ASME Sec IX Flashcards - Quizlet

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The document discusses welding qualifications and procedures based on ASME Section IX and B31.1 codes. It covers topics such as WPS, welder qualification tests, NDT methods, and preheat requirements.

A welding procedure specification is a written document that provides direction to the welder for making production welds in accordance with the code requirements. Its purpose is to determine that the weldment proposed for construction is capable of providing the required properties for its intended application.

QW-100.2 defines the basic criterion established for welder qualification is to determine the welders ability to deposit sound weld metal. The basic criterion is to determine the welding operators mechanical ability to operate the welding equipment.


ASME Sec IX flashcards | Quizlet

Created by kellaminspection

116 terms Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications

What is a welding procedure specification?

a written document that provides direction

to the welder for making production welds
in accordance with the code requirements.

The purpose for qualification of a WPS ?

to determine that the weldment proposed

for construction is capable of providing the
required properties for its intended
application. QW-100.1

In performance qualification, what is the

basic criterion established for welder

QW-100.2 defines the basic criterion

established for welder qualification is to
determine the welders ability to deposit
sound weld metal. The basic criterion to
establish for welding qualification is to
determine the welding operators
mechanical ability to operate the welding

Which of the following test positions

designates overhead welding without


Which of the following test positions

requires the coupon to be held at a 45%


Which of the following test is performed to

determine the ultimate strength of groove
weld joints?

Tension test (QW-141.1)

What may be substituted for mechanical

testing for groove weld performance
qualifications prove the ability of welding
operators to make sound welds.

Radiographic examinations and ultrasonic

examination may be substituted. (QW-143)

What minimum thickness may require

multiple reduced section plate tension test
specimens for WPS Qualification's?

When test coupons are over one inch

25mm thick multiple tension test specimens
me be taken at each location according to
the rules of QW-151.1 for plate QW-151.2
for pipe and qw-151.3 for turned
Specimens. QW-151.1(b)



ASME Sec IX flashcards | Quizlet

As part of a welding procedure

qualification, a tensile test is performed on
SA-333 grade 6 plate normalized and
tempered with an allowable stress of
17,100 psi. the test specimen was 0.550 in.
70,100 psi . what was the width of the
tensile test specimen?

0.998in ? (QW-152, QW-462.1)

As part of a welding procedure

qualification, a tensile test performed on
SA-335 grade P1 pipe. The test specimen
was 0.75" wide and 0.75 in thick. The
specimen broke in the base metal outside of
the weld and weld interface what is the
minimum acceptable tensile strength for the
WPS qualifications.

SA-335 grade P1 55ksi 0.95x55 ksi = 52.25

Ksi (QW-152)

A guided bend specimen that has an open

discontinuity in the heat affected zone on
the convex surface of the specimen after
bending that measures 5/32 in length. What
should the inspector do?

Fails test open discontinuity in the weld or

heat effected zone greater than 1/8" the
test fails. QW-163

A guided bend specimen that has an open

discontinuity on the corner of the convex
surface of the specimen after bending that
measures 5/32" in length. What should the
inspector do?

Inspect further for evidence of lack of

fusion, slag inclusions, or other internal
discontinuities. QW-163

Which testing standard shall Charpy VNotch impact test conform to for WPS

ASME SA-370 QW-171.1

What magnification is used when

performing a filet weld test macro
examination during procedures or
performance qualifications ?

At a specified low magnification? QW/QB492

When is incomplete fusion defined as a

radiographic linear indications?

When the length is more than 3 times the

width. QW.

What is the minimum specified tensile

strength of ASME SA-516 grade 70

70 Ksi

What is the nominal composition of ASME

SA-333 grade 6?

C-Mn-Si steel

What is the F-No of SFA-5.1 classification


F-No. 1



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What is the F-No. of SFA-5.5 classification

E8018-B3L, Low alloy steel electrodes for
shield metal arc welding.

F-No. 4

What is the A-No. when welding SA-240

grade 304L using SFA 5.4 classification
E309L (austenitic stainless steel 18CR-8Ni)
filler metal?

(A-No. 8) - SA-240 grade 304L has a

nominal composition of (18Cr-8Ni) on
QW/QB 422 cross reference QW-442 Anumbers with analysis % to get A#

What would be the A-No. when welding an

ASME SA-105 flange grade B pip, using
and AWS A 5.1 E7018 electrode?

(A-No.1) SA-105 flange has a nominal

composition of C and 106 has a
composition of C-Si. ) on QW/QB 422
cross reference QW-442 A- numbers with
analysis % to get A#

What would be the A-No. When welding

ASME SA-312 type TP 316 pipe using an
AWS A 5.4 E316 electrode?

(A-No. 8) SA-312 as a nominal

composition of 16 Cr-21Ni-2Mo. on
QW/QB 422 cross reference QW-442 Anumbers with analysis % to get A#

What shall the WPS include when notch

toughness requirements are not mandatory?

All essential and nonessential variables.


What changes may be made to a qualified

WPS without the need to re-qualify it?

Nonessential variable may be changed for

each process provided the WPS is
amended or by use of a new WPS QW200.1c

What shall the PQR include when notch

toughness requirements are not mandatory

All essential variables QW-200.2b

Which document or documents shall be

certified as part of a qualifying a welding
procedure and welder / welding operator

PQR QW-200.2b

For a SMAW WPS, what type of WPS

variable is a change in P-No. qualified?

Essential (QW-253, QW-403.1.1)

For a SMAW WPS, what type of WPS

variable is a change in the electrode
classification with in an SFA specification
(ie. , no notch toughness testing)?

Nonessential ( QW-253,QW-403.33)

What is the purpose of the welder

performance qualification?

To ensure that the manufacturer has

determined that his welders using his
procedures are capable of developing the
minimum requirements specified for and
acceptable weldment. (QW-300.2(a)



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What is the intent of the performance

qualification test?

To determine the ability of the welders and

welding operators to make sound welds.

What shall the record of WPQ test


All essential variables. (QW-301.4)

When a welding operator is qualified by

volumetric NDE, what is the minimum
length of the coupon to be examined?

6 inches (QW-302.2)

Welders and welding operators whose

qualifications coupons has failed the
volumetric NDE may take a re-test
consisting of what number and length of

2 pipes for a total of 12in (300mm) (QW321.3(a)

When does a welder's ASME Sec. IX

qualification expire?

When the welder has not welded with a

process during a period of 6 months or
more. QW-322.1(a)

How many renewal tests must a welder or

welding operator's perform when renewing
previous ASME Sec. IX qualifications for a
welding process for each material,
thickness, diameter, position, and other
variables for which they were previously

1 QW-322.2(a)

Which of the following is not required to be

included on an Alberta welder's
performance qualification card?

Base material range, WPS registration

number, WPS/PQR numbers. PWR 6(a-1)

When does a welder's performance

qualification expire according to the Alberta
Pressure Welders Regulation?

On the date stated on the card, but must be

no later than 24 months following the date it
is issued. PWR 8(5)(6)

What type of WPQ variable is a change in

pipe diameter beyond the range qualified
for saw?

Essential variable (QW-354)

What type of variable is a change in F-No.

for welder performance qualification when
using SAW and GTAW?

Essential variable (QW350,Tbl QW-416)

What type of variable is a change from

downward to upward in the progression
specified for a vertical weld pass for
welder performance qualifications when
using SAW?

Not listed as a variable in Sec. IX

(QW350,Tbl QW-416)



ASME Sec IX flashcards | Quizlet

Table (QW-451) For a SMAW PQR

groove weld pipe test coupon 5/8"
thickness, P-No. 1 base metal, in the 6g
position, with a single pass weld and a 250
degree preheat and 1100 degree PWHT,
what is the maximum WPS thickness of the
base metal that can be qualified ? (Round
to the nearest 0.001 in)

3/16 in to 0.688 in QW-451, QW-403.9 for

single pass or multipass welding in which
any pass is greater than in (13mm) thick,
an increase in base metal thickness beyond
1.1 times that of the qualification test
coupon. Since a single pass weld is made
that is greater than " then QW-403.9 in
Note 1 must be applied. With T= 5/8 in or
0.625 in and applying QW-403.10 with a
maximum qualified thickness of 1.1 T, then
the maximum qualified WPS thickness
become 1.1 x 0.625in. = 0.688"

Table (QW-451) For a SAW PQR groove

weld plate test coupon 5/8 in . thickness, PNo.3 to P-No. 3 base metal with a 250 deg
and a normalizing PWHT, what is the WPS
thickness range of base metal that can be

3/16in to 0.688 in. (QW-451, QW-407.4)

QW-407 for ferrous base materials other
than P-7, P-No. 8 and p-No.45 when a
procedure qualification test coupon
receives a postweld heat treatment
exceeding the upper transformation
temperature, the maximum qualified base
metal thickness T shall not exceed 1.1
times the thickness of the test coupon.
NOT 2 times as in the chart.

(QW-452.1) A welder welds an NPS 6

Schedule 80 test coupon that is 0.432 in.
thick. He uses one welding process, one set
of essential variables, and deposits three
layers of weld metal in that test coupon. Is
that welder qualified to weld the qualified
WPS " maximum to be welded?

No, the nominal coupon thickness must be

at least inch thick in order for a welder
to be qualified for " maximum to be
welded" QW-452.1(b) Inter IX-01-27

Can a double beveled plat, 1 inch thick with

each beveled grove being of , be welded
by a welder qualified to weld a weld metal
deposit of 0.864 in?

No, since the welder is only qualified to

weld up to 0.864 inch and the deposited
weld metal for this joint would be 1 inch.
QW-452.1(b) Inter IX-83-90

QW-452.1(a) table what test must be

performed to qualify a welder performance
coupon that has a diameter of NPS 4 and is
" thick?

Either 2 side bends or from Note (3) one

face and 1 root bend. QW-452.1(a)

452.3 table What is the qualified diameter

range for a welder performance groove
weld coupon that has a diameter of NPS 4
and is welded using SMAW?

2-7/8 in to unlimited. QW-452.3 note B 2

7/8 in O.D is the equivalent to NPS 2



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What are the qualified position(s) from a

pipe groove weld performance test in 2G
and 5 G position, using SMAW for fillet
weld plate and pipe intended for low
temperature service?

All positions (QW-261.9)

What is a ferrous material?

Metals and alloys that contain iron as the

principle component

Wrought iron is?

A mixture of low carbon steel with steel

making slag.

What is the typical carbon content of cast


2% to 4%

After hot rolling a slab to make a plate it

becomes a:

finished product with dimensional tolerance


What is the maximum carbon (C) content

of carbon steel?

Less than 2%

What is the maximum manganese (Mn)

content of carbon steel?

1.65% Mn

Which of the following is a rimmed steel?

Steel with no deoxidant added

Which of the following is killed steel?

Fully deoxidized steel.

Nonmetallic inclusions can be classified as?

Exogenous and indigenous

Which of the following defines a residual

element in steel ?

A specified or unspecified element, not

intentionally added, originating in the raw
materials, refractories, or surrounding
atmospheres used in steel making.

Which of the following is not increased

with increasing carbon content in steels?


Which of the following is used as a

deoxidizer in carbon steels?


Which of the following is used for

deoxidation and for control of grain size?


Which of the following is not a ferrite



Which of the following will maximize the

hardenability of carbon steel based on mass


An example of a low alloy steel is?

Steel with a mimimum requirement of

0.10% Cr.



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Example of a high strength low-alloy steel

is steel with a minimum requirement of:

0.10% Cr and MSYS of 40 Ksi

Example of an alloy steel is a steel with a

minimum requirement of:

0.30% Cr.

Stainless steel has?

A minimum requirement of 10.5% Cr.

When the term annealing is used without

qualification, which of the following does it

Fully annealing

Which heat treatment involves austenitizing

followed slow cooling air to a temperature
substantially below the transfer range?


What is the purpose of austenitization when

annealing or normalizing a carbon steel?

To dissolve all carbon into a solid solution.

When is tempering heat treatment for alloy

steel commonly performed?

After normalizing , after austenitizing,

followed by quenching.

At what temperature is post weld treatment

of carbon and alloy steels most commonly

Below the lower critical temperature.

An ASTM E112 grain size No7 has?

Has 64 grains/in2 at 100x magnification

In carbon steels, as the austenitizing

temperature increases?

Grain growth occurs.

What is the thickness requirements for

ASTM A 516 plates when they are
supplied in the as rolled condition?

40 mm and under

Which of the following would not meet the

requirement for ASTM A516 grade 70?

Made to a coarse austenitic grain size


What is anisotropic behavior in metals?

Mechanical properties heterogeneity

Components made up of single crystals?

Usually involve highly directional cooling.

When does a steel become anisotropic?

After cold working .

Which of the following statement is


FCC (face centered cubic) structure has a

higher density than Bcc (body centered
cubic) structure.

Which of the following are lattice


Dislocations, stacking faults, point defects,

lattice vacancies.

What is a microstructure of steel?

The structure of a suitably prepared

specimen as reveled by a microscope.



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Ferrite at room temperature is commonly

assigned to which of the following iron
designations containing alloying elements in
solid solution?

Alpha Iron

Austenite is a fcc solution of ?

Carbon or other elements in gamma iron

Which microstructure consists of

alternating lamellae of cementite and


Which of the following phases is located

directly above the eutectoid temperature in
the Fe-Fe3FC phase diagram.


Which of the following terms is not used in

the Fe-Fe3C phase diagram?


What elements in steel is the most

important factor in determining hardness
and hardenability ?


What are three mechanisms by which heat

can be transferred from the weld metal?

Conduction, convection, radiation.

Which of the following lowers thermal

conductivity and melting temperatures of
pure metal?

Adding alloying elements

How is thermal conductivity effected by

the additions of alloying elements to a

Decreases thermal conductivity.

What is the part of a weld that did not mix

the melted base metal with the added filler
weld metal?

Unmixed zone.

Where is the largest temperature gradient

in a weldment located?

From the weld centerline to the BMZ

What term describes the process by which

the liquid metal initially solidifies at the
crystalline base metal into the same unit
cell arrangement?

Epitaxial solidification

Which of the following is solidification

structure found in weld metal?

Columnar dendritic

During the weld metal solidification

process, which is the following problems
can occur?

Cracking, porosity, localized embrittlement,

abnormal weld appearance.



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The detrimental effects of cooling arrest in

carbon steel typically occurs at what

Approximately above 500 deg F

When a localized area in steel HAZ is a

mixture of hardened and unhardened
microstructure the steel is said to be?

Semi hardened

What is the critical cooling rate of a


The slowest rate at which a given

austenitized steel can be cooled and not
form undesirable microstructures.

When is postweld heat treatment


Immediately after welding

Which of the following is the primary cause

of a weld metal crack?

When stresses from welding exceed the

tensile strength of the metal

When should final inspection be performed

of critical welds on high strength steels?

24 to 72 hours welding, with NDE, to look

for hydrogen related cracking.

Which code must welding electrodes, filler

metal and consumables inserts be
conformed to, for ASME B31.1 piping

ASME Sec II Part C (127.2.1)

What are the ASME B31.1 quality

requirements for ferrous metal backing
rings used with process piping?

Shall be of wieldable quality with a sulfur

content not exceeding 0.05% (127.2.2a)

Which areas of an ASME B31.1 weld shall

be clean and free from paint and, oil, rust,
scale and other materials that would be
detrimental to either the weld or the base
metal when heat is applied?

Surfaces for welding. (127.39B)

What are the ASME B31.1 tolerance limits

for the root opening of the joint for process

Shall be within the tolerance limits in the

WPS (127.3D)

The weld joint fit up gap between the end

of a pipe and the bottom of the socket used
in ASME B31.1 power piping shall be
approximately ?

1/16" (127.3E)

When is welding prohibited on new ASME

B31.1 power piping welds?

If there is impingement on the weld area of

high wind, if the weld area is frosted, if the
weld area is wet.(127.4b)

When is The ASME B31.1 requirements

for tack welds at the root of the joint?

Shall be made with filler metal equivalent to

that used in the first pass and made by a
qualified welder. (127.4.1 c )



ASME Sec IX flashcards | Quizlet

What are the requirements for seal welding

ASME B31.1 power piping?

Seal welding shall be done by a qualified

welder and shall cover all exposed threads.

What is the ASME B31.1 maximum weld

reinforcement for a girth weld pipe joint
with nominal thickness of 0.750 inch design
temperature of 350 deg f


What examination technique shall be used

for repairs to welds during ASME B31.1
piping fabrication?

The same method that revealed the defect

in the original weld.

Who is responsible for ASME B31.1 piping

welding done by personnel and shall
conduct the test requirements to qualify or
re-qualify welders and operators.

Each employer.

For new ASME B31.1 pipe welding, what

is the size of the preheat zone?

in all directions from the point of welding

for a distance of 3 in. (131.1)

When two materials with different P-Nos.

are welded according to ASME B31.1,
what shall be the
minimum required preheat temperature?

the higher temperature for the material to

be welded (131.2)

What is the B31.1 preheat requirement for

NPS 10, Schedule 80 (0.594 in.), ASTM A
335/A 335M
Grade P1 seamless piping material when
welding at an ambient temperature of 0F?

175 deg f (131.4.3)

What are the ASME B31.1 PWHT

requirements for 10 in. O.D., Schedule 80
(0.594 in.), ASTM A
335/A 335M Grade P22 seamless piping

metal temperature range is 1,300-1,400F;

the minimum holding time is 36 minutes


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