Michael Kuhrt's WFISD Superintendent Contract

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Superintendent Term Contract

This Contract is entered into between the Board of Trustees (the Board) of WICHITA FALLS
The Board and the Superintendent, for and in consideration for the terms stated in this Contract, hereby
agree as follows:


Term. The Board agrees to employ the Superintendent on a twelve-month basis per
school year, beginning August 21, 2015 and ending June 30, 2019. The Board and the
Superintendent (the Parties) may extend the term of this Contract by agreement.


Certification. The Superintendent agrees to maintain the required certification throughout the
term of employment with the District. If the Superintendents certification expires, is canceled,
or is revoked, this Contract is void.




The Superintendent makes the following representations:


Beginning of Contract: The Superintendent represents that, with the exception of

routine traffic citations, he has disclosed to the Board, in writing, any arrest and any
indictment, conviction, no contest or guilty plea, or other adjudication of the
The Superintendent understands that a criminal history record
acceptable to the Board, at its sole discretion, is a condition precedent to this Contract.


During Contract: The Superintendent also agrees that, during the term of this
Contract, the Superintendent will notify the Board, in writing, of any arrest or of any
indictment, conviction, no contest or guilty plea, or other adjudication of the
Superintendent, other than routine traffic citations. The Superintendent agrees to
provide such notification in writing within seven calendar days of the event or any shorter
period specified in Board policy.


False Statements and Misrepresentations: The Superintendent represents that any

records or information provided in connection with his employment application are true
and correct.
Any false statements, misrepresentations, omissions of requested
information, or fraud by the Superintendent in or concerning any required records or in
the employment application may be grounds for termination or nonrenewal, as

Duties. The Superintendent shall be the educational leader and chief executive officer of the
District. The Superintendent agrees to perform his duties as follows:


Authority: The Superintendent shall perform such duties and have such powers as may
be prescribed by the law and the Board. The Board shall have the right to assign
additional duties to the Superintendent and to make changes in responsibilities or work at
any time during the contract term. All duties assigned by the Board shall be appropriate
to and consistent with the professional role and responsibility of the Superintendent.


Standard: Except as otherwise permitted by this Contract, the Superintendent agrees to

devote his full time and energy to the performance of his duties. The Superintendent
shall perform his duties with reasonable care, skill, and diligence. The Superintendent
shall comply with all Board directives, state and federal laws and rules, Board policy, and
regulations as they exist or may hereafter be amended.


Board Meetings: The Superintendent shall attend all open meetings of the Board, and
shall also attend all closed meetings of the Board, unless the board decides to exclude the
Superintendent. If the Superintendent is ill or has obtained the approval of the Board
President to be absent from a Board meeting, the Superintendents designee shall attend
the meeting in place of the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall be an ex officio
member of all subcommittees of the Board created by the Board.


Outside Employment: The Superintendent may, with prior written consent of the Board,
undertake consulting work, speaking engagements, writing, lecturing, and other
professional duties and obligations that do not conflict or interfere with the
Superintendents professional responsibilities to the District. For any such outside
employment, the Superintendent agrees to comply with applicable ethics rules, laws, and
Board policy regarding reporting potential and actual conflicts of interest. In addition,
the Superintendent agrees to provide information regarding income from such activities
to the District as necessary for financial reporting requirements.


Referral of Complaints. The Board, individually and collectively, shall refer in a

timely manner all substantive criticisms, complaints, and suggestions called to the
Board's attention either: (a) to the Superintendent for study and/or appropriate action, and
the Superintendent shall refer such matter(s) to the appropriate District employee or shall
investigate such matter(s) and shall within a reasonable time inform the Board of the
results of such efforts; or, (b) to the appropriate complaint resolution procedure as
established by District Board policies.


Development of Goals. The Superintendent shall submit to the Board a preliminary list
of goals for the District each year for the Boards consideration and adoption. The
Superintendent and the Board shall then meet, and the Board shall approve or revise the
list of goals. The Superintendent shall submit to the Board for its approval a plan to
implement the goals. The Superintendent and the Board shall meet biannually to assess
the goals and may adjust or revise the goals either by action of the Board or upon
recommendation of the Superintendent and approval of the Board. The goals approved
by the Board shall at all times be reduced to writing ("District Goals") and shall be

among the criteria on which the Superintendent's performance is reviewed and evaluated.
The Board agrees to work with and support the Superintendent in achieving the District


Time and Basis of Superintendents Evaluation. Beginning with the 2015-2016

school year and each year thereafter, the Board shall evaluate, in writing, the performance
of the Superintendent. The evaluation shall be conducted in accordance with State law
and Board policy. Unless the Superintendent expressly requests otherwise in writing,
the evaluation of the Superintendent shall at all times be conducted in closed session and
shall remain confidential as required or permitted by law. However, the Board and
Superintendent may share the Superintendents evaluation with their respective legal

as follows:

Salary: The Superintendent shall be paid a salary of TWO HUNDRED TWO

THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS ($202,000.00) per year until the end of the
contract period. At any time during the term of this Contract, the Board may, in its sole
discretion, review and adjust the salary of the Superintendent, with any adjustment being
in the form of either a written addendum to this Contract or a new contract. However, in
no event shall the Superintendent be paid less than the salary set forth above, except by
mutual, written agreement of both the Superintendent and the District.




The District shall pay the Superintendent an annual salary and provide benefits

Widespread Salary Reduction. If the Board implements a widespread salary

reduction under Texas Education Code section 21.4023, the Superintendents
annual salary shall be reduced by the percent or fraction of a percent that is equal
to the average percent or fraction of a percent by which teacher salaries have
been reduced.
Furlough. If the Board implements a furlough under Texas Education Code
section 21.4021, the Superintendent shall be furloughed for the same number of
days as other contract personnel and the Superintendents salary shall be reduced
in proportion to the number of furlough days.

Benefits: The District shall provide benefits to the Superintendent as provided by state
law and Board policies. The Board reserves the right to amend its policies at any time
during the term of this Contract to reduce or increase these benefits, at the Boards sole
Leave: The Superintendent is entitled to the same number days of leave as authorized by
Board policy for administrative employees on twelve month contracts, and shall be
entitled to the same holidays and breaks as provided for other twelve month
administrators in the Boards adopted calendar. Discretionary leave shall be taken at such

time as will least interfere with the performance of the Superintendents duties as set
forth in this Contract.

Health Insurance. The District shall provide medical insurance to the Superintendent
to the same extent it is provided to other employees and in accordance with the Districts


Transportation Allowance. The District shall provide the Superintendent with an

automobile allowance in the amount of SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS ($600.00) per
month, which is in lieu of mileage expense reimbursement, gasoline, insurance or other
charges associated with the use of his personal automobile in the travel and performance
of business within the District. For travel outside of the Districts boundaries, the
District shall reimburse the Superintendent as provided in District policy.


Vacation. The Superintendent shall be entitled to fifteen (15) vacation days per year.
These vacation days are in addition to leave available as described in Section 5.3 of this
Contract. Vacation days shall be taken at such time or times as will least interfere with
the performance of the Superintendents duties as set forth in this Contract. Upon the
Superintendents resignation from employment, the District shall pay the Superintendent
accumulated vacation days (up to a maximum of 45 days) in a lump sum to the
Superintendent or his survivors at the Superintendents then current daily rate of pay with
the daily rate being calculated on a 240 day work year.


Retention Bonus. The District desires to promote and encourage the Superintendent to
remain an employee of the District on a long-term basis. Accordingly, the District shall
fund an encumbered retention bonus account in the general fund.
On or before June 30, 2016, the District shall designate and set aside TWENTY
THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS ($20,000.00) for the benefit of the
Superintendent. Provided the Superintendent is employed by the District at that time, on
or before June 30th of each subsequent year of this contract through (and including) June
30, 2019, the District shall designate and set aside the following: June 30, 2017,
THOUSAND AND NO/CENTS ($30,000.00), June 30, 2019, THIRTY FIVE
THOUSAND AND NO CENTS ($35,000.00) for the Superintendents benefit.
The Retention Bonus shall become the property of the Superintendent only if the
Superintendent remains continuously employed by the District through June, 30, 2019. In
that event, the Retention Bonus account established by the District shall immediately and
automatically vest in the Superintendent on July 1, 2019, and shall become the property
of the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall not be entitled to receive any of the funds
in the account if he leaves the employment of the District for any reason prior to June 30,
2019. Once vested, the account shall be freely transferable to the Superintendent subject

to any amendments thereto. Any changes in the terms of the Plan require the express
written consent of the respective parties.

Deferred Compensation. The District desires to promote and encourage the

Superintendent to remain an employee of the District. Accordingly, the District shall
make contributions of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS ($10,000.00)
per year to a qualified deferred compensation account of the Boards choice (based on the
recommendation of the Superintendent) for the benefit of the Superintendent. This plan
shall be the sole property of the Superintendent and he shall become vested in the
deferred compensation account and have full ownership of the account upon
establishment of same. The first contribution will be made by the District on or before
June 30, 2016. Thereafter, on or before June 30th of each subsequent year of this contract
and provided the Superintendent is employed by the District at that time, the District shall
contribute an additional TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS ($10,000.00)
in the account.


Membership Dues. The Board encourages the Superintendent to become a member of and
participate in professional associations and community and civic affairs, including the chamber of
commerce, civic clubs, governmental committees, and educational organizations. The Board
concludes that such participation will serve a legitimate purpose related to the educational
mission of the District. The District shall reimburse the Superintendent for membership fees in up
to three (3) professional associations of the Superintendents choice. The Superintendent
understands that no reimbursement of any kind for membership in such local professional
associations and community and civic affairs shall be made unless he first receives advance
approval from the Board President and complies with all procedures and documentation
requirements for reimbursement in accordance with Board policies.


Reassignment. The Board may not reassign the Superintendent from the position of
Superintendent to another position within the district without the Superintendents express written


Suspension. In accordance with Texas Education Code Chapter 21, the Board may suspend the
Superintendent for good cause, as determined by the Board under and pursuant to applicable
Texas law, without pay for a period not to extend beyond the end of the school year.


Termination, Nonrenewal and Resignation of Contract.


Mutual Agreement. This Contract may be terminated by the mutual agreement of the
Superintendent and the Board in writing upon such terms and conditions as may be
mutually agreed upon.


Retirement or Death.
the Superintendent.

This Contract shall be terminated upon the retirement or death of


Dismissal for Good Cause. The Board may dismiss the Superintendent during the term
of the Contract for good cause. The term good cause is defined as follows:


Failure to fulfill duties or responsibilities as set forth under the terms and conditions of this


Incompetence or inefficiency in the performance of required or assigned duties as

documented by evaluations, supplemental memoranda, or other written communication
from the Board; provided, however, the terms and conditions of this paragraph shall not
justify good cause unless the Board has provided the Superintendent a reasonable
opportunity to remediate any incompetency or inefficiency;


Insubordination or failure to comply with lawful written Board directives;


Failure to comply with the Boards policies or the Districts administrative regulations;


Neglect of duties;


Drunkenness or excessive use of alcoholic beverages;


Illegal use of drugs, hallucinogens, or other substances regulated by the Texas Controlled
Substances Act;


Conviction of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude;


Failure to meet the Districts standards of professional conduct;


Failure to comply with reasonable District professional development requirements

regarding advanced course work or professional development;


Disability, not otherwise protected by law, that impairs performance of the required duties
of the Superintendent;


Immorality, which is conduct the Board determines is not in conformity with the accepted
moral standards of the community encompassed by the District. Immorality is not
confined to sexual matters, but includes conduct inconsistent with rectitude or indicative of
corruption, indecency, or depravity;


Assault on an employee or student;


Knowingly falsifying records or documents related to the Districts activities;


Conscious misrepresentation of facts to the Board or other District officials in the conduct
of the Districts business;




Failure to fulfill requirements for superintendent certification; or,


Any other reason constituting good cause under Texas law.


Termination Procedure. In the event that the Board terminates this Contract for good
cause, the Superintendent shall be afforded all the rights as set forth in the Boards
policies and state and federal law.


Resignation of Superintendent. The Superintendent may leave the employment of the

District at the end of a school year without penalty by filing a written resignation with the
Board. The resignation must be addressed to the Board and filed not later than the 45th
day before the first day of instruction of the following year. The Superintendent may
resign with the consent of the Board at any other time.


Nonrenewal of Superintendent. Nonrenewal of this contract will be pursuant to Chapter

21 of the Texas Education Code.

General Provisions.


This Contract may not be amended except by written agreement of the


Severability: If any provision in this Contract is, for any reason, held to be invalid,
illegal, or unenforceable, such invalidity, illegality, or unenforceability shall not affect
any other provision of the Contract. This Contract shall be construed as if such invalid,
illegal, or unenforceable provision had never been a part of the Contract.


Entire Agreement: All existing agreements and contracts, both verbal and written,
between the Parties regarding the employment of the Superintendent are superseded by
this Contract. This Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties.


Applicable Law and Venue: Texas law shall govern construction of this Contract.
The Parties agree that venue for any litigation relating to the Superintendents
employment with the District, including this Contract, shall be the county in which the
Districts administration building is located. If litigation is brought in federal court, the
Parties agree that venue shall be the federal district and division in which the districts
administration building is located.


Paragraph Headings: The headings used at the beginning of each numbered paragraph
in this Contract are not intended to have any legal effect; the headings do not limit or
expand the meaning of the paragraphs that follow them.


Legal Representation: Both Parties have been represented by legal counsel of their
choice, or have had the opportunity to consult with legal counsel, in the negotiation and
execution of this Contract.



To Superintendent: The Superintendent agrees to keep a current address on file with

the Districts human resources office and the Board President. The Superintendent
agrees that the Board may meet any legal obligation it has to give the Superintendent
written notice regarding this Contract or the Superintendents employment by
hand-delivery, or by certified mail, regular mail, and/or express delivery service to the
Superintendents address of record.


To Board: The Board agrees that the Superintendent may meet any legal obligation to
give the Board written notice regarding this Contract or the Superintendents employment
by providing one copy of the notice to the President of the Board and one copy to the
Vice President of the Board. The Superintendent may provide such notices by hand
delivery, or by certified mail, regular mail, and/or express delivery service, to the Board
President and Vice Presidents addresses of record, as provided to the District.

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