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Proposed Rule: Aircraft: Production and Airworthiness Approvals, Parts Marking, and Miscellaneous Proposals

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Proposed Rules Federal Register

Vol. 72, No. 30

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER Privacy: We will post all comments The purpose behind an IRFA is to
contains notices to the public of the proposed we receive, without change, to http:// notify small businesses of a rulemaking
issuance of rules and regulations. The dms.dot.gov, including any personal activity that, if finalized, may adversely
purpose of these notices is to give interested information you provide. For more affect a substantial number of small
persons an opportunity to participate in the information, see the Privacy Act businesses. If a rulemaking is likely to
rule making prior to the adoption of the final
discussion in the SUPPLEMENTARY have such an impact, we are required to
INFORMATION section of this document. identify alternatives that may reduce
Docket: To read background this impact. To adequately explore these
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION documents or comments received, go to alternatives, we need the input of those
http://dms.dot.gov at any time or to small businesses. Accordingly, we will
Federal Aviation Administration Room PL–401 on the plaza level of the consider all comments we receive on or
Nassif Building, 400 Seventh Street, before the closing date for comments.
14 CFR Parts 1, 21, 43, and 45 SW., Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. However, your comments should be
and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, limited to the IRFA since the comment
[Docket No. FAA–2006–25877; Notice No.
except Federal holidays. period on the NPRM has closed. We will
consider comments filed late if it is
Production and Airworthiness possible to do so without incurring
Barbara Capron, Production expense or delay. We may change our
Approvals, Parts Marking, and Certification Branch, AIR–220, Federal
Miscellaneous Proposals proposal in light of the comments we
Aviation Administration, 800 receive.
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Independence Ave., SW., Washington, If you want the FAA to acknowledge
Administration (FAA), DOT. DC 20591; telephone number: (202) receipt of your comments, include with
267–3343. your comments a pre-addressed,
ACTION: Notice of availability and
request for comments. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: stamped postcard on which the docket
number appears. We will stamp the date
SUMMARY: This notice announces the Comments Invited on the postcard and mail it to you.
availability of and requests comments The FAA invites interested persons to Proprietary or Confidential Business
on the Initial Regulatory Flexibility participate in this rulemaking by Information
Analysis (IRFA) associated with the submitting written comments, data, or
notice of proposed rulemaking entitled, views. The most helpful comments Do not file in the docket information
Production and Airworthiness reference a specific portion of the IRFA, that you consider to be proprietary or
Approvals, Parts Marking, and explain the reason for any confidential business information. Send
Miscellaneous Proposals. recommended change, and include or deliver this information directly to
DATES: Send your comments to reach us supporting data. We ask that you send the person identified in the FOR FURTHER
us two copies of written comments. INFORMATION CONTACT section of this
on or before April 2, 2007.
document. You must mark the
ADDRESSES: You may send comments We will file in the docket all
information that you consider
identified by Docket Number FAA– comments we receive, as well as a
proprietary or confidential. If you send
2007—using any of the following report summarizing each substantive
the information on a disk or CD–ROM,
methods: public contact with FAA personnel
mark the outside of the disk or CD–ROM
• DOT Docket Web site: Go to http:// concerning this IRFA. The docket is
and also identify electronically within
dms.dot.gov and follow the instructions available for public inspection before
the disk or CD–ROM the specific
for sending your comments and after the comment closing date. If
information that is proprietary or
electronically. you wish to review the docket in
• Governmentwide rulemaking Web person, go to the address in the Under 14 CFR 11.35(b), when we are
site: Go to http://www.regulations.gov ADDRESSES section of this preamble
aware of proprietary information filed
and follow the instructions for sending between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday with a comment, we do not place it in
your comments electronically. through Friday, except Federal holidays. the docket. We hold it in a separate file
• Mail: Docket Management Facility; You may also review the docket using to which the public does not have
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 the Internet at the Web address in the access, and place a note in the docket
Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, ADDRESSES section.
that we have received it. If we receive
Room PL–401, Washington, DC 20590– Privacy Act: Using the search function a request to examine or copy this
0001. of our docket Web site, anyone can find information, we treat it as any other
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251. and read the comments received into request under the Freedom of
• Hand Delivery: Room PL–401 on any of our dockets, including the name Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552). We
the plaza level of the Nassif Building, of the individual sending the comment process such a request under the DOT
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, (or signing the comment on behalf of an procedures found in 49 CFR part 7.
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS

DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday association, business, labor union, etc.).
through Friday, except Federal holidays. You may review DOT’s complete Availability of Rulemaking Documents
For more information on the Privacy Act Statement in the Federal You can get an electronic copy using
rulemaking process, see the Register published on April 11, 2000 the Internet by:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of (65 FR 19477–78) or you may visit (1) Searching the Department of
this document. http://dms.dot.gov. Transportation’s electronic Docket

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 30 / Wednesday, February 14, 2007 / Proposed Rules 6969

Management System (DMS) Web page Agencies must perform a review to Using information provided by the
(http://dms.dot.gov/search); determine whether a proposed or final ReferenceUSA Business Database,
(2) Visiting the FAA’s Regulations and rule would have a significant economic company annual reports, and SEC
Policies Web page at http:// impact on a substantial number of small filings, all businesses with more than
www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/; or entities. If the determination is that it 1,500 employees for aircraft
(3) Accessing the Government would, the agency must prepare a manufacturer and 1,000 employees for
Printing Office’s Web page at http:// regulatory flexibility analysis as other manufacturers, and subsidiaries of
www.gpoaccess.gov/fr/index.html. described in the Act. larger businesses, were excluded from
You can also get a copy by sending a However, if an agency determines that the list of small businesses. An example
request to the Federal Aviation a proposed or final rule is not expected of a subsidiary business is Bell
Administration, Office of Rulemaking, to have a significant economic impact Helicopter, which is a subsidiary of
ARM–1, 800 Independence Avenue on a substantial number of small Textron, Inc. For the remaining
SW., Washington, DC 20591, or by entities, section 605(b) of the RFA businesses, the FAA obtained company
calling (202) 267–9680. Make sure to provides that the head of the agency revenue information from these three
identify the docket number, notice may so certify and a regulatory sources, when the revenue was made
number, or amendment number of this flexibility analysis is not required. The public.
rulemaking. certification must include a statement By applying this methodology to the
providing the factual basis for this 10% sample, the FAA verified that 109
Discussion firms are small entities, 32 firms are
determination, and the reasoning should
On October 5, 2006, the Federal be clear. large businesses or subsidiaries of large
Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a The FAA used the Small Business businesses or consortiums, and 46 firms
notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) Administration (SBA) guideline of 1,500 could not be found in the database and/
entitled, Production and Airworthiness employees or less per firm as the or had no revenue information
Approvals, Parts Marking, and criterion for the determination of a available. Among the 109 verified small
Miscellaneous Proposals (71 FR 58915). small business in aircraft entities, 5 are small PCs, 19 are small
The extended comment period for this manufacturing. The FAA also used the TSO authorization holders, and 85 are
NPRM closed on February 5, 2007. SBA guideline of 1,000 employees or small PMAs.
The Small Business Administration’s less per firm as the criterion for the The FAA estimates that the average
Office of Advocacy has asked us, on determination of a small business in discounted compliance cost for a small
behalf of small businesses that may be aircraft engine and engine parts PC is approximately $582,000, for a
adversely affected by the proposed manufacturing, and/or other aircraft part small TSO authorization holder is
rulemaking, to allow additional time for and auxiliary equipment approximately $52,000, and for a small
small businesses to comment on the manufacturing.2 PMA is approximately $15,000. (Refer to
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis In order to determine if the proposed Appendix E.) The annualized cost for a
associated with the NPRM.1 The rule will have a significant economic small PC is estimated at $82,881
analysis examines whether the proposed impact on a substantial number of small ($582,120 * 0.142378 = $82,881), for a
rulemaking would have a significant entities, lists of all U.S. aircraft, aircraft small TSO authorization holder is
economic impact on a substantial engine, and other aircraft part and estimated at $7,342 ($51,566 * 0.142378
number of small entities. We have auxiliary equipment manufacturers was = $7,342), and for a small PMA is
determined that the additional comment generated by the FAA Aircraft estimated at $2,153 ($15,125 * 0.142378
period is consistent with the public Certification Directorate Offices. = $2,153).
interest and that good cause exists for The degree to which small
Because the list was organized by the
taking this action. Accordingly, we are manufacturers can ‘‘afford’’ the cost of
type of production approval, a firm
establishing an additional 45-day compliance is determined by the
could be listed more than once (e.g., a
comment period on the Initial availability of financial resources. The
firm could hold a TSO authorization as
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis. initial implementation costs of the
well as a PMA). There are close to 2,000 proposed rule may be financed, paid for
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis records on this list. using existing company assets, or
From the lists of manufacturers
The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 borrowed. As a proxy for the firm’s
supplied by the Rotorcraft Directorate ability to afford the cost of compliance,
(RFA) establishes ‘‘as a principle of (ASW) and the Small Airplane
regulatory issuance that agencies shall the FAA calculated the ratio of the total
Directorate (ACE), the FAA took a 10% annualized cost of the proposed rule as
endeavor, consistent with the objective sample of firms that had already been
of the rule and of applicable statutes, to a percentage of annual revenue. This
identified as small entities by the ratio is a conservative measure as the
fit regulatory and informational Directorates (or 78 firms). From the lists
requirements to the scale of the annualized value of the 10-year total
of manufacturers supplied by the compliance cost is divided by one year
business, organizations, and Transport Airplane Directorate (ANM)
governmental jurisdictions subject to of annual revenue. Appendix F shows
and the Engine and Propeller that one of the small businesses
regulation.’’ To achieve that principle, Directorate (ANE), the FAA took a 10%
the Act requires agencies to solicit and sampled would incur costs greater than
sample of all firms (or 109 firms) 1 percent of their annual revenue. Since
consider flexible regulatory proposals because those two Directorates had not
and to explain the rationale for their this is based on a 10% sample,
identified the firms that were small approximately 10 small businesses
actions. The Act covers a wide range of entities. Hence, the FAA used a sample would incur costs greater than 1 percent
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS

small entities, including small of 187 firms (or approximately 10%) for
businesses, not-for-profit organizations of their annual revenue.
the analysis. Thus, the FAA believes that
and small governmental jurisdictions.
2 13 CFR 121.201, Size Standards Used to Define
approximately 10 small entities would
1 This analysis can also be found in the FAA’s Small Business Concerns, Sectors 31–33
incur a substantial economic impact in
Initial Regulatory Evaluation, docket # FAA–2006– Manufacturing, Subsector 336 Transportation the form of higher annual costs as a
25877–19. Equipment Manufacturing. result of this proposed rule. Therefore,

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6970 Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 30 / Wednesday, February 14, 2007 / Proposed Rules

the FAA thinks that the rule may have 4. What alternatives will allow the shipments so that the receiver can easily
a significant economic impact on a agency to accomplish its regulatory verify the airworthiness of the part and
substantial number of small entities. objectives while minimizing the impact authority of the producer.
However, the FAA does not think that on small entities? • Most non-US aviation agencies
the implementation of this proposed Alternative 1: No Action. demand a completed Form 8130–3 for
regulation would cause any of these This alternative would have no parts imported into their country. The
companies to become bankrupt. impact on small entities. The FAA FAA recommends it for domestic use
decided to discard this alternative also because it makes sense to use a
Questions to be addressed in an
because it would not enhance safety. common form for all shipments, rather
Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Among other things, the FAA proposes than different forms for domestic versus
to enhance safety by (1) establishing a export shipments.
1. Which small entities will be single set of quality system • Legal enforcement for misuse—
impacted most? PC holders and TSO requirements applicable to all since the 8130–3 is a Federal form,
authorization holders. Should the production approval holders, (2) misuse of the Form is a Federal offense.
definition of ‘‘small entity’’ be redefined requiring an airworthiness approval 5. Competitiveness Analysis:
for purposes of the Regulatory document to be issued with all products This rule is a comprehensive rule that
Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA)? No. and parts shipments from a production impacts all production approval holders
2. Are all the required elements of an approval holder, and (3) revising aircraft including PC holders, TSO
IRFA present, particularly a description parts marking requirements. authorization holders, and PMA
of all compliance requirements, and a Alternative 2: Partial Proposed Rule. holders. This covers a wide variety of
clear explanation of the need for and The partial proposed rule would be
businesses (e.g., balloons, gliders,
objectives of the rule? Yes. This Federal the complete proposed rule with the
helicopters, small airplanes, large
Aviation Administration (FAA) exception of the requirement for
transport category airplanes, engine
proposed rule would make various airworthiness approval tags (Form
manufacturers, propeller manufacturers,
changes in design, production, and 8130–3) with all part or product sales/
shipments. This requirement is the most seat belt manufacturers, seat
identification regulations for products manufacturers, and so forth). Market
and parts. These proposed changes costly proposal for the manufacturers. If
this were not included in the proposed share within the industry probably
include establishing a single set of would not change due to this proposed
quality system requirements applicable rule, then there would not be a
significant economic impact on a regulation, and the industry itself would
to all production approval holders as not lose market share to other products
well as requiring an airworthiness substantial number of small entities.
Alternative 3: Complete Proposed or services.
approval document to be issued with all 6. Business closure analysis:
products and parts shipments from a The FAA thinks that there would not
The complete proposed rule is more
production approval holder. The be any small businesses that close due
costly for small entities, but the FAA
proposed rule would also revise aircraft recommends proceeding with the to the proposed regulation because there
parts marking requirements. For complete proposed rule instead of were only about 10 companies that
additional information, refer to the Alternative 2 for several reasons. would have costs that exceed one
Regulatory Evaluation for a description • The Form 8130–3 is the recognized percent of revenues, more specifically,
of all compliance requirements and industry standard document that their costs would be approximately
further explanations of the need for and provides legal proof that the part was 1.1% of revenues. The FAA estimates
objectives of the rule. produced by an FAA-approved source that these costs are not high enough to
3. Have all major cost factors been and is airworthy. Use of the Form in this force companies into bankruptcy.
developed and analyzed? Yes. Refer to way parallels what is done in Europe 7. Disproportionality Analysis:
Appendix E for the cost factors for a with the EASA Form One. The table below shows the differences
small entity by type of production • A common, easily recognizable in the impacts on small businesses as
approval. Form is needed with all new parts compared to large ones.

Discounted Discounted
Small entity Total costs Large entity Total costs
total costs total costs

Small PCs: Large PCs:

21.9(a)(4) ................................... $1,600 $917 21.9(a)(4) .................................. $128,000 $73,387
21.123(e) ................................... 10,000 5,733 21.123(e) ................................... 0 0
21.137(h) ................................... 2,000 1,526 21.137(h) ................................... 0 0
21.137(m) .................................. 300 229 21.137(m) .................................. 0 0
21.137(n) ................................... 500 381 21.137(n) ................................... 0 0
21.146(d) ................................... 1,000,000 573,333 21.146(d) ................................... 706,667 405,156

Subtotal .............................. 1,014,400 582,120 Subtotal .............................. 834,667 478,542

Small TSOAs: Large TSOAs:

21.9(a)(4) ................................... 375 215 21.9(a)(4) .................................. 0 0
21.605 ....................................... 50 38 21.605 ....................................... 0 0
21.616(d) ................................... 4,500 2,580 21.616(d) ................................... 3,668,750 2,103,417
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS

45.15(b) ..................................... 85,000 48,733 45.15(b) ..................................... 572,000 327,947

Subtotal .............................. 89,925 51,566 Subtotal .............................. 4,240,750 2,431,364

Small PMAs: Large PMAs:

21.9(a)(4) ................................... 1,250 717 21.9(a)(4) .................................. 0 0
21.303(a)(5) ............................... 50 38 21.303(a)(5) .............................. 50 38

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Discounted Discounted
Small entity Total costs Large entity Total costs
total costs total costs

21.307 ....................................... 400 305 21.307 ....................................... 80 61

21.308 ....................................... 400 305 21.308 ....................................... 200 153
21.316(d) ................................... 24,000 13,760 21.316(d) ................................... 825,000 473,000

Subtotal .............................. 26,100 15,125 Subtotal .............................. 825,330 473,252

Large PCs appear to have lower costs have higher costs on these requirements market share due to this proposed
on these requirements because the compared to their respective smaller regulation.
requirements are already current entities. The FAA estimates that there
practice. Large TSOAs and large PMAs would be no significant change in
[per firm]

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Total Costs total costs

Small PCs:
21.9(a)(4) ....................... $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $160 $1,600 $917
21.123(e) ....................... 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 10,000 5,733
21.137(h) ....................... 2,000 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 2,000 1,526
21.137(m) ...................... 300 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 300 229
21.137(n) ....................... 500 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 500 381
21.146(d) ....................... 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 573,333

Subtotal .................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 1,014,400 582,120

Small TSOAs:
21.9(a)(4) ....................... 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 375 215
21.605 ........................... 50 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 50 38
21.616(d) ....................... 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 4,500 2,580
45.15(b) ......................... 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 8,500 85,000 48,733

Subtotal .................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 89,925 51,566

Small PMAs:
21.9(a)(4) ....................... 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 1,250 717
21.303(a)(5) ................... 50 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 50 38
21.307 ........................... 400 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 400 305
21.308 ........................... 400 .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 400 305
21.316(d) ....................... 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 24,000 13,760

Subtotal .................. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. 26,100 15,125


Revenues Annualized
Production basis Manufacturer State Percent
(avg est.) cost of rule

PC ..................... AEROSTAR AIRCRAFT CORP .............................................................. ID .... $15,000,000 $82,881 0.55

PC ..................... AIR TRACTOR, INC. ............................................................................... TX ... 75,000,000 82,881 0.11
PC ..................... AMERICAN CHAMPION AIRCRAFT CORP .......................................... WI ... 35,000,000 82,881 0.24
PC ..................... UNIVAIR AIRCRAFT CORP ................................................................... CO .. 7,500,000 82,881 1.11
PC ..................... WILLIAMS INTERNATIONAL .................................................................. MI .... 75,000,000 82,881 0.11
PMA .................. A&C PRODUCTS, INC ............................................................................ TX ... 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. ABLE AIR ................................................................................................ CA ... 750,000 2,153 0.29
PMA .................. ACCURATE BUSHING COMPANY INC ................................................. NJ ... 3,750,000 2,153 0.06
PMA .................. ACR ELECTRONICS INC ....................................................................... FL ... 75,000,000 2,153 0.00
PMA .................. ADVANCED HYPERFINE PRODUCTS .................................................. CA ... 250,000 2,153 0.86
PMA .................. AERO DECALS ....................................................................................... FL ... 750,000 2,153 0.29
PMA .................. AERO SEATS AND SYSTEMS, INC ...................................................... TX ... 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. AERO TECHNICAL ALLIANCE INC ....................................................... FL ... 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. AERODYNE ENGINEERING .................................................................. CA ... 250,000 2,153 0.86
PMA .................. AERONCA INC ........................................................................................ OH .. 75,000,000 2,153 0.00
PMA .................. AEROSPACE SYSTEMS. & COMPONENTS, INC ................................ KS ... 3,750,000 2,153 0.06
PMA .................. AIRBORNE TECHNOLOGIES, INC ........................................................ CA ... 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. AIRCRAFT INSTRUMENTS .................................................................... PA ... 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS

PMA .................. AIRCRAFT SPECIALTIES SERVICES, INC ........................................... OK .. 3,750,000 2,153 0.06
PMA .................. AIRWELD, INC ........................................................................................ CA ... 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. AIRWOLF FILTER CORP ....................................................................... OH .. 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. AMERICAN POLARIZERS, INC ............................................................. PA ... 3,750,000 2,153 0.06
PMA .................. AMGLO KEMLITE LABORATORIES, INC .............................................. IL ..... 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. APACHE ENTERPRISES ....................................................................... TX ... 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. AVIATION DEVELOPMENT CORP ........................................................ WA .. 750,000 2,153 0.29

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Revenues Annualized
Production basis Manufacturer State Percent
(avg est.) cost of rule

PMA .................. AVION RESEARCH ................................................................................ CA ... 750,000 2,153 0.29

PMA .................. BIZJET INTERNATIONAL SALES .......................................................... OK .. 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. BRAUER AEROSPACE PRODUCTS, INC ............................................ AL ... 3,750,000 2,153 0.06
PMA .................. BREEZE-EASTERN CORP ..................................................................... NJ ... 72,300,000 2,153 0.00
PMA .................. BRUCE INDUSTRIES, INC ..................................................................... NV ... 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. CAMARILLO AIRCRAFT SERVICE ........................................................ CA ... 250,000 2,153 0.86
PMA .................. CANARD AEROSPACE CORPORATION .............................................. MN .. 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. CEE BAILEY’S AIRCRAFT PLASTICS ................................................... CA ... 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. COLLINS AIRCRAFT DYNAMICS, INC .................................................. TX ... 750,000 2,153 0.29
PMA .................. COMANT INDUSTRIES, INC .................................................................. CA ... 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. CONAX FLORIDA CORPORATION ....................................................... FL ... 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. DAVTRON ............................................................................................... CA ... 3,750,000 2,153 0.06
PMA .................. DER ASSOCIATES INC .......................................................................... KS ... 250,000 2,153 0.86
PMA .................. DEUTSCH RELAYS, INC ........................................................................ NY ... 35,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. DOW-ELCO INC ...................................................................................... CA ... 3,750,000 2,153 0.06
PMA .................. DUSTERS AND SPRAYERS, INC .......................................................... OK .. 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. DYNAMIC AIR ENGINEERING ............................................................... CA ... 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. E.J. MLYNARCZYK & CO., INC ............................................................. FL ... 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. ELECTRONIC CABLE SPECIALISTS .................................................... WI ... 300,000,000 2,153 0.00
PMA .................. ESSEX INDUSTRIES INC ...................................................................... MO .. 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. FLEXFAB DIVISION ................................................................................ MI .... 300,000,000 2,153 0.00
PMA .................. FLIGHT DYNAMICS ................................................................................ OR .. 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. FRANKLIN AIRCRAFT ENGINES, INC .................................................. CO .. 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. HELI-TECH .............................................................................................. OR .. 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. HYDRAFLOW .......................................................................................... CA ... 35,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. INTERNATIONAL AERO INC ................................................................. WA .. 35,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. JAY-DEE AIRCRAFT SUPPLY CO., INC ............................................... CA ... 3,750,000 2,153 0.06
PMA .................. JORMAC, INC. ........................................................................................ FL ... 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. KEITH PRODUCTS, L.P ......................................................................... TX ... 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. KING AIRE, INC ...................................................................................... KS ... 250,000 2,153 0.86
PMA .................. LTA AVIATION, INC ................................................................................ NY ... 250,000 2,153 0.86
PMA .................. MAGNETIC SEAL CORP ........................................................................ RI .... 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. MED-FLITE OF MIDAMERICA, INC ....................................................... KS ... 250,000 2,153 0.86
PMA .................. MILLENNIUM CONCEPTS, INC ............................................................. KS ... 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. MILMAN ENGINEERING INC ................................................................. WA .. 250,000 2,153 0.86
PMA .................. NASERA CORPORATION ...................................................................... NC .. 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. NORDAM TEXAS .................................................................................... TX ... 35,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. NORTHEAST AERO COMPRESSOR CORP ........................................ NY ... 3,750,000 2,153 0.06
PMA .................. OTTO ENGINEERING INC ..................................................................... IL ..... 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. PACIFIC PRECISION PRODUCTS ........................................................ CA ... 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. PARAVION TECHNOLOGY INC ............................................................ CO .. 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. PETERSON’S PERFORMANCE PLUS .................................................. KS ... 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. PLASTIC MOLDED PRODUCTS ............................................................ WA .. 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. PRECISION PATTERN INC .................................................................... KS ... 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. QED, INC ................................................................................................. CA ... 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. RALMARK COMPANY ............................................................................ PA ... 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. RAY’S AIRCRAFT SERVICE .................................................................. CA ... 750,000 2,153 0.29
PMA .................. ROTOR DYNAMICS AMERICAS, INC ................................................... TX ... 250,000 2,153 0.86
PMA .................. SAINT GOBAIN PERFORMANCE PLASTIC .......................................... WA .. 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. SEAL DYNAMICS, INC ........................................................................... NY ... 35,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. SENSOR SYSTEMS L.L.C ..................................................................... FL ... 35,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. SKYBOLT AEROMOTIVE CORP ........................................................... FL ... 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. SKYLIGHT AVIONICS CO ...................................................................... CA ... 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. SPECTRUM AEROMED, INC ................................................................. MN .. 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. STEIN SEAL ............................................................................................ PA ... 35,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. STERLING AVIATION TECHNOLOGIES ............................................... WA .. 1,750,000 2,153 0.12
PMA .................. TANIS AIRCRAFT SERVICES, INC ....................................................... MN .. 750,000 2,153 0.29
PMA .................. TEXAS AIR STAR, INC. .......................................................................... TX ... 750,000 2,153 0.29
PMA .................. THORNTON TECHNOLOGY CORP ...................................................... CA ... 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. UMPCO, INC ........................................................................................... CA ... 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. VALCOR ENGINEERING ........................................................................ NJ ... 35,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. VARGA ENTERPRISES, INC ................................................................. AZ ... 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
PMA .................. WECO AEROSPACE SYSTEMS, INC ................................................... CA ... 15,000,000 2,153 0.01
PMA .................. WENDON COMPANY, INC ..................................................................... CT ... 7,500,000 2,153 0.03
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS

PMA .................. WINDSOR AIRMOTIVE .......................................................................... CT ... 15,000,000 2,153 0.01

TSOA ................ AERO TWIN, INCORPORATED ............................................................. AK ... 3,750,000 7,342 0.20
TSOA ................ AIRCRAFT BELTS INC ........................................................................... TX ... 35,000,000 7,342 0.02
TSOA ................ AIRPATH INSTR. CO .............................................................................. MO .. 3,750,000 7,342 0.20
TSOA ................ AVIONICS INNOVATIONS ...................................................................... CA ... 750,000 7,342 0.98
TSOA ................ BURL’S AIRCRAFT REBUILD ................................................................ AK ... 1,750,000 7,342 0.42
TSOA ................ CASTLE INDUSTRIES, INC ................................................................... CA ... 75,000,000 7,342 0.01

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Federal Register / Vol. 72, No. 30 / Wednesday, February 14, 2007 / Proposed Rules 6973


Revenues Annualized
Production basis Manufacturer State Percent
(avg est.) cost of rule

TSOA ................ DIAMOND J , INC ................................................................................... KS ... 3,750,000 7,342 0.20

TSOA ................ ESSEX INDUSTRIES INC ...................................................................... MO .. 7,500,000 7,342 0.10
TSOA ................ GLOBE MOTORS INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS SUPPORT CORP. AL ... 75,000,000 7,342 0.01
TSOA ................ .................................................................................................................. AZ ... 1,750,000 7,342 0.42
TSOA ................ KOLLSMAN INC ...................................................................................... NH .. 750,000 7,342 0.98
TSOA ................ KOSOLA & ASSOCIATES ...................................................................... GA .. 3,750,000 7,342 0.20
TSOA ................ NORTH AMERICAN AERODYNAMICS ................................................. NC .. 15,000,000 7,342 0.05
TSOA ................ PHAOSTRON INSTRUMENTS & ELEC. CO ......................................... CA ... 15,000,000 7,342 0.05
TSOA ................ R.A. MILLER INDUSTRIES INC ............................................................. MI .... 15,000,000 7,342 0.05
TSOA ................ SATCO, INC ............................................................................................ CA ... 75,000,000 7,342 0.01
TSOA ................ SIGMA TEK, INC ..................................................................................... KS ... 35,000,000 7,342 0.02
TSOA ................ SOUTHWEST PRODUCTS COMPANY ................................................. CA ... 15,000,000 7,342 0.05
TSOA ................ VISION MICROSYSTEMS ...................................................................... WA .. 1,750,000 7,342 0.42

Issued in Washington, DC on February 8, • DOT Docket Web site: Go to http:// and may amend the proposed AD in
2007. dms.dot.gov and follow the instructions light of those comments.
Pamela Hamilton-Powell, for sending your comments We will post all comments we
Director, Office of Rulemaking. electronically. receive, without change, to http://
[FR Doc. E7–2537 Filed 2–13–07; 8:45 am] • Government-wide rulemaking Web dms.dot.gov, including any personal
BILLING CODE 4910–13–P site: Go to http://www.regulations.gov information you provide. We will also
and follow the instructions for sending post a report summarizing each
your comments electronically. substantive verbal contact with FAA
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION • Mail: Docket Management Facility, personnel concerning this proposed AD.
U.S. Department of Transportation, 400 Using the search function of that Web
Federal Aviation Administration Seventh Street, SW., Nassif Building, site, anyone can find and read the
room PL–401, Washington, DC 20590. comments in any of our dockets,
14 CFR Part 39 • Fax: (202) 493–2251. including the name of the individual
• Hand Delivery: Room PL–401 on who sent the comment (or signed the
[Docket No. FAA–2007–27152; Directorate the plaza level of the Nassif Building,
Identifier 2006–NM–219–AD] comment on behalf of an association,
400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, business, labor union, etc.). You may
RIN 2120–AA64 DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday review DOT’s complete Privacy Act
through Friday, except Federal holidays. Statement in the Federal Register
Airworthiness Directives; McDonnell Contact Boeing Commercial published on April 11, 2000 (65 FR
Douglas Model 717–200 Airplanes Airplanes, Long Beach Division, 3855 19477–78), or you may visit http://
Lakewood Boulevard, Long Beach, dms.dot.gov.
AGENCY: Federal Aviation California 90846, Attention: Data and
Administration (FAA), Department of Service Management, Dept. C1–L5A Examining the Docket
Transportation (DOT). (D800–0024), for the service information You may examine the AD docket on
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking identified in this proposed AD. the Internet at http://dms.dot.gov, or in
(NPRM). FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dan person at the Docket Management
Bui, Aerospace Engineer, Systems and Facility office between 9 a.m. and 5
SUMMARY: The FAA proposes to adopt a
Equipment Branch, ANM–130L, FAA, p.m., Monday through Friday, except
new airworthiness directive (AD) for Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Federal holidays. The Docket
certain McDonnell Douglas Model 717– Office, 3960 Paramount Boulevard, Management Facility office (telephone
200 airplanes. This proposed AD would Lakewood, California 90712–4137; (800) 647–5227) is located on the plaza
require installing a certain junction(s) telephone (562) 627–5339; fax (562) level of the Nassif Building at the DOT
and changing the wiring of the first 627–5210. street address stated in the ADDRESSES
officer’s pitot static heater system. This
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: section. Comments will be available in
proposed AD results from a report of
the AD docket shortly after the Docket
temporary loss of the auto-flight Comments Invited
Management System receives them.
function with displays of suspect or We invite you to submit any relevant
erratic airspeed indications. We are written data, views, or arguments Discussion
proposing this AD to prevent display of regarding this proposed AD. Send your We have received a report of
suspect or erratic airspeed indications comments to an address listed in the temporary loss of the auto-flight
during heavy rain conditions, which ADDRESSES section. Include the docket function with displays of suspect or
could reduce the ability of the number ‘‘FAA–2007–27152; Directorate erratic airspeed indications on a
flightcrew to maintain the safe flight Identifier 2006–NM–219–AD’’ at the McDonnell Douglas Model 717–200
rmajette on PROD1PC67 with PROPOSALS

and landing of the airplane. beginning of your comments. We airplane during climb-out in very heavy
DATES: We must receive comments on specifically invite comments on the rain. The suspect or erratic indications
this proposed AD by April 2, 2007. overall regulatory, economic, were consistent with loss of air data
ADDRESSES: Use one of the following environmental, and energy aspects of sensor heating caused by ice build-up
addresses to submit comments on this the proposed AD. We will consider all on unheated captain’s, first officer’s,
proposed AD. comments received by the closing date and auxiliary’s pitot sensors. In

VerDate Aug<31>2005 15:31 Feb 13, 2007 Jkt 211001 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\14FEP1.SGM 14FEP1

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