunification of same.
As a result of all this extra work, his readings transcription has been less intensive than normal. We do
not yet have the next global reading in series ready for publication at this point. For now, go and take
your own sneak preview of our Atlantean Heritage.

1/25/2000 - Personal News Flash! The house directly next door to David Wilcock's was completely
destroyed by a gigantic fire last night, starting at 1AM, which took firefighters over two hours to

The surging flames came within one foot of Wilcock's house, but it did not burn, though the vinyl
siding warped. The amount of synchronicities and psychic premonitions surrounding this are
David is extremely fortunate that his house still stands, and yet he never doubted that he and his
property would be fine. The upper area next door is nothing but cinders and the lower apartment is
completely ruined with water damage.
Everyone got out of the building just fine and the American Red Cross is assisting the downstairs
family. We will have a big article up about this as time permits and as David's feet warm up from
being outside so long, helping the family remove possessions and board up. David temporarily lost all
water and electric -- and his y2k stash came in very handy indeed!


Wednesday 12 / 29 / 99 - 9:10 a.m.
D: Boy oh boy! If this dream wasn't ever intense, I don't know what would be! I think the title was, these four
words I just got,

All Together Creating Fun

[1/25: Based on the "channeled" title, it seems that the real point of all these events is ultimately to
unify us as a planet and make it a far more enjoyable place to live for everyone.]

It was pretty amazing- very amazing, actually. I had, I guess you would have to call this a vision of a probable
future of what would have happened if there had never been an Ascension in our near future and our society had
just sort of continued lumbering along and advancing in technology. Or maybe, it was also supposed to be like
Atlantis. There are several different ways that you could take this.

[1/25: I now realize that these social descriptions are about our own society, just slightly changed and
advanced for dramatic effect.]

The first tip that it was definitely not an Earth civilization that we are familiar with happened by something that I
saw several different times. It was a glorious feeling - no body, no sound, just rising and rising like an eagle,
looking down.
There was an area where I was, and then that area would zoom out and you would see that it was a space-age
looking building, just flat with no big roofs or anything.

But then as it zoomed out more and more, you realized that all of these buildings were just nested within each
other, on multiple levels, and each one nested together looked like each part of the next, and it got bigger and
bigger, like a fractal. (In a fractal, there are repeating patterns that look exactly the same no matter how intensely
you magnify the view.)
As I said before, this dream showed me several times that what I was dealing with was some sort of huge city
from the future. It was obviously not anything like the Earth was now. What had happened was that all the
buildings were homogenized, and they all had this E shape to them, except that the bottom of the E (would
connect up to another shape just like it, at a 90-degree angle. And the more it zoomed out, the more buildings you
realized that there really were.)

[1/25: During the time that this dream came in, I was conducting research on fractals, which will
appear in the next "Convergence Research Update" as well as the Convergence rewrite.]

[tape flips]
I was plunged into this society from the future with the fractalized buildings, apparently, at an equivalent or
perhaps future version of the Sojourner Truth Library at SUNY New Paltz, where I went to college.
I could tell right off the bat that this was not supposed to be the present, rather the future. The way I could tell was
that people were using an ordinary elevator near the entrance to the building, and it seemed that they actually had
to pay to use it with a hyper-advanced system of some kind.
It seemed that there was now some sort of system involving a tag that everyone had to carry that was like not
only money, but identification. You couldnt do anything anywhere without having this tag.
It wasn't imbedded in the skin like the Big Brother / Beast scenario from the Bible would have it. I believe it was
something that you had the option of wearing in a few different places, but most people wore it on a wristband.
So anyway, the attention was focused on this rather burned-out looking guy who also had it on his wristband. He
seemed to be lingering around the elevator as though he were waiting for something to happen.
And then, a woman had gotten out of the elevator right before he approached it, and she had used her card.
When she was out of sight, he quickly dashed over to the area where she had just put her card in and stuck his
own card in, then deftly typed out a few things on the panel.
At the time I didn't know what he was doing, except that he looked a combination of guilty and excited after he left.
(Although I am giving it away, later on in the dream the mystery was solved, and it became quite obvious that he
had some way to hack into that computer system and get money off of her identification.
Maybe it was only the money that she had used to go up the elevator, or it could have been more. It wasn't a
whole lot, just a little. Doing that seemed to have made him happy. I discovered later that he had used that to feed
himself, that this was the future technology equivalent of stealing money to eat.)
So, things were already getting strange as I saw this guy working. I said, "What am I doing in this place? This is
really wild."

I go into the bathroom, and there is a radio playing music from, I don't know, like the 80's or 90's, something
familiar, or maybe even older than that - but it was music that I knew. Yet at the same time, it felt like it was now
Oldies in the same sense as we would listen to big-band jazz or 50's pop.
I went into the bathroom and it first looked like there were only sit-down toilets in stalls, but then I saw some
urinals in the back. They already had urine in them - and the shape of them was very different.
It was not the same design that they have right now, only slightly different but definitely not the same. The bowl
was more rounded than geometric, and there was a sort of lip built up around the inside that poked up more than
it ever normally would now, as now it is usually just flat porcelain.
There seemed to be an African-American man assigned to work in the bathroom who was lingering in the
background, and we might have exchanged a few brief words of kindness as I entered or left.

[1/25: The bathroom seems to indicate the waste, the misuse of the gifts of humanity. The man who
was supposed to clean it was bored and disinterested and had long stopped caring about the condition
of the bathroom.]

So then we get to the part where I came out of the bathroom. Somehow I quickly discovered that there was a
gigantic, futuristic, television-style console that was in the middle of this large, rectangular room, right near the
On this television screen was the equivalent of the Sightings website, and I was pretty amazed by this. The whole
design of the website had changed, and it was now called Sightings Level Five, as though there were four other
different sites as well.
I didn't know what the Level Five meant, but it had clickable links and everything else. So just seeing the futuristic
look and the graphical interface was pretty incredible. And it appeared that you could touch each word on the
screen with your finger and bring up full video, so it wasn't like reading articles any more- the Internet had now
become a completely full video interface.
So, I realized at that point that the Level Five meant that I was on the fifth floor of the building. I never did take an
elevator to get up there from the bathroom, but somehow I knew that this is where I was. So then I either willed
myself or went down the stairs or something to end up in the fourth level.

D: I wonder if this has to do with my trances. That is interesting, because I do call them Level Four
and Level Five.
[1/25: It does make sense, because Level Five is the deepest information. As we shall see, Level Four
information is useful, but nowhere near as powerful as Level Five. I have been striving more and more
to have all my readings come from Level Five, which means doing less in exchange for higher

In Level Four, there appeared to be a duplicate of the website, except that the fonts were all different. It still
looked neat, but it actually looked like the style and writing at the Ultimate Counter.com website when I was trying
to find a replacement counter for my website.

What I realized that was unique about this level was that everything that was contained within any of the articles
was in a hard copy- there was only one copy, but they were all filed in this big rack. I knew at that point or soon
afterwards that this had all been a big office building at one time, i.e. the old college library, and they had gotten
rid of all the book stacks and it was all converted for this Internet purpose now.
So having seen that, I found this copy machine and got the idea of how great it would be to copy some of these
articles for myself.
Someone else I knew was with me, maybe my mother. I said, "Wow. I can't hardly believe that the mass public
doesn't know about this service yet, because if they did, what an incredible amount of popularity this particular
building would have. Everybody would just keep on flocking here to use this free copy machine, have hard copies
of all the articles - this is just incredible!"

[1/25: This seems to be about my website in general and how I am making all of my information
available to everyone, and posting it in a format that engenders easy printouts.]

I then saw Mr. Guare, a teacher's assistant from my old high school, who was intended to look like Dr. Steven
Greer, and I think I noticed their similarities at the time. Both names are pronounced almost exactly the same.
He looked at us and he didnt say anything directly, but then I realized right afterwards that you weren't supposed
to use the copy machine, and by getting close to it some sort of mysterious signal came out of it that alerted him,
and that was why he came out of his office.

[1/25: This could relate to my concerns that if I got too popular, through someone like Dr. Greer, I
might encounter problems in my life from those forces that would want to stop me.]

Then I believe that the character shifted back to the original elevator character, who seemed to be like a drug
addict and was really hard up. I think that it wasn't until this point that I actually realized that what he had done
with the key card was to get some food, because he was starving on this system.
He figured out a way to steal some money so that he could get some food. In short, he did something very
negative and was proud of himself- and suddenly this tripped off a bizarre effect.

At this point, it might have been the first time that I saw a very strange and frightening woman.
There were several things that happened that just completely defeated any concept of normal waking threedimensional reality, and they happened quite often.
It wasn't just one or two events, it was ongoing. That is one of the things that made this dream so totally amazing.
There were all these things that just completely defied reality.
So after he mentioned his stealing to someone, and laughed about it and stuff, this woman showed up for the first
time. And it was really scary.

I believe that in the different ways that the woman would come, it would be either a young girl or a woman. But the
woman always looked the same. She wore a yellow raincoat that might be smeared with mud, and she always
had a deathly look of deep sorrow on her face.
When she would show up, everything would seem to slow down and pause, and it was extremely dramatic, just
like a tunnel-vision scene in a horror movie with the scary music in the background.
Literally, it was as if the entire fabric of reality would change when she appeared - and it was terrifying to me.
None of the hyper-advanced electronics would function whatsoever - just a screeching halt.
The weird thing was that nobody else ever wanted to acknowledge that she existed. It seemed that they had
become conditioned to it and just didn't care. They would simply wait until everything started working again,
usually only ten or fifteen seconds.

[3/19/09: I was completely blind, at the time, to the fact that this was directly talking about the
traumatized personality aspect of my girlfriend and what I was already starting to go through in living
with her.]

The reason why it bothered me so much was that somehow something bad would happen to her every time. She
would be covered in mud, or she would do extremely violent things to herself, or she would just stare at you and
show up out of nowhere.
Every time it just gave me this really irksome feeling, and I was really surprised that these people just didn't see it.
So I think that it was the first time that she came out and nobody was paying any attention that I said, "What the
hell is going on here?"
Even as she was horrifyingly mutilating her own body and staring you dead in the eye the whole time that she was
doing it, they tried to act like she totally didn't exist, and it was my first clue that maybe everything that I was
seeing was like a big computer simulation or a Matrix, and that none of it was real.
The whole experience would get so dreamlike and obviously distorted that it seemed that the entire world was
about to disappear to reveal a hidden stage that no one had ever expected would be there, similar to the
Holodeck in Star Trek.
So as soon as I had the thought that it was all a simulation, it again seemed like I went through the same scene
that I did in the beginning.
Beautiful, totally quiet but for the sound of a light wind, rising and rising like a bird. WHOOSH!
My point of perspective suddenly panned out, and I had no body - just a point of awareness. I again saw these
buildings that were all fractally interrelated.
Each level as it kept panning back would look the same as the level inside of it. And it just got bigger and bigger,
until finally you could see the largest level of the integrated E-shaped structure set in against a background of
pristine green mountains and ocean water to the left.

The entire scene looked like it was rendered by computer graphics - the ocean especially looked very artificial,
like computer animations that were designed to mimic its appearance and ended up appearing very patterned and
So after it panned out that time, I came back to an awareness of being in a body, and that I was now walking
outside, completely away from the matrix-structure I had just been seeing.
I was walking down a highly artificial-looking woodsy path with grass and a few trees, almost like the set from the
Mr. Rogers show in a way, and I found this very bizarre bird or owl type of creature perched on a log.
It was speaking to me as though I were a child, and it looked very funny and childish.
This is where things really started to get weird. In a nasal, cartoonlike voice, it was asking me things like, "Why so
glum, chum?"
It somehow knew that I was depressed from the iniquities of the man's stealing and the horrors of the selfmutilating woman.
I just smiled and answered, "Well, I don't know." And then it said, "Read books. Read books and you won't be
depressed. Just enjoy the thrill of reading, and you will become happy again."

[1/25: This was very clearly a message to me at the time that the dream came in, as well as for any
future low-points, that what truly fuels me the best is new metaphysical studies. And I certainly have
been getting my share lately, and feeling great!]

And as it talked to me, it changed in shape. It started out as sort of a Donald Duck shape, but made out of wood.
And then as it kept on talking, it looked more like a pelican carved out of wood, except that the eye was in the top
of the beak, which was really weird.
Everything was very strange and hyperdimensional. The pelican almost looked like one of those Dutch wooden
shoes that had been elongated. But that wasn't quite it either. It was just obviously made out of wood, so it wasn't

[1/21: This is again quite amazing. Just within the last two days, the Contemporary Arts Center of
Virginia Beach, which I walk through every day, put in a whole series of beautiful new outdoor
sculptures. I saw them the first time at night, and they looked like they were made out of wood.
The whole idea of a bird with eyes near the beak is an exact approximation of what the two statues
look like which now flank the entrance to the Center. The eye is directly above the beak, which is
quite small and the heads quite elongated.
It is amazing to see this in the dream, as about five days ago I had a dream a day or two before they
put in the new statues.
In my dream, a big white truck was at the Center and unloading some equipment, and some other
things happened as well that might be very significant in hindsight -- I'll have to transcribe my way

The dreams knew that the statues were coming, even though I had no idea that it was going to happen
whatsoever. It was definitely a dimensional shift to walk through there and suddenly have all of this
beautiful new artwork show up like that.
1/25: The "coordinates" of the future were obviously being very well set here on the 21st. The artistic
quality of the sculpted duck face in the dream is almost incredibly similar to what two of these new
statues look like, which directly interrupt my walking path.
The forces were making it very obvious that they knew exactly where I would be in future coordinate
time when the dream would be transcribed. Therefore, the likelihood of the big fire being seen as well
rises considerably.
They had to match these coordinates redundantly in order to prove the point so well -- and in a
brilliant fashion they tied in all these visual metaphors from my then-future into the plot of the dream
Indeed, the whole rest of the dream seems designed to use the prophecy of this dramatic, highly tragic
fire as an example for myself and all my readers. I will know more as I continue in transcription.]


So then, I believe, that is when it got even more radically strange, and the plot shifted again into something where
I was seeing the Queen of the whole society. And it was almost like Alice in Wonderland.
She had this royal entourage that was with her, and a lot of it was just really silly. I remember that they were
dressed up in these outrageously loud red and white costumes that were overly elegant, very much overdone. I
never did really get a clear reason why, but it was just clear that it was all image-conscious, hyper-fancy and just
really strange.

[1/25: Obviously this is a statement about our society in general, which idolizes wealth like a god in a
very mentally-ill fashion, just like we are all living in a collective Alice in Wonderland delusion of
materialistic grandeur.
I just re-read the list of "Senior Future Prophecies" from my yearbook and almost every graduating kid
in 1991 programmed him or herself for fabulous wealth, success and power "in twenty years," with a
few humorous or honest exceptions.
I didn't write anything, as I was totally not into conforming to anything that the school or society
wanted me to do at that point. It was my own form of protest -- if I were to write, I would have written
the truth of my feelings, not a lie, and at that time I didnt want to share my feelings -- namely that I
felt I was to become a spiritual figure for many people.]
[3/19/09: Again, in hindsight it is obvious that this dream was re-iterating itself about what I was
really starting to see from my girlfriend at the time. She is clearly the Queen portrayed in this dream,
but at the time I did not see it.]

So, in the midst of this it seemed that they were either loading her into or taking her out of a super-fancy creamwhite Rolls Royce with solid gold bumpers, wheel rims, headlight rims, hood ornament, racing stripes and door
This woman who was supposedly the Queen had the hots for me. There was no question about that -- she was
teasing me just like a woman from a bad teenage sex movie. And she was a very, very attractive woman- blonde
hair, buxom and a perfect body.
So, the first time when they were working with this car and there was all this entourage around her, I didn't really
take it very seriously.
I seemed to have a rather adolescent personality and mindset at this point, and I did make some sort of
suggestive comment about her, because it was obvious that I could - the opening was there. I said something
playful, theatrical and stupid like, "My, my, my, you are very sexy to be a Queen."

[1/25: My experiences here seem to be concerning the way in which humanity has been seduced by the
love of money and power and the carnal forces.]
[3/19/09: See? I didn't get it at all.]

She was starting to seduce me, and it was when that happened that I think the woman in the yellow raincoat
showed up again.
And like I said before, she might have been damaged in some way, or stained with mud or would damage herself,
but she also had a very distinctive face that I have never really seen in this life before.
She just looked very sad as she mutilated herself in front of me, blood and debris flying. And I wondered what she
was so upset about, but I wasn't making any connections. No one else seemed to even be able to see her
besides me.

[3/19/09: The dream very clearly spells out the two different aspects of my girlfriend at the time, and
brings them together to show the duality that then existed.]

So, I was still trying to figure out why this woman showed up. In the back of my mind, I was still thinking about that
guy who had committed fraud with the card system, and how therefore this all had to be some sort of society in
the future.
So after that point, things went back to normal and I pretty much stayed with the Queen.
There was some fabulously wealthy looking stuff going on as we were together, and almost ridiculously overdone
-- as though someone had turned Alice in Wonderland into a full-blown modern movie.
So somehow we ended up in my old friend Don T's house, and the Queen was still there. Where the refrigerator
and back door was in his kitchen, there now seemed to be a pit.

[1/25: This is one of the most direct dream references to an event that would completely change the
internal structure of a house - namely the fire in the building next to my own, which almost totally
destroyed the building.
Although the upstairs floor did not cave into a pit like this, the entire apartment was burnt to a cinder
and the roof had completely fallen in.
Had it burned a little longer, it very well could have produced a pit just like the one in the dream -perhaps the probability vortices had shifted since the dream, and this level of damage was deemed no
longer necessary.
The coordinates are obviously amazing... there is just no doubt about the fact that this event was
completely pinned by the forces.
An event as powerful as a house burning down does not happen by chance -- it is ALLOWED to
happen for karmic reasons. Were it not karmically apropos or chosen by the Higher Self, the angelic
forces would thwart the fire -- i.e. a smoker might wake up in time to extinguish his cigarette, psychokinetic force would stop a frayed wire from causing problems until the person clearly was led to find it
and cut off the electric, et cetera.
When you trust God, all is well -- and when you do not follow the simple teachings of God, namely to
love others as the Self, you'd better be ready for the karma. Therefore, just like my early car crash in
1996 when the work first got started, this event was planned for quite some time before it actually
There could well be repeated references to this fire in earlier dreams that I have not published on the
web, which I might find when I go back through them in the near future.]
[3/19/09: In a real sense the dream is tying the fire that was about to happen next door to my house to
what was going on in my personal life with Sabrina. Don T shows up in reference to the addictive part
of my personality, and here I had fallen into codependency and did not see the dangers ahead -- but the
dream warned me nonetheless.]

I walked in and saw the Queen leaning over this pit. For all intents and purposes -- I don't necessarily know if she
was naked, but she was wearing this skin-tight leotard, and it left absolutely nothing to your imagination. It was
very, very thin material and very tight and clinging.
So I said something to her, to the effect of, "My, my, my, Queen, you sure have changed. You sure do look good - you are so sexy."
And then she turned around, and as I was talking to her, she basically became completely naked almost
immediately -- her clothes just disappeared before my eyes. I started to feel intense pleasure, like we were having
sexual intercourse.
Her body was perfectly tan, perfectly muscled, she had perfect breasts and her face looked tangentially similar to
that recording artist Jewel who everybody talks about.

[1/25: Obviously the analogy of the fire next door is being tied in with society's love and fascination
with sex symbols. We are literally dancing on the rim of the volcano by the way that we treat these
people as objects.]

So I felt like I couldn't quite have sex with her. It was close, but I would have to wait to actually do it. However, the
feeling of rubbing against her was close enough, if you know what I mean. It all happened really fast, and it was
just wildly erotic and totally exciting.
Almost as soon as that got done happening, this little girl comes in the door with a raincoat on, and it was covered
with mud in different spots. And then sure enough, this same woman appeared who would systematically torture
herself in horrible ways every time that she would show up. This was the woman with the yellow raincoat, soaking
wet black curly hair and sad face.

[1/25: The raincoat is the most amazing part of this. During yesterday's real fire, the rain was pouring
down in buckets, and all the firemen had bright yellow outfits -- not a single one of them wore any
other color. Obviously they were covered with soot, which in this dream was mud.
There were more than a few neighbors and emergency workers wearing yellow raincoats as well,
complete with the soaking wet black hair. (And now we get an 11:11 p.m. on the clock to boot! Wow.)
Now in dream terms, the mud always indicates a sexual indulgence, and that metaphor plays itself out
here quite nicely.]

I even stopped our sexual adventure, and I said to the Queen, "Who are these people? Why do I keep seeing
them, and what is going on?" The Queen said, "Oh, they just try to interfere. You never know when they are
going to show up, and we just try not to pay attention to them."
Somehow I looked out in the other room or I just knew that Don and the others who were watching TV had
realized that it had gotten stuck. They had been watching Godzilla, [who was breathing FIRE and destroying
the buildings of a large city,] and all of a sudden the picture froze. There showed up this grid of white lines,
horizontal and vertical.
And every time that the lines intersected, there was a heart. It was a typical-looking heart design, but it was
throbbing. And in the middle of that grid was the word "SHATTER" in big letters.

[1/25: The fire certainly did shatter the hearts of those involved - an incredible wake-up call to change
the way that they live and treat each other. Furthermore, the Godzilla metaphor was used in my dreams
before, associated with a possible terrorist strike on NYC that was thankfully thwarted.
Telling the FBI my prophecy is what got the horrible phone-tapping started in the first place... and
only recently has it again significantly declined from where it had been. So the Godzilla connection is
definitely related to Earth Changes -- though I would NOT AT ALL say that this is a prophecy of any
nuclear exchange.

The forces have said that they will intervene if we try to use them, and deactivate them before they can
do any harm.]
And SHATTER seemed to mean that at the point that this happened... OH! I get it. Wow.
The word SHATTER meant that at the point that this happened, there was some sort of glitch that happened in
the system that caused everything to shut down for a moment and stop working. It was then that the opportunity
came for this shocking woman and her crew to show up.

[1/25: Since we were so close to y2k at the time I dictated this dream, I was feeling that it was
confirming that something was about to happen. Little did I realize that in the fire itself, I would lose
all of the four "essentials" that were so feared about y2k -- gas, electric, water and sanitation.
(Well, I don't have any gas, but it would have been gone if I did have it.) More than that, it is about the
shattering of the entire way of life in the building next door.
There had also been a symbolic portent of this event several months earlier as well, where the
bathroom of their house had somehow been penetrated by a giant Boa Constrictor -- no kidding!]

And it looked this time like the woman had a frying pan, and there was fire coming up and she looked like she
was going to stick her head in the frying pan several times to try to prove her point.
For some weird reason I automatically grabbed her head and started to help her do it.
Almost immediately I realized that this had to be a dream, and that she had to be a reflection of myself and that
there was no way that I was going to do that. So I stopped doing it.

[1/25: Want fire in the dream? Check. People in yellow outfits in the rain? Check. A pit in the middle
of the building? Check. Now we have the frightening woman associated directly with fire coming up
and self-immolation - in other words, the complete loss of one's possessions and destruction of the
way of life.]

All of a sudden, I realized that the connection was this: every time she showed up, it was always when the
moral standards had gotten the lowest.
That was when this SHATTER thing would happen, and everything would grind to a halt- all the machines and
automation -- and then she would materialize to give us this message. And as soon as I figured it out, I said,
"Well, what is the message that you are really trying to give?"

[3/19/09: It is true that any time my ex and I got physically involved (which had only started in the
recent past) all sorts of issues would come up that would somehow turn into three days of fighting. At
the time I still didn't consciously see the connection this dream was making.]

At that point, in my mind I started putting the story together. But as she started talking, I was waking up, and it
was almost like a reading and I couldn't hear it.
That was frustrating, because I wanted to hear what she had to say. But instead of words, my mind was flooded
with a huge surge of thoughtforms - a true "thought-ball" or ROTE as Robert Monroe would call it - Related
Organized Thought Energy.
In order to cap off the plot portion of this dream, the ROTE appeared to me in my mind and said that at some
point in the past, all of this society had gotten totally technologized and automated. It was almost as though it
were a matrix -- none of it was real -- it was all like a big computer simulation.
She had somehow figured out what had happened to the society, and she was now part of a very small number of
people who were a resistance.
She had figured out a way to exploit a natural glitch in the system that would allow her to periodically intrude into
that reality.
So when she did, she was capable of projecting an image of herself going in, looking at people and then
doing these horrible things to herself. And obviously, it was designed to make them realize that they were
really inflicting this exact same harm upon themselves.

[3/19/09: This is a great message. It shows that Sabrina's manifestation in my life, and all the horrors
she put me through, was really nothing more than a reflection of what I was already doing to myself.
This is precisely the message I've put into our epic "metaphysical musical" entitled Wanderer

Since her image and indeed the whole world was only a hologram, her own actions really didn't do her any harm
at all from her physical standpoint. Her body was fine in the "real" world, in other words.
Unfortunately, nobody seemed to be getting the message. Her warnings were happening so often to them that
they had gotten conditioned to seeing her, and nobody would pay attention when it happened.
And that was one of the things that freaked me out so much.
I now knew that her purpose was actually to say that the whole system had to stop, and that they were going to
keep working until enough people realized what their message was and started to take action to change all the
problems and moral quandaries.
I then knew that the whole fiber of their society was all backwards. And she would only intensify the disruptions to
greater and greater degrees of severity the more that they didnt listen.

[1/25: And obviously this dream is talking about our own society. The woman represents Mother
Earth, who is showing us signs of absolutely grave crisis left and right that we continue to ignore.
The longer this goes on, the more of a SHATTER there must be to balance the karma. In my physical
reality, the microcosm of this SHATTER was the massive fire which decimated the building next to
me, while miraculously leaving my own untouched.

Everyone involved obviously programmed this for themselves on a higher level, for vitally important
spiritual reasons. I feel that this event was such a turning point and so obviously pre-ordained that it
will show up again and again in my dreams - and interestingly, this one had already been transcribed
before the event ever happened.]

So, as I realized this, it was this incredible moment of awakening. I knew now that the woman would show up
every time that someone was doing something that was morally wrong.
And the little girl with the raincoat, and the fact that they were always covered by mud -- mud signifies carnal
forces, i.e. indulging in sex, drugs, alcohol and other forms of wanton self-gratification.
That was just SO intense of a dream. It definitely is inspiration, there is no question about that. I am going to
meditate for a few minutes and then get up.

[1/25: And the story is just beginning. We will put the whole thing together in the next few days.
Eventually we may fuse these articles together into a grand document. It is clear that the forces have
used this event as an incredible example, tying it into the big picture.
You never expect to smell smoke, hear crackling and popping noises outside followed by banging
doors and screaming, then to open your door and see nothing but smoke.
It was quite something to watch the fire rage out of control as we waited what seemed like eternities
for the firemen to show up. I watched as the edge of a twenty-foot wide sphere of fire puckered out the
siding on my building. It really made me realize that the idea of "everything is just fine" is TOTALLY
not true.
We KNOW that this SHATTER must come. It MUST come, because these problems are rampant in
society. So it is good for us to be prepared in advance.
My y2k preparations were a Godsend - candles, water, food and warm clothing, plus the strategy of
not flushing the toilet.
I will never again doubt the validity of these prophecies. I have been SHOWN. I hope YOU get the
message too and think again before selling off your cans of Baked Beans to the highest bidder.
My latest "thing" is to do sprouting- it is EMINENTLY easy and can completely supply your need for
All the materials are really cheap and all you need is water, darkness and two to five days of time. I am
going to put up a whole section about sprouting soon, as it has really changed the style and costs of my
dietetic life, and it is an excellent survival idea to boot!
And of course, let's remember that the FINAL point of all this is that we are "All Together Creating
Fun." (And we end with a 12:12 on the clock.) We must remember WHY all this has to happen, and
that its purpose is a very positive one, all the way around.]


Hot Times in Virginia Beach:
A Very Close Call

This is a side rear view of where the fire next to David Wilcock's apartment originally got started. Flames initially
burst out from the far left corner of the side of the house illuminated by the sunlight in this photograph, and David
witnessed this first emergence.
By this point, the sounds of electrical wires burning sounded like firecrackers going off, and the entire
neighborhood was nothing but a haze of smoke, reeking of burning plastic.

This was the view from which David watched the firefighters work in their two-hour effort to put out the blaze.

This is a view of the awesome power of the fire to completely melt vinyl siding like taffy candy. As you can see
from the sky poking through the window, almost nothing of the roof remained after the fire. Miraculously, the

downstairs apartment suffered only water damage, and the framing is going to be preserved. The top will have to
be completely gutted and rebuilt.

This photo gives you a very good idea of why David had a very close call. The flames were literally licking at the
walls of his house to the right, warping and puckering out the vinyl siding and threatening the whole house to
catch on fire. The firemen said we were very lucky indeed.

This gives you a good idea of the total devastation that took place in the upper apartment. Only the charred
remnants of the framing boards remained.

Again: imagine if this was your house! The flames were so hot that literally everything was destroyed inside. The
good board that you see in both of these pictures above was installed later to keep the wall from accidentally
falling down.

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