Lim-Lua V Lim Digest

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Petitioner, vs.
G.R. Nos. 175279-80 June 5, 2013
SUMMARY: Mother of two seeks spousal and child support from rich husband.
FACTS: On September 3, 2003, petitioner Susan Lim-Lua filed an action for the
declaration of nullity of her marriage with respondent Danilo Y. Lua, to the RTC.
In her prayer for support pendente lite for herself and her two children, petitioner
sought the amount of
Php500,000 as monthly support, citing respondents huge earnings from salaries
and dividends in several companies and businesses here and abroad. After due
hearing, RTC cited Art. 203 of the Family Code, stating that support is
demandable from the time plaintiff needed the said support but is payable only
from the date of judicial demand, and thus also granted support pendente lite of
P250,000.00 (x 7 corresponding to the 7months that lapsed). Respondent filed an
Motion for Reconsideration asserting that petitioner is not entitled to spousal
support considering that she does not maintain for herself a separate dwelling
from their children and respondent has continued to support the family for their
sustenance and well- being in accordance with familys social and financial
standing. As to the P250,000.00 granted by the trial court as monthly support
pendente lite, as well as the P1,750,000.00 retroactive support, respondent found
it unconscionable and beyond the intendment of the law for not having
considered the needs of the respondent. The Motion for Reconsideration was
denied. His second motion also having been denied, respondent filed a petition
for certiorari in the CA.
CA nullified RTCs ruling and changed the amount to P115,000.00. The appellate
court said that the trial court should not have completely disregarded the
expenses incurred by respondent consisting of the purchase and maintenance of
the two cars, payment of tuition fees, travel expenses, and the credit card
purchases involving groceries, dry goods and books, which certainly inured to
the benefit not only of the two children, but their mother (petitioner) as well, and

thus ordered the deduction of the amount of PhP3,428,813.80 from the current
total support in arrears of Danilo to his wife, Susan Lim Lua and their two
children. It also noted the lack of contribution from the petitioner in the joint
obligation of spouses to support their children. Petitioner appealed.
ISSUE: Whether certain expenses already incurred by the respondent may be
deducted from the total support in arrears owing to petitioner and her children.
The SC declared that the petition is PARTLY GRANTED.
As a matter of law, the amount of support which those related by
marriage and family relationship is generally obliged to give each other shall be
in proportion to the resources or means of the giver and to the needs of the
recipient. Such support comprises everything indispensable for sustenance,
dwelling, clothing, medical attendance, education and transportation, in keeping
with the financial capacity of the family.
Upon receipt of a verified petition for declaration of absolute nullity of
void marriage or for annulment of voidable marriage, or for legal separation, and
at any time during the proceeding, the court, motu proprio or upon verified
application of any of the parties, guardian or designated custodian, may
temporarily grant support pendent lite prior to the rendition of the judgment or
final order. Because of its provisional nature, a court does not need to delve fully
into the merits of the case before it can settle an application for this relief. All
that a court is tasked to do is determine the kind and amount of evidence which
may suffice to enable it to justly resolve the application. It is enough that
affidavits or other documentary evidence appearing in the record establish the
In this case, the amount of monthly support pendente lite for petitioner
and her two children was determined after due hearing and submission of
documentary evidence by the parties. Although the amount fixed by the trial
court was reduced on appeal, it is clear that the monthly support pendente lite of
Php115,000.000 ordered by the CA was intended primarily for the sustenance of
petitioner and her children, e.g., food, clothing, salaries of drivers and house

helpers, and other household expenses. Petitioners testimony also mentioned

the cost of regular therapy for her scoliosis and medicine.
As to financial capacity of the respondent, it is beyond doubt that he can
solely provide for the subsistence, education, transportation, health/medical
needs and recreational activities of his.
The Family Court may direct the deduction of the provisional support from
the salary of the parent. Since the amount of the monthly support pendent lite as
fixed by the CA was not appealed by either party, there is no controversy as to its
sufficiency and reasonableness. The dispute concerns the deductions made by
respondent in settling the support in arrears. The amounts already extended to
the two children; being a commendable act of petitioner, should be continued
by him considering the vast financial resources at his disposal.

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