Sugga Estions
Sugga Estions
Sugga Estions
Rolf Poulsen
[email protected]
American Options
Theoretical angle: Is American option pricing rigorously justified? Specifically, why is it that
A (t) =
r( t)
Pay-off( )) ?
t (e
stopping time
Asian Options
Section in 6.2 Seydel (2002). Jump conditions. Could take a look at Alziary,
Dechamps & Koehl (1997).
2-D Space
Whatever do you do with a 2-D space variable (2 stocks)? Explicit method:
Doable (with more things to keep track of) but usual order and especially
stability problems. Implicit methods: Nasty coefficient matrices. Solution:
Alternating direction implicit method.
Accessible introduction with finance use: Wilmott (1998)[Chapter 48] Testcase: Margrabes exchange option. Interesting case: Pay-off (S1 S2 K)+ .
Numerical literature introduction: Strikwerda (1989)[Section 7.3] or Mitchell
& Griffiths (1980)[Section 2.12]. These are more demanding, but you get to
work on easier test problems. (For instance solving Exercise 7.3.2 in Strikwerda more than suffices for a project.)
A Passport Option
Too tricky . . .?
Static Hedging
Construct the replicating portfolios by puts and calls. Compare (through
simulation) static hedging to dynamic hedging (as in Project 1). Look at how
Derman, Ergener & Kani (1995) do it.
Interest Rates
The CIR model
See the questions elsewhere on the course homepage. There are (evidently) far
too many questions for one project. Feel free to pick and choose.
Classic short rate models
Implementation-free angle: Read the original article Vasicek (1977) and
answer the questions posted elsewhere on the course homepage.
Empirical angle: Get hold of time series data on observed ZC yield curves.
(There are some Danish curves on the homepage.) Pick out some yield
time series; estimate an Ornstein/Uhlenbeck/Vasicek model on it. Statistics/econometric questions: What are parameter estimates; what are their
standard deviations; how stable are the estimates; how well-specified is the
Finance questions: How well are yield curves explained by the model; possible after risk-premia estimation & inclusion? How well are yield volatilities
explained? Bjork (1998)[Chapter 17] explains how to calibrate the Vasicek
model in theory. Implement that. How do these calibrated models behave
out of sample? Recipe: Rogers & Stummer (2000); read & repeat (on DK
data for instance).
Embedded Interest Rate Options
Option 1: Bermudan option approach to callable mortgage-backed bonds.
Jrgensen, Miltersen & Srensen (1999): Read and repeat. Requires the numerical solution of PDE, but real data are not particularly needed.
Option 2: Work through the pricing algorithm for options on coupon bonds in
one-factor/Vasicek models. Implement it. Test it via i) simulation ii) solutions
for ZCB options. Compare observed prices of embedded Bermudan options
(in realkreditobligationer) to theoretical prices of European options.
Option 3 Find some model where you can price cap-contracts. Work through
the last part of the Mathematical Finance 2001-exam. Get some data &
Alziary, B., Dechamps, J.-P. & Koehl, P.-F. (1997), A p.d.e. approach to
Asian options: Analytical and numerical evidence, Journal of Banking
and Finance 21, 613640.
Bjork, T. (1998), Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time, Oxford.
Brigo, D. & Mercurio, F. (2001), Interest Rate Models Theory and Practice,
Derman, E., Ergener, D. & Kani, I. (1995), Static Options Replication, Journal of Derivatives 2, 7895.
Jrgensen, P. L., Miltersen, K. R. & Srensen, C. (1999), A Comparison of
Call Strategies for Callable Annuity Mortgages. Working paper, Odense
Longstaff, F. A. & Schwartz, E. (2001), Valuing american options by simulation: A simple least-squares approach, Review of Financial Studies
14, 113147.
Mitchell, A. R. & Griffiths, D. F. (1980), The Finite Difference Method in
Partial Differential Equations, Wiley.
Pliska, S. (1997), Introduction to Mathematical Finance, 1. edn, Blackwell.
Rogers, L. C. G. & Stummer, W. (2000), Consistent fitting of one-factor models to interest rate data, Insurance: Mathematics & Economics 27, 4563.
Seydel, R. (2002), Tools for Computational Finance, Springer.
Strikwerda, J. (1989), Finite Difference Schemes and Partial Differential
Equations, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.
Vasicek, O. (1977), An Equilibrium Characterization of the Term Structure,
Journal of Financial Economics 5, 177188.
Wilmott, P. (1998), Derivatives, Wiley.