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The document discusses how color can impact emotions and provides an overview of color theory principles for web design.

Colors can create scientifically proven connections with emotional states and even cause physiological changes.

Some tools mentioned are Stylify Me, Adobe Color CC, Flat UI Color Picker, Paletton, Material Palette, Coolors, and Color Combos.

Color Theory in

Web UI Design:
A Practical Approach to the Principles

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A Few Quick Words
The Emotional Impact of Each Color
Contrast & Complements: The Art of Combining Colors 
Color Schemes: Best Practices for Mixing Colors
Style Guides: Ensuring Color Consistency
Our Favorite Color Tools


Jerry Cao is a content strategist at UXPin where he gets to put

his overly active imagination to paper every day. In a past life, he
developed content strategies for clients at Brafton and worked in
traditional advertising at DDB San Francisco. In his spare time he
enjoys playing electric guitar, watching foreign horror films, and
expanding his knowledge of random facts.
Follow me on Twitter

Co-founder and head of product, Kamil previously worked as a

UX/UI Designer at Grupa Nokaut. He studied software engineering in university, but design and psychology have always been
his greatest passions. Follow me on Twitter @ziebak

Krzysztof is a graphic designer at UXPin. He is also a typography

enthusiast and a founder of the global Typeseeing Project. Since
2014, he has been an instructor at the Academy of Fine Arts in
Gdansk, where he teaches his students about design theory and
design software. In his free time, he enjoys playing and inventing
board games. Follow me on Behance

With a passion for writing and an interest in everything anything

related to design or technology, Matt Ellis found freelance writing best suited his skills and allowed him to be paid for his curiosity. Having worked with various design and tech companies
in the past, he feels quite at home at UXPin as the go-to writer,
researcher, and editor. When hes not writing, Matt loves to travel, another byproduct of curiosity.

A Few Quick Words

Feeling blue? Perhaps painting the town red will get you to the other end of the rainbow. The impact of colors extends far beyond our
sense of sight they create scientifically proven connections with
our emotional state (hence the use in common phrases) and can even
cause physiological changes.

Source: Garden Estdio

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles

As far back as the middle ages, researchers have been documenting

the impact of colors. In the intervening centuries, they devised the
same useful best practices that apply not only to web design, but also
the worlds of art, architecture, advertising, and almost every other
visual industry.
This pocket guide will explore the basics of color theory, and how it
applies specifically to web design. Well cover the effects of the individual colors, how theyre best combined, and then provide links to
some of our favorite tools for mastering color.
If you find this book helpful, feel free to share with others.

For the love of web design,

Jerry Cao
co-written by Kamil Zieba, Krzysztof Stryjewski, and Matt Ellis

The Emotional Impact

of Each Color

Scientists have studied the physiological effects of certain colors for

centuries, but you dont need a textbook to know that certain colors
make you feel differently than others. Looking at certain pieces of
art can make you feel a certain way, and this ability to manipulate
our emotions is at the heart of color theory in web design.
In short, colors are divided into warm colors (reds, oranges, and
yellows), cool colors (blues and purples), and neutral colors (black,
white, gray). Warm colors are more stimulating, while cool ones feel
more calming.
Of course, each individual color includes its own unique signals and
properties, and below well give a brief overview of the common
emotions elicited by the main color groups:

The most stimulating color, red is used to catch attention and raise
alarm. As an energizing color, and it be used to symbolize power

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles

and even youth, but this makes it ill-advised for sites striving for
a relaxed feel.

Source: No Way NSA

Orange retains some of reds energizing properties, but to a lesser
degree, making a bit calmer. Its commonly used to show cheerfulness and playfulness.

Source: Fanta

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


The impact of yellow varies with its vibrancy (light or dark shades),
but in general it is usually warming and energetic. Bright yellow
is extremely stimulating, middle shades are more welcoming, and
darker shades (such as gold) give an air of antiquity and timelessness.

Source: Flash Media

The bridge between warm and dark colors, green is a pleasing mix
of energy and relaxation. It typically signifies positive growth, and
in Westernculture represents money and environmental themes.

Source: Ameritrade

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Light Blue
The first of the cool colors, light blue is friendly and inviting, but
also safe. Popular social sites like Facebook and Twitter both take
advantage of this welcoming color.

Source: Facebook

Dark Blue
Dark blue is still calming, but it tends to be more somber and
reliable than light blue a more down-to-earth color favored by
companies known for professionalism.

Source: Van Vliet & Trap

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


The color of royalty, purple conjures sensations of luxury, sometimes even decadence. Lighter shades exude romance, while darker
ones can represent more mysterious elements.

Source: Cadbury

Black is the strongest of all colors, which is why its almost always
used for the font color of text. While it will support the other colors used around it, on its own it can create feelings of power and

Source: Earth Hour

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


As a primary color, white gives off an air of cleanliness, purity, and
virtue. As a secondary color, it draws attention to more stimulating
elements, making it ideal for supporting roles. If youre curious
about the color white (especially as it relates to white space), check
out our free ebook White Space in Web UI Design.

Source: Rogue Society

Just like its intermediary role between black and white, gray
gives the impression of neutrality. However, in an experts hands,
changing its shade can give it varying degrees of blacks attention-drawing and whites attention-repelling qualities, making it
a uniquely powerful tool to the master designer.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Source: Squarespace

With each color having its own strengths and weaknesses, which
ones you choose will depend on the project no one color is inherently better than others in all situations.

A Quick Case Study

03 July makes excellent use of the emotional connection of different
backgrounds. While scrolling through the product features, the
background color changes to suit the description. In the above
example, the playfulness of the orange-red background certainly
complements the Easy to USE headline.

Source: 03 July

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


As you scroll down the page, the more professional dark blue
trades the playfulness for security, perfectly matching the Reliable headline.

Source: 03 July

Lastly, the decadent purple allows for a luxurious interpretation

of the description A care for DESIGN. This was no accident, as
you can see by the designers choice to have a diamond icon another common signifier of luxury depicted in the phones screen
in the graphic. (That the phones rests on a pillow is yet another
subversive cue towards luxuriousness.)

Source: 03 July

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Contrast & Complements: The Art of Combining Colors

Understanding how to combine colors is just as important as understanding how they work on their own, which is why well explain
the two main connections between colors.
As anyone familiar with fashion will tell you, some colors go well
with each other, while others will clash. What the fashion insiders
may not tell you, though, is that there are definitive rules for how
they will interact that can be best observed on a color wheel:

Source: Ray Trygstad. Wikimedia Commons. GNU Free Documentation License.

1. Contrasting Colors
Colors with contrast clash with the colors roughly 3 steps away
from them on the wheel. For example, green contrasts with orange,
yellow with red, and so on. Unlike in fashion, clashing colors can
be useful to attract attention or set an element apart, perfect for

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Source: Ray Trygstad. Wikimedia Commons. GNU Free Documentation License.

Edited from original.

Above, you can see how Glyde takes advantage of contrasting

colors by alternating the background and button colors with the
same blues and greens.

Source: Glyde

2. Complementary Colors
Additionally, colors can complement each other, drawing out their
natural appeal and creating a more eye-pleasing aesthetic (though

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


not as attention-drawing). Complementary colors are those that

are opposite each other on the color wheel.

Source: Ray Trygstad. Wikimedia Commons. GNU Free Documentation License

Edited from original.

Blues complements yellow, purples is green, etc. Moreover, different shades of the same color are complementary, so light green
and dark green go well together, just like deep purple and lighter
When two complementary colors are juxtaposed, they push each
other farther into their extremes, at least in how the user perceives
them. Thus, when placed next to green, red will appear more red,
meaning it will appear more stimulating, more aggressive, and
more powerful (likewise, the green will appear more comforting,
etc.). This works also with vibrancy, so dark shades will appear
even darker when complemented with lighter shades. A master
of color can use this to create some powerful illusions, and manipulate not just what we see, but how we see it.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Source: TV Safety.org

Look how, in the example above, the red buttons are hard to miss
against the green background, drawing the eye, and almost enticing
a click. Next to green, they appear more alarming and important
against any other background, some of this vitality would be lost.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Color Schemes: Best Practices for Mixing Colors

While experimenting with colors can have huge payoffs for a particularly artistic designer, in general most websites follow common
color schemes or at least, common structures for color schemes.
Each site needs a handful of dominant colors to build an aesthetic
color scheme. Because colors can interact predictably on the wheel,
the popular structures for creating colors schemes have emerged, as
well describe below.

1. Monochromatic
The most basic color scheme is nonetheless effective.
A monochromatic scheme uses only one dominant color, or different shades of the same color, which youll remember from above
complement each other well. Monochromatic schemes look visually pleasing and intensify the emotional responses of the color
involved, however, there can be some difficulty in setting certain
elements apart.
Monochromatic color schemes are quite common in minimalist
design since they naturally emphasize the content and make even
the simplest of typefaces appear bold and dramatic. In fact, minimal and monochromatic designs feed into each other well: both
emphasis one or two singular elements, both inherently suggest
a theme of elegance, and both create an easy, less-distracting interface.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Source: Wake

Wake uses a blue monochromatic scheme with white flourishes.

Their dominant blue background with a middle shade thats representative of the properties of both light and dark blue emphasizes the colors relations to both friendliness and professionalism,
a perfect choice for a company that aids business communications
and collaborations. Adding another rival color would only dilute
this message, so a monochromatic scheme highlights the one central impression they wish to make.
Notice the variant shades of blue in the above navigation bar and
Play Video button, to help separate these elements without deviating from the color theme.

2. Analogous
Analogous color schemes rely on colors next to each other on the
color scheme. This creates a more attractive design thats easy on
the eyes.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Source: Ray Trygstad. Wikimedia Commons. GNU Free Documentation License.

Edited from original.

Analogous themes present more diversity than monochromatic

themes, making it easier to differentiate elements, though theyre
not as attention grabbing as sites that rely heavily on complementary colors. Instead, sites with analogous color schemes feel
more calming and harmonious, and its no surprise that this color
combination is often found in nature.
When using an analogous color scheme for web design, designers
often choose one color to be the most dominant. This colors emotional connections will be the most powerful, and overshadow the
others. A second color is just that: secondary, and is commonly
used to differentiate certain elements, or for typeface. If a third
color is used, it is often only for accenting.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Source: Do a Backflip

In the example above, the dominant color is clearly a slightly dark

shade of yellow, which gives off an energizing and friendly tone.
The secondary color, a red-orange hybrid, continues this theme,
though its distinct enough so that users can read the text clearly.
Notice how, if the red and the yellow were switched, the site would
take a far more aggressive and stimulating tone, as the red would
dominate the emotional connection.

3. Complementary
A complementary color scheme takes advantage of opposite colors,
creating a dynamic and emotionally stimulating page. The advantage to this scheme is that elements are clearly distinct from one
another, creating an instantly comprehensible layout. However, its
intense nature can work against you if youre aiming for a more
relaxed atmosphere.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Just as with analogous color schemes, one color is dominant while

another secondary, with the dominant color setting the majority
of the tone. When using complements, its advised to avoid desaturated colors, as they will weaken the potency.
Ondo plays heavily on contrast for their site. A red-orange background dominates, setting a playful and energetic tone, while the
blue-green secondary color marks the clickable navigation options,
brand name, and graphical flourishes.

Source: Ondo

The result is that the eye dances around the screen, from element
to element, never quite settling one place for long. This effect is
heightened by the moving images, which slide up the screen bottom-to-top, creating even more eye candy. Notice how the border
switches color when the image passes through it.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


4. Triadic
The triadic is the safest of the color schemes, implementing three
perfectly balanced colors joined by an equilateral triangle on the

Source: Ray Trygstad. Wikimedia Commons. GNU Free Documentation License.

Edited from original.

While more diverse than the one- or two-colored themes, the triadic scheme is still the most basic of the color schemes with three
or more colors. Triadic schemes take no risks in creating a visually
secure site look, but offer no outstanding reward except security
and some diversity.
Many designers consider this to be the best color scheme, although
it really depends on the project. The triadic scheme is an excellent
choice for sites appealing to a broad range of users, as its safety
makes it a crowd pleaser, while allowing enough diversity and
creativity to keep it from appearing dull. However, the lacking
direct opposites makes it less effective at drawing attention to one

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


single element over others (like a call-to-action), and likewise the

stability means its difficult to make it edgy, a style which lends
itself to sites in fashion, music, etc.

Source: DocReady

As a site that helps calm people before doctors visits, the security and stability of a triadic scheme work perfectly for DocReady.
The use of pastels also furthers this theme of safety. The choices
of red, yellow, and turquoise are common in the triadic scheme,
although on this page the turquoise is dominant, encouraging a
calmer vibe than the more stimulating red or yellow. Notice the
use of red for the About Us button, which signals clickability in
comparison to the white etchings around it.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


5. Split-complementary
The split-complementary color scheme has the attention-drawing
power of the basic complementary scheme, but with the added
diversity of an extra color. This creates a more grounded site than
if you were to use intense complement, while still allowing for
more creative use of color. The flexibility of the third color, too,
opens up a lot of new design options.

Source: Ray Trygstad. Wikimedia Commons. GNU Free Documentation License.

Browsing the web nowadays, you see a lot of the split-complementary theme. Most common is a site using dominant blacks and
whites, with a splash of a third color used sparingly to highlight an
individual element (usually an attention-grabbing red or green).
This works fine, but tends to be simplistic. For a more stylized
look, three primary colors can add more depth both visually and
emotionally, though are more difficult to apply.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Source: Shopify (2014 Commerce Report)

At first glance, Shopifys 2014 Commerce Report may not appear

colorful which is a sign of its clever application of color. The text
and graphics are really a dark blue, but they appear almost black
thanks to the complementary yellowish cream in the background.
(The yellow background makes the dark blue appear even darker
and since its already fairly dark, it has no where else to go in
our perception except closer to black.)
To break up what would be an otherwise dualistic scene, the
green in the main title acts as a visual centerpiece, tying the two
complementary colors together and creating a unified image. This
illustrates the difference between split-complementary and basic
complementary an extra element to take some of the sting out
and stabilize the whole screen.

6. Rectangular Tetradic (Compound Complementary)

One of the more complicated color schemes, the rectangular tetradic scheme is nonetheless rewarding if done right.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Source: Ray Trygstad. Wikimedia Commons. GNU Free Documentation License.

Edited from original.

It consists of two complementary pairs of colors, allowing for the

stimulating visuals from the opposites, while enjoying the diversity of four main colors. The design appears grounded and stable,
but with certain areas more enticing than others the complexity
is why this scheme can also be somewhat difficult to apply well.
Extra care must be taken when choosing colors. As a general rule,
try to balance the use of warm and cool colors.

Source: Formlets

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


The home page for Formlets has a veritable rainbow of colors

two shades apiece for red, yellow, green, blue, and black, plus a
heavy dose of white though through proper application it seems
rather simple.
While there is a lot of color usage at play here at an expert level,
for now well just point out the colors of the faces on the right:
red, yellow, green, blue, and black. These color choices are not
random, but play off both the red-green and yellow-blue natural
The distribution itself is done skillfully there are only two each
of the red and black faces, as these two colors are more powerful
than the others, and would dominate the scene if there were more.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Style Guides: Ensuring Color Consistency

By now you probably realize just how intricate colors can be for web
design. When dealing with contrasts, complements, and varying
shades, precision is absolutely essential.
While this piece uses umbrella terms like red or purple for the
sake of simplicity, when it comes to the actual application of colors in
design, you must start dealing with specific hues to most accurately
pinpoint their contrasts and complements.
Imagine the madness of trying to remember every CMYK, Pantone,
RGB, and HEX value for each hue of your site. Even if your site is monochromatic, youll still probably apply different hues of the same color.
Luckily, style guides help designers keep track of the technical details
for colors. The color section will list for the entire team where and
when to use each specific color, and that colors numeric properties
for easy duplication. Naturally, a consolidated reference guide will
improve visual consistency.

Source: Mozilla

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


The style guide for Mozilla Sandstone displays the specifics behind their
color regulations without overloading the reader with information.
They include a small description to the side, with visual samples and
all the relevant color data, plus a link to the suggested gradient tool.

Source: Lonely Planet

The style guide for Lonely Planet gives more options, but stays specific about the hues. Their color scheme is categorized by hierarchy,
and those familiar with the site will know how to apply them (or
they can check the separate PSD style guide, which is linked in the
description). Notice the search box at the top, allowing the reader
to easily search by color to find the proper hue in accordance to the
brands preferences.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


Our Favorite Color Tools

Like we said, color theory is a topic with a lot of depth, and even the
basics are a lot to digest at once. Thats why weve included this list
of external resources to aid in your use of color, whether youre a
beginner or an expert.
Stylify Me A reverse-engineering device, this calculates the color
codes of any other site by entering the URL at the top, allowing you
to discover the specific colors used on your favorite sites.
Adobe Color CC An old standard in color assistance tools (though
formerly known as Kuler), years later its still considered one of the
best and most reliable tools for identifying the numeric values of hues.
Flat UI Color Picker A quick and convenient tool for color selection,
as long as youre using a flat UI.
Paletton Great for beginners, this is an easy-to-use tool for identify
corresponding colors in a number of different schemes.
Material Palette Input two colors, and this tool will determine the
range of recommended colors, with specific values.
Coolors This versatile tool helps you generate color schemes with
more complexity and range than other tools, but can be a bit more
Color Combos A forum for color-related themes in web design, here
you can read blogs, browse samples, and gain access to other resources.

Color Theory in Web UI Design: A Practical Approach to the Principles


We hope this book was helpful. If youd like to start putting your
knowledge to practice, feel free to give UXPin a try (free for 7-30
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