Paper Zigbee Based Intelligent Tunnel Lighting System-1!05!2015-Final
Paper Zigbee Based Intelligent Tunnel Lighting System-1!05!2015-Final
Paper Zigbee Based Intelligent Tunnel Lighting System-1!05!2015-Final
Sudha Gupta
Department of Electronics
K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering
[email protected]
Department of Electronics
K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering
[email protected]
High-intensity Discharge (HID-Sodium) Lamps
presently used for Tunnel light are based on
principle of gas discharge, thus the intensity is can
not controlled by reducing the voltage as the
discharge path is broken after a particular voltage.
Light Emitting Diode (LED) based lamps will be
soon replacing the HID lamps in Tunnel light. Thus
intensity control is now possible by reducing the
average voltage on sensing the movement and
density of vehicles.
The width of the pulse becomes very narrow when
there is no movement of vehicles. As the vehicle
movement increases, the intensity goes on increasing
for lights and, the intensity goes on reducing with the
decrease in the movement. Here, an attempt is taken
to control the intensity of street light dynamically to
save energy.
Zigbee is use for monitoring and control
applications. The traffic density information is sent
to the central system using Zigbee. Also PWM
information is send to node from central system
using Zigbee.
Keywords HID, tunnel, PWM, Zigbee.
1. Introduction
Today main problem is the huge cost of energy,
especially electricity, Also worlds research is
going on to save the energy. Lighting consumes
for around 20% of the world's total Electrical
energy [1] therefore, the efficient lighting can save
lots of energy.
Classic outdoor light systems like streetlight,
skywalks, and corridor are widely spread out in
around the world while they are inefficient
regarding cost and electricity consumption. These
are controlled with photocell/LDR or timer and
there is no remote connection or monitoring or
information about energy consumption. If faulty
happened the outdated system cannot find it on
real time.
Also there are places where uncontrolled system
of lightening increases loss of energy. Places like
Street Light, Sky walks, campus of school,
college, companies etc. Out of these all major loss
3. Related work
There are several ways to implement a
intelligent lighting system based on WSN. There
are multiple choices depending on the technology
used, protocols, type of control and others factor
that can influence the lighting systems.
Due to the rapid growth of industry and cities, the
industry of lighting systems has a fast
development and is becoming complex. The paper
[14] presents the drawbacks of most developed
systems for street lighting. A new light control
system is proposed which can overcome old
systems drawbacks. The common drawbacks of
most light control systems are uneasiness of
handling and difficulty of maintenance. To reduce
these weak points in operating light control
system, the authors designed a street light control
system by using Zigbee communication devices.
Maciej Mendalka et. al, [15], present an intelligent
street lighting system based on WSN. As a result
they obtained a system designed to increase
functionality of light installations. The proposed
system is made of WSN nodes integrated with
light sources based on high power LED diodes.
Their platform enable new services such as
telemetry, monitoring of noise, humidity,
temperature, as well as services associated with
the road information systems, intelligent
transportation systems and intelligent roads.
5. Proposed System
This system consists of tunnel lamp nodes, street
controller (local node), and Zigbee protocol and
control center. Fig.3 shows the block diagram of
lamp nodes.
6. Result
In this work, a prototype intelligent tunnel light
system is discussed. In particular, the proposed
system is intelligent, which lamp nodes can work
with or without local node or control terminal. It
means lamp nodes can work together or lonely.
We tested our board at one whole day with time
switch on/off control and we find out this result in
7. Conclusion
Tunnel-lights take up to 40% of a city's energy
budget and they are a large consumer of energy
for cities [11]. The proposed system can use in
streets, tunnels, roads, highways. Also because of
flexible software the system can support lighting
of parks and industrial warehouse. This system
have some advantage: control of each lighting
lamp, determine the exact location of Cable
rupture, Increase efficiency and lamp life,
Reduction of environmental pollution in cities,
Systematic maintenance of lighting facilities and
so on.
[1] Atc, C.; Ozcelebi, T.; Lukkien, J.J.; ,
"Exploring user-centered intelligent road
lighting design: a road map and future
research directions," Consumer Electronics,
IEEE Transactions on, vol.57, no.2, pp.788793, May 2011
[2] Wu Yue; Shi Changhong; Zhang Xianghong;
Yang Wei; , "Design of new intelligent street
light control system," Control and Automation
(ICCA), 2010 8th IEEE International
Conference on , vol., no., pp.1423-1427, 9-11
June 2010
[3] Wu Yue; Shi Changhong; Yang Wei; , "Study
of acquisition streetlights background signal
by multi-sensor array," Control Automation
and Systems (ICCAS), 2010 International
Conference on , vol., no., pp.1000-1003, 2730 Oct. 2010
[4] E-street project deliverables available
online: http://www.e-