Genesis Institute of Business ManagementPune
Genesis Institute of Business ManagementPune
Genesis Institute of Business ManagementPune
Act in India
And its impact
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all, those how helped me in making this Dissertation
where it stands today. Since in the beginning I am very thankful to Prof. Parikshit Vaid, Faculty of
Finance from GIBM Pune. Who have gives me a wonderful opportunity to work on this paper. Sir I am
very-very thankful to you.
Securitization has emerged globally as an important technique for bundling assets and segregating risks
into marketable securities. This paper discusses the present nascent state of the securitization market in
India, and its impact on borrowers in India.
After liberalization the Indian banking sector developed very appreciate. The RBI also nationalized
good amount of commercial banks for proving socio economic services to the people of the nation.
The Public Sector Banks have shown very good performance as far as the financial operations are
concerned. If we look to the glance of the financial operations, we may find that deposits of public to the
Public Sector Banks have increased from 859,461.95crore to 1,079,393.81crore in 2003, the investments
of the Public Sector Banks have increased from 349,107.81crore to 545,509.00crore, and however the
advances have also been increased to 549,351.16crore from 414,989.36crore in 2003.
The total income of the public sector banks have also shown good performance since the last few years
and currently it is 128,464.40crore. The Public Sector Banks have also shown comparatively good
result. The gross profits of the Public Sector Banks currently 29,715.26crore which has been doubled to
the last to last year, and the net profit of the Public Sector Banks is 12,295,47crore.
However, the only problem of the Public Sector Banks these days are the increasing level of the non
performing assets. The non performing assets of the Public Sector Banks have been increasing regularly
year by year. If we glance on the numbers of nonperforming assets we may come to know that in the
year 1997 the NPAs were 47,300crore and reached to 80,246crore in 2002.
The only problem that hampers the possible financial performance of the Public Sector Banks is the
increasing results of the non performing assets. The non performing assets impacts drastically to the
working of the banks. The efficiency of a bank is not always reflected only by the size of its balance
sheet but by the level of return on its assets. NPAs do not generate interest income for the banks, but at
the same time banks are required to make provisions for such NPAs from their current profits.
The RBI has also tried to develop many schemes and tools to reduce the non performing assets by
introducing internal checks and control scheme, relationship managers as stated by RBI who have
complete knowledge of the borrowers, credit rating system, and early warning system and so on. The
RBI has also tried to improve the securitization Act and SRFAESI Act and other acts related to the
pattern of the borrowings.
Though RBI has taken number of measures to reduce the level of the non performing assets the results is
not up to the expectations. To improve NPAs each bank should be motivated to introduce their own
precautionary steps. Before lending the banks must evaluate the feasible financial and operational
prospective results of the borrowing companies. They must evaluate the business of borrowing
companies by keeping in considerations the overall impacts of all the factors that influence the business.
Significance of the study: - The main aim of any person is the utilization money in the best manner
since the India is country were more than half of the population has problem of running the family in the
most efficient manner. However Indian people faced large number of problem till the development of
the full-fledged banking sector. The Indian banking sector came into the developing nature mostly after
the 1991 government policy. The banking sector has really helped the Indian people to utilize the single
money in the best manner as they want. People now have started investing their money in the banks and
banks also provide good returns on the deposited amount. The people now have at the most understood
that banks provide them good security to their deposits and so excess amounts are invested in the banks.
Thus, banks have helped the people to achieve their socio economic objectives.
The banks not only accept the deposits of the people but also provide them credit facility for their
development. Indian banking sector has the nation in developing the business and service sectors. But
recently the banks are facing the problem of credit risk.
It is found that many general people and business people borrow from the banks but due to some
genuine or other reasons are not able to repay back the amount drawn to the banks. The amount which is
not given back to the banks is known as the non performing assets. Many banks are facing the problem
of nonperforming assets which hampers the business of the banks. Due to NPAs the income of the banks
is reduced and the banks have to make the large number of the provisions that would curtail the profit of
the banks and due to that the financial performance of the banks would not show good results
The main aim behind making this report is to know how Public Sector Banks are operating their
business and how NPAs play its role to the operations of the Public Sector Banks. The report NPAs are
Securitization in India
Securitization in India began in the early nineties, with CRISIL rating the first securitization program in
1991-92. Initially it started as a device for bilateral acquisitions of portfolios of finance companies.
These were forms of quasi-securitizations, with portfolios moving from the balance sheet of one
originator to that of another. Originally these transactions included provisions that provided recourse to
the originator as well as new loan sales through the direct assignment route, which was structured using
the true sale concept. Through most of the 90s, securitization of auto loans was the mainstay of the
Indian markets. But since 2000, Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS) have fuelled the
growth of the market.
The need for securitization in India exists in three major areas - Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS), the
infrastructure Sector and other Asset Backed Securities (ABS). It has been observed that Financial
Institutions/banks have made considerable progress in financing of projects in the housing and
infrastructure sector. It is therefore necessary that securitization and other allied modalities get
developed so that Financial Institutions/Banks can offload their initial exposure and make room for
financing new projects. With the introduction of financial sector reforms in the early nineties, Financial
Institutions/banks, particularly the Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), have entered into the
retail business in a big way, generating large volumes of homogeneous classes of assets (such as auto
loans, credit cards). This has led to attempts being made by a few players to get into the ABS market as
well. However, still a number of legal, regulatory, psychological and other issues need to be sorted out
to facilitate the growth of securitization in India.
Securitization in India adopts a trust structure with the underlying assets being transferred by way of a
sale to a trustee. Albeit a trust is not a legal entity, a trustee is entitled to hold property, which is distinct
1) Securitization is the process of commoditization. The basic idea is to take the outcome of this
process into the market, the capital market. Thus, the result of every securitization process, whatever
might be the area to which it is applied, is to create certain instruments, which can be placed in the
2) Securitization is the process of integration and differentiation: The entity that securitizes its assets
first pools them together into a common hotchpot (assuming it is not one asset but several assets, as is
normally the case). This process of integration. Then, the pool itself is broken into instruments of fixed
denomination. This is the process of differentiation.
The small investor is not a professional investor. He needs an instrument, which is easier to understand,
and provides liquidity and legal sanction. These needs set the stage for evolution of financial
instruments which would convert financial claims into liquid, easy to understand and homogenous
products. They would be available in small denominations to suit even a small investor. Therefore,
securitization in a generic sense is basic to the world of finance, and it is right for us to say that
securitization envelopes the entire range of financial instruments, and the range of financial markets.
Reasons for Growth of securitization
1. Financial claims often involve large sums of money, which is outside the reach of the small investor
who lacks expertise. In order to cater to this need development of financial intermediation. In a simple
case an intermediary such as a bank obtains resources of the small investors and uses the same for the
larger investment need of the user.
2. Small investors are typically not in the business of investments, and hence, liquidity of investments is
most critical for them. Underlying financial transactions need fixity of investments over a fixed time,
ranging from a few months to may be a number of years. This problem could not even be sorted out by
financial intermediation, since, the intermediary provided a fixed investment option to the seeker, and
itself requires funds with an option for liquidity. Or else, it would be into serious problems of a
mismatch. Hence, the answer is a marketable instrument.
3. Generally, instruments are easier understood than financial transactions. An instrument is
homogenous, usually made in a standard form, and generally containing standard issuer obligations.
Hence, it can be understood generically. Besides, an important part of investor information is the quality
and price of the instrument, and both are difficult to be ascertained.
The need for securitization was almost inescapable, and present day's financial markets would not have
been what they are, unless some standard thing that market players could buy and sell, that is, financial
Securitization of receivables:
One of the applications of the securitization technique has been in creation of marketable securities out
of or based on receivables. The intention of this application is to afford marketability to financial claims
in the form of receivables. This application has been applied to those entities where receivables form a
large part of the total assets of the entity. Besides, to be packaged as a security, the ideal receivable is
one, which is repayable over or after a certain period, and there is “contractual certainty” as to its
Hence, the application is directed towards housing/ mortgage finance companies, car rental companies,
leasing and hire purchase companies, credit cards companies, hotels, etc. Soon, electricity companies,
telephone companies, real estate hiring companies, aviation companies etc. joined as users of
securitization. Insurance companies are the latest to join this innovative use of securitization of risk and
receivables. The generic meaning of securitization is “every such process whereby financial claims are
transformed into marketable securities. Securitization is a process by which cash flows or claims against
third parties of an entity, either existing or future, are identified, consolidated, separated from the
originating entity, and then fragmented into "securities" to be offered to investors.
Securitization of receivables is one of the applications of the concept of securitization. For most other
securitizations, a claim on the issuer himself is being securitized. For example, in case of issuance of
debenture, the claim is on the issuing company only. In case of receivable, what is being securitized is a
claim on the third party /parties, on whom the issuer has a claim. Hence, what the investor in receivable-
securitized product gets is a claim on the debtors of the originator. This may by implication a claim on
the originator himself. The involvement of the debtors in receivable securitization process adds new
dimensions to the concept. One, the legal possibility of transforming a claim on a third party as a
marketable document. It is easy to understand that this dimension is unique to securitization of
receivables. Since there is no legal difficulty where an entity creates a claim on itself, but the scenario
changes when rights on other parties are being turned into a tradeable commodity. Two, it affords to the
issuer the rare ability to originate an instrument which hinges on the quality of the underlying asset. To
state it simply, as the issuer is essentially marketing claims on others, the quality of his own
commitment becomes irrelevant if the claim on the debtors of the issuer is either market acceptable or is
duly secured. Hence, it allows the issuer to make his own credit rating insignificant or less significant
and the intrinsic quality of the asset becomes important.
The entity that securitizes its assets is called the originator. The name signifies the fact that the entity
was responsible for originating the claims that are to be ultimately securitized. There is no distinctive
name for the investors who invest their money in the instrument. Therefore, they are generally called as
investors. The claims that the originator securitizes could either be existing claims, or existing assets (in
form of claims), or expected claims over time. In other words, the securitized assets could be either
existing receivables, or receivables to arise in future. The latter, for the sake of distinction, is called
future flow securitization, in which case the former is a case of asset backed securitization.
Another distinction is between mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities. This only is to
indicate the distinct application: the former relates to the market for securities based on mortgage
Since it is important for the entire exercise to be a case of transfer of receivables by the originator, not a
borrowing on the security of the receivables, there is a legal transfer of the receivables to a separate
entity. Transfer of receivables is called assignment of receivables. It is also necessary to ensure that the
transfer of receivables is respected by the legal system as a genuine transfer, and not as a mere paper
transaction where in reality it is a mode of borrowing. In other words, the transfer of receivables has to
be a true sale of the receivables, and not merely a financing against the security of the receivables.
Since securitization involves a transfer of receivables from the originator, it would be inconvenient, to
the extent of being impossible, to transfer such receivables to the investors directly, since the receivables
are as diverse as the investors themselves. Besides, the base of investors could keep changing, as the
resulting security is a marketable security. Therefore, there is a need for intermediary. This intermediary
will hold the receivables on behalf of the end investors. This entity is created solely for the purpose of
the transaction: therefore, it is called a special purpose vehicle (SPV) or a special purpose entity (SPE)
or, if such entity is a company, special purpose company (SPC). The function of the SPV in a
securitization transaction could stretch from being a pure conduit or intermediary vehicle, to a more
active role in reinvesting or reshaping the cash flows arising from the assets transferred to it, which is
something that would depend on the end objectives of the securitization exercise. Therefore, the
originator transfers the
assets to the SPV, which holds the assets on behalf of the investors, and issues to the investors its own
securities. Therefore, the special purpose vehicle is also called the issuer.
There is no uniform name for the securities issued by the SPV as such securities take different forms.
These securities could either represent a direct claim of the investors on all that the SPV collects from
Features of securitization:
A securitized instrument, as compared to a direct claim on the issuer, will generally have the following
The very purpose of securitization is to ensure marketability to financial claims. Hence, the instrument is
structured to be marketable. This is one of the most important features of a securitized instrument, and
the others that follow are mostly imported only to ensure this one. The concept of marketability involves
two postulates:
Legal aspect with respect to marketing instrument is concerned; traditional law relating to business
practices has not evolved much. Negotiable instruments were mostly limited in application to what were
then in circulation as such. Besides, the corporate laws mostly defined and sought to regulate issuance of
usual corporate financial claims, such as shares, bonds and debentures. This gives raise to the need for a
codified system of law for security and credibility of operations. We need to note that when law is not in
existence, we should not conclude that it is not permitted.
Quality of security:
To be accepted in the market, a securitized product has to have a merchantable quality. The concept of
quality in case of physical goods is something, which is acceptable in normal trade. When applied to
financial products, it would mean the financial commitments embodied in the instruments are secured to
the investors' satisfaction. "To the investors' satisfaction" is a relative term, and therefore, the
originator of the securitized instrument secures the instrument based on the needs of the investors. The
rule of thumb is the more broad the base of the investors, the less is the investors' ability to absorb the
risk, and hence, the more the need to securitize. For widely distributed securitized instruments,
evaluation of the quality, and its certification by an independent expert, for example, rating is common.
The rating serves
for the benefit of the lay investor, who is not expected to appraise the risk involved.
In case of securitization of receivables, the concept of quality undergoes drastic change; making rating is
a universal requirement for securitizations. Securitization is a case where a claim on the debtors of the
originator is being bought by the investors. Hence, the quality of the claim of the debtors assumes
significance. This at times enables investors to rely on the credit rating of debtors (or a portfolio of
debtors) in the process make the instrument independent of the oringators' own rating.
Dispersion of Product:
The basic purpose of securitization is to disperse the product as much as possible. The extent of
distribution, which the originator would like to achieve, is based on a comparative analysis of the costs
and the benefits achieved. Wider dispersion or distribution leads to a cost-benefit in the sense that the
issuer is able to market the product with lower return, and hence, lower financial cost to him. However,
wide investor base involves costs of distribution and servicing. In practice, securitization issues are still
difficult for retail investors to understand. Hence, most securitizations have been privately placed with
professional investors.
In case the securitization involves any asset or claim that needs to be integrated and differentiated, that
is, unless it is a direct and unsecured claim on the issuer, the issuer will need an intermediary agency. It
acts as a repository of the asset or claim, which is being securitized. In the case of a secured debenture, it
is a secured loan from several investors. Here, security charge over the issuer's several assets needs to be
integrated and thereafter broken into marketable lots. For this purpose, the issuer will bring in an
intermediary agency whose function is to hold the security charge on behalf of the investors. In turn, it
issues certificates to the investors of beneficial interest in the charge held by the intermediary. Thus, the
charge continues to be held by the intermediary, beneficial interest therein becomes a marketable
The same process is involved in securitization of receivables. The special purpose intermediary holds
the receivables with it, and issues beneficial interest certificates to the investors.
Securitization used to result into financial disintermediation. If we imagine a financial world without
intermediaries, all financial transactions will be carried only as one-to-one relations. For example, if a
company needs a loan, if will have to seek such loan from the lenders, and the lenders will have to
establish a one-to-one relation with the company. Each lender has to understand the borrowing
company, and to look after his loan. This is difficult process in modern world of business. There is a
financial intermediary, such as a bank, pools funds from many such investors. It uses these funds to lend
to the company. If the company securitizes the loan, and issue debentures to the investors eliminating
the need for the intermediary bank. Since the investors may now lend to the company directly in small
amounts each, in form of a security, which is easy to appraise, and which is liquid.
It is true to say that securitization leads to better disintermediation for its advantage. Disintermediation
is one of the important aims of present-day organizations, since by skipping the intermediary, the
company intends to reduce the cost of its finances. Securitization has been employed to disintermediate.
However, it is important to note that securitization does not eliminate the need for the intermediary. It
redefines the intermediary's role. In the above example, if the company in the above case is issuing
debentures to the public to replace a bank loan, is it eliminating the intermediary altogether? No. Would
be avoiding the bank as an intermediary in the financial flow, but would still need the services of an
investment banker to successfully conclude the issue of debentures. Therefore, securitization changes
the basic role of financial intermediaries.
Financial intermediaries have emerged to make a transaction possible by performing a pooling function,
and have contributed to reduce the investors' perceived risk by substituting their own security for that of
the end user. Securitization puts these services of the intermediary in a background by making it
Banks are increasingly facing the threat of disintermediation. In a world of securitized assets, banks
have diminished roles. The distinction between traditional bank lending and securitized lending clarifies
this situation. Traditional bank lending has four functions: originating, funding, servicing, and
Originating means making the loan, funding implies that the loan is held on the balance sheet. Servicing
means collecting the payments of interest and principal, and monitoring refers to conducting periodic
surveillance to ensure that the borrower has maintained the financial ability to service the loan.
Securitized lending introduces the possibility of selling assets on a bigger scale and eliminating the need
for funding and monitoring. The securitized lending function has only three steps: originate, sell, and
service. This change from a four-step process to a three-step function has been described as the
fragmentation or separation of traditional lending.
These changes represent a shift away from the administrative structures of traditional lending to market-
oriented structures for allocating money and capital. In this sense, securitization is not really-speaking
synonymous to disintermediation, but distribution of intermediary functions amongst specialist agencies.
Securitization is more than just a financial tool. Banks generally work for risk removal.
Securitization but also permits bank to acquire securitized assets with potential diversification benefits.
When assets are removed from a bank's balance sheet, all the risks associated with the asset are
eliminated. In the process reduces the risks of the bank.
Credit risk and interest-rate risk is the essential uncertainties that concern domestic lenders. By passing
on these risks to investors, or to third parties when credit enhancements are involved, financial firms are
better able to manage their risk exposures.
In today's banking, securitization is increasingly being resorted to by banks, along with other
innovations such as credit derivatives to manage credit risks.
Credit derivatives are logical extension of the concept of securitization. A credit derivative is a non-
fund-based contract when one person agreed to undertake, for a fee, the risk inherent in a credit without
acting taking over the credit. The risk either could be undertaken by guaranteeing against default or by
guaranteeing the total expected returns from the credit transaction. While the former could be another
form of traditional guarantees, the latter is the true concept of credit derivatives. Thus, if one bank has a
concentration in say Iron and Steel segment while another bank has concentration in Textiles, the two
can diversify their risks, without actually taking financial exposure, by engaging in credit derivatives.
One can agree to guarantee the returns of other from a part of its Iron and Steel exposures, and reverse
can also take place. Thus, the first bank is earning both from its own exposure in Iron and Steel, as also
from the fee-based exposure it has taken in Textiles. Credit derivatives were logically the next step in
development of securitization. Securitization development was premised on credit being converted into
a commodity. In the process, the risk inherent in credits was being professionally measured and rated. In
the second step, one would argue that if the risk can be measured and traded as a commodity with the
By creating tradeable securities out of financial claims, securitization helps to create markets in claims,
which would, in its absence, have remained bilateral deals. In the process, securitization makes financial
markets more efficient, by reducing transaction costs.
The basic intent of securitization is to spread financial assets amidst as many savers as possible. With
this end in view, the security is designed in minimum size marketable lots as necessary. Hence, it results
into dispersion of financial assets. One should not underrate the significance of this factor just because
institutional investors have lapped up most of the recently developed securitizations. Lay investors need
a certain cooling-off period before they understand a financial innovation. Recent securitization
applications, viz., mortgages, receivables, etc. are, therefore, yet to become acceptable to small
3. Promotion of savings:
The availability of financial claims in a marketable form, with proper assurance as to quality in form of
credit ratings etc., securitization makes it possible for the simple investors to invest in direct financial
claims at attractive rates. If the bank rate is lower than the rates offered by securities, investors will go
for these instruments.
4. Reduces costs:
5. Risk diversification:
Once an entity securitizes its financial claims, it ceases to be the owner of such resources and becomes
merely a trustee or custodian for the several investors who thereafter acquire such claim. Imagine the
idea of securitization being carried further, and not only financial claims but claims in physical assets
being securitized, in which case the entity needing the use of physical assets acquires such use without
owning the property. The property is diffused over investors. In this sense, securitization process
assumes the role of a trustee of resources and not the owner.
Securitization does is to break a company, a set of various assets, into various subsets of classified
assets, and offer them to investors. Imagine a world without securitization: each investor would be
taking a risk in the unclassified, composite company. How can we call this as serving economic benefit
if the company is made into different parts and sold to different investors?
To appreciate the underlying economics driving a securitization, consider an imaginary holding
company ABCLtd. It has on its balance sheet three wholly-owned subsidiaries, A, B, and C. The process
of securitization can be thought of as treating distinguishable pools of assets as if they were the wholly-
owned subsidiaries, A, B and C. Let us make the following assumptions about the subsidiaries A, B and
C.A is 100% debt financed (5-year debentures issued at 9%) with its only asset a single 5-year loan to an
AAA-rated borrower paying 10%. B is a software company with no earnings or performance history, but
with projections for attractive, volatile, future earnings. C is a well-known manufacturing company with
predictable earnings.
If ABC goes to the debt markets seeking additional unsecured funding, potential investors would face
the difficult task of evaluating its assets and assessing its debt repaying abilities. The assessed cost of
marginal ABC borrowing might consist of an "average" of the calculated returns on the assets of the
segments that comprise ABC.
By aggregating similarly originated assets into a sufficiently large pool, the consequences of an
individual receivable defaulting, and the levels of risk of default, are minimized. If we further collect
and aggregate dissimilar pools of assets, and issue securities backed by the aggregated cash flows
derived from the underlying assets. Based on basic principles of diversification, the marginal risk to the
purchaser (investor) of such a security is significantly less than the risk of holding even a pool of
individual receivables. In addition, it is less than the risk associated with a single receivable. If a
borrower can identify, segregate and then satisfactorily describe for investors a pool of securitisable
assets otherwise held on its balance sheet, the securitization process can give that borrower a lower cost
of funding and improve its balance sheet management. The borrower faced with such an opportunity
that chooses not to securitize runs the risk of handicapping its ability to compete.
But the application of this act is not absolute. It does not absolutely apply over all kinds of mortgage
transactions. This Act will not apply in some of the following cases: -
(i) A lien on any goods, money or security given by or under the Indian Contract Act or the Sale of
Goods Act or any other Law for the time being in force;
(ii) A pledge of movables;
(iii) Creation of any security in any aircraft and any vessel;
(iv) Any conditional sale, hire purchase or lease or any other contract in which no security interest has
been created;
(v) Any security interest for securing repayment of any financial asset, not exceeding Rs. 100000/-
(Rupees One lakh);
(vi) Any security interest created in agricultural land;
(vii) Any case in which the amount due is less than 20% of the principal amount and
(viii) Any rights of an un-paid seller and any property not liable to attachment or sale as per the Civil
Procedure Code.
Impact on Banking Other than freeing up the blocked assets of banks, securitization can transform
banking in other ways as well. The growth in credit off take of banks has been the highest in the last 55
years. But at the same time the incremental credit deposit ratio for the past one-year has been greater
than one. What this means in simple terms is that for every Rs
100 worth of deposit coming into the system more than Rs 100 is being disbursed as credit. The growth
of credit off take though has not been matched with a growth in deposits. Banks essentially have been
selling their investments in government securities. By selling their investments and giving out that
money as loans, the banks have been able to cater to the credit boom. This form of funding credit growth
cannot continue forever, primarily because banks have to maintain an investment to the tune of 25 per
cent of the net bank deposits in Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) Instruments (government and semi
government securities).The fact that they have been selling government paper to fund credit offtake
means that their investment in government paper has been declining. Once the banks reach this level of
Securitization is expected to become more popular in the near future in the banking sector. Banks are
expected to sell off a greater amount of NPAs by 2010, when they have fully shifted to Basel-II norms.
Blocking too much capital in NPAs can reduce the capital adequacy of banks and can be a hindrance for
banks to meet the Basel-II norms. Moreover, even if the Securitization Bill doesn’t substantially reduce
the amount of NPAs recovered in the near future, it will serve the objective by showing borrowers that
lenders have teeth and if necessary will not hesitate to use them, thereby limiting the build-up of future.
Let us summarize the discussion with analysis of risks and benefits of securitization. Asset Transfers
and Securitization by the Bank for International Settlements publication had the following comments on
the risks and benefits of securitization:
The possible effects of securitization on financial systems may differ from country to country. The
reason is differences in the structure of financial systems or because of differences in the way in which
monetary policy is executed .The effects will also vary depending upon the stage of development of
securitization in a particular country. The net effect may be potentially beneficial or harmful, but a
number of concerns are highlighted below that may in certain circumstances more than offset the
benefits. Several of these concerns are not principally supervisory in nature, but they are referred to here
because they may influence monetary authorities' policy on the development of securitization markets.
While asset, transfers and securitization can improve the efficiency of the financial system and increase
credit availability by offering borrowers direct access to end-investors. The process may on the other
hand lead to some diminution in the importance of banks in the financial intermediation process. In the
sense that securitization could reduce the proportion of financial assets and liabilities held by banks, this
could render more difficult the execution of monetary policy in countries where central banks operate
through variable minimum reserve requirements. A decline in the importance of banks could also
[Securitization act in India & its impact] Page 21
weaken the relationship between lenders and borrowers, particularly in countries where banks are
predominant in the economy. One of the benefits of securitization, namely the transformation of illiquid
loans into liquid securities, may lead to an increase in the volatility of asset values, although credit
enhancements could lessen this effect. Moreover, the volatility could be enhanced by events extraneous
to variations in the credit standing of the borrower. A preponderance of assets with readily ascertainable
market values could even, in certain circumstances, promote liquidation as opposed to going-concern
concept for valuing banks. The securitization process might lead to some pressure on the profitability of
banks if non-bank financial institutions exempt from capital requirements were to gain a competitive
advantage in investment in securitized assets.
Although securitization can have the advantage of enabling lending to take place beyond the constraints
of the capital base of the banking system, the process could lead to a decline in the total capital
employed in the banking system, thereby increasing the financial fragility of the financial system as a
whole, both nationally and internationally.
With a substantial capital base, credit losses can be absorbed by the banking system. Nevertheless, the
smaller that capital base is, the more the losses must be shared by others. This concern applies, not
necessarily in all countries, but especially in those countries where banks have traditionally been the
dominant financial intermediaries. For securitization to be great help, the institutional infrastructure in a
country will be of great advantage. If the institutions are fully developed and legal system is quick to
respond to changing commercial norms, this process is likely to face difficulties.