The Hand Forged Knife - Karl Schroen - 1984 (S)

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The Hand


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An Introduction .,.. ':

to the Working of
Modern Tool Steels
By Karl Schroen

Copyright 1984

By Knife World Publications

P.O. Box 3395

730 Broadway

Knoxville, Tennessee 37917


This treatise represents one blacksmiths's approach to knifemaking.

Because this art form is so individual, the results using the same basic process
are unique for each smith. Even with the rigid training of the Samurai sword
smiths of Japan, the result of each smith was quite different. These differences
can be accounted for by understanding the wide range of variables connected
with the selection of materials (i.e., iron and steel), the forging of these, and
finally the heat treating of the sword blade. In a similiar way, the use of
modern steels presents a wide range of variables. To my knowledge, this is the
first time ancient techniques of smithing have been combined with a full range
of modern tool steels to hand forge knife blades.
This treatise is not limited to the forming of steel, rather the entire process
of making a knife is explained in word, diagram, and photograph.
Traditionally, the blacksmith only shaped, hardened and tempered the knife
blade. There were exceptions, but the rest of the finishing work i.e., polishing
the steel and handle making, was usually done by others. For example, in Shef
field, England the hilt of the knife was frequently a silver alloy casting made
by a jeweler.
In the modern world, access to new materials, information and machines has
made it possible for one person to complete the entire process of making a
knife. The modern cutler can thus use a variety of hilt materials to sculpt a
wide range of shapes and sizes.
The art form is a very exacting one and demands a great deal of concentra
tion. My objective is to combine the steel and hilt materials together into an
object that looks like one piece with different textures. This inquiry contains
enough information to be of use to both the beginner and advanced

Table of Contents

Copyright 1985 by Knife World Publications

Published by Knife World Publications
730 Broadway
Knoxville, Tennessee 37917 .
All Rights Reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from the publisher, except for brief
quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Photographs by Kerry Richardson
Layout and design by Kim T. Knott
ISBN 0-940362-08-2
Printed in the United States of America

Introduction ......................................... 1

Tool Steel. . . .

What is Steel?
.. . .


Annealing. .



The Blacksmith Shop


Breathing New Life into Forge Blower................... 12

Forge Body.

The Anvil .


Tongs. . . . . . .

Coal. . .

Fire Building
...... 21

. 24

Tool Steel. . . .
Steel Evaluation . . . .
. .... 26

General Evaluation. .
. . 26

Alloy Analysis. . . . .

Evaluation of 12 Tool Steels ........................... 30

Forging Operations: Forging ........................... 35

Annealing...................... ..................... . 44

Hardening and Tempering ............................. 46

Steel vs Incandescent ................................. 49

Hardening Technique ................................. 50

Secrets of Successful Forge Hardening................... 51

Secrets of Successful Tempering.... ; ................... 53

The Finishing Room .................................. 55

Knife Fini$hing Procedures. '.' ......................... 58

Threading & Drilling the Tang.......................... 73

Hand Stitched Leather Sheath .......................... 97

Knife Sharpening .................................... 125

Annotated Bibliography.......... ~ ................... .134

Technical Manuals

Conclusion. . . . . . .


I learned the fundamentals of blacksmithing from my father and was strong

ly motivated by stories told by him of my grandfather and great grandfathers,
two of whom had learned their skills in Germany and emigrated to Michigan
where iron and steel were in great abundance.
The first family shop that I saw was located in Saline, Michigan when in
1949 I visited there froin California. The blacksmith shop was part of a larger
building that also housed a hardware store. The shop was very large, having
three forges and five anvils. From this shop, I am told that everything from
plows to scissors were made and repaired. The hardware store served as an
outlet for the products of the shop.

Here, as a youth, my father learned the elements of blacksmithing. He

started by cleaning out the forges and building new fires. He later began to
handle such tasks as filing and sawing hot and cold iron.
As the Industrial Revolution gradually replaced the need for hand work, Dad
was encouraged to enter college. Quite naturally, he entered the field of
mechanical engineering and received a degree from the University of Michigan
in 1924.
Jumping a span of thirty years, in 1954, I entered college at the University
of California at Davis. With Sputnik spinning around, I set out to get a job
where I did not have to work with my hands. For some years, I tried to fit into
the American Dream. I found, however, that the die had been cast long before
and finally in the late 60's I stopped trying to fit into the whole scene. I decid
ed to combine my early training in blacksmithing with a background in
science. The result had lead me straight into the field that is the subject for
this study .
I have often thought that all those years spent were merely a preparation for
my present endeavor. In any case, I do not think that I would have been drawn
into this type of enjoyable life without the two threads of my past coming

Dedicated to my father, C.K. Schroen


Nowadays, if you aSK most people what a blacksmith is, they invariably say
horse shoer. If you ask people what a cutler is, you get a blank look. In the
space of less than one hundred years, an entire group of people has become
obscured to the point of almost non existence.
Say we were walking down the street of Anytown USA in the year of 1879.
One of the most prominent buildings in town would be the blacksmith shop. If
the smith was trained formally i.e., in an apprentice program, he might be
skilled in both of the specialty forms of the blacksmith's art. One day he may
work as a farrier, shoeing horses, and the next, making knives as a cutler all
If Anytown was of a large size, the blacksmith might list himself in the town
register as a cutler. His products might include table knives, butcher knives,
swords, sickles, scythes, lancets, buttons and buckles, corkscrews, tailors'
shears, dentist equipment, and many other tools.
If Anytown, on the other hand, was small in size, the smith might have to
perform any and all tasks of the trade. Such was the condition of one of my
great grandfathers. John Hauser was a German trained blacksmith who
specialized in making watch parts. When he moved to Saline, Michigan in
1870, he found that it was impossible to carryon with his former trade. He
soon became a general blacksmith in that small town.
The shop itself was one large room with a dirt floor and only one window. In
the middle stood a brick forge with a long leather bellows attached to it. My
father said he watched for hours as the bellows pumped air through the chunks
of hot coal to heat the iron or steel in preparation to hitting it with a hammer.
The large anvil stood on a stump next to the forge acting as the forming table
to receive the blows of the hammer as it shaped the hot metal. Aside from the
anvil, which was cast in a foundry, all of the other tools in the shop were made
by John Hauser. These included a wide assortment of tongs , hammers, and
many other tools of the trade.
The iron used in the shop came from the iron ore dug from the mines in the
upper part of Michigan. I have a hammer made by John Hauser from iron and
steel that was smelted in his shop. Because steel was so hard to make with
their limited equipment, they used it sparingly.
Looking closely at the hammer we see the back is made of wrought iron.
Wrought iron is made by infusing relatively pure iron with iron silicate. It is
easy to work and contains a small amount of carbon. So small an amount that
it will not harden. For that reason, John hammer- welded a piece of steel onto
the face of the hammer. Unlike the wrought iron with its siliceous slag fibers,
steel contains more carbon and no slag. It is easy to work and will harden. To
do that, after he was through welding the two metals together. John reheated
the steel surface and dipped it into a bucket of water.
In the corner of the shop was a large cast iron stove. Cast iron is iron with
lots of carbon in it (2.4 percent). The main difference then in the composition of
wrought iron, steel and cast iron is the amount of carbon each contains

Nrought iron has the least and cast iron has the most.
Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. An alloy is a substance made of two or
more metals and/or one or more nonmetallic elements. Carbon and silicon are
examples of non metal alloying elements.
The iron to make the steel no longer comes from the once iron rich upper
Michigan mines. Now, low grade ore is re-processed to make steel. The carbon
comes from coal that has been partly burned and made into coke.
The shop that I now have is quite different than that of my great grand
father's of 80 years ago. I specialize in knifemaking. I do, however, still use a
coal forge, hammers, anvil, and tongs. This equipment wiII be described later;
but first I will describe the materials that I use.

Tool Steel

The steel that I use for making knives is a far cry from that which my great
grandfather used in the early part of this century. In fact, even today , only a
small fraction of the steel produced is the ultra high processed tool steel. By
far the most steel produced is structural steel used in the building of autos.
fences and buildings. Structural steel comes in a wide variety of compositions
and sizes. Most of this steel is low in carbon content. has dissolved gases in it
and in other ways, is not desirable for making knives.
For the utmost in purity, strength. and reliability, tool steel today is produc
ed in a type of electric furnace to which a vacuum is connected.

What is Steel?

If we were to take a piece of ste~l from the scrap pile behind my great grand
father's shop and in some way take it apart, we would find that it was mostly
made of iron. The steel to which he had access was rather simple. The only in
tentional addition to the iron was carbon. The carbon is not just floating
around in the iron but is actually hooked to the iron in a substance called a
compound. The name of this compound is cementite. (Fe3C)(figure a)
Another way of looking at it is to compare the weights of each element in the
compound . It is easy to feel the difference in weight between a piece of char
coal (which is almost pure carbon) and an identical piece of iron. The iron is
much heavier. In fact, the iron weighs almost five times as much as the carbon.
We know that carbon weighs 12 and iron weighs 56, when compared to
hydrogen which weighs l. In cementite. for each 12 pounds of carbon. you
have to add 168 pounds of iron (3 X 56= 168). In other words, a little carbon
goes a long way. Too little carbon and you have wrought iron, too much and
you have cast iron.
One way to see this relationship of carbon to iron is to fill a gallon glass jar
with water. Now add one drop of ink. Soon the ink will work its way to all parts
of the jar. It takes a very small amount of ink to discolor the water just as it
takes a small amount of carbon to change the iron to steel. Carbon is by far the
most important alloy in steel.
All modern steels have, in addition to carbon, other elements acded to the
iron. Even what is called a straight carbon steel has the elements silicon and
manganese added. A straight carbon steel may be low in carbon (.10 percent),
medium (.30 percent) or high in carbon (.60 percent) and more. Knives are made
of high carbon steel of very high quality. This is the type of steel that I will
discuss in this study.
Tool steel as used here is high quality, high carbon steel that is used to make
tools. It is a crystalline solid that, when heated to a certain temperature.
changes form; the solid crystals of iron change to form a solid solution. The
room temperature iron. called ferrite, starts to come together with the iron car
bide, called cementite, at 1335F to form the solid solution called austenite. At
this temperature, the cementite abruptly begins to dissolve in the iron.

In other words when you stick a piece of steel in the forge and let it turn red
then orange and start to hit it, you are hitting steel in its austenite phase. If
you continue to heat the steel to a yellow color and beyond to the white in
candescent colors, the iron in the steel changes to crystalline form again as you
watch it melt. Taking the steel out of the fire and letting it cool down once
again, the steel changes back to ferrite and cementite.
Steel then is a form of iron to which a small quantity of carbon is added. All
modern tool steels contain, in addition to carbon, other alloy elements which
alter the steel in specific ways: 1. produce greater strength in large sections, 2.
provide less distortion in the hardening process, 3. add greater abrasion
resistance to the steel, 4. provide higher toughness and at the same hardness
levels when the pieces are small, 5. retain strength at high temperatures.
Understanding the fundamental metallurgy of iron and steel is, I believe,
essential for the bladesmith interested in working with modern tool steel. The
brief explanation that I have written is intended to introduce the subject in a
practical way. I will continue to relate techniques which have been built upon a
thorough exploration of theories and facts gathered over the years.


F.orging of the steel is very important because it not only shapes the
but refines the grain structure. When enough steel crystals are com
bined to become visible, they appear as small sandlike particles. The size of
these grains is dependent on temperature, steel composition, and mechanical
(hammering) forces. The grains increase in size with heat; thus during most of
the early hammering, the size of the grains is large. As the steel is forged, the
size of the bar is changed and, in the case of a knife blade, becomes thinner. As
this happens, it requires less heat and lighter hammering to effect a change in
the bar shape. The grains meanwhile are aligning themselves into parallel rows
in the direction that they are being forged. (figure b)
The final refinement of the grain size is referred to as grain refinement and is
done by the smith at the same time that the final shape of the bar is finished.
Grain refining the steel is very important and involves hammering the steel at
a dull red color for a long period of time. Grain refinement in parallel rows is
essential for strong, high quality cutting edges. The smaller the grain size, the
stronger the material. (figure c)
ma t~rial

Fig. a

o-OOI~O 000000000

Fig. b

000'00000 0+0 000

o 00 00



0 0 0 ' 0 00 00
000000000 0

eOoOt>OOOO~OO 0000

o 0 0 0 0.000 0 0 0

tPo't oOOOOcP~O~OJ
0:+0 0

00+ 0







Oo~O 00 0
0000000 0 0

Grain Size


0..L00 0 0 0-L 00 0 0 0 +0

0ot> OOI~OOOO t o

00 0 0 0 0'" 0 00 0 0 0 0

0 0





As rolled
.from fa ctory

+ Fe3C - Iron Carbide


Fig. c


..':" ~ , , ,\... '. ,.

'..... ','~
,,-. ....
." ~'.'
.. ...
. ".," "_'........,
' ... ,' .... f '" . ' , ..... ,..' " , . . .. ...
, .. .. ..,,, .. l. ~ ~

,., \ " ... \... .. , .....' ,-. ~ "

grain refinement

f .. "" ....,



The forging of the tool steel in order to produce a fine grain size, has at the
same time created great stress in the bar. The various methods used to relieve
stress are collectively known as annealing. There are many types of annealing.
I will discuss one of those kinds called spheroidize annealing that best
describes what is taking place inside the bar of tool steel. It may be added,
that as the stress is relieved in the steel, the bar becomes softer and more easi
ly shaped with a file, grinder or drill.
The mechanism for spheroidize annealing involves the bladesmith's applica
tion of just the right amount of heat at the proper time. The spheres are small
particles of carbide that have not yet dissolved in the iron to form austenite.
These undissolved carbide spheres form the center on which the smith hopes
to add more carbides so that the bar will be filled with these spheroidite struc
tures interspersed in a background of soft pearlite. Pearlite is the soft
crystalline structure of the steel at a temperature range of 1000F to 1335F just
before it changes to austenite. 100 percent pearlite does not machine or harden
well, so the smith uses undissolved carbides in the pearlite to open it up and
become a more desirable material.
Each time the bar is reheated to the dull red to red range (lOOOF to 1335F)
and then cooled slowly, more spheroidite is formed . Thus, combining the grain
refining operation, which disperses the carbides, with the dull to red heating
produces a very sound piece of.tool steel. I continue the heating and cooling cy
cle for some time after the packing has been completed, then bury the bar in a
pre-warmed trough of sand and spent coke. The bar is thus ready to be ground
to shape, sanded, drilled or tapped and finally hardened. (figure d)

Fig. d

(. f" " ..' ,00 t..' :," .. ..;: ' '1

~ ,..
t . ... ' ,.... , . ~ ~0., ".. ~




'''" 0l'o


, ....



The hardening of high carbon tool steel is the process by which austenite is
converted to a needlelike crystalline form called martensite. Martensite is the
desired end product of the hardening process. It forms directly from austenite.
The amount of martensite formed is directly related to the amount of carbon
that the steel contains. The more carbon- the more martensite.
In plain carbon tool steel, martensite starts to form from rapidly cooled
austenite at about 400F. The temperature of the austenite at the time of cool
ing is 1500F. The steel is quickly cooled in order to avoid soft or otherwise
undesirable structures in the steel that form at temperatures between 400F
and 1500F. The first undesirable structure to form below 1500F is pearlite. At
1335F pearlite appears, under the microscope, as wavy lines that are arranged
in parallel rows. This structure lasts until about lOOOF at which time it starts
to change to a feathery structure called bainite. Bainite changes gradually as
the temperature is lowered and near 400F has needlelike spines similar to
martensite. This lower temperature bainite is the only desirable crystalline
structure besides martensite that should be present in the hardened steel.
Bainite is desirable because it lends toughness to the hard martensite.
There are two ways of avoiding the temperature ranges that produce
undesirable crystalline forms. The first and most simple is to lower the
temperature of the steel from 1500F to 400F so quickly that pearlite and other
undesirable products do not have time to form . This method is the traditional
water quench. Other quench liquids employed to drastically lower the
temperature are brine (salt water) and various types of oils. The cooling rates
vary from fastest in brine to slowest in oil. (note: I use Imperial "S" quenching
oil, which is distributed by O.L. King, Div. of Far Best Corp.) This oil cools
fast enough to harden the steel but avoids the sudden changes of water or
brine which can cause the steel to crack.
A second method for transforming austenite to martensite is used in modern
tool steels. This relies on the addition of alloys such as chromium and
molybdenum, to name two, that stabilize the austenite and thus carry it to
lower temperatures. If austenite can be held, without converting to pearlite,
then the rapid, drastic quench can be eliminated. This is exactly what happens
in those steels with proper amounts of the alloys added. The austenite is car
ried to a lower temperature and finally , in less than one millionth of a second,
shears off to form martensite. The term commonly applied to this process is
" Hardenability" . Certain steels, to be discussed later, are alloyed in such a
wa y that they will harden in still air after being raised to their hardening term
perature, i.e. Air Hardening Steel.
The term hardenability also implies another interesting relationship that
happens in the hardening process. Simple high carbon tool steels with only
small amounts of silicon and manganese in them will not harden all the way
through in a water quench if their diameter is larger than about 1-1/2". But,
for example, if a small amount of molybdenum is added, the steel will harden
all the way through.
I have successfully hardened many kinds of water, oil, and air hardening
steels in an open forge fire . Details will follow.Iater.

High Carbon Steel Chart


As with the forging operation, the hardening of the steel leaves the steel in a
very stressed condition. For this reason, steps are taken to relieve that tension
and, at the same time, retain a maximum amount of hardness. If the knife
blade is not tempered immediately after hardening, the hard brittle steel will
shatter like glass if subjected to a sudden shock or blow.
Tempering is the reheating of the hardened steel to a temperature below the
hardening temperature that partly softens the steel. Along with this soften
ing, the internal stresses are relieved.
The tempering process has been complicated somewhat through the use of
modern highly alloyed steels. These steels have so many complex carbide
systems in them that they actually create new, smaller grains when heated
beyond the normal tempering range of water hardening steel, i.e. 300- 400F.
These new carbides form very actively from 800 to lOOOF and increase the in
itial hardness of the steel a great deal. Since they are new, they too require
stress relief. So with these steels, it is always wise to double temper after
The tempering techniques that a bladesmith acquires rely mainly on his
ability to develop to a high degree of intuitive sensitivity to the steel and con
stant practice.
There are no incandescent colors to go by because the steel does not get hot
enough to show them at the tempering temperature. The oxide colors, those
colors that are caused when the shiny steel on heating is changed, are only
partly reliable. I say partly because there is a time lag between the appearance
of the oxide and the actual temperature of the steel. This time lag gets longer
as the temperature is increased.
I have trained myself to use a series of sharp and dull files to judge the hard
ness that I desire.

This chart illustrates the four basic processes necessary to make a knife
from high carbon tool steel: forging is necessary to shape the steel; anneal
ing to relieve the stress created by forging; hardening and tempering
respectively make the steel hard and then tough.
Forged steel is of two parts: Over half of the steel is iron or ferrite; car
bon is present as iron carbide or cementite. On heating, steel forms
austenite at 1333F. This is the non-magnetic steel the smith hammers on.
Slowly cooled after forging, the steel changes to a soft crystall.ine form,
pearlite (lOOOF). Bainite forms at about 800F. The steel returns to ferrite
and cementite at room temperature.
Annealing softens the steel. The diagram shows the softest form of steel
is formed at temperatures above and below the critical temperature due to
the large carbides called spherodite embedded in a background of pearlite.
This soft, open structure is retained at room temperature. Also the harden
ing of high carbon tool steel involves the change from austenite to marten-

Slow Heating
Pure Aust e nite
(o range)


Slow Cooling



Pure Austenite

Pure Austenit e



~ ed


(dull red)


very dull red


. Pearlite

Pearli te




Rapid C ooling

High Temp
Zo ne



Ferri te


Mar tensite



Ce men tite



Reta ined
A ustenite

Low Te mp

Quenc h


site, which is the type of crystal that makes steel hard. In steels of lower
alloy content, i.e. W-l, 0-1, hardening requires the drastic lowering of steel
temperature in order to avoid the temperatures where pearlite is formed.
Steels with higher alloy content skip the pearlite zone by slowing the cool
ing rate on the way to forming martensite. This time lengthening by alloys
is known as hardenability. High carbon, high alloy steels sometimes require
sub zero quenching because they retain a large amount of austenite at room
temperature (up to 30 percent). This room temperature austenite is very
unstable, changing to marteniste so quickly that the steel will warp and
crack. The only way to avoid this non uniform change is to eliminate it as
soon as possible after the steel reaches room temperature. I use acetone and
dry ice to lower the temperature to -70F. Some tool and stainless steels seem to
respond well to very low subzero treatment i.e., -300F. The whole field of
cryogenics has altered our view of conventional heat treatment. (See technical
. manuals in the back for references on this subject.) Once the steel is hard, it is
also brittle. Brittleness is taken away from the steel by tempering. Lower alloy
high carbon steels require tempering temperatures up to 450F to soften. Steels
of higher aUoy content have larger quantities of brittle carbides that require
higher tempering temperatures, i.e., lOOOF.

The Blacksmith Shop

The appearance of the blacksmith shop has changed through the years as
new equipment such as modern welding machines have taken its place. The
basic tools, however, have not been replaced. The forge, anvil, hammers and
tongs are still essential tools no matter what the smith is working on. The
space has also changed very little. There is still the requirement for subdued

light and a non flammable floor.

From this point on, the modifica
tions begin to reflect what specific
work the smith is centered on and
perhaps just as importantly, the per
sonality of the blacksmith.
I have been in blacksmith shops
that were so clean you could, as they
say "eat off the floor". On the other
hand, I have seen shops that defied
description, where it would be
necessary to dig a path from the
forge to the anvil. My shop is
someplace in between these two ex
tremes. Since I have a great liking
for the out of doors, my shop or forg
ing operations generally take place
outside by a shaded wall or under a
tree. I use a forge made by the
former Champion Blower and Forge
Co. of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Ob
taining these sturdy centrifugal
masterpieces remains a mystery to
me. Generally, when I stop looking,
someone will contact me out of the
blue and I will receive another gem.
Once received, the restoration



Breathing New Life

into a Forge Blower
Briefly, to acquaint you with a hand operated forge (see diagram); there is a
cut away illustration of the simple mechanics of the blower with its relation
ship to the rest of the forge. The main point of this is to furnish the fire with a
constant supply of air. Since the smith turns the operating crank by hand, it
stands to reason that the most efficient gear mechanisms are the best. I have
omitted the use of electrically run forges because I cannot get the control need
ed to avoid over heating the tool steel.
There are made a wide variety of forges which I will not attempt to describe.
However, some general tips, I feel, are in order. First, when examining a
blower, turn the crank. If you have difficulty, or if you hear a grinding sound,
stop. Most probably the bearings are stuck with heavy grease that is so old
that it is on its way to stone. I have found that the easiest way to loosen this
grease is to remove the cover plate over the gears and lower the entire blower
into a tub of solvent. I use kerosene. In most cases, the grease will loosen easi
ly. The bearings have covers that either unscrew or have sleeve fittings.
Remove the covers and take out all the old grease. This is time consuming and
if you want to remove the roller bearings, you can loosen the retaining nut and
slide the whole assembly out. When aU the bearings have been replaced, run
solvent through the entire moving mechanism. This flushing action generally
removes any remaining grime.
Next, remove all the explosive solvent and put new grease in the ball bear
ings. You now have a new machine. Incidently, if any of the ball bearings are
out of round or badly scored, they can be replaced with a visit to an auto parts
Some bearings may be gummed up so badly that solvent will not work.
Then, with all solvent removed, use a propane torch to gently and evenly heat
the bearing cap. When the cap is removed, let it cool and continue with the sol
vent treatment.
Blacksmith Forge Cut-Away

Forge Body
The forge body is connected to the blower by way of a hollow tube called the
tuyere. Just before it enters the forge itself, this tube diverges; one way leads
to the forge, the other to a clean out trap. The air is forced up the tube, through
the grating and into a pocket called the duck's nest. This nest area varies in
size depending upon the the type of forge you have. These basket shaped
places contain and concentrate the forge fire. The heat generated in them is so
intense that they must be built of heavy cast iron or fire brick. My thin walled
portable forge will soon need a new floor because the one that it came with was
made of a thin gage metal.
I have found an excellent way to both preserve new forge bodies and repair
old ones. A high temperature bonding mortar called Hiloset, made by Kaiser
industries, works well to insulate and protect the forge pot from burning out.
Of course, the old standby of 1 part mortar to 9 parts fire clay also works.



e'leo.:n -0 u..t


The Anvil

The anvil is a massive piece of steel or iron that serves as a work table for
blacksmiths. Up till the turn of this century, anvils were very common in this
country. They came in all different sizes and shapes. Now they occasionally ap
pear out of the dusty corners of old barns and workshops.
Most of the anvils that I have seen within the last few years are made of
hardenable carbon cast steel. The quality of the new cast anvils from Sweden
that I have seen is poor. The faces are almost uniformly soft and require much
valuable time to work harden, i.e., grain refining the surface with light blows
to eventually harden it. The other option is to harden or have hardened the sur
face of the anvil to a depth of at least 1/2 inch.
Some anvils, including the one I use, have a welded, hard steel plate on the
surface. Mine is an excellent anvil and has stood up since I got it 10 years ago.
The quality of the welding job is the key for the success of this type of anvil.
The most important single part of the anvil is the face. I have worked on a
wide variety of different anvils, but what is essential to me is a smooth flat
surface. Since most operations that I do with an anvil involve the face, I do not
need or often use the horn (note: high carbon tool steels do not lend themselves
to bending operations).
There are two holes in the face of the anvil, one round and one square. The
round hole is called the pritchel hole and is used by horseshoers to fashion in
serts for horseshoes. The square hole, or hardy hole, is used for a wide number
of anvil tools. This square hole locks and holds the tool in place.


The surface of the anvil is hardened steel and is therefore subject to cracking
and chipping if improperly used. My father told me to treat it like glass since it
is so difficult to repair. So far, I have never chipped or damaged an anvil. Most
old anvils that I have seen obviously were never used by people my father
would have gotten along with. It is difficult to ruin an anvil, but I have seen
more ruined ones than good.
Two rules that I learned very early were: firstly, for every 100 pounds of an
vil, use no more than a 10 pound hammer. Secondly, always strike hot steel on
the anvil with the hammer face parallel to the anvil face. The hammer head and
anvil are both hardened steel and will chip or crack if improperly connected. In
fact, they should never .come in contact with each other when in use.



The blacksmith's hammers are his main tools for shaping the steel. They are
simple of shape, but very complex and subtle in the hands of an experienced
smith. The shapes and sizes are directly related to the intended use.
The most common hammer universally used by blacksmiths is called the
cross peen hammer. The handle is situated midway between the head and the


slant sided peen. This hammer is used to lengthen, bend, and flatten steel.
Moved in one direction, the peen is employed to widen a piece of steel.
Every specialized part of the blacksmith's art has its own hammer styles.
The cutler is no exception. Like any experienced blacksmith, the cutler does
not rely upon one hammer, but uses a whole series of hammers. The real secret
to hammer use is when and how to use the right one. I have found that modern
tool steels have forced me to abandon the traditional, general shape, forming
hammers like the crnss peen for heavier double faced hammers.


The reasons for the change to these hammers comes from the various stages
required in the forming of a knife blade. The steel starts generally as a round
rod. The round rod will be squared, elongated, and flattened. Remembering
that the steel is extra tough, I start the forging with the largest, double faced
hammer that I can find to match my 100 pound anvil. I therefore start my
hammering with a 10 pounder.
With the crude shape finished, I move to the specialized cutler's hammers.
Many smiths have never seen this type of hammer. Regardless of weight,
these hammers have a universal shape. Most of the weight is distributed on
one side of the handle. The face is extremely awkward if you do not know how
to use it. This is a superb hammer for shaping, flattening, and packing tool
steel. Holding the handle about 6 inches from the head, the hammer fairly
walks back and forth along the steel. The trick is to get the hammer to do the
work with as little actual lifting of the arm as possible. I use two such ham
mers, one 6-1/2 pounds with a narrow head and a 7 pounder with a wide head.
When the steel has been forged thinner and flatter, I use a 3 pound, double
faced hammer for the corrective shaping. The shape and smoothness of the
blade. is determined by the smoothness of the contacting surfaces of the
hammer and anvil. The temperature of the steel is also very important. The
details of hammering as well as all the specific techniques of forging will be
given later.



Tongs' are an extension of the hand to be used to hold a piece of steel that has
become too hot to hold with the hands. I revert to the tongs when I have to.
Tongs are more awkward to use than the steel rod. The variety of tongs is
endless. A glance into any old fashioned blacksmith's shop is staggering. The
smith makes a tool to make a tool. My father said that, in the course of a large
project, several pairs of tongs would often be made and used.
There is nothing different about the tongs I use today. The selection from
the wide variety of shapes is, however, very specific. Tongs that hold tool steel
must fit so tightly that little if any turning motion of the steel is possible. Tool
steel is difficult to hold, especially while you are hitting it. It is imperative to
have the proper tongs to lock the steel in place.



Fire Building


Coal is a traditional fuel used by blacksmiths to heat their iron and steel.
Coal is present under the earth's crust practically wherever plants existed;
therefore, virtually every major area of the world contains coal. Coal is com
pressed, decayed vegetable matter. Since there was a wide variety of plants on
the earth millions of years ago, with a wide range of chemical makeup, so, too,
there are a great many different types of coal.
Coal is divided into major groups which are b~ed upon the length of time
and the conditions under which the coal was deposited. Anthracite, or hard
coal, has been in the ground the longest and contains the most carbon.
Bituminous, or soft, coal has less carbon. A third form, lignite, contains the
least carbon. Bituminous coal has undergone the decay process for less time
than anathracite and, therefore, contains less carbon than anthracite.
The conditions under which the plants were deposited is very important in
determining the chemical make up of the coal. Pressure and temperature have
created, over the years, an assortment of products in the coal. These products
determine the burning qualities of the coal, i.e., volatility and amount of BTU
(British Thermal Unit). One BTU equals the amount of heat required to raise 1
lb. of water 1 degree F. There are also a number of inorganic components of
coal which are of particular importance, to the blacksmith. Sulfur content of
coals is of particular interest to the blacksmith. Sulfur, when burned, combines
with oxygen to produce caustic oxides which are harmful to the steel (and
smith). The blacksmith, therefore, looks carefully at the analysis of the coal to
see that the sulfur content is 1.0 percent or less.
Ash content is another inorganic characteristic of coal. It is made of many
minerals that, when heated in the forge, make what is called a " clinker." These
clinkers form mostly on or over the grate. They slow down the free flow of air
into the fire. I have found that an ash content of 10 percent or more is very
undesirable. Here, as in sulfur content, the lower, the better. Clean coal means
clean tool steel. The lower the sulfur and ash content, the better.
The most desirable coal that I have found is called metallurgical coal. It con
sists of special bituminous coal or mixtures of bituminous and anthracite. A
typical analysis of this coal is: Carbon 55 to 75 percent, Moisture 2 to 5 per
cent, Ash 2 to 12 percent, Sulfur .5 to 3 percent, BTU 13,000 to 16,000 and
Volatile matter 25 to 30 percent.
When buying smithing coal from the local feed store, it is wise to ask if they
have an analysis of the coal and to look at the coal. If the coal is in chunks and
has yellow lines running through it, that is probably sulfur. If the coal is in
powdered form , does that mean that it is high grade metallurgical coal or just
the dust swept off the floor of a coal mine? The best thing to do is try a small
amount before you buy it. Good coal will form lots of slow burning coke and
put out plenty of heat. Chunk coal requires no special preparation unless the
pieces are, say, over an inch in diameter. I then hammer it down. I like chunk
coal mainly because I do not have to use much water with it.

















Unlike chunk coal, powdered coal requires water to shape and form it. The
idea is to make a paste of the coal and build it into ridges surrounding the
grate so as to create a hollow cavity into which is put kindling.
As the fire progesses, the sides that you have constructed start to burn and
create a furnace. If I want an oven effect, I put the paste coal over the fire. The
fire so constructed with good coal will last a full working day with minor ad
justments. I also like to build the sides parallel to each other so that the knife
blade can be shoved through the fire without contacting the moist coal
because wet coal can crack tool steel in the forge. Water, in excess, in the fire
area is harmful to the surface of the steel. I mention this because blacksmiths
working with mild steel and wrought iron tend to use a lot of water to control
their fire. This practice with tool steel can be disastrous.
As the fire begins to heat up, the coal is carbonized to coke. Coal that is
capable of producing this light expanded product in large volumes is much
sought after by smiths because it represents that much more potential heat
energy. Some smiths acquire coke from places where it is made, i.e., steel mills,
and burn it directly in their forge. Since it is unlikely that you will use all the
coke that you produce in one day, the excess coke can be saved and used to
start and maintain subsequent fires. Once you have the proper coal, the proper
construction and maintenance of the forge fire is essential.











I. '



-- --.,;- -

Tool Steel

This section is intended to furnish to the blacksmith information that is

largely unavailable to him elsewhere. I have drawn technical information from
tool steel manufacturers and research work that is strictly geared to industrial
The challenge is and has been to use simple, direct methods to effectively
forge, anneal, harden, and temper these materials, using the tools commonly
found in a blacksmith shop.
Eight or nine years ago I started to experiment with high carbon alloy tool
steels. At first I did so in a random fashion with no particular reason for selec
ting a steel other than I had heard or read about it. Since I was used to the
blacksmith's standby or water hardening steel, I soon found that these other
steels did strange things. After about two years of intensive, and at times
frustrating, work I began to learn how to adjust my techniques. I found that I
did not have to change any of the familiar smithing tools so much as I had to
alter my attitude toward the new material that I was using. The benefits are
most rewarding because since then I have successfully worked with every
main categqry of high carbon tool steel currently in production.
I have selected 15 of these steels as being representative of the 7 general
categories of tool steel. In one case I used 5 steels from the same category.
of Tool Steels
Entire books on the classification and designation of tool steels are
available. I will present basic information to give the smith a working
knowledge of the subject.
Tool steels are classified in three ways: by chemical composition, by mechan
cial properties and by usage. The two organizations responsible for these codes
are the Society of American Iron and Steel Institue (AISI) and Society of
Automotive Engineers (SAE).
The SAE system consists of a long number and letter code based on the
chemical composition of the steel. I find the lists hard to use because it is dif
ficult to associate so many numbers with a specific steel and its usage or
mechanical properties.
The AISI has, in the past, presented the various tool steels in categories
that include all three types of classification. What follows is an explanation of
their six major divisions and a separate category altogether, i.e., stainless
steels; note that each division has a letter symbol that helps to identify that
1. W ...Water hardening tool steel
2. S ... .Shock resisting tool steel
3. Special purpose tool steel

L ...Low alloy type

F ... Finishing type (carbon- tungsten)

P ... Plastic mold type


4. Cold work tool steel

O ... Oil hardening

A ...Air hardening (medium alloy type)

D ...High carbon high chromium type (die steel)

5. Hot work tool steel:

HI thru H19...Chromium based types

H20 thru H39...Tungsten based types

H40 thru H59...Molybdenum based types

6. High speed tool steel:

T ... Tungsten based types

M ...Molybdenum based types

This kind of grouping combines chemical composition, method of hardening,

and usage altogether. The system evolves into a more elaborate network of
numbered classes. The classes are a method of expanding the main divisions
and allow for new steels to be included. For example, the traditional water
hardening steel is in class 110 with an AISI designation of W-l. The class
numbers go from 110 to 660. If the steel is or has been produced, it is given an
AISI number or designation to match its class number. The steels that I will
evaluate in this article have type and class designations as follows:
Class Number

154CM, 440C, 440V
ATS-34, CPM-lOV or All
Vasco Wear

The hot working steels, plastic mold steels and the finishing steels were not in
cluded in my evaluation. The first two are not used to make knives and the last
is no longer available. In addition to the steels listed above, I have also used
and evaluated a seventh general category, namely, stainless steel.
Briefly, there are three kinds of stainless steel produced in the United States
today: Austenitic, Ferritic, and Martensitic.
The first two steels, as their names indicate, will not form martensite and
thus will not harden. Martensitic stainless is a high carbon tool steel with a
large amount of chromium added to prevent rust and corrosion.
I have selected martensitic stainless steels as being representative of the
group, i.e., 440C, 154CM, Bg42, 440V, andATS-34. They contain more than 14
percent chromium. I have found that lesser amounts of chromium make the
steel stain resistant, not stainless. (Note: Stainless steels have their own
separate classification system. Since I have only used one type, I will not ex
plain this coding.)


Steel Evaluation

The first high alloy tool steel that I began to experiment with was D-2. As it
turned out, it was also the hardest to master. Hammering W-1 was like hitting
a soft sponge in comparison to D-2 which felt like a stiff pine board. All the
other steels tested arranged themselves somewhere in between these two ex
tremes. A close runner up to D-2 is 154CM which feels about the same.
My next move was away from the forge and into the University library. It
seemed to me that the key to understanding the new steels was to understand
the alloy systems which made them behave the way that they did. What I
found out involved much more than just understanding each of the eight
alloys in the steel. I had opened a can of worms, so to speak, that I found most
interesting and rewarding. I now realize that with the understanding comes
the ability to truly get the most out of the material. Certainly, a large part of
this art form has to do with manipUlating in very subtle ways a material that
is extremely difficult to shape using traditional blacksmithing techniques.
I now realize that what made the Samurai sword smiths great was not
necessarily the mechanics of their process, but rather, that they understood
and directly related to the entire process. By selecting the proper raw
materials to begin with, they as much determined the final outcome of the
smithing as anything that was to follow.
I will start the steel evaluation with the alloying elements as this is the most
obvious place. Note: Not every element is present in each steel. Elements used
as alloys and their symbols are: Carbon-C, Manganese- Mn, Silicon-Si,
Chromium- Cr, Molybdenum- Mo, Tungsten- W (woiframit), Vanadium- V and
Nickel- Ni.
W-1 Water hardening steel- C 1.05, Mn.25, Si.25
S-5 Shock resisting steel- C .60, Mn .B5, Si 1.90. Cr.25. V.2, Mo.30
S-l Shock resisting steel- C.55. Mn.25, Si.25. Cr 1.25. V.20, W 2.75
L-6 Low Alloy Steel- C.75, Mn.70, Si.25, Cr.BO. Ni 1.50. Mo.30
0-1 Oil hardening steel- C.90. Mn 1.35. Si.35, Cr.50. W.50
A-2 Air hardening steel- C 1.00, Mn 1.00, Si.30. Cr 5.25, V.30, Mo.BO
D-2 High carbon High chromium die steel- C 1.55, Mn.25, Si.3B, Cr 12.00.
Vasco Wear- C 1.12, Si 1.20, Mn.30, W 1.10, Cr 7.75, Mo 1.60, V 2.40
M-2 High speed- C.B5. Mn.30, Si.30. Cr 4.15. V 1.95, Mo 5.00, W 6.40
154CM Martensitic stainless steel- C 1.05, Mn.50, Si.30, Cr 14.00, Mo 4.00
440C Martensitic stainless steel- C 1.00, Mn. 1.00, Si 1.00, Cr 17.00, Mo.75
Bg42- Martensitic stainless steel- C 1.15, Si.30, Mn.50, Cr 14.5, M04.00 V 1.2
CPM-IOV- C 2.45 Si.90, Mn.50, Cr 5,25, V 9.75, Mo 1.30
440V- C 2.2, Si.50, Mn.50, Cr 17.5, V 5.75, Mo.50
ATS-34 - C 1.02, Si.l5, Mn.41, Cr 13.66, Mo 3.50

tions, i.e., annealing, hardening and tempering, are in some way affected.
By using each of the 15 steels in the four operations listed above, and then
comparing them to their alloy contents. I could predict how each would func
tion. These 15 steels of known values may furthermore be used as standards
for unknown steels.
The most difficult part was relating the incandescent colors to temperatures.
I used a simple pyrometer to obtain actual temperatures:


Dull black-gray
Dull red (first color) still grays
Dull red, no other color
Dull red, brighter
Dull red, still brighter
Deep red
Orange red
Orange yellow
Bright orange yellow
Yellow 'o range
Light yellow


The colors were observed in the typical subdued light near the forge area in
most shops. These judgements are subjective since it is hard to define subdued
light. Note: Pyrometers are available in ceramic shops where one can also learn
how to calibrate pyrometers.
Much of my early work was done by trial and error without a pyrometer. The
experience was extremely valuable because I found ways to accurately judge
temperature by incandescent color that were later confirmed when I used the
pyrometer. I also established the fact that forging. annealing. hardening and
tempering of the steels listed can be done on an open fire. The only permanent
damage that could not be changed came when the steel was overheated or
struck at the wrong ~emperature regardless of the heat.

General Evaluation

It turns out that the forging qualities are not the only things affected by
changes in the amount and variety of alloying elements. All the other opera



Alloy Analysis

CARBON has by far the greatest influence of any of the alloys. Steel could
not exist without carbon. Martensite, along with bainite give steel a
microstructure of hard, tough carbide. None of the other elements so
dramatically alter the strength and hardness as do the small changes in car
bon. Carbon iron crystalline structures have the widest number and variety
known to exist in metallurgy. They also combine with other elements to fur
nish steel with an assortment of iron alloy carbide systems.
MANGANESE is in all produced steels. Here, it is used as an agent to
remove oxygen from the steel. Oxygen forms harmful oxides in steel. This
alloy also keeps the steel from being ruined while working it hot. Manganese is
used in moderate amounts in tool steel to increase hardenablility (0.2 to 0.4
percent). Higher amounts used to increase hardenability have the disadvan
tage of having more austenite retained at room temperature after hardening.
Austenite formed this way is very unstable and can change abruptly in the
steel, thereby creating cracks.
I have observed that in L-6, 0-1, A-2, and 440C where the carbon and
manganese are high, tempering times are long and at times unpredictable.
These steels, with the exception of L-6, also have a tendency to crack when
forged in small sections. They may also crack when they are being twisted or
hot cut. Cracking occurs in the red zone.
SILICON, like manganese, is used as a deoxidizer in tool steel. If the
amount of silicon is high, i.e., 1.0 percent or more, and the carbon content is
moderate, i.e.,.40 to .60 percent, the tool steel will be very tough, e.g., silicon
shock steel. But on the other hand if both silicon and carbon are high, i.e., 1.0
percent, then free carbon (graphite) may form. Graphite may cause cracking
while forging tool steel. Silicon differs from manganese in that it raises the
critical temperature and thus the hardening temperature. Silicon does not
lower the start of martensite formation.
Tool steels like S-1 and S-5 are extremely tough but have a tendency to scale
when forged, even at lower temperatures. However, they harden and temper
easily with no sudden change in hardness. With the exceptions of 440C , S-I,
and S-5, the other steels that were tested have moderate amounts of silicon.
440C contains a high percentage of silicon (1.0 percent) for strength,
hardenability, and corrosion resistance.
CHROMIUM is an important alloying element present in all but one of the
steels that I used (i.e., W-l). In small amounts (.25-.50 percent) chromium in
creases hardenability and reduces soft spots common in water hardening
steels. In moderate amounts (.80 to 1.25 percent) it retards corrosion and ox
idation. In percentages of 4.0 percent and more abrasion resistance is added to
the above qualities. Stain resistance is supplied by 11 to 12 percent chromium.
Chromium above 12 percent is necessary for stainless properties in high car
bon tool steels. High chromium content does not seem to necessitate ex
cessively hard forging. D-2 with 12 percent chromium is much harder to forge
than 440C with 17 percent chromium.
NICKEL is present in only one of the steels used. However, it seems to have


outstanding characteristics for imparting toughness at relatively high carbon

content. L-6 was one of the finest steels that I worked into a knife blade. In
lowering the hardening and tempering temperatures, nickel minimizes the
chance for quench cracking and distortion of long thin blades. Nickel also
lowers the degree of rust which eventually causes the steel to pit.
MOLYBDENUM is mainly used to give greater hardenability to the steel.
Even low amounts (.20 to .30 percent) greatly increase the depth of hardening
in steel (e.g., L-6 and S-5) and at the same time, retard what is called temper
brittleness. The alloy also prevents high temperature stress (creep) both while
forging and high temperature tempering.
TUNGSTEN has properties similar to those of molybdenum. Perhaps the
outstanding function of tungsten is wear reistance. Tungsten carbides carry
this wear-resistance to red hot temperatures (e.g. S-1 and M-2).
VANADIUM was added to steels originally to scavenge slag impurities in
the processing of steel. It was found that the alloy greatly increases the wear
resistance of steel. Vanadium carbide is one of the hardest structures in tool
steel. Vanadium carbides have very fine grains but dissolve in the austenite
only at high temperatures. Therefore, to take full advantage of them, the steel
must be heated accordingly. Fortunately, the fine grains of vanadium carbide
prevent grain coarsing at high temperatures. Note: Grain coarsing at high
temperatures is a prime cause for failure in the tool making process, i.e., dur
ing the forging and heat treating.


Evaluation of the 12 Tool

Steels used in This Study

Note: All forging was done with the same 3 lb hammer and the anvil and
tongs were prewarmed to prevent stress cracking; a very important point.
W-l Water hardening tool steel is the basic tool steel traditionally used by
bladesmiths. It behaves much like low carbon mild steel. W-1 is the easiest
steel to work and can be bent, twisted, and forged into more kinds of shapes
than any of the other steels tested. It is however, easily burned by
overheating. Many blacksmiths that have been trained to work their steel hot
cannot adjust to lowering the forging heat to a red orange instead of a bright
orange to yellow. Not only does the steel scale and pit when worked too hot,
but the grain structure is coarsened which eventually weakens it.
As with all tool steel forging, do not use much water to control the burning
of the coal as it will not only cause the steel to scale, but to crack as well if ac
cidently pushed into a wet spot. I use a wire brush and washing borax to con
trol the formation of the scale.
W-1 is simple to harden and temper and is the only steel with the exception
of 0-1 that can be tempered using the traditional oxide colors to judge the
hardness. I prefer to use the file for determining hardness.
I have found that for knife blades, heat treating oil gives far more consistant
results than the water quench. If regular quenching oil is not available, use a
clean, light motor oil, e.g., 10 wt. Light oil is not only easier to move the steel
through, but it has a greater cooling action than the traditionally used crank
case oil.
8ince W-1 is a shallow hardening steel, larger pieces, e.g., hammer heads,
should be quenched in water or brine.
I have made many knife blades from this material and can say that aside
from the fact that it rusts, W-1 blades hold an excellent edge and above all are
very simple to sharpen.
8-5 The outstanding thing about this steel is its toughness at a high hard
ness level. 8-5 is also versatile in that large sections may be water quenched,
e.g. , hammer heads. The high silicon content (1.90 percent) slows the softening
process during tempering of this steel. The steel forges much like W-l. But,
there is a degree of stiffness under the hammer which makes 8-S slightly more
difficult to forge. The 0.30 percent molybdenum makes the steel somewhat air
hardening. This means that every time the steel is removed from the fire, it
starts to harden; that is why it appears to be stiff under the hammer and to
lose heat faster than other steels. In order to prevent cracking, slow the force
of the hammer blows as the steel loses heat. If the steel starts to crack near the
edges, you know that your technique is at fault. The only exception comes
when you are grain refining the steel in the final stages of blade shaping.
I have had good luck with this steel. It is similar to W-l , but tougher in small
0-1 is a universally used oil hardening tool steel. The most outstanding


quality, to me, is the edge holding properties of 0-1. It forges like 8-S; in fact it
is hard to distinguish the two steels. Manganese is the dominant alloy in this
steel. This alloy lowers the start of martensite formation so that there may be
some unchanged austenite in the steel after it is hardened. I have found that
the trick with 0-1 is to cool it quickly in cold oil to eliminate as much austenite
as possible and to temper immediately.
0-1 has the habit of requiring a long time to temper and will change its hard
ness level unpredictably and suddenly. This means that you have to be alert
and constantly check the hardness levels with the files .
Other than the obvious cares taken when hardening 0-1, this steel is an ex
cellent choice for knife ,b lades. It is easily available from steel suppliers in a
range of sizes and shapes. A-2 discussed later, has very similar tempering pro
perties to 0-1. (A-2 has a 1.0 percent manganese content.)
8-1 is not a steel used to make knives because it contains a low .S percent
carbon. This amount of carbon gives an insufficient amount of martensite to
the blade. The steel is very important because it can be forged into hot pun
ches and other hot working tools. I use 8-1 for making sharpening steels for
carving sets. It is a very tough tool steel, so tough in fact, that I frequently
skip the tempering step by quenching it in warm oil (approx. SOC- 120F) briefly
and removing the steel before it has reached the oil bath temperature, and let
ting it air cool.
The dominant alloying element in S-l is tungsten. Tungsten not only gives
this steel its hot working qualities, but makes it noticeably more difficult to
forge than the three steels previously discussed. The amount of this alloy
varies from 2.0 to 3.0 percent, depending on the steel maker. Since tungsten
has some of the same qualities as molybdenum, S-l will crack if hit too hard
near the edge of thin sections.
1-6 is my favorite steel. It is relatively easy to forge and scales very little if
kept in a clean fire. The knives that I have made from L-6 are very tough and
easy to sharpen. The carbon content is sufficiently high (.7S percent) to insure
good waring qualities. The combination of nickel, chromium, and molybdenum
form a superb balance of alloys that insure high strength, toughness, and
hardenability. The low hardening and tempering temperatures give a greater
margin of safety than for the other tool steels used in my evaluation. L-6
forges much like S-l and it is debatable which one is stiffer under the 3 pound
There are two different types of L-6 on the market. The main difference
between them is that the one I have used for the evaluation contains
molybdenum and the other does not. Carpenter -steel L-6 contains no
molybdenum. This steel forges slightly easier than the Crucible steel's L-6
which has molybdenum. The molybdenum variety requires more care in forg
ing to prevent cracking and because of the higher hardenability, in the latter
steel, tempering times are longer. My personal perference is for the Crucible
variety because the edges hold their sharpness for a longer time.
A-2 is a popular, tough, air hardening tool steel. Air hardening means that
no drastic quench, i.e. , oil or water, is necessary in order to harden the steel. In
stead of quenching this steel, it will harden by removing it from the fire at an
orange yellow color and letting it cool in still air. I have found that this steel
will become harder if you harden the steel twice. In other words, bring the steel
to the same color to harden twice with a cooling to room temperature in
between the two heatings. Then I temper the blade twice to remove retained


Another way of hardening A-2 is to super cool it in a bath of acetone and dry
ice (-70 degrees F). This step is done after the hardening and cooling process.
Temper twice after this is done. Note: Never dump dry ice in acetone but slow
ly pour acetone over the dry ice.
I have used A-2 for several years and like its non warping properties
especially when making thin razor like blades.
Vasco Wear is a new tough, wear resistant cold work die steel. This steel
forges easily, i.e., like S-5. Scaling during forging is moderate. Annealing, grin
ding to shape was easy with this steel. Hardening was likewise easy. (Note:
Although this steel is air hardening, I found that an oil quench worked to
harden the steel better and also increased its toughness). The real problem
with this steel showed up in the finishing room. Vasco Wear polishes and
sands with great difficulty. When polished, it is not stainless and the edge is
extremely hard to establish. Vasco Wear is an appealing tool steel because of
its tough, wear resistance and good edge holding ability, however, it is too ex
pensive to finish and polish.
M-2 is a high speed steel that has outstanding properties of edge holding.
High speed steels have very high alloy contents compared to the other tool
steels. These additions give M-2 excellent wear resistance. Chromium,
tungsten, vanadium and molybdenum are the alloys which give M-2 these
characteristics. For all of this, the steel forges reasonably well. The usual care
must be given to prevent cracking at low temperature forging.
The amazing thing about M-2 is that, at the hardening temperature, the col
or is in the yellow orange range (2000F). This temperature range would cause
burning in the steels so far discussed. SoLution of the carbide forming alloys in
the steel is essential to get the most out of their additions. It is, however, easy
to overheat these steels in the ,forge. Slow, even heating to temperature is the
only way that I have found to avoid overheating and excessive scaling.
Tempering of these steels requires careful attention to heating rates just as
in the hardening process. The tempering of this steel can be done at two
general temperatures (400F and lOOOF). I have had good results with temper
ing at 400F twice. The steel, unlike the more simple W-1 and 0-1, becomes
harder after the second tempering as more and more retained austenite is
changed to martensite.
At elevated temperatures, i.e., lOOOF, maximum hardness is attained. I am
not convinced, however, that the steel is any tougher as a result of this high
temperature tempering. I have found that it improves the toughness of this
steel to quench the steel after it has been tempered at these temperatures in
order to avoid a condition known as temper brittleness which is encountered at
500F-700F. I use a preheated slab of steel to bring the blade up to the proper
M-2 is not a steel for the beginner bladesmith. It requires close concentra
tion at all levels of working. The steel is also very expensive ($8.00 a pound).
But make no mistake, this steel has some outstanding qualities. Among these
are wear resistance, toughness, and edge holding ability, the best I have seen
in any steel currently used for making knife blades.
D-2 is a familiar cold work die steel to knifemakers having been around for
many years. Originally, I forged D-2 from flat stock. I found, however, that a
fair amount of grain separation occurred using flat stock. I then switched to
round stock and the problem was eliminated. I believe that there must be a dif


ference between flat and round stock that comes from the factory, (grain struc
As with other high chromium steels, i.e., stainless, I preheat all tools that
come into contact with the steel during the forging, (hammer, tongs, and an
vil). The secret to forging these steels is to keep the forging temperature as low
as possible.
D-2 is an excellent knife steel. The steel is reasonably inexpensive ($5.00
pound), finishes with relative ease and has very good edge holding qualities.
440C is a popular, stainless steel for making knife blades. It is used exten
sively for this purpose by industrial cutlery firms. The blades that I have made
from 440C have given much better performance than those factory made
knives that I have tested. By that I mean that my blades were easier to
sharpen and held up longer than the others tested.
The classic, universal complaint that I have heard about stainless steel is
that knives made of it do not hold an edge well and do not sharpen easily. I
would certainly agree with these complaints in general. But I have found that
the fault does not seem to be caused by the material but rather by the techni
ques or process used in making the knives. The issue is further complicated
because there are a number of different types of martensitic stainless steels
manufactured and it would be hard to sort out all of the many variables con
nected with the problem. Add to all these things the fact that many stainless
steel knives come from foreign countries and the problem becomes impossible
to unravel.
Forging 440C is difficult because it has a marked tendency to crack. The
high silicon and manganese (both 1.0 percent) may account for this response.
The addition of 16 to 20 percent chromium to a 1.0 percent carbon steel, I
believe, may also account for the fracturing.
Once I solved this problem with lighter hammering at a reduced
temperature, the cracking problem was solved and I began to get good, consis
tant results. The steel is still difficult to forge. One common mistake that is
made by the beginner is to try to hammer on this material vertically after it
has been flattened. The trick is to do as much of the blade shaping and drawing
while the steel is narrower in circumference. This rule holds for all of the tool
steels that have high hardenability ratings. This is one reason that I leave the
tip of the blade flattened. The other reason is that it allows ~ greater radius to
the point. (See Diagram D -Knife Finishing Procedures)
The hardness of this steel drops off too much for my liking after 400 degrees
F so I do not temper 440C at elevated temperatures. I have found that the
toughness of this steel is improved with a double temper at 400 F.
154CM is martensitic stainless that has come out of the space associated in
dustry. In addition to cutlery, the steel is also used to make ball bearings. I
have found that it makes an excellent stainless knife steel. It has similar
finishing properties to 440C but does not crack under the hammer as much.
This is not to say that it is not hard to forge. This steel moves very reluctantly.
I would say that it is the hardest steel physically to forge of those tested. The
same precautions must be used with it as in the other high alloy steels.
I have found tht 154CM responds nicely to heat treatment; I use successful
ly both the double hardening techniques developed for the air hardening steels
and the sub zero quench method to eliminate the retained austenite.
Bg42 is a Latrobe Steel product that is similar to the Crucible Steel 154CM.


Bg42 contains vanadium and 154CM does not. Both steels are stainless. The
working qualities are very similar in both steels. The edge holding ability of
Bg42 is slightly better than 154CM but the price of Bg42 at $15 to $16 a
pound is very high. The steel is a pleasure to work and finish.
ATS-34 is the Japanese version of 154CM. After working the steel for some
time, it seems to forge more easily than 154 CM and ultimately produces a
tougher, longer lasting edge than 154 CM. It has excellent edge holding pro
perties and would make a good steel for kitchen knives.
440V. This steel, while sharing a similar designation to 440C, has a very dif
ferent type of chemical makeup. With more than double the carbon content
and a large amount of vanadium, this steel is more like D-2 than 440C when it
come to wear resistance and toughness. The steel also has the advantage of be
ing stainless. 440V forges hard but evenly, much like D-2.
CPM-lOV has a very high carbon and vanadium content which gives it ex
ceptional wear resistance. The edge holding ability of this steel is amazing,
however, the steel will rust quite easily. Finishing and polishing the steel is dif
ficult and time consuming. The advantages to me far outweigh the
The above sketches of the steels that I have used should give the bladesmith
some idea of the material that is used to make knives. Every steel has its good
and bad points. There is no perfect material. I have found that if the steel
responds relatively well to start with then the results will be good. The rest
depends on the skill of the smith and just getting used to the particular steel.
Modern tool steels are valuable materials for the traditional bladesmith who
wants to take the time to understand them.


Forging Operations:


The term forging has to do with the shaping of a bar of steel while it is hot. I
will show how I forge a round bar of tool steel into a shape that resembles a
knife blade. After this crude shape has been silhouetted on a grinder and
sander, I will demonstrate how the blade is hardened and tempered.
The diameter of the tool steel that I start with depends on the width and
thickness of the knife blade that I want to make. (Note: each round lengthens
from I" to 3" from its original dimension). As a rule of thumb, 1/2" round
stock flattens to I" wide by 1/S" thick and 3/4" flattens to I-lIS" wide by
3/16" thick. (Note: be sure to smooth the ends of the rod before forging to pre
vent cracking).
I generally make a rough sketch of the knife shape before I start. Next. I cut
off a piece of round stock about 1-1/2 feet long. I arrange the forge, anvil, ham
mers and tongs in close proximity to each other for the quick easy movements
necessary when working with tool steel. Most tool steels, when cooled, become
rigid and hard to move with the hammer.
The proper heat is essential in all four steps of the forging operation. My ap
proach is to work the steel at the lowest possible temperature for anyone step,
i.e., forging temperatures are kept close to IS00F in a range from lS00F to
2000F. This range of forging temperatures holds for all 12 tool steels that I
use. The color is bright orange. As the steel is reduced and changed in size. the
temperature is lowered accordingly (i.e., lS00 degrees down to lOOOF
finishing). The object of this careful attention to heat is to preserve a small
grain size- the smaller the better. If the steel is forged at too high a
temperature, all of the subsequent steps, i.e., annealing, hardening, and
tempering will be adversely effected.
The forge fire that I have built has now gotten up to temperature and I now
slip blocks of steel into the fire in order to heat the anvil surface. I next place a
grate over the fire to heat the hammers. When the anvil surface is warm, the
hot blocks are used to warm the sand and spent coke (small particles of spent
coke help to remove water from the sand). The sand is on the annealing plate.


Preheating of the anvil and hammers greatly reduces the chance for cracking
in the forged tool steel.
The forge fire is now ready to receive the tool steel rod. As the steel comes to
an orange color, I remove it and with even flat blows, begin to square the end
not too hard at first-so that when the steel stops moving, I stop hammering.
Each side is parallel with its opposite. Laying the big 10 pound starting ham
mer on the anvil, the steel is gently returned into the fire. Without disturbing
the fire, I remove the annealing plate and set it aside and return to the flow of
watching the steel constantly and squaring the end that will soon be about 3"
long and ready to fit my small hollow bit tongs. I also occasionally wire brush
the scale off the steel before returning it to the fire.
I reach for my cut off hardy and slip it into place. With ruler and file, I
remove the steel and hot file the spot to be cut off on the hardy, returning the
steel to the fire and positioning it over the fire, where the cut is to be made. As
the steel heats, placing the small tongs on the anvil ready to hold the cut off
piece of steel, and looking for that yellow orange cutoff color, I remove the
steel, squaring it over the hardy, hitting it one, two, three, four times until the
steel is almost cut through. Then, lifting off the hardy and putting down the
hammer, I use the tongs to twist off the steel and stick the round rod into the
sand and the half made knife blade into the fire. I next wait for the steel to
come up to forging temperature again.
The squared end sticking out of the fire will become the tang or support
system for the hilt (handle). When the heat is up in the steel, it is removed with
the tongs, and the hand cranked fire dies down, aiding the low forge
temperature. In two heats, the sides are trued and the tip is widened. (See
Diagram A.) The blade is kept uniform in dimension and slowly flattened. Now
the larger hollow bit round tongs are used to grab the steel.

First, the blade end is flattened, then the tang, as the steel grows longer and
flatter. (See diagram B.) The 10 pound hammer gives way to the cutler's
hammers- the 6-1/2 pounder for subtle shaping, the 7 lb. hammer for flattening
the sides. The tang needs continual squaring with the 3 pounder, and the
rhythm is constant until the blade is smooth and flat (45 minutes to 2 hours).
All the while that the blade is becoming thinner, the heat is cut down until, at
the final flattening, the color is a dull red (lOOOF).
starting to


thickest part




keep dimensions euen as you forge

and do not let one area become too
thin in relation to the other







At last, the blade is flat enough and the amlealing pan is again over the fire.
The blade is heated to a dull red if it is of low alloy steel, or to red, if of high
alloy. After 6 or 7 passes in the fire, the blade is finally shoved vertically into
the sand and the annealing has begun.
In 15 or 20 minutes, I remove the blade and check for hardness with a dull
file. See diagram C. I also look for cracks or chips due to faulty forging techni
ques, e.g. , edge cracking or pitting from too hot a blade hit too hard perhaps
with the wrong hammer. If the blade is uniformly soft, i.e., easy to file with the
dull file, I then grind and smooth the blade.

check with dull file fo r softness


Note : if threading tip of tang,
be s ure to soften if needed



and Tempering

After the blade is ground and sanded to shape, it is ready to be hardened and
tempered. The purpose of hardening is to increase the strength of the tool
steel. But once hardened, the steel is too brittle to use, so it is necessary to
slightly soften it in such a way that its strength is still maintained.
The process has been done traditionally by the bladesmith in the forge. I go
to a lot of trouble to see to it that the fire and the steel are properly prepared.
The fire should be long enough to accommodate the blade and at least one
half of the tang. My common rivet forge is adapted for this purpose by the use
of two steel bars and a long grate resting on top of them. With chunk type
coke, I build a long, high mound using no water to bind the coal when the fire is
started. Water oxidizes the steel and should always be avoided in the heat
treating fire when possible.
Since it is impossible to build a fire using powder coal without water, I mix,
build and burn this type fire for some time to eliminate as much water as possi
ble. For the oven effect I can either put a plate over the fire or use coal mound
ed over it.
The blade is next coated with borax to protect it from oxidation in the fire.
Borax (i.e. the washing type) was traditionally used both as a flux in welding
and as a coating material to protect steel from the oxidizing effects of the fire.
I take a coffee can and fill it with 113 borax and 2/3 water. I put it on the fire
over the grate or on a separate fire, and as it rolls to a boil, I dip the blade into
the supersaturated solution. Once dried, the blade is ready to harden. Now,
read the following flow sheet carefully:



Steel vs Incandescent
Colors- Flow Chart
Group 1- W-l, 0-1, S-I, S-5, L-6: harden slowly from dull red to red; let soak
for several minutes without turning crank on blower. Quench in Imperial S
quenching oil (5 gallons) prewarmed to not more than 120F (W-l to 130F).
Temper immediately. These steels change quickly. (Imperial S is a medium
range quenching oil.)
Group 11- A-2, D-2: put in fire that is orange to yellow orange; let soak,
remove and air cool. Then bring it to a dull red and cool. In other words, double
harden with stress relief in between. Double temper to 400F (Note: alternative
procedure is to sub zero quench in acetone dry ice. after first hardening, to
reduce retained austenite; skip second hardening. (See diagram D).
Group 111- 154CM, 440C, M-2. Bg42, Vasco Wear: Preheat steel to red and
remove; heat fire to yellow orange for 5-6 minutes and let steel soak until even
ly heated. Remove and quench in room temperature Imperial S quenching oil.
Temper 400F to lOOOF . 154CM especially benefits from sub zero quenching.
Sub zero quench is not necessary for 440C as it has a tendency to crack. For M
2, use a longer soaking time or double harden at an orange yellow . Quench in
cold oil if necessary to harden. (i .e .. room temperature)

finger on blade to see

if cool - do not remove
if too hot to touch




Hardening Technique

The hardening process, once the fire is built, is essentially the same for all
the tool steels that I have used. The big differnce between the three groups is
the intensity and duration of the heat. As the steels become more complex, i.e.,
higher alloy amount and variety, the temperature is raised to disperse and
dissolve the alloying elements. This is especially true of the so called refrac
tory alloys such as chromium, tungsten, molybdenum and vanadium, which
retain their strength at high temperatures.

Secrets of Successful

Forge Hardening

1. Get the heat in the forge that is desired for the particular steel without the

blade being in the fire.

2.Do not overheat. Reinember that the steel can be heat treated again if not
hot enough, but is ruined if overheated. Note: if steel does not harden the first
time, bring to a full, dull red, put in sand tray to anneal, and harden over again.
3. Move steel constantly in the forge oven to make sure the blade and at
least one half of the tang is evenly heated.
4. Move the blade gently and evenly in the quench until it is the same
temperature as the oil. Note: put a finger on the blade while in the oil. (See
Diagram E.)
5. Use dull, then sharp file around the edges of the knife to check hardness,
especially in the area near the junction of the tang and blade. (See diagram F .)

, _7

hardened blade that

has had oil removed


Note : pour acetone Oller

dry ice slowly. NEVER
as it will sometimes explode.



dry ice


file (dull or sharp)

begins to cut here





sharp file barely cuts

dull file slides

Secrets of Successful


1. Put a 1/4" to 3/8" mild steel plate over the fire and temper blades on this
plate. (See photo) . Control temperature carefully by heating the plate. Never
heat the blade in an open flame (it changes too fast). Group I changes hardness
levels fast, so watch carefully. Groups II and III take longer to temper. When
tempering at high temperatures, use a heated bar and quench to stop temper
ing action. Double edge blades should lay flat and be watched carefully as they
tend to change fast.
2. Keep blade in constant motion on the plate, occasionally laying the guard
area of the tang on the plate to insure stress relief in this critical area. The ap
proximate time is 5 to 20 minutes. Note: L-6, A-2. D-2. M-2, 154CM and 440C
will become harder after second tempering.
3. Use dull and sharp files interchangeably around the silhouette to judge
the degree of softening. This step is very sensitive and requires a lot of prac
4. Test toughness of the blade by striking it across something such as a
cutoff hardy.
Note: Hardening and tempering steps are not difficult to accomplish in a


manual way, but require much practice to acquire the sensitivity necessary to
distinquish very subtle differences in hardness and softness levels using dull
and sharp files.
This concludes the part which has stressed the bladesmith's relationship to
new materials using old techniques. The most helpful suggestion that I can
think of, centers on the awareness of the smith to the material. In a way, this
material is very fragile and will burn or crack if treated severely. On the other
hand, if worked slowly and with much attention to small details, these new
materials can be shaped into strong, tough shapes that function as well as they


The Finishing Room

In one corner of great granddad's shop was a space with a wooden floor. In
this area on long benches, were various hand tools and hand powered machines
for drilling and grinding. Others were run with a foot treadle like a sewing
machine. On the bench a wide variety of jigs used to guide one tool in the mak
ing of another, e.g., files, were made from annealed tool steel by scribing them
in a jig that locked the bar in place while a hardened wedge shaped cutter was
pulled across it.
A long rack up near the ceiling held oak and hickory rods used for handle
material. Occasionally cow bone, horn and deer antler were used for knife
The work in this corner was very time consuming and required long hours of
concentration in order to attain the necessary skills. This is the area where my
father learned the value of filing a straight line in iron or steel. Here was a
place where habits were developed at a young age that allowed the craftsman
to develop his or her artistic talent. I have watched my father use hand
operated or cranked machines with more precision than one run by electrical
A walk into my shop today provides a view similar to the shop that my
father worked in. The large bench I use was his along with most of the hand
tools. I also have some of his electrical equipment including two grinders, a
drill press and sander.
The tools that I use are not unusual and can be found in most garage type
shops. I no longer make my own files nor for that matter do I use hand cranked
machines with the exception of the forge. But in spite of the use of some
modern tools, most of the work is still done by hand.
My finishing room is an area where the Jobs started on the forge are com
pleted. The knife blades that have a crude shape are silhouetted, shaped, sand
ed smooth, drilled or threaded and sent back to be hardened and tempered.
Afterwards, the blades are ground and sanded in preparation for the hilts.
The many woods in addition to hickory and oak are still end grain sealed and
stored high in one corner near the ceiling. Antler and cow horn are cleaned,
hollowed and stored in cans for curing. A wide variety of brass, bronze, and
nickel silver is stored for shaping into guards and pommels.
Perhaps the items that have changed the most between then and now,
besides the steel, are the abrasives. Previously, one used various abrasive
powders of different grits sprinkled on leather coated with glue. The leather
was then fastened to wooden wheels and used to smooth and polish the steel
and wood. Now, the abrasive not only comes fixed to the paper or cloth, but
new materials like silicon carbide have joined the list of traditional ones like
corundum (alumina- aluminum oxide) and crocus of iron. The use of buffing
compounds has likewise expanded.
What follows is a list of the various tools and machines which I use in the
construction of a knife with a brief description of how I use them: a 1/2



horsepower, high speed 1"x7" grinder and wheel dresser. This tool is used
twice in the operation, once to shape, i.e., silhouette, the knife and, after heat
treating, to thin and shape the blade and tang; a 113 horsepower motor
mounted with a 9" V shaped wheel for hollow or concave grinding; a 112
horsepower motor mounted with buffer and cut off wheel (steel); a 1/3
horsepower side wheel, 4" sanding disc used to flatten ' steel and wood; a 113
horsepower motor connected by a pulley .to a soft 2-1/2x 18-15116" rubber
wheel (Hy-Pol) available in lapidary and jewerly supply stores. This small, in
expensive wheel fitted with sleeve sanding belts is a most useful tool. With 36
grit belts I can grind; with finer grit belts (120-600 grit), I can smooth and
polish; 3 electric hand drills: one is small and high speed. These tools are used
to drill both steel and wood. The small drill is fitted with cratex wheels for
removing scratches. Cratex (trade name) is rubber that has been impregnated
with abrasives; an oxyacetylene (or oxypropane) torch fitted with micro size
tips. I use this apparatus for soldering on the guards with low melt, All State
stainless steel solder (paste and wire type) No.430 (Note: Read instructions for
use carefully before using oxyacetylene); several steel block heat sinks plus
clamps. Heat sinks absorb and dissipate heat in this case, away from the knife
blade and tang. Note: Propane is cheaper than acetylene and burns cleaner.
Duzall flux is very important with No.430 solder. I even used it with the paste
solder that already has a flux with it. Yellow ochre powder is mixed with water
to control the flow of the solder (produced by Dixon Co. and available at craft
supply stores); flat, precision ground steel plates- 1" thick 12" xI2" for flatten
ing wood to bone, brass to steel, etc; files 4" to 6" open cut, engineering type;
fine, smooth precision files have a tendency to clog and are unsatisfactory for
my work; buffing wheels and buffing compound, i.e. stainless, emery, tripol
and 180-400 grit greaseless buffing compounds to remove small scratches
from the finished blade. (Greaseless buffing compounds are available from a
variety of knife finishing supply companies. It is important to keep the wheels
separate for each compound. NuLife abrasive belt cleaner is an art gum type
of material that is excellent for cleaning sandpaper and abrasive belts which
helps prevent overheating of the material (available from local distributers of
the Abrasive Service Co. Inc., PO Box 128,56 New Britain Ave., Unionville,
CT 06085); three step finish for use on bone, wood, antler, ivory. I have used
this material with very good results on a variety of materials. It helps water
proof the handle and prevents expansion and contraction of the tight fitting
joints. I-t includes sealer, wax, and finish (made by General Finishes, 1580 S.
81st, Milwaukee, WI 53214); assorted hammers, punches, feeler gauges,
scribes (for metal); glues- Epoxy, household type, rubber cement, cement for
gluing sandpaper discs to side wheel sander (Feathering Disc Adhesive);
sandpapers- I use a wide variety of aluminum oxide and silicon carbide type
papers available in most hardware stores; hardwoods-(See USDA Forest Ser
vice Research paper FPL 125 Mar 1970. Material for leather and sharpening
are listed in these sections); Safety Equipment and Practice, Forest Products
Lab, Madison, WI. Goggles and a safety shield are very important for eye pro
tection as are ear plugs (f requently sold in hardware stores and tool stores)
and disposable masks and cartridge type safety masks. My work area is small
and easy to control with plenty of windows for venting fumes and cleaning.
Modern chemicals and electricity are the source of most hazardous conditions
in my shop. Aside from electrical machines with moving parts, other unex
pected dangers arise in the shop. Steel particles accumulating in electrical
plugs can cause fires.


Knife Finishing


What follows is a description of the steps that I take to convert a relatively

shapeless blade blank into a finished knife. I will give the general procedures
used so that the reader will have a preview of the steps before the necessary
details are supplied.
The forged blade blank is silhouetted to the shape of the finished knife. The
blade is then sanded on either side to the desired thickness. Any filing, drilling
or threading is done before the blade is hardened and tempered. After the
blade is heat treated, the final shaping and polishing is done. Next, the guard
material is selected, measured, tapped and/or drilled. The guard is slipped over
the tang and made flush with the blade. The guard is soldered in place and the
excess solder is scraped and sanded off. The handle material is measured, sand
ed flat, drilled and slipped over the tang. If the knife has a metal pommel, the
brass or bronze etc. is measured, flattened, tapped and threaded. All of the
pieces are assembled, shaped, glued, and put into a press to set. When dry, the
hilt is sanded to the final shape and the last step is to put on the three finishing

s~ear POi~ ____ __

Knife Shapes

:e :=?



Along with the mechanical steps, I will include both my design and aesthetic
approach to this art form. I would also like to emphasize that the methods,
tools, etc. that I employ, may not exactly fit someone else; this description fits
my style and perhaps may be employed by anyone with the desire to try the
My idea of a knife is that it is an extension of the hand; as such it should be
comfortable to hold. I draw many of the shapes that I use from forms such as
birds and fish which display to me both balance and grace. It is one thing to
visualize these shapes but quite another to combine them into a durable art ob
ject that will stand up under everyday use.
I prefer, in most cases, to look for the simplest solutions to knife making
that satisfy me. For example, knife balance is comfort in use. The hilt should
be so c,:ontructed that you feel that your hand has an extension which is cut
ting. Therefore, the shape of the knife is the most important thing to me. Each
blade shape is contoured for ease of function. Any sharp blade will cut, but
some shapes cut with less effort. By the same token, for every blade shape.
there is an ideal handle to match. The trick is to be able to find that combina
I believe there are no hard and fast rules for the construction of a knife.
Whatever works is what is best for any particular situation. Through long ex
perience, I have learned to follow certain patterns.
Regardless of the blade length, the tang must be at least as long as the palm
of the hand is wide, and perferably longer. This usually means from 3-1 /2" to
over 4" long. The only exceptions that I encounter are short bladed knives
with blades 2-112" and smaller. The hilt must have support throughout its
length. My hilts run from 4-112" to 5" long and the tangs vary from 4" to 4
112" long.
The junction of the blade and tang is a weak spot in a knife (Diag.C). I widen
and thicken this area to protect it against the stress of a lifetime of use. Square
corner filings are to be avoided when possible because they are stress points.
Thus, round off sharp edges when encountered in shaping the tang. As the
knife design calls for a wider or longer blade, so, also, the junction of blade to
tang must widen and thicken to accommodate this change.

press for a glued knife

widen as knife
increases in
length and weight

-- - -- -- - - -- - t,~

weak spot in knife~~~~

J.' - - - -
-----.... round off square edges

to prevent "notch"

effect or stress points

from developing

wood, brass, e tc .

] " th ick
steel plate that
has been

precision ground


cut off wheel

establish tip

a line


'.- - - - .;


'0'" w/lh ,",d"


grind silhouette after

cut off with wheel

thread tip

of tang


junction of materials



Of the many other details to be discussed. the most important concerns the
fitting of the many joints. Where one piece of material meets another. that
area must show the closest possible fitting . The time spent in achieving this
tight fit is sometimes great. I spend much time on this both to strengthen the
piece and preserve the flow patterns.
I start the blade design by sketching the silhouette on the forged blank
(Diag.D). I use the grinder and cut off wheel to do the shaping. Even though
the blade has not been heat treated. it can be damaged by grinding too hard.
Now the sides can be smoothed to a uniform thickness (l/8" or thinner). Once
the scale has been removed on the sides. I determine what style of blade con
tour that I want. This varies from flat sided to concave with many contours in
between (Note: the blade has enough metal along the edge to thin down after it
has been hardened). Regardless of whether or not the blade is flat or concave. it
should ultimately be thin near the edge. as thin blades cut far more efficiently
than thick ones.
Adjust the side thickness so that the area where the guard will be has flat
parallel sides. This area will be the thickest part of the knife. The guard slips
over the tang and fits evenly to the blade. I use the guard size and shape to
balance the whole knife. For small. light knives. the guard may be 1/8" thick.
At the other extreme. the guard may reach 3/4" thickness. I also use thin
guards to accentuate the handle material. Heavy guards bring added weight to
a heavy knife that may be used for chopping.
The design possibilities for the handle have been drastically altered with the
advent of modern glues. This material is not perfect however. I have found
that epoxy loses its strength when exposed over a long period of time to the
air. To minimize the exposure of the glue. I try to eliminate it from all joints.
In this way the epoxy will serve the purpose for which it is designed-to hold
without shrinking away from the tang. Do not use epoxy to secure the guard
because. after much experimenting. I have found that solder is stronger and
longer lasting.



Threading and Drilling

The Tang

In addition to epoxy, I use two methods for attaching the handle. The
simplest involves drilling one or more holes in the tang and the handle material
which is in turn held in place by a pin made of goat horn or cow horn.
The other method is to thread a piece of brass, bronze, or nickel silver to the
end of the tang (Diag. D). I first thread the tang tip using a threading tool
while the tang is soft (annealed). Frequently, the tip of the tang is too hard to
thread and requires re-annealing. A matching threaded hole is put into the
If this style handle is used, I make the guard and pommel first and then fit
the handle material in between the two.




- -- - ---- - -

_._- -

Handle Material

I have found that there is a wide variety of acceptable natural materials that
can be used for making handles. I select materials that by their nature will not
shrink to any great degree. All natural materials, e.g., wood, antler, bone,
ivory, and even very dense equatorial hardwoods, contain small amounts of
water. I therefore use kiln dried wood and aged antler, bone, etc. I generally
keep newly acquired material one year or more before using.
The next requirement is wear resistance and toughness. Many hardwoods fit
these requirements very well, e.g., cocobolo, pau (Brazilian ironwood), wenge,
Brazilian rosewood and many more.
I have learned to stay away from less dense woods like maple, walnut and
zebra wood etc., because they are not as wear resistant as the ones listed above.
If you can press your fingernail into the wood, then it is too soft, regardless of
its looks. It may also be more porous and expand and contract on becoming
wet and consequently dry out.
I enjoy combining various woods so they will be both pleasing and durable.
For example, I select one to two inches of a dense wood, like cocobolo, and
secure it adjacent to the guard. Then I fit the remainder of the handle with
goncalo alves. Or instead of wood near the guard, I sometimes substitute
another material. I try to butt the most dense material near the guard where
the fingers squeeze and wear the handle. Even ebony; which has a tendency to
crack in large sections, may be safely used in this area.
When working with these materials, work them slowly so that they will not
overheat. I sand with an open cutting sandpaper. I usually start with a 36 grit
paper and work to 80 grit. When the crude shape is established, I concentrate
on assembling all of the parts making sure that they fit perfectly together.
Having a large flat surface upon which to sand makes all the difference in the
world (Diag. E). Note: The most important skills to develop with wood in mak
ing handles is learning to drill straight, narrowly defined holes that match the
tang shape, and proper holding positions for the wood when pushing it across
the sandpaper in order to make it perfectly flat.
Woods that have open grain types like oak, wenge, hickory etc., require
special handling because of their tendency to splinter. I rasp or sand across the
grain very slowly when shaping and after the finish sanding, apply generous
sealers to the surface to seal the wide open pores.
Antler is an excellent handle material. It is a connective tissue outgrowth of
the skull which subsequently becomes calcified bone. The core of the antler is
spongy material with blood vessels which furnish calcium and nutrients to the
The bone of the antler is thicker near the skull and is thus more desirable for
handles. I judge antlers on both the length toward the tip of this thick portion
and how well this material has been preserved. The most desirable racks that I
have used have been stored inside for long periods of time and have dried out
slowly. I avoid antlers that have been outside too long and have either cracked
or decalcified.
Hollowing out the dry spongy material must be done with great care so that



the hard bone does not become too thin. The most difficult place to hollow is
the area adjacent to the button. I start hollowing the cavity with the electric
drill and finish with a series of gouges and long, thin wood chisels. I remove as
much of the spongy material as I can, so that the space may be taken with
epoxy glue.
If the antler is thick, it gives you the chance to mold and sculpture the
material in many ways. If patiently sanded, the finish is like marble.
I sometimes drill the tang and antler or wood in order to put a retaining pin
in place. This operation requires lots of practice. I have tested knives with and
without the pin and found no difference as far as durability is concerned. The
determining factor of handle longevity, I feel, is the preciseness of the fittings
and the quality of the glue (Diag.F).
Another material that is somewhat similar to antler is ivory. Ivory is much
denser and harder than antler and bone. I occasionally use ivory in the place of
antler. It is very hard but can be brittle, so I only use it in small sections. I
sand ivory with great care since it has a tendency to surface check if
overheated. In fact, heat or direct sunlight can cause this material to crack.
Very old ivory, or fossil ivory, is also used to some extent for handle
material. Fossil ivory is very hard material that has, through the ages, been
changed by the continued deposition of minerals into the ivory. These fossil
ivories come from walrus tusk, walrus tooth, Mammoth and Mastodon tusk.
This material is found in the Arctic coastal and interior regions of Alaska. The
color of fossil ivory ranges from a creamy white, through a carmel color to
almost black.
Fossil ivory is a very desirable material for the scrimshaw artist. According
to scrimshander, Steve Magill, Scrimshaw is derived from the latin word
"scribe" which means to write or make pictures. Scrimshaw also includes carv
ings and adornments some of which date back 25,000 years to the caves of
France. There, beautiful artifacts have been found made of mammoth and
mastodon ivory. These were carved by ero-Magnon man.
During the 18th and 19th centUries, American scrimshaw has been
associated with the whaling industry. In fact, it is a true American folk art
that can be seen at the Whaling Museum in Sharon, Massachusetts, on page
131 and 132 of this book, and many other places.
Up to this point, I have described the construction of knives with narrow
tangs that are surrounded by the hilt. Since I prefer this style, I have em
phasized it. The full tang knife handle design has a tang that is a silhouette of
its final shape in steel. The handle consists of slabs of material attached to
either side of the tang. The handle is attached with pins that pass through the
tang and handle.
When I forge this type of knife, I cut the steel to the desired length,
silhouette the tang and forge out the blade. (Note: stock lengthening depends
on the original width, i.e., 3/16" goes to 118" width, with an increase of about
2" in length.) I next grind the blade shape that I desire and drill holes in the
tang for the guard and handle. Never use an oxyacetylene torch to cut out the
steel, as it will completely destroy the steel for an unknown distance from the
I secure the guard with two pins which are clamped tightly and soldered in
place. Next, the wood or antler is fitted. An easy method of securing the slabs
is to first glue one side, drill through the handle material and tang when dry
and glue on the other side. Put the pins in last, being very careful not to injure


the wood. Be sure the pins are the same size as the holes that you drill.
Whatever type of natural material I use, the requirements are the same, a
combination of strength, texture, workability and beauty. There is no reason
to sacrifice strength when selecting natural materials. The thing about natural
materials that has always appealed to me is their wide variety of textures and
colors. Even in the same piece of wood, there can be amazing difference. These
small differences may be used to create subtle differences in the hilt.
The use of the various combinations of hilt materials is a qlatter of taste.
The development of that taste takes time and patience and is not something
that can be acquired overnight or by someone trying to explain it. I have found
that the mechanical steps only become easier through continuous practice.
Each step in making a knife is critical to me so that any error made can only be
made worse by continued work. I am in no rush to make the knife as I haopen
to feel that the only way that' I can create what I w~nt is by slow, deliberate
and patient steps; always remaining centered on the image of what I would
like to create. Many times I am surprised at the results and have to get used to
the object that I created because it does not fit the image that I had. So be it.
.... _....,. rl


~~- - ~-- "~--- ------ --~" -- ."":"'*- -

- - : -- "- .- - - -- - .-

The Hand Stitched


Most of the knives that J make are meant to be used. Since I constantly find
an every day use for a knife, I have over the years experimented with different
types of sheaths in which to carry a knife. The criteria that I have used include:
simple design, no breakable snaps, strong construction and a durable non
stretch belt attachment. The resulting sheath meets this set of objectives for
most knives that I make.
The sheath is a type of pouch with the leather covering not only the blade
but three quarters of the hilt. The knife is thus protected by an envelope of
I start the sheath by first selecting a piece of 9-10 ounce oak tanned cow hide
(unstained) and, laying the knife on its left side, draw with a pencil, a line on
the rough side of the leather along the edge of the knife and then extend the
line away from the back of the edge. This makes a flap of leather wide enough
to fold over the knife.
This piece of leather is cut out and laid down with the knife in position to
make a spacer. This thread protecting spacer is made of heavy sole leather.
The silhouette of the blade is drawn on the sole leather (which also extends up
the hilt). Next, the sole leather is cut on the silhouetted line and then, allowing
for the stitching. cut out. This piece of heavy leather is glued, with rubber ce
ment, to the rough side of the leather. Holes are drilled with a drill press along
a line evenly from where the point of the knife will be to the top. Fit the size of
the hole to the size of the pre-waxed stitching thread to be used.
Next. the belt attachment is made. This holdfast is made of three parts. The
two smaller sections are to be drilled and stitched to the sheath. (Note: Drill
from the rough side). The middle section which extends over the other two is
cut, glued on to the others, smoothed with the sanding wheel, stained on the
sides and waxed with carbowax used in shoe repair shops. The three piece unit
is made flush with the top edge of the sheath. Then. with a pointed marker, the
sheath is marked for drilling. Note: The sides of the three piece attachment are
parallel with the holes previously drilled in the sheath. Now the sheath is light
ly stained with a cream stain combo leather conditioner. (I do not like most
stains since they tend to cover the grain of the leather).
The stitching must be sunken into the leather in order to preserve the
thread. I wet the parts to be stitched with warm water and, using a leather
tool. groove the leather where the stitching is to run. (Note: it is important to
groove the area which will be on the opposite side of the belt attachment.)
I next stitch the belt holder to the sheath. This belt holder has a built in gap
to accommodate the belt and does not have a tendency to pull or stretch out of
I hand stitch the leather using a heavy pre-waxed leather thread. The leather
is very heavy so I use a pair of pliers to pull the thread through the holes. Note:
the needles used are heavy duty leather needles. The type of stitch that I use
has a needle at either end of the thread so that both sides of the sheath are stit



ched at the same time.

When the belt holder is in place. the inside of the sheath is wet with warm
water and. with the knife in place. the leather is molded over the knife. The
knife is then removed and holes are drilled through the ones drilled before.
After the stitching is completed. the knife is inserted onto the sheath and
molded once more.
The sheath is completed by sanding the edge, staining it and waxing the
sides. I apply a liquid wax to the sheath and let it dry for 2 to 3 days. After the
sheath is thoroughly dry, I put two coats of shoe polish on it.
List of Tools Used

in Sheath Making

* 9-10 oz. Oak Tanned tooling leather

* Leather rubber cement
* Heavy duty leather needles
* Groover
.* Pliers
* Cream broWn stain (antique stain)

... * Brown dye

.** DrHlpress
Waxed thread (heavy duty)

*:. Carbo Hard Wax (brown)

* Atom,li.quid W~x .





-,.-~-~------------------------~----------~-'~-~------~.. ... ~"~.~-----------.-----

.~~ ---.~----------


Knife Sharpening

Knife sharpening is at the same time the easiest thing to explain to someone,
but the hardest thing for them to execute. I have spent much time explaining
the technique to a wide variety of people and the experience has only reinforc
ed the desire to present the following with the greatest wishes for good luck to
those who will patiently stick with it and practice the art of sharpening a knife
until they are masters.
The only way that I have found to effectively sharpen a knife is on a sharpen
ing stone that is firmly mounted on a bench.
Basically, there are two types of sharpening stones 'commonly available.
There are the natural stones, i.e., those of novaculite rock and those that are
man made from abrasives heated in electric furnaces.
The natural stones are finer in nature than the man made stones. I prefer to
use them as finishing stones. The most common types are the washita, and
hard and soft Arkansas. Of the three the finest is the hard Arkansas. The other
two are much softer and are the ones that I most often use.
The man made stone that I most commonly use is a combination of two
abrasives. One side is aluminum oxide with a trade name of smooth India. The
second is made of silicon carbide with a trade name of coarse crystolon.
With all of these stones I use mineral oil to suspend the particles of steel and
abrasives when I am sharpening a knife. The oil keeps the pores of the stone
from filling with particles that would eventually stop the cutting action of the
stone. The oil should be wiped from the stone after its use. Occasionally, I
scrub the stone with soap and water to further clean the pores . When dry, I
restore the oil to the stone.
The object of sharpening is to lightly grind the edge of the knife over and
over at the same angle to establish an even bevel or angle on both sides of the
After pouring enough oil on the stone to cover its surface, place the knife
blade flat on one end of the stone with the guard nearest the stone. Now place
the thumb near the guard and extend the fingers of the left hand onto the
blade up to the tip. I hold the knife with my right hand firmly and elevate the
blade until the side of the edge is resting on the stone. Now push on the blade
firmly with the fingers and at the same time draw the knife across the stone. If
the angle is too high, it is almost impossible to move the blade. If the angle is
too low, the blade will have scratch marks on it. With some practice, the right
angle for the particular knife that you have will emerge. Note: Notice the posi
tion of the knife on the stone and the position of fingers on the blade.
The blade is then turned over and, with the fingers in position, the blade is
pushed into and drawn back across the stone. This operation is repeated over
and over at the same angle with the fingers at the same position. The most im
portant things are the pressure when the blade is pushed into and across the
stone and the holding of the same angle after each pass. Be sure that plenty of
'oil is on the stone at all times during the sharpening.



If the knife is dull. as most are in the kitchen, start your practice with the
coarse crystolon, then to the India and on to the soft Arkansas stone. If you
are pressing firmly and evenly on the blade you will begin to develop an even,
sharp edge from the guard to the point. If this is not happening. then look for
scratches (blade too low) or an uneven line that indicates uneven pressure of
your fingers .
In general. the man made stones work better on the higher alloy steels, i.e.,
stainless. The abrasive material in these stones is harder and matches the car
bide forming alloys. The natural sharpening stones put a smooth surface on
the edge just like a fine sand paper. They are best used for the final sharpening
or for the touching up of an almost sharp knife.
The advantage of hand sharpening with a stone is that a very small amount
of steel will be removed from the knife edge. Grinding the edge of a knife
should be reserved for those knives with thick. heavy blades that have been
improperly made in the first place. and which cannot be adequately sharpened
on the bench stone. Even then. it is extremely difficult to put a good edge on a
knife with a grinder. I have seen knives sent out to be sharpened that returned
permanently ruined from over grinding. Anyone with a reasonable amount of
coordination can learn to sharpen a knife.
The size, width, and especially the length of the stone is important. Short
stones are handy for carrying on trips etc., but are completely inadequate
when trying to sharpen a long bladed knife. I strongly recommend getting the
longest, widest stone that you can; 8x2xl" would be minimal and 11-1/2x 2
1I2x 1" better. These stones are available in most hardware stores or good
cutlery stores. Long stones are not only more versatile, but much more stable
than short ones. Ideally, the stone should be secured in a box or anchored so


that it will not slip. If these are not available, I have found that a damp towel
placed on the cutting board will prevent the stone from slipping.
There is no need to have dull knives when it is sO easy to sharpen them. A
dull knife is a hazard in two ways; it causes accidents by having to force your
way through the object and thus raises your frustration level, which causes
more accidents.


. '1

Annotated Bibliography

To my knowledge there are no books in or out of print that evaluate the full
range of modern tool steels applied to ancient blacksmithing techniques. There
are other books available on the general subject of knifemaking, but I did not
use any of them in the composition of this series. What follows is a list of
books that I did use and feel have value to anyone interested in understanding
the metalurgy of modern tool steels. The main source of current and past infor
mation in the field of metalurgy in general is the American Society for Metals
in Metals Park, Ohio. The various tool steel companies have technical manuals
which I will review in general terms since they are all so similar in content:
Alloying Elements in Steel, Edgar C. Bain and Harold W. Paxton (Metals
Park, Ohio: American Society for Metals, 1966). This book gives technical in
formation which stresses that alloys elements influence the properties of steel
through their influence on rates of reaction. The book gives information gained
from the electron microscope and other new tools of science. Prior knowledge
of the subject matter is essential in order to get full advantage of this book.
Forging Equipment, Materials, and Practices, T. Altan, F.W. Boulger, J.R.
Becker, N. Akgerman and H.J. Henning (Metals Park, Ohio: American Society
for Metals, 1973). This book isa series of articles that deal with modern in
dustrial forging. I used the book to verify, by scientific evidence, some
observations that I made while experimenting with tool steels. The book is
also valuable to those interested in contructing trip hammers and dies.
The Making, Shaping and Treating of Steel, Ed. by Harold E. McGannon
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: United States Steel, 1971). This book is a com
prehensive overview of steel making and the steel industry. It discusses coal
and where it comes from, iron and where it comes from and how it is converted
to steel. Much of the book is devoted to a detailed description of steel plant
const ruction and operation. Tool steel is discussed in detail. The only real
criticism of this book that I have is the way in which it was written. The con
tent is sometimes obscured and confused by overly complex sentences.. The
book is valuable in that it covers so much territory in a very thorough way.
Metals Handb ook, ASM Handbook Committee (Metals Park, Ohio:
American Society for Metals, 1961 8th Ed. This handbook comes in eleven
volumes and covers every phase of metalworking. volumes I, 2, and 5 are of
particular interest to the traditional blacksmith, covering properties and selec
tion, heat treating and forging. I have found that the 8th edition volumes,
located in some county libraries, are written in clear, simple language that is
easily understood. This handbook with its numerous volumes is continously
being revised with the latest information. (Vol. I, 9th Ed. 1978).
Tool Steels, G.A. Roberts, J .C. Hamaker, Jr. and A.R. Johnson (Metals
Park, Ohio: American Society for Metals, 1962). This book is the most com
plete book on tool steels that I have yet seen. It has proved invaluable to me in
the exploration of modern tool steels.
Prop erties of Imported Tropical Wo ods, Francis Kukachka (Madison,
Wisconsin: USDA Forest Service Research Paper FPL 125, March 1970). This
pamphlet will help those that are confronted with a wide array of tropical hard
woods found in speciality lumber yards, and wood working shops. Workabili
ty, strength, and durability are discussed for more than 100 tropical genera of

One item not mentioned in this pamphlet is cost. These woods are very ex
pensive. In fact, more expensive than high quality tool steel. Some woods i.e.,
Wenge, Pau Brazil are not mentioned in this pamphlet.

Technical Manuals

Technical data manuals are put out by tool steel companies to explain the
properties and the use of their product. Used in conjuction with other reference
material, they aid the smith in the selection of the proper material. I have
found them helpful; however, they are geared for industrial applications and
need some interpreting. For example, the times and temperatures are for elec"
tric, or gas ovens, etc., and not coal forges . I have found that the forge heats up
mu ch faster than these ovens. Instead of hours, it may take minutes. The
temperatures are not related to incandescent colors, and unless you have had
lots of experience, you will need a high temperature sensing device such as a
pyrometer to give accurate readings. (Note: Pyrometers are available in
ceramic supply stores and scientific supply shops.)
The manuals lack any trouble shooting tips necessary if something goes
wrong. These manuals may be obtained by contacting local outlets of the
following tool steel producers:
Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Div Allegheny Ludlum Industries, Inc., PO
Box 152, Dunkirk, NY 14048.
Atlas Steels Co., A Div. of Rio Algom Mines Ltd ., Weiland, Ontario,
Bethlehem Steel Corp., Bethlehem Pennsylvania 18016.
Braeburn Alloy Steel Div., Continental Copper and Steel Industries, Inc.,
Braeburn, Lower Burrell, PA 15068.
Carpenter Technology Corp., PO Box 662, Reading, PA 19603.
Columbia Tool Steel Co., Lincoln Hwy , and State St., Chicago Heights, IL
Crucible Speciality Metals Div. , Colt Industries, PO Box 977, Syracuse, NY
Latrobe Steel Co., Latrobe, PA 15650.
Teledyne Vasco, PO Box 151, Latrobe, PA 15650.
Universal Cyclops Specialty Steel Div., Cyclops Corp., 650 Washington Rd.,
Pittsburgh, PA 15228.
Jessop Steel Company, Washington, P A 15301.
Simond Steel Div., Wallace Murray Corp, Lockport, NY 14094 .
The Timken Co., 1835 Dueber Ave., SW, Canton, OH 44706.
The following references are intended to open further avenues of discovery
to those individuals interested in the subject of cryogenics.
1. Deep Cryogenics: The Great Cold Deb~.te., Thomas P. Sweeney Jr.,
February 1986, Heat Treat Magazine. (Note: "Heat Treating" is a magazine of
the metals heat treating industry published by The Fairchild Business
Publication. Their address is 7 East 12th Street, New York, NY 10003.)
2. "Frozen Tools", Elaine Gilmore, Popular Science, June 1987.
3. Amcry International, 1613 West Burbank Blvd., Burbank, CA 91506.
Amcry Cryogenics, 220 W. Chicago Ave., East Chicago, IN 46312 Technology,
Inc. II.
There are many small companies that have started up to accomodate those
industries that are convinced of the benefits of cryogenics.




The combination of modern tool steel with traditional olacksmithing techni

ques has just begun. I hope to stimulate an understanding of this material
since I believe that only through a thorough knowledge of this material can a
bladesmith take full advantage of it as a medium. I will continue to work with
these materials and explore new ways of adopting them to the ancient techni
ques of blacksmithing.
I am indebted to two organizations: CBA, the California Blacksmith's
Association; and ABANA, The Artist Blacksmiths' Association of North
America for their support and encouragment.





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