The Acharya of MisConception - Giri Maharaja (BSG's Afterthought)

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The Acharya of MisConception | Giri Maharaja | G...

The Acharya of MisConception | Giri

January 7, 2014 by goswami. Average Reading Time: about 14 minutes.

Swami BK Giri: The Acharya of MisConception

Acharya of New York, New Jersey, and Detroit (but not the
rest of Michigan).Swami B.S. Govinda: Transcendental


Acharya of the Three Stooges: The Next DeGeneration

Photo as per expressed preference of Giri Maharaja

I aint your Aunt Jemima woman! Someone should have

straigtened you out a long time ago. Lila Sundari Devi;
Giri Maharajas meal ticket.
The Gaffe that Keeps on Gaffing
Straighten out Giri Maharaja? Is that not unlike trying to
straighten the proverbial curled tail of a dog? People say why go
after him? He is a hapless man living alone for the last twenty
years with a sweet, pagal lady in Nutley, New Jersey. He began
from a position of irrelevance and descended from there. He is
harmless. After four years of relentless campagining his
Facebook page has 95 Likes. And that most probably padded
by his ever-faithful sidekick and vidusak, Sancho Panza. Many
say he is nothing more than the leader of a modern day Three
Stooges. So just let it go.

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I get all that and have tried to respect that for the last four years.
But as I retire, vultures are perched, eyeing the vibrant
preaching of what Avadhut Maharaja has given his life-blood to
for the last 20 years. I feel I would be derelict in my duty if I did
not warn, what Srila Gurudeva termed the simple-hearted
But where to start? It is an endless pit of drivel. On the
Wikipedia page for the expression Doesnt Get It. There is a
picture of Giri Maharaja grinning with the legend, In the
history of not getting it, no one has not got it more or less than
Giri Maharaja.
But I guess this is as good a start as any. Knowing him to be the
utlimate company man, a mindless, robotic follower, like the
Nazis who were just following orders, in 1981 his GBC
overlords hired him to break the cult of Sudhir and Sridhar.
Yeah, the obsession with Sudhir goes waaaaay back (witness the
old pictures he saves; the voodoo dolls). Only problem is he gets
converted. A huge embarassment to his GBC masters. He was
such a lightweight it didnt even require Sudhir Goswami to
personally break him. He was turned by the evil Sudhirs agents.
How doesnt he get it? Let me count the ways. Although we have
separated from ISKCON and begun preaching exclusively about
Srila Guru Maharaja, he takes sannyas but plans to stay in
ISKCON. Oy. Why? Because he knows without the backing of an
organization he is nowhere. What is the address of Nowhere?
Nutley, New Jersey; Giri Maharajas so-called Math.
Dont you find it odd that after four years of maligning the
Acharya of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math and its Acharya Board
he begs and pleads, with a never-ending whine for the seat he so
You guys are a group of evil, elitist bastards! Can I join you and
become a member? If you dont give me what I want, Ill make
up shit on the internet that devotees are too lazy, jaded, or
distracted to verify, and you will all be sorry. So let me in.
Cmon guys! Ill never get any disciples unless I am an
institutional guru. He may be a little crazy but he is not stupid.
When all is said and done, again, he knows without the backing
of an organization, no one in his right mind would seek his

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Fools Russian Where Engels Fears to Trade

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Circa 2002 he tells the simple-hearted Russian and Ukrainian

devotees that Avadhut Maharaja (Jaganath Ballabha Prabhu)
is not following Gurudevas will. Yeah, I know; weird. And
what is Gurudevas will? That all money/donations should be
given to the sannyasi not a householder. By the way, the
householder is printing books, opening centers, holding huge
festivals, flying Gurudeva and his entourage to Russia for
preaching programs etc. Giri Maharaja says that money would
be better spent paying his mortage in Nutley, New Jersey, which
is the real Chaitanya Saraswat Math. You know the drill.
Simultaneuously he is carrying on with a pagal sahijiya girl
from the Ukraine. And by this I do not mean sexually. Giri
Maharaja tells all of the Russian/Ukrainian devotees, who are
giving their lifeblood 24/7, that they have nothing; she alone
possesses real devotion. Did I mention that she was initiated by
him? And in Gurudevas presence. Again; weird.
I return from delivering my fathers eulogy in 2003 to find that
Srila Gurudeva is calling Giri Maharaja a sahajiya. This
bewilders even me. I think, he may be many things but a
sahajiya is not one of them. But I dont really know what is
going on. Govinda Maharaja mocks Giri Maharaja, He may be
the Prem Avatar, but this nonsense with this pagal girl must
stop. Sruta Srava Prabhu takes this to heart and rather
unceremoniously removes her from her 24/7 perch in Giri
Maharajas room and from the St. Petersburg, Sri Chaitanya
Saraswat Math, permanently. Vijay Raman, who was at his wits
end, dances in ecstatic celebration. The devotees who were
tolerating all of the sahajiya nonsense, finally get some relief.

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Giri Maharaja is miffed. He demands Gurudeva explain why he

is calling him a sahajiya. Gurudeva says because of his
relationship with this pagal Ukrainian girl and it must stop.
Add to that Gurudeva hears Giri Maharaja is telling all the
devotees that Avadhut Maharaja is not following his will. In
Bharati Maharajas house in Moscow, Gurudeva, who
personifies Mahaprabhus teachings of humility, tolerance and
giving honor to others, has had enough. He finally forbids Giri
Maharaja from ever returning to Russia and the Ukraine, telling
him to stay in New Jersey. Giri Maharaja reluctantly accepts
this and does not return until this day. Now the man who is all
about the will of Srila Gurudeva the Acharya of New York,
New Jersey, and Detroit plans to willfully violate this direct
order from Srila Govinda Maharaja.

When one becomes disciple, he cannot disobey the order of

the spiritual master. This is the relationship between the
spiritual master and the disciple. Guror avaj, means to
disobey the orders of the spiritual master. One cannot
disobey the orders of Sri Guru.Srila Prabhupada
When one becomes disciple, he cannot disobey the order of the
spiritual master. iya (disciple) this word, comes from the root
s-dhtu, means I accept your ruling. So previously Arjuna
has accepted, iyas te ha dhi m prapannam: [Bg. 2.7]
I am now surrendered to You, and I agree voluntarily to accept
Your ruling. This is the relationship between the spiritual
master and the disciple. So we have got ten kinds of offenses in
chanting the Hare Ka mantra. So the first offense is guror
avaj, means to disobey the orders of guru, spiritual master.
One cannot disobey the orders of guru.AC Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada
Ask others who were there; Gurudevas veranda crew. If I am
making this up why has he not returned to Russia and the
Ukraine for the last eleven years? And by the way, the ever
paranoid, conspiracy-theory-prone Giri Maharaja thinks this is
something engineered by yours truly, the root of all evil, so that
I could replace him. Now that I am retiring he feels it is safe to
return. He will pick up where he left off: Avadhut Maharaja is
not following Srila Gurudevas will History repeats itself.
Greetings From Nutley, New Jersey

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Visiting his Nutley, New Jersey Math, I am disturbed when he

tells me with pride that the right wing fanatic, Glenn Beck, is his
guru. This is after his last guru the ultimate right wing
blowhard, Rush Limbaugh was busted buying huge quantities of
Oxycodone (hillbilly heroin). To make matters worse, during his
talk his says that Madhava is a name of Radharani. I cant
conceal my disbelief. This is basic stuff, but he doesnt get it. I
hold my tongue but a day later he presses me for an
explanation. I point out that Madhava is a name of Krishna.
Ma means the Supreme Goddess of Fortune, Srimati
Radharani; dhava means husband as in Gita, Krishna,
husband of the goddess of fortune. Needless to say, he is deeply
offended. In retaliation, the ontologically challenged Giri
Maharaja posts a pic of me with my hair grown out at Crystal
Springs in San Mateo, California. Incidentally, a Math
purchased with full knowledge and approval of Srila Govinda
Maharaja. What he doesnt tell his readers is that in that pic I
am glorifying Srila Govinda Maharaja on his Vyas Puja. And
that Srila Govinda Maharaja was so pleased with my talk that he
ordered it published in Dignity of the Divine Servitor. I guess
its a form vs. substance kinda thing.
Another sample. When Guru Maharaja says, There is not a big
mantra for a big guru and a little mantra for a little guru; there
is just the mantra for the guru. Giri Maharaja becomes livid
screaming on his TURD* talk that there is no such thing as a big
guru. Sorry to break the news to you Moe. Srila Guru Maharaja
In the shastrabig guru and small guruthe mantra is always
the same in the scripture; this mantra is for big guru and this
mantra is for small guruit is not classified in this way in the
o ajna-timirndhasya jnjana-alkay
cakur unmlita yena tasmai r-gurave nama

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Does anyone in his right mind, who hasnt drunk the kool-aid,
think that, say, Giri Maharaja and Bhaktivinode are of equal
status? Srila Guru Maharaja is making a simple point. In the
general sense whether for big guru or a little guru, disciples will
chant, o ajna etc. Do I really have to explain this to an
Acharya, 30 years after the publication of Sri Guru and His
Ill go you one better. Big Gurus have things called astakams,
and dasakams written about them: Radhastakam;
Lalitastakam; Bhaktivinoda Viraha Dasakam; Prabhupada
Padma Stavaka (praammi sad prabhupda-padam) etc.
Another particularly egregious example (and there are many,
too many to waste my time on). Knowing the devotees will not
vet what he says, he alleges with anticipated impunity, that I
sold the rights to Srila Guru Maharajas books. The US
Copyright Office begs to differ. Does anyone ever attempt to
verify his allegations? A simple Google-search will reveal that
what he is saying is untrue. And that is otherwise known as
I know its hard to compete with Moe, Larry and Curly when it
comes to sheer entertainment value. But ask Moe or his
surrogate Stooges: Interesting point, do you have any
documentation proving what you say is true? Please do not
answer with conjecture. Do you have any corroborating
documents or not? Do not be distracted by their slapstick. And
dont be surprised if they have nothing but excuses for having
nothing. Or when they say something like, Goswami Maharaja
is so clever he fooled the US Copyright Office. I am not so
Giri Maharaja is not Chanting on a Full Mala
It has been said that the fanatic is always concealing a secret
doubt. And Giri has many such doubts. They are increasing
daily as he mishears Srila Guru Maharaja.

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One example: He doubts that Srila Saraswati Thakur took

sannyas before a picture of Gaur Kishore Das Babaji Maharaja.
This is something everyone accepts. Gaudiya Math; ISKCON;
Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math etc. Even he accepted it for 30
years. Then he doubted it because he swears he heard Guru
Maharaja say something different on a tape.
Circa 2009 he comes out of Gurudevas veranda and approaches
me spouting this offensive nonsense. Swearing he heard this
and therefore it MUST be true! In response to my shock and
silence he says gleefully, Dont feel bad, even Govinda
Maharaja doesnt know.
What Govinda Maharaja doesnt know but Giri Maharaja
swears he heard:
Yogindranath Bose joined. Prabhupada took sannyasa from
him and saw Yogindranath Bose and Bhaktivinode Thakur as
equals; from the same angle of vision.
This is not only bogus; its offensive. This is why Srila Guru
Maharaja did not want his tapes in the hands of ignorant
Please allow me as the Editor of the Guardian of Devotion Press
to do what Srila Guru Maharaja expressed his appreciation for:
accurate hearing and representation.
What Srila Guru Maharaja is actually saying:
Yogindranath Bose, a disciple of Bhaktivinode Thakur, joined
Prabhupada Saraswati Thakurs Gaudiya Math. He took
sannyasa from Srila Saraswati Thakur and in time saw
Saraswati Thakur and Bhaktivinode Thakur as equals; from the
same angle of vision.
But Giri Maharaja has gone global and wants to share his
realizations; interpretations with the world. God save us!
Ask Giri Maharaja and Giuseppe Pagliaccio for

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I did not come to Srila Guru Maharajas Math to become a

clown. I had already achieved that position, long, long, ago,
on my own.Swami B.K. Giri
When I say that Guru Maharaja says, You will give initiation in
general, but any particular case you may take to me, otherwise
you will be there locally. In general, local people, I am giving my
consent deal with them; the responsibility I am transferring
to you. [Srila Sridhar Maharaja | May 6, 1982] I reference the
tape and transcript.
If Goswami Maharaja will act as a Guru of Chaitanya Saraswat
Math that will be very good. Guru Maharaja was attached with
Goswami Maharaja. Five vigraha Goswami Maharaja first gave
me: Search for Sri Krishna: Reality the Beautiful; Sri Guru and
His Grace; Golden Volcano of Divine Love; Loving Search for
the Lost Servant; Subjective Evolution of Consciousness. Five;
he gave me five Deities. [Srila Govinda Maharaja | January 9,
You can have your own opinion about these matters and it
doesnt have to agree with mine. Fine. But at least I give
evidence to support my position.

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If others were similarly authorized as Moe, Larry and Curly

contend, then they should be asked to supply the same sort of
evidence; not conjecture. Many were initiating; many had their
own missions, therefore. That proves nothing. They should
supply evidence or STFU.
Additionally, for disciples of Srila Govinda Maharaja to
challenge sannyas reinstatement is suicdal. He was a sannyasi
in 1955. 30 years later he was reinstated by Srila Guru Maharaja
and became the Acharya of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. Srila
Govinda Maharaja reinstated me and named me to the Acharya
Board in writing, and clearly, as indicated above, approved my
initiating within Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.
As we have a shared history, upon my return in 2000, Srila
Govinda Maharaja encouraged me by generously sharing his
insights: There is a man who left his sannyas. He has come
back and written a book about his realizations. Do we want to
read that book? It is Krishna Karnamrta of Bilva Mangal
Also, you may notice, if you take the time, that in the original
recording of Srila Gurudeva speaking his will there is no
mention of an Acharya Board. I added it at his behest. The
wording I culled from a tape of Srila Guru Maharaja. With
Clintonian gall Giri Maharaja wants to tell me what I meant.
Depends on what you mean by should be established.
Perhaps Giri Maharaja never exhaled?
Was Srila Govinda Maharaja such a fool as to keep me by his
side for the last 10 years of his manifest pastimes? I was
clutching his lotus feet as he left the world.
The smarter followers of Giri Maharaja figure him out in
relatively short time. OK, OK, he wears a dhoti, but we expect
something more in a guru, an Acharya. They realize they have
been had; they are being used and mislead. Witness the recent
crashing of his web site by his own men.
Oh, and one more thing
An interesting factoid. Did you know that every day, 1,440
potential followers of Giri Maharaja are born?

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There is a sucker born every minute.P.T. Barnum

*TURD Talk: The Usual Regurgitated Drivel
BTW I could easily edit out all of the offensive stuff but then no
one will read it. And the substantial things Im saying would go
unheard. And why did I decide to go after him now? His
offensive post comparing Srila Ashram Maharaja and Srila
Janardan Maharaja to dogs.
Srila Gurudeva has described Srila Janardan Maharaja as his
best friend and a perfect gentlemen. That is why it is
beneath his dignity to respond. No one has ever accused me of
being a gentleman.
And like Iswara Puris disappearance seva to Madhavendra
Puri, Srila Ashram Maharaja cleansed Srila Gurudevas stools
with his bare hands on his disappearance bed. We cannot
properly estimate how much love and affection Srila Gurudeva
has for Srila Ashram Maharaja. Whenever he spoke of retiring,
he would always include Srila Ashram Maharaja in his plans;
wanting to keep him in his life and by his side.
If anyone is a bitch its Giri Maharaja. He is not worthy to
clean their kaupins. Yes, its true, indeed, On the internet,
nobody knows your a dog.
The Pied Piper of San Jose lead everyone to the Lotus Feet of
Srila Bhakti Rakshak Sridhar Dev-Goswami.BSG

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