AA V6 I2 Wearing A Wire

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Simulation helps to optimize body-worn wireless devices for an emerging
class of applications.
By Bert Buxton, Senior Electrical Engineer
Synapse Product Development, Seattle, U.S.A.

nterest in body-worn wireless

devices has grown in recent
years because of actual and
potential applications in healthcare, sports, law enforcement,
entertainment and other areas.
For example, the U.S. Department of
Defense is working on a wireless device
to be worn by soldiers that will allow
medics to measure vital signs and collect other medical information from the
troops. Body-worn wireless devices have
been developed to measure and record
an athletes performance, such as running speed and the number of strides.
Regardless of the application, using a
wireless device in close proximity to the
human body creates a number of major
design challenges. The radiated power of
the device must be kept below levels that
can create a health hazard. The devices
power consumption, size, aspect ratio and

weight must be minimized to make it suitable for wearing. Yet the device must be
designed to deliver a signal of sufficient
power to the right location, with good
reception by the target device despite
the fact that the human body may absorb
a significant portion of the signal.
Synapse Product Development solves
such difficult engineering challenges
from concept through manufacturing
for leading consumer electronics and lifesciences companies. One of the companys specialties is developing body-worn
wireless devices for a wide range of applications. The design of the antenna is
often a major challenge in these devices
because the body absorbs so much energy.
Synapse uses the ANSYS HFSS 3-D fullwave electromagnetic (EM) simulator and the ANSYS human body model

ANSYS HFSS simulation output shows power absorbed by foot and ground.


ANSYS ADVANTAGE Volume VI | Issue 2 | 2012

Synapse uses ANSYS

HFSS and the ANSYS
human body model to
evaluate performance
of various antenna
designs by modeling
the complete system,
including the
wireless device and
antenna and their
interactions with
the human body.

to evaluate the performance of various

antenna designs by modeling the complete system, including the wireless
device and antenna and their interactions with the human body. The ability to
evaluate designs without building physical prototypes typically helps Synapse
engineers to increase the performance of
the antenna by a factor of five compared
to the original design concept.
Antenna design focuses on transferring power from transmitter to receiver.
A dipole antenna is a well-established
reference for performance and has the
perfect geometry to optimize the power
transfer of the antenna. For a 2.45 GHz
antenna built with an FR4 printed circuit board, the wavelength is 60 mm, so
the total length of the dipole should be
30 mm. This is too long for most bodyworn wireless devices. So instead, electrical engineers design a smaller antenna
with properties as similar to a dipole as
possible. For example, they attempt to
match the antennas radiation resistance
to the optimal load impedance of the
transceiver. Radiation resistance is that
part of an antennas feedpoint resistance
that is caused by the radiation of electromagnetic waves from the antenna.
The complexity of the antenna geometry required for body-worn wireless
devices makes it very difficult to create an
acceptable design in a reasonable amount
of time using the traditional build-andtest design process. Facing this and many
other difficult design challenges, Synapse
engineers evaluated a number of different simulation products. ANSYS provides
a solution for nearly all of their design
challenges, including circuit, electro
magnetic, mechanical and thermal simulation. ANSYS software enables automatic
data transfer to simultaneously optimize
the product over multiple disciplines
and domains. Synapses management
staff concluded that purchasing all of
its simulation tools from a single vendor would deliver great benefit, such as
a single-support contact for questions
and training.

Smith chart helps engineers to match impedance of antenna and transmitter.


The design process typically begins with
the industrial designer providing a concept that incorporates the electronics and
antenna. Synapse electrical engineers
then use ANSYS HFSS to optimize the
wireless antenna design. The engineer

starts the modeling process by importing the geometry of the initial design
from a SAT file. The next step is defining
the electrical properties of the materials,
such as permittivity and dielectric loss
tangent, permeability and magnetic loss
tangent, bulk electrical conductivity, and
magnetic saturation.
Optimizing the performance of the
antenna requires close attention to the
way in which the human body affects
antenna performance thus the need
for a systems approach to analysis. The
ANSYS softwares human body model
enables users to set the dielectric constant
for different parts of the body. Typically,
Synapse engineers vary skin thickness
from 0.4 mm to 2.6 mm and assign it a
dielectric constant of 38. The thickness
of the fat layer is chosen to account for
all impedance-matched effects, typically
half of the wavelength, with a dielectric
constant of 5.3. The muscle serves as a
termination to the model with a thickness of approximately 20 mm and a
dielectric constant of 53.
HFSS automatically specifies the field
behavior on object interfaces and defines
a geometrically conforming tetrahedral
mesh. Adaptive meshing refines the
mesh automatically in regions in which
field accuracy needs to be improved. The
software computes the full electromagnetic field pattern inside the solution
domain. The next step is computing the


2012 ANSYS, INC.

generalized S-matrix from fields calculated in the solution volume. The resulting S-matrix allows the magnitude of
transmitted and reflected signals to be
computed directly from a given set of
input signals, reducing the full 3-D electro
magnetic behavior of a structure to a set
of high-frequency circuit parameters.
The HFSS simulation shows the
power absorbed by the body and the gain
of the antenna in the form of a color map
incorporating both the body and surrounding airspace. In the typical case,
simulation results show that the areas
of the body closer to the antenna absorb
more power. In the case of a device worn
in a shoe, for example, the results will
identify the amount of power absorbed
by the ground as well, which sometimes
turns out to be even larger than the
energy absorbed by the foot. Based on
these results, electrical engineers provide feedback to the industrial designers and system engineers, including
information about the geometry of the
antenna as well as how close and where
on the body it can be positioned.
The antenna performance information
provided by simulation plays an important role in the system design of a bodyworn wireless product. The antenna gain
results are critical in link analysis, which



Guided by
typically can
increase the
range of the
product by a
factor of five
while saving
an estimated
three months
of development
Power absorption of a product worn specifically on the wrist

3-D gain of product worn on the wrist


ANSYS ADVANTAGE Volume VI | Issue 2 | 2012

determines the range and throughput.

The antenna gain also helps to determine
how much transmit power is required,
which, in turn, impacts battery life. In
the typical case in which more than one
device is worn on the body, the antennas
of all devices are optimized simultaneously to align the gain between them and
to minimize battery power consumption.
In addition, simulation is used to
make the antenna smaller to meet industrial design and mechanical design objectives while achieving the required level of
performance. As the size of the antenna
is reduced, it works over a narrower bandwidth of frequencies. Simulation predicts
not only in-band performance but also
out-of-band performance, and it helps to
avoid radiating at frequencies that would
interfere with other devices. Guided by
simulation, electrical engineers typically
can increase the range of the product
by a factor of five, relative to the initial
concept, while saving an estimated three
months out of a traditional 12-month
development cycle.

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