Ainsworth Bowlby 1
Ainsworth Bowlby 1
Ainsworth Bowlby 1
Before 1950
Even before beginning graduate training, each of us became keenly interested in personality development and
the key role played in it by the early interaction between
children and parents. In Bowlby's case this was kindled
by volunteer work in a residential school for maladjusted
children, which followed his undergraduate studies in
medicine at Cambridge University. Two children especially impressed him. One was an isolated, affectionless
adolescent who had never experienced a stable relationship with a mother figure, and the other was an anxious
child who followed Bowlby around like a shadow. Largely
because of these two children, Bowlby resolved to continue his medical studies toward a specialty in child psychiatry and psychotherapy, and was accepted as a student
for psychoanalytic training. From early in his training he
believed that analysts, in their preoccupation with a
child's fantasy life, were paying too little attention to actual events in the child's real life. His experience at the
April 1991 American Psychologist
Copyright1991bythe AmericanPsychologicalAssociation,Inc.0003-066X/91/$2.00
Vol.46, No. 4, 333-341
University of Virginia
Tavistock Clinic, London, England
London Child Guidance Clinic convinced him of the significant role played by interaction with parents in the
development of a child's personality, and of the ways in
which this interaction had been influenced by a parent's
early experiences with his or her own parents. His first
systematic research was begun also at the London Child
Guidance Clinic, where he compared 44 juvenile thieves
with a matched control group and found that prolonged
experiences of mother-child separation or deprivation of
maternal care were much more common among the
thieves than in the control group, and that such experiences were especially linked to children diagnosed as affectionless (Bowlby, 1944).
The outbreak of war in 1939 interrupted Bowlby's
career as a child psychiatrist but brought him useful research experience in connection with officer selection
and with a new group of congenial associates, some of
whom at the end of the war joined together to reorganize
the Tavistock Clinic. Soon afterward the clinic became
part of the National Health Service, and Bowlby served
as full-time consultant psychiatrist and director of the
Department for Children and Parents. There he also
picked up the threads of his clinical and research interests.
Unfortunately, the Kleinian orientation of several
members of the staff made it difficult to use clinic cases
for the kind of research Bowlby wanted to undertake. He
established a research unit of his own, which began operations in 1948. Convinced of the significance of reallife events on the course of child development, he chos~
to focus on the effects of early separation from the mother
because separation was an event on record, unlike disEditor's note. Articles based on APA award addresses that appear in the
American Psychologist are scholarly articles by distinguished contributors
to the field. As such, they are given special consideration in the American
Psychologist's editorial selection process.
This article was originally presented as a Distinguished Scientific
Contributions award address at the 98th Annual Convention of the
American Psychological Association in Boston in August 1990.
Author "s note. John Bowlby's death on September 2, 1990, at his summer
home on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, prevented him from completing
all that he intended to do in preparing this article for publication. As
his coauthor I am greatly saddened by his death, but am secure in the
knowledge that he would have wished me to complete the task.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Mary
D. Salter Ainsworth, 920 Rosser Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22903.