Black African Students Movement

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Black African Students Movement (BASM)

Constitution (Provisional)
1. Section One: Name
2. Section Two: Colours and Symbols
3. Section Three: Status
4. Section Four: Principles and Ideology
5. Section Five: Aims and Objectives
6. Section Six: Membership
7. Section Seven: Students Congress
8. Section Eight: Students Lekgotla
9. Section Nine: Executive Committee (EC)
10. Section Ten: Duties and Functions of the EC
11. Section Eleven: Meetings of the EC
12. Section Twelve: Powers of the EC
13. Section Thirteen: Term of Office of the EC
14. Section Fourteen: Black student Pledge

We as Black African students of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, realise and note that
historically and continuously, our institutions of higher education and training are a site of
struggle; and that they remain a microcosm of our broader society. Therefore, we believe that
it is only just that we continuously engage in efforts of transforming these institutions so as to
build a prosperous society, which will be non-sexist; non-racial and classless. We further
believe that, as students we are to play a significant role in the national liberation; in the
attainment of economic freedom; in redress the social ills we inherited from apartheid and

Section One:
The organization shall be called Black African Students Movement. Herein referred to as
Section Two:
Colours and Symbols
1. The colours of the organization shall be Red and Black
2. The emblem of the organization shall be black circle, and the African Continent map.
The African Continent map shall be inside the circle.
Section Three:

The organization shall be a legal persona with the capacity to function autonomously and
independently from any other structure that exists.
The organization shall not contest SRC elections, but the organization shall work in alliance
with any progressive student organization the organization sees fit at that particular time.
The organization shall function within and without the institutions of higher learning. So as to
implement programs and play a significant role in both institutions of higher learning and the
broader society.
Section Four:


The following shall be the principles of BASM and shall remain a guide in the
implementation of organizational programs.

African leadership
Academic Excellence
Non Sexism
Non Racialism

The organization shall be a Pan-Africanist and Black Consciousness organisation, that
uses Marxism-Leninism as tools of analysis and guide to action.

Section Five:
Aims and Objectives
1. Strive to bring about political consciousness amongst Black African students.
2. Champion issues of students, particularly Black African
3. Play a meaningful role in the transformation of the institutions of higher learning,
both in content and in form.
4. Play a significant role in community and youth development.
5. Seek to redress the socio-economic injustices of apartheid and colonialism.
6. Seek to unite students under the agenda of a non-racial, non-sexist and democratic

Section Six:
Any person(s) who is a registered student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal is eligible
to have membership of BASM.
The membership of the organization shall be free of charge.
The membership of the organization shall be renewed on a yearly basis.

Section Seven:
Students Congress
The organization shall have one congress per year. Unless material conditions dictate
otherwise. In cases, where there in an urgent need for the election of Executive
Committee. Or be it a Special Congress requested by the membership or leadership to
deal with burning issues.
The congress shall be the highest decision making bod of the organization.
The organization shall function as a platform for the election of leadership and/or
discussion of critical organizational issues.
It should be noted that ONLY those who are members of the organization can partake in
the voting session of the Students Congress.
Section Eight:
Students Lekgotla
The EC shall convene the membership at least four times a year. That is at least once a
term, and/or at least twice a semester.
The Students Lelgotla shall be a constitutional body where the EC and Membership will
engage robustly on issues affecting the organization and the students at large.
The EC shall use this platform for reporting back to the membership and for getting a
mandate from the membership.
The membership and students at large shall partake in the engagements of the Students
Section Nine:
The Executive Committee
Any individual who is a member of the organization is eligible of being elected to the EC
and any position within the EC. This shall be done democratically.
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of:

The Chairperson
The Secretary
Finance Officer
Political Educator
Community Development Officer
Academic and Transformation Officer
Gender Officer

Section Ten:
Duties and Functions of the EC
The Chairperson:

The Chairperson shall be political head of the organization.

He/She shall preside over all meetings of the EC and the Students Congress and
He/She shall act as the representative of the organization
He/She in conjure with the Desciplinary Subcommittee shall deal with all disciplinary
issues of the organization.
He/She shall be a signatory in all matters of the organization.

The Secretary:

The Secretary shall be the custodian of all assets of the organization

He/She shall take and circulate minuets of all EC meetings and those of the Students
Congresss and the Students Lekgotla.
He/She shall be engine of the organization and oversee all programs of the
He/She shall be the signatory in all matters of the organization.

The Finance Officer:

The Finance Officer shall be treasury of all financial assets of the organization
He/She shall in conjuncture with the Finance Subcommittee fundraise for the
programmes of the organization.
He/She shall be a signatory in all matters of the organization.

The Political Educator:

The Political Educator shall deal with the political education of the membership.
He/She shall organize and preside over political classes.
He/She shall formulate the organization political education curriculum.

The Community Development Officer:

The Community Development officer shall form alliance with progressive

community and/or civil organizations
He/She shall deal with the issues of community development within the institution
and the broader society.
He/She shall recognize institutions that can work with the organization to advance
community development.

The Academic and Transformation Officer:

The Academic and Transformation Officer shall deal with issues of academic
He/She shall promote academic excellence within the membership and the institution
at large by forming a tutoring program, particularly for first and second year students.
He/She shall liaise with academic officers of colleges.

The Gender Officer:

The Gender Officer shall deal with issues related to gender equality.

He/she shall organize seminars on gender equality for the membership

He/She shall deal with women empowerment.

Section Eleven:
Meetings of the EC
The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every two weeks to discuss both the
state of the organization and the issues of students and developments.
The EC shall meet at the request of the Chairperson and discussion with the Secretary for
a special EC meeting.
Section Twelve:
The EC has the powers:

Convene Special Students Congress

Convene Special Students Lekgotla
Determine the membership status of any individual
Formulate Subcommittees as per portfolios.
Deal with Disciplinary issues as per the recommendation of the Disciplinary
Powers to conduct and perform programs of the branch
Form alliances with strategic and progressive organizations both within and
without institutions of higher learning.

Section Thirteen:
The EC Term of Office:
The EC shall serve a term of office of One year. However, in cases of Special Congresses it
may be otherwise.

Section Fourteen:
Black students pledge

I pledge allegiance to my Black People.

I pledge to develop my mind and body to the greatest extent possible.
I will learn all that I can in order to give my best to my People in their struggle
for liberation.
I will keep myself physically fit, building a strong body free from drugs and
other substances which weaken me and make me less capable of protecting
myself, my family and my Black brothers and sisters.
I will unselfishly share my knowledge and understanding with them in order to
bring about change more quickly.
I will discipline myself to direct my energies thoughtfully and constructively
rather than wasting them in idle hatred.
I will train myself never to hurt or allow others to harm my Black brothers and
sisters for I recognize that we need every Black Man, Woman, and Child to be
physically, mentally and psychologically strong.
These principles I pledge to practice daily and to teach them to others in
order to unite my People.

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