CH 01

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[Osborn] chapter 1

Learning Objectives [Number and Title ]

Learning Objective 1
Distinguish among the characteristics of nursing as defined in the
roles of caregiver, advocate, educator, researcher, and leader.
Learning Objective 2
Apply the six components of caring as defined by Roach to nursing
Learning Objective 3
Describe the roles of the professional nurse within the health care
delivery system.
Learning Objective 4
Compare and contrast the nursing role in the care delivery models for
nursing practice.
Learning Objective 5
Explain the importance of cultural competence as defined by
1. The nurse plans care for a patient with the intention of bringing about a positive change. The
nurse is functioning within which of the following roles?


Correct Answer: Caregiver

Rationale: In 1988, Jean Watson stated that the necessary conditions for caring to occur are
knowledge and awareness about the need for care, an intention to act, actions based on
knowledge, and a positive change that results from caring. A nurse serving as an advocate
provides education, communicates with other health care team members, and participates in
health policy formulation. The nurse who is functioning in the role of educator focuses on health
promotion and maintenance. A nurse leader ties together the support, collaboration, and
enthusiasm of people to meet specific goals and objectives, whether it is a patient and his family
or an entire organization.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Planning
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 1
2. A patient tells the nurse that he does not understand the surgical procedure the health care
provider told him he needed. Which of the following should the nurse do to advocate for this
1. Contact the health care provider and ask that the procedure be explained to the patient.
2. Explain the procedure to the patient.
3. Document that the patient does not understand the proposed surgical procedure.
Osborn, et al., Test Item File for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Preparation for Practice
Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

4. Instruct the patient in alternatives to the surgical procedure.

Correct Answer: Contact the health care provider and ask that the procedure be explained to the
Rationale: As an advocate, the nurse should communicate with other members of the health care
team so that the patient can make an autonomous, informed decision about the surgical procedure.
The nurse should not explain the procedure to the patient. The nurse should not do anything
beyond documenting the patients lack of understanding about the procedure. The nurse should not
provide alternatives to the surgical procedure.
Cognitive Level: Applying
Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 1
3. The nurse is talking with a patient about his new diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and reminds the
patient that he should have an annual dilated retinal eye examination in addition to annual urine
tests to measure protein levels. The nurse is functioning within which of the following roles with
this patient?


Correct Answer: Educator

Rationale: Teaching is a function of nursing practice; the nurse is instructing this patient in health
initiatives included with the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. As a researcher, the nurse would be
investigating issues of relevance to the practice of nursing. As an advocate, the nurse would help
facilitate the patients right to autonomy to make informed decisions regarding care. As a leader,
the nurse would strive to influence the patient to meet a specific goal or objective.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Health Promotion and Maintenance
LO: 1

Osborn, et al., Test Item File for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Preparation for Practice
Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

4. A patient, seen laughing and talking with visitors, asks the nurse for pain medication. Which of
the following responses would demonstrate the nurse is functioning within the component of
conscious nursing care?

Provide the medication as requested and according to organizational policies.

Wait until the patients visitors have left the room and then provide the medication.
Provide the medication along with other prescribed medications several hours later.
Ask the visitors to leave the room and discuss the patients pain level before providing
the medication.

Correct Answer: Provide the medication as requested and according to organizational policies.
Rationale: The component of conscious nursing is defined as possessing a moral sense of what is
right and wrong. The nurses conscience serves as a guide to provide minimal or inappropriate
care or provide quality care. The nurse should provide the requested medication according to
organizational policy and not make the patient wait or confront the patient regarding the current
pain level.
Cognitive Level: Applying
Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 2
5. The nurse manager of a care area asks that a new intravenous-therapy monitoring device not
be used for any patients until the entire staff has received appropriate instruction on its use. The
nurse manager is demonstrating which of the following components of caring?


Correct Answer: Commitment

Rationale: Commitment is the obligation to see something through to completion, to achieve
positive outcomes, and to ensure that the organization supports the nurses in their learning needs.
The nurse manager is ensuring that the nursing staff is trained in the use of the equipment before
it is used. Conscience is defined as possessing a moral sense of what is right or wrong.
Confidence is the ability to believe in or rely on another person. Comportment means that one is
aware of ones conduct and behavior around others.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Planning
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 2
Osborn, et al., Test Item File for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Preparation for Practice
Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

6. The nurse is concerned about new scheduling changes and the impact on staffing levels. If
applying the component of comportment, in which of the following ways should the nurse
1. Request to talk about the proposed changes with the nurse manager in a quiet
2. Discuss the changes with other staff members in the unit hallway.
3. Shake her head and laugh while saying, Here we go again.
4. Call a friend in another care area and discuss the changes in the unit station.
Correct Answer: Request to talk about the proposed changes with the nurse manager in a quiet
Rationale: Comportment means that one is aware of ones conduct and behavior around others.
The nurse should behave professionally and request to talk about the changes with the nurse
manager in a quiet environment. Talking with others about the changes within earshot of patients
would not demonstrate comportment. Shaking ones head, laughing, and making snide comments
would not be professional or polite. Calling friends and discussing the changes in the unit station
would not demonstrate comportment.
Cognitive Level: Applying
Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 2
7. A nurse is assessing the competency of a group of orthopedic care nurses. This nurse is most
likely functioning within which of the following roles of the professional nurse?

Nurse educator
Acute care
Nurse manager
Parish nurse

Correct Answer: Nurse educator

Rationale: The ultimate goal of a nurse educator is to ensure quality patient care by providing
education to patients and nurses and assessing the competency of those who practice. Acute care
nurses practice in the hospital setting. Nurse managers coordinate and ensure the delivery of
quality nursing care in their area of responsibility. Parish nursing concentrates on the population
of a church and the members of the congregation.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Evaluation
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
Osborn, et al., Test Item File for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Preparation for Practice
Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

LO: 3
8. A staffing issue and lack of patient care supplies causes a nurse to cancel planned evening
activities and stay on the care area until all issues are resolved. This nurse is most likely
functioning in the role of a(n):


Correct Answer: Manager.

Rationale: The role of the nurse manager is to coordinate and ensure the delivery of quality care
within the area of responsibility. The role includes personnel management and ensuring the
availability of supplies. Nurse managers usually have 24-hour accountability for the area. Nurse
researchers investigate, manage data, and monitor patient responses to care. Nurse administrators
support the organizational goals for patient care. Nurse educators can either teach patients and
staff, direct patient care, or deliver educational content.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Implementation
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 3
9. A nurse with community-health nursing experience provides monthly blood pressure checks
for members of her religious group. This nurse is most likely functioning within which of the
following roles?

Parish nurse
Occupational health nurse
Clinic nurse
Gerontologic nurse

Correct Answer: Parish nurse

Rationale: Parish nursing is a form of community nursing that concentrates on the health care
needs of the church and members of the congregation. Many parish nurse programs provide
preventive health screenings such as blood pressure checks. Occupational health nurses manage
the health of workers and ensure compliance with OSHA standards. Clinic nurses are typically
found in health care provider practices. Gerontologic nurses provide for the physical and
psychosocial needs of the older adult population.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Implementation
Osborn, et al., Test Item File for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Preparation for Practice
Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment

LO: 3
10. The nurse is providing care to several patients within one smaller section of a larger unit. The
nurse is near the patients bedsides and has responsibility for all of the patients care needs. This
approach to patient care would be considered:

Modular nursing.
Functional nursing.
Primary nursing.
Case method.

Correct Answer: Modular nursing.

Rationale: Modular nursing is a type of team nursing where the nurse is able to be closer to the
patients bedside because of structural design. Nurses have a wider range of responsibilities with
this type of nursing. Functional nursing is the assignment of tasks and not individualized care.
Primary nursing is the 24-hour responsibility for planning the care of one or more patients from
admission to discharge. Case method is the oldest model of care where the nurse provides total
care for the patient during the scheduled time on duty.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Assessment
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 4

Osborn, et al., Test Item File for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Preparation for Practice
Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

11. The nurse is referring to a document that identifies the care a patient is planned to receive
according to specific time frames and reflects the best utilization of resources. The nurse is
functioning within the care delivery model of:

Case management.
Primary nursing.
Functional nursing.
Case method.

Correct Answer: Case management.

Rationale: Case management is a delivery system that focuses on the achievement of patient
outcomes within effective and appropriate time frames and resources. Primary nursing is a
delivery system where the nurse has 24-hour accountability for a group of patients, from
admission to discharge. Functional nursing is the assignment of tasks to accomplish patient care.
Case method is the responsibility for patient care while assigned or while on duty.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Assessment
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 4
12. The nurse is working with a group of patients with the same chronic health problem. Care of
these patients is focused on reducing exacerbations of the illness. This nurse is functioning
within the care delivery model of:

Disease management.
Community-health nursing.
Case management.
Case method.

Correct Answer: Disease management.

Rationale: Disease management refers to a comprehensive approach to care that is based on a
diseases natural course. Care is focused on prevention or the reduction of exacerbations of the
illness that lead to hospitalization and utilization of resources. Community-health nursing
focuses on the special needs of a group of people within a community. Case management focuses
on the achievement of patient outcomes within effective and appropriate time frames and
resources. Case method is the provision of direct patient care within the hours on duty.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Assessment
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 4

Osborn, et al., Test Item File for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Preparation for Practice
Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

13. The nurse is providing care to a patient of Asian descent. Which of the following behaviors
should this nurse possess to work effectively in a cross-cultural situation?

Cultural competence
Understanding about the health care system

Correct Answer: Cultural competence

Rationale: The four identified components of cultural competence are cultural awareness,
cultural knowledge, cultural skill, and cultural encounters. It is important for health care
professionals to apply the concepts of cultural competence to the patients they care for. The other
answer choices are qualities of a good nurse, but are not specific to working in a cross-cultural
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Planning
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 5
14. A patient is admitted to a patient care area. The nurse has never provided care to a patient
from this patients culture before and is concerned. Which of the following would be beneficial
to the nurse at this time?

Briefly review the patients culture and its expectations of health care providers.
Locate an interpreter to assist with communication.
Approach the care of this patient as with any other patient admitted to the care area.
Have another nurse provide care to this patient.

Correct Answer: Briefly review the patients culture and its expectations of health care providers.
Rationale: Cultural competence is needed to provide empathy, understanding, communication,
value, and caring in health care. The nurse lacks the four components of cultural awareness,
which are cultural awareness, knowledge, skill, and encounters. The nurse would benefit from a
brief review of the patients culture and its expectations of health care providers. Locating an
interpreter might be beneficial but does not help with the nurses knowledge deficit. The nurse
should not approach the care of this patient in the same way as any other patient admitted to the
care area because the patients cultural norms may be different. The nurse should not ask another
nurse to provide care to this patient.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Planning
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 5
Osborn, et al., Test Item File for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Preparation for Practice
Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

15. A nurse of Hispanic descent is assigned to provide care to patients of the same culture. The
patients would benefit because:

The nurse is culturally competent.

The nurse will provide expert care.
The nurse will not make any errors.
The nurse will make sure the patients have a timely discharge.

Correct Answer: The nurse is culturally competent.

Rationale: Cultural competence is achieved when behaviors and attitudes are consistent so
professionals can work together to work effectively in a cross-cultural situation. The patients
would benefit from having a nurse from the same culture because the nurse is competent about
the culture. There is no evidence to support that the nurse will provide expert care. There is no
evidence to support that the nurse will not make any errors. There is no evidence to support that
the nurse will ensure the patients have a timely discharge.
Cognitive Level: Analyzing
Nursing Process: Evaluation
Client Need: Safe, Effective Care Environment
LO: 5

Osborn, et al., Test Item File for Medical-Surgical Nursing: Preparation for Practice
Copyright 2010 by Pearson Education, Inc.

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