Low Power Atpg For Path Delay Faults

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Supply Voltage Noise Aware ATPG for Transition Delay Faults

Nisar Ahmed and Mohammad Tehranipoor

Vinay Jayaram

Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering

University of Connecticut

Texas Instruments, Inc.

Dallas, TX

The sensitivity of very deep submicron designs to supply voltage noise is increasing due to higher path delay variations and
reduced noise margins with supply noise scaling. The supply
noise of delay test during at-speed launch and capture is significantly larger compared to normal circuit operation since
larger number of transitions occur within a short time frame.
Our simulations have shown that for identical switching activity, a pattern with a short switching time frame window will
surge more current from the power network, thereby causing
higher IR-drop. In this paper, we propose a novel method to
measure the average power of at-speed test patterns, referred
to as switching cycle average power (SCAP). We present a case
study of the IR-drop effects on design performance during atspeed test. A new practical framework is proposed to generate
supply noise tolerant delay test patterns. The proposed framework uses existing commercial ATPG tools and a wrapper is
added around them. The results demonstrate that the new patterns generated using our framework will significantly reduce
the supply noise.
As technology shrinks and functional density and frequency
increase, test engineers face more challenging problems to deal
with. One important issue of testing todays nanometer, highspeed designs is the increasing number of timing-related defects. Transition and path delay fault models are increasingly
used to target such defects. Among these two, the transition
fault model is widely practiced in industry to test delay-induced
defects and is considered a cost-effective alternative to functional pattern generation [1][2]. A pattern pair is generated to
initialize the target node and launch a transition using two fast
clock cycles (rated clock frequency). The at-speed launch and
capture in addition to large number of switching in the circuit
can cause excessive peak power and result in large IR-drop.
Supply noise (including IR-drop, ground bounce, and Ldi/dt)
effects have become more significant in recent years and need to
be efficiently taken into consideration, as they pose design, test
and reliability challenges for the chip manufacturers/foundries.
This situation has grown more complicated with reducing supply voltage and the limitation of further reduction of threshold
voltage. The reduced voltage difference between the VDD and
VSS pins of a standard cell will reduce the cells operating performance and may result in chip performance reduction if the
cell is on a critical path. The IR-drop also reduces the cells

This work was supported in part by SRC Grant No. 2006-TJ-1455 and 2007TJ-1587.

noise immunity and in some cases may lead to functional failures [3].
There is a growing concern in EDA and semiconductor industry for supply voltage noise and timing aware ATPGs. In
order to simplify the pattern generation process, traditionally
ATPGs consider zero delay gate model and target as many faults
with one pattern as possible. In other words, operating and
manufacturing conditions are ignored during ATPG. Patterns
generated using such ATPGs may cause large number of transitions in the circuit which may not occur during functional operating condition. As a result, a design that may not have a
delay fault may fail a delay test pattern due to excessive IRdrop related effects. This causes overkill and needs to be carefully addressed when testing todays large high-speed designs.
Therefore, new pattern generation methods must be proposed
to generate test patterns that reliably distinguish between good
and bad chips.
Supply voltage noise would be even more problematic during faster-than-at-speed test where the test patterns are applied
at higher than functional frequencies. Faster-than-at-speed test
methods have been proposed to detect small delay defects by
increasing the test frequency, i.e. reducing the positive slack of
the path [4]. This however may result in false identification of
good chips to be faulty due to supply noise rather than small
delay defects [5].
A. Related Prior Work
Three major scan-based techniques have been proposed for
transition delay fault test, i.e. launch-off-shift [6], launch-offcapture [7], and enhanced scan [8]. In all three methods, a
pattern pair (V1, V2) is applied to target delay faults but with
different launch mechanisms. Pattern V2 for launch-off-shift,
launch-off-capture, and enhanced scan is generated using last
shift, functional response, and arbitrary using ATPG, respectively. Various techniques have also been proposed to improve
the quality of at-speed test by increasing fault coverage and reducing pattern count [9], avoiding functionally untestable faults
[10], or reducing scan enable design effort [11]. Techniques
have been proposed to detect small delay defects either by improving existing ATPGs [12] or using faster-than-at-speed test
application [4]. Note that in all cases, the launch pattern and
capture clock must be applied at either rated clock frequency
for traditional at-speed test or higher than clock frequency for
faster-than-at-speed test. Both increase the IR-drop and may
degrade the design performance.
Authors in [13] address the issue of overkill during delay test
and propose a vector-based approach for power supply noise
analysis in test compaction. A power supply noise model is developed and used during test compaction. The procedure may



A. Physical Design Implementation







Fig. 1. Power/Ground Distribution Network.

become slow for large designs since all the patterns are generated without random-fill and the power supply noise needs to be
estimated in every compaction loop. The method proposed in
[14] verifies test vectors for IR-drop failures and identifies failing vectors. The method estimates the average current drawn
from power rails and compares it against a pre-defined threshold set by designer. A pattern generation technique is proposed
in [15] by building current/voltage libraries to maximize the
power supply noise along targeted paths and cause longer propagation delays for the nodes along the paths. The computation
complexity of the pattern generation procedure is high since it
targets one pattern at a time.
B. Contribution and Paper Organization
In this paper, a new method is presented to measure the average power during at-speed test patterns (during fast launch and
capture of at-speed test), referred to as switching cycle average
power. The method considers both the length of the paths affected by each pattern and switching occurred during that time
frame window as opposed to calculating switching power for
entire clock cycle in statistical approach. A novel pattern generation procedure taking supply voltage noise into account is
proposed ensuring that the supply noise will always be lower
than defined noise threshold. The proposed procedure uses existing commercial ATPG tools and adds wrapper around them.
The results show that the new pattern set generated using pur
proposed procedure significantly reduce the IR-drop.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II explains a case study with detailed statistical and dynamic IRdrop analysis for at-speed test pattern application. Section III
presents a new power model to measure the average switching
power for at-speed patterns. The framework with pattern generation and a technique to measure the switching cycle average
power is discussed in Section IV. The experimental results are
presented in Section V. Finally, concluding remarks are in Section VI.
In this section, firstly we describe the physical design implementation and statistical IR-drop analysis. We, then present
a detailed dynamic IR-drop analysis for two types of patterns
with different path delay distribution. Also, a new power model
is explained to measure the average power of at-speed test patterns which takes both the switching activity and the pattern
path delay distribution into account.

For our experimentation, we had selected an ITC99 benchmark design b19 and the physical design implementation was
performed using Cadence SOC Encounter place and route tool
[16]. The design contains almost 219K gates, 51 IO pads, and
about 6,642 flip-flops. Scan-based test insertion was performed
using Synopsys DFT Compiler [17] with eight scan chains and
a slow speed scan enable is used for launch-off-capture transition fault test. During physical design, the design is timing
closed for an operating frequency of 142MHz at nominal operating voltage (1.8V) and temperature (25oC) conditions. A
slow scan shift speed of 10MHz was used. It is implemented
in 180nm standard cell library [18]. Note that at this point of
experiments, no decoupling capacitances were inserted.
The power-planning for the design was performed assuming a net toggle probability of 20% during functional operation. Figure 1 shows the power/ground distribution network
of the chip. Power rings (width = 20m) were created using higher-level routing layers (Metal5 and Metal6) and carry
power around the standard cell core area. Four power (VDD)
and ground (VSS) pads each were inserted and connected to the
respective rings with wires referred to as trunks. After cre ating
the power rings, power and ground is routed to the standard
cells using stripes and rails. The stripes (width = 10m) were
created using routing layer Metal4 and a distance of 100m between adjacent stripes connecting power rings. The design was
then placed and routed along with clock-tree synthesis and scan
cell ordering to minimize scan chain wirelength.
B. Statistical IR-drop Analysis
In order to determine an estimate of functional IR-drop,
the design net parasitics (resistance and capacitance) were extracted using Synopsys STAR-RCXT [17] extraction tool. The
average statistical IR-drop using vector-less approach was measured for both VDD and VSS nets considering 20% net toggle probability during functional operation. The results showed
2.8% voltage drop in VDD and a voltage bounce of 4.5% for
the VSS net, which can be considered negligible. However,
such an analysis provides an underestimation of both average
and peak IR-drop even during functional operation. This is because the tool considers the probability of net toggle activity
over the entire cycle period (vector-less approach). However,
to measure IR-drop more accurately during test a vector-based
IR-drop method must be devised to consider both the average
time frame window for each pattern during which the entire
switching occurs and the simultaneous switching.
To measure the average IR-drop experienced by the transitions, it is important to estimate the average switching time
frame. The time span during which all the transitions occur
is referred to as the switching time frame window (STW). For a
transition fault pattern, the maximum path length affected determines this time frame. Note that for different test vectors,
the longest path exercised will be different. From our previous experiments on the same design during transition fault test
patterns [19], we have seen an average switching time frame
window close to half the clock cycle period which is mainly because the ATPG tools tend to detect delay faults through short
paths. This shows that the actual average functional power



Avg. Switching
Power [mW]
Case1 (Full cycle period)
Case2 (Half cycle period)

Clock Insertion



Avg. IR-drop

Clock Network

t d(P2)
t d(P1)

surge observed during an average switching time frame for a

pattern is almost twice of the measured value during one cycle
period. This observation shows that if N flip-flops or nets toggle during one capture event, the same N flip-flops will toggle
irrespective of the frequency. The effect on IR-drop will now
be more pronounced if the toggle happens in a smaller window,
thus tying IR-drop effects to the path delays affected by test
Table I shows the statistically measured average power consumption for the entire cycle period (Case1) and average
switching time frame (Case2) for half cycle period. It also
shows the average IR-drop reported for the two cases measured using Cadence SOC Encounter tool. It can be noticed
that the average IR-drop is almost doubled when the switching time frame window is reduced to half of the cycle period.
Although, this might appear over pessimistic but it provides a
good estimate of the IR-drop which the design will experience
during functional operation. Also, Case2 provides an average
power threshold that can be used to identify high toggle activity
transition fault test patterns at a later stage.
C. Dynamic IR-drop Analysis
The actual IR-drop during transition fault test patterns is
much higher compared to statistical IR-drop due to very high
switching activity and smaller switching time frame. In this
section, we analyze the IR-drop effects of two types of transition fault test patterns (P1 and P2) with almost the same
switching activity but with different switching time frame windows. The maximum path delay for patterns P1 and P2 are
td(P1 ) = 4854ps and td(P2 ) = 2313ps, respectively and the clock
period being T = 7000ps. This implies that pattern P2 exercises
more number of short paths (that is, larger number of simultaneous switching) which increases the probability of higher IRdrop.
Figure 2 shows the clock timing waveform used for dynamic
IR-drop analysis. The clock insertion delay is the time taken by
the clock signal from the chip periphery to all the registers in
the design and it is represented as ti . For clarification, we have
not shown clock edge uncertainty which is also included in ti .
The entire clock network switching activity for each clock edge
occurs in this time frame. Since, the clock switching power
forms a major component in the total power drawn, it is also included in our power measurement. If the switching time frame
window is slightly less than half the cycle period (see td(P2 ) in
Figure 2), the negative clock edge switching activity is also considered. This is reasonable as the clock network already starts
to switch close to the end of the switching window (td(P2 ) ), assuming clock uncertainty and process variations. In general, the
switching time frame window for dynamic IR-drop analysis is
measured using the following formulation:




Time [ps]

Fig. 2. Clock timing waveform used for dynamic IR-drop analysis.

Fig. 3. IR-drop effects on VDD and VSS during pattern P1 and P2 application
within 7 ns caputre window.

STWi =

ti + T /2
ti + td(Pi)

if td(Pi ) T /2
if td(Pi ) > T /2

To measure the IR-drop of the pattern, the switching activity inside the circuit was captured in the standard value change
dump (VCD) format during gate-level timing simulation. The
timing information of the gates and the extracted parasitic interconnect delay information was back-annotated using the standard delay format (SDF) file. The switching activity information (VCD file) along with physical design and technology library information is used by SOC Encounter tool [16] to estimate the dynamic IR-drop of the pattern. Figure 3 shows the
VDD (VSS) voltage waveforms during the at-speed launch and
capture cycles for pattern P1 and P2. To measure the IR-drop,
the launch-to-capture window (7ns) + ti was split into 1ns time
frames and average IR-drop was measured in each time frame.
It can be noticed that the effect of IR-drop is maximum in the
beginning of the clock cycle due to high simultaneous switching activity and gradually decreases. Also, the effect of IR-drop
is maximum in pattern P2 as high switching activity occurs in
a smaller switching time frame window.
Figures 4 and 5 show the average IR-drop plots on the ground
(VSS) network for patterns P1 and P2 during their respective
switching time frame windows. The IR-drop plots were obtained from the Cadence SOC Encounter tool [16] measured
across the respective switching time frame for each pattern.
Note that, for pattern P2, the IR-drop in a large portion of the
chip increases which results in reduced effective voltage difference between the VDD and VSS ports observed by each gate in
that region. This might result in higher performance degradation or functional failure of the circuit due to excessive noise.



Avg. Switching
Power [mW]

Avg. IR-drop






Fig. 4. IR-drop plot in VSS net for pattern P1.








Fig. 6. SCAP calculator using Synopsys VCS simulator.

Fig. 5. IR-drop plot in VSS net for pattern P2.


As we explained in the previous sections, the IR-drop depends on the total switching capacitance and the time frame
window during which it occurs. Since, dynamic IR-drop analysis for each delay test pattern is prohibitively expensive, we require a model to identify test patterns which have a high probability of failure due to IR-drop effects, during their application. The cycle average power (CAP) [20] is defined as the average power consumed during a single tester cycle. However, it
does not factor in the varying time frame window of the entire
switching activity for each pattern. Therefore, a pattern with
relatively lesser switching activity but with a very short switching time frame window will not be considered as a potential
pattern of IR-drop failure by the CAP power model. Therefore,
we define a new term referred to as switching cycle average
power (SCAP) which is the average power consumed by the
test pattern during the time frame of the entire switching activity (STW). CAP and SCAP are calculated by:
CAP = (Ci V DD2 )/T
SCAP = (Ci V DD2 )/STW
where Ci is the output gate capacitance of gate Gi . Table II
shows the comparison of average power and IR-drop analysis
of pattern P2 using the CAP and SCAP model. It can be noticed
that the power surge during the switching time frame window
(SCAP) is 1.3X higher compared to the cycle average power.
Also, the average IR-drop using CAP model (0.16V ) reported
is within the Vmin operating conditions for which the IR-drop
effect will not be of concern. In general, during sign-off, the

design is made sure to work under Vmin and Vmax operating conditions. However, with the SCAP model, the average IR-drop
experience by the design on VSS network (0.216V) during the
switching interval exceeds it by 34 %.
As explained in Section II, the switching cycle average power
provides a more practical measure to identify patterns with very
high IR-drop effects bypassing the expensive dynamic IR-drop
analysis per pattern. Since, the transition fault pattern set has
varying path delays and switching activity, the pattern generation problem can be divided into two sub-problems: A) to measure the switching cycle average power (SCAP) for each pattern
and B) to generate a new pattern set ensuring that the IR-drop
will remain under a pre-defined threshold. Both will be discussed in the following sub-sections.
A. SCAP Calculator
To determine the SCAP of each pattern in the transition fault
pattern set, we need the following information: 1) the gates
switching inside the circuit, 2) output capacitance of each gate
and 3) the switching time frame window. Simulation-based
techniques can be used to capture the switching activity information in the standard value change dump (VCD) format. But,
this technique is sufficient only to analyze a very small number
of patterns due to the extremely large size of VCD files for large
To overcome this problem, we use programming language
interface (PLI) routines during gate-level verilog simulation.
The PLI provides a standard interface to the internal data representation of the design during simulation. Figure 6 shows the
SCAP calculation flow. The capacitance per each gate instance






SCAP Calculator

SCAP > Thr




Fig. 8. New pattern generation framework.

Fig. 7. Switching cycle average power (SCAP) measured for each transition
fault test pattern (a) VDD network and (b) VSS network.

is extracted from the RC parasitics file (Standard parasitics

exchange format (SPEF)) generated using Synopsys STARRCXT extraction tool. We have developed a PLI which can
be plugged into Synopsys VCS gate level simulator which acts
as SCAP calculator during simulation. It reports the SCAP
value for VDD and VSS power network for each pattern during
the launch-to-capture window in the launch-off-capture transition fault pattern set. The above procedure using PLI interface avoids the VCD file generation for estimation of switching
Figure 7 shows the SCAP value for VDD and VSS network
in each transition fault test pattern during the launch and capture functional cycles of the launch-off-capture pattern. It can
be noticed that the initial patterns have higher switching cycle average power and then very gradually reduces. This is
because the initial patterns detect most of the transition faults
(exercise more paths) and the later patterns target the hard-todetect faults.
B. Pattern Generation
In the first phase, the launch-off-capture transition fault pattern set (2630 patterns) were generated using Synopsys TetraMax [17] in the conventional manner with random fill of dontcare bits during ATPG. Figure 8 shows the new pattern generation framework which uses existing commercial ATPG tools.
The generated patterns are simulated using a gate-level simulator and the SCAP value for each pattern is measured as explained in Section IV-A. After obtaining the power pattern profile, it is important to set a threshold to shortlist the patterns with
very high SCAP value which relates to a lower tolerance to IRdrop effects. For this, we use the average functional switching
power estimated using statistical-based approach as explained
in Section II-B for the SCAP threshold ans shown in Table I.
A 20% toggle activity over an average switching time frame of
half the clock cycle period is assumed. This number is usually defined by designer during power network synthesis. The
remaining patterns are called IR-drop tolerant patterns.

Based on the functional operation SCAP threshold for both

the VDD and VSS network, the short-listed patterns are fault
simulated using the Synopsys TetraMax tool to obtain the list
of extra faults detected on top of the remaining IR-drop tolerant
patterns. In the next phase of pattern generation, new patterns
are generated for these set of faults with adjacent-fill or fill-X
(X = 0 or 1) options. Adjacent fill causes dont-care scan cells
to be filled with the value of the first downstream scan cell with
a defined/care value (i.e. it creates runs of 0s and 1s in the test
pattern). This option in the ATPG tool is useful to minimize
power usage as it significantly increases the correlation between
the initialization and launch patterns. Although, this reduced
signal switching comes at the expense of slightly higher pattern
We had generated launch-off-capture transition fault test patterns (2360 patterns) using conventional random fill method.
As shown in Figure 7, the SCAP threshold was set to 190.6mW
based on the measured value in Table I for 20% toggle activity
during functional operation for a switching time frame window
of half the clock cycle. Based on this threshold, approximately
860 patterns were short listed with high SCAP value compared
to the threshold. In the new ATPG, first the IR-drop tolerant
patterns are fault simulated. Then the short listed patterns are
fault simulated and it was observed that they contribute almost
10% of test coverage to the total coverage over the IR-drop tolerant test patterns.
In the next step, we generated patterns using the dont-care
fill options built in Synopsys TetraMax for low power patterns.
Note that other previously proposed low power pattern generation techniques could also be used. We generated patterns with
three different fill options: Case1: fill-0, causes all dont-care
scan cells to be filled with 0s, Case2: fill-1, causes all dontcare scan cells to be filled with 1s and Case3: fill-adjacent,
causes dont-care scan cells to be filled with the value of the
first adjacent scan cell with a defined/care value. Case3 is
mostly useful to minimize power usage during scan shifting
by reducing signal switching at the expense of higher pattern
count. However, in our experiments we are trying to reduce the

i.e. the path delay distribution of the pattern. The switching cycle average power (SCAP) proposed captures both of these effects and provides a good model to identify patterns with higher
IR-drop effects. We have proposed a new framework for generating transition fault test patterns which are tolerant to IR-drop
effects. This avoids the false classification of good die as faulty,
where the fault effects are caused due to IR drop related reasons.
The experimental results show approximately 4 % increase in
number of test patterns over the conventionally generated transition fault pattern set.
We thank Ken Butler and Jayashree Saxena of Texas Instruments for useful discussions during the course of this work and
feedback on the initial draft of the paper.

Fig. 9. Switching cycle average power (SCAP) in VDD network for the low
switching activity test patterns generated in three cases: (a) fill-1, (b) fill-0 and
(c) fill-adjacent

Fig. 10. Test coverage curves for conventional ATPG and our new supply
aware ATPG.

switching activity between the launch and capture window of

the launch-off-capture patterns.
Figure 9 shows the switching cycle average power for the
additional patterns generated in the three different cases. The
number of patterns generated were 939, 957 and 900 in Case1,
Case2 and Case3, respectively. It can be noticed that fill-0 provided the best results with almost all the patterns below the
threshold. Figure 10 shows the test coverage curve for the
two pattern generation methods. It can be seen that our technique generates approximately 957 patterns (fill-0) for the 10%
coverage of the short-listed patterns, which is a very slight increase in the number of patterns (approximately 97 additional
patterns). Therefore, the increase in test time is not very significant with almost all of the patterns in the new pattern set within
the threshold limit.
We have presented a detailed analysis of at-speed techniques which illustrates that modeling IR-drop requires both
the switching activity and the switching time frame window,

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