What The Bible Says About Eternal Security

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b asics

o f t he

C hristian


D R . D AV I D J E R E M I A H

with Dr. David Jeremiah

2007 by Turning Point for God

P.O. Box 3838
San Diego, CA 92163
All Rights Reserved
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture verses quoted are taken from the NEW KING JAMES VERSION.
Printed in the United States of America.

About Dr. David Jeremiah and Turning Point . . . . . . . . . 4
About This Study Guide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1. What the Bible Says About Salvation
Ephesians 2:110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2. What the Bible Says About Eternal Security
John 10:2230 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3. What the Bible Says About Baptism
Acts 8:2640 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4. What the Bible Says About Prayer
Matthew 6:513 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5. What the Bible Says About the Power of Gods Word
2 Timothy 3:1417 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6. What the Bible Says About Evangelism
1 Thessalonians 1:110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
7. What the Bible Says About Using Spiritual Gifts
1 Corinthians 12:131 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
8. What the Bible Says About Church Membership
Acts 2:4047 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
9. What the Bible Says About Communion
1 Corinthians 11:1734 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
10. What the Bible Says About Christian Service
Romans 12:10 and Selected Scripture . . . . . . . . . . 97
11. What the Bible Says About Tithing
Malachi 3:10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
12. What the Bible Says About Christian Fellowship
Selected Scripture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Price List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128



John 10:2230
In this lesson we discover why
the Christians salvation is eternally secure.
Some Christians believe it is presumptuous to say, I know I am
saved. If the salvation of the Christian was dependent on human
perfection, it would be presumptuous. But because salvation is
dependent on the perfection of Christ, it is praiseworthy to know
and declare that one is saved.
I. The Promise of Eternal Life
A. The Word of the Father
B. The Work of Christ
C. The Witness of the Holy Spirit
II. The Protection of Eternal Life
III. The Proof of Eternal Life

What the Bible Says About Eternal Security 19


here are some areas of theology that have been contentious

for centuries within the Christian churchareas such as baptism, the events surrounding the second coming of Christ,
the Lords Supper, church government, and others. The topic we
study in this lesson is near the top of the list: Can a Christian lose
his salvation? A number of phrases are heard when this subject
is discussed: perseverance of the saints, security of the believer,
eternal security, and once saved, always saved. But what they all
ultimately mean is this: What happens when we sin, or backslide?
Can our sins or failures result in the loss of our salvation?
This subject is important for one simple reason: We all sin as
we saw in the previous lesson and as Romans 3:23 clearly teaches.
So the question of our eternal security, or insecurity, is important
for every believer.
Throughout history some Christian groups have insisted that
some kinds of sinsmortal sinsmake one the enemy of God. So
a major church council was held to try to decide which sins were
mortal and which were not. (The debate continues.) Others have
said that its the pattern, or frequency, of ones sin that over time
reveals whether one is truly born again. But who is the judge of
such a pattern? Others suggest that if sin is willful, one can lose his
salvation. But isnt all sin willful? Still others say that to commit
apostasy or heresy is sufficient evidence that one is no longer saved.
John 10:2230 is the key passage in the New Testament on the
security of the believer. We will study it under three headings:
the promise, protection, and proof of eternal life.


In verse 28, Jesus is speaking and says, And I give them eternal
life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them
out of My hand. Jesus makes the same promise two different ways:
They will not perish, and no one can take eternal life from them.
The doctrine of the believers eternal security does not rest just
on Christs words in this one passage. God the Father has added
His word to the discussion, and the Spirit of God has also borne
witness to this truth. When some people suggest this doctrine
shouldnt get as much attention as it does, we have to remember
that it was important enough for three members of the Godhead
to address it.
20 Basics of the Christian Faith

The Word of the Father

The doctrine of the eternal security of the Christian is taught or
implied in numerous places in Scripture. For instance, Romans 11:29
says that the gifts and calling of God are without repentance (KJV).
That is, God doesnt change His mind (about who is among the
elect and who isnt). First Corinthians 1:89 says that believers will
be confirmed . . . unto the end and that God is faithful by whom
[we] were called unto the fellowship of His Son (KJV). Gods reputation for faithfulness is at stake.
Jude 1:24 says that God is able to keep you from falling and
to present you faultless, and 1 Peter 1:35 talks about an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away,
reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God
through faith for salvation . . . . Those whom God saves, He keeps
by His own power.
It stands to reason that if God had a purpose in choosing some
to be saved, that that purpose will be fulfilled. For Gods purpose to
be thwarted by human weakness or fickleness would make man the
determiner of Gods accomplishments.

The Work of Christ

One of the themes of the book of Hebrews in the New Testament is to compare the (once-for-all) atoning work of Christ with
the (annually-repeated) atonements provided by the Old Testament
priests. Atonement in the Old Testament was accomplished annually on the Day of Atonement for the nation, with individual sacrifices
being made whenever one sinned during the year. But the atoning
sacrifice of Christ was done only once: For by one offering He has
perfected forever those who are being sanctified (Hebrews 10:14).
The atoning sacrifice of Christ was so perfect that it only needed
to be offered onceand its effect would last forever. To say that
His atonement was not sufficient for a persons entire lifetime is not
consistent with what Scripture says about it. I cannot keep myself
saved, but Christ can by virtue of His perfect atonement for me.

The Witness of the Holy Spirit

A key testimony to the Holy Spirits role in eternal security is
Ephesians 1:13: . . . having believed, you were sealed with the
Holy Spirit of promise. The image here is of the seals used in
ancient times to close a document until it could be opened by its
recipient. The seal was an official mark of permanence and security.

What the Bible Says About Eternal Security 21

Paul says the Holy Spirit serves as that kind of seal of permanence
and security in our livesa guarantee that our destination would
not be interrupted. Indeed, verse 14 says that very thingthe Holy
Spirit is the guarantee of our inheritance.
Some 43 times in the gospel of John, the life of the believer is
referred to as eternal lifeeternal life before we get to heaven!
There used to be a tradition among the Puritans to put the following on the tombstone when a Christian died: Born (and the date).
Entered into eternal life (and the date). Thats good sentiment
but bad theology. The moment you believe in Christ as your Savior,
you enter into eternal life, passing from death into life. Your connectedness to God begins the moment you believe and does not
end. If eternal life can be interrupted, then it is not eternal.
I have seen a study done by someone who went through the
New Testament and made a list of all the things that happen to a
person when they believe in Christ: born again, regenerated, baptized into the body of Christ, united to Christ, and so on. If your
salvation were to be negated by something, all those things that
God did would have to be undone! You would have to be un-born
again, un-regenerated, un-baptized into the body of Christeverything God did would have to be reversed because of some failure
on your part. And that is not possible. Everything God does, He
does perfectly.


Jesus words in John 10:2829 paint a picture of believers being
held in His hand. That is a tremendous image of security if you
can picture that in your minds eyeyourself sitting in the hand
of Christ. One commentator I read saw significance in the fact that
hand is singular in the text, leaving a hand free to fend off anyone who comes after you. I like that image! We are protected by
the strong hand of Jesus Christ.
One of the strongest passages in the New Testament on eternal
security is Romans 8:3539. There Paul gives a long list of things
that cannot separate us from the love of Christ. And the primary
reason they cannot separate us from Him is that He is holding us
in His hand. Our security is not in our ability to hold on to Christs
hand but in His ability to hold us in His hand. There is an eternitys
worth of difference in those two situations. I would rather be dependent on Christs faithfulness and strength and determination than
my own.

22 Basics of the Christian Faith

Some critics of the doctrine of eternal security have said it is a

dangerous doctrine because it means that we can go out and live
any way we wanteven willfully sinwithout fear of the ramifications: If I cant lose my salvation, then Ill just do whatever I
want and still get to heaven. I truly believe that anyone who looks
at eternal security as an insurance policy so they can sin without
eternal consequences probably doesnt know the Lord to begin with.
That is simply not the heart of a born-again follower of Christ.
Why? Because it is the experience of the love and grace and
mercy of God that keeps the believer from sinning. Those who
have truly known the forgiveness of their sins and who are in the
habit of thanking God for His love on a daily basis are not going
to use their forgiveness and salvation as a license to sin. True
believers in Christ are looking for ways to please Him every day,
not ways to exploit their promised salvation. As Ephesians 2:10
says, we are saved unto good works. God puts the desire for good
works in our heart because thats why we were saved. The absence
of that desire is a serious warning sign concerning ones salvation.
At the Christian college associated with our church, it was
necessary to call the parents of a young man who violated school
policies. Ill never forget what the father said to the son as we met
together. After the young man admitted that he had, in fact, violated the schools policy, the father said (Im paraphrasing), Well,
son, I want to tell you something. Your mom and dad still love
you, and thats never going to change. Were going to love you
through this time, and well be down to get you, and well talk
about it all the way. And were just going to keep on loving you,
and were going to make it through this.
I thought to myself, Thats what a father is supposed to do.
And since then Ive thought, Thats what God does for us when
we sin. God doesnt throw us out when we fail. He works with us
and stays beside us to help us through difficult times. Yet somehow
we think that He will not protect our relationship with Himthat
He will break His ties with us when we fail. There would be no
protection in that at all. When we sin and plead with God not to disown us, we fail to honor Him as a loving Father who has promised
not to let anything separate us from Himnot even our own sin.


I am occasionally asked about someone who for years was
seemingly a faithful follower of Christ, involved in ministry, living
a disciplined life as a Christianand then one day walked away
What the Bible Says About Eternal Security 23

from the faith and never returned. I am asked whether that person
is saved in spite of his giving up the faith.
For the answer to that question, we have to turn to John 10:27:
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me
(italics added). This verse gave rise among Puritan theologians to
the two marks of Christs sheep: the mark on the ear (My sheep
hear My voice) and the mark on the foot (and they follow Me).
Just as cattle are branded today to identify their owner, so followers
of Jesus are branded by those two traits. A true Christian is one
who listens to the Words of Jesus and who follows Him. What
does that say about a person who perhaps once claimed to be a
Christian but is no longer following Jesus?
If I ask you whether or not you are a Christian, the answer is
not, Yes, I accepted Christ many years ago. The answer is, Yes,
I became a Christian years ago and am following Him faithfully
today. You may answer the question using different words, but
you will communicate in some way that your faith is active today
that you are obeying and following Jesus today. Listening and
following are the two marks of Jesus sheep.
Practically speaking, that means when you read the Word of
God, there will be a spirit of agreement and affirmation that wells
up in your heart. Youll embrace what you read, not resist it. You will
affirm its truth and look for ways to apply it in your life. You
will want to follow Him. And if you dont, youll want to repent
and seek His forgiveness. You will not be comfortable not following Jesus. I dont believe a true Christian can live comfortably in
a state of willful sin.
Judas, one of the Lords original twelve disciples, appeared to
be a faithful disciple. When Jesus announced at their last supper
together that one of them would betray Him, no one suggested it
would be Judas (John 13:22). Yet it turned out that Judas was a
son of perdition (son of eternal damnation; John 17:12). Judas
had never been a true believer even though he looked like one.
(Even before betraying Jesus, he stole money from the disciples
fund; John 12:6).
The test for every person who claims to be a Christian is to
check himself for the two marks: listening and following. More
than our activities, it is walking in the footprints of Jesus that
reveals who we truly are.

24 Basics of the Christian Faith

1. Read John 17:15
a. What authority did the Father give to the Son? (verse 2)
b. How did Jesus define eternal life? (verse 3)
c. What sense of finality does verse 4 add to the accomplishment
of Jesus work on earth?
d. How do the words of Christ in these verses add to your
understanding of the permanence of eternal life, once given?
2. Read 1 John 5:912.
a. Why should Gods testimony be valued higher than any
other? (verse 9)
b. What is the testimony God has given? (verses 1112)
c. What is the implication of this statement concerning Gods
trustworthiness: I think Ive lost my salvation. (verse 10)
d. What do you find in these verses that makes assurance of
salvation a matter of belief, not of feelings?
e. Why is it not presumptuous to say, I know I have eternal life?
3. Read 1 John 1:510.
a. What two things cannot be true at the same time? (verse 6)

What the Bible Says About Eternal Security 25

b. If we are walking in the light (following Christ as one of His

sheep), how is our sin dealt with? (verse 7)

c. Why is salvation never based on a profession of human

perfection (sinlessness)? (verse 8)

d. What does a true Christian do about his sins? (verse 9)

e. Why is it possible to sin at 9:00 a.m. and be certain of eternal

salvation at 9:30? Why is this not hypocritical?

f. If we say we have eternal life because we havent sinned,

what does this say about Jesus? (verse 10)

4. Identify the phrase Jesus used in Matthew 11:15; 13:9; 13:43,

and explain its application in terms of salvation. That is, how
eager is a true Christian to hear and obey Jesus words? What
does it mean if a person doesnt eagerly accept Jesus words?


he two sides of the post-Reformation debate about eternal

security gradually organized around the teachings of John
Calvin and Jacobus Arminius in the sixteenth century, from
which the two modern views of Calvinism and Arminianism developed. Followers of Arminius taught that the believers election
to salvation came after his repentance and exercise of faith. Because
salvation was dependent on the free exercise of the will of man,
there was no assurance of ultimate salvation. Calvins view was
that mans election to salvation was wholly the work of Godthat
man believed because he was elected to salvation, not vice versa.
Man could be sure of his eternal salvation because it was a work
of God.
26 Basics of the Christian Faith

In this lesson we discover why the Christians salvation is eternally secure.

Some Christians believe it is presumptuous to say, I know I am saved. If the salvation
of the Christian was dependent on human perfection, it would be presumptuous. But
because salvation is dependent on the perfection of Christ, it is praiseworthy to know
and declare that one is saved.

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