7 Days To A Remarkable You

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The document outlines a 7 day program to help the reader become remarkable, with daily steps and exercises focused on personal growth and development.

The program guides the reader through creating a mission statement, visualizing their desires, developing appealing qualities, building relationships and more across 7 days.

On day 3 the reader is instructed to read their mission statement daily, define the value they add, and work on becoming the absolute best in the area.

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

About the Author

Prabhjot Bedi

I am an Hospitality Ideator.

The word doesn't exist, but it comes closest to describing what I do.

An Ideator & a facilitator.

A personal success coach, trainer, author and professional speaker.
A hospitality specialist, I help people amaze themselves!

I spent a life time with the Taj Group of Hotels (8 yrs!) and then decided to try out other

Did a series of Training programs for AMEX across the country, launched a National
Council Accredited Hospitality Institute as Principal, got involved with hotel projects
and then moved onto recruitment & training.

Little did I know then that some souls would invite me to become their coach and
I am now a career/success coach and assist individuals to fulfill their highest destiny.

Somewhere along the way, I partnered the creation of our very own Éclat Institute of
Hospitality Management & have now launched a finishing school by the name
of GracefulMe!

I am also a blogger (www.myeclatcoach.com | I write about the 10 different types of

successes & www.eclatme.com | simply success tips) and an online enthusiast.

Please feel free to contact me for anything whatsoever!

Happy Successing!

Prabhjot Bedi
[email protected]
+91 98720 00604

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Introduction ............................................................................ 3
Day 1 ........................................................................................ 4
Create a Mission Statement ..................................................................... 4
Day 2 ....................................................................................... 8
1. Read your mission statement ............................................................... 8
2. Tell The Universe What You Desire ..................................................... 8
3. Appear Appealing!................................................................................ 9
Day 3 ......................................................................................10
1. Read your mission statement ............................................................. 10
2. Define the value you add, then become the absolute best in it ......... 10
Day 4 ...................................................................................... 13
1. Read your mission statement ..............................................................13
2. Force Yourself......................................................................................13
3. Be Curious ...........................................................................................13
4. Build high - quality relationships .......................................................14
Day 5....................................................................................... 16
1. Read your mission statement ..............................................................16
2. Find a Mentor!.....................................................................................16
3. Stir Up Things ..................................................................................... 17
4. Shake Hands like you mean it!............................................................17
5. Examine All Possibilities ..................................................................... 17
Day 6 ...................................................................................... 19
1. Read your mission statement ..............................................................19
2. Be Excellent .........................................................................................19
3. Say Less than Necessary......................................................................19
4. Set Compelling Outcomes For Yourself ............................................. 20
5. Sharpen the Saw ................................................................................. 22
6. Be An Angel ........................................................................................ 22
Day 7...................................................................................... 24

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!


All I am asking is 7 days.

That is it.

7 Days.

What is remarkable?

Remarkable is anything that entices a remark.

There that was simple.
Remarkable is that which cannot be ignored, that which cannot be termed mediocre,
that which engages.

Why should you want to be remarkable?

Coz, anything less is unremarkable.

Everything else does not stick.
You and what you do is so common, its passe, its forgotten.

This Book will tell you what to do, for the next 7 Days, in a step-by-step approach to
become remarkable.

Before we begin with individual tasks and daily asks of you, here are some guidelines.

I call them guidelines but to have the maximum impact, you must treat them like rules.

1. Keep a diary. This could be in the age-old hand written tradition (space provided in
the book) or an e-version. Either or, have one.
2. Jot your thoughts as you read each remarkable-creating activity but do not begin the
activity until you have been asked to do so.
3. There is no right way to do this, until you try.
4 You can write to me Prabhjot Bedi | [email protected] or call me +91 98720
00604 any time if you want to discuss more about any of the steps mentioned.

Happy Successing!

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Day 1

Create a Mission Statement

A personal mission statement is a written affirmation of what you want to be or aspire to

It is a personal guiding light for you to ensure you are always on your right path.

A personal mission statement is powerful. It not only helps you decide what to do, it
ensures you do not do things that do not fit in with who you are or wanting to be. A
personal mission statement motivates, challenges and helps you look at the bigger

Step 1 | Your funeral

You are dead.

Congratulations! No seriously, congratulations on having lived your life to the fullest.
You did everything you ever wanted to do, achieved every goal, fulfilled every promise,
and now you are dead.
Imagine the following people sitting together and talking about you, a year after your
death. Imagine they are all honest!
- Your Family
- Your Friends
- Your Colleagues
- Your Community

What do you wish them to say about you?

That is the question you will answer.

Write down the exact words you want these people to say about you.





Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!






Step 2 | Find your values

From the statements above you will find some values that you must live your life with if
you are to ensure that people talk like that about you.

Values like honest, Hard-working, Industrious, Creative, Problem-Solver, Decision-

maker, Friendly, Outgoing, Positive, Family-oriented, Compassionate, Spiritual,

Write down your values..





Step 3 | Find your contributions & successes

List down your contributions in the past. Look for successes.

What is the common theme?
What did you enjoy doing?
What were you good at?

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

What gave the most thrill, happiness, peace?

Write down Contributions & Successes..






Step 4 | Creating the mission statement

The mission statement could simply be divided into three parts: What you want to do +
For Who + How

Personal Mission Statement Example:

"My mission is to champion others to grow personally, professionally, emotionally and
spiritually by using my compassion, my unique perspective, and my belief in others'
inherent goodness, integrity, and enormous potential."

"My mission is to be a loving son who ensures his parents are happy and contended by
listening to them, spending quality time with them and looking after their material

"My mission is to help anybody who is homeless by giving them love, compassion and a
place to sleep. I will use my social network to create awareness and enroll others in this

"My mission is to earn loads of money. I will work hard, use my creativity and
imagination to create multiple streams of income"

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Write down your personal mission statement

(Useful Tip | You can create a mission statement for each role in your life.
e.g. mission statement as a parent, as a child, as a sibling, as a boss, as part of a
community etc)










Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Day 2
Today, you will do 3 things.

1. Read your mission statement

You will start everyday from today by reading your mission statement.
It is like the captain of the ship who sets the course of the ship before starting any

2. Tell The Universe What You Desire

Tell the universe what you truly desire.

No specific words, no rituals, no background music, no breathing exercises, just tell.

It may feel a little weird, talking to no one in particular.

If you do need to a specific guideline, then do the this | sit in a comfortable position.
close your eyes. look up. Say everything you want or desire. Just say it.

It may also help to write it down....








Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!



3. Appear Appealing!

Someone said, 'Check your appearance, everyone else does' This is a fact of life.
Success comes from hard work, labour, intelligence, leading a principled life and a lot
more, but it all starts from your appearance.
If you don't look like the part you want to play, it is most likely you will not get the part!

So look sharp. Wear neat, clean, appropriate attire.

Carry yourself purposefully.
Have an air of quiet self confidence & SMILE!

Start today. Appear Appealing!

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Day 3

1. Read your mission statement

As mentioned yesterday, start everyday by reading your mission statement.

Remember, it is like the captain of the ship who sets the course of the ship before
starting any journey.

2. Define the value you add, then become the absolute best in it

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
Albert Einstein

You are unique. You are special.

You are valuable.

Now, define why you are all those things. What value do you add? to your work, your
home, your friends, your community, to this planet?

Are you someone who can help with ideas? with execution? with money? with
resources? with contacts?
What can you do? What creates that excitement in you?

the second step in this is as important as the first.

Once you find something you are naturally good at & then become the absolute best in
Be synonymous with something.

What are you good at?

What value can you add?




Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!






3. Delight Everyone

Happy is not delight.

Good enough is not delight.
whatever is not delight.
Starting today you will do something so special everyday it delights someone.

You will simply delight everyone around you.

oh if you are wondering how to measure delight, it is when you see a face light up!!

want an example?

'He was an extra-ordinary cab driver. he always had a ready smile, always had water
and always, always had change. he never made a face of you asked gave him large
denomination notes. He smiled and always gave the exact change in crisp notes and
clean coins'

that made you smile? Delight everyone!

Some Ideas to delight:

1. Do more than expected

2. Do the unexpected

3. Heap praises
how to praise:
Step 1- Catch someone doing something right
Step 2- Praise the act

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Step 3 - Tell them why you are praising them

Step 4 - Do it in front of everyone else!

4. Admonish / correct in private

5. Look for the good, then make it great!

you will write here 5 instances when you delighted others!






Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Day 4

1. Read your mission statement

As mentioned yesterday, start everyday by reading your mission statement.

Remember, it is like the captain of the ship who sets the course of the ship before
starting any journey.

2. Force Yourself

There must be something you dont want to do, cant do, or are simple scared to do.
Today do it.

No thought, no worrying, no emotional drama in your head.

Force yourself.

Write here what is it that you dont want to do





IMP | After you do what you dont want to do, REWARD yourself. Anything. But
REWARD yourself.

3. Be Curious

Be Curious! Its a world of possibilities out there.

From today you will train and practice to be curious.

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Ask questions like why, when, where, how, who, what.

Ask questions of everybody including yourself.

Dont be shy to ask.

Dont be afraid to ask.

Ask anyone.
Look anywhere.

Be Curious

Make a list of things you want to know more about...





Now go out and find out more.

p.s. Don't miss the internet & books!

4. Build high - quality relationships

I am thankful to a lot of people for making me who I am today.

Over the years each of them has left an indelible mark on me & my psyche. I am certain
it is the same for you.

However answer some of the following questions for yourself:

1. How many people can you call in the middle of the night for assistance/help knowing
that they will respond?
2 Does that list grow every year or has it been static for quite a while now?
3. How often do you eat lunch alone?
4. When was the last time you called someone without any favor in mind?

This practice has three important parts:

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

1. Quality Relationships
2. Significant People
3. All Contexts

The following are the thoughts that spring to mind when I think about all three:

1. All contexts? what are the roles you play? I am a son, a brother, a colleague, a boss, a
coach, a neighbor, a friend, and maybe some more.
Do you have quality relationships in all those areas/roles?

2. what defines significant people? is it people who can help you in your chosen path?
are these people who think like you? are these people who you can talk to, seek advice
from? Significant people maybe all this and more.
define significance for yourself, and then go around seeking people who fit that

3. Quality Relationships.
When we introduce someone we know, we generally introduce them by saying how long
we have known them.
The length of time that a relationship can last/endure seems to be a pretty good way to
define quality.

From Today, Build high - quality relationships with significant people in all contexts of
your life.

How can you build such relationships?

1. Be Open to such relationships

2. Do good without the expectation of anything in return
3. Be genuinely interested

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Day 5

1. Read your mission statement

As mentioned yesterday, start everyday by reading your mission statement.

Remember, it is like the captain of the ship who sets the course of the ship before
starting any journey.

2. Find a Mentor!

We all need them.

Yes you too!

The most successful people in history have always kept a

close council of mentors.
Choose people you look upto, want to learn from and aspire
to be like.
Contact them and just simply ask them to be your mentor.
Its that simple. Today, Find a Mentor!

Make a list of people of people who could be your mentors..





Now contact them.

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

3. Stir Up Things

Starting today you will NOT, and I repeat, You will NOT accept anything you don't want

Ask, seek, argue do what it takes to get your answers.

Refuse the status-quo.

Make a list of things you need to talk to someone about coz you refuse to accept them





4. Shake Hands like you mean it!

A confident, well-executed handshake can define you in more ways than you can

Ensure that each handshake is firm, professional, dry and lasts for not more than 3
A smiling eye contact will make it perfect!

from today, Shake Hands like you mean it!

5. Examine All Possibilities

A remarkable individual is someone who can look at a lot of options, discuss them,
opine on them and take an informed decision.
Learn to be creative with solutions and examine all possibilities.

sometimes it is essential to .....

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Think about the last time you were considering a solution to a difficult situation.
List down all possibilities...








Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Day 6

1. Read your mission statement

As mentioned yesterday, start everyday by reading your mission statement.

Remember, it is like the captain of the ship who sets the course of the ship before
starting any journey.

2. Be Excellent

Your success will come from your ability to be excellent in everything you think, say or

Starting today you will aspire and be excellent in everything.


here is a simple test to see if you were excellent in the last task you performed.
Do you want to tell the world about it?
Do you want to talk about it to everyone?
Are you willing to be judged as a person on that one task?
Are you willing to accept the same work if you were paying someone else?

You will be excellent from today in everything.


Today, Be Excellent!

3. Say Less than Necessary

When you are trying to impress people with words, the more you say, the more common
you appear, and the less in control.
Even if you are saying something banal, it will seem original if you make it vague, open-
ended, and sphinxlike.
Powerful people impress and intimidate by saying less.
The more you say, the more likely you are to say something foolish.

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

4. Set Compelling Outcomes For Yourself

When you create a goal for yourself, you probably write something like this:
- loose weight
- finish project
- buy a car etc etc.

Not that these by themselves aren't goals. But imagine if you could paint a picture, a
more vivid, alive picture of what that goal would mean to you, to the people around you.
That picture, that intended outcome will be a far more compelling one than the ones
mentioned above.

This is from 'The Top 10 Conditions for Creating a Compelling Outcome, by Robert
1. What do you want?
2. What will having that (your outcome) do for you?
3. How will you know when you have it?
4. How will someone else (an outsider) know when you have it?
5. Where, when, and with whom do you want it?
6. What stops you from having it already?
7. How will your desired outcome affect other areas of your life?
8. What resources do you already have that will contribute to getting your outcome?
9. What additional resources do you need in order to get your outcome?
10. How are you going to get there?

Start NOW!
List one GOAL & answer all the 10 questions above...







Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!








Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

5. Sharpen the Saw

From Steven Covey | Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Sharpen the Saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have--you. It
means having a balanced program for self-renewal in the four areas of your life:
physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual. Here are some examples of activities:
Physical: Beneficial eating, exercising, and resting
Social/Emotional: Making social and meaningful connections with others
Mental: Learning, reading, writing, and teaching
Spiritual: Spending time in nature, expanding spiritual self through
mediation, music, art, prayer, or service

As you renew yourself in each of the four areas, you create growth and change in your

Write down one activity you will do every week towards the four areas of your life:

Physical: __________________________________________

Social/Emotional: __________________________________________

Mental: __________________________________________


6. Be An Angel

You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. Zig

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Help someone, guide, share, but dont talk, dont boast, dont demand anything in return.
Be an Angel.

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Day 7


It is so good to meet the new you!

Lets RECAP all that you did & promise to keep doing

Day 1
Created YOUR Mission Statement

Day 2
1. Read & will read your mission statement everyday
2. Told The Universe What You Desire
3. Appear Appealing!

Day 3
1. Read & will read your mission statement everyday
2. Defined the value you add, and now will work on becoming the absolute best in it
3. Delighted & will continue to delight everyone

Day 4
1. Read & will read your mission statement everyday
2. Forced Yourself
3. Became Curious & will keep the curiosity alive
4. Learn to build high - quality relationships& will strive to build them further

Day 5
1. Read & will read your mission statement everyday
2. Made a list of possible mentors
3. Stired Up Things
4. Will always shake hands like I mean it
5. Will always Examine All Possibilities

Day 6
1. Read & will read your mission statement everyday
2. Will Be Excellent in everything I do
3. Will Say Less than Necessary
4. Will Set Compelling Outcomes For Myself
5. Will Sharpen the Saw
6. Will Be An Angel

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

7 Days to a Remarkable You!

Use this also as a list The NEW REMARKABLE YOU will do always!

According to malcolm gladwell it takes 10000 hours of practice to become world best in
You now have the tools to be remarkable. JUST PRACTICE!!!

Happy Successing!

Prabhjot Bedi

Prabhjot Bedi | www.prabhjotbedi.com

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