Czech Republic

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Czech Republic

This article is about the European country. For other expelled after the war and thus the country lost its sizeuses, see Czech Republic (disambiguation).
able minority and its bilingual character. The Communist
Party of Czechoslovakia won the 1946 elections. Following
the 1948 coup d'tat, Czechoslovakia became a
The Czech Republic ( /tk rpblk/ CHEK-r-PUBsingle-party
communist state under Soviet inuence. In

Czech: esk republika [tska

rpublka]), is
dissatisfaction with the regime culmia landlocked country in Central Europe bordered by
nated in a reform movement known as the Prague Spring,
Germany to the west, Austria to the south, Slovakia to the
east and Poland to the northeast. The capital and largest which ended in a Soviet-led invasion. Czechoslovakia recity, Prague, has over 1.2 million residents. The Czech mained occupied until the 1989 Velvet Revolution, when
Republic includes the historical territories of Bohemia, the communist regime collapsed and a multiparty parliamentary republic was formed. On 1 January 1993,
Moravia, and Czech Silesia.
Czechoslovakia peacefully dissolved, with its constituent
The Czech state was formed in the late 9th century as states becoming the independent states of the Czech Rethe Duchy of Bohemia under the Great Moravian Em- public and Slovakia.
pire. After the fall of the Empire in 907, the centre of
country[13] with an
power transferred from Moravia to Bohemia under the The Czech[14]Republic is a developed [15]
high income economy
and high living
Pemyslids. In 1004, the duchy was formally recognized advanced, [16][17][18]
country 15th in
as part of the Holy Roman Empire,
becoming the
The Czech
Kingdom of Bohemia in 1212, and reaching its greatest
territorial extent in the 14th century. The King of Bowhile
govhemia ruled not only Bohemia itself, but also other lands,
which together formed the so-called Crown of Bohemia,
European Union, NATO, the OECD, the OSCE and the
and he had a vote in the election of the Holy Roman Em[20]
peror. In the Hussite wars of the 15th century driven Council of Europe.
by the Bohemian Reformation, the kingdom faced economic embargoes and defeated ve crusades proclaimed
by the leaders of the Roman Catholic Church and orga1 Etymology
nized mainly by the emperor and princes of the Holy Roman Empire.
Main article: Name of the Czech Republic
Following the Battle of Mohcs in 1526, the whole Crown
of Bohemia was gradually integrated into the Habsburg
Monarchy alongside the Archduchy of Austria and the The traditional English name Bohemia derives from
Kingdom of Hungary. The Protestant Bohemian Re- Latin Boiohaemum, which means home of the Boii".
volt (161820) against the Catholic Habsburgs led to The current name comes from the endonym ech, bor[21][22]
the Thirty Years War, after which the monarchy con- rowed through Polish and spelled accordingly.
solidated its rule, reimposed Catholicism, and adopted name comes from the Slavic tribe (Czechs, Czech: ea policy of gradual Germanization. With the dissolu- chov) and, according to legend, their leader ech, who
tion of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806, the Bohemian brought them to Bohemia, to settle on p Mountain. The
Kingdom became part of the Austrian Empire and the etymology of the word ech can be traced back to the
Czech language experienced its revival as a consequence Proto-Slavic root *el-, meaning member of the peoof widespread romantic nationalism. In the 19th century, ple; kinsman, thus making it cognate to the Czech word
the Czech lands became the industrial powerhouse of the lovk (a person).
monarchy and were subsequently the core of the Republic The country has been traditionally divided into three
of Czechoslovakia, which was formed in 1918 following lands, namely Bohemia (echy) in the west, Moravia
the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after World (Morava) in the southeast, and Czech Silesia (Slezsko; the
War I.
smaller, south-eastern part of historical Silesia, most of
Czechoslovakia was occupied by Germany in World War which is located within modern Poland) in the northeast.
II, and was liberated in 1945 by Soviet and American Known as the lands of the Bohemian Crown since the 14th
forces. Most of the German-speaking inhabitants were century, a number of other names for the country have
been used, including Czech/Bohemian lands, Bohemian

Crown, and the lands of the Crown of Saint Wenceslas.
When the country regained its independence after the
dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire in 1918, the
new name of Czechoslovakia was coined to reect the
union of the Czech and Slovak nations within the one


part of the Holy Roman Empire 10021806

part of the Austrian Empire 18041867

Following the dissolution of Czechoslovakia at the end

of 1992, the Czech part of the former nation found itself

part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867

without a common single-word name in English. In 1993,
the Czech Minister of Foreign Aairs Jozef Zieleniec
suggested referring to the new country in less formal contexts as Czechland, singling it out as a traditional name
Czechoslovakia 19181939
of the dominion of the Czechs.[24] He also oered the
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (protectorate
alternative Czechia /tki/ (esko Czech pronunciation:
Nazi Germany) 19391945
[tsko] in Czech); while the Czech form has gained us[25]
age, the English version is still rare. The current Czech
1993 present
president Milo Zeman uses the name Czechia in his o[26][27][28]
cial speeches and promotes its wider use.
Nevertheless, in ocial documents and the full names of gov2.1 Prehistory
ernment institutions the term Czech Republic is always
Archaeologists have found evidence of prehistoric human
settlements in the area, dating back to the Paleolithic era.
The gurine Venus of Doln Vstonice, together with a
2 History
few others from nearby locations, found here is the oldest
known ceramic article in the world.
Main article: History of the Czech lands
In the classical era, from the 3rd century BC Celtic migrations, the Boii and later in the 1st century, Germanic
tribes of Marcomanni and Quadi settled there. Their
king Maroboduus is the rst documented ruler of Bohemia. During the Migration Period around the 5th century, many Germanic tribes moved westwards and southwards out of Central Europe.
Slavic people from the Black Sea-Carpathian region settled in the area (a movement that was also stimulated by
Diachronic distribution of Celtic peoples, showing the onslaught of peoples from Siberia and Eastern Euexpansion of the core territory into the Czech lands by rope: Huns, Avars, Bulgars and Magyars). In the sixth
century they moved westwards into Bohemia, Moravia
the 270s BC
and some of present day Austria and Germany. During
the 7th century, the Frankish merchant Samo, supporting the Slavs ghting against nearby settled Avars, became the ruler of the rst known Slav state in Central
Europe, the Samos Empire. The Moravian principality
Great Moravia arose in the 8th century and reached its
zenith in the 9th, when it held o the inuence of the
Franks and won the protection of the Pope.

2.2 Bohemia
Great Moravia (pictured 9th century) was the rst West
The Duchy of Bohemia emerged in the late 9th cenSlavic state in Central Europe.[29]
tury, when it was unied by the Pemyslid dynasty. In
Historical aliations
10th century Boleslaus I, Duke of Bohemia conquered
Moravia, Silesia and expanded farther to the east. The
Samos Empire 631658
Kingdom of Bohemia was, as the only kingdom in the
Great Moravia 830s900s
Holy Roman Empire, a signicant regional power during
Duchy of Bohemia 880s1198
the Middle Ages. It was part of the Empire from 1002
Kingdom of Bohemia 11981918
till 1806, with the exception of the years 14401526. In



Crown of Saint Wenceslas is the 4th oldest in Europe

Crown of Bohemia under Emperor Charles IV

Pemysl Ottokar II, King of Bohemia (12531278) and Duke of
Austria (12511278)

1212, King Pemysl Ottokar I (bearing the title king

since 1198) extracted the Golden Bull of Sicily (a formal
edict) from the emperor, conrming Ottokar and his descendants royal status; the Duchy of Bohemia was raised
to a Kingdom. The bull declared that the King of Bohemia would be exempt from all future obligations to the
Holy Roman Empire except for participation in imperial
councils. German immigrants settled in the Bohemian
periphery in the 13th century. Germans populated towns
and mining districts and, in some cases, formed German
colonies in the interior of Bohemia. In 1235, the Mongols
launched an invasion of Europe. After the Battle of Legnica, the Mongols carried their raids into Moravia. The
Mongols subsequently invaded and defeated Hungary.[30]

Holy Roman Empire in 1600. It included the Czech

lands from 1004 to 1806, and Prague was the imperial
seat in 13461437 and 15831611.
King Pemysl Ottokar II earned the nickname Iron and
Golden King because of his military power and wealth.
He acquired Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola, thus
spreading the Bohemian territory to the Adriatic Sea. He
met his death at the Battle on the Marchfeld in 1278 in
a war with his rival, King Rudolph I of Germany.[31] Ottokars son Wenceslaus II acquired the Polish crown in
1300 for himself and the Hungarian crown for his son.
He built a great empire stretching from the Danube river
to the Baltic Sea. In 1306, the last king of Pemyslid line
was murdered in mysterious circumstances in Olomouc
while he was resting. After a series of dynastic wars, the
House of Luxembourg gained the Bohemian throne.[32]

The 14th century, in particular, the reign of the Czech

king Charles IV (13161378), who also became the King
of Italy, King of the Romans and Holy Roman Emperor,
is considered the Golden Age of Czech history. Of particular signicance was the founding of Charles University in Prague in 1348, Charles Bridge, Charles Square.
Much of Prague Castle and the cathedral of Saint Vitus
in Gothic style were completed during his reign. He unied Brandenburg (until 1415), Lusatia (until 1635), and
Silesia (until 1742) under the Czech crown. The Black
Death, which had raged in Europe from 1347 to 1352,
Coat of arms of Kingdom of Bohemia emerged in the decimated the Kingdom of Bohemia in 1380,
13th century


By the end of the 14th century started the process of the

so-called Bohemian (Czech) Reformation. The religious
and social reformer Jan Hus formed a reform movement
later named after him. Although Hus was named a heretic
and burnt in Constance in 1415, his followers seceded
from the Catholic Church and in the Hussite Wars (1419
1434) defeated ve crusades organized against them by
the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund. Petr Chelick
continued with the Hussite Reformation movement. During the next two centuries, 90% of the inhabitants became
adherents of the Hussite Christian movement.

1765, were characterized by enlightened absolutism. In

1742, most of Silesia (except the southernmost area), at
that time the possession of the Bohemian crown, was
seized by King Frederick II of Prussia in the Silesian
Wars. In 1757 the Prussians invaded Bohemia and after
the Battle of Prague (1757) occupied the city. More than
one quarter of Prague was destroyed and St. Vitus Cathedral also suered heavy damage. However, soon after,
at the Battle of Koln Frederick was defeated and had
to leave Prague and retreat from Bohemia. In 1770 and
1771 Great Famine killed about one tenth of the Czech
radicalised the
After 1526 Bohemia came increasingly under Habsburg population, or 250,000 inhabitants, and[40]
countryside leading to peasant uprisings. Serfdom was
control as the Habsburgs became rst the elected and then
in 1627 the hereditary rulers of Bohemia. The Austrian abolished (in two steps) between 1781 and 1848.
Habsburgs of the 16th century, the founders of the central The fall of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806 led to degraEuropean Habsburg Monarchy, were buried in Prague. dation of the political status of the Kingdom of Bohemia.
Between 15831611 Prague was the ocial seat of the Bohemia lost its position of an electorate of the Holy RoHoly Roman Emperor Rudolf II and his court.
man Empire as well as its own political representation
The Defenestration of Prague and subsequent revolt in the Imperial Diet. Bohemian lands became part of
against the Habsburgs in 1618 marked the start of the the Austrian Empire and later of AustriaHungary. The
Thirty Years War, which quickly spread throughout Cen- Revolution of 1848 in Prague, striving for liberal reforms
tral Europe. In 1620, the rebellion in Bohemia was and autonomy of the Bohemian Crown within the Auscrushed at the Battle of White Mountain, and the ties be- trian Empire, was suppressed. In 1866 Austria was detween Bohemia and the Habsburgs hereditary lands in feated by Prussia in the Austro-Prussian War. The AusAustria were strengthened. The leaders of the Bohemian trian Empire needed to redene itself to maintain unity in
Revolt were executed in 1621. The nobility and the mid- the face of nationalism. At rst it seemed that some condle class Protestants had to either convert to Catholicism cessions would be made also to Bohemia, but in the end
the Emperor Franz Joseph I eected a compromise with
or leave the country.[35]
Hungary only. The Austro-Hungarian Compromise of
1867 and the never realized coronation of Franz Joseph as
King of Bohemia led to a huge disappointment of Czech
politicians.[42] The Bohemian Crown lands became part
of the so-called Cisleithania (ocially The Kingdoms
and Lands represented in the Imperial Council"). The
rst elections under universal male surage were held in
1907. The last King of Bohemia was Blessed Charles of
Austria who ruled in 19161918.

2.3 Czechoslovakia
Main article: History of Czechoslovakia
The Defenestration of Prague sparked the Thirty Years War

The following period, from 1620 to the late 18th century, has often been called colloquially the Dark Age.
The population of the Czech lands declined by a third
through the expulsion of Czech Protestants as well as due
to the war, disease and famine.[36] The Habsburgs prohibited all Christian confessions other than Catholicism.[37]
The owering of Baroque culture shows the ambiguity of
this historical period. Ottoman Turks and Tatars invaded
Moravia in 1663.[38] In 16791680 the Czech lands faced
a devastating plague and an uprising of serfs.[39]
The reigns of Maria Theresa of Austria and her son
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor and co-regent from

An estimated 1.4 million Czech soldiers fought in World

War I, of whom some 150,000 died. Although the majority of Czech soldiers fought for the Austro-Hungarian
Empire, more than 90,000 Czech volunteers formed the
Czechoslovak Legions in France, Italy and Russia, where
they fought against the Central Powers and later against
Bolshevik troops.[43] In 1918, during the collapse of the
Habsburg Empire at the end of World War I, the independent republic of Czechoslovakia, which joined the winning Allied powers, was created. This new country incorporated the Bohemian Crown (Bohemia, Moravia and
Silesia) and parts of the Kingdom of Hungary (Slovakia
and the Carpathian Ruthenia) with signicant German,
Hungarian, Polish and Ruthenian speaking minorities.[44]



Adolf Hitler took advantage of this opportunity and, using Konrad Henlein's separatist Sudeten German Party,
gained the largely German speaking Sudetenland (and
its substantial Maginot Line-like border fortications)
through the 1938 Munich Agreement (signed by Nazi
Germany, France, Britain and Italy). Czechoslovakia was
not invited to the conference and felt betrayed by the
United Kingdom and France, so Czechs and Slovaks call
the Munich Agreement the Munich Betrayal because the
military alliance Czechoslovakia had with France proved

Third Reich

Czechoslovak declaration of independence rally in Prague on

Wenceslas Square, 28 October 1918

In 1929 compared to 1913, the gross domestic product

increased by 52% and industrial production by 41%. In
1938 Czechoslovakia held a 10th place in the world industrial production.[45]




The Munich Agreement between Germany, France, Italy and the

United Kingdom resulted in German occupation of Czechoslovakia

Despite the mobilization of 1.2 million-strong Czechoslovak army and the Franco-Czech military alliance, Poland
annexed the Zaolzie area around esk Tn; Hungary
gained parts of Slovakia and the Subcarpathian Rus as a
result of the First Vienna Award in November 1938. The
remainders of Slovakia and the Subcarpathian Rus gained
greater autonomy, with the state renamed to CzechoSlovakia. After Nazi Germany threatened to annex part
of Slovakia, allowing the remaining regions to be partitioned by Hungary and Poland, Slovakia chose to maintain its national and territorial integrity, seceding from
Czecho-Slovakia in March 1939, and allying itself, as demanded by Germany, with Hitlers coalition.[46]

Tom Garrigue Masaryk (left), rst president of

Czechoslovakia, and Edvard Bene (right), president
before and after World War II.
Although Czechoslovakia was a unitary state, it provided
what were at the time rather extensive rights to its minorities and remained the only democracy in this part of Europe in the interwar period. The eects of the Great Depression including high unemployment and massive propaganda from Nazi Germany, however, resulted in discontent and strong support among ethnic Germans for a
break from Czechoslovakia.

The remaining Czech territory was occupied by

Germany, which transformed it into the so-called
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. The protectorate
was proclaimed part of the Third Reich, and the president and prime minister were subordinated to the Nazi
Germanys Reichsprotektor. Subcarpathian Rus declared
independence as the Republic of Carpatho-Ukraine on
15 March 1939 but was invaded by Hungary the same
day and formally annexed the next day. Approximately
345,000 Czechoslovak citizens, including 277,000 Jews,
were killed or executed while hundreds of thousands
of others were sent to prisons and Nazi concentration
camps or used as forced labour. Up to two-thirds of
the citizens were in groups targeted by the Nazis for
deportation or death.[47] One concentration camp was
located within the Czech territory at Terezn, north of



icant change came in 1948 with coup d'tat by the Communist Party. The Communist Peoples Militias secured
control of key locations in Prague, and a single party government was formed.

Prague liberated by Red Army in May 1945

There was Czech resistance to Nazi occupation, both at

home and abroad, most notably with the assassination of
Nazi German leader Reinhard Heydrich by Czechoslovakian soldiers Jozef Gabk and Jan Kubi in a
Prague suburb on 27 May 1942. On 9 June 1942
Hitler ordered bloody reprisals against the Czechs as
a response to the Czech anti-Nazi resistance. The
Czechoslovak government-in-exile and its army fought
against the Germans and were acknowledged by the Allies; Czech/Czechoslovak troops fought from the very beginning of the war in Poland, France, the UK, North
Africa, the Middle East and the Soviet Union. The German occupation ended on 9 May 1945, with the arrival of
the Soviet and American armies and the Prague uprising.
An estimated 140,000 Soviet soldiers died in liberating
Czechoslovakia from German rule.[48]
In 19451946, almost the entire German-speaking minority in Czechoslovakia, about 3 million people, were
expelled to Germany and Austria. During this time, thousands of Germans were held in prisons and detention
camps or used as forced labour. In the summer of 1945,
there were several massacres. The only Germans not expelled were some 250,000 who had been active in the
resistance against the Nazi Germans or were considered
economically important, though many of these emigrated
later. Following a Soviet-organised referendum, the Subcarpathian Rus never returned under Czechoslovak rule
but became part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, as the Zakarpattia Oblast in 1946.

The Prague Spring political liberalization of the communist

regime was stopped by the 1968 Warsaw Pact invasion of

For the next 41 years, Czechoslovakia was a Communist

state within the Eastern Bloc. This period is characterized by lagging behind the West in almost every aspect
of social and economic development. The countrys GDP
per capita fell from the level of neighboring Austria below
that of Greece or Portugal in the 1980s. The Communist
government completely nationalized the means of production and established a command economy. The economy grew rapidly during the 1950s but slowed down in
the 1960s and 1970s and stagnated in the 1980s. The political climate was highly repressive during the 1950s, including numerous show trials and hundreds of thousands
of political prisoners, but became more open and tolerant in the late 1960s, culminating in Alexander Dubek's
leadership in the 1968 Prague Spring, which tried to create socialism with a human face and perhaps even introduce political pluralism. This was forcibly ended by
invasion by all Warsaw Pact member countries with the
exception of Romania and Albania on 21 August 1968.

The invasion was followed by a harsh program of

"Normalization" in the late 1960s and the 1970s. Until 1989, the political establishment relied on censorship
of the opposition. Dissidents published Charter 77 in
1977, and the rst of a new wave of protests were seen
Czechoslovakia uneasily tried to play the role of a in 1988. Between 1948 and 1989 more than 250,000
bridge between the West and East. However, the Czechs and Slovaks were sent to prison, and over 400,000
Communist Party of Czechoslovakia rapidly increased emigrated.[50]
in popularity, with a general disillusionment with the
West, because of the pre-war Munich Agreement, and
a favourable popular attitude towards the Soviet Union, 2.4 Velvet Revolution and independence
because of the Soviets role in liberating Czechoslovakia
from German rule. In the 1946 elections, the Commu- Main articles: Velvet Revolution and Dissolution of
nists gained 38%[49] of the votes and became the largest Czechoslovakia
party in the Czechoslovak parliament. They formed a In November 1989, Czechoslovakia returned to a libcoalition government with other parties of the National eral democracy through the peaceful "Velvet Revolution".
Front and moved quickly to consolidate power. A signif- However, Slovak national aspirations strengthened and


Foreign relations

parliament for a ve-year term, with no more than two
consecutive terms. Since 2013 the presidential election
is direct. [53] Milo Zeman was the rst directly elected
Czech President.
The Government of the Czech Republic's exercise of executive power derives from the Constitution. The members of the government are the Prime Minister, Deputy
ministers and other ministers. The Government is responsible to the Chamber of Deputies.[54]

Vclav Havel, the main gure of the Velvet Revolution and later
1st Czech president honoring wounded in protests.

on 1 January 1993, the country peacefully split into the

independent Czech Republic and Slovakia. Both countries went through economic reforms and privatisations,
with the intention of creating a market economy. This
process was largely successful; in 2006 the Czech Republic was recognised by the World Bank as a developed country,[13] and in 2009 the Human Development Index ranked it as a nation of Very High Human

The Prime Minister is the head of government and wields

considerable powers, such as the right to set the agenda for
most foreign and domestic policy and choose government
ministers.[55] The current Prime Minister of the Czech
Republic is Bohuslav Sobotka, serving since 17 January
2014 as 11th Prime Minister.
The members of the Chamber of Deputies are elected
for a four-year term by proportional representation, with
a 5% election threshold. There are 14 voting districts,
identical to the countrys administrative regions. The
Chamber of Deputies, the successor to the Czech National Council, has the powers and responsibilities of the
now defunct federal parliament of the former Czechoslovakia.

From 1991, the Czech Republic, originally as part of

Czechoslovakia and since 1993 in its own right, has been
a member of the Visegrd Group and from 1995, the
OECD. The Czech Republic joined NATO on 12 March
1999 and the European Union on 1 May 2004. On 21
December 2007 the Czech Republic joined the Schengen
The political system of the Czech Republic

Government and politics

Main articles: Government of the Czech Republic and

Politics of the Czech Republic

The members of the Senate are elected in single-seat

constituencies by two-round runo voting for a six-year
term, with one-third elected every even year in the autumn. The rst election was in 1996, for diering terms.
This arrangement is modeled on the U.S. Senate, but each
constituency is roughly the same size and the voting system used is a two-round runo. The Senate is unpopular
among the public and suers from low election turnout.

The Czech Republic is a pluralist multi-party

parliamentary representative democracy, with the
Prime Minister as the head of government. The
Parliament (Parlament esk republiky) is bicameral,
with the Chamber of Deputies (Czech: Poslaneck
3.1 Foreign relations
snmovna) (200 members) and the Senate (Czech:
Sent) (81 members).[52]
Main article: Foreign relations of the Czech Republic
The president is a formal head of state with limited See also: Ministry of Foreign Aairs of the Czech Reand specic powers, most importantly to return bills public
to the parliament, appoint members to the board of The Czech Republic has an established structure of forthe Czech National Bank, nominate constitutional court eign relations. Its member of the United Nations, the
judges for the Senates approval and dissolve the Cham- European Union, NATO, Organisation for Economic Cober of Deputies under certain special and unusual cir- operation and Development, Council of Europe and is an
cumstances. He also appoints the prime minister, as well observer to the Organization of American States.[56] All
the other members of the cabinet on a proposal by the countries with diplomatic relations with the Czech Reprime minister. From 1993 until 2012, the President of public have embassy located in Prague, and some of them
the Czech Republic was selected by a joint session of the have consulates across the country.


and Israel.[63] Main equipment includes: multi-role ghters JAS 39 Gripen, combat aircraft Aero L-159 Alca,
modernized attack helicopters Mi-35, armored vehicles
Pandur II, OT-64, OT-90, BVP-2 and Czech modernized
tanks T-72 (T-72M4CZ).

3.3 Administrative divisions

Countries with Embassies of the Czech Republic.

The Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Aairs have

primary roles in setting foreign policy. Membership in
the European Union is central to the Czech Republics
foreign policy. The Czech Republic held the Presidency
of the Council of the European Union for the rst half of

See also: Regions of the Czech Republic and List of

districts of the Czech Republic

Since 2000, the Czech Republic has been divided into

thirteen regions (Czech: kraje, singular kraj) and the capital city of Prague. Every region has its own elected regional assembly (krajsk zastupitelstvo) and hejtman (a
regional governor). In Prague, the assembly and presiThe Czech Republic has strong ties with Slovakia, Poland dential powers are executed by the city council and the
and Hungary as member of Visegrad Group,[57] as well mayor.
as with Germany,[58] Israel,[59] United States[60] and
The older seventy-six districts (okresy, singular okres) inEuropean Union and their members.
cluding three statutory cities (without Prague, which
Czech ocials have supported dissenters in Burma, had special status) lost most of their importance in
Belarus, Moldova and Cuba.[61]
1999 in an administrative reform; they remain as territorial divisions and seats of various branches of state

Czech soldier in Afghanistan


Map of the Czech Republic with traditional regions and current

administrative regions


Main article: Military of the Czech Republic

The Czech armed forces consist of the Army, Air Force
and of specialized support units. The President of the
Czech Republic is Commander-in-chief of the armed
forces. In 2004 the army transformed itself into a fully
professional organization and compulsory military service was abolished. The country has been a member of
NATO since 12 March 1999. Defense spending is apMap with districts
proximately 1.04% of the GDP (2015).[62] Currently, as
a member of NATO, the Czech military are participating in ISAF and KFOR operations and have soldiers in a Capital city.
Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland b Oce location.




Wide Fund for Nature, the territory of the Czech Republic can be subdivided into four ecoregions: the Central European mixed forests, Pannonian mixed forests,
See also: Geography of the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic lies mostly between latitudes 48 Western European broadleaf forests and Carpathian
montane conifer forests.
There are four national parks in the Czech Republic. The
oldest is Krkonoe National Park (Biosphere Reserve),
umava National Park (Biosphere Reserve), Podyj National Park, Bohemian Switzerland.
The three historical lands of the Czech Republic (formerly the core countries of the Lands of the Bohemian
Crown) correspond almost prefectly with the river basins
of the Elbe (Czech: Labe) and the Vltava basin for Bohemia, the Morava one for Moravia, and the Oder river
basin for Czech Silesia (in terms of the Czech territory).
Satellite image of the Czech Republic

and 51 N (a small area lies north of 51), and longitudes 4.1

12 and 19 E.


The Czech landscape is exceedingly varied. Bohemia, to

the west, consists of a basin drained by the Elbe (Czech:
Labe) and the Vltava rivers, surrounded by mostly low
mountains, such as the Krkonoe range of the Sudetes.
The highest point in the country, Snka at 1,602 m
(5,256 ft), is located here. Moravia, the eastern part of
the country, is also quite hilly. It is drained mainly by the Moravian-Silesian Beskids
Morava River, but it also contains the source of the Oder
The Czech Republic has a temperate continental climate,
River (Czech: Odra).
with warm summers and cold, cloudy and snowy winters.
The temperature dierence between summer and winter is relatively high, due to the landlocked geographical
Within the Czech Republic, temperatures vary greatly,
depending on the elevation. In general, at higher altitudes, the temperatures decrease and precipitation increases. The wettest area in the Czech Republic is found
around Bl Potok in Jizera Mountains and the driest region is the Louny District to the northwest of Prague.
Another important factor is the distribution of the mountains; therefore, the climate is quite varied.

Podyj National Park is one of four national parks.

Water from the landlocked Czech Republic ows to three

dierent seas: the North Sea, Baltic Sea and Black
Sea. The Czech Republic also leases the Moldauhafen,
a 30,000-square-metre (7.4-acre) lot in the middle of
the Hamburg Docks, which was awarded to Czechoslovakia by Article 363 of the Treaty of Versailles, to allow
the landlocked country a place where goods transported
down river could be transferred to seagoing ships. The
territory reverts to Germany in 2028.

Rolling hills of Krlick Snnk

Phytogeographically, the Czech Republic belongs to the

Central European province of the Circumboreal Region, At the highest peak of Snka (1,602 m or 5,256 ft), the
within the Boreal Kingdom. According to the World average temperature is only 0.4 C (31 F), whereas in



the lowlands of the South Moravian Region, the average 4.2 Environment
temperature is as high as 10 C (50 F). The countrys
capital, Prague, has a similar average temperature, al- See also: Protected areas of the Czech Republic
though this is inuenced by urban factors.
The coldest month is usually January, followed by Febru- Czech Republic ranks as fth most environmentally conary and December. During these months, there is usu- scious country in the world in Environmental Perforally snow in the mountains and sometimes in the major mance Index.[69]
cities and lowlands. During March, April and May, the
temperature usually increases rapidly, especially during
April, when the temperature and weather tends to vary
widely during the day. Spring is also characterized by
high water levels in the rivers, due to melting snow with
occasional ooding.
The warmest month of the year is July, followed by August and June. On average, summer temperatures are
about 20 C (68 F) 30 C (86 F) higher than during
winter. Summer is also characterized by rain and storms.
Map of Protected areas of the Czech Republic: National
Parks (grey) and Protected Landscape Areas (green).

Eurasian eagle-owl is a protected predator.

Krkonoe National Park

Autumn generally begins in September, which is still relatively warm and dry. During October, temperatures
usually fall below 15 C (59 F) or 10 C (50 F) and Eurasian lynx was reintroduced and protected after
deciduous trees begin to shed their leaves. By the end of extensive hunting in the past.
November, temperatures usually range around the freezing point.
The coldest temperature ever measured was in
Litvnovice near esk Budjovice in 1929, at 42.2 5 Economy
C (44.0 F) and the hottest measured, was at 40.4 C
(104.7 F) in Dobichovice in 2012.[67]
Main article: Economy of the Czech Republic
Most rain falls during the summer. Sporadic rainfall is The Czech Republic possesses a developed,[70] highrelatively constant throughout the year (in Prague, the av- income[71] economy with a per capita GDP rate that is
erage number of days per month experiencing at least 0.1 84% of the European Union average.[72] One of the most
mm of rain varies from 12 in September and October to stable and prosperous of the post-Communist states, the
16 in November) but concentrated heavy rainfall (days Czech Republic saw growth of over 6% annually in the
with more than 10 mm per day) are more frequent in the three years before the outbreak of the recent global ecomonths of May to August (average around two such days nomic crisis. Growth has been led by exports to the European Union, especially Germany, and foreign investment,
per month).[68]



Constitution.[76] The ocial currency is the Czech crown,
and it had been oating until 7. 11. 2013, when the
central bank temporarily pegged the exchange rate at 27
crowns per euro in order to ght deation.[77] When it
joined EU, the Czech Republic obligated itself to adopt
the euro, but the date of adoption has not been determined.
The Programme for International Student Assessment,
coordinated by the OECD, currently ranks the Czech education system as the 15th best in the world, higher than
the OECD average.[78] The Czech Republic is ranked
24th in the 2015 Index of Economic Freedom.

The Czech Republic is part of the EU single market and the

Schengen Area.

Treemap of exports from the Czech Republic in 2013, by product


koda Auto is one of the largest car manufacturers in Central

Europe. In 2014, it sold a record number of 1,037,000 cars and
said it aimed to double sales by 2018. (image of koda Superb)

while domestic demand is reviving.

Most of the economy has been privatised, including the
banks and telecommunications. A 2009 survey in cooperation with the Czech Economic Association found that
the majority of Czech economists favour continued liberalization in most sectors of the economy.[73]

Leading Czech transportation companies include koda

Auto (automobiles), koda Transportation (tramways,
trolleybuses, metro), Tatra (the third oldest car maker
in the world), Karosa (buses), Aero Vodochody (airplanes) and Jawa Motors (motorcycles). http://www. states that Elections in 2013
brought a new government for the Czech republic. Although starting o 2013 rather weakly, the economy rebounded strongly in the coming quarters and most recently (Q1,2015) the economy has enjoyed the fastest
GDP increase in the entire EU, clocking at 2.8% compared with Q4,2014, or 3.9% year-on-year.[79]
On August 2015, Czech GDP growth was 4.4%, giving
the Czech economy the highest growth rate in Europe.[80]

Unemployment rate is at 4.9%, giving the Czech Republic the second lowest unemployment rate in the European
The country has been a member of the Schengen Area Union after Germany.
since 1 May 2004, having abolished border controls,
completely opening its borders with all of its neighbours
(Germany, Austria, Poland and Slovakia) on 21 Decem- 5.1 Energy
ber 2007.[74] The Czech Republic became a member of
Main article: Energy in the Czech Republic
the World Trade Organisation on 1 January 1995.
Production of Czech electricity exceeds consumption by
Czech Republic would become the 49th largest economy about 10 TWh per year, which are exported. Nuclear
in the world by 2050 with a GDP of US$ $342 billion.[75] power presently provides about 30 percent of the total
Monetary policy is conducted by the Czech Na- power needs, its share is projected to increase to 40 pertional Bank, whose independence is guaranteed by the cent. In 2005, 65.4 percent of electricity was produced


Monov (near Ostrava), Pardubice, Prague and Kunovice
(near Uhersk Hradit).

Dukovany Nuclear Power Station

esk drhy (the Czech Railways) is the main railway

operator in the Czech Republic, with about 180 million
passengers carried yearly. Its cargo division, D Cargo,
is the fth largest railway cargo operator in the European Union. With 9,505 km (5,906.13 mi) of tracks, the
Czech Republic has one of the densest railway networks
in Europe.[82] Of that number, 2,926 km (1,818.13 mi) is
electried, 7,617 km (4,732.98 mi) are single-line tracks
and 1,866 km (1,159.48 mi) are double and multiple-line
tracks.[83] In 2006 the new Italian tilting trains Pendolino
D Class 680 entered service. They have reached a speed
of 237 km/h setting a new Czech railway speed record.

Russia, via pipelines through Ukraine and to a lesser extent, Norway, via pipelines through Germany, supply the
by steam and combustion power plants (mostly coal); 30 Czech Republic with liquid and natural gas.
percent by nuclear plants; and 4.6 percent from renew- The road network in the Czech Republic is 55,653 km
able sources, including hydropower. The largest Czech (34,581.17 mi) long.[84] There are 738,4 km of motorpower resource is Temeln Nuclear Power Station, an- ways and 439,1 km of expressways.[85] The speed limit is
other nuclear power plant is in Dukovany.
50 km/h within towns, 90 km/h outside of towns and 130
The Czech Republic is reducing its dependence on
highly polluting low-grade brown coal as a source of energy. Natural gas is procured from Russian Gazprom,
roughly three-fourths of domestic consumption and from
Norwegian companies, which make up most of the remaining one-fourth. Russian gas is imported via Ukraine
(Druzhba pipeline), Norwegian gas is transported through
Germany. Gas consumption (approx. 100 TWh in 2003
2005) is almost double electricity consumption. South
Moravia has small oil and gas deposits.

km/h on expressways.

5.3 Communications
Main article: Internet in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic ranks in the top 10 countries worldwide with the fastest average internet speed.[86] The
Czech Republic has the most Wi-Fi subscribers in the
European Union.[87][88] By the beginning of 2008, there
were over 800 mostly local WISPs,[89][90] with about
5.2 Transportation infrastructure
350,000 subscribers in 2007. Plans based on either
GPRS, EDGE, UMTS or CDMA2000 are being ofMain article: Transport in the Czech Republic
fered by all three mobile phone operators (T-Mobile,
Vclav Havel Airport in Prague is the main international Telefnica O2, Vodafone) and internet provider U:fon.
Government-owned esk Telecom slowed down broadband penetration. At the beginning of 2004, local-loop
unbundling began and alternative operators started to offer ADSL and also SDSL. This and later privatisation of
esk Telecom helped drive down prices.

The Czech railway network is largely electried and is among the

densest in Europe.

airport in the country. In 2010, it handled 11.6 million passengers, which makes it the fth busiest airport
in Central and Eastern Europe. In total, the Czech Republic has 46 airports with paved runways, six of which
provide international air services in Brno, Karlovy Vary,

On 1 July 2006, esk Telecom was acquired by globalized company (Spain owned) Telefnica group and
adopted new name Telefnica O2 Czech Republic. As
of June 2014, VDSL and ADSL2+ are oered in many
variants, with download speeds of up to 40 Mbit/s and
upload speeds of up to 2Mbit/s. Cable internet is gaining
popularity with its higher download speeds ranging from
2 Mbit/s to 1 Gbit/s.

5.4 Science and technology

The Czech lands have a long and rich scientic tradition.
The research based on cooperation between universities,
Academy of Sciences and specialised research centers



Gregor Mendel (18221884), often called the "father of genetics", is famed for his research concerning the inheritance of genetic traits.[91]
Jakub Husnk (18371916), improved the process
of photolithography.
Karel Kl (18411926), painter and photographer,
inventor of the photogravure.
Frantiek Kik (18471941), electrical engineer,
inventor of the arc lamp.
Jan Jansk (18731921), serologist and neurologist,
discovered the ABO blood groups.
Bedich Hrozn (18791952), deciphered the
Hittite language.[91]
Josef apek (18871945) and Karel apek (1890
1938), brothers who originated the word robot.
Frantiek Burian and Arnold Jirsek, founded the
rst plastic surgery in 1927.[93]
Jaroslav Heyrovsk (18901967), inventor of
polarography, electroanalytical chemistry and
recipient of the Nobel Prize.[91]

Otto Wichterle, inventor of the contact lens

brings new inventions and impulses in this area. Important inventions include the modern contact lens, the separation of modern blood types, and the production of
Semtex plastic explosive. In March 1978, Czechoslovakian Vladimr Remek was the rst person outside of
the Soviet Union and the United States to go into space.

Oldich Homuta, inventor of Remoska oven in 1957.

Otto Wichterle (19131998) and Drahoslav Lm
(19252003), Czech chemists responsible for the
invention of the modern contact lens and silon
(synthetic ber).[94]
Stanislav Brebera (19252012), inventor of the
plastic explosive Semtex in 1966.[95]

Prominent scientists who lived and worked in historically

Czech lands include:

Ladislav Mare, inventor of the rst machine producing nanobres, Nanospider.[96]

John Amos Comenius (15921670), teacher, educator and the founder of modern education.[91]

Antonn Hol (19362012), scientist and chemist,

in 2009 was involved in creation of the most eective drug in the treatment of AIDS.[97]

Jan Marek Marci (15951667), mathematician,

physicist and imperial physician, one of the founders
A number of other scientists are also connected in
of spectroscopy.[92]
some way with the Czech lands, including astronomers
Vclav Prokop Divi (16981765), inventor of the Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe, the founder of the
rst grounded lightning rod.
psychoanalytic school of psychiatry Sigmund Freud,
Bernard Bolzano (17811848), noted mathemati- physicists Christian Doppler, Ernst Mach, Nikola Tesla,
Albert Einstein, engineer Viktor Kaplan and logician
cian, logician, philosopher, and pacist.
Kurt Gdel.
Jan Evangelista Purkyn (17871869), anatomist
and physiologist responsible for the discovery of
Purkinje cells, Purkinje bres and sweat glands, as 5.5 Tourism
well as Purkinje images and the Purkinje shift.
Main article: Tourism in the Czech Republic
Josef Ressel (17931857), inventor of the screw
The Czech economy gets a substantial income from
propeller and modern compass.
tourism. Prague is the fth most visited city in Europe
Jakub Krytof Rad (17991871), inventor of sugar after London, Paris, Istanbul and Rome.[98] In 2001, the
total earnings from tourism reached 118 billion CZK,


esk rj, umava and the Krkonoe Mountains attract
visitors seeking outdoor pursuits.
The country is also known for its various museums.
Puppetry and marionette exhibitions are very popular,
with a number of puppet festivals throughout the country.
Aquapalace Praha in estlice near Prague, is the biggest
water park in central Europe.[104]

Prague is one of the most visited cities in Europe.

making up 5.5% of GNP and 9% of overall export earnings. The industry employs more than 110,000 people
over 1% of the population.[99] The countrys reputation has suered with guidebooks and tourists reporting
overcharging by taxi drivers and pickpocketing problems
mainly in Prague.[100][101] Since 2005, Pragues mayor,
Pavel Bm, has worked to improve this reputation by
cracking down on petty crime[101] and, aside from these
problems, Prague is a safe city.[102] Also, the Czech Republic as a whole generally has a low crime rate.[103] For
tourists, the Czech Republic is considered a safe destination to visit. The low crime rate makes most cities and
towns very safe to walk around.

The Czech Republic has a number of beer festivals, including: Czech Beer Festival (the biggest Czech beer festival, it is usually 17 days long and held every year in May
in Prague), Pilsner Fest (every year in August in Plze),
The "Olomouck pivn festival" (in Olomouc) or festival "Slavnosti piva v eskch Budjovicch" (in esk

6 Demographics
Main article: Demographics of the Czech Republic
According to preliminary results of the 2011 census,
the majority of the inhabitants of the Czech Republic are Czechs (63.7%), followed by Moravians (4.9%),
Slovaks (1.4%), Poles (0.4%), Germans (0.2%) and
Silesians (0.1%). As the 'nationality' was an optional item, a substantial number of people left this
eld blank (26.0%).[108] According to some estimates,
there are about 250,000 Romani people in the Czech
There were 437,581 foreigners residing in the country in September 2013, according to the Czech
Statistical Oce,[111] with the largest groups being
Ukrainian (106,714), Slovak (89,273), Vietnamese
(61,102), Russian (32,828), Polish (19,378), German
(18,099), Bulgarian (8,837), American (6,695), Romanian (6,425), Moldovan (5,860), Chinese (5,427), British
(5,413), Mongolian (5,308), Kazakh (4,850), Belarusian

The Jewish population of Bohemia and Moravia, 118,000

according to the 1930 census, was virtually annihilated
Medieval castles such as Karltejn are frequent tourist attractions. by the Nazi Germans during the Holocaust.
were approximately 4,000 Jews in the Czech Republic in
The former Czech prime minister, Jan Fischer,
There are several centres of tourist activity. The 2005.
origin and faith.[114]
spa towns, such as Karlovy Vary, Marinsk Lzn
and Frantikovy Lzn and Jchymov (very high The total fertility rate (TFR) in 2013 was estimated at
radioactivity), are particularly popular relaxing holiday 1.29 children born/woman, which is below the replacedestinations. Architectural heritage is another object of ment rate of 2.1, and one of the lowest in the world.[115]
visitors interest it includes many castles and chateaux In 2014, 46.7% of births were to unmarried women.[116]
from dierent historical epoques, namely Karltejn Cas- The life expectancy in 2013 was estimated at 77.56 years
tle, esk Krumlov and the LedniceValtice area. There (74.29 years male, 81.01 years female).[115] Immigraare 12 cathedrals and 15 churches elevated to the rank tion increased the population by almost 1% in 2007.
of basilica by the Pope, calm monasteries, many modern About 77,000 people immigrate to the Czech Republic
and ancient churches for example Pilgrimage Church of annually.[117] Vietnamese immigrants began settling in
Saint John of Nepomuk is one of those inscribed on the the Czech Republic during the Communist period, when
World Heritage List. Away from the towns, areas such as they were invited as guest workers by the Czechoslovak




government.[118] In 2009, there were about 70,000 Viet- 7.1

namese in the Czech Republic.[119] Most decide to stay in
the country permanently.[120]


At the turn of the 20th century, Chicago was the city with
the third largest Czech population,[121] after Prague and
Vienna.[122] According to the 2010 US census, there are
1,533,826 Americans of full or partial Czech descent.[123]



Main article: Religion in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic has one of the least religious populations in the world, being the country with the third most
atheistic population by percentage, behind only China
and Japan.[125] Historically, the Czech people have been
characterised as tolerant and even indierent towards
religion.[126] According to the 2011 census, 34% of the
population stated they had no religion, 10.3% was Roman
Catholic, 0.8% was Protestant (0.5% Czech Brethren and
0.4% Hussite), and 9% followed other forms of religion both denominational or not (of which 863 people
answered they are Pagan). 45% of the population did
not answer the question about religion.[124] From 1991
to 2001 and further to 2011 the adherence to Roman
Catholicism decreased from 39% to 27% and then to
10%; Protestantism similarly declined from 3.7% to 2%
and then to 0.8%.[127]
According to a Eurobarometer Poll in 2010,[128] 16% of
Czech citizens responded that they believe there is a
God (the lowest rate among the countries of the European Union),[129] whereas 44% answered that they believe there is some sort of spirit or life force and 37%
said that they do not believe there is any sort of spirit,
God or life force.



Main article: Education in the Czech Republic

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter (1896) by Art
Education in The Czech Republic is compulsory for 9 Nouveau artist Alphonse Mucha


Main article: Culture of the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is known worldwide for its individually made, mouth blown and decorated art glass and
crystal. One of the best Czech painters and decorative
artists was Alphonse Mucha (18601939) mainly known
for art nouveau posters and his cycle of 20 large canvases
named the Slav Epic, which depicts the history of Czechs
and other Slavs. As of 2012, the Slav Epic can be seen
in Veletrn Palace of National Gallery in Prague, which



manages the largest collection of art in the Czech Repub- The Renaissance style penetrated the Bohemian Crown in
the late 15th century when the older Gothic style started
to be slowly mixed with Renaissance elements (architects
Other notable Czech artists include:
Matj Rejsek, Benedikt Rejt). An outstanding example
of the pure Renaissance architecture in Bohemia is the
Max vabinsk (18731962) painter, illustrator, Royal Summer Palace, which was situated in a newly esabstract art
tablished garden of Prague Castle. Evidence of the general reception of the Renaissance in Bohemia, involving
Emil Filla (18821953) painter, cubism
a massive inux of Italian architects, can be found in spacious chateaux with elegant arcade courtyards and geo Josef apek (18871945) painter, cubism
metrically arranged gardens.[131] Emphasis was placed on
comfort, and buildings that were built for entertainment
Bohumil Kubita (18841918) painter, cubism
purposes also appeared.[132]
Vclav pla (18851945) painter, cubism
Frantiek Kupka (18711954) painter, abstract art
Jan Zrzav (18901977) painter, graphic artist, illustrator
Karel Teige (19001951) painter, illustrator,
Toyen (19021980) painter, illustrator, surrealism
Ji Anderle (1936) graphic artist



Main articles: Czech Gothic architecture, Czech Renaissance architecture and Czech Baroque architecture
St. Nicholas Church in Prague, a magnicent exemplar of the
Bohemian Baroque

The earliest preserved stone buildings in Bohemia and

Moravia date back to the time of the Christianization in
the 9th and 10th century. Since the Middle Ages the
Czech lands have been using the same architectural styles
like most of Western and Central Europe. The oldest still
standing churches were built in the Romanesque style.
During the 13th century it was replaced by the Gothic
style. In the 14th century Emperor Charles IV invited to
his court in Prague talented architects from France and
Germany, Matthias of Arras and Peter Parler. During the
Middle Ages, many fortied castles were built by the king
and aristocracy, as well as many monasteries. During the
Hussite wars, many of them were damaged or destroyed.

Royal Summer Palace in Prague considered the purest Renaissance architecture outside Italy[130]

In the 17th century, the Baroque style spread throughout the Crown of Bohemia. Very outstanding are the architectural projects of the Czech nobleman and imperial
generalissimo Albrecht von Wallenstein from the 1620s.
His architects Andrea Spezza and Giovanni Pieroni reected the most recent Italian production and were very
innovative at the same time. Czech Baroque architecture is considered to be a unique part of the European
cultural heritage thanks to its extensiveness and extraordinariness. In the rst third of the 18th century the Bohemian lands were one of the leading artistic centers of
the Baroque style. In Bohemia there was completed the
development of the Radical Baroque style created in Italy
by Francesco Borromini and Guarino Guarini in a very
original way.[133] Leading architects of the Bohemian
Baroque were Jean-Baptiste Mathey, Frantiek Maxmilin Kaka, Christoph Dientzenhofer, and his son Kilian
Ignaz Dientzenhofer.
In the 18th century Bohemia produced an architectural
peculiarity the Baroque Gothic style, a synthesis of the
Gothic and Baroque styles. This was not a simple return
to Gothic details, but rather an original Baroque transformation. The main representative and originator of this
style was Jan Blaej Santini-Aichel, who used this style
in renovating medieval monastic buildings.[131]



Pilgrimage Church of Saint John of Nepomuk by Santini

During the 19th century, the revival architectural styles

were very popular in the Bohemian monarchy. Many
churches were restored to their presumed medieval appearance and there were constructed many new buildings in the Neo-Romanesque, Neo-Gothic and NeoRenaissance styles. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries the new art style appeared in the Czech lands Art
Nouveau. The best-known representatives of Czech Art
Nouveau architecture were Osvald Polvka, who designed
the Municipal House in Prague, Josef Fanta, the architect
of the Prague Main Railway Station, and Jan Kotra.


Dancing House in Prague

the most modern trends of international architecture.

This fact is attested to by a number of projects by worldrenowned architects (Frank Gehry, Jean Nouvel, Ricardo
Boll, and John Pawson). There are also contemporary
Czech architects whose works can be found all over the
world (Eva Jiin, Jan Kaplick).[131]

7.3 Literature
Main article: Czech literature
Czech literature is the literature written by Czechs,

Bohemia contributed an unusual style to the worlds architectural heritage when Czech architects attempted to
transpose the Cubism of painting and sculpture into architecture. During the rst years of the independent
Czechoslovakia (after 1918), a specically Czech architectural style, called Rondo-Cubism, came into existence. Together with the pre-war Czech Cubist architecture it is unparalleled elsewhere in the world. The rst
Czechoslovak president T. G. Masaryk invited the prominent Slovene architect Joe Plenik to Prague, where he
modernized the Castle and built some other buildings.
Between World Wars I and II, Functionalism, with its
sober, progressive forms, took over as the main architectural style in the newly established Czechoslovak Republic. In the city of Brno, one of the most impressive functionalist works has been preserved Villa Tugendhat, designed by the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.[131]
The most signicant Czech architects of this era were
Adolf Loos and Josef Gor.
After the World War II and the Communist coup in 1948
the art in Czechoslovakia came under the strong Soviet
inuence. Hotel International in Prague is a brilliant example of the so-called Socialist realism, the Stalinistic
art style of the 1950s. Czechoslovak avant-garde artistic
movement known as the Brussels style (called after the
Franz Kafka
Brussels Worlds Fair Expo 58) became popular in the
time of political liberalization of Czechoslovakia in the mostly in the Czech language, although other languages
like Old Church Slavonic, Latin or German have been
Even today, the Czech Republic is not shying away from also used, such as by author Franz Kafka, whowhile



bilingual in Czech and German[134][135] wrote his works to strive for political freedom, establishing a condent,
in German, during the era of Austrian rule.
politically aware nation.
Inuential Czech authors who wrote in Latin include Cosmas of Prague ( 1125), Peter of Zittau (
1339), John Hus ( 1415), Bohuslav Hasitejnsk z
Lobkovic (14611510), Jan Dubravius (14861553),
Tade Hjek (15251600), Johannes Vodnianus Campanus (15721622), and Bohuslav Balbn (16211688).
In the late 13th century the royal court in Prague was one
of the centers of German Minnesang. The most famous
Czech medieval German-language work is the Ploughman of Bohemia (Der Ackermann aus Bhmen), written
around 1401 by Johannes von Tepl. The heyday of Czech
German-language literature can be seen in the rst half of
the 20th century, which is represented by the well-known
names of Franz Kafka, Max Brod, Franz Werfel, Rainer
Maria Rilke, Egon Erwin Kisch, and others.

7.4 Media
Since the Czech Republic is a democratic republic, journalists and media are free to write about everything, except supporting nazism, racism and violating the Czech
law. The country was ranked as the 13th most free press
in the World Freedom Index by Reporters Without Borders in 2014.[136]

The most trustful media in the Czech Republic are public

services. Czech Television, the only national public television service, owns the 24-hour news channel T24.[137]
Other public services are Czech Radio and the Czech
News Agency (TK). Privately owned television services
such as TV Nova, Prima Family and TV Barrandov are
The Bible translations played an important role in the dealso very popular, with TV Nova being the most popular
velopment of Czech literature and standard Czech lanchannel in the Czech Republic.
guage. The oldest Czech translation of the Psalms originated in the late 13th century and the rst Czech trans- Newspapers are quite popular in the Czech Republic. The
lation of the whole Bible was nished around 1360. The best-selling daily national newspapers are Blesk (averrst complete printed Czech Bible was published in 1488 age 1.15M daily readers), Mlad fronta DNES (average
(Prague Bible). The rst complete Czech Bible trans- 752,000 daily readers) and Daily (average 72,000 daily
lation from original languages was published between readers).[138]
157993 and is known as the Bible of Kralice.
Czech-language literature can be divided into several
main time periods: the Middle Ages (Chronicle of Dalimil); the Hussite period (Tom ttn ze ttnho, Jan
Hus, Petr Chelick); the Renaissance humanism (Henry
the Younger of Podbrady, Luke of Prague, Wenceslaus
Hajek, Jan Blahoslav, Daniel Adam z Veleslavna); the
Baroque period (John Amos Comenius, Adam Vclav
Michna z Otradovic, Bedich Bridel, Jan Frantiek Beckovsk); the Enlightenment and Czech reawakening in
the 19th century (Vclav Matj Kramerius, Karel Hynek
Mcha, Karel Jaromr Erben, Karel Havlek Borovsk,
Boena Nmcov, Jan Neruda, Alois Jirsek); the avantgarde of the interwar period (Karel apek, Jaroslav
Haek, Vtzslav Nezval, Jaroslav Seifert, Bohuslav
Reynek); the years under Communism and the Prague
Spring (Josef kvoreck, Bohumil Hrabal, Milan Kundera, Arnot Lustig, Vclav Havel); and the literature
of the post-Communist Czech Republic (Ivan Martin

7.5 Music
Main articles: Music of the Czech Lands and Moravian
traditional music
Music in the Czech lands has its roots in more than 1,000year-old sacred music. The rst surviving references
Lord, Have Mercy on Us come from the end of the 10th
century and in the traditional folk music of Bohemia,
Moravia and Silesia and in the long-term high-culture
classical music tradition. Since the early eras of articial
music, Czech musicians and composers have often been
inuenced by genuine folk music (such as polka which
originated in Bohemia). Notable Czech composers include Antonn Dvok, Bedich Smetana, Gustav Mahler
(he was born and grew up in the Czech lands), Adam
Michna, Jan Dismas Zelenka, Josef Mysliveek, Leo
Janek, Josef Suk, Bohuslav Martin, Erwin Schulho
and Petr Eben.

Jaroslav Seifert was the only Czech writer awarded the

Nobel Prize in Literature. A famous antiwar comedy
novel The Good Soldier vejk by Jaroslav Haek is the
7.6 Theatre
most translated Czech book in history. It was depicted by
Karel Stekl in two color lms The Good Soldier Schweik
Main article: Theatre of the Czech Republic
in 1956 and 1957.
Czech literature and culture played a major role on at least
two occasions, when Czechs lived under oppression and
political activity was suppressed. On both of these occasions, in the early 19th century and then again in the
1960s, the Czechs used their cultural and literary eort

Theatre of the Czech Republic has rich tradition with

roots in the Middle Ages. In the 19th century, the theatre played an important role in the national awakening
movement and later, in the 20th century it became a part
of the modern European theatre art.



international acclaim, including Hidden & Dangerous,
Operation Flashpoint, Vietcong and Maa. Today, the
most globally successful Czech games include ARMA,
DayZ, Space Engineers, Machinarium, Shadowgun and
BLACKHOLE. The Czech Game of the Year Awards are
held annually at the Anilm festival in Tebo.

7.9 Cuisine
Main article: Czech cuisine
Czech cuisine is marked by a strong emphasis on meat

Antonn Dvok



Main article: Cinema of the Czech Republic

The Barrandov Studios in Prague are the largest lm studios in country and one of the largest in Europe. The
Czech Republic has many popular lm locations.[139] A mug of Budweiser Budvar
Filmmakers have come to Prague to shoot scenery no
longer found in Berlin, Paris and Vienna. The city of
Karlovy Vary was used as a location for the 2006 James
Bond lm Casino Royale.[140] Czech Lion is the highest award for Czech lm achievement. The international
Karlovy Vary lm festival is one of the oldest in the world.


Video games

Main article: Video gaming in the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is home to several globally successful video game developers, including Illusion Softworks (2K Czech), Bohemia Interactive, Keen Software
House, Amanita Design and Madnger Games. The
Czech video game development scene has a long history, Svkov na smetan served with sirlion, dumplings (knedlky),
and a number of Czech games were produced for the whipped cream and cranberries[141]
ZX Spectrum, PMD 85 and Atari systems in the 1980s.
In the early 2000s, a number of Czech games achieved dishes. Pork is quite common; beef and chicken are also



popular. Goose, duck, rabbit and wild game are served.

Fish is rare, with the occasional exception of fresh trout
and carp, which is served at Christmas.
Czech beer has a long and important history. The rst
brewery is known to have existed in 993 and the Czech
Republic has the highest beer consumption per capita in
the world. The famous "pilsner style beer" (pils) originated in the western Bohemian city of Plze, where world
famous Pilsner Urquell is still being produced. Further
south the town of esk Budjovice, known as Budweis
in German, lent its name to its beer, eventually known
as Budweiser Budvar. Apart from these and other major
brands, the Czech Republic also boasts a growing number
of top quality small breweries and mini-breweries seeking to continue the age-old tradition of quality and taste, Ice hockey is one of the most popular sports in the Czech Republic
and the Czech national team is one of the worlds best teams
whose output matches the best in the world.
Tourism is slowly growing around the Southern Moravian
region too, which has been producing wine since the Middle Ages; about 94% of vineyards in the Czech Republic
are Moravian. Aside from slivovitz, Czech beer and wine,
the Czechs also produce two unique liquors, Fernet Stock
and Becherovka. Kofola is a non-alcoholic domestic cola
soft drink which competes with Coca Cola and Pepsi in

7.10 Sports
Main article: Sport in the Czech Republic

Sports play a part in the life of many Czechs, who are

generally loyal supporters of their favorite teams or individuals. The two leading sports in the Czech RepubSome popular Czech dishes include:
lic are ice hockey and football. Tennis is also a very
popular sport in the Czech Republic. The many other
sports with professional leagues and structures include
Vepo knedlo zelo: roast pork with bread dumplings
basketball, volleyball, team handball, track and eld athand stewed cabbage
letics and oorball. The Czech ice hockey team won the
gold medal at the 1998 Winter Olympics and has won
Svkov na smetan: roast sirloin of beef with
six gold medals at the World Championships, including
steamed dumplings and cream of vegetable sauce
three straight from 1999 to 2001. In total the country has
won 14 gold medals in summer (plus 49 as Czechoslo Rajsk (omka): beef in tomato sauce, traditionally
vakia) and ve gold medals (plus two as Czechoslovakia)
served with dumplings
in winter Olympic history.
Koprovka: beef in dill sauce, traditionally served Sport is a source of strong waves of patriotism, usually
rising several days or weeks before an event. The events
with dumplings
considered the most important by Czech fans are: the
Peen kachna: roast duck with bread or potato Ice Hockey World Championships, Olympic Ice hockey
tournament, UEFA European Football Championship,
dumplings and braised red cabbage
UEFA Champions League, FIFA World Cup and quali[142]
In general, any in Gul: a variety of beef and pork goulash stews, cation matches for such events.
ternational match of the Czech ice hockey or football
served with dumplings or bread
national team draws attention, especially when played
Smaen sr: fried cheese, typically served with against a traditional rival.
potatoes or french fries and tartar sauce
Bramborky: potato pancakes, traditionally served
with sour cabbage

The Czech Republic also has great inuence in tennis,

with such players as Ivan Lendl, 8 times Grand Slam
singles champion, 2010 Wimbledon Championships
Mens Singles nalist Tom Berdych, 2011 and 2014
Wimbledon Championships Womens Singles champion Petra Kvitov, 1998 Wimbledon Womens Singles
title Jana Novotn, 2015 French Open Womens Singles nalist Lucie Safarova, 2011 Wimbledon Championships Womens Doubles champion Kvta Peschke
and 18 time Grand Slam champion Martina Navratilova.

There is also a large variety of local sausages, wurst,

pts, and smoked and cured meats. Czech desserts include a wide variety of whipped cream, chocolate, and
fruit pastries and tarts, crepes, creme desserts and cheese,
poppy seed lled and other types of traditional cakes such
One of the most popular Czech sport is hiking, mainly in
as buchty, kole and trdl.

the Czech mountains. The word tourist in the Czech
language also means a trekker or hiker. For beginners,
thanks to the more than 100 years long tradition, there is
a unique system of waymarking, one of the best in Europe. There is a network of around 40,000 km of perfectly marked short and long distance trails crossing the
whole country and all the Czech mountains not only in
the umava Mountains, but also in the Vysoina, Krun
hory, Jizersk hory, Beskydy, Jesenky, Orlick hory and
Giant Mountains Krkonoe.

See also
List of Czech Republic-related topics
Outline of the Czech Republic


[1] Czech language. Czech Republic Ocial website.
Ministry of Foreign Aairs of the Czech Republic. Retrieved 14 November 2011.
[2] Citizens belonging to minorities, which traditionally and
on a long-term basis live within the territory of the Czech
Republic, enjoy the right to use their language in communication with authorities and in courts of law (for the list
of recognized minorities see National Minorities Policy of
the Government of the Czech Republic, Belorussian and
Vietnamese since 4 July 2013, see esko m nov ociln
nrodnostn meniny. Vietnamce a Blorusy). Article 25
of the Czech Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic
Freedoms ensures the right of the national and ethnic minorities to education and communication with the authorities in their own language. Act No. 500/2004 Coll. (The
Administrative Rule) in its paragraph 16 (4) (Procedural
Language) ensures that a citizen of the Czech Republic
who belongs to a national or an ethnic minority, which
traditionally and on a long-term basis lives within the territory of the Czech Republic, has the right to address an
administrative agency and proceed before it in the language of the minority. If the administrative agency has no
employee with knowledge of the language, the agency is
bound to obtain a translator at the agencys own expense.
According to Act No. 273/2001 (Concerning the Rights
of Members of Minorities) paragraph 9 (The right to use
language of a national minority in dealing with authorities
and in front of the courts of law) the same also applies to
members of national minorities in the courts of law.
[3] The Slovak language may be considered an ocial language in the Czech Republic under certain circumstances,
as dened by several laws e.g. law 500/2004, 337/1992.
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10 Further reading
Hochman, Ji. Historical dictionary of the Czech
State (1998)



External links

Czech Republic entry at The World Factbook

Czech Republic information from the United States
Department of State

Czech Tourism ocial travel site of the Czech Republic
Czech tourist club ocial webpage

Portals to the World from the United States Library

Coordinates: 4945N 1530E / 49.750N 15.500E
of Congress
Czech Republic at UCB Libraries GovPubs
Czech Republic at DMOZ
Czech Republic prole from the BBC News
Wikimedia Atlas of the Czech Republic
Geographic data related to Czech Republic at
Key Development Forecasts for the Czech Republic
from International Futures
Czech Republic
History of Celts
History of Czech Economic and Political Alignments Viewed as a Transition
Governmental website
Presidential website
Portal of the Public Administration
Chief of State and Cabinet Members
The Prague Post
Czech News Agency News
Prague Daily Monitor
Radio Prague
Czech Statistical Oce
World Bank Summary Trade Statistics Czech Republic





Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses


Czech Republic Source: Contributors: Dreamyshade, Brion VIBBER,

Zundark, The Anome, Tarquin, Koyaanis Qatsi, AstroNomer~enwiki, Taw, Jeronimo, -- April, Scipius, Danny, Tim Shell, MarekF~enwiki,
Hhanke, SimonP, Panairjdde~enwiki, Camembert, Mintguy, R Lowry, Hephaestos, Olivier, Vkem~enwiki, Edward, Patrick, Infrogmation, JohnOwens, Tim Starling, Gabbe, Menchi, Bohuslavroztocil, Wapcaplet, Mic, Ixfd64, Zanimum, Sannse, Prasenberg, Gaz~enwiki,
Looxix~enwiki, Mdebets, Ahoerstemeier, Arwel Parry, Docu, TUF-KAT, Darkwind, , Jiang, Kaihsu, Cherkash, GCarty, Rl,
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WhisperToMe, Wik, Tpbradbury, Munford, Maximus Rex, Grendelkhan, Morwen, Itai, Ed g2s, Joy, Bjarki S, Fvw, Zanthalon, Jerzy, Proteus, Qertis, Frish, Jni, Phil Boswell, Sjorford, Yenik~enwiki, Robbot, Juro, Vardion, Ke4roh, Caroig, ChrisO~enwiki, Chrism, Fredrik,
Altenmann, Romanm, Naddy, Samrolken, Dukeofomnium, Gidonb, Hippietrail, Timrollpickering, Caknuck, Bkell, Mervyn, UtherSRG,
Saforrest, Ddstretch, David Edgar, Gerv, Guy Peters, Katarzyna, Adam78, Lysy, David Gerard, Vjrott, DocWatson42, Pmaguire, Jao,
Nikodemos, Meursault2004, Cool Hand Luke, Obli, Matt Borak, Tsca, Everyking, Mellum, Jgritz, Cantus, Rick Block, Malyctenar,
Mboverload, Zoney, Matthead, Gzornenplatz, Avala, Golbez, Thewikipedian, Gadum, Utcursch, SoWhy, Andycjp, Sca, Knutux, Sonjaaa,
Ran, Antandrus, Margana, OverlordQ, Kaldari, Jossi, Plasma east, Wikimol, Langston~enwiki, Monarchist, Davidge~enwiki, Krupo, Jklamo, Soman, Picapica, Jvedral, Ulmanor, Bluemask, Mike Rosoft, Kingal86, D6, Mormegil, PZFUN, Duja, Ultratomio, EugeneZelenko, R
U Bn, Discospinster, Guanabot, Hytrion~enwiki, BlueMars, Michal Jurosz, ThomasK, Pmsyyz, Vsmith, Naive cynic, Parishan, Marianne34,
IlyaHaykinson, Quiensabe, Dbachmann, Michael Zimmermann, Pavel Vozenilek, Paul August, SpookyMulder, Ikalmar, WegianWarrior,
Bender235, ESkog, Swid, SElefant, CanisRufus, Pgl, Livajo, El C, Miraceti, Kwamikagami, -jkb-, Spearhead, Art LaPella, RoyBoy, EmilJ,
RTucker, Bobo192, Janna Isabot, Sortior, Func, Shenme, Cmdrjameson, Man vyi, Darwinek, PeterisP, Thewayforward, Morganiq, Sam
Korn, Pharos, Jumbuck, JohnyDog, Freako, Stephen G. Brown, Alansohn, Gary, Buaidh, Ronline, Davenbelle, AzaToth, Pgfb, InShaneee,
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TimComm, Woohookitty, Sandius, TigerShark, Camw, Miaow Miaow, Gznorneplatz, MONGO, Kelisi, Ianweller, Bokpasa, BlaiseFEgan,
Zzyzx11, Doric Loon, Prashanthns, Gimboid13, Marudubshinki, Ashmoo, Graham87, TaivoLinguist, BD2412, Li-sung, Jankaspar, NoPuzzleStranger, Galwhaa, David Levy, JIP, Mendaliv, Electionworld, Sj, Sjakkalle, Rjwilmsi, Mayumashu, Coemgenus, Phalseid, Koavf,
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Zero, Starky, Thheizz, Descent~enwiki, Birion, Nivix, RexNL, Otets, Ayla, Rhyeback, Weatfront, Alphachimp, Atitarev, Malhonen, McDogm, Spikebrennan, BradBeattie, Le Anh-Huy, Idaltu, King of Hearts, Chobot, Gregorik, Jared Preston, DVdm, VolatileChemical,
Antiuser, 334a, Bgwhite, Adam J. Sporka, Gwernol, E Pluribus Anthony, Tone, Banaticus, Roboto de Ajvol, YurikBot, TexasAndroid,
RobotE, Sceptre, Hairy Dude, Jimp, Chavash, StuOfInterest, RussBot, Reo On, John Quincy Adding Machine, Jensboot, Van der Hoorn,
Stephenb, Gaius Cornelius, Shaddack, Cryptic, MosheA, NawlinWiki, Skritek, Snek01, Grafen, Chick Bowen, Welsh, Rjensen, RazorICE,
Nutiketaiel, Shinmawa, DAJF, Petusek, RFBailey, Dputig07, Szalas, Emilio oris, RL0919, Wizzard, Lockesdonkey, SFC9394, Wangi,
Bota47, JoshFarron, RyanJones, Cinik, Martinwilke1980, David Underdown, Wknight94, Alarob, Sandstein, Calaschysm, Barryob, Martin.adamek, Hstoels, Nikkimaria, Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry, Closedmouth, Pietdesomere, SMcCandlish, Nolanus, Mastercampbell, Rivarez, SndrAndrss, Curpsbot-unicodify, PaxEquilibrium, Bluezy, Kungfuadam, Appleseed, Ief, Fastifex, Dan Atkinson, Samuel
Blanning, SkerHawx, Qero, Bibliomaniac15, Chimera101010,
robot, West Virginian, Luk, Brynp, A bit iy, Tttrung, SmackBot, MattieTK, Elonka, Aquilla, David Kernow, Haza-w, Honza Zruba, Herostratus, KnowledgeOfSelf, Pgk, C.Fred, Aetheling1125,
Bill3000, Big Adamsky, AndreasJS, Golwengaud, EncycloPetey, Delldot, Adammathias, Cacuija, Canthusus, J budissin, Kintetsubualo,
Janneman, Aivazovsky, Yopie, Commander Keane bot, Yamaguchi , WolframSiever, Gilliam, Tex23, Ohnoitsjamie, Hmains, Skizzik,
Polaron, Cs-wolves, ERcheck, NorbertArthur, Chris the speller, Kurykh, Keegan, Timbouctou, Philosopher, Persian Poet Gal, Norum,
MalafayaBot, SchftyThree, BrendelSignature, Akanemoto, Bazonka, KissFist, Ryecatcher773, Gutworth, Oxhop, Baa, Baronnet, DHNbot~enwiki, Jamierc, William Allen Simpson, Darth Panda, Wilybadger, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Shalom Yechiel, MaartenVidal,
Argyriou, Chlewbot, Alaiche~enwiki, MJCdetroit, Isaac Ching, Rrburke, Placid, Addshore, Kcordina, Edivorce, Mr.Z-man, SundarBot,
Tlusa, Aktron, Evan1261, Rarelibra, Khoikhoi, Cybercobra, Decltype, Jmihalco, Nakon, Zawthet, Lost in space, Jan.Kamenicek, DMacks,
Smerus, Maelnuneb, Vlad Kacer, Evlekis, Tankred, Bidabadi~enwiki, Pilotguy, Kukini, Morrisjm, Ohconfucius, SashatoBot, ArglebargleIV, Ser Amantio di Nicolao, Blood Code ABACABB, John, Insomniacsloth, DivineIntervention, Aquilina, Perfectblue97, Costa1143,
JorisvS, Laurie vb, Joelo, Mgiganteus1, Green Giant, Gnevin, CriticalObserver, Bluewind, Ckatz, Becherka, Tasc, Beetstra, Mr Stephen,
AxG, MGSGNR, Vir, Mets501, Dhp1080, Condem, Peter Horn, Andrwsc, NeroN BG, Degard, Rivraze, Kvng, ShakingSpirit, Hu12,
Levineps, Yarp, White Ash, V6g3h7, Ft93110, Zvarrei, Joseph Solis in Australia, Petrus Adamus, N-edits, ArchonMeld, TurabianNights,
GDallimore, Msleeman, Zenit4ever, Amakuru, Octane, Lucy-marie, Civil Engineer III, Goran.S2, Trialsanderrors, Courcelles, Anger22,
FairuseBot, Tawkerbot2, Ross.Hedvicek, Pudeo, Filelakeshoe, Galati, SpeedKing, Zdenek.falar, SkyWalker, Triumph Sisyphus, Vitriden,
JForget, Conorobradaigh, CmdrObot, Zarex, Van helsing, Hucz, Aherunar, Blue-Haired Lawyer, Picaroon, N3X15, JohnCD, DeLarge,
Toklar, Jurtis, Dgw, ShelfSkewed, Chmee2, Egmonster, Johnandsandie, Maiya, Zurkhardo, Porfyrios, Karenjc, Ispy1981, MrFish, Oruj,
Lear 21, Geekers, Themightyquill, Vaquero100, Cydebot, MC10, P0LARIS, Gogo Dodo, Travelbird, Chasingsol, Poallx, Pascal.Tesson,
Eu.stefan, Karaas, JoSePh, Ejk81, DumbBOT, Pikovski, DBaba, Kozuch, Pelcl, Zalgo, Mr Gronk, Gimmetrow, PamD, EvocativeIntrigue,
EnglishEfternamn, Thijs!bot, ChKa, Epbr123, Biruitorul, Btball, Alkari, Olahus, Jan Blanicky, William Pembroke, Auror, 23prootie, Thinair, SeNeKa, Eastmain, Mojo Hand, Palironsat, Marek69, Bobblehead, Woody, Ufwuct, onny, Mark gg daniels, Therequiembellishere,
Riction, Daniel Putk, Dezidor, Dqd, Luminiscence, SvenAERTS, Mmortal03, RoboServien, SomeHuman, AlefZet, Escarbot, Spetiya,
Mentisto, David Liuzzo, AntiVandalBot, Fireplace, Luna Santin, Bcnviajero, Sk8rgirlo, Prolog, Smith2006, Dane 1981, Rballou, Glentamara, Dpanasiuk, Credema, Zedla, Jirka6, J'onn J'onzz, Uuu87, Leuqarte, TuvicBot, Jachym.czech, JAnDbot, Icelilly, Deective, Husond,
Barek, MER-C, The Transhumanist, Sir Tanx, Boe pravde, Redking7, Timur lenk, 100110100, Pkoppenb, Felix116, Anthonyd3ca, Maias, Chumwa, R080, Acroterion, SteveSims, Petrux, , Magioladitis, Bongwarrior, VoABot II, Bg007, JNW, JamesBWatson,
Ling.Nut, Dima1, Nairam, The Anomebot2, Animum, Ksanyi, Wikiak, Rinvit~enwiki, Nat, SnapSnap, Spellmaster, Iwxxc, DerHexer,
JdeJ, Dkriegls, WLU, Pax:Vobiscum, Cloudz679, Gun Powder Ma, Rickard Vogelberg, Our J, MartinBot, Bjkeys321, Pupster21, Jay Litman, Uriel8, CommonsDelinker, AlexiusHoratius, Tulkolahten, Ruud64, Wikista~enwiki, Ashxhole, Jfjlegge, El0i, Ssolbergj, J.delanoy,
Pharaoh of the Wizards, Nanndude, Goldshsoldier, Svetovid, Mnpeter, Numbo3, Jerr, Uncle Dick, Petr Pakandl, Thegreenj, NerdyNSK,
Trebligoniqua, Rgilnitram, Quizimodo (usurped), It Is Me Here, DSuser, LordAnubisBOT, Maverick423, Naniwako, Rehrenberg, AntiSpamBot, Plasticup, Colchicum, Bobianite, Kansas Bear, Kraftlos, Flatterworld, Czechia, 2help, Equazcion, Danda Panda, Jevansen, DorganBot, Diego, Bonadea, Chin Man2, Num1dgen, Jiri.tylecek, Andy Marchbanks, Inwind, Million Moments, Sphayros, Vinsfan368, Halm-




stad, Steel1943, Idioma-bot, Funandtrvl, 1812ahill, WikiClef, Deor, Dwbmb~enwiki, VolkovBot, AlnoktaBOT, Kokpit~enwiki, CART
fan, Philip Trueman, Refsworldlee, Drunkenmonkey, TXiKiBoT, MrBishnakov, Wazok, Mercy, Tavix, Dawidbernard, Minger125, Jacob
Lundberg, Sequites, Rei-bot, Mosmof, Arnon Chan, Michael riber jorgensen, Someguy1221, Vitnv, Yaanch, Clarince63, Beyond silence,
JhsBot, Jimbo Herndan, LeaveSleaves, ^demonBot2, PDFbot, Monkeynoze, Wikiperuvian, Tashuie, Henryodell, Madhero88, Yonas29,
Billinghurst, Rjgodoy, Paulalexdij, Falcin, Dataranking, Cjr93, Synthebot, Rob Aleksandrowicz, Falcon8765, Duke56, AjitPD, Spitre8520, Machii, Uranometria, AlleborgoBot, Drays93, Signsolid, EmxBot, CloutierFan02, D. Recorder, SieBot, Coee, AlphaPyro, Vexorg, Caltas, RJaguar3, Bbx118, Mangostar, Lehaneb, Purbo T, Rudoleska, Proud Ho, Toddst1, Tiptoety, Riwnodennyk, Arbor to SJ, Shaggy
home dog, Dominik92, Oxymoron83, Byrialbot, Kargul~enwiki, Nuttycoconut, Tingle feeling 1, KoshVorlon, Steven Crossin, Lightmouse,
Mayalld, Psychotic17, BenoniBot~enwiki, OKBot, Danubian, Maelgwnbot, Vanished user ewsn2348tui2f8n2o2utjfeoi210r39jf, Erwinloh, Jacob.jose, Fatmum99, Iaroslavvs, Jordo72, Terroristattack, Angelo De La Paz, Arsenic99, Miyokan, VirginiaProp, Mr. Granger,
Cbradshaw, Sfan00 IMG, ClueBot, Geopolio, Avenged Eightfold, Hutcher, PipepBot, Zikky, Kotniski, Moishe Rosenbaum, The Thing
That Should Not Be, Regulus Arcturus Black, NoGringo, Meisterkoch, Black&White, RashersTierney, The uday, Synthiac, Cembo123,
Der Golem, Gridlock7710, Uncle Milty, Pete unseth, Skpperd, Boing! said Zebedee, CounterVandalismBot, Niceguyedc, P. S. Burton,
Huntersdabomb94, Gareth Chamberlain, NuclearVacuum, Detroiterbot, Jusdafax, Tomeasy, Flightsoancy, PixelBot, Strife 124, Krocova, Viktorie, Hitman888, Yorkshirian, NuclearWarfare, Sheckigreen33, Jotterbot, Iohannes Animosus, Spellboundbydevil, Sixtytwohundred, Mb nl, Mickey gfss2007, Lukipuk, Polly, BOTarate, Thehelpfulone, Stepheng3, Thingg, Aitias, Samantha555, Tezero, Widdle Ogie,
BalkanFever, Opaquit, DumZiBoT, Jura2102, Eik Corell, Wertuose, Tomaoneill, Duncan, Skarebo, Olomouc Guide, WikHead, Dvatel,
Noctibus, Tom20082, Slenzini, Asidemes, MystBot, Koolandy17, Good Olfactory, ElMeBot, Zotico, Atoric, Gggh, Jhendin, Passportguy, Assdghjkkkkl, Klundarr, Brumski, Ghostbubbles, Drkameleon, Jojhutton, Tcncv, Vejvanick, Corvus13~enwiki, Queenmomcat,
Sykko, Shade9009, Trasman, Fieldday-sunday, Svarog12, Yelizandpaul, Eskil S, CanadianLinuxUser, Fluernutter, EricCanada75, Epacz,
NjardarBot, MrOllie, EvanC0912, CarsracBot, Giving is good, as long as you're getting, Glane23, Yiannis17, C9900, AnnaFrance, Favonian, West.andrew.g, Blaylockjam10, 5 albert square, Fireaxe888, Tekken50, Tassedethe, Numbo3-bot, Ehrenkater, Vacekha, Tide rolls,
Lightbot, Sindinero, Matj Grabovsk, Gail, Krenakarore, Ozi, HerculeBot, Bermicourt, LuK3, WikiHendrik, Trucknos, Bbisdo, Ale66,
Hadibe, Legobot, Luckas-bot, Yobot, Flukas, Ptbotgourou, Fraggle81, TaBOT-zerem, Naudefjbot~enwiki, Richie wright1980, Gongshow,
Lukesey~enwiki, QueenCake, AmeliorationBot, KamikazeBot, Dr Petra, Vidushaka, AnomieBOT, Archon 2488, Adam mugliston, Rubinbot, 1exec1, NadezdaSt, Jim1138, Galoubet, ItsAlwaysLupus, Duncan MacCall, , Ipatrol, Rejedef, DavidSpanel, Entmoot,
LlywelynII, Mahmudmasri, Materialscientist, Teddybear1993, ImperatorExercitus, Alawadhi3000, Arouze, Bob Burkhardt, ArthurBot,
I-10, Kingcole64, LilHelpa, Obersachsebot, MauritsBot, Xqbot, Zad68, TinucherianBot II, Renn, Timir2, JimVC3, Khajidha, Poetaris,
Mononomic, Goofmnb, DSisyphBot, BritishWatcher, IGIs, Almabot, GrouchoBot, Damian Radu, Anotherclown, RibotBOT, Amaury,
Teratime, Teramite, Povidlo, Emka wiki, Saskian75, GhalyBot, MegSimpson, Vdjj1960, Fredy.00, Erik9, Vlastimil Svoboda,
Dougofborg, Haldraper, Benny White, SOPHIAN, Xyber2, Ministryoftruth001, FrescoBot, Alois Musil, Gergicus, Tobby72, Levitz23,
Thayts, Michael93555, Franklin333, Kapalny dusik, Edwardhieatt, Cargoking, Mewulwe, TownDown, HJ Mitchell, A Werewolf, Strepon,
T3chl0v3r, Tottitheo, Silesianus, Biker Biker, Ji Janek, Elockid, Rameshngbot, Martinvl, Azips, Cool Stu Is Cool, Aika-sni, LV
MEL, Littledogboy, Meaghan, Zzzomg2, PB0305, Kirgyt12, Xiaoshan Math, Pingelig, Bedivere.cs, Lynvern, Jirka.h23, FoxBot, TobeBot,
Kleiner Tmmler, Trappist the monk, Laardlad, Kprwiki, Bbarkley2, Erintaco, Kosovarvirg, YoursBadDay, Banhtrung1, Lotje, Teddycom,
Slobo486, The Article Creator, Ileftitblank, Janhb1, El Barto, Rueckmiester, Stevesaccount, EraserMMX, Canuckian89, Diannaa, Underlying lk, Tiled, IRISZOOM, Sylvielmna, Tbhotch, Michal.illich, Hornlitz, DARTH SIDIOUS 2, ,.hjkyhuikrtdh, Onel5969, Mean as custard,
RjwilmsiBot, Chipmunkdavis, TjBot, Ripchip Bot, MAXXX-309, Bombs Bombs Away!, Superstar2k, Nick897, CalicoCatLover, EmausBot, John of Reading, History331, Nima1024, WikitanvirBot, Linguist Dan, Filipdr, Dominus Vobisdu, MartinT11, Distal24, Dewritech,
Giornorosso, Ludvwig, RA0808, Illdz, Mesgul82, Bombonek, Nickinbrussels, Jim Michael, Wikipelli, Mcburger3, Tyranny Sue, DUDEofDOOM775, Thecheesykid, Gemyni, Helsinkicommission, Selena0858, Snopro387, Khanacademy, ZroBot, TheGreerFamily, Ida Shaw,
Liquidmetalrob, F, Merily, Dolovis, Slunickoh, Ji Schwarz, Stovl, Fintelia, Bigman50, Subtropical-man, Mrazikk, , Tylerdukart, Ebrambot, H3llBot, Cimmerian praetor, Out90, DragonCz, SporkBot, Smoothsilver, Monterey Bay, MarekSS, Wayne Slam,
Neddy1234, Reimanova, Montellomj, GeorgeBarnick, Brandmeister, Isaac Guard, ElockidAlternate, BernardaAlba, Thesouthernhistorian45, Mentibot, David1010, ChuispastonBot, Atwardow, Italiano111, Zmullett, Cruks, KarlsenBot, WestBohemiaTruthTeller, Rotbic,
Krek kerk kerek, Tty29a, Petrb, Neewi, ClueBot NG, Michaelmas1957, VINTER, Vnters, MelbourneStar, Macarenses, This lousy Tshirt, EricWR, Movses-bot, Jkpj, Kman665, Adek87, SkweerookL, Jiekeren, Millenium187, Frietjes, Hardstyler, Alphasinus, Hazhk,
Aight 2009, Ejensyd, Pensionero, Packare, Widr, Eliant, Darios, Matissek, Delasoto, Nobletripe, Akai Goth, 4cecz4, Mevidek, Helpful Pixie Bot, DarkTide, Jerzeeg, MS10EL, Cantrelllee, Galben, Andrew Gwilliam, Blanicky, Lindaimage, Technical 13, FakTNeviM,
Lowercase sigmabot, BG19bot, Murry1975, HansWinther, Unitedstates1000, J. C. Richter, ChessBOT, Rebell44, Tolea93, PhnomPencil,
HIDECCHI001, ElphiBot, EddyVadim, AvocatoBot, Stepkonicek, J991, Palpatineisasithlord, TominoLopez, The Determinator, Gresh44,
Ilaned, Augustes, Steven.alexander2010, YodaRULZ, Atoine85, The Almightey Drill, Vevoda22, Cweidnerw, WikiHannibal, Jayadevp13,
Rainroom, Glacialfox, Neserteme99, Klilidiplomus, Mrilinen, Tosek, Shredder2012, Nightly Reader, BattyBot, Justincheng12345-bot,
Liam987, Everettdurbin, Blakeysfc, Zbrink10, Khazar2, Highschoolpuppettier, JYBot, Treemapper, Dexbot, Alburzador, Webclient101,
Mogism, Johnypar, Wiki22ma, Hilmorel, RowanCZ, Yesilikecars, TheIrishWarden, Abcbc~enwiki, Ostrba, Jamesx12345, Little green
rosetta, Bribri420, Google9999, Juan123456780, C5st4wr6ch, GeneralConstruction, Douglas Marshall, PeGree, Tomfutru, Epicgenius,
J9883h, CsDix, Thesuperseo, Vargmali, I am One of Many, Stenen Bijl, Samotny Wdrowiec, Seerus, Aethelwolf Emsworth, JamesMoose, Waxbakad, Andrewan, Abrahamic Faiths, Misemox, Iri2101, EvergreenFir, Backendgaming, Fishshmcbites, Iseesky, Gabby362,
Materialsientist, Zenibus, Miemens, Lucibelladonna, Martin1998cz, Nikimonikado, Kind Tennis Fan, Askave, Blondeguynative, Jaaron95,
Johny0410, ProKro, Coreyemotela, DudeWithAFeud, ThecentreCZ, Aleatorica, WireSnow, NickGeorge1993, Serpelerine, Hooltrass,
CogitoErgoSum14, Monkbot, Marcosoldfox, Filedelinkerbot, TheBoulderite, Scarlettail, Nyetz, Igor Naumov, Monopoly31121993, Conxi
Muoz, Bbkloj, ArtWorldWatchDog, Jakub Hork, Julik61, ConnorGeorge, Brucey1490, Russell Cumbria, Jml 12 2003, Somasong, Wenzelskrone, Flyeagle71, FourViolas, Itsyoungrapper, BenLinus1214, Diggindir, KristinnKr, JulMian22=4, Eimukas22, PikachuTrainer1,
CarvinCZ, KasparBot, AlesZiegler, Lokisis, Zlobr 007, Chrzwzcz, Leverkusenfranais1904, Speltware99, Asodor and Anonymous: 1693



File:10_Soviet_Invasion_of_Czechoslovakia_-_Flickr_-_The_Central_Intelligence_Agency.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.

org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/10_Soviet_Invasion_of_Czechoslovakia_-_Flickr_-_The_Central_Intelligence_Agency.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: 10 Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia Original artist: The Central Intelligence Agency
File:28._jen_1918.jpg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Lta zkzy a nadje Original artist: Unknown




File:Alfons_Mucha_-_1896_-_Autumn.jpg Source:

-_Autumn.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Art Renewal Center Museum, image 4426 Original artist: Alfons Mucha
File:Alfons_Mucha_-_1896_-_Spring.jpg Source:
Spring.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Art Renewal Center Museum, image 4424 Original artist: Alfons Mucha
File:Alfons_Mucha_-_1896_-_Summer.jpg Source:
-_Summer.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Art Renewal Center Museum, image 4425 Original artist: Alfons Mucha
File:Alfons_Mucha_-_1896_-_Winter.jpg Source:
Winter.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Art Renewal Center Museum, image 4423 Original artist: Alfons Mucha
File:Ambox_current_red.svg Source: License: CC0
Contributors: self-made, inspired by Gnome globe current event.svg, using Information icon3.svg and Earth clip art.svg Original artist:
Vipersnake151, penubag, Tkgd2007 (clock)
File:Banner_of_the_Holy_Roman_Emperor_(after_1400).svg Source:
Banner_of_the_Holy_Roman_Emperor_%28after_1400%29.svg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist:
File:Beskid_lsko-Morawski_-_panorama_2-edit.jpg Source:
%C5%9Al%C4%85sko-Morawski_-_panorama_2-edit.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
Beskid_lsko-Morawski_-_panorama_2.jpg Original artist: Beskid_lsko-Morawski_-_panorama_2.jpg: Pudelek (Marcin Szala), edit
by Dmottl
File:Bubo_bubo_1_(Martin_Mecnarowski).jpg Source:
1_%28Martin_Mecnarowski%29.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Martin Mecnarowski
File:Budvar-mug.JPG Source: License: GFDL Contributors:
Own work Original artist: Rude

map.png License:
Public domain Contributors:!ut/p/c5/
!/dl3/d3/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/ Original artist: AOPK R
File:CZexport2013.png Source: License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Itsyoungrapper
File:Carte_du_Conseil_de_l'Europe.png Source:
27Europe.png License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work by uploader, based on Image:Euro 2008.png Original artist: JLogan
File:Celts_in_Europe.png Source: License: CC-BY-SA3.0 Contributors: Atlas of the Celtic World, by John Haywood; London Thames & Hudson Ltd., 2001, pp.30-37 and other sources (see
talkpage for details). Original artist: QuartierLatin1968,The Ogre,Dbachmann
File:Church_of_St_John_of_Nepomuk_at_Zelen_hora_CZ.jpg Source:
Church_of_St_John_of_Nepomuk_at_Zelen%C3%A1_hora_CZ.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors: Church of St John of Nepomuk
at Zelen Hora Original artist: Anna Prokopov
File:Coat_of_arms_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg Source:
the_Czech_Republic.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Law 3/1993 (state book of laws) Original artist: Ji Louda (conversion
to SVG by Tlusa)
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: ? Contributors: ? Original
artist: ?
File:CopyCrownBohemia.jpg Source: License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
castle.jpg Original artist: yvind Holmstad
File:Czech_ISAF_(6).jpg Source: License: Attribution Contributors: Original artist: Ministerstvo obrany esk republiky
File:Czech_Rep._-_Bohemia,_Moravia_and_Silesia_III_(en).png Source:
Czech_Rep._-_Bohemia%2C_Moravia_and_Silesia_III_%28en%29.png License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors:
Czech_Rep._-_Bohemia,_Moravia_and_Silesia_III.png Original artist:
*Morava_po_roce_1920_na_map_eska.png: AUTHOR UNKNOWN


File:Czech_anthem.ogg Source: License: Public domain

Contributors: Oce of Government of the Czech Republic Original artist: Frantiek kroup
File:Czechpolsystem.png Source: License: CC BY 4.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Itsyoungrapper
File:Defenestration-prague-1618.jpg Source:
License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: Johann Philipp Abelinus
File:Diplomatic_missions_of_the_Czech_Republic.png Source:
missions_of_the_Czech_Republic.png License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Aquintero82
File:Dvorak1.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?




File:EU-Czechia.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0

File:Location European nation states.svg Original artist: NuclearVacuum
File:Edit-clear.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: The
Tango! Desktop Project. Original artist:
The people from the Tango! project. And according to the meta-data in the le, specically: Andreas Nilsson, and Jakub Steiner (although
File:Edvard_Bene.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: This image is available from the United States Library of Congress's Prints and Photographs division under the digital
ID fsa.8e00866.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information.

Original artist: Unknown. Transfer; United States. Oce of War Information. Overseas Picture Division. Washington Division; 1944.
%28orthographic_projection%29.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: This vector image was created with Inkscape. Original artist: Ssolbergj
File:Europe_green_light.png Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Aegean Boy
Austria-Hungary_%281869-1918%29.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: vectorized by Sgt_bilko,
change name by User:Actarux for use in same templates
File:Flag_of_Bohemia.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Bohmen_und_Mahren.svg Source:
Mahren.svg License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Flag_of_Czechoslovakia.svg Source: License:
Public domain Contributors:
-x-'s le
-x-'s code
Zirlands codes of colors
Original artist:
(of code): SVG version by cs:-x-.
File:Flag_of_Europe.svg Source: License: Public domain
File based on the specication given at [1]. Original artist: User:Verdy p, User:-x-, User:Paddu, User:Nightstallion, User:Funakoshi,
User:Jeltz, User:Dbenbenn, User:Zscout370
File:Flag_of_German_Reich_(19351945).svg Source:
Reich_%281935%E2%80%931945%29.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Fornax
File:Flag_of_La_Francophonie.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Based on Image:Francophonie 1987.png. Original artist: Denelson83
File:Flag_of_NATO.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist:
Vectorized by Mysid and uploaded to Flag of NATO.svg
File:Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg Source:
svg License: Public domain Contributors:
-x-'s le
-x-'s code
Zirlands codes of colors
Original artist:
(of code): SVG version by cs:-x-.
File:Flag_of_the_Habsburg_Monarchy.svg Source:
Monarchy.svg License: Public domain Contributors: This vector image was created with Inkscape. Original artist: Sir Iain, earlier version by ThrashedParanoid and Peregrine981.ThrashedParanoid
File:Folder_Hexagonal_Icon.svg Source: License: Cc-bysa-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Garden_of_Straka_Academy,_Prague_Mal_Strana.jpg Source:
Garden_of_Straka_Academy%2C_Prague_Mal%C3%A1_Strana.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist:
Czech Wikipedia user Packa
File:Great_moravia_svatopluk.png Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Based on information described in tefanoviov, Tatiana (1989). Osudy starch Slovanov, Bratislava:
Osveta. Original artist: Tankred




File:Grygov,_ndra,_jednotka_680.002.jpg Source:

A1dra%C5%BE%C3%AD%2C_jednotka_680.002.jpg License: CC BY 2.0 Contributors:
8670387079/ Original artist: Martin Hefner
File:HC_LEV_Record_O2.jpg Source: License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Jirka.h23
File:Havla_1989.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: MD
File:Holy_Roman_Empire_ca.1600.svg Source:
1600.svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work, based on File:Holyromanempire.png Original artist: Ssolbergj
File:Hradschin_Prag.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 2.5
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Stefan Bauer,
File:Kafka_portrait.jpg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Original artist: Atelier Jacobi: Sigismund Jacobi (18601935)
File:Karlstejn.jpg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
? Original artist: ?
File:Karte_Bhmen_unter_Karl_IV.png Source:
unter_Karl_IV.png License: CC BY-SA 2.0 Contributors: this background map by Alexrk2 Original artist: Maximilian Drrbecker
File:Kralicky-Sneznik-03.jpg Source: License: CC
BY 3.0 Contributors: my own work Original artist: Marek Strnsk
File:Letohrdek_krlovny_Anny_by_Crazyspeak_(2).jpg Source:
C3%A1dek_kr%C3%A1lovny_Anny_by_Crazyspeak_%282%29.jpg License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: https://commons.wikimedia.
org/wiki/File:Letohr%C3%A1dek_kr%C3%A1lovny_Anny_by_Crazyspeak.jpg Original artist: Michael Brezocnik
File:Liberec_Rathaus_Aussicht.JPG Source:
License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: No machine readable source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright claims). Original
artist: No machine readable author provided. Thalion77~commonswiki assumed (based on copyright claims).
abkommen5_en.svg License: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: File:Mnchner abkommen5+.svg Original artist: Jaro.p
File:Night_view_of_the_Castle_and_Charles_Bridge,_Prague_-_8034.jpg Source:
commons/c/ca/Night_view_of_the_Castle_and_Charles_Bridge%2C_Prague_-_8034.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own
work Original artist: Jorge Royan
File:Nuclear.power.plant.Dukovany.jpg Source:
Dukovany.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Nrodn_park_Podyj_Dyje_Nationalpark_Thayatal_2013_10_a.jpg Source:
commons/1/1d/N%C3%A1rodn%C3%AD_park_Podyj%C3%AD_Dyje_Nationalpark_Thayatal_2013_10_a.jpg License: CC BY-SA
3.0 at Contributors: Own work Original artist: Joadl
File:Okresy_R_2007.PNG Source: License:
Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Mapovho nlonk
File:Olomouc_-_view.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA
3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Adamsrockmetal
File:Ostrava,_pohled_z_Nov_radnice_2.jpg Source:
z_Nov%C3%A9_radnice_2.jpg License: Attribution Contributors: Original artist: SPCHG Ostrava
File:PG07ME957_edit.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA
2.0 Contributors: Flickr Original artist: Matteo Piotto
File:Pevnost_(Krkonoe).jpg Source:
jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Maoman
File:Prague_liberation_1945_konev.jpg Source:
konev.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Karel Hjek
File:Praha,_Poslaneck_snmovna_Parlamentu_esk_republiky.jpg Source:
8/86/Praha%2C_Poslaneck%C3%A1_sn%C4%9Bmovna_Parlamentu_%C4%8Cesk%C3%A9_republiky.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Jan Polk
File:Praha_CoA_CZ.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: Image:Prague coat of arms.png ; Lions are from Image:Small coat of arms of the Czech Republic.svg Original artist: Remade
to SVG by user:Petr Dlouh
File:Prask_hrad_z_Petna.JPG Source:
z_Pet%C5%99%C3%ADna.JPG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: VitVit
File:Premysl2Gelnhausen.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Gelhausenv kodex Original artist: Jan z Gelnhausenu
File:Prof._Ing._RTDr._Otto_Wichterle.jpg Source:
Wichterle.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 cz Contributors: ( strnky proly
pestavbou, toto je zastaral odkaz: )
Original artist: ?
File:Pemyslovci_erb.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors:


Content license


Erb_Pemyslovc.png Original artist: Erb_Pemyslovc.png: copy of Daniel Zeman's upload

File:Rys_ostrovid2.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Original artist: User:ZO CSOP Vlasim
File:Satellite_image_of_Czech_Republic_in_September_2003.jpg Source:
Satellite_image_of_Czech_Republic_in_September_2003.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Schengenzone.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: CrazyPhunk
File:SkodaSuperbII.jpg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 de
Contributors: Michel de Vries. Original artist: Michel de Vries
File:Speaker_Icon.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Speakerlink-new.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Kelvinsong
File:Steady2.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Own
work Original artist: Tomchen1989
File:Svkov_na_smetan.JPG Source:
na_smetan%C4%9B.JPG License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Maty Havel
File:Terrestrial_globe.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Tom_G_Masaryk1918.jpg Source:
Masaryk1918.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: This photo was released under GFDL/CC by inheritors of copyrights Original
artist: Josef Jindich echtl
File:Vnon_Plze,_katedrla_sv._Bartolomje_,_pohled_z_ve_01.jpg Source:
z_v%C4%9B%C5%BEe_01.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Michal Ritter
File:Vhled_ze_Star_radnice_na_Petrov.jpg Source:
Star%C3%A9_radnice_na_Petrov.jpg License: GFDL Contributors: Own work Original artist: Czech Wikipedia user Marzper
jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Jan Sommer
File:Wiki_letter_w_cropped.svg Source: License:
CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Wiki_letter_w.svg Original artist: Wiki_letter_w.svg: Jarkko Piiroinen
File:Wikibooks-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: User:Bastique, User:Ramac et al.
File:Wikinews-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: This is a cropped version of Image:Wikinews-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Simon 01:05, 2 August 2006 (UTC)
Updated by Time3000 17 April 2007 to use ocial Wikinews colours and appear correctly on dark backgrounds. Originally uploaded by
File:Wikiquote-logo.svg Source: License: Public domain
Contributors: ? Original artist: ?
File:Wikisource-logo.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0
Contributors: Rei-artur Original artist: Nicholas Moreau
File:Wikiversity-logo-Snorky.svg Source: License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Snorky
File:Wikivoyage-Logo-v3-icon.svg Source: License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: AleXXw
File:Wiktionary-logo-en.svg Source: License: Public
domain Contributors: Vector version of Image:Wiktionary-logo-en.png. Original artist: Vectorized by Fvasconcellos (talk contribs),
based on original logo tossed together by Brion Vibber
File:Znak_eskho_krlovstv.png Source:
kr%C3%A1lovstv%C3%AD.png License: Public domain Contributors: Wappenrolle sterreich-Ungarns nach H. Strhl Original artist:
Hugo Gerhard Strhl


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Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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