Hospitality Industry Project
Hospitality Industry Project
Hospitality Industry Project
Type: - Report
Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------04
Methodology ----------------------------------------------------------------04
Aim & Objective ------------------------------------------------------------05
Secondary Research
Importance of Induction---------------------------------------------------07
Primary Research------------------------------------------------------------13-15
Conclusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------16
Referencing --------------------------------------------------------------------18
Staff induction and on job training plays a vital role in the hospitality industry. During
the induction program for the newly joined staff, where the management gives whole
information regarding their job duty, hotel, policy, rules and regulation and the
organization they are going to work. Management should start with induction first,
and introduce new staff to all of the other senior and trainee including the
management of hierarchy(All the HOD of the department), giving brief introduction
about the property because each and every hotel has different style of treating their
guest e.g. greeting guest saying Namaskar instead of Good morning.
While the globalization taking place around the world, where all companies coming
with new ideas, technology, procedure that are essential for a hospitality industry.
Staff induction and on the job training is very crucial part of the new staffs those who
joined the organisation. Human Resource Manager or the training manager starts
with the induction round, where the newly joined staffs introduce himself/herself to
the other employee in the hotel. During the induction manager give brief information
about the property, where they are going to work for their future assistance.
Management also give information regarding do’s and don’ts with in the organisation.
That help them to understand what thing they have to going to do for succeed.
On the job training is also very important for the employee in the hotel. It is the
essential part of the employees for day to day performance during the working hour.
There are different type of training provide by the management such as their
individual departmental training, safety and security training, communication skill,
criterion of service etc. While giving training managers should motivate them for their
work, in case they going wrong manager correct and encourage them that help to
improve interpersonal skills.
The research for Hospitality Industrial Project start with choosing the topic “Staff
Induction and On the Job training “done from related books and emerald on line
library that give sufficient pdf internet journal which help to complete the assignment
for secondary research work and for primary research work Mr.sudhir Anand
corporate Training Manager of Royal orchid hotels India, who contributing their
personal induction process and on the job training process information to complete
whole assignment. That they are using for the newly joined staff in there, any of the
property in India.
To know how the management approach towards their goal to train their staff.
Problems in training.
The topic for the examiner report selected was staff induction and on the Job
training, which is the current issue for the Human Resource Department that makes
each and every hotel in a competitive level for giving the best training to the staff, so
they can perform well. Each and every hotel wants their employees should be
positive and they have good leadership skills in them, it help them to service their
guest easily. Know a day latest technology made easy to understand what they have
to do during their working hours or shift in hotels. In today’s world employees are
eager to know first about the organisation where they are going to start with their
career and its reputation.
Secondary Research
After appointing the candidate for the position that they applied, the human Resource
start with induction round where the manager give brief description about the
organization and the job that they appoint for. it is not a process only occurring on
the employee on the first day , but it is continue over a period of
time(Roberts.J,1999p183). The recruiter also excepting from the new employee will
be positive benefit to the organization in respect of customer satisfaction. Human
resource manager should ensure that the employees receiving and understand the
information related to the responsibility that he /she will be taken during the job.
Ensuring that all basic management has been completed in respect of wages
and condition.
Giving exact working condition, company rules and working practices to the
new employee.
(Roberts.J, 1999p185).
There are five inductions that will cover organization aspects regarding their staff
A common introductory round for the organization, where this will be achieve
by a presentation, one by one discussion, report of company booklet.
This stage is very important for both the employee and the employer so both
should understand the contract that they are undertaking.
There is another thing to ensure that the every new employee individual carry
out the task and duty that set for her/him. This part of the training is basically
neglected in the hotels and new employee need careful training into actual
Few organizations will make into the introduction process the opportunity for
joint review, by discussing the progress with the employee and identifying the
problems and it solution.
(Roberts.J, 1999p186-187).
These five particular components all related, which help to provide positive and
effective training process.
Induction process is very important to ensuring new employees are dynamic as fast
as possible and participate an important part in knowledge management initiative. In
spite of this, many organisations have insufficient staff orientation process, with
numerous relying only on just taking work done by staff (Robertson.J, 2006).
(Robertson.J, 2006) explain how to make staff orientation a precious and successful
process, in given points.
After the staff induction process OJT should be given to the staffs which help to
develop staff morale. “Instruction and improvement is essential for the preservation
of the human resource support of association and must be viewed as an important
part of organisation plan rather than ad hoc procedure issue” (Jain, 1999). So lack of
training results in a lack of skills to use the information active in a staff, which cause
unsuccessful guest services, a lack of self endorsement, guest displeasure and
resulting lesser efficiency for the organisation. Where the well trained person knows
the capacity, hope and strength of their respective jobs and they will be capable to
work for their department, as the growth during their careers. Training is
consequently important for human resource planning and development process.
On the job training was state to be the most ordinary and extensively acknowledged
and essential process for giving training to the employees for their suitable
performance. (Jain.P, 1999) establish that practical courses help to built new
comparative to the new staff because they allow employees to start work straight
away on their scheduled time and the most significant way of learning job
responsibilities or task.
Principles for Effective Training
Every hotel organization has to plan an effective training program for their staff, for
this the following principles should be followed during the training.
It can be only successful, when it is known that learning is a voluntary process
that each and every staff ready to learn and so they must be well motivated.
Learning system for every staff is not same in case of adults, management
have to more focus on those employee who are take time to learn. So the
management start with different levels of skill with different motives and
manner to teach them.
Management should take good step to build up staff confidence level up to the
While giving instruction the sessions should be in short period of time instead
of long ones.
Make sure the entire trainee or staff attending the training session because if
they miss the session it very difficult to understand to the other training
Staffs need clear targets and progress to be checked by the manager, which
helps them to improve their technical skills and reach their goals.
During the training session time to time motivation can help to build their
praise towards the organisation.
(Boella, 1996p119-120)
(Armstrong, 1999, p508) state that needs of training to be modified to suit individual
requirements and he also mentions few essential points that show the benefit of
training and development in the hotel.
After the training manager should need to identify the staff has learnt something or
not for this, there are few points which help to identify the training and development
activities within the staffs.
Training manager should check and identify their job skill and departmental
knowledge. So the management will use a range of method to ensure the best
match between training activity and trade needs.
Examine each and every employee, team and department for their
performance during the working hour and identify the staff getting difficulty to
perform in the environment.
Management should also examine the competitor review, and give the training
to the staff in such a way, where they can perform well and selling the
products. Then management can compete with other hotels in the market.
(Roberts.J, 1999p201).
Time of Training: - Many a times it happens during the training session that
timing of staff shift clashes with training session which causes the loss of the
time, money of the organisation and lots of effort. This is especially a problem
of small operations with cash flow problems. So the manager should plan a
proper time management in such a manner, where the time of staff shift does
not clash with the shift (Walker & Drummond, 2006.p255).
Staff Turnover: - Staffs leaving after the management trained them and
having invested time in them, money and effort in them and if they leave all
the efforts are lost so attrition rates in an organization is a liability which needs
to be analysed and corrected. (Walker & Drummond, 2006.p255).
These three are the major problem that occurring in the hospitality industry regarding
training of the staff.
Primary Research
Staff Induction and on the job training provided at Royal Orchid hotel Bangalore is
very effectively as compare to that state above in secondary information. It takes
place in weekdays in second half after 2’0 clock in training manager induction board
They start with introducing them to the staff, with the key information about the hotel
direction and operations. Training manager giving presentation with the help of LCD
projector is used to give effective presentation about the hotel.
Human Resource executive plan a schedule for the induction round and copy
of the same put in the notice board, where they can check time and date for
their induction round.
During the induction round training manager introduce A to Z detail about the
chain of the organisation, where they are going to start their career. They are
provided with small booklet which contains mission statement and internal
and external phone number of the property.
Then they are introduce to all senior staff of the hotel including HOD (Head of
the Department of all the functional area), it is help to know their respective
departmental manager and other colleagues.
Training manager told them about the motto of the organization and rules; this
should be followed in daily bases in duty hours. They also provide with the list
of holidays and information about the punishment which will be compulsory on
absentee for those who are not informed about the reason for non-
They also told about the posture and gesture, dressing scene, grooming,
etiquettes to the employee that she/he may use in their daily working life.
Newly joined employees are informed about the profit of working in the
organisation such as health policy, increments, bonuses etc.
Then information about the promotion, awards and other activity which can be
held in the hotel and tell the important factor to get it. Including restricted area
and timing of staff cafeteria.
And at last they were informed about the staff wash rooms and smoking policy
of the organisation to the employees.
This will take more than two days of induction round to complete the session by
filling questionnaire from the employees.
The training given to the staff is very help full for their future evidence, where they
can learn lots of thing and develop their technical departmental knowledge. This
training makes the staff more confident to prepare for his/her job duty and it also help
to make staff familiar with the hotel. It also improve the communication skills of the
After all Staff induction and on the job training help the Royal Orchid Hotel to
improve their staff relation with in the chain and give good liquidity to the
management from the guests from their best services.
In this competitive world as well as globalisation world the staff induction and on the
job training plays a crucial role in the hospitality industry. During the induction
process staff gain knowledge about the management where she/he going to work.
At same stage staff comes to know about rules and regulation of the organisation,
shift timing and other procedure in the hotel. In on the job training staff gets
opportunity to perform and develop their interpersonal skills through this process and
it also help to develop communication skill, that are major issue in all service
Management should make sure the employee those who are working for the
organisation, they also except from them and looking for an awards for their work. In
this case management have to come with a plan, where they promoting time to time
and giving extra facilities to the staff. That makes them more hospitable towards the
The management should plan an effective induction and training procedure in such a
way, where the staff can clear their clarification regarding the subject knowledge that
given by managers, that could help to make good impression of the employees. The
HOD (Head of the Department) need to speak to all the employees present for the
session which will make them feel valuable and special to the organization and they
can work more friendly environment. The training manager should provide company
handbook to all the new staff and old staff, which includes aim and mission
declaration, operating policies, rules and regulation of the organisation and what they
expect from the employees.
• Mr. Sudhir Anand, corporate training manager, The Royal Orchid Hotel.
• Swinton.L(2006), “ Staff Induction Plans: 7 top tips for getting new employees
up to speed fast ” Retrieved on 02-04-2009 From
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