Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft - Notes

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Prepared by H.A.


Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft

Information for aircraft operators and their competent authority

In 1996, ICAO began a voluntary programe of safety assessment of national
aviation authorities of its member States. ICAO Assembly Resolution called
for the establishment of a universal safety oversight audit programe,
comprised of regular, mandatory, systematic and harmonized safety audits
to be carried out by ICAO on all Contracting States. Since 1 January 1999,
ICAO has been conducting safety oversight audits of the civil aviation
authorities of Contracting States in relation to
Annex 1 - Personnel Licensing, Annex 6 - Operation of Aircraft, and
Annex 8 - Airworthiness of Aircraft.
In 1996 the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) established
a ramp inspection programe in order to assess the compliance of foreign
aircraft with the applicable safety standards as set by the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO). This voluntary program has become
mandatory for all Member States of the European Union as of April 2006.
The SAFA Program is based on a bottom-up approach, taking as
its starting point ramp inspections of aircraft landing in ECAC States and
progressing through further steps to the involvement, as applicable,
of the State of Registry or State of Operator when circumstances so require.
ECAC States implement the SAFA programe on a voluntary basis .
The linkage between the above two programmes was framed through
a Memorandum of Understanding between ICAO and ECAC, signed in
November 1997 at presidential level,
Main Features of the Programme
a) The bottom-up approach. It starts with ramp inspections on foreign

aircraft. The references for these inspections are the standards contained in
ICAO Annexes 1, 6 and 8.
b)In fact over the last few years, around 60% of the SAFA inspections are
carried out on aircraft, operated by operators from ECAC States.
c) The integration within the overall aviation safety system. The programme
is not intended to replace or take over from the States of Registry/Operator
their responsibilities for safety regulation and oversight.
d) The provision of central training of SAFA inspectors. So far some 320
inspectors from 34 ECAC States have been trained.
Prepared by H.A.JAVED


Legal basis
The Directive 2004/36/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council on
the safety of third-country aircraft using Community airports sets obligations
for the Member States to inspect third country aircraft (aircraft not used or
operated under the control of a competent authority of a Member State)
which are suspected of non-compliance with international safety standards.
In addition to this obligation, Member States may also inspect EU aircraft
and may inspect aircraft according to a spot-check procedure without having
any suspicion of non-compliance.
The Annex to this directive has been amended by the Commission Directive
2008/49/EC.The obligations set out in the above mentioned Directive pertain
to the 27 EU States only. However, the European Aviation Safety Agency has
signed working arrangements with the 15 non-EU ECAC States involving
them in the SAFA programme. The EU Member States and the Non-EU ECAC
States are therefore called together the SAFA Participating States.
Role of the competent authority
The competent authority is responsible for the oversight of the operator, the
aircraft and/or the personnel licensing of the flight crew. The States of
Inspection are not taking over this responsibility by performing SAFA
However, the competent authority may use the SAFA inspection results as
additional information during their oversight activities. For that reason, any
inspections raising category 2 (significant) and/or category 3 (major)
findings are forwarded to the competent authority.
Database analysis
All reported data is stored centrally in a computerized database set up and
managed by EASA [European Aviation Safety Agency].
The database also holds supplementary information, such as lists of actions
carried out after an inspection which revealed non compliances.
The information held within this database is reviewed and analyzed by EASA
on a regular basis. The European Commission and Participating States are
informed about the results of the analysis and are advised on any potentially
safety hazards identified.

Prepared by H.A.JAVED

2 SAFA Ramp Inspection and related processes - overview
1> inspection
4>follow up
SAFA Ramp Inspection
The SAFA Ramp Inspection should preferably be performed by at least 2
Inspectors. The main elements of the inspection, the visual inspection of
the aircraft exterior, the inspection on the flight deck and the inspection of
the passenger cabin and/or cargo compartments can be divided among the
> Inspectors are entitled to perform a SAFA inspection and search the
aircraft according to the ICAO convention article 16 (search of aircraft);
the appropriate authorities of each of the contracting States shall have the
right to search aircraft of other contracting States.
1>SAFA inspection items
The SAFA Ramp Inspection checklist (mentioned in Annex II to Commission
Directive 2008/49/EC) contains a total of 54 items.
Of these checklist items,
24 relate to operational requirements (A-items) to be checked on the
flight deck,
14 items address safety and cabin items (B-items),
12 items are concerning the aircraft condition (C-items) and
3 items (D-items) are related to the inspection of cargo and the cargo

Prepared by H.A.JAVED

In case of any findings not related to the other items of the checklist, they
may be administered by the E-item (General) of the checklist. This item
also covers those items that have direct affect on passenger safety.
1.1 Standards
a) The purpose of a SAFA inspection is to check the compliance with
international standards (i.e. Chicago convention, its Annexes and ICAO
regional standards) which are the minimum standards to be observed by any
aircraft engaged in international navigation. In addition, when inspecting the
technical condition of an aircraft, it should be checked against the aircraft
certification and manufacturers standards. Furthermore, compliance with
national standards that are declared applicable to all operators flying to
that state may be checked.
SAFA Findings
2> General
A finding is a non-compliance with an applicable standard. Inspectors, when
raising a finding, must avoid using best practices,company procedures or
standards other than international safety standards.
2.2 Detection/reporting/assessment of obvious technical defects
The following procedure should be used (see also the flowchart below) when
inspecting the Aircraft Condition:
a) Preferably, the inspector should inspect the aircraft condition after the
operator has completed the preflight inspection.
b) The inspector may perform the aircraft condition inspection (C-Items) in
advance of the operator in order to prevent/ limit any delay of the aircraft.
In that case the inspector should wait with reporting the defects identified by
him until the operator completed the preflight inspection.
3>SAFA - Categorization
If during the inspection it is established that a certain situation is not in
compliance with the relevant standards, this is then considered as a finding.
For each inspection item, 3 categories of possible deviations from the
standards have been defined. The findings are categorised according to the
perceived influence on flight safety. This means that a
category 1 finding is considered to have a minor influence on safety.
category 2 finding may have a significant influence on safety and
category 3 finding may have a major influence on safety.

Prepared by H.A.JAVED

3.1 Actions resulting from an inspection

3.1.1 Class(CATEGORY)) 1 action: information to the captain
A class 1 action is to be taken after each inspection, and consists of
providing information about the results of that SAFA inspection, regardless of
whether findings have been identified or not. This is achieved by handing
over the Proof of Inspection (POI) to the aircraft commander or the
representative of the operator.
When handing over the POI to the commander/operator representative, the
inspector should ask him/her to sign the POI whilst explaining that the
signature does not mean that he/she agrees with the findings. The signature
only confirms that the POI has been received by the commander/operator
e.g. Paint striping

3.1.2 Class 2 action: Information to the authority and the operator

Category 2 and 3 findings are considered to have a significant and major
influence on safety. Therefore, when category 2 and/or 3 findings have been
raised, written communications must be made
The primary source of information to enable an operator to take swift action
to address safety deficiencies is the POI. In order to inform the states of
oversight in sufficient time to permit appropriate action to be taken and to
confirm to the operator the findings made, these communications should be
made not later than 30 working days after the inspection.
In the case where the operator has already replied, to the satisfaction of the
competent inspecting authority, based on the information contained in the
POI, the written communication to the operator might not be sent.
Note: In exceptional cases where multiple category 2 findings have been
found and the accumulation of these findings or their interaction justifies a
corrective action, the class of action may be increased to a class 3 action.


3.1.3 Class 3 actions: Restrictions or corrective actions
A class 3 action follows a category 3 finding which are considered to have a
major effect on the safe operation of the aircraft. For that reason, action(s)
need to be taken before the departure of the aircraft. On the ramp
inspection report only the actions required/imposed by the inspector should
be mentioned.

Prepared by H.A.JAVED

The class 3 action is divided into 4 sub-actions:

Class 3a. Restriction on the aircraft flight operation
The inspector(s) performing the ramp inspection have concluded that, as a
result of some deficiencies identified during the inspection, the aircraft may
depart only under certain restrictions. Some examples of class 3a actions
1. Some seats that may not be used by passengers,
2. A cargo area that may not be used.
Class 3b. Corrective actions before flight
The ramp inspector(s) have identified some deficiencies that require
corrective action(s) before the intended flight. Such corrective actions may
1. (temporary) repairs to defects according to the AMM,
2. A copy of a missing license/document to be sent by fax or other electronic
Class 3c. Aircraft detained by inspecting National Aviation Authority
An aircraft is grounded in a situation where the category 3 (major) findings
are not corrected by the operator before flight. Because the safety of the
aircraft and its occupants is at stake, the aircraft has to be prevented from
resuming its flight and has to be grounded until the safety hazard is
Class 3d. Immediate operating ban
In case of an immediate and obvious safety hazard a competent authority
may react by imposing an operating ban on an operator or an aircraft.

4> SAFA Follow-up actions

The follow-up actions may be distinguished in two stages.
The first stage is the follow-up action directly resulting from the findings.
The second stage is the monitoring and follow-up of any correspondence,
sent out to the operator and the State of oversight, which should result in
closure of the findings.

Prepared by H.A.JAVED

> Monthly report

Member States are required to make available to the Agency a monthly
report on the status of follow-up actions taken pursuant to ramp inspections.


A. Flight Deck
A01 General Condition
A02 Emergency Exit
A03 Equipment
A04 Manuals
A05 Checklists
A06 Radio Navigation Charts
A07 Minimum Equipment List
A08 Certificate of registration
A09 Noise certificate (where applicable)
A11 Radio licence
A12 Certificate of Airworthiness
A13 Flight preparation
A14 Weight and balance sheet
A15 Hand fire extinguishers
A16 Life jackets / flotation device
A17 Harness
A18 Oxygen equipment
A19 Flash Light
A20 Flight crew license
A21 Journey Log Book or equivalent
A22 Maintenance release
A23 Defect notification and rectification (incl. Tech Log)
A24 Preflight inspection

B. Safety / Cabin
B01 General Internal Condition
B02 Cabin crews station
and crew rest area
B03 First Aid Kit/ Emergency medical kit
B04 Hand fire extinguishers
B05 Life jackets / Flotation devices
B06 Seat belts
B07 Emergency exit, lighting and marking, torches
B08 Slides /Life-Rafts (as required)

Prepared by H.A.JAVED

B09 Oxygen Supply

(Cabin Crew and Passengers)
B10 Safety Instructions
B 11 Cabin crew members
B12 Access to emergency exits
B13 Safety of passenger baggage
B14 Seat capacity

C. Aircraft Condition
C01 General external condition
C02 Doors and hatches
C03 Flight controls
C04 Wheels, tires and brakes
C05 Undercarriage
C06 Wheel well
C07 Power plant and pylon
C08 Fan blades
C09 Propellers
C10 Obvious repairs
C11 Obvious un-repaired damage
C12 Leakage

D. Cargo
D01 General condition of cargo compartment
D02 Dangerous Goods
D03 Safety of cargo on board

E. General
E01 General

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