Optical Data Security

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Optical Data Security

Due to the development digital computer technologies and
digital television for the next generation, there is a growing demand to
store large sizes of data. Optical technology can provide a number of ways
to solve the problem of large storage and fast transmission of data.
Unlike bit-oriented optical memories such as DVD and CD, in optical
storage two-dimensional data is stored as a hologram on a photosensitive
crystal, by illuminating the interference pattern formed by an object beam
and a reference beam. Using angle wavelength, and phase multiplexing
techniques, one can store multiple images at the same position, thus
increasing the storage capacity.
In practical systems, data security is an important issue. Optical encryption techniques
provide a high level of security because there are many degrees of freedom with which to
encode the information, such as amplitude, phase, wavelength, and polarization. To protect the
stored information it is required to encrypt the data. Here the encryption means that the original
data is converted into stationary white-noise data by key codes, and unauthorized users cannot
obtain the original data without knowledge of the key code.
Original data may be encoded optically by using various encryption techniques. Double
random phase encryption, three dimensional position encryption and wavelength-code
encryption are some of the major techniques of encryption available at present.


Optical Data Security

Abstract 1
Table of contents. 2
1.Introduction 3
2.Optial data storage principle. 5
3.Basic components . 6
3.1.LASER 7
3.2.Lens and Mirrors .7
3.2.1.Lens as Fourier transform 8
3.3.Spatial light modulators.. 9
3.4.Photosensitive materials.10
3.4.1.Photorefractive crystals...10
3.4.2.Photopolymers 11
3.5.Charge coupled devices .12
3.6.Phase masks for encryption 13
4.Recording and reading of data 15
4.1.Optical recording of data 15
4.2.Optical reading of data 16
5.Encryption techniques. 16
5.1.Encryption using double random phase masks... 17
5.2.Encryption using 3-d keys in the Fresnel domain
5.3.Encryption using wavelength code and random phase masks. 25
6.Applications 27
6.1.Applications in ultra short communications 27
6.2.Applications in optical drive 28
7.Conclusions... 29
8.References 30



Optical Data Security


Optical data storage is an alternative to magnetic disk data storage. Currently

data access times are extremely slow for magnetic disks when compared to the speed of
execution of CPUs so that any improvement in data access speeds will greatly increase the
capabilities of computers, especially with large data and multimedia files. Optical memory is a
technology that uses a three dimensional medium to store data and it can access such data a
page at a time instead of sequentially, which leads to increases in storage density and access
speed. Optical data storage systems are very close to becoming economically feasible. Photorefractive crystals and photopolymers have been used successfully in experimental optical data
storage systems. Such systems exploit the optical properties of these photosensitive materials
along with the behavior of laser light when it is used to record an image of an object. Optical
memory lies between main memory magnetic disk in regards to data access times, data transfer
rates, data storage density.
As processors and buses roughly double their data capacity every three years (Moores
law), data storage has struggled to close the gap. CPUs can perform an instruction execution
every nanosecond, which is six orders of magnitude faster than a single magnetic disk access.
As the computer evolves, so do the applications that computers are used for. Recently large
binary files containing sound or image data have become commonplace, greatly increasing the
need for high capacity data storage and data access. A new high capacity form of data storage
must be developed to handle these large files quickly and efficiently.


Optical Data Security

Optical memory uses the basic principles of holography for the recording purposes and hence it
is also called as holographic memory system. Optical memory is a promising technology for
data storage because it is true three dimensional storage system, data can be accessed an entire
page at a time instead of sequentially, and there are very few moving parts so that the
limitations of mechanical motion are minimized. Optical memory uses a photosensitive material
to record interference patterns of a reference beam and a signal beam of coherent light, where
the signal beam is reflected off of an object or it contains data in the form of light and dark
areas. The nature of the photosensitive material is such that the recorded interference pattern
can be reproduced by applying a beam of light to the material that is identical to the reference
beam. The resulting light that is transmitted through the medium will take on the recorded
interference pattern and will be collected on a laser detector array that encompasses the entire
surface of the holographic medium. Many holograms can be recorded in the same space by
changing the angle or the wavelength of the incident light. An entire page of data is accessed in
this way.
Currently, optical memory techniques are very close to becoming technologically and
economically feasible. The major obstacles to implementing optical data storage are recording
rate, pixel sizes, laser output power, degradation of holograms during access, temporal decay of
holograms, and sensitivity of recording materials. At an estimated cost of between $161and
$236 for a complete optical memory system, this may become a feasible alternative to magnetic
disk in the near future.


Optical Data Security

Optical Data Storage Principle

The basic principle of optical data storage is that of holography. Holography was invented by
Deni Gabour in 1948.Holographic method was a two step coherent image forming process in
which a record is made of the interference pattern produced by the interaction of the waves
diffracted by the object and a coherent background or a reference wave. When this hologram is
illuminated, the original wave front is reconstructed. Hence we get an image of the original
diffracting object as a real 3 dimensional object.


Optical Data Security

When two light beams one from the object whose image is to be recorded and the other being a
reference beam, interference in space then form an interference pattern of alternate bright and
dark fringes as shown in the diagram. Now if a photosensitive material or medium is placed at
the position of the interference then these interference patterns are recorded on the material in
the form of change in refractive index or the absorption property. Now, in order to regenerate
the original beam i.e. the source beam from the object, the reference beam alone is
Made to be incident on the photosensitive material. The material in turn diffracts this beam
inside its structure so as to replicate the original beam. This is the basic principle used to record
and read data in the case of optical storage system.


Optical Data Security

3.Basic Components

Optical data storage system requires certain important materials for its data storage and retrieval
processes. The important components required for the optical data storage are:
2.Lens and Mirrors
3.Spatial Light Modulators (SLM)
4.Photosensitive materials
4.1.Photorefractive crystals
5.Charge Coupled Devices (CCD)
6.Phase masks for encryption

3.1. LASER
Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation is abbreviated as LASER. Laser is a
device for the generation of coherent, nearly monochromatic and highly directional
electromagnetic radiation emitted, somewhere in the range from sub-millimeter through
ultraviolet and X-ray wavelengths. More than two hundred types of lasers have been fabricated
which range in power, size, performance, use and cost. Fundamental attributes of a laser are
directionality, monochromaticity, coherence and brightness. These attributes make it ideal for
optical recording. To record holograms on the crystals usually argon ion lasers, krypton lasers
and diode lasers are used.


Optical Data Security

3.2.Lens and Mirrors

Mirrors are used to reflect laser beams to the desired direction. Lenses are
usually used to converge the laser to a point. A special type of lens is used in the case of optical
recording called the Fourier lens. The lens has the property of obtaining the Fourier transform
and the inverse transform system is described below.

3.2.1.The lens as a Fourier transform system


Optical Data Security

Figure 2: Two spatial signals and their optical Fourier Transforms

Figure 1 show how a Fourier transform and inverse transform can be

achieved optically. A collimated beam is projected through a signal, f(x,y), contained on a
transparency. The transform lens causes parallel bundles of rays to converge in the back focal
plane of the lens. This back focal plane is known as the Fourier transform plane. In this plane
the spatial image is transformed into spatial frequency spectra. In affect the lens has carried out
a two-dimensional Fourier transform at the speed of light. A far field diffraction pattern is
observed by placing a screen in the transform plane. The intensity of the pattern is related to the
square of the amplitude of the Fourier Transform of the input signal. By placing a stop at a
particular frequency lobe in this plane a spatial frequency can be removed from the image.
Typically all but the zero order diffraction is removed, thus removing the noise from the image.
This cleaning of the beam is achieved by using a spatial filter. The diameter and quality of the
lens limit the upper frequency bandwidth.
The lower bandwidth is limited by the ability of
the user to discriminate all but the zero order diffraction information. This analog optical system


Optical Data Security

is difficult to adapt into alternative kinds of filters and so is not very versatile .The aperture of
the lens limits the resolution of the Fourier transform. The second lens forms the inverse
transform and recovers the original signal.
If the input signal is a sinusoidal grating, figure2, there will be two spots
either side of the central DC component. The two spots correspond to the spatial frequency
content of the input signal. The radial distance between these spots and the DC term represents
the spatial frequency of the input signal. Ther3e will be a row of spots in the transform plane of
the square wave bar grating, indicating the presence of harmonics of the fundamental frequency.

3.3.Spatial Light Modulators (SLM)

SLM is an optical device that is used to convert the real image or data into a
single beam of light that will intersect with the reference beam during recording. It basically
consists of an array of pixels which are usually microscopic shutters or LCD displays. These
can be controlled by a computer. The computer sends binary data to the SLM. Each pixel of the
SLM corresponds to bit of data. So depending on whether the bit is a 1 or a 0 the pixel will go
dark or transparent in the case of a LCD, or will be open or shut in the case of microscopic

Figure 3 show a 3d model of a spatial light modulator. The white pixels

represent a binary 1 while the black pixels denote a binary zero. The white or the
transparent pixels allows the light beams incident on it to pass through it while the dark
or opaque pixels restrict the transmission of light through it. In effect the light beam
coming out of the SLM contains the binary information transmitted to the SLM by the
computer. Another important point to be noted here is that a complete page of binary
date is converted to a single beam at a time. The access of a complete page at a time
accounts for the increase in the access speeds of the optical storage system.

3.4.Photosensitive materials



Optical Data Security

3.4.1.Photorefractive crystals
There are two main classes of materials used for the holographic storage medium. These
are photo refractive crystals and photo polymers. The recording medium usually used is a photo
refractive crystal such as LiNbO3 or BaTiO3 that has certain optical characteristics.
These characteristics include high diffraction efficiency, high resolution, permanent storage
until erasure, and fast erasure on the application of external stimulus such as UV light. One
characteristic of the recording medium that limit the usefulness of holographic storage is the
property that every time the crystal is read with the reference beam the stored hologram at that
location is disturbed by the reference beam and some of the data integrity is lost. With current
technology, recorded holograms in Fe-and Tb-doped LiNbO3 that use UV light to activate the
Tb atoms can be preserved without significant decay for two years.
The most commonly used photo refractive crystals used are LiNbO3 and
BaTiO3.During hologram recording, the refractive index of the crystal is changed by migration
of electron charge in responds to imprinted three-dimensional interference pattern of the
reference and signal beams. In a photo refractive crystal, illumination with a sufficient
wavelength content excites the electrons in the conduction band from the donor level between
the valence band and conduction band. The donor level is created by impurity ions or defects.
The photo-excited electrons can move in the crystal by the diffusion, the drift, and the
photovoltaic effect and then get trapped in the ionized donors. At the steady state, the space
charge density is proportional to the interference pattern in the diffusion-dominant region. This
space charge density creates the space charge field that can cause the refractive index change
via the electro optic effect. The created refractive index distribution is proportional to the
interference pattern and can be stored for along time (more than two months) in the dark in
LiNbO3 crystal. As more and more holograms are superimposed into the crystal, the more
decay of the holograms occurs due to the interference from the superimposed holograms. Also
holograms are degraded every time they are read out because the reference beam used to read
out the hologram alters the refractive nature of the crystal in that region. Photo refractive
crystals are suitable for random access memory with periodic refreshing of data, and can be
erased and written to many times.


Photopolymers have been developed that can also be used as a holographic storage
medium. Typically the thickness of the photopolymers is much less than the thickness of photo
refractive crystals because the photopolymers are limited by mechanical stability and optical
quality. An example of a photopolymer is DuPonts HRF-150.This film can achieve12bits/ m2
with a 100 m thickness, which is greater than DVD-ROM by a factor of two. When a hologram
is recorded, the interference pattern is imprinted into the photopolymer by inducing
photochemical changes in the film.The refractive index modulation is changed by changing the
density of exposed areas of the film. Stored holograms are permanent and do not degrade over
time or by read out of the hologram, so photopolymers are suited for read only memory (ROM).
Photopolymers are systems of organic molecules that rely on photo-initiated polymerization to
record volume phase holograms. Characteristics such as good light sensitivity, real time image


Optical Data Security

development, large dynamic range, good optical properties, format flexibility, good image
stability and relatively low cost, make photopolymers promising materials for write once, read
many times (WORM) optical data storage applications. Vinyl monomers that polymerize
through a free radical mechanism, such as acrylate esters, are used in most photopolymer
systems. Unfortunately volume shrinkage during optical recording is a series problem for many
free-radical-based photopolymer systems. Each time a monomer adds to a growing polymer
chain, the volume of the system decreases as a covalent chemical bond replaces a non-bonded
contact. In severe cases, volume shrinkage distorts the recorded interference pattern and
prevents accurate recovery of the data.
Polaroid Corporation recently developed a holographic recording system that exhibits
significantly less shrinkage than conventional photopolymers. The Polaroid polymers uses
monomers that polymerize using a cationic ring-opening (CROP) mechanism to replace more
conventional free-radical monomers. Shrinkage during hologram recording for CROP
monomers is partially compensated by a volume increase produced by the ring-opening
polymerization mechanism.

3.5. Charge Coupled Devices (CCD)

The charge-coupled device is, by far, the most common mechanism for
converting optical images to electrical signals. CCDs are silicon devices, which contain an
array of potential wells created through a series of column, implants (for vertical confinement).
A CCD is a silicon-based semiconductor arranged as an array of photosensitive elements, each
one of which generates photoelectrons and stores them as a small bucket of charge or potential
wells. Each pixel is typically 15 to 30 m square. Current CCDs have formats or resolution
better than 2048 *2048 pixels, with a size of about 25mm square.

4 x 3 Light sensitive parallel array or

vertical CCD

cell used for read out



Optical Data Security

When requested the elements form a bucket brigade; each row of charges is passed
from element to element, a process which is known as clocking, down the columns and
horizontally along the final row. The value in each pixel is measured in turn and recorded
digitally, to ensure that only positive numbers result from this analog to digital conversion
process a fixed offset known as the bias level is introduced, the charge transfer process is
essentially noise-free and all most all of the noise contributed to the signal by the CCD is from
the out put stage.
3.6. Phase Masks
There is wide spread interest in the development of encryption systems, which operate
in the optical domain. The advantages inherent in the optical approach to encryption, such as a
high space-bandwidth product, the difficulty of accessing, copying or falsification and the
possibility of including biometrics are widely recognized. In an encryption system, we wish to
encode information in such a fashion that even if it is viewed or copied only the application of
the correct key will reveal the original information. Presently encryption approach is based on
the direct mapping of an encrypted phase-mask and a decrypting phase key, resulting in the
decryption of information completely within a phase-only domain.
In the case of encryption, a plane polarized monochromatic wave front illuminates
the encrypted phase mask, which consists of a random array of phase-shifting pixels. These
phase-masks are produced by electronically scrambling the original information, to be
encrypted, with a random pattern and using this to generate an encrypted phase mask. The
decrypting key effectively reverses the scrambling operation in the optical domain and results in
the production of a wave front in which the information of interest is encoded as a relative
phase shift between different sections of the wave front, in this case corresponding to the pixels.
The mask and key can be placed, either directly in contact with one another so that
the decryption takes place in the same image plane, or alternatively they can be imaged on to
one another with an optical system. By using a spatial light modulator the phase key can be
scrolled electronically until it overlies the phase pattern of the encrypted mask removing the
necessity for precise mechanical positioning in the optical system.
The encryption technique could equally well be applied to systems in which
multiple phase levels are used for the masks and keys. However, the fabrication issues involved
in the production of a multiple phase level fixed phase mask are more complicated than for the
production of a binary mask, so for the purposes of the experimental demonstration of
decryption binary __ phase masks and phase keys have been used.
4. Recording And Reading Of Data
4.1. Optical recording of data



Optical Data Security

In holographic data storage, light from a coherent laser source is split into two
beams, signal (data-carrying) and reference beams. Digital data to be stored are encoded onto
the signal beam via a spatial light modulator. The data or strings of bits are first arranged into
pages or large arrays. The os and 1s of the data pages are translated into pixels of the spatial
light modulator that either or transmit light . The light of signal beam traverses through the
modulator and is therefore encoded with the checkerboard pattern of the data page. This
encoded beam then interferes with the reference beam through the volume of a photosensitive
recording medium, storing the digital data pages.

4.2. Optical reading of data



Optical Data Security

The interference pattern induces modulations in the refractive index of the recording
material yielding diffractive volume gratings. The reference beam is used during readout to
diffract off of the recorded gratings, reconstructing the stored array of bits. The reconstructed
array is projected onto a pixilated detector that reads the data in parallel. This parallel readout of
data provides holography with its fast transfer rates.
The readout of data depends sensitively upon the characteristics of the reference
beam .By varying the reference beam, for example by changing its angle of incidence or
wavelength, Many different data pages can be recorded in the same volume of material and
read out by applying a reference beam identical to that used during writing. This process of
multiplexing data yields the enormous storage capacity of holography.
5. Encryption Techniques
There are many different types of encryption techniques available. Here three main techniques
used for encryption has been described. They are :
1. Encrypted Memory Using Double Random Phase Encryption
2. Encrypted Memory Using Three-Dimensional keys in the fresnel Domain
3. Encrypted Memory Using Wavelength-Code and Random Phase Masks
5. Encrypted Memory Using Double Random Phase Encryption



Optical Data Security

Figure 4 shows an illustration of the encrypted optical memory system.Wecan do

Encryption and decryption of optical memory using double random phase encryption
Let gi(x,y) denote ith positive real-valued image to be encrypted. Here, x and
denote the spatial domain coordinates. The original data is converted into a whitenoise-like image by using two random phase masks, exp{-jni(x,y)} and exp{-jhi(n,h)},
located at the input and Fourier planes. Here, ni(x,y) and hi(v,) are two independent
white sequences that are uniformly distributed on the intervel [0,2]. Note that v and
denote Fourier domain coordinates.The original data is illuminated by a collimated light
beam and multiplied by a random phase function exp{-jni(x,y)}. The Fourier transform of
the input data is multiplied by another random phase function H(v,)=exp{-jhi(v,)} and is
given by
Gi(v, )=F[gi(x,y)exp{-jn(x,y)}]
=gi(x,y)exp{-jn(x,y)}expjn(x,y)}exp j(2 /f)(x+y)


In Eq . (2),F[] denotes the Fourier transform operation ,is the wavelength of the light,
And is the focal length of the Fourier-transform lens. Each encrypted data frame is
obtained by taking another Fourier transform:

si(x,y)=[gi(x,y)exp{ jni(x,y)] F[exp{ jh(v, )}] ..(3)

Where denotes the convolution .Equation (3) shows that the two phase functions,
I(x,y) And hi(,),convert the original data into stationary-white-noise-like data.
The Fourier-Transformed pattern of the encrypted data that is described in Eq-(1)


Optical Data Security

Is stored hollographically together with a reference beam in a photo refractive material.To store
many frames of data,angular multiplexing is employed. The interference pattern (,) to be
stored in a photo refractive material is written as
(,)=i=1 to m|Si(,)+Ri (,)|2.(4)
where M is the total number of stored images and is a reference at specific angle used to
record the ith encrypted data .In a photorefractive crystal illumination with a sufficient
wavelength content excites the electrons in the conduction band in the donor level between the
valence band and the conduction bands. At the steady states, the space charge density is
proportional to the interference pattern in the diffusion-dominant region.This space charge
density creates the space charged field that can cause the refractive- index change via the
electro-optic effect. The created refractive index distribution is proportional to the interference
pattern and can be stored for a long time(more than 2 months) in the dark in LiNbO3 crystal.
In the descryption process,the read out beam is the conjugate of the reference beam.
The read out using the conjugate of the reference beam offers advantages.It is able to use the
same random phase mask in the encryption and decryption process, and it eleiminates
aberration of the optical system.The data of the ith stored image can be reconstructed and the
read out beam is incident at the correct angle. The reconstructed data in the FourierPlane(FP),Di (,) is written as
Di (,)={Gi(,) Hi (,)}* Ki (,)(5)
Ki (,)=exp{-jki (,)}.(6)
The asterisk in EQ-(5) denotes the complex conjugate and Ki (,) is a phase key used in the
decryption process. We can reconstruct the image by Fourier transforming Eq-(5).The
reconstructed ith image Di(x,y) is written as di(x,y)=[g*(x,y)exp{jni(x,y)}]Ci(x,y)
Ci(x,y)=F[exp{-jhi(,)}] F[exp{-jki(,)}](8)
In Eq-(8) denotes correlation.When phase key Ki(,)=Hi(,), the conjugation of the
original data is successfully recovered because Eq-(8) becomes a delta function. The random
phase function in the input plane,exp{-jni(x,y)},may be removed by an intensity sensitive
device such as charge coupled device (CCD) camera.In a practical system the oprating at a high
speed detection of the reconstructed data, the parallel detection at each pixel of two-dimensional
data is desirable.When one uses an incorrect phase key,key ki(,) hi(,), the original data
cannot be recovered.
Experimental Setup



Optical Data Security

Figure 1. Experimental setup. RPM denotes random phase mask; BS denotes beam splitter; L
denotes lens; M denotes mirror; BE denotes beam expander; SH denotes shutter; CCD denotes
CCD camera.
We denote an encrypted memory system based on double random phase
encryption. Figure 5 shows the experimental setup. A 101010mm3 LiNbO3 crystal doped
with 0.003mol.% Fe is used as the recording medium. The c axis is on the paper and is at 45
with respect to the crystal faces. The crystal is mounted on a rotary stage and a threedimensionally movable stage. An Ar+ laser beam of wave length 514.5nm is used as a coherent
light source. The light beam is divided into an object and a reference beam by abeam splitter
(BSI) for holographic recording. The reference beam is again divided into two reference beams.
One of the beam is used for the conjugate readout by another beam splitter (BS2).An input
image is displayed on a liquid-crystal display that is controlled by a computer. The input image
is multiplied by an input random phase mask (RPMI) and is then Fourier transformed by lens
L1. The Fourier-transformed input image is multiplied by another random phase mask (RPM2)
at the Fourier plane. The Fourier transformed image is imaged at the reduced scale in the
LiNbO3 crystal by the lens L2. The encrypted image is observed by a CCD camera (CCD1)
after the Fourier transform is produced by the lens L3. The focal length of L1, L2 and L3 are
400mm, 58mm, and 50mm respectively. For holographic recording the object and reference
beams interfere at an angle of 90i in the LiNbO3 crystal. All of the beams are ordinarily
polarized due to the creation of an interference fringe pattern. Shutters SH1 and SH2 are open,
while Sh3 is closed.
In the decryption process, the readout beam is the conjugate of the reference beam
used for recording. Shutters SH1 and SH2 are closed, while SH3 is open. If the same mask is
located at the same place as the one used to write the hologram, the original image is
reconstructed at CCD2.This is because the ideal reconstructed beam read out by using the
conjugate of the reference beam eliminates the phase modulation caused by the random phase
mask. Otherwise, the original data may not be recovered. In the experiments we use a pair of
counter propagating plane waves as the reference and the conjugate beams.



Optical Data Security

Angularly multiplied recording of four digital images is demonstrated. One of

the original digital images is shown in Fig. 6(a).This image consists of 32 32 randomly
generated pixels. The size of the liquid crystal display that shows the input image is 28.5mm
20mm. Two diffusers are used as the random phase masks, RPM1 and RPM2. fig. 6(b) shows
the intensity distribution of the encrypted image. Random noise like images were observed. In
the recording process, the optical intensities of the object and the reference beams were
78mW/cm2 and 1.4mW/cm2, respectively.The exposure time of each image was 60s.Angular
multiplexing was achieved by rotating the LiNbO3 crystal in the plane of figure(5).The angular
separation between adjascent stored images was 0.2j.This angular separation is enough to avoid
the crosstalk between the reconstructed images.Fig 7(a) shows the reconstructed images
obtained using the correct key.The resolution of the reconstructed image is determined by the
crystal size and the space-bandwidth product of the optical system.This key is the same as the
phase mask in the Fourier plane used to record the hologram.This result shows that the stored
images were reconstructed successfully.No noise due to crosstalk between the reconstructed
images was observed.After the binarisation of the reconstructed images,we confirmed that there
is no bit error in the four output digital data.Fig 7(b) shows the reconstructed images when


Optical Data Security

incorrect keys were used.No part of the original image can be seen.The average bit error rate
obtained using incorrect keys was 0.384.
Encrypted Memory Using Three-dimensional keys in the Fresnel Domain.
One can make the memory system more secure by using random phase masks in the Fresnel
Domain.In addition to the phase information,the positions of two phase masks are used as
encryption keys.Even if the phase masks are stolen,the unknown positions of the masks can
protect the data.The positions of the masks have as many as three degrees of freedom.We have
demonstrated encryption and decryption of three binary images by using angle
multiplexing.The experimental setup is the same as that shown in fig(5).Fig(8a) shows one of
the three original images.RPM1&RPM2 were located at a distance of 100mm from L1& at the
center of L1 &FP,respectievely,as shown in fig(5).Fig(8b)shows an encrypted image of
fig(8a).Random noise- like images were observed.In the recording process the optical powers
of the object and the reference beams were 4mW/cm2 and 500mW/cm2 respectievely.

Experimental results (a) Original image ,(b) encrypted image,(c) and (d) are reconstructed
images when positions of the phase masks are correct and incorrect respectively.
The exposure time was 110s.Fig(8c) shows one of the reconstructed images
obtained by using the same masks located at the same positions used in the recording.This result
shows that the original image was successfully reconstructed.Fig(8d) shows the reconstructed
image when the two phase masks were incorrectly located.We can see that the reconstructed
image is still a white- noise like image.
We estimate the available number of three dimensional positions of two random
phase masks.Let the dimensions of random phase masks be L x x Ly.and x and y be the
correlation lengths of the random phase masks along the X & Y axes,respectievely.The
X,y&z axes are defined as shown in fig(5).When a number of Nz resolvable positions along the
optical axis can be used for the encryption key,the total number of three dimensional positions
to be examined in a three dimensional key,P, is written by



Optical Data Security

Where is the focal length of L1 in fig(5) & z is computed according to the sensitivity of the
decryption to the shifts of the keys along the Z axis.Since two three dimensional keys are used
in this system,the total number of three dimensional positions to be examined is given by
Lx=Ly=25mm,L=400mm,x=y=6m & z=4mm.Note that x&y were calculated from the
measurement of an auto correlation fuction of the phase masks used in the experiments.When
one searches 106 position/s,it takes 95 years to finish the whole search.It is practically
impossible to decrypt without the knowing position of two three dimensional keys.



The wavelength of recording beams can be used as a key for security in a

holographic memory system.The wave length code increases the key space by one
dimension.Since an optical storage medium such as photo refractive material dopped with
impurities has broad spectrum sensititvity we can use any wavelengths of light emitted from
tunable laser sources such as a Dye-Laser.In this mrmory system shown in fig(5) one original
data frame is stored by using a set of two random phase masks at the input and Fourier planes as
well as a wavelength key.The wave length key can be protect the decrypted data evev if the
phase masks have been illegally obtained.When the wavelength of the read out beam is different
from that of the recording beam the wavelength mismatch modifies the scale of the
coordinates at the Fourier plane in the read out process.Due to the incorrect waveleng6h the
phase modulation at the Fourier plane is not completely cancelled because of a scale
mismatch.If substantial part of the phase modulation at the Fourier plane is not cancelled , the
original image cannot be recovered.We note that the wavelength mismatch results in decreased
diffraction efficiency due to the Bragg condition , because the volume grating structure of the
hologram is complex.



Optical Data Security

Fig 9(a) & fig 9(b) show an original and an encrypted image.The encrypted image is
stored hollographically using recording beams at a wavelength of 514.5 nm. In the dcryption
process,we use two read out beams at wave length of 514.5nm and 632.8 nm. Note that in both
cases th Bragg conditions are satisfied.Fig 9(c) & (d) shows the reconstructed images when
wavelengths of 514.5 nm &632.8 nm are used recpectievely.When the wavelength of the read
out beam is same as that of the recording beam and when the same masks is located at the sae
place as that used to record the hologram , we can obtain the rconstructed original image.The
wave length selectivity depends on the pixel size of the random phase masks at the Fourier
plane .One can use many wavelengths by utilizing the small pixel size of the random phase

6.1 Applications in ultra short communications

Encrypted memory used double random phase encryption cann be used in

secure communication network using ultra short pulses, as shown in fig(10). Fig 10 (a) & (b)
shows block and schematic diagrams of the secure communication systems using the encrypted
memory and spatial temporal converters.In this system the original data is stored in an


Optical Data Security

encrypted memory system. The encrypted data read out from the memory is converted into a
one dimensional temporal pulse using the space to time converter and then is transmitted to
users via optical fibers. At the receivers the temporal signal is converted again into a spatial
signal by the time to space converter. The authorized users can decrypt the data using the
correct key. This system can be expected to communicate at an ultra high speed of more than 1

Three encrypted optical memory systems have been discussed here. These
systems are secure because the total number of mathematical possibilities of the
multidimensional keys, which consists of two dimensional phase masks, their three dimensional
positions, and wavelengths of light, is extremely large. The experimental results are very
encouraging. It is expected that the encrypted memory system is to play an important role in
ultra-fast secure communication systems using the spatial temporal converters with ultra short
pulse that enable communication at ultra high speed of more than Tb/s.
It is believed that the substantial advances in recording media, recording methods and
the demonstrated densities of > 30 channel Gbits/in2 coupled with the recent commercial
availability of system components remove many of the obstacles that previously prevented the



Optical Data Security

practical consideration of optical data storage and greatly enhance the prospects for
Hollography to become a next generation storage technology.






Optical Data Security

ANGULAR MULTIPLEXING , Applications of Optics Vol.38
HOLLOGRAMS IN Lithium Niobate , Optics letters Vol.11


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