Paper Zigbee Based Intelligent Tunnel Lighting System-1!05!2015-Final

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Zigbee Based

Intelligent Tunnel Lightening System

Manoj S. Kavedia

Sudha Gupta

Department of Electronics
K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering
[email protected]

Department of Electronics
K.J. Somaiya College of Engineering
[email protected]

High-intensity Discharge (HID-Sodium) Lamps
presently used for Tunnel light are based on
principle of gas discharge, thus the intensity is can
not controlled by reducing the voltage as the
discharge path is broken after a particular voltage.
Light Emitting Diode (LED) based lamps will be
soon replacing the HID lamps in Tunnel light. Thus
intensity control is now possible by reducing the
average voltage on sensing the movement and
density of vehicles.
The width of the pulse becomes very narrow when
there is no movement of vehicles. As the vehicle
movement increases, the intensity goes on increasing
for lights and, the intensity goes on reducing with the
decrease in the movement. Here, an attempt is taken
to control the intensity of street light dynamically to
save energy.
Zigbee is use for monitoring and control
applications. The traffic density information is sent
to the central system using Zigbee. Also PWM
information is send to node from central system
using Zigbee.
Keywords HID, tunnel, PWM, Zigbee.

1. Introduction
Today main problem is the huge cost of energy,
especially electricity, Also worlds research is
going on to save the energy. Lighting consumes
for around 20% of the world's total Electrical
energy [1] therefore, the efficient lighting can save
lots of energy.
Classic outdoor light systems like streetlight,
skywalks, and corridor are widely spread out in
around the world while they are inefficient
regarding cost and electricity consumption. These
are controlled with photocell/LDR or timer and
there is no remote connection or monitoring or
information about energy consumption. If faulty
happened the outdated system cannot find it on
real time.
Also there are places where uncontrolled system
of lightening increases loss of energy. Places like
Street Light, Sky walks, campus of school,
college, companies etc. Out of these all major loss

of energy is there is Tunnels because many times

there is no vehicle and all light are on.
Hence concept of Tunnel Light Automation can be
used to reduce energy consumption and
maintenance costs. To save valuable power, the
ON/OFF switches of the tunnel lights can be
requirement. Use of Intelligent interconnection
between devices can used to optimize the energy
requirements by tracking the changes in light
intensity outside and depending on traffic density.
The system deigned here utilizes wireless
communication techniques and which provides
real time surveillance of lamps may be individual
or in group. The system can also be used to detect
the faulty lamps in the control monitor and exhibit
energy consumption of each lamp node. Also any
number of new tunnel lights can be added to the
existing infrastructure with simple and easy
installation and modifications. They can detect
vehicles by using US/IR/LASER/PRESSURE
(Ultra Sonics/ Infrared) [2] and vehicles by
multisensory array [3].
This paper follows the scope which is designing of
an intelligent system for application of tunnel
lightings based on the Zigbee communication
The main function of Local node monitors the
sensors data and controls the duration of on/off
lamp nodes based on the feedback information
from lamp nodes. This information about the lamp
status is transmitted in data frames from Zigbee
protocol to a lamp node to control the light
intensity, which is connected. Control equipment
are achieved power energy saving ranging from
10% to 50% [5].
This system designed in such a way that it can
drive both sodium lamp of high pressure and high
power LEDs and must be capable to handle
common demand in the network, e.g. dimming,
on/off. This is can be achieved using PWM

Software system is designed in user

friendly GUI which will monitor the parameter ,
make a record of parameter and finally take the
corrective action for intensity control.[6]
Organization of paper is in 7 sections. The Section
2, describe about Zigbee protocol. Section 3
discuss on the work done in this field. The
intelligent tunnel light system is discussed in
Section 4. Whereas section 5 discuss, the
implementation of proposed system. Our aim is to
build a flexible node which can work with
classical light sources and high power LEDs and
this node continue its work if network was down.
Result of the system implemented are discussed in
section 6Finally, in Section 7 concludes with the

2. Wireless Sensor Network (Zigbee)

For high level communication Zigbee provide a
specification suite. Zigbee is a typical wireless
communication technology. Zigbee uses low rate,
low-power digital radios based on an IEEE 802
standard for personal area networks. Compared to
WPANs(Wireless personal area network), such as
Bluetooth) Zigbee is simpler and less expensive.
Zigbee is used for radio-frequency (RF)
applications that require a low data rate, long
battery life, and secure networking.
Zigbee has a defined rate of 250 kbps best suited
for periodic or intermittent data or a single signal
transmission from a sensor or input device.

It is Open standard protocol with no or negligible

licensing fees, chipsets available from multiple
sources, remotely upgraded firmware, fully
wireless and low power, mesh networking to
operate on batteries, low maintenance and larger
network size with standard based high security.
Zigbee is used for remote monitoring. Zigbee
module can be used to control serial
communication upto 100meters.
There are some network topologies which use to
different places. Three types of network
topologies are shown in Fig.1 [7].
In proposed system the nodes are distributed and
configured as router and there is just one node as
coordinator. Nodes are designed in such a way
that they can be easily joined to expand the
network. For the system discussed these
topologies are appropriate.

3. Related work
There are several ways to implement a
intelligent lighting system based on WSN. There
are multiple choices depending on the technology
used, protocols, type of control and others factor
that can influence the lighting systems.
Due to the rapid growth of industry and cities, the
industry of lighting systems has a fast
development and is becoming complex. The paper
[14] presents the drawbacks of most developed
systems for street lighting. A new light control
system is proposed which can overcome old
systems drawbacks. The common drawbacks of
most light control systems are uneasiness of
handling and difficulty of maintenance. To reduce
these weak points in operating light control
system, the authors designed a street light control
system by using Zigbee communication devices.
Maciej Mendalka et. al, [15], present an intelligent
street lighting system based on WSN. As a result
they obtained a system designed to increase
functionality of light installations. The proposed
system is made of WSN nodes integrated with
light sources based on high power LED diodes.
Their platform enable new services such as
telemetry, monitoring of noise, humidity,
temperature, as well as services associated with
the road information systems, intelligent
transportation systems and intelligent roads.

Fig. 1: Network topologies a) Linear network, b) Lamp on both

side of street, c) cross road [7]

The paper [16], presents a street lighting

implementation based on photovoltaic panels. The
system uses solar energy as primary source and
batteries as secondary source. Lighting emitting
diodes (LEDs) are employed as lighting source.

This system is being presented as an alternative

for remote localities, like roads and crossroads.
Wu Yue proposes in [17] a street light control
system able to detect environmental changes due
to integrated sensors. The system has 2 function
modes: the automatic timing control and a
dynamic mode. Automatic timing is used to switch
light on at a pre-determined time and keep them
active a programmed time period. In dynamic
mode the lights are activated when motion is
detected. Simultaneously the system may act
according to the actual determination of the
sunlight degree of illumination and the degree of
illumination control criterion.
Up to now work is done in field of tunnel light
control. In the early days, lights were lit in the
evening manually or depending on the external
light intensity, they were then replaced by
intelligent detection whether or not to switch them
on by the control centre in sunrise and sunset.
Although that was able to control the tunnel lights
intelligently, the sensitivity of sensors tend to drop
due to long period of application, or they would
maintain the streetlights in ON status if the
sensors were covered with dust to cause
unnecessary power wastage [1]. In addition, in
order to maintain normal operation of tunnel
lights, it is necessary to dispatch somebody at a
certain time interval, so as to patrol along the lane
and to check whether there are any malfunctioned
tunnel lights. Therefore, these would cause a great
deal of resource wastage on maintenance
Ubiquitous computing or pervasive computing
paradigm is used to describe smart environments.
Now days there are so many applications used in
this system which are useful for saving energy and
light control. This system is mostly used for
parking plot and street light control system for
control light and directly control to the android or
mobile phone. Some system sense the day light
and turn on odd the lights. Some designed system
use photocell or time for the same purpose.

In the other hand, tunnel Light Automation can

reduce energy consumption and maintenance
costs. To save valuable power, the ON/OFF
switches of the street lights can be remotely reprogrammed according to requirement. Intelligent
interface devices can optimize the energy
requirements by recording the changes in nightfall
in different seasons. The system utilizes wireless
communication techniques and offers real time
surveillance of individual group of lamps. The
system can represent the faulty lamps in the
control monitor and exhibit energy consumption
of each lamp node.
Thus, if we can change the current tunnel lights to
LED versions, we are able to save a considerable
amount of power, and achieve energy saving.
Further energy conservation

4. Intelligent Tunnel Lightning System

From the study of the related work different
technology has been explored to implement
intelligent lighting systems. In table one a
communication approaches are shown in table I.
Rate 0.6250 40
Consumption Good
Max. number 232
of Nodes
Implementati Good
Maintenance Good
900Mhz 900MHz
Table I: Comparison of technologies available

The available PLC modules in market suffer from

some disadvantages such high cost and no
networking capabilities. Opposed of Zigbee
technology, Z-wave technology has lower data
rates and supporting limited nodes.
The reason of for selection of Zigbee media are
used mainly is that it is easy to install and
maintain. Also there are no needs to install
additional transmission line, hence more
economical than other medias installation.
Fig. 2: Typical overview of street lights system

5. Proposed System
This system consists of tunnel lamp nodes, street
controller (local node), and Zigbee protocol and
control center. Fig.3 shows the block diagram of
lamp nodes.

Fig 3.Block Diagram of Tunnel Light Lamp Post

Microcontroller is the core of the proposed

system. It is supplied with the time to generate
PWM (Phase Width Modulation) to drive high
power LEDs and read/write data to memory.
There is a serial interface between module and
operators computer which helps to configure the
node. Zigbee module is used to communicate
between local and lamp nodes installed inside the
tunnel. The watch mode of microcontroller is
activated and every node is decided lonely to turn
on/off lamp. For this case, we just update the time
register of microcontroller system is designed in
such a way that if link is broken the node would
work with old data but still working.
Local node gathers information of lamp nodes and
it should be fast. So, Controller is used as CU
(Control Unit) of this section. Flash memories are
used to save the status information of nodes (such
as time on/off, the main clock, priority of nodes,
so on).
There is a serial interface for Connection between
user and controller which can transfer node
information and check the lamps whether they are
on or off. Two ways is considered for
communication between control terminal and
local nodes:

6. Result
In this work, a prototype intelligent tunnel light
system is discussed. In particular, the proposed
system is intelligent, which lamp nodes can work
with or without local node or control terminal. It
means lamp nodes can work together or lonely.
We tested our board at one whole day with time
switch on/off control and we find out this result in

TableII :Energy and Amount Saving over month

Fig.4. GUI for the proposed System

7. Conclusion
Tunnel-lights take up to 40% of a city's energy
budget and they are a large consumer of energy
for cities [11]. The proposed system can use in
streets, tunnels, roads, highways. Also because of
flexible software the system can support lighting
of parks and industrial warehouse. This system
have some advantage: control of each lighting
lamp, determine the exact location of Cable
rupture, Increase efficiency and lamp life,
Reduction of environmental pollution in cities,
Systematic maintenance of lighting facilities and
so on.

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