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Three simple problems on mass transfer

Cedric J. Gommes
February 6, 2014

Ficks laws: a back to basics

1 Sparkling water going flat

2 Vapour concentration over an evaporating surface

3 Lifetime of an aerosol


A few other problems


Figure 1: Adolf Eugen Fick (1829-1901) was a german physiologist, with an

education in physics, mathematics, and medicine. Beyond his contributions
to the topic of diffusion, he also gave his name to Ficks principle, which
notably enables one to measure the oxygen consumption by organs.

Figure 2: Thomas Kilgore Sherwood (1903-1976) was an american chemical

engineer who did most of his career at the MIT. The dimensionless number
that used to be named the Nusselt number for mass transfer is now named
after him: the Sherwood number.

Ficks laws: a back to basics

For now, we consider mass transport in a medium at rest and with no chemical reaction.
The basic laws of diffusion bear the name of Fick. Ficks first law relates
the diffusion flux JD (e.g. in mol/s/cm2 ) to a concentration gradient.


Be aware that this is a vectorial equation. Inspecting this equation shows

that the dimensions of D is cm2 /s. We shall come back to this in more details
Eq. 1 enables you to calculate how many molecules diffuse across a given
surface, once the concentration distribution is known. It does not enable you
to calculate what the concentration distribution is. To do that, you need
to combine Ficks first law with the general equation of mass conservation,
t C + JD = 0
where is the divergence operator. In the case where D is a constant, this
leads to
t C = DC
which is usually referred to as Ficks second law. This is the equation that
has to be solved if you want to calculate a concentration profile.
Of course, Eq. 3 is not sufficient to find C. You need to apply boundary
conditions. A common type of condition is when the concentration is known
to be equal to a given value C0 at a surface of the domain
C = C0

at a surface


You may also know the flux of molecules J0 through a surface. In this case,
the condition is
Dn C = J0 at a surface
where n is the normal vector to the surface. You may of course have (slightly)
more complicated conditions, such as
Dn C = kC

at a surface


Think about what the latter equation means. When you can expect to encounter this type of boundary condition?

The situation where the concentration does not depend on the time, but
only on the position, is referred to as being stationary. It is important that
you understand that you can have transport phenomena going on although
the concentrations are stationary. It is the gradients that matter for
the transport, not the time derivatives. In a stationary situation, the
concentration obeys simply
C = 0
In Cartesian coordinates, the Laplacian operator is
C + zz
C + yy
C = xx


For spherically symmetric concentration profiles, the expression is

C =

r (r2 r C)


where r is the radial coordinate. For cylindrical symmetry, the expression is

C = r (rr C)


Note that when analysing diffusion problems, we are often tempted to

draw linear concentration profiles. Linear concentration profiles are expected
only between flat parallel surface. Profiles can often be approximated by
linear functions when the two surface are very close together. To put it
precisely, when the distance between the two surfaces is much smaller than
the radius of curvature of the surface. We shall come back to this is the
The three problems presented here have bee chosen as typical of (i) stationary, (ii) transient, and (iii) quasi-stationary diffusion. If you dont see
why, ask me!

Sparkling water going flat

You are asked to estimate how long it takes for sparkling water to go flat
when it is kept in a PET bottle. The initial pressure in the bottle is 2 bars,
and one asks when the pressure will reach the limit 1.5 bars.
The volume of the bottle is 1.5 L. It is made of PET with thickness 250
microns, and the area of the bottle is 800 cm2 . The solubility of CO2 in PET
obeys Henrys law P = kc with k P ET = 29.4 L bar/mol. The solubility of
CO2 in water also obeys Henrys law with 1/kH
= 1.7m3 (ST P )/(m3 bar).
The diffusion coefficient of CO2 in PET is 2 1013 m2 /s.
Consider that the system reaches rapidly a stationary state. You can also
neglect the amount of CO2 inside the bottle that is in the gas phase.

0.25 mm





Figure 3: Sketch of the CO2 concentration profile along a direction perpendicular to the bottle wall.

We shall first express the two Henry constants in the same units. They are
1/k W = 1.7/22.4 = 0.0759 mol/L/bar
1/k P ET = 0.034 mol/L/bar
where we have used the known volume of a mole of gas in STP conditions.
The CO2 concentration in the water is related to the pressure through
CW =



and the concentration in the PET at the water/PET interface is


k P ET


The value 1/k P ET being different from 1/k W , there is a concentration discontinuity at the water/PET interface.
The PET wall being very thin compared to the radius of the bottle,
the PET wall can be assumed to be flat for all practical purposes. When
the stationary state is reached, the concentration profile in the PET wall is
therefore linear, ranging from the value given in Eq. (12) to 0 at the outer
surface of the PET wall. The general situation is sketched in Fig. 1.

The flux per unit surface area is calculated through Ficks first law as
JD = D

= D P ET


where l is the thickness of the wall (250 microns). To calculate the number
of moles of CO2 that leave the bottle per unit time, one has to multiply that
expression by the total area A (800 cm2 ).
To calculate the evolution of the pressure in teh bottle, one has to relate
it to the total number of CO2 molecules in it. The relation is
NCO2 = cW VW = P



where VW is the volume of water. We have neglected here the amount of

CO2 in the gas phase, as suggested.
Mass conservation requires that (minus) the time-derivative of NCO2 be
equal to A JD , which leads to the following ODE


where is a characteristic time given by


VW l k P ET
AD k W


Using the numerical values given here, one has ' 542 days.
The solution of Eq. (15) is an exponential of the form
P (t) = P (0)et/


Vapour concentration over an evaporating


Imagine you have an infinite flat surface of water from which molecules evaporate. You are asked to calculate the time-dependent water vapour concentration profile over the surface, assuming that there are initially no water
molecules in the air.
1. Write the equation that has to be solved to calculate C(z, t), where z is
the height above the surface and t is the time, as well as the boundary
conditions. Do not attempt to solve the equation yet.
2. Use dimensional analysis to find the general form of the solution.
3. Using the general form of the solution obtained from dimensional analysis, solve the equation you wrote at point 1. Express the solution in
terms of the error function erf(x) defined as
Z x
et dt
erf (x) =
which takes the value erf() = 1.

1. The equation is Ficks second law
t C = Dzz


in the domain z (0, ), with boundary conditions C(x = 0, t) = C0

and C(x , t) = 0. The constant C0 is the equilibrium water vapour
pressure at the considered temperature.
2. In dimensional form, the solution we are looking for is something like
C = f (z, t, D, C0 )


where f () is an undetermined function. There are 5 variables and 3

dimensions (moles, length, time) so that the system is governed by two
dimensionless variables. The dimension mole only appears in C and
C0 , so that the first number is
0 =



The only dimensionless combination of the remaining variables is

1 =


This means that the solution of the problem has to be of the type

which is the answer to the question.
A few comments. From the boundary conditions, we know that F (0) =
1 and F () = 0. The function F () characterises the shape of the
water-vapour concentration front. Of course at this stage, we do not
know the shape of the front. For instance, we do not known whether
it is sharp of blurry, etc. However, Eq. 22 tells already a lot. For
example, let 1/2 be the value of where F = 1/2. We dont know
the value of 1/2 but this is not important. The diffusion front arrives

at the height z when z/ Dt = 1/2 . In other words, the front moves
according to

z = 1/2 Dt
This tells you that if you have to wait four times longer to see the front
go two times further. We havent solved any equation yet, and look
what we already know! Isnt that beautiful?
3. Using the general form obtained from dimensional analysis
t C =

Dz 1 dF

2 Dt d


1 d2 F
Dt d 2


Introducing this is Ficks second law, one finds the following ODE
d2 F
2 d


See how dimensional analysis has enabled us to come from a partial

differential equation and transform it into a much simpler ordinary
differential equation.
The solution is found to be
= Ae /4
where A is an unknown constant. This leads to

t2 /4
F () = A
dt + B = A erf



where A0 is a constant. The values of the constants A0 and B are

obtained from the boundary conditions. The final result is

= 1 erf
2 Dt
Compare this to 22. We havent learnt much by solving the equation;
most of the information came from the dimensional analysis.


Lifetime of an aerosol

An aerosol consisting a micrometer-sized droplets of liquid in suspension

in air. The purpose of the present problem is to determine the kinetics
of evaporation of such a droplet, in oder to determine its lifetime. The
atmosphere is always subject to natural convection, but the droplets are so
small that they are carried away with the air. For practical purposes, you
can therefore assume that the air is still.
1. Assuming that the size of the droplet does not change with time, write
down the equations that would have to be solved in order to calculate
the water vapour concentration profile around the droplet c(r). Use
spherical coordinates. What are the boundary conditions?
2. Assuming that c(r) were known to you, how would you calculate the
evaporation rate N (in mole/s) of the droplet?
3. Use dimensional analysis to find the general form of N as a function of
all relevant dimensional variables.
4. Solve the equation obtained at point 1, calculate N , and put the result
in the same dimensionless form as in point 3.
5. Using the previous results in a pseudo-stationary approximation, find
the ODE that governs the evolution of the droplet radius against time.
Solve that equation analytically, and determine the time it takes a
droplet to evaporate.
6. Assuming a temperature of 30 C (corresponding to a saturating pressure of 5 kPa), a relative humidity far away from the droplet of 30 %,
and a diffusion coefficient D ' 1cm2 /s, calculate the evaporation time
for a droplet with initial size R0 = 1 m and R0 = 1 mm.


1. Thats Ficks second law. The stationary version of it, i.e. c = 0. In
spherical coordinates, it takes the form

1 d
2 dc
r2 dr
With boundary conditions c = c0 at r = R (i.e. saturating vapour
pressure at the surface of the liquid) and c = c1 far from the particle
r where c1 is the ambient humidity.
2. The evaporation rate is by definition the number of water molecules
that diffuse away from the droplet. The rate is therefore calculated by
Ficks first law. All we have to do is chose a surface that surrounds the
droplet and integrate the flux on it

Dn c dA
surf ace

where n is a normal vector to the surface. The choice of the surface

does not matter; any surface will give you the same value for N . This
is a consequence of stationarity, be sure you understand why.
The simplest surface we may consider in our case is that of the droplet
itself. The result is therefore

N = 4R D
dr r=R
3. In dimensional form, the relation we are looking for is
N = f (R, D, c0 , c1 )


There are 5 variables and 3 dimensions. Thats two dimensionless numbers. You have, however, some freedom in the way to write them. A
convenient choice is
0 =
1 =
The general function is therefore

If you are really on the ball, you may have noticed at this stage that
c0 and c1 are not really two independent numbers, because you expect
their difference c0 c1 to be the important variable. You are therefore
left with only one dimensionless number, namely
0 =

DR(c0 c1 )


which can therefore only be a constant. The total evaporation rate is

therefore simply
N = constant DR(c0 c1 )
4. The solution to Eq. 29 satisfying the boundary conditions is
+ c1


N = 4DR(c0 c1 )


c = (c0 c1 )
Introducing this in Eq. 31 leads to

which shows that the unknown constant in Eq. 36 is equal to 4.

A more familiar way of writing this result is in terms of the Sherwood
number. In the case of a spherical object, the Sherwood number is
defined as
Sh =
D(c0 c1 )/(2R)
where JD is the flux per unit area, i.e. N /(4R2 ). With that definition,
Eq. 38 can simply be written as
Sh = 2


This is probably a familiar result to you.

5. When water evaporates from the droplet, its volume decreases as a
result of mass conservation. The equation governing the evolution of
its radius is
4R2 dR
= 4DR(c0 c1 )
vm dt


The left-hand side is the variation of the number of water molecules in

the droplet, with vm the molecular volume, and the right-hand side is
simply N . The equation can be rewritten as
= 2Dvm (c0 c1 )
with the solution


2vm D(c0 c1 ))


R(t) = R(0) 1


The quantity is the time at which the particle reaches the size R = 0.
In other words, is its lifetime.
6. Let us first put all relevant data in consistent units. The partial pressure 5 kPa is converted to mol/m3 using the perfect gas law c =
P/(RG T ) where RG = 8.314 J/mol/K is the gas constant. This leads
c0 c1 =

5 103
(1 0.3) ' 1.39 103 mol/m3
8.314 (273 + 30)


The molar volume of water is obtained as

103 m3 /kg
vm =
' 18 106 m3 /mol


The diffusion coefficient is D = 104 m2 /s. This leads to ' 0.2s

for R(0) = 106 m. A droplet that would be 103 times larger would
evaporate 106 times slower. Its evaporation time would be about 55 h
in the same conditions.


A few other problems

1. Find back the form of Ficks second law in spherical coordinates by
writing mass balance equations in spherical shells.
2. Any function f (x) satisfying f = 0 at a point x0 has the following
interesting property, which provides an intuitive interpretation to Ficks
second law. If you draw an infinitesimally small sphere centred on x0
and calculate the average value of f on the sphere, you will find it equal
to f (x0 ). Can you prove this mathematically?
3. Consider the case of Exercise 2. Use dimensional analysis to find how
the evaporation rate J (in mole/s/m2 ) depends on time.
4. Gas in a box, with certain molecules in concentration C0 which can
diffuse with coefficient D0. At time t = 0 one wall is suddenly heated
to such a temperature that any molecule touching the wall is chemically decomposed. The question is how many molecules will have
decomposed at time t?. Proceed like in Exercise 2.
5. There are some nasty molecules in a gas, in concentration C0 with
diffusing coefficient D. The molecules are soluble in water, which offers
us the possibility of capturing them in an aerosol. Assuming that the
molecules are so soluble that they dissolve as soon as they touch the
surface of the water droplet, what is the steady-state rate of molecules
dissolving in a droplet, as a function of its diameter d? For this exercise,
you do not have to solve Ficks equation. Simply start from Sh = 2.


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