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Assays from the History of Georgia

Assays from the History of Georgia


Ministry of Education and Culture of Abkhazia

Institute of History and Ethnology of Iv. Javakhishvili

Assays from the History of Georgia

from ancient times till the present days

Tbilisi 2011

UDC (uak) 94 (479.224)


Prof. Jemal Gamakharia (Chief editor)

Prof. Tamaz Beradze
Prof. Teimuraz Gvantseladze
Jemal Gamakharia (Head of the Project), Lia Akhaladze, Malkhaz
Baramidze, Salome Bakhia Okruashvili, Tamaz Beradze, Lia Bitadze, Dazmir
Jojua, Merab Gejua, Irakli Gelenava, Teimuraz Gvantseladze, Badri Gogia,
Revaz Khvistani, Bezhan Khorava, Guranda Pkhakadze.
Ketevan Chogigidze
Prof. Otar Zhordania, Prof. Manana Sanadze, Prof. Tariel Phutkaradze

ISBN 978-9941-0-3928-7


Chapter I. The Brief Historical-Geographical Review


Chapter II. Archeological Monuments of the Pre - Antique Epoch on

the Territory of Modern Abkhazia
1. Stone Age (1 800 000-50 000)


S. N. Zamiatin Paleolith of Abkhazia, Sukhumi 1977; of the same author Articles on the Paleolith. M-L. , 1961.
B. A. Kuftin Material for Archeology of Colkhis, v. I. Tb., 1999; A. L. Lukin. Neolith settlement Kistrik near GudautaSoviet Archeology, XII, M, . 1950; Ju. Voronov. Archeological Map of Abkhazia . Sukhumi, 1969. V. Bzhania. TheAncietn
Culture of Abkhazia. Abstract of the cand. thesis M., 1966; L. N. Soloviev. The Primitive Society on the Territory of
Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 1977.
3 N. Berdzenishvili, A. Kalandadze and others. Archeology of Georgia. Tb., 1959; (In Georgian). N. Berdzenishvili. New
Data on Paleolith of Abkhazia. -Works of the Institute of Abkhazia, V. XXX, 1959; A. Kalandadze. Searches in Archeology of the Preantique. Abstracts, Tb., 1969; L. Tsereteli, L. Korkia, G. Grigolia, M. Baramidze. Exploring Archeological
Works on the Precinct Territories of Hydroelectric Station of Ingur. Tb., 1964 (in Georgian).
Today about 150 monuments are known and among them 15-20 of the lower paleolith.

5 L. Soloviev. The Primitive Society on the Territory of Abkhazia, p. 27, 35.

I. I. Korobkov. Results of the Five Year Exploration of the Localization of the Jashtykh Paleolith. Soviet Archeology,
M, . 1967, p. 201; O. Japaridze. On the Problem of the Ethnic History of the Georgian Tribes. Tb., 1976, p. 12-13.

S. N. Zamiatnin. On the Local Differences in the Paleolithic Period Culture-Works of the Institute of Ethnography,
XVI. M., 1951, p. 131
L. Tsereteli. Mezolithic Culture on the Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus. Tb., 1979, p. 131 (in Georgian); L. Tsereteli, L.
Korkia. Material Culture of the Stone Age of Abkhazia Problems of Archeology of Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 1988.

O. Japaridze. Archeology of Georgia. p 34-39 (in Georgian). The same author: On the Problem of the Ethnic History of
the Georgian tribes. p. 25-29: L. Tsereteli. Mezolith Culture, p. 77 etc.

Nebieridze. Neolyth of the West Trans Caucasus. Tb., 1982. O. Japaridze on the Problem of the Ethnical Culture of the
Georgian Tribes, p. 35-44; of the same author: Archeology of Georgia, p. 41-56; K. Kalandadze. Neolithic Culture of West
Georgia. Tb., 1986 (In Georgian); Ju. Voronov. Archeological Map, p. 17 O. Bgazhba, S. Lakoba. History of Abkhazia.
Sukhumi, 2006, p. 26.

2. Epoch of Eneolith Middle Bronze

(Middle of the Vth and Middle of the II millennium B. C. )

G. Pkhakadze. Eneloyth Monuments of Abkhazia. -Abkhazia, I, Tb., 2006, p. 20-29 (in Georgian).
G. Pkhakadze. Eneolythical Remains of the Okumi Cave. Materials on Archeology of Georgia and Caucasus, VII. Tb.,
1979, p. 68-76 (in Georgian).
L. N. Soloviev. A New Monument of the Cultural Relations of the Trans Caucasus Black Sea coast of Eneolith and
Bronze camps of the Vorontsov cave-Works of the Institute of Language, Literature and History of Abkhazia, 29.
Sukhumi, 1958, p. 115-135.
Excavations of S. Zamaiatin. Materials are kept in Petersbourg, in the Museum of ethnography and Anthropology.
L. N. Soloviev. A New Monument of the Cultural Relations of the Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus of the Eneolith and
Bronze Epoch, p. 120.
M. B. Baramidze, G. G. Pkhakadze, A. Z. Orjonikidze. Excavations of the village Atara Archeological Discoveries,
1977. M., 1978, p. 174-175.
V. V. Bzhania. Settlement of Machara of the Epoch of Eneolyth and Bronze in Abkhazia. Soviet Archeology, 1977, I.
M., 1966, p. 113-126.
I. Tsvinaria. Gvandra Settlement. Tb., 1978.

A. A. Formozov. Stone Age - Eneolyth of the Cuban Area. M., 1965.

For more information see: G. Pkhakadze. Problems of Interrelations of the Early-Bronze Culture of the West Georgia
and Maikop Culture Problems of Archeology of Georgia, III. Tb., 1975 (in Georgian).
V. V. Bzhania. Settlement of Machara-Soviet Archeology, I. M., 1966.
I. I. TSvinaria. Settlement of Guandra. Tb., 1978.

L. N. Soloviev. Eneolythical Settlement at Ochamchire harbor in Abkhazia-Works of the Institute of Language, Literature and History of Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 1939. Of the same author: Archeological Excavations near Ochamchire in
Abkhazia. Soviet Archeology, IV, v. 5, 1950, p. 267.
B. A. Kuftin. Material for Archeology of Colchida, II, V. Tb., 1950, p. 267.
stitute of Archeology, 15. M., 1969.
T. Mikeladze. Searches on the History of the Oldest Settlement of Colkhis and East Black Sea Coast. Tb., 1974, p.
41 (in Georgian); M. Baramidze. Pishori Settlement and Several Problems of Archeology of the Caucasus. Tb., 1977 in
Georgian). L. Jibladze. Settlement of the Colkhis Lowland in III-II millennium B. C. Tb., 2007p. 7-12 (in Georgian).
G. Pkhakadze. The West Trans Caucasus in the III millennium B. C. Tb., 1993, p. 120-121 (in Georgian).

G. G. Pkhakadze. Eastern Black Sea Coast in the second half of the IV-III millennium B. C. (On the Problem of the
Cultural Contacts. ). Petersbourg, 2000, p. 50-59.
O. Japaridze. Dolmen culture in Georgia works of the Tbilisi Sate University, 1995 (In Georgian); O. Japaridze. On
the History of the Georgian Tribes on the Early Stages of the Metal Production. Tb., 1961 (in Georgian).
G. Pkhakadze. Some Aspects of Studying of Dolmens of Abkhazia. -Abkhazia, I, p. 138-142.
T. Mikeladze. Findings, p. 41 (in Georgian).



M. Baramidze. Eastern Black Sea Coast, p. 117-145; L. Jibladze. Settlements of the Colkhis Lowlands, P. 103-126.
33 M. Baramidze. Eastern Black Sea Coast, p. 117-126.
35 Speech of J. Apakidze at Signagi InternationalSimposium, 1995.


B. A. Kuftin. Materials on Archeology of Colchida, V. II, p. 237-240; T. Mikeladze. Findings, p. 21.

T. Mikeladaze and others. About the Works of the Colchida Archeological Expedition Field Archeological researches
in 1984-1985. Tb., 1987, p. 40.
M. Baramidze. Eastern Black Sea Coast, p. 102-117.
Ibid, p. 142.
E. I. Krupnov. Materials on Archeology of the North Osetia of the before Koban Period. -Materiasl and Researches in
Archeology of the USSR, 23. M., 1951, p. 49-60; V. I. Kozenkova. Cultural-economical Processes in the North Caucasus.
M., 1966, p. 74-103.
M. Baramidze. On the Problem of Relations of Colkhis and Koban Cultures According to the Ceramic Production.
-Abkhazia, I. Tb., 2006, and p. 49061 (In Georgian).

3. The Late Bronze - Early Bronze Epochs.

O. Japaridze. Archeology of Georgia, p. 200 (in Georgian); M. Baramidze. East Black Sea Coast . of the same author:
On the Problem of the Relations of Colkhis and Coban Cultures, p. 49.

M. Baramidze. Eastern Black Sea Coast, p. 57-72; T. Chigoshvili. The Culture of the Settlements of the InguriKodori river system. - Abkhazia, I. Tb., 2006, p. 133-136 (In Georgian).
M. Baramidze. Eastern Black Sea Coast , p. 38040. See the Reports of the Expedition 1983-1990.
T. Chigoshvili. Culture of Inguri-Kodori River System Settlement. -Abkhazia I, p. 134.
G. Grigolia. Problems of Historical Geography of the Egris-Lazik Kingdom. Tb., 1978, p. 4-5 (in Georgian).
V. V Latishev. Information of Greek Writers about the Scythia and Caucasus I, ed. I. S-Pb, 1895, p. 58.

O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 39-41. In this work the late complexes are practically arbitrarily dated
with the early period. The total shift of chronology and separate articles belonging to the well-studied types have place.
M. Baramidze. Mercheuli Nekropolis. Tb., 1997, p. 13-14 (in Georgian).


L. Soloviev. The Trails of the Ancient Salt-Works near Ochamchire and Sukhumi. - The Works of the State Museum
of Abkhazia, I. Sukhumi, 1947.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lakoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 41; I. I. Tsvianria. Settlement of Guandra. Tb., 1978.
G. Inanishvili. Iron-Molding in the Central and west Trans Caucasus in the XIIIth-Ist centuries B. C. Tb., 1997.
53 N. V. Khoshtaria. Archeological Researches in the village Ureki. A. T. Ramishvili, I. Grdzelishvili. Iron smelting in
Ancient Georgia. Tb., 1964. p. 17. D. A. Khakhutaishvili. Iron Manufacturing in Ancient Colchida. Tb., 1987, p. 6-39.
P. Abramishvili. On the Problem of Iron Manufacturing Development. -Vestnik of the State Museum of Georgia
XXIII. Tb., 1967.


55 Ibid.
D. Koridze. From the History of the Material Culture of Georgia. Tb., 1965 (in Georgian); A. Ramishvili. From the
Material Culture of Colchida, Tb., 1974 (in Georgian). L. Sakharova. Bronze Hoards from Lechkhumi; Ju. N. Voronov.
The same work; M. Baramidze. Eastern Black Sea Coastand others.
J. Apakidze. Hoards of Abkhazia of the Late Bronze Early Iron Epochs Apkhazeti, I, Tb., 2006 (in Georgian).
the conditional notion, as like the previous the following culture of this region is also Colchian.
O. Japaridze. Archeology of Georgia, p. 202.
M. Baramidze. the Eastern Black Sea Coast, p. 149-159.

L. Dzidziguri. The Oldest Ploughing Tools from North-West Kolkhida. -Apkhazeti. I, Tb., 2006, p. 40 (in Georgian); I.
Chavleishvili. The Oldest Ploughing Tools from Pichvnari. Works of Batumi Archeological Museum. III. Tb., 2005 (in
M. Baramidze. the Eastern Black Sea Coast, p. 152-153.
J. Apakidze. Treasures of Abkhazia of late bronze and early iron epochs, p. 65-85 (in Georgian).
O. Japaridze. Colchian axe. Vestnik of the State Museum of Georgia, XVI. Tb., 1955 (in Georgian); D. Koridze. From
the History of Material Culture of Colkhis (in Georgian); L. Sakharova. Bronze treasures from Lechkhumi.
D. Koridze. From the History of Material Culture of Kolkhida; L. Sakharova. Bronze Treasures form Lechkhumi;
L. Japaridze. Agricultural Tools in the West Georgian Culture. -Works of the Tbilisi State University, V. 49, 1953 (in

G. Gobejishvili. Arcehological excavations, p. 87; A. Apakidze, G. Gobejishvili and others. Archeology of Georgia.
Tb., 1959 (in Georgian).
M. Baramidze. The Eastern Black Sea Coast, p. 175-184; of the same author: The Main Problems of the History of
Bronze Metallurgy of the Eastern Black Sea Coast Sea and a Man. Tb., 1995, p. 26-27 (in Georgian).
This aspect was stressed by K. Kushnareva at the International (Georgia, SSSR, USA) colloquium in Signagi in 1995.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lakoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 48, 50-54.


Chapter III. The Territory of Modern

Abkhazia within Ancient Colkhis
Before the I century B. C.
1. The Data on the Pre Antique Period

Apollonius of Rhodes. Argonautics. Translation, introduction and remarks of G. F. Tsereteli. Tb., 1964; A. V. Urushadze.
The Ancient Colkhis in the Tale of Argonauts. 1. Researches. 2. The Greek texts with the Georgia translation and notes.
Tb., 1964.
V. V. Latishev. Information of the Ancient Writers Greeks and Latins on Scythia and Caucasus Vestnik of the Ancient
History, 1948, N1, p. 285. Appian. History of Mithridates wars. The Greek text with the Georgian translation, introduction and comments made by T. Kaukhchishvili. Tb., 1958, p. 195.
3 Collection of Materials for Location and Tribe Description of the Caucasus, issue IV. Tb., 1884, p. 212-213.
M. Brosse. History of Georgia, part I. Tb., 1895, p. 13 (in Georgian); P. K. Uslar The Ancient Tale about the Caucasus.
Tb., 1881, p. 378; K. Kudriavtsev. Collection of Material on the history of Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 1926, p. 39, 41-42 etc.
5 G. F. Turchaninov. Monuments of writing and language of the Caucasian Peoples and Eastern Europe. L. , 1974, p. 1134.
Messenger of Ancient History, 1966, N2; Soveit Ethnography, 1967, N2; Problems of Hsitory, 1964, N8, 1965, N4 etc.
with the characters of the Khettians and dated it from the XIII-XIIth centuries B. C. and read it in Abkhazian. According to it the Colchians were Abkhazians occupying the territories from Asia Minor to the river Kuban; they had their
own alphabet and a state with the town Aia. The aim of G. Turchaninov was neutralization of the Georgian version on
Memory. M., 2003, p. 349-354).
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba History of Abkhazia, p. 59. An extremely interesting version exists about the origin of the name
Apsirt, according to which it can be explained on the Georgian language basis. (M. Chukhua. Comparative Dictionary of
the Kartvelian languages and dialects. Tb., 2000-2001, p. 206 (in Georgian). Three Egyptian Pharaohs VII-VIth centuries
B. C. -Psametikhi, Opsita in Lazika and Abkhazia (VIth century)
Byzantian writer Mikhael Pselos (11th century) etc.


G. Koranashvili. on the Origin of the Georgian State. Tb., 2000. In the book are given different opinions of the Georgian and foreign authors concerning this issue.
L. Sanikidze. Not less than 3 500 I say!!!- Sakartvelos Respublica (Republic of Georgia) 1997, 16 february (in Georgian).
T. Gamkrelidze. What is Georgia Europe or Asia? Literaturuli Sakartvelo, 1999, 18-25 june, p. 4 (in Georgia).
T. Beradze. Ancient Egrissian (Colkhis) Kingdom. -Aia, 2001, N9-10, p. 32 (in Georgian); M. Lordkipanidze. A Permanent Line of Existing the Georgian State. At the origin of the Georgian Statehood. Tb., 2001. P. 140 (in Georgian); R.
Gordeziani. On the Formation of the Georgian Self-Consciousness. Tb., 1993, p. 38 (in Georgian).
A. Urushadze. Ancient Colkhis in the Tale of Argonauts, p. 195 (in Georgian).
According to O. Lordkipanidzes opinion in the XIIth century B. C. it already existed, but dating of the social structure, being described in the Argonautics from the second half of the II millennium B. C. is doubtful. The scientists think
that it is more appropriate and adequate to the realities of the VI-IVth centuries B. C. (O. Lordkipanidze. Heritage of
Georgia. Tb., 1989, p. 210, 217).
Fr. Dubua de Monpere. Travel around the Caucasus, v. I. Sukhumi, 1989, p. 12.
Apollonius of Rhodes. Argonautics. book IV, 743-744.
Ibid, IV, 1104-1105.
A. Urushadze. Ancient Colchida in the Tale of Argonauts. p. 249 (in Georgian); V. Latishev. Information of the Ancient
Authors -Vestnik of Ancient History, 1947, N2, p. 331.

Apollonius of Rhodes. Argonautics, book IV, 48, -Vestnik of Ancient Hsitory, 1947, N4, 279-281.
Diodorus of Sicily. Library, IV, 48-T. S. Kaukhchishvili. Information of the Greek authors about Georgia, book III.
Tb., 1976, p. 90, 91.
Apollonius of Rhodes. Argonautics, book II, 266-267.
Homer. Odyssey. Translation from Ancient Greek made by V. A. Zukovski. M., 1987, book XI, 13-15.
Ovid. Elegies and Small Poems. M., 1973, p. 125.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Information made by Greek Authors, book III, p. 75. Diodores of Sicily repeats the data given
by Herodotus about the origin of the Colchians. Georgian historiography does not share this information, considered to
be the fantasy of Herodotus (I. Javakhishvili. Introduction into the history of the Georgian people, book I. Historical
Ethnological problems of Georgia, Caucasus and the near East. Tb., 1950, p. 17 (in Georgian), though there is quite many
data on the kinship and cultural connections of the Georgians and Egyptians in that oldest epoch; M. Janashvili. History
of Georgia, v. I. Tb., 1906, p. 4, 28-32 in Georgian; S. Kakabadze. Problems of Genesis of the Georgian Statehood. istoricheski vestnik, 1924, I, p. 61-62). In this precise case the information given by Diodores of Sicily about the formation
and dwelling of the Colchian tribes on the banks of the Azov Sea and not only on the Phasis as Herodotus thought is sigT. Kaukhchishvili. Information on Georgia given by Herodotes. Tb., 1960, p. 71).
T. Beradze. The Ancient Egrissi (Colchian) Kingdom, p. 349 (in Georgian). See T. Beradze, M. Sanadze. History of


Georgia, book I. Tb., 2003, p. 45-46 (in Georgian). As it will be shown further till the XVIIIth century (in spite of the radical changes of the ethnic picture in the East Black Sea region) in a number of foreign (and among them Russian) sources
the river Kuban, near the Azov Sea or not far from it.
O. Japaridze. At the Origin of the History of Georgia. Tb., 2003. P. 2039in Georgian). See in the same source Chapter
T. V. Gamkrelidze, V. Ivanov. Indo-European Language and Indo-Europeans, v . II. Tb., 1984, p. 904-909; T. Gamkrelidze. From History of the Tribal Names of Ancient Colkhis. - Foreign and Georgian Terminology Denoting Georgia
and the Georgians. Tb., 1993, p. 588 (in Georgian).
Homer, X, 303-306; R. V. Gordeziani. Problems of the Homer Epos. Tb., 1978, p. 209.
Sweet and Fresh Grass. See: S. S. Orbeliani. Dictionary of the Georgian Language, v. I. Tb., 1991, p. 500 (in Georgian). This words exists eve nowadays.
Shota Rustaveli. Knight in the Panthers Skin. Georgian Writers, v. 4, Tb., 1988, p. 262; Sh. V. Dzidziguri. The Georgian Languages. , 1968, p. 69.
33 O. Lordkipanidze. Development of the Colkhis Ethno cultural System. - Ethno genesis of the Georgian People. Tb.,
2002, p. 18-28 (in Georgian).


Essays on History of Georgia, v. I. Tb., 1970, p. 395 (in Georgian); R. Gordeziani. Problem of Formation of the Georgian Self-Consciousness, p. 37-39.
35 M. Lordkipanidze. Abkhazians and Abkhazia. Tb., 1990, p. 39; R. Gordeziani. Problems of formation of the Georgian
self-consciousness, p. 19-32, 77.
World History, v. I. M., 1965, p. 379, 515.
N. Marr. History of the Term Abkhaz. - Information of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Series VI, 1912, N11, p.

697-706; the same author: Linguistic Travel to Abkhazia (on the etymological problems). - Information of the Imperial
Academy of Sciences, p. 1013, N6, p. 303-337; the same author: Caucasiology and the Abkhazian language. -Journal
of the ministry of Education, 1916, N5, p. 154. See Critics on the N. Marrs opinion: T. Gvantseladze. Opinion on the
N. Marrs effort of etimologisation of the term Abkhaz. -readings A. Chikobava-12 Materials. Tb., 2001, p. 33-34 (in
Georgian). See in the same source- chapter XI.
D. I. Gulia. History of Abkhazia, v. I. Tb., 1925, p. 76.
Ibid, p. 79-134.
The brief historiographical review on this problem sees: G. A. Melikishvili. For the problem of the Ancient Population
of Georgia, Caucasus and the Near East. Tb., 1965, p. 18-26 (in Georgian).
I. Javakhishvili. Introduction into the History of the Abkhazian People, book Lithe Original System and Kinship of
the Georgian and Caucasian Languages. Tb., 1937 (in Georgian); of the same author: Historical-Ethnological Problems
of Georgia, Caucasus and near East. Vestnik of the Ancient History, 1939, N4, p. 47-48; of the same author: HistoricalEthnological Problems of Georgia, Caucasus and near East. Tb., 1950, p. 250 (in Georgian).


History of Georgia. Editor S. Janashia. Tb., 1943, p. 14, 16, 21, 45-48.
D. Gulia. on My Book History of Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 1951.
From the 30-ies of the 20th century in the Soviet Historiography was rooted the new concept of N. Marr being ordered
from the High level about the local origin of the peoples. This repudiated the migration theories and the struggle was
declared to Nationalism and Chauvinism. (See V. Shnirelman. Wars of Memory, p. 290).
(S. Basaria. Abkhazia. Sukhumi 1923) and S. Asdhkhatsava (S. Ashkhatsava the Ways of Development of the History of
Abkhazia. Sukhumi 1925), see: A. Fadeev. The brief Essay oft eh History of Abkhazia, part I. Sukhumi, 1934, p. 13-18; V.
Shnirelman. Wars of Memory, p. 290-291).
A. S. Khakhanov. The Ancient Borders of the Settling of the Georgians throughout the Asia Minor . Tb., 1903, p. 17;
G. Melikishvili. For the Problem of the Ancient Settlement, p. 32.
Tamarati Michel. Leglise Georgienne des origins jusqueanos jours. Rome, 1910, p. 56.
I. Javakishvili, History of the Georgian People, book I-II. Tb., 1913, p. 26.
I. Diakonov. The Languages of the Ancient From Asia. M., 1967; of the same author: The Prehistory of the ArmenianPeople. M., 1968, p. 12-13; of the same author Urartu, Frigia, Lidia. -History of the Ancient World. Prosperity of the
Ancient Nations. Publishing House III. M., 1989, p. 40, 46-13; I. M. Dunaevskaia. On the Structural Resemblance of the
Khettian Language with the Languages of the North Caucasus. Researches on the History of Culture of the People are
of the Orient. M-L. , 1960. G. A. Melikishvili. NAiri-Urartu. Tb., 1954, p. 77, 401; of the same author: For the History
of the Ancient Georgia. Tb., 1959, p. 97, 120-122; of the same author For the problem of the Old settlements, p. 32 (in
Georgian); of the same author: Researches in the Field of the History of Ancient Georgia, Caucasus and the Near East.
Tb., 1999, p. 84-06.
Essays on the History of Georgia, V I, p. 360 (in Georgian).


Zaria Vostoka, 1956, 9, 23 August; Komunisti, 1956, 9, 25 August (in Georgian).

53 L. N. Soloviev. A new Monument of the Cultural Ties of the Caucasian Black Sea Region in the Epoch of Neolith and
Bronze - Camps of the Vorontsov Cave. -Works of the Institute of the Language , Literature and History of Abkhazia, v.
XXIX. Sukhumi, 1952, p. 163-165.
Z. Anchabadze. History and Culture of Ancient Abkhazia. M., 1964, p. 121.


55 Z. Anchabadze. Essay on the Ethnical History of the Abkhazian People. Sukhumi, 1976, p. 21.
Sh. D. Inal-Ipa. The Problems of Ethno-Cultural History of Abkhazians. Sukhumi, 1976, p. 423-424.
O. Japaridze. On the Ethnical History of the Georgian Tribes According to the Archeological Data. Tb., 1976, p. 61,
266, 305 (in Georgian); Of the same author: At Dawn of the Ethno-Cultural History of the Caucasus. Tb., 1989, p. 393.
O. Japaridze. at the Origin of the Ethno genesis of the Georgian People. Tb., 2006, p. 248 (in Georgian).
E. Alekseeva. Ancient and Medieval Century History of Karachaevo-Cherkesia. M., 1971, p. 186-198.
V. Markovin. Dolmen Culture and the Problems of the Early Ethno genesis of the Abkhazian-Adigeans. Nalchik, 1974,
p. 29.
A. Kammenkhuber. the Khattian Language The Ancient Languages of the Asia Minor. Editors I. M. Diakonova and
V. V. Ivanova. M., 1980, p. 23-98.
N. G. Volkova. Ethnonims and Tribal Names of the North Caucasus. M., 1973, p. 22.

G. Giorgadze. The Oldest Near East Ethnoses and Origin of the Georgians. Tb., 2002, p. 96-97 (In Georgian).
Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani. The Dictionary of the Georgian Language, II. Tb., 1993, p. 218.
D. Chubinashvili. Russian-Georgian Dictionary. Tb., 1993, p. 313.
Askharbaia/Ashkharbaia, Eluria/Iluria, Tsitakharia (mountain); Gakharia/Kakharia (settlement), Patkharia, Patalia,
Shukhuria,, Tipia,, Tsikharia (country),
), Saria/Sharia
Sharia (river),
), Tekhulia,, Tashkuria,, (settelement),
), Timia (settlesettlement),
), Tsulia (river),
), Duduska/Dudushka
Dudushka (main
main settlement of the Kashks),
), Muniska/Munishka,
Munishka,, Tatiska/Tatishka,
Tatishka,, Tsiantiska/Tsiantishka, Khatentsuva, Karansuva, Tapasava, Kataladuva, Katitimuva etc.
Pskhapala, Khatsina, Kaskamuva, Faata (Paata), Patalia, Pikhunia, Pia (Bia), Suismeli (Shushmeli), Dadi (Data),
Tata, Dadidu, Temeti, Tita (Dita), Kaskaili (Kaskeli), Sametili (Sameteli), Dadilu (Dadieli) etc.
Pegapilu, Piguriali, Pipalala, Pitauria, Pituntush etc. (their meaning is not known).
G. Giorgadze. the Oldest Near Eastern Ethnoses and Origin of Georgia. p108-111; N. Khazaradze thinks, that the interrelations between the Mushks and the Mosks and the Mushks and the Kashks, The Kashks and the Mosks is obvious,
which can be considered one of the proofs of the identity of the terms denoting the Mosks and the Mushks. (N. Khazaradze. For the History of the Ethnical Term Meskh. - Foreign and Georgian Terminology of the Notion Georgia and
Georgians. Tb., 1993, p. 39 (In Georgian).
I. Gelb associated the term Abeshla with the name Apshil (Abshil) from the Mesopotamian sources and the territory of the Abeshlaians with the regions situated between the river Tigris and the Lake Van. The word Abeshla by its
phonetic compositions stands near to the name of one of the Assyrian kings Abishal (Apiashal); The same words can be
understand as a male name Abeshalam . Considering this G. Giorgadze assumes, that Abeshlaians were of the Semite
origin (G. Giorgadze. the Oldest Near East Ethnoses and the Origin of the Georgians, p. 119).

G. Giorgadze. The Oldest Near East Ethnoses and Origin of the Georgians p. 115. We have to consider the circumstance that in the III-II millennium B. C. the Georgian Parent Language was not yet split into the dialects.
Ibid, p. 121.
G. Melikshvili. Researches, p. 93-96.
D. Gulia. History of Abkhazia, v. I, p. 76-77.
S. Janashia. Works, v. III. Tb., 1949, p. 120-122 (in Georgian).
I. Javakhishvili. Introduction t into the History of the Georgian People/ book I, Historical-Ethnographical Problems.
P. 43-46 (in Georgian).

Vestnik of Ancient History, 1939, N4, p. 34-35.

I. Javakhishvili. Introduction into History, p. 34-38. Later G. Akhvlediani neglecting the view of K. Lomtatidze noted
that the complexes ps and kva may have been common for the Adigean and Kartvelian languages. G. Akhvlediani.
For some Aspects of the Historical Toponymics of Abkhazia. -Mnatobi, 1957, N2, p. 113-114 (in Georgian).
Byzantian historian Procopius of Caesarea (6th century) noted, that to the left of the river Phasis the Colkhis have not a
single settled point neither fortress, not a settlement, and that this area lacks important settlements , or is not settled at
all. (Georgika. Information of the Byzantine writers on Georgia. V. II. The Greek texts together with the Georgian translation and comments was edited by S. Kaukhchishvili. Tb., 1965, p. 101, 127, 182; Procopius of Caesarea. The War with
the Gotts. M. 1950, p. 380, 416. ) This quite valid information (considered by D. Muskhelishvili a mistake. See him: Main
Problems of Historical Geography of Georgia. I. Tb., 1977, p. 102-104) given by the competent author contemporary of
the described events help us to clarify in the chronology of the problem. Doubtful geographical names because, of their
old origin must have disappeared (not a single source have them), due to the desrting of that area. Formation of the new
and among them interesting for us onomastics in the mentioned part of Lazika can be ascribed to the period after the VIth
M. Inadze. Problems of the Ethno Political History of AncientAbkhazia-Izvestia of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, series of history, 1992, N3. p. 52.
Apshi (village in the Dusheti region of Georgia), Aki/Akva (now the town Ecse in France), town Akvanendente (Italy),
town Akvilea(ancient Italy), Kvandjou (South Korea), Kvalea(siland in Norway), Psakhia , Pserimos (Greek towns),
Town Pskov (Russia), town Psodoritos (Greece), Psatura, Psara/Ipsar/Ipsara (Greek islands). Pseletskoe (village in the
Kursk region), Pskent(Uzbekistan), Pshemisl (now Peremishl in Poland); Akvitanian basin (France), Kva (river in Zair),
Kvango, Kvanza (rivers in Angola), Kvando (river in Africa) Kvanken (strait in the Baltic Sea), Kvaliford (strait in the
Arctic Ocean) , Kvarnero (strait in the Adriatics), the river and town Moscoa, the river Psiol (the Ukrain, tributary of the
Dneper). Psken (river in Uzbekistan), Pekova (river in Russai), Upsala (ancient capital of Sweden) etc.
Ampson (pal in Georgian), Apsida, Apsindi (wormwood), Apsus (its apity in Georgian), Akvalang, Akvamarin(Mineral),
Akvapark, Akva (water), Akvavit (mineral water), Elysis (Greek), psalmun, psaltir, pseudonym, pson, psili (lightly armed
Georgian), psoryasis etc.

G. Giorgadze associates the near East ethnoses, including the summers, not with the Abkhazian-Adigeans, but with
the western-Georgian world and his argumentations are valid and grounded (See G. Giorgadze. The Oldest Near East
Ethnoses and Origin of the Georgians, p. 22-26).
N. Lomouri, Claudius Ptolemy. Geographical Guide, Information about Georgia. - Materials on History of Georgia
and the Caucasus. Issue, 32. Tb., 1955, p. 43, 52 (in Georgian).
Georgika, v. 2. Tb., 1965, p. 11.
N. Lomouri. From the Ethno-Cultural History of Ancient Abkhazia. Tb., 1998, p. 5 (in Georgian); of the same author:
Some Problems from Early History of Abkhazia (Answer to Prof. Sh. D. Inal-Ipa). Macne, Series of History, 1990, N3,
p. 165-166.
O. Lordkipanidze. Gold Abundant Colkhis (myth and Reality). Megrelia, Colkhis, Odishi. Tbilisi-Zugdidi, 1999,
p. 16 (In Georgian).
T. Beradze. the Ancient Egrissian (Colkhis) Kingdom, p. 34 (in Georgian).

2. Ethno-Political Situation in the VI-I centuries B. C.


Essays on History of Georgia, V. I, p. 392-393; G. A. Melikishvili. For the problem of the Ancient Population of Georgia , p. 86; N. B. Berulava. Town Dioskuria-Sebastopolys and region of the Sukhumi Bay in the Antique Epoch (VIth
century B. C. -III century. A. D. ). Tb., p. 28.
At the Sources of the Georgian Statehood, p. 136-141.
T. K. Mikeladze. Researches in the History of the Oldest Population of Colkhis and the Black Sea Coast. Tb., 1974, p.
179-182 (In Georgian).
chian Mirage. He considers T. Mikeladzes the periodization is not correct and it is the repetition of the periodisation

except the malicious estimations (V. A. Shnirelman. Wars of the Memory, p. 336-349).
N. Lomouri. The Greek Colonization of Colkhis. Tb., 1962 (in Georgian); M. P. Inadze. The Greek Colonization of the
East Black Sea Coast. Tb., 1982 (in Georgian); N. Berulava. Dioscuria-Sebastopolisetc.
N. Lomouri considers the opinion of M. Inadze on the foundation of Dioskuria and Gienos in the VIth century B. C.
quite valid, though he himself thinks that their foundation should be dated from the period not earlier, than the Vth century B. C. (N. Lomouri. Greek Colonization , p. 46-52; M. Inadze. Greek Colonization , p. 100, 101, 105-106 etc).
Federic Dubua de Monpere. Travel around the Caucasus, V. 1, and p. 11.

N. Lomouri. The Greek Colonization, p. 57.

O. Lordkipanidze. Did the Colkhis Kingdom Exist?-At the Sources of the Georgian Statehood, p. 68, 72 (in Georgian).
N. Lomouri. Greek Colonization , p. 54; M. Inadze. Greek Colonization, p. 126-127.
D. Kapanadze, K. Golenko. For the Problem of Origin of the Colchidka. Vestnik of Ancient History, 1957, N4, p. 895;
O. Lordkipanidze. At the Sources of the Oldest Georgian Civilisation. Tb., 2002, p. 206 (in Georgian).
See in details: O. Lordkipanidze. Antique World and Ancient Colkhis, Tb., 1966 (in Georgian); of the same author
Argonautics and Ancient Colkhis. Tb., 1969 (in Georgian).
Z. V. Anchabadze. Essay of the History of the Abkhazian people, p. 27 etc.

Koraks, the tribe of the Colchians near the Kols. Hecataeus in description of
Asia. The fortress of Koraks and the country of Koraks.
The Kols-people near the Caucasus. Hecataeus in the description of Asia:The
foothills of the Caucasus are called the Kol Mountains. The country is called Kolika.
The Moskhs - the tribe of the Colchians is neighboring to the Matiens. Hecataeus
in description of Asia. 104

tus are the Savromats. The people of Savromats are ruled by the women.
71. Meotians. Next to those being ruled by the women, live Meotians.
72. Next to the Meotians are the people of the Sinds. Their regions spread beyond
the lake and it contains the following Hellenic towns: The town of Phanagora, Kepi,
the harbor of Sind and Patus.
73. The Kerkets. The Kerkets live next to the harbor of Sind.
74. The Torets. Next to the Kerkets is living the people of Torets and there is a
Hellenic town Torik with the harbor.
75. Achaeans. Next to the Achaeans are the Heniocs.
76. Heniokhs. Next to the Heniocs are the Koraks.
77. The Koraks. Next to the Heniocs are the Koraks.
78. Kolika. Next to the Koraks are the Kolika.
79. Melankhlenos (Black Robes). Next to the Kolika are the people of Melankhlenos and the river Metasoros and Egibius.
80. The Gelons. Next to the Melankhlens are the Gelons.
81. Colchians. Next to them are the people of Colkhis and the town of Dioskuria
and Gien-the town of the Hellenic and river Gien, Kherobius the river, Khors-the
river, Kharius-the river, Phases-the river and Phasis the Hellenic town and 180 stadia up the river to the big barbarian town from where Medea came, here is the river
Ris and the river Isis, the robbers river and the river Apsar. 105

Historian writing in prose, - See N. Lomouri. Information of the Greek Logographs about the Georgian Tribes.
Georgika, v. III. Tb., 1936, p. 272-289.
N. Lomouri. Information given by the Greek Logographs, p. 29; V. Latishev. Information of the Ancient Writers
-Vestnik of the Ancient History, 1947, N1, p. 300-301.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Information by the Greek AuthorsI, p. 46-49; V. Latishev. Information by the Ancient Authors-Vestnik of Ancient History, 1947, N3, p. 240-243.

The Moskhs border the Kerkets and the Kharimatians possess

Parphenius to the Pontus Euxinos.
Up the Kerkets live the Moskhs and Kharimatians, lower
them - the Heniokhs and the Koraks. 106
I 104. From the Lake Meotida to the river Phases and the country of Colchians is
30 days of walk for those pedestrians traveling light.
II. 104. The Colkhis is probably the Egyptians: I understood this before I heard
this from others. Having an interest in them, I started to ask about these kindred in
Colkhis, as well as in Egypt. The Colkhis remembers the Egyptians better, that the
Egyptians remember them. Though the Egyptians said, that the Colkhis come from
the warriors of the Sesostris army. I came to this conclusion, as the Colkhis is darkskinned, curly hairedI have further valid proofs, as only the three peoples on the
earth have circumcisions: The Colchians, Egyptians and Ethiopians
II . 105. I will mention one more feature of resemblance between the Colchians
and Egyptians. They weave the linen using one and the same method. The everyday
life and the language of the Colchians and Egyptians are alike, though the Hellines
call the linen being woven in Colkhis Sardonian and that brought from Egypt
III. 97. Even the Colchians and their neighbors till the Caucasian range voluntarily tax themselves with the gifts. These peoples even nowadays send to the King
(king of Persia author) a hundred boys and a hundred girls.
IV. 37. The Persian live in Asia till the South Sea being called the Red. To the
North from them dwell the Midians, up the Midians live the Saspirs, then the Colpeoples occupy the regions from Sea to Sea.
IV. 106. Among of all the tribes the most wild features have the Androphags.
They have no courts and have no laws and are the monads. They clad themselves in
clothes resembling those of the Scythians, though their language is different. This is
the only tribe of the man-eaters in this country.
IV. 107. All the Melankhlens wear the black clothes and their names comes from
this tradition. They have the Scythian mode of life.
VII. 78. the Moskhs had the wooden helmets on their heads. They had also the
small shields and spears with the long spear heads.
VII. 79. The Marians wear the aborigine wattle helmetsthe Colchians had the
wooden helmets on their heads; they had small shields made of raw leather, short
spears and also daggers. The Marians and Colchians were led by Farandat the son
leader was Mosistius the son of Siromitra. 107
V. Latishev. Information by the Ancient Writers-Vestnik of Ancient History, 1947, N1, p. 316; in the same work,
N3, p. 250; A. Urushadze. Ancient Colkhis in the Tale of the Argonauts, p. 278; see N. Lomouri. Information by the Greek
Logographs, p. 32.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Information by Herodotus, p. 65, 71-73, 76, 82, 88, 113; Herodotus. History, p. 45, 110-111,
169, 196, 213, 335.

Shota Rustaveli. Knight in the Panthers Skin. -Georgian Writers, v. 4. Tb., 1988, p. 207; Life of Georgia. IV. Tb.,
1973, p. 14.
Giorgi Merchule. Life of Grigol Khandzteli. . . -Georgian Writers, v. 1, Tb., 1987, p. 536 9in Georgian). Shota
Rustaveli. Knight in the Panthers Skin. Georgian Writers v. II. Tb., 1959, p 8.
Jacob Tsurtaveli. Martyr of Shushanik. -Georgian Writers, v. I, p. 230; Giorgi Merchule. Life of Grigol Khandzteli.
-Georgian Writers I, p. 611. Life of Georgia II, p. 26, 312; v. IV p. 14, 459 etc.
D. Melikishvili. from the History of the Ancient Georgian Philosophical-Theological Terminology. Tb., 1999, p. 208229 (in Georgian).
S. S. Orbeliani. Georgian Dictionary, II. Tb., 1993, p. 142.
Z. Sarjveladze. Dictionary of the Old Georgian Language. Tb., 1995, p. 197 (in Georgian).
R. Topchishvili. Ethnical History of the Georgian and Historical-Ethnographic Provinces of Georgia. Tb., 2002, p. 6
(in Georgian).
See: I. V. Stalin. Marxism and the National Problem. Works, v. II, p. 290-303.

Z. Anchabadze. Essay on the ethnical History of the Abkhazian People, p. 27-28.

M. Inadze. The Problems of the Ethno Political History of Ancient Abkhazia. -Macne, Series of History. , 1992, N1,
p. 7.
As a comparison we can take an example of the Jewish people. If before the defeat in 722 B. C. of the Israelians and
in 586 B. C. of the Judean Kingdoms and settling of the Jews in different countries, they had not manage to form into a
and revive their State in 1948.
T. Phutkaradze. Georgia, p. 50-51. On the period of Existence of the Common Georgian Language. See. p. 280-297.


Strabo says in his work, that those distorted tribal names were chattered to us by Hellanicos, Herodotus and Eudoksos. -Strabo. Geography in 17 books. Translation. An Article and Comments by G. A. Stratanovski. Under the edition of
S. A. Utchenko. M., 1964, p. 516.
P. Burachkov. On the Location of the Ancient Town Karkinites and its coins. -Notes of the Imperial Odessian Society
of History of Oldeties, v. IX. Odessa, 1875, p. 118.
G. A. Kokiev. Some Pieces of Information from the Ancient History of the Adigeans (Kabardinians). Nalchik, 1996,
p. 7.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 28-30; B. Gogia. On the Ethnonimes of Some
Tribes of Ancient Colkhis. Paris. 2003, p. 51-54.
V. V. Latishev. Information of the Ancient Writers, the Geeks and Romans about Scythia and Caucasus. 1, edition 1.
S-Pb, 1893, p. 205.
A. N. Diachkov-Tarasov. Gagri and its Neighborhood. Tb., 1903, p. 35-36. For comparison we have to remember, that
the Turks called the Imeretians Bashiachuks (without a headwear), Kizilbash means the red head etc.
See F. E. terminology of Strabo. T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography of Strabo. Information about Georgia. Tb., 1957,
p. 26-30.

O. Lordkipanidze. Did the State of Colkhis exists? P. 41-43 (In Georgian).

Georgika, v. 3, p. 277, 286; V. V. Latishev. Information of the Ancient Writers, v. 1, p. 258, 267.
G. Melikishvili. for the History of Ancient Georgia, p. 83.
I. Javakhishvili. History of the Georgian People, book. I-II. Tb., 1913, p. 59 (in Georgian); S. Janashia. works, II. Tb.,
1952, p. 21 (in Georgian); P. Ingorokva . Giorgi Merchule, p. 143-145 (in Georgian)


I. Javakhishvili. Introduction into the History of the Georgian People, book I. Historical-Ethnological Problems of
Georgia, p. 12.
S. Janashia. Works, II. Tb., 1952, p. 19, 20.
T. Phutkaradze. The Georgians, p. 37-41.
R. Topchishvili. Ethnic History of Georgia, p. 26, 28, 78, 83, 90 etc. ; Ethno-historic Sketches, b, I. Tb., 2005, p. 53 (in
I. Javakhishvili. Introduction into the History of the Georgian people. Book. I. Historical Ethnical Problems of Georgia, p. 12.
P. Ingorokva. Giorgi Merchule, p. 132, 141.
N. Lomouri. Information of Greek Logographs, p. 8, 10.
M. Inadze. Problems of the Ethno-Political History of Ancient Abkhazia. Macne, 1992, N1, p. 9-10.
Z. V. Anchabadze. Essay on the Ethnic History of the Abkhazian People, p. 30-31.
D. I. Gulia. Sukhumi is nor Dioskuria. -Works of the Institute of Abkhazia, edition II. Sukhumi, 1934, -. 87; G. Gasviani. Abkhazia. Ancient and Modern Abkhazians. Tb., 2000, p. 16.
Frederic Dubua de Monpere. Travel around the Caucasus, V. 1. Sukhumi, 1937, p. 148. Here we have to note, that
the catholic missionaries Chr. Kastelli, Arc. Lamberti and Jack Sharden identify the river Kodori with the Karaks. See.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 251, 252; Lamberti Arc. Description of the Colkhis.
Odessa, 1876, p. 6; Travel of Sharden through the Trans Caucasus in 1672-1673, p. 21.
K. Kudriavtsev. Collection of the Materials on the History of Abkhazia, p. 28-29; P. Ingorokva. Giorgi Merchule, p.

The Current Geographical and Historical Information on the Caucasus, being collected and added by S. Bronevski,
part 1. M., 1823, p. 293.
B. A. Kuftin. Materials on Archeology of Colkhis. V. I. Tb., 1949, p. 124; N. Lomouri. Information of the Greek
Logographsp. 9; D. Kacharava. Towns And Settlements of the Black Sea Coast in the Antique Epoch. Tb., 1991, p. 149;
B. Gogia. On the Ethnonymes of Some Tribes of Ancient Colkhis, p. 49-50.
P. Ingorokva. Giorgi Merchule, p. 143.
See. J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 168 (Strabo), 170 (Pomponius Mela),
171 (Plinius), 175 (Dionysius Periegetus), 177 (Ammian Marcelinus), 182 (Anonym the Vth century), 189 (Stephanos of
Byzantine). N. Lomouri. Claudius Ptolemy. Geographical Guide, Information about Georgia. Materials from History
of Georgia and the Caucasus, issue, 32. Tb., 1955, p. 44. The author of the IST century. Valerius Phlavius mentions the
Formidable Heniokhs in connection with Medea. According to his information Medea had a nun-The Heniokh woman
(T. Kaukhchishvili. For the Problem of the Caucasian Tribes According to the Antique Sources. 2 Heniokhs-Macne, Series of History, 1980, N4, p. 68).
L. Arbolishvili. The Natural History of Plinius the Elder, as the source of history of Georgia, Tb., 2006, p. 146.
Phlavius Arian. Travel around the Black Sea. Translation, researches, comments and map of N. Kechakmadze. Tb.,
1961, p. 42 (in Georgian).
Georgika, v. 2. Tb., 1965, p. 3, 7, 11.
T. Sh. Mibchuani. From the History of Ethno genesis, settling and culture of the west Georgian Highlanders. Tb.,
1989, p. 51 (in Georgian); B. Gogia. On the Ethnonymes of Some Tribes of Ancient Colkhis, p. 83-93.
The Journal of the Ministry of the Public Education. New sequence, part XXIII, 1911, May, S-Pb. 1911, p. 202-215.
the Kerkets (T. Kaukhchishvili. For the Problem2. Heniokhs. -Macne, sequence of History, 1980, N4, p. 72).

N. Marr. From the Linguistical Trip to Abkhazia, p. 325-330.

D. Gulia. History of Abkhazia, v. I, p. 35-52.
Z. Anchabadze. Essay on the Ethnic History of the Abkhazian People, p. 62-68.
A. N. Diachkov-Tarasov. Gagri and its Environs, p. 43.
Yu. Voronov. Material Culture of the Heniokh Tribes in the VI-I centuries B. C. Collection of Works of the Young
Scientist-Historians of Abkhazia. Sukhumi. 1974; of the same author: Dioskuria-Sebastopolis-Tskhum. M., 1980 etc.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 62-68.
The Book of Genesis, IV. 17, 18; V. 18, 19, 21-24.
I. Javakhishvili. History of the Georgian People.
S. Janashia. Works, III. Tb., 1959, p. 8.
P. Ingorokva. Giorgi Merchule, p. 129, 134-136.
P. Ushakov. For the Campaigns of the Urartians to the Trans Caucasus. -Vestnik of Ancient History, 1946. N2, p. 38.
G. A. Melikishvili. On the History of Ancient Georgia, p. 86-93, 223, 373-374; of the same author. For the Problem of
the Oldest Population of Georgia, p. 67 (in Georgian).
A. Urushadze. On the Heniokhs. Works of the Tbilisi State University, v. 96. Tb., 1963, p. 243-248.
B. Gigineishvili. for the Origin of the Ethnonime Heniokh. -Macne. Sequence of History, 1975, N1, p. 115-124.
T. Kaukhchishvili. On the Tribes of the Caucasus according to the Antique Sources. Macne. Sequence of History,
1980, N, p. 57-77.

Ibid, 69. 75, 76.

T. Mibchuani. from the History of Ethno genesis, settling and Culture of the Georgian Highlanders of West Georgia.
Tb., 1989, p. 48-83 (in Georgian); of the same author: History of the Autonomous Republic of Georgia. Tb., 2003, p. 36-44
(in Georgian).
G. Gasviani. Abkhazia, p. 21-25 (In Georgian).
M. Inadze. Problems of the Ethno-Political History of Ancient Abkhazia. -Macne, sequence of History, 1992, N1, p.
N. Berulava. Dioskuria-Sebastopolis, p. 129.
B. Gogia. On the Ethnonimes of Some Tribes of the Ancient Colchians, p. 93.
N. Lomouri. Information of the Greek Logographs, p. 24; Of the same author: Claudious Ptolemi, p. 54.
N. Lomouri. From the Ethno-Cultural History of Ancient Abkhazia. Tb., 1998, p. 20 (in Georgian).
B. Gogia. On the Ethnonimes of Certain Tribes of Ancient Colkhis, p. 36-39, 54-60, 77-93; J. Gamakharia. For the
problem of the Ethnic Belonging of the Apsil-Abazgs. Tb., 1989, p. 34-36 (in Georgian); Essays on the History of Georgia.
Abkhazia from the Ancient Times till Our Days. Tb., 2007, p. 47-49 etc. (in Georgian).
In D. Gulias opinion without the defense of the pirate Heniokhs it would be impossible to travel along the East
Black Sea Coast. That was the reason why the Greeks called them the charioteers. (D. Gulia, History of Abkhazia, v. I, p.

N. Kvezereli-Kopadze. Road Constructions of Ancient Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 1955, p. 30-55.

T. Kaukhchishvili. for the Problem of the Caucasian Tribes-Macne, 1980, N4, p. 71 (in Georgian); M. Inadze. Problems of the Ethno-political History of Ancient Abkhazia. Macne, 1992, N1, p. 13-14.
B. C. Cilician pirates and robbers.
T. Kaukhchishvili. for the Problems of the Caucasian Tribes, p. 58-59.
G. A. Melikishvili. For the History of ancient Georgia, 89.
S. S. Orbeliani. Dictionary of the Georgian Language.
According to the Georgian translation made by T. Kaukhchishvili, in Strabos work Heniokhs and Kerkets are one
and the same people (XI. 2, 1): Then come Achaeans, Zigeans, Heniokh-Kerkets (T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography of
Strabo, p 111 in Georgian).
D. Chubinashvili. Georgia-Russian Dictionary. 604.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography of Strabo, p. 203 (in Georgian).


T. Kaukhchishvili. on the Problem of the Caucasian Tribes, Macne, 1980, N4, p. 75.
Georgika, v. 2, p. 12.
In S. Kaukhchishvilis opinion the Torets, Evdusins etc were probably in distant relation with the Georgian element
(Georgika, v. 2, p. 28).
B. Gogia. On the Ethnonimes of Some Tribes of Ancient Colkhis, p. 57.
On the History of the Term, see. N. Khazaradze. on the History of the Ethnographic Term Meskhs. - Foreign and
Georgian terminology denoting the Georgians and Georgia. Tb., 1993, p. 21-42.
Strabo. Geography, p. 471; T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography of Strabo, p. 20.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography of Strabo, p. 121-124, 125, 174, 185-186, 203.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Information of Herodotus, p. 45.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 170.
Georgika, v. 2, p. 127; Procopius of Caesarea. War with the Gotts. M., 1950, p. 380.
N. Marr. History of the Term Abkhaz, p. 703-705.

I. Javakhishvili. History of the Georgian People, book, I-II, p. 21-22.

P. Ingorokva. Giorgi Merchule, p. 137-140.
Z. Anchabadze. The Problems of History of Abkhazia in the book of P. Ingorokva Giorgi Mercule The Georgian
Writer of the Xth century. Woks of the D. Gulia Institute of Language, Literature and History of Abkhazia. XXVII.
Sukhumi, 1956, p. 162-164.
N. Lomouri. Information of the Greek Logographs, p. 10-12, 26.
As. B. Gogia writes, Parphenion existed not only in Asia Minor, but next to Khersones and Feodosia (next to the
Kharimats)). -B. Gogia. About the Ethnonimes of some Tribes of Ancient Colkhis, p. 127.
N. Khazaradze. Ethno-Political Problems of Ancient History of Georgia. Tb., 1984, p. 34 (in Georgian).
N. Lomouri. From the Ethno cultural History of Abkhazia, p. 24. 25 (in Georgian).
G. Chitaia. On the Ethnic Origin of the Population of Ancient Abkhazia Collection of Works in 5 volumes, III. Tb.,
2000, p. 119 (in Georgian).
T. Mikeladze. Findings on the History of the Oldest Population of Colkhis, p. 21-24 (in Georgian).

M. Inadze. On the Problem of the Ethnic Composition of the North-East Black Sea Coast Population of Antique
Priod. -Moambe, 1960, N2, p. 148 (in Georgian).
M. Inadze. Problems of the Ethno-Political History of Ancient Abkhazia. -Macne, 1992, N1, p. 16-20 (in Georgian);
The same in Russian - see; Findings in History of Abkhazia//Georgia, Tb., 1999, p. 66.
B. Gogia. About the Ethnonimes of Some Tribes of Ancient Colkhis. , p. 127-130.
T. Kaukhchishvili. on the Problems of the Tribes of the Caucasus according to the Antique Colkhis. 1. Akheaens.
-Macne, 1080. N3, p. 31-40.
N. Lomouri. Information of the Greek Logographs, p. 32, 33.
Georgika, v. 2, p. 28.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Information of Herodotus, p. 76; Herodotus mentions Neighbors of the Colchians till the Caucasian range (III, 97); M. Inadze. Taking into account the data of other sources, he quite righteously considers the neighbors of the Coclhians the same Colkhis tribes the Koraks and Kols. (M. Inadze. the Problems of the Ethno-Political
History of Ancient Abkhazia, p. 63.
Z. Anchabadze. Essay on the Ethnic History of the Abkhazian People, p. 27; T. Kaukhchishvili. Information of the
Greek Authors, I, p. 31 (in Georgian); D. Muskhelishvili. Main Problems of Historical Geography of Georgia. Tb., 1977,
p. 46 (in Georgian) etc.
I. Javakhishvili. Introduction into History, P. 12.

The Soviet Historical Encyclopedia, v. 7. M., 1965, p. 546.

G. Melikishvili. On History of Ancient Georgia, p. 62-63; of the same author: On the problem of the Oldest Population of Georgia, p. 37.
Z. Anchabadze. Essay on the Ethnic History of the Abkhazian People, p. 29; of the same author: History and Culture
of Ancient Abkhazia, p. 132.
N. Lomouri. Information of the Greek Logographs, p. 25; of the same author: For Understanding of the terms
Coclhis and Colhians. -Works of the Tbilisi state university, v. 1 B. p. 19-13 (in Georgian): From the Ethno-Cultural
history of Ancient Abkhazia, p. 6; of the same author Some Problems of the Early History of Abkhazia (reply to prof. Sh.
D. Inal-Ipa). Macne, sequence of History, 1990, N3, p. 161.
Sh. D. Inal-Ipa. Problems of the Ethno-Cultural History of Abkhazia, p. 200 of the same author: About My People,
Its History and Mother-Land. -Soviet Abkhazia, 1989, 16 Semptember; O. Bgazhba, S. Z. Lakoba. History of Abkhazia,
p. 60-84 etc.
Life of Georgia, v. I, p. 22-24 (in Georgian).
Ibid, p. 22.
King Parnavaz was in friendly terms with the weakening Selevkids (Syria), See: Life of Kartli, v. 1, p. 25.

Life of Georgia, v. 1, p. 24.

N. Berulava. Town of Dioskuria Sebastopolis, p. 90.
G. Melikishvili. On History of Ancient Georgia, p. 305.
Opinion of M. Inadze on the restoration of the Colkhis kingdom from the North-West border only till the river
V. V. Latishev. Information of the Ancient Writers, v. II. Edition I. SPb. 1904, p. 1970198.
The Pontus kingdom being founded at the end of the VIth century and strengthened in the II century B. C. is regarded by the Georgian historiography , as the part of the Georgian world, as its population was composed of the Meskhs,
Tabal-Tibarens (Iberians), Khalds, Khalibs, Colchians, Mossiniks and others. See. L. Sanikidze. Kingdom of Pontus. Tb.,
1956, p. 3 (in Georgian); History of Georgia, I. Tb., 1958, p. 58 (in Georgian); G. K. Gozalishvili. Mithridates of Pontus.
Tb., 1962, p. 278-279 (in Georgian). The above mentioned problem needs further investigation and study.
Essay on History of Georgia, v. I, p. 475 (in Georgian).
T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography of Starbo, p. 124-125 (in Georgian); Strabo. Geography, p. 473.

Appian. Wars of Mithridates, p. 285; G. Gamkrelidze, T. Todua. Military-Political Expansion of Rome in Georgia.
Tb., 2006, p. 28-3.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography of Strabo, p. 1220123. Strabo. Geography, 472.
N. Berulava. Town of Dioskuria Sebastopolis, p. 97-98; G. Gamkrelidze, T. Todua. Military-Political Expansion
of Rome, p. 40.
G. Gamkrelidze, T. Todua. Miliraty-Political Expansion of Rome. 41-42. Triumphant Julius Caesar sent an urgent
message to Rome came, saw, won (veni, vidi, vici) (K. Rizhov. All the Monarchs of the World. M., 1998, p. 604).
G. Melikishvili. On History of Ancient Georgia, p. 307-310; Essays on History of Georgia, v. 1, p. 478-471.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography by Strabo, p. 118-119; Strabo. Geography, 470-471.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography by Strabo, p. 119.

Georgika v. 2. p 11; V. Latishev. Information of the Greek Writers, v. 1, edition. 1, p. 278.

T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography by Strabo, p. 124; Strabo. Geography, 471.
M. Inadze. On the Problem of Skheptukhias of the Colkhis Kingdom. Tb., 1994, p. 54 (in Georgian).
M. Inadze. One More about the Ethno-Territorial Units. . . -Ethnogeneses of the Georgian People. Tb., 2002, p. 93111. (In Georgian); on the separatism and inner opposition of the Skheptukhias writes N. Berulava (N. Berulava.
Town of Dioskuria-Sebastopolis, p. 87, 88, 121, 131 etc. ).
M. Inadze. Problems of ethno political History of Ancient Abkhazia, Macne, sequence of history, 1992, N2, p. 47,
48, 58; of the same author: Problems, 64, 71, 77-78, 80 etc.
O. Lordkipanidze. Did the State Colkhis Exist, p. 49-50 (in Georgian).
T. Beradze. History of Megrelia. -Aia, 2001, N9-10, p. 39 (in Georgian).

Chapter IV. Territory of Modern Abkhazia from the I Century A. D.

till the Middle of the VIII Century.
1. Ethnic Situation

G. Melikishvili. On the History of Ancient Georgia, p. 363-364; Essays on History of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 537-538 (in
Georgian); T. Todua. Roman World and Colkhis, I-IVth century. Tb., p. 7-8 (in Georgian).
Georgika, vol. 1, p. 274; V. Latishev. Information by the Ancient writers-Vestnik of Ancient History, 1947, N4, p. 276.
3 T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography by Strabo, p. 120-121, 125-126; Strabo. Geography , p. 471, 473.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography by Strabo, p. 125-126; Strabo. Geography, p. 473.

another river, Kharient, the people of Saltia being called by the ancient louse eaters and other people the sans; across the rerivers:Sigania, Fers, Astelief, Khrissoroas, a tribe of Absils, the fortress of Sebastopol in 100 000 steps from Fasida, the tribe of Sanniks, the town of Kigni, the river
and town Penia and at last, the tribe of the Iniokhs being distinguished by different
names (VI, 14). The Pontus region of Kolika is neighboring to it, in which the Caucasian range turns to the Ripei MountainsOther banks are occupied by the wild
tribes Melankhlens and Koraks, with the Colkhis town Dioskuriada at the river
Anfemunta; Now it is desolated. (VI, 15).
Next to Dioskuriada is the town of Iraklion. It is 70 000 steps away from Sebastopolis. Here live Achaeans, Mards, Kerkets, beyond them live the Serras and
5 V. Latishev. Information by the ancient writers, vol. II, ed. I, p. 117; A. Gamkrelidze. Information by Pomponius Mela
on Georgia. -Georgian Source Study, collection of works I. Tb., 1965, p. 29 (in Georgian).
T. Kaukhchishvili. On the Problem of Caucasian Tribes, - Macne, 1980, N4, p. 64 (In Georgian); In M. Inadzes
opinion Kiknos is the village Kulevi at the sources of the river Khobi (M. Inadze. Ancient Georgian Towns Kignum and
Ea Aia). -Georgian Source Study. X, Tb., 2004, p. 36-42 (in Georgian).
V. Latishev. Information by the Ancient Writers, vol. II, ed. I, p. 118; A. Gamkrelidze. Information by Pomponius
Mela, p. 29.
A. Gamkrelidze. Information by Pomponius Mela, p. 12, 13.
See. T. Kaukhchishvili. On Some Information by Pseudoskilak. -Georgian Source Study, collection of works me, p. 6 (in
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 527.

Kephalotoms. Within this space the richest town of Pitiunt has been robbed by the
Iniokhs. In the rear, in the Caucasian mountains live the Sarmatian people of Epagerit and beyond them the Savromats(VI, 16)
live the Scythians, on this side live Nomads and Savromats under many separate
names and on the opposite side live the Abzois having numerous names like others
(VI, 38) 11.

V. Latishev. Information by the Ancient Writers, vol. II, ed. I, p. 179-180.

See: M. Inadze. Description of Colkhis in the Natural History by Plinius the Elder. - Caucasian Near East Collection
of works, X. Tb., 2001, p. 211-212, 218 (in Georgian); L. Arbolishvili. Natural History by Plinius the senior, p. 10, 13-14.
G. Lordkipanidze. Pitsunda Nekropolis. Tb., 1991, p. 12 (in Georgian). See also: L. Arbolishvili. Natural History by
Plinius the Elder, p. 35-36.
S. Janashia. Works, vol. 6. Tb., 1988, p. 267.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography by Strabo, p. 111.
V. Latishev. Information by the Ancient Writers, vol. 1, ed. I, p. 223; Phl. Arrian. Travel around the Black Sea, p. 52.
G. A. Melikishvili. On the History of Ancient Georgia, p. 364.
Publication of V. Latishev is being used (Information of the Ancient Authors, v. 1, ed. I, p. 217-228) and published by
N. Kechakmadze. Travel around the Black Sea. This work together with the other works of Phlavius Arrian was translated and edited with the introduction and comments by T. Kaukhchishvili. See. Information of the Greek Writers about
Georgia, V. Tb., 1983 (in Georgian).

Next to them live the Macrons and Iniochs; their king is Ankhial. Zidrits are
the neighbors of Macrons and Iniochs; they are subdued to Farsman. Next to the
Zidrits are the Lazians. The king of the Lazians is Malas, who is given the power by
You. Then after the Lazs, come Apsils. Their king is Julian, who was appointed king
by your father. The Avasks have the border with the Apsils. The king of the Avasks
is Rismag. He was also appointed by you. Next to the Avasks are the Sanigs on the
lands of which sits Sebastopolis. The king of the Sanigs Spadag got the power from
YouOn the way to Iip (Hipus author) till Astelef and Dioskuriada were seen the
Caucasian mountains resembling the Celtian Alps in hight; we were shown one peak
of the Caucasus the name of the peak is Strobil on which according to the myth
Promety was hung by Ifest by order of Zeus

V. Latishev. Information of the Ancient authors, v. 1, edition I, p. 222-223; Phlavius Arrian. Travel around the Black
Sea, p. 42-44.
I stadia approximately equals 178-180 metres. See. N. Lomouri. From Historical Geography of Ancient Colkhis. -Vestnik of Ancient History, 1967, N4, p. 97.
The river Abaskos is mentioned on the territory of the Sanigs and namely higher Gagra, thus, connecting it with the
Abazgs being located to the South from Dioskuria (M. Inadze. Problems of Ethno-Political History of Ancient Abkhazia.
Macne, 1992, N2, p. 49) cannot stand any criticism. The named river not only did not get its name from the Abazga, but
vice versa, completely lost it after the replacing by Abazgs of the Sanigs and Svanocolchians on that territory.
V. Latishev. Information of Ancient Writers, v. 1, ed. I, p. 423-424; Phl. Arrian. Travel around the Black Sea, p. 5253.
V. Latishev. Information by Ancient Writers, v. I, ed. I, p. 275-278.

Ibid, p. 275.
Ibid, p. 278.
Supposedly on the Taman peninsula; here and further localization of geographical places, if literature is not mentioned
is given in comments. N. Lomouri, Claudius Ptolemy, p. 52-57.
D. Kacharava, G. Kvirkvelia. Towns and Settlements of the Black Sea Coast in the Antique Epoch, p. 141-142.
Is identical to Egersvans of Favstos Buzand (history of Armenia by Favstos Buzand. Translation from Ancient Armenian by M. A. Gevorkian. Yerevan, 1953, p. 15.
Cl. Ptolemy mentioned Colkhis (Colchika) among the large coutries of the world (Tetrabyblos) and placed it under the
Caucasian range. - J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia historical region of Georgia, p. 532.
V. Latishev. Information by the Ancietn Authors, v. 1. ed. I, p. 236-240; N. Lomouri. Claudius Ptolemy, p. 43-45.
V. Latishev. Information by the Ancietn Authors, v. 1. ed. I, p. 241; N. Lomouri. Claudius Ptolemy, p. 45.
N. Lomouri. Claudius Ptolemy, p. 57; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkahzia historical region of Georgia, p. 523.



33 I. Javakhishvili. Works, v. I. Tb., 1979, p. 214 (in Georgian).

S. Janashia. Works, v. II. Tb., 1952, p. 311 (in Georgian).
35 S. Janashia. Works, v. I. Tb., 1949, p. 201; v. II, p. 311.
Ibid, II, p. 312.
S. Janashia. Abkhazia within Colkhis Kindgom and Lazika. Formation of Abkahzian Kingdom. Macne, series of
history, 1991, N2, p. 23.
N. Kechakmadze mistakenly asserts, that Empire had no interests and wish to establish a new order in Colkhis.
Phl. Arrian. Travel around the Black Sea, p. 13.
N. Berdzenishvili. Problems on History of Georgia, book VIII. Tb., 1975, p. 245-246 (in Georgian). Of the same
authoProblems on History of Georgia. Tb., 1990, p. 554 (in Georgian).
G. Melikishvili. On History of Ancient Georgia, p. 365, 373-375.

N. Lomouri. History of Egrisi Kingdom. Tb., 1968, p. 21-23 (in Georgian).

Georgika, v. 3. Tb., 1936, p. 85-90, 154-157, 159-174.
Z. Anchabadze. Essay on Ethnical History of the Abkahzian People, p. 34-36; III Sh. Inal-Ipa. Abkahzians, p. 97-98.
Information given by the Greek athors about Georgia, VI. Translation from the Old Greek and comments by T.
Kaukhchishvili. Tb., 1987, p. 46.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Tb., 1987, p. 22-23.


Review of the literature. see. ; T. Mibchuani. From the history of Ethnogenesis, Settlements and Culture ofteh West
Georgian Highlandrs, p. 83-94; M. Inadze. Problems of Ethnopolitical History of Ancient Abkahzia. -Macne, 1992, N2, p.
45-47; Z. Anchabadze. Essay on the Ethnical Hsitory of the Abkahizan People, p. 34; D. Letodiani. Political Relation of
Abkhzia, Abshilia and Sanigia with Egrisi(Lazika) in 4-8th centuries. Tb., 1991, p. 120-140 (in Georgian).
Georgika, v. I, p. 19-20.
Georgika, v. I, p. 32. V. Latishev. Information by the Ancient Writers-Vestnik of Ancietn History, 1948, N3, p. 322
Georgika, v. 2. p. 125-126; Procopius of Caesarea. War with the Gotts. M., 1950, p. 379, 383, 384.
Georgika, v. 4, book 1, p. 10.
Georgika, v. 3, p. 281. V. Latishev. Information by the Ancietn Writers, p. 1, ed. 1, p. 262.
Georgika, v. 2, p. 53, 120. Procopius from Caesarea. War with the Gotts, p. 376.
53 Sans (Sanigs, Suans, modern Svans)realtove tribe of the Abzgians. B. C. and long after they lived near Dioskuria.
-D. I. Gulia. Collection of Works, v. 6, p. 100-101.


Bordering point of Georgia, at least till the second half of the XIVth century Life of Georgia, v. 4. Tb., 1973, p. 201.
55 M. Inadze. Problems of ethnopoliticla Hostpry-Macne, 1992, N2, p. 47.
M. Inadze. Towns of Colkhis of the Ancient Epoch. -Moambe, 1960, N2, p. 148-156 (in Georgian); N. Lomouri. Form
the Ethnopolitical Hsitory of Ancient Abkhazia, p. 31-33.
S. Herbershtein. Notes on Moskovia. M., 1988, p. 181.
Information given by Kiatb Chelebi about Georgian and Caucasus. Translated from Turkhish, with comments, interdiction and appendix G. Alasania. Tb., 1973, p. 132-133 (in Georgian).

A. Lamberti. Description of Megrelia. Tb., 1938, p. 9-10 (in Georgian). A. LAmberti. Description of Kolchida. Odessa,
1876, p. 7.
Travel of Sharden through the Trans Caucasus in 1672-1673. Tb., 1902, p. 22.
Life of Georgia, v. 2, Tb., 1959, p. 58 (in Georgian); Abkhazia and Abkhazinas of the medieval Georgian narrative
sources. Georgian text was translated into Russian with comments and introduction by G. A. Amichba. Tb., 1998, p. 91.
Life of Georgia, v. 2, p. 636 (in Georgian).
Ibid v. IV, p. 783, 784.
Ibid, p. 845.
V. N. Tatishchev. History of Russia, v. I. M., -L. 1962, p. 171.
Ibid, p. 375. V. Tatishchev based his work on the information of the Russian chroniclers. Namely, in the Sophian second
chronicle of the 16th century Obez, Gurzians and Iberians are used in the parallel meaning (Complete collection of
the Russai Chronicles, v. VI. S-Pb., 1853, p. 125, 152), what speaks about the identity of those terms. In the Tolkovaia
Polea. Where the list of 72 nationalities is given. Into which the were devided the people during the Babel, is given a
phrase: Iberians are the same Obezians. This is the proof of the fact, that under the Obezians of the Russisn sources
are meant only the Georgians Oberians. (G. Paichadze. Name of Georgia in the Russian, Written Historical Sources.
Tb., 1989, p. 20, 21. See: G. V. Tsulaia. Pbezians according to the Russain Sources. Soviet Ethnography, 1975, N2, p.
104 and others).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkahzia Hitorical region of Georgia, p. 285.

Jean Potocki. Voyage dans les steps dAstrakhan et du Caucase, t. I. Paris, 1829, p. 219.
Is cited from G. Chitaias book. On the Ethnic Origin of the Ancient Abkahzians. Works in 5 volumes, II. Tb., 2000, p.
Klaproth Y. Reise in den Kaukasus und nach Georgien unternomen in den iahren 1807 und 1808. Hale und Berlin,
1812, p. 447.
Voyage ou mont du Caucase et en Georgie par M. Jules Klaproth, t. I. Paris, 1823, p. 201.
Russian Hsitorian M. Seleznev did not hide his amazement by the backwardness of the talented in his words Abkhazians. It is amazing he wrote that the Abkhazians being in permanent contact with the Greeks, Romans, Bosphorians,
Genuezinas, did nit borrow from them, neither civil formation, nor education or having acquired it, thaty did not manage to adopt it (M. Seleznev. Guide for Comprehending the Caucasus, book II, S-Pb., 1848, p. 203). M. Seleznev did not
understood, that Apsua-Abkhazians never had close contacts with the Greeks and Romans. Compare T. Gvantseladze.
On the Ways of Borrowing of the Greek Christian Lexics in the Abkhazian Language. -Rocznik orentalistuchny. T. L. z.
2. Warszawa, p. 130-134.
Tableau historiqye, geographjiqye, etnogrophes entre la Russe et la perse. Par Ju. Klaproth. Paris, 1827, p. 83.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkahzia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 312-313, 681.

Fr. Dubois de Montpereux. Travel around the Caucasus, vol. I. Sukhumi, 1967, p. 148.
Fr. Dubois de Montpereux. Vooyage autour du Caucase, vol. VI. Paris, 1843, p. 396.
B. Gogia. Abkahzia Historical Province of Georgia, p. 4.
Teimuraz Bagrationi. History on Foundation of Iberia, i. e. Georgia, which is the whole Georgia, S-Pb., 1848, p. 56 (in
N. Antelava. Abkhazian Myths, Rituals, Symbols. Encyclopedia. Tb., 2006, p. 56 (in Georgian).
B. Gogia. Abkahzia-Historical Province of Georgia, p. 7.
Ivan Shopen. Fresh Notes on the Ancient History of the Caucasus and its Dwellers. S-Pb, 1866, p. 282-283, 286.
D. Bakradze. History of Georgia on the Basis of New Invetigations. S-Pb., 1873, p. 2-3.

D. Bakradze. History of Georgia. Tb., 1889, p. 272-273. Tskhumi, in D. Bakradzes opinion is translated as hot
D. Bakradze wrote like this, as he did not have an answer on the question: The Georgian term Apkhazi has the Greek
origin or the Greek Abazgian has the Georgian origin? (D. Bakradze. History of Georgia, p. 271-271). The answer on the
question was given by T. Gamkrelidze (in the same source, p. 103).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkahzia-historical provenice of Georgia, p. 191, 547-548.
Mari Brosse. On the Essay of A. Vereshchagin under the title of Travel Notes on the Black Sea Region:, N. , 1874, p.
Ibid, p. 3. The same opinion had V. Cherniavski. See his: Brief Essay on Abkahzia, p. 11, 15.
F. Zhordania. Abkahzian Cathalicoses. Stavropol, 1893, p. 21.

Saint Confessor Ambrosius (Khelaia). The collection of works was compiled, commented and studedi by J. Gamakharia. Tb., 2006, p. 62-75.
Ibid, p. 423.
Ibid, p. 330, 554-555, 593, 602, 667.
I. Javakhishvili. History of the Georgian People, book. I-II. Tb., 1913, p. 55 (in Georgian).
I. Javakhishvili. History of the Georghian People, book, I. Tb., 1951, p. 420; of the same author: vol. I, Tb., p. 427 (in

I. Javakhishvili. History of the Georgian People, book I. Tb., 1979, p. 151.

N. Marr. History of the Term Abkhaz, p. 697-706.
N. Marr. On the Langiage and History of the Abkahzians. M., -L. , 1938.
Ibid, p. 211.
Ibid, p. 246-247.
N. Marr. Selected Works, vol. V. M., -L. , 1935, p. 24, 25. Accorsign to N. Marrs assertion Megrelo-Chans and Iberians are the off-springs of the Scythians; It seems as the Abkahzians having been panatrated like a wedge into the Scythian
Mass devided them into the Northern Scythians and Southern Colchinas and later into the Iberians (N. Marr. On the
Language and History of the Abkahzians, p. 240-241).
L. Voronov. Abkhazia is not Georgia. M., 1907; F. Hershelman. The Causes of the Confusion in the Caucasus. S-Pb.,
1908; N. Vorobiev. On the Groundleness of Georgian Claims on the Sukhumi District (Abkhazia). Krasnodar, 1919.
S. Basaria. Abkahzia in Geographical, Ethnographical and Economical Aspects. Sukhumi, 1923; S. Ashkhatsava.
Ways of Developmetn of Abkhazian History. Sukhumi, 1925 (Editor N. Marr); D. Gulia. Hisotry of Abkhazia. , vol. I. Tb.,
T. Mibchuani. D. Gulia. On the Abkhazian Ethnogenesis. Problems of History of Abkhazia. Tb., 1998, p. 167-179 (in

Georgian); G. Gasviani. Georgian Ecientists on P. Ingorokvas Opinion. P. Ingorokva on Abkhazia and the Abkhazians.
Tb., 2003, p. 41-53 (in Georgian); Z. Papaskiri. Essays of the Hsitorical Past of Modern Abkhazia, II, Tb., 2007, p. 110-111
(in Georgian); V. Shnirelman. Wars of Memory, p. 280-289.
S. Janashia. Works, vol. III. Tb., 1959, p. 15 (prominent archeologist B. Kuftin also though, that on the East Balck
Sea Coast the Megrelo-Chanians were predecesors of the Abkhazian population. -B. Kuftin. Materials fro archeology
of Colkhis, vol. I. Tb., 1949, p. 90). Review of S. Janashias works on history of Abkhzia. See. : E. Khoshtaria Brosse.
Problems of History of Abkhazia in Georgian Historiography. Tb., 2000, p. 7-9.
N. Berdzenishvili. Problems of Hsitory of Georgia, book III. Tb., 1966, p. 278 (in Georgian).
Ibid, p. 279, 280.
Ibid, p. 278, 281.
N. Berdzenishvili. Problems of History of Georgia. Tb., 1990, p. 608 (in Gorgian).

D. Gulia. On My Book. History of Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 1951, p. 10, 12, 14.

E. Khoshtaria-Brosse. From the Scientists Archive. Mnatobi, 1990, N5, p. 138-145 (in Georgian).
122 (in Georgian).

G. Chitaia. On the Ethnic Origin of the Population of Ancietn Abkhazia, p. 119.

Zaria Vostoka, 1955, July the 9th.
S. Kaukhchishvili. Fresh Materials on History of the Ancient Georgian Poetry. -Mnatobi, 1956, N10, p. 109-119 (in
N. Berdzenishvili. On the book written by P. Ingorokva -Giorgi Mechule. Mnatobi, 1956, N12, p. 125-131 (in
Georgian); K. Lomtatidze. On Some Problems of the Ethnic Belonging and Placing of Abkahzians. _ Mnatobi, 1956, N12,
p. 132-139 (in Georgian).
Z. Anchabadze. Problems of History of Abkhazia in the book written by P. Ingorokva Giorgi Merchule the Georgian Writer of the XXth century. Works of the D. Gulia Institute of Language, literature and History of Abkahzia, vol.
XXVII. Sukhumi, 1956, p. 216-268; Kh. S. Bgazhba. Some Problems of Ethnonimics and Toponimics of Abkhazia (on the
work of P. Ingorokva Giorgi Merchule). - in the same source, p. 279-303.
gorokva Giorgi Merchule (Mnatobi, 1956, N12, p. 126).
G. Akhvlediani. For Some Problems of the Toponymeics of Abkhazia. -Mnatobi, 1957, N2, p. 107-114; S. Kaukchishvili On Giorgi Merchule. _in the same source, p. 115-125; D. Kobidze. Meaning of the term Abkhaz according to
the Persian sources. - in the same source, p. 126-128 (in Georgian).
G. Gasviani. Georgian Scientists on P. Ingorokvas point of vew.

Essays on History of Abkahzian ASSR, 1. Sukhumi, 1960; Essays on History of Georgia, vol. 1 and others.
The model for such an approach is the work of M. Inadze On the Problem of the Ethnic Composition of the of the
North-East Black Sea Coast Population (Moambe of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, 1960, N2, p. 145-163) in which
separate statements of Z. Anchabadzes monograph are critically analyzed (from History of the Medieval Century Akhazia. Sukhumi, 1959).
scarcity of the historiographical basis, But who were they? They were the Georgians , as they served the Georgian inGeorgian).
N. Lomouri earlier shared the position of P. Ingorokva. In 1963 he wrote: In his research - Giorgi Merchule P.
Ingorokva, as it is known, poses in our opinion a very true statement about the Georgian origin of the Abkhazian tribes
(Abzgians, Apsils), but in order to prove this hipothesis, we think he sometimes uses groundless arguments (N. Lomouri.
Information of the Greek Logographs, p. 25-26).
T. Mibchuani. From History of Ethnogenesis, settling and culture of the West Georgian Highlanders; of the same
author; History of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, part. Tb., 2003 (in Georgian); G. Gasviani. Old and New Abkhazia (in Georgian) of eth saem author: Georgian Scientists on P. Ingorokvas Point of View; D. Gogoladze. Problem of
the Ethnic elonging of the Ancient Eposes and on the Dwelling of the Ethnos of the AbkhazianPrincipality and Modern
Abkhazia. Tb., 1995 (In Georgian); J. Gamakharia. B. Gogia. Abkhazia - the Hsitorical Region of Georgia. J. Gamakharia Abkahzia and Orthodox Faith. Tb., 2005 (in Georgian) of the same author: On the Problem of the Apsil-Abazgians.
Tb., 1998 (in Georgian). B. Gogia. Abkhazia - Historical Province of Georgia. Tbilisi-Paris, 2005; of the same author: On
the ethnonimes of Ancient Colchian Tribes. Paris, 2003, p. 51-54 (in Georgian); Z. Ratiani. Cryong Sources or Foreign
Georgia. Tb., 1995 (in Georgian); A. Songulashvili. Abkhazian or Apsua? Tb., 2007 (in Georgian) etc. The conlusions of
Doctoral Thesis. Tb., 1977 (In Georgian); T. Phutkaradze. The Georgians) and Anthropology (L. Bitadze. Anthropological History of the Abkhaians. Tb., 2008 (In Georgian).
N. Lomouri. From the Ethno Cultural History of Ancietn Abkhazia; E. Khoshtaria-Brosse. Problems of Hsitory of
Abkhazia O. Japaridze. On the History of Ethnogenesis of the Georgian Nation. Tb., 2006 (in Georgian); M. Inadze.
Problems of ethnological History of Ancient Abkhazia. researches on History of Abkahzia/Geoargia. Tb., 1999, p. 61-88

In S. Janashias point of view the Greek word Abazgs was accepted in the Georgian form Abkhaz (S. Janashia.
Abkhazia within Colkhis Kingdom and Lazika, p. 39).
T. Gamkrelidze. Form the Hsitory of Ethnonymics of Ancietn Colkhis. -Foreign and Georgian Terminology of the
Notions Georgia and the Georgians. Tb., 1993, p. 591-600.
D. Muskhelishvili. On the Problem of Ethnic Belonging of the Apshils. Artanuji, 2000, N10, p. 17-24 (in
Georgian)analogiues iponion, but based on different arguments was expressed by N. Apkhazava. See his: For the Ethnic
Belonging of the Apshils. Problems of Hsitory of Abkhazia. Tb., 1998, p. 6-13 (in Georgian).
D. Muskhelishvili. Historical Status of Abkhazia in the Georgian Statehood. -Researches in History of Abkahzia/
Georgia. Tb., 1999, p. 124.
N. Lomouri. Form the Ethno Cultural Hisroty of Ancient Abkhazia, p. 31; of the same author: on the History of one
of the Oldest Georgian Regions Abkhazia. Tb., 2008, p. 61 (in Georgian).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkahzia- Historical Region of Georgia, p. 28-30. Material connection of the root aps of
is the circumstance, that semantics of Apsil and Apsua is different. In history there are numerous such examples (F.
of Ethnic History of Abkahzia. Problems of Hsitory of Abkahzia, p. 34-35.
B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Province of Georgia, p. 9.
In order to prove the belonging of Phtirophags (cone eaters) to the ethnos of Apsua Sh. Inal-Ipa explained Apsua,
as pine nation (apsa in Abkhazian means - pine). See. : Sh. Inal-Ipa. Problems of Ethno Cultural History of the Ab-

khazians, p. 225. In the same monograph qw read, that Apsua is the nation of Apsilia (in the saem work, p. 345). D.
Gulia once said, that Apsua-Absua is the nation from Abassia, Abyssinia (see his. : History of Akhazia, vol. 1, p . 95). In
G. Pipias opinion, absta (gorge) + uaa means dwelling in the gorge (Saxalxo Ganatleba, 1990, 5th of July. In Georgian).
Georgika, vol. 3, p. 17-19; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkahzia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 187, 542-544.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkahzia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 543, 553, 577-578.
Ibid, p. 211, 590.
G. Alasania. Georgia on the Map of the Cacuasus of Jakhan Niuma. Macne, series of history , 1971, N2, p. 101.
M. Inadze. On the ethnical composition of the population of the Black Sea Coast of the Antique period Moambe of
Academyu od sciences of Georgia, 1960, N2; of the same author: Problems of ethno-cultural history-Macne series of
history, 1992, N1 (in Georgian); see also: N. Berulava. Town of Dioskuria Sebastopolis, p. 140-141.
Supposition of M. Inadze on the migration of Abzoa-Abagzians from the North Caucasus on the territory of modern
Abkahzia in the I-IIth centuries contradicts her versions on dwelling of the Cherkesso-Adigean tribes in pre antique and

early antique epochs on the South-Eastern coast of the Black Sea and the statements, that under the Caucasians, being
mentioned by Strabo in Dioskuria (information of the II-Ith centuries) are meant the ancestors of the Abazgian-Apsua
(M. Inadze. Problems of Ethno-Cultural history of Ancietn Abkhazia. -Macne, 1992, N1, p. 15-16; N2, p. 57).
J. Gamakharia. B. Gogia. Abkahzia Hsitorical Region of Georgia, p. 26, 31, 528; B. Gogia. Abkahzia Historical
province of Georgia, p. 11, 12.
Georgika, vol. 7, p. 124-131-in Georgian); J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 221223, 590-593.
V. Latishev. Information given by the ancient writers, vol. II. ed. I, p. 181.
V. Latishev. Information given by the ancient writers-Vestinik of ancient history, 1948, N1, p. 240
V. Latishev. Information given by the ancient writers-Vestinik of ancient history, 1949, N4, p. 310.
V. Latishev. Information given by the ancient writers-vol. II, ed. 2, p. 358-359.
V. Latishev. Information given by the ancient writers-Vestinik of ancient history, 1948, N4, p. 242.

Notes of the Department of Orient of Russian Georgraphical Inperial Society, vol. 16, ed. 2-3. S-Pb., 1905, p. 36-211.
formulated as follows:Baptizing of the Armenians, Georgians, Lazians anda Alans The author disrted the contents
of the documents already in the title.
Georgika, vol. 1, p. 2.
Ibid, p. 35. vol. 6, p. 191; V. Latishev. Information guven by the acnient writers-Vestnk of ancient history, 1948, N3,
p. 237, 293.
Georgika, vol. 1, p. 11-20, 39-41; vol. 4, book, 1, p. 6-9, 61-63; vol. 5, p. 3-4, 10; V. Latishev. Information of ancient
writers-Vestnik of ancient history, 1948, N3, p. 221, 245-246.
Georgika, vol. 1, p. 2.
Georgika, vol. 7, p. 90-91; vol. 8, p. 25-26 etc.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 3-6; Abkhazia and Abkhazians, p. 37-38.

Georgika, vol. 4, book, 1, p. 10.

Georgika, vol. 6, p. 133.
Z. V. Anchabadze. Form History of Medieval Abkhazia, p. 216-217.
(the Georgian version Liber gengeretionis). -Works of the Tbilisi State University, 1938, VII, p. 7, 11, 102 (in Georgian).
Z. V. Anchabadze. Form the Hsitory of Medieval Century Abkahzia, p. 217-218.
See. : P. Ingorokva. Giorgi Merchule, p. 145-189; G. Gasviani. Abakhzia, p. 83-134 (in Georgian); T. Mibchuani.
Toponimics of Abkhazia. Problems of Hsitory of Abkahzia, p. 154-166 (in Georgian); D. Muskhelishvili. Main problems of historical geography of Georgia, 1. Tb., 1977, p. 108-1239 (in Georgian); T. Gvantseladze. Longuistical basis

for historiography of Abkahzia, p. 183-200 (in Georgian); of the same author:For the problem of original name of Pitsunda. -Vestnik of Kutaisi University, 1995, N1, p. 25-32 (in Georgian); of the same author: Kartvelian toponymics of
Abkahzia:Gagra. -problems of structure of the Kartvelian languages, vol. 6. Tb., 1996, p. 44-49 (in Georgian); Georgian
Substrate Toponymes in Abkahzia (Sukhumi, Gagra, Tkvarcheli). -Artanuji, 2000, N10, p. 87-92 (in Georgian); P. Tskhadaia, V. Jojua. Geographical names of Samurzakano (linguistical research). Tb., 2004, p. 166 (in Georgian).
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 5; Abkahzia and Abkhazians, p. 38.
Saint Confessor Ambrosius and Abkahzia, p. 606.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 5.
On the Georgian etymology of Dioskuria. see. :A. Tugushi. Dioskurishi Main Water (Aia, 1999, N7, p. 62-76), -in
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 235; Abkahzia and Abkahzians, p. 49.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Geography of Strabo, p. 120, 121.
O. Akishbaia. Gudava. Tb., 1998; Plinius mentions the river Sigania (chap. IV, 1) Arrian-Singam (in N. Kechakaround the Black Sea, p. 69, 70, 90).
Georgika, vol. 2, p. 6; in the same place p. 187-188; 203-204.
In the same place, vol. 3, p. 160; Arrian mentiones the Strobil (Tsebelda) peak (chap. IV, 1); Georgika, vol. 2, p. 59.
Georgika, vol. 3, p. 236-237. S. S. Orbeliani explains darani. As the hiding place in the rock and under the ground
(Georgian dictionary, vol. 1, p. 197). In Megreliandarini dwelling, camp. The wordsDarin raod can be understood
as the safe (form the Persians invasion) the road of life.
Georgika, vol. 3, p. 85-87, 163; vol. 1, p. 42; D. Muskhelishvili. Main Problems of Historical Geography of Georgia.
I, p. 122.
Georgika, vol. 4, part 1, p. 42-46, 50-51; on their localization see D. Muskhelishvili. Main Problems of Historical
Geography of Georgia, II. Tb., 1980, p. 52-57.
The dictionary is studied in the monograph; Z. Ratiani. Crying of the sources or foregn Georgia. Tb., 1995 (in Georgian).

2. Dissemination of Christianity.

Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 38; Abkahzia and Abkahzians, p. 38.

Anania Japaridze. History of the Georgian Apostolic Church, vol. 1, 1996, p. 38 (in Georgian).
Story on Saint Apostle Simon Kananite (the same Zilot). M., 1892, p. 7.
Chrestomathy of the Ancient Georgian Literature, vol. 1, Tb., 1996, p. 27-28 (in Georgian); Georgika, vol. 4, book 1,
p. 57-59; Abkahzia and Abkhazians, p. 25-26.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 42-43; Abkahzia and Abkhazians, p. 39-40.
Anania Japaridze. History of the Georgian Apostle Church, vol. 1, p. 71, 86-102.
Georgika, vol. 1, p. 186, 245-246.
Ibid, p. 54; T. Mibchuani. Monuments of the material culture of Abkhazia- epigaphics. Tb., 1999, p. 22 (in Georgian).
Usage of the name of deity for naming of the geographical point is quite typical for the Georgian language space. To such
on the territory of Abkhazia Targeloz) etc.
T. Gvantseladze. Linguistical basis of historiography of Abkahzia, p. 40-45.

J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox Religion. Tb., 2005, p. 47-56.

Ibid, p. 51.
Anania Japaridze. History of the Georgian Apostolic Church, vol1, p. 133
Georgika, vol. 1, p. 186, 245-246.
Ibid, p. 1-10.
B. Diasamidze. Christianity in West Georgia (I-Xth centuries). Batumi, 2001, p. 105; Megrelia. Colkhis, Odishi (T.
Beradze), p. 105 (in Georgian).
Anania Japaridze. History of the Georgian Apostolic Church, vol. 1, p. 16-28.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox Religion, p. 56 (in Georgian).

3. Abkhazia within Egrisi (lazika)

Abkhazia and Simono-Kananites Monastery, M., 1898, p. 200; History of the Orthodox Church till the beginning of
the division of the church. S-Pb, 1902, p. 158.
Catholicos Patriarch of All Georgia His Holiness and Beatitude Ilia the II being the Tskhum-Abkhazian Mytropolite (1967-1977) moved the sarcophagus of Joanne the Gold-Mouth into the Sukhumi Cathedral Church and got rid it
of ruin. Later the faithful family of Yuri (George) Anua and Zoia Adamia restored the Koman church and on the 25th of
the Koman church. -Madli, 1997, September 18th (in Georgian).
See. J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox Religion, p. 97.
Georgika, vol. 2, p. 128; Prokopius of Caesarea. War with the Gutts. p. 380.
Roman garrison in Pitsunda was located between 135-152 (T. Todua. Roman World and Colkhis, p. 26).
N. Lomouri. History of Egrisi Kingdom, p. 40-42; T. Todua. Roman World and Colkhis, p. 32-33.

G. A. Melikishvili. On History of Ancient Georgia, p. 381.

G. Melikishvili. p. 381-385. T. Todua. Roman World and Colkhis, p. 30-36.
Megrelia, Colkhis. Odisi, p. 102.
S. Janashia. Abkhazia within the Colkhis kingdom and Lazika, p. 24-25.
G. A. Melikishvili. On History of Ancient Georgia, p. 83.
N. A. Lomouri. From Ethno Cultural History of Ancient Abkhazia, p. 40.

According to the groundless statement of the separatists, the Apsils were withdrawn by the Lazians to the river Inguri
in the 6th century. (!?). See. : O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 85.
T. Mibchuani. Monuments of the Material Culture of Abkhazia, p. 16 (in Georgian); of the same author: History of
the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia, p. 45-46 (in Georgian).
Essays on the History of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 555-558 (in Georgian).
Georgika, vol. 2, p. 133; Prokopius from Caesarea. The war with the Gotts, p. 382. In D. Letodianis opinion we must
have dealt here with the existence of two different units -Sanig and Abkhazian principalities (D. Letodiani. Political Relation s of Abkhazia, p. 145 (in Georgian).
of the population of the central Colkhis of the Hellenistic epoch and beginning of A. D. denied, that in the 4-7th centuries
they were the subjects of the Lazians (Ju. Vorovon. Secret of the Tsebelda Valley. M., 1975, p. 135-144). V. Japaridze criticized the point of view of Ju. Vorovon (V. Japaridze. On Some Problems of History of the Tsebelda Culture. -Problems of
Archeology of Georgia, II. Tb., 1979, p. 78-88).
Ibid, p. 162-165; Prokopius of Caesarea. War with the Gotts, p. 403; Essays of History of Georgia, vol. II, p. 165-166
(in Georgian).
Georgika, vol. 1, p. 226-227; V. Latishev. Information by the Ancient Writers-Vestnik of Ancient History, 1948, N3,

p. 300.
Georgika, vol. 1. p, 72; Agaphius on Reign of Justinian. M., 1953, p. 73.
Georgika, vol. 3; p. 50-51; Agaphius on Reign of Justinian. M., 1953, p. 73.
Essays on History of Georgia, vol. 2, p. 167-169.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 157, 177; Abkhazia and Abkhazians, p. 45.
From the sources it is not clear, that Abkhazia split from Lazika, as wrote A. Bogveradze (Essays on History of Georgia, vol. 2, p. 258). As well see below it happened a bit later.

Megrelia, Colkhis, Odishi (T. Beradze), p. 107-108.

Ibid, p. 109-112.
D. Letodiani. Research. Tb., 2003, p. 121 (in Georgian).
Procopius of Caesarea. War with the Goths, p. 383. On M. Uridias opinion Justinian I built for the Abazgians a
cathedral in Likhni, where the ruins of the oldest church of the Roman style is found. About other opinions on the construction of the cathedral see. : J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodox Faith, p. 71-72
B. Kudava. West Georgian Church (9-11th centuries). Kand. Dissertation, Tb., 2002, p. 12, 13 (In Georgian).
B. Diasamidze. Christianity of West Georgia, . p157; B. Kudava. West Georgian Churches, p. 14. The fact of presence of the bishop of Sebastopolis on the Vth world Church Assembly is considered doubtful by Anania Japaridze. see
of the same author: World Church Assemblies with participation of the Georgian bishops. Tb., 2003, p. 11.
In B. Diasamidzes opinion in 60-70-ies of the VIth century the bishop of Sebastopolis was raised to Archbishop Rank;
consequently, the Pitsunda episcopacy was deprived the leading position and Byzantine obtained a zealous and strong ally
in condition of continuous war with Iran.

Procopius from Caesarea. Wars with the Gotts, p. 400; Georgika, vol. 2, p. 156-157.
Megrelia, Colkhis, Odishi, p. 112; In S. Kaukhchishvilis opinion, Gubazs uncle Opsit and one of the rulers of
Abkhazia Opsit are different persons. -Georgika, vol. 2, p. 156-157.
Georgika, vol, 2, p. 156
Separatists deliberately hide the fact, that Yerdet was not only the noble Lazian being known to the Apsils quite well
(see. O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 88), as they write but the ruler (magister) of that region.
Georgika, vol2. p. 164-165. Procopius from Caesarea. War with the Goths, p. 403.
Essay of History of Georgia, vol. 2, p. 259-265; Megrelia, Colkhis, Odishi (T. Beradze), p. 113-115.

S. Kaukhchishvili. The Tribe of the Missimians. Works of the Tbilisi State Uiversity, vol. 1. Tb., 1936, p. 277-280
(in Georgian); T. Mibchuani. Form the history of ethno genesis, settling and culture of the west Georgian highlanders, p.
128-143 (in Georgian); G. Gasviani. Who were the Missimians. Tskhumi, 1990, N3, p. 23-42 (in Georgian) etc.
Georgika, vol. 3, p. 86; Agaphius. On the Reign of Justinian. M., 1953, p. 87.
Georgika, vol. 3, p. 155; Agaphius. On the Reign of Justinianus. p. 115.
Georgika, vol. 3, p. 156-157, 160-174; Agaphius. On the Reign of Justinianed, p. 123-124.
Georgika, vol. 3, p. 160-174; Agaphius. On the Reign of Justinianed, p. 124.

Megrelia, Colkhis, Odishi (T. Beradze), p. 117.

Z. Anchabadze. Essay on Ethnic History of the Abkhazian people, p. 48, 49.
In B. Kudavas opinion Sebastopolian episcopacy were subdued to the metropolitan of Phases (B. Kudava. The mentioned work, p. 185-187).
P. Ingorokva. Giorgi Merchule, p. 94.
Ibid, p. 191.
S. Janashia. Abkhazia within Colkhis Kingdom and Lazika, p. 36-37; Essays on History of Georgia, vol. 2, p. 279-280.
Essays of History of Georgia, vol. 2, p. 281-283.
S. Janashia. Abkhazia within the Colkhis Kingdom and Lazika, p. 37; D. Muskhelishvili. Historical Status of Abkhazian Statehood. Researches on History of Abkhazia/Georgia, p. 125.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox Faith, p. 79, 100. B. Diasamidze thinks, that transformation of the
Sebastopolis episcopacy into the autocephaly archbishopric happened in the 70-ies of the 6th century (B. Diasamidze.

Christianity in Western Georgia, p. 161).

E. Ajinjal. From History of Christianity in Abkahzia, p. 4-5 (introduction of D. Dbar), 85-87.
Anania Japaridze thinks that the authocephalian archbishops of the North-East Black Sea Coast subdued to the
Metropolitan of Phases (see of the same author. World Church Assemblies, p. 25-27).
Georgika, vol. 4, book 2, p. 129.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox Faith, p. 88-89; L. Tkeshelashvili. Gelati, Kutaisi, 2007, p. 5-18 (in Georgian).
Life of Georgia, vol 4, p. 749.
Anania Japaridze. History of the Georgian Apostolic Church, vol. 2, p. 90-91.
Armaghan. Samples of the Oriental Literature, Tb., 1932, p. 89-90 (in Georgian).
V. Goiladze. At the Sources of the Georgian Church. Tb., 1991, p. 169-178.

Opinion on the foundation of the Abkhazian Cathalicosatry in the middle of the 8th century is shared by D. Dbar (E.
Ajinjal. From the History of Christianity of Abkahzia, p. 5-8).
Georgika, vol. 4, book 1, p. 38-56.
S. Janashia. Abkhazia within Colkhis Kingdom and Lazika, p. 38; Essays of History of Georgia, vol. 2, p. 285-288.

In spotlighting the history of struggle against the Arabians in Western Georgia, of Stephanoz the IIIrd activities, of
Archil Mir and the Abkahzian commander Leon we base on the new and grounded data. T. Beradze, M. Sanadze (M.
Sanadze. Erismtavars Archil and Mir Life of Georgia. -Meskheti, 2001, IV, p. 71-88 (in Georgian); T. Beradze, M.
Sanadze. History of Georgia, part 1, Tb., 2003, p. 97-99 (in Georgian); T. Beradze, M. Sanadze. From the Political History
century Georgian Source Study, 2004, X, p. 70-81 (in Georgian).
Georgika, vol. 4, book 1, p. 106-107; Chronicle of Byzantine Feophan. M., 1884, p. 286.
Georgika, vol. 4, book 1, p. 109; Chronicle of Byzantine Theophan. M., 1884, p. 288.
Georgika, vol. 4, book 1, p. 111; Chronicle of Byzantine Theophan. M., 1884, p. 287.
Georgika, vol. 4, book 1, p. 113; Chronicle of Byzantine Theophan. M., 1884, p. 289.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 235; Abkhazia and Abkhazians, p. 49.
century, p. 73-75.

Ibid, p. 76.
Martyrdom of David and Konstantine. The Georgian Wrtiers, vol. 1, Tb., 1987, p. 488-501 (in Georgian).
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 235; Abkhazia and Abkhazians, p. 49. , vol. 4, book 1, p. 113. Chronicles of Byzantine
Georgika vol. 4, book 1, p. 113. Chronicles of Byzantine Theophan, p. 301; 303; J. Gamakharia, L. Akhaladze.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 240; Abkhazia and Abkhazians, p. 52.

Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 240.

Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 243; Abkhazia and Abkhazians, p. 54.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 242; Abkhazia and Abkhazians, p. 54.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 242; Abkhazia and Abkhazians, p. 53-54.
Mir, Archil and Ioan possessed Western Georgia, but were not included into the Divan of the Abkhazian Kings, as
they were the kings of all Georgia.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 242-243; Abkhazia and Abkhazians, 54.
The Arabian commander, who invaded Kakheti in 762 demanded from Archil, who in his turn came to him by his
free will, to deny Christianity and be converted into Islam. After the categorical denial he got from the Georgian king,
the commander arrested him and personally inquired him several times. On the last investigation the Arab was put such
a question: Were you there, when the Saracens were defeated in Abkhazia? Archil answered: I was there, when God
struck you (Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 274; Abkhazia and Abkhazians, 42). The Arabs executed Archil. The Georgian
church canonized him.

O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 126.

Ibid, p. 127.
Z. V. Anchabadze. From the History of the Medieval Century Abkhazia, p. 69. of the same author: An Essay on the
Ethnic History of the Abkhazian People, p. 48-51. ; O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 127 etc.
N. Berdzenishvili. Essays on History of Georgia, Tb., 1990, p. 591-592; N. Lomouri. From the Ethno Cultural History
of Ancient Abkhazia, p. 45.

Chapter V. Abkhazia within the Abkhazian Kingdom in the Second

Half of the 8-10th Centuries

The struggle in the Byzantine church is meant the so-called iconoclast (VII-VIIIth centuries), that led to the split with
the Constantinople church.
Chronicle of Kartli. Translation, introduction and comments by G. V. Tsulaia. Tb., 1982, p. 48.
3 M. Lordkipanidze. Emergence of the new Georgian principalities, Egrisi-Abkhazian kingdom. In the book: Essay son
History of Georgia, vol. 2, p. 48.
chil by Leonti mroveli, Juansher and Vakhushti Bagrationi.
5 P. Ingorokva. Giorgi Merchule. Georgian writer of the Xth century, p. 119-120 (in Georgian); M. Lordkipanidze. Abkhazian kingdom. Researches in History of Abkhazia/Georgia, p. 155.

See: N. Lomouri. The designations of Georgia in the Byzantine Sources. -Foreign and Georgian terminology of the
notions Georgia and Georgians, p. 82, 83; G. Japaridze. The arabic designations of the Georgians and Georgia.
-Foriegn and Georgian terminology of the notions Geogia and Georgians, p. 132-134; Z. Papaskiri. Abkhazia is
Georgia. Tb., 1998, p. 141-142; Z. Papaskiri. Essays, part 1, p. 67-68 (in Georgian).
Ioan Sabanisdze. Martyrdom of Saint Abo. GeorgianParadise. G. Sabinin. S-Pb, 1882, p. 339 (in Georgian).
Concerning the title of the Abkhazian kings, on the basis of the Georgian, Armenian written and Georgian epigraphic sources is expressed an opinion, that the kings of West Georgia in the VIII-IXth centuries did not have the title of the
kings of the Abkhazians. It is proved by the Armenian sources (Ioan Draskhanakertsti and others) and Georgian inscriptions of the Abkhazian kings in which they are called the kings of Egeri (Egrisi) or them call themselves kings.
of the king of the united Georgia Bagrat the III Bagrationi (978-1012). According to the Georgian historical tradition
(Chronicles of Kartli, Sumbat Davitisdze, Vakhushti Bagarationi and others) the term the king of the Abkhazians appeared after the integration of Georgia, i. e. after becoming Bagrat the III (L. Akhaladze. Georgian and Armenian sources
on the titulature of the kings of Abkhazians. -Historical Researches, vol. VII, Tb., 2004, p. 26-33).
S. Janashia. Works, vol. II, Tb., 1952, p. 216; M. Lordkipanidze. Abkhazian kingdom. -Researches in History of Abkahzia, p. 156.
orientation of the kingdom of Abkhazia. -Georgian Dimplomacy, vol. 6. Tb., 1999, p. 325-335.
Sh. Gloveli has another opinion about this chronology, asserting that Leon the II was eristav till 781-782; till 786-787
was the possessing prince of Abkhazia and Egrisi and only afterwards was the king of Abkhazians. See. SH. Gloveli.
Abkhazian Kingdom. Autoreferat of the Candidate Dissertation. Tb., 2004, p. 9.
Abkhazia and Abkhazians, p. 8-9.
S. Janashia. The problem of Emergence, p. 338.
Z. V. Anchbadze. From the History of the Medieval Century Abkhazia, p. 11-16; M. Lordkipanidze. Political Integration of Feudal Georgia. Tb., 1963, p. 185.

K. Kekelidze. the Early Feudal Georgian Literature. Tb., 1935, p. 28.

P. Ingorokva. Giorgi Merchule, p. 213.
Sh. Gloveli. Abkhazian Kingdom. Autoreferat, p. 1.
Armenian Geography VIIth century; being attributed to Moisei Khorenatsi. S- Pb. , 1881, p. 27-28.
Abkhazia and Abkhazians, p. 128.

Ibid, p. 128-129.
Life of Kartli, vol. IV, p. 796.
daipyra being used by
the Geogrian chroniclers means not took possession of, but captured using force, i. e. in his opinion Leon II did not join
West Georgia, but annexed Egrisi to Likhi. J. Gamakharia and B. Gogia on the basis of the Georgian sources showed that
the term daipkra the Georgian chroniclers used in the sense of take possession of, occupying the throne, receiving the
guests and etc. (J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 576-568. See also: I. Imnaishvili.
Symphony The dictionary of the Georgian Gospel. Edited by A. Shanidze. Tb., 1986, p. 129). Despite this, the opinion
of J. Huit is repeated by the separatist historiography * (O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 132).
Z. Papaskiri. Essays, part 1, p. 208.



Common History of Vardan the Great with the comments and appendix made by N. Emin. M., 1861, p. 115-116.
P. Uvarova. Christian Monuments of Abkhazia. Materials on the Archeology of the Caucasus, IV. M., 1894, p. 8.
D. Bakradze paid attention to the fact, that the Abkhazian kings had the Greek names (D. Bakradze. History of GeorD. Gulia. History of Abkhazia, vol. 1, p. 208.
V. Latishev. on the History of the Christianity of the Caucasus, S-Pb., 1911, p. 10-11. T. Michbuani shared his opinion.
See: The Abkhazian Kings and Nobility. Tb., 1997.
Z. V. Anchabadze. From History, p. 80; Sh. Inal-Ipa. Problems of the Ethno-Cultural History of the Abkhazians,
p. 120; M. Gunba. Abkhazia in the First Millennium A. D. p. 234-244; O. Bgazhba, S. Z. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia.
Sukhumi, 2006.
M. Lortkipandize. The Abkhazian Kingdom, p. 127.
L. Akhaladze. on the Problem of the National-Religious Identity of the Abkhazian Kings. Materials of the Republican
Conference, p. 12.
Z. Papaskiri. Essays, part 1, p. 51.
33 P. Ingorokva. Giorgi Merchule, p. 192.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 192, 196.
35 M. Sanadze, T. Beradze. From the Political History of Kartli and Egrisi of the First Part of the VIIIth century, p. 76-77.

M. Lordkipanidze. Abkhazian Kingdom, p. 158.

Abkhazia and the Abkhazians , p. 129.
Z. V. Anchabadze. From the History of the Medieval Century Abkahzia, p. 80.
O. Bgazhba, S. Z. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 132.
Ibid, p. 132.

R. Shmerling. Small Forms in Architecture of the medieval century Georgia. Tb., 1962.
L. R. Khrushkova. Sculpture of the Early Medieval century Abkhazia of the V-Xth centuries. Tb., 1982.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 133.
Anania Japaridze. History of the Georgian Church, vol. II. Tb., 1998; B. Kudava. West Georgian Church centers
subdued to the Constantinople Patriarchy (VI-Xth centuries). Tb., 2002; B. Kudava. From the History of the Abkhazian
Cathalikosat (IX-Xth centuries); B. Kudava. The Church of West Georgia of the IX-Xth centuries). Authoreferat of the
Candidate Dissertaion. Tb., 2002; T. Koridze. Authoreferat of the Candidate Dissertaion. Tb., 2003; Sh. Gloveli: Abkhazian Kingdom. Autoreferat of the Candidate Dissertation. Tb., 2004; L. Akhaladze. On the Problem of the NationalReligious Identity of the Abkhazian Kings, p. 12; J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox Faith, p. 102-121.

L. Akhaladze. On the Problem of the National Religious Identity of the Abkhazian Kings, p. 12.
M. Lordkipanidze. Emergence of the New Georgian Principalities. Egrisi-Abkhazian Kingdom. -Essays of the History
of Georgia. vol. II, p. 422; M. Lordkipanidze. The Abkhazian Kingdom, p. 155-170.
Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 129.
Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 58.


According to the information given by the Chronicles of Kartli and Vakhushti Bagrationi, the Abkhazian king Feodosius was married to the daughter of Ashot Bagrationi. The life Georgia, vol. 1, p. 252-253; the same work, vol. IV, p.
Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 18.
Ibid, p. 19.
53 Corpus of the Georgian Lapidar Inscriptions. Inscriptions of West Georgia (IX-XIIIth centuries). Compiled and prepared fort eh print Valeri Silogava (in Georgian). Tb., 1980, N163, p. 140-141.


M. Lordkipanidze. Political Integration of Feudal Georgia, p. 196.

55 Corpus of the Georgian inscriptions. Lapidary Inscribtion, vol. 1. East and South Georgia (V-Xth centuries), was
compiled and prepared fort eh print by Nodar Shoshiashvili. Tb., 1980, p. 168, (In Georgian); L. Akhaladze. Inscriptions
of Egrisi Abkhazian kings, p. 56 (In Georgian and English).
L. Akhaladze. Inscriptions of the Egrisi-Abkahzian Kings, p. 56.
Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 59.
M. Lordkipanidze. Political Union of Feudal Georgia, p. 155-170.
L. Akhaladze. Inscription of Egrisi- Abkhazian kings, p. 56.

During the study of the script of the Life of Georgia in the Georgian historiography was expressed an opinion, that
Giorgi I left as eristav of Kartli the son of his brother Dimitri II(825-816) Tinine and not the elder son of Bagrat. See
Z. Papaskiri, Who was eristav of Chikha. On the expediency of making of correction to the text Matiane Kartlisa
(Chronicles of Kartli) . - The Georgian Source Study, vol. IX, Tb., 2006, p. 64-68. (In Georgian).
Chronicles of Kartli. Translation, introduction and comments made by G. V. Tsulaia. Tb., 1982, p. 51.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 261.

Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 263.

Corpus of the Georgian Inscriptions, vol 1, p. 171; L. Akhalakdze. Inscriptions of the Egrisi-Abkhazian Kings, p. 5657.
Life of Georgia, vol 1, p. 264; Abkhazia and the Abkahzians, p. 63.
Arishi was located in Ereti and Gavazi in the present Kvareli region.

Corpus of the Georgian Inscriptions, vol 1. p. 222; L. Akhaladze. Inscriptions of Egrisi-Abkhazian Kings, p. 57.
. See. Corpus of the Georgian Inscriptions, vol. 1. Lapidary Inscriptions. Eastern and Southern Georgia (V-Xth centuries), p. 34 (In Georgian).
O. Bgazhba, S. Z. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 133.
We have to note, that in this book the Armenian theme is presented widely and variously . F. E. It appeared. that the
Klisuri fortress was built by the Armenians and namely a Thoma; the commandant of the fortress Tsibilium in the mountains of Abkhazia in the VIIth century was an Armenian; in 550 among the defenders of the fortress Petra was Armenian
Ioan; Kartli was supposedly in the hands of the Armenians and Abkhazians (Apsua); at the same time, not a single word
is said about the Georgian political units and the fact, why the Abkhazians (Apsua) cared so much about the Georgian
language, that completely forgot their mother-tongue (O. Bgazhba, S. Z. Lacoba, History of Abkhazia, p. 156).
Such Bullas were sent to the Christian kings, being considered the vassals of Byzantine.

Iovan Draskhanaketrsi. History of Armenia. Translation from the Old Armenian, the introductory article and comments were made by M. Darbinian Melikian. Erevan, 1986, p. 152-153.
G. Togoshvili. from the History of the Georgian Ossetian Relations. TSkhinvali, 1958, p. 108-115; M. Lordkipanidze.
Emergence of the New Georgian Principalities. Egrisi-Abkhazian Kingdom, p. 443.
M. Lordkipanidze. Emergence of the New Georgian Principalities. Egrissian Abkhazian Kingdom, p. 443.
Three letters written by Nikolay the Mystic to Giorgi the II are known. Lately the opinion was expressed, that one of
those letters was sent to Konstantine the III; Seer. E. Ajinjal. From the History of Christianity in Abkahzia, p. 83, 89, 91;
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox Faith, p. 112-113, 115.

Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 265; Abkhazia and the Abkahzians, p. 64.

Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 7099; Abkhazia and the Abkahzians, p. 132-133.
I. Javakhishvili. History of the Georgian People, vol. II, p. 109.
Georgika, vol. IV, book II, p. 213.
Ibid, p. 214.
S. Janashia, Works, vol. 1p. 215-252; M. Lordkipanidze. Egrissian Abkhazian Kingdom, p. 445.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1. p. 265.

G. Chubinashvili. Monuments of the Jvari Type. Tb., 1948, p. 31, 59; N. Aladashvili. Monumental Sculpture of Georgia. Figured Reliefs of the V-XIth centuries . M., 1977, p. 48-61.
V. Silogava. Epigraphics of Megrelia and Abkhazia. Tb., 2004. P. 51.
L. Akhaladze. the Epigraphics of Abkhazia as an historical source (Lapidary the fresco inscriptions), p. 444.
Corpus of the Georgian inscriptions, vol. II, p. 142.
A. Avidzba. A Curious Page of the History. -The Soviet Abkhazia, 1967, 7th of October.
Was discovered in the village Obudji of TsalenJikha region, where they were had been take already by the end of the
XVIIth century after occupying the modern territory of Abkhazia by the highlanders the ancestors of the present Abkhazians.
G. Chubinashvili. the Georgian Chased Art. Tb., 1959, photo N 29-31, p. 148; L. Akhaladze. Inscription of the Egrissian Abkhazian kings. p. 58.

G. Chubinashvili. the Georgian Chased Art, Photo NN 22, 23, 24, p. 138.
Ukhtanes. The History of Split of the Georgians forms the Armenians. The Armenian text with the Georgian translation and research was published by Z. Aleksidze. Tb., 1975, p. 66-67.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 156.
On falsifying by the Abkhazian historians of the information of Ukhtanes. See. J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia
Historical Region of Georgia, p. 197, 556.
Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 268.
Life of Kartli, p. 54-55.
Life of Kartli, vol. 1, p. 269.

Chronicles of Kartli, p. 55.

Life of Kartli, vol. 1, p. 270.
V. Silogava. Epigraphic of the Kumurdo Cathedral. Tb., 1994, p. 39.
Life of Kartli, vol. 1, p. 270.

L. Akhaladze. Inscription of the Egression Abkhazian Kings, p. 59.

Georgian writers, vol. 1, Tb., 1987, p. 515-516.

Poetry by Ioan Minchkhi. Prepared for edition and commented by L. Khachidze. Tb., 1987.
Essays on the History of Georgia, vol. II, p. 427.
Ancient History, vol. II, edited by E. Takaishvili, p. 46-54.
S. Janashia. Giorgi Sharvashidze. Cultural-Historical Essay. -Works, vol. VI. Tb., 1988, p. 26; M. Lordkipanidze.
Emergence of the New Georgian Principalities. Egrissian-Abkhazian Kingdom. In the book: Essays on History of Abkhazia, p. 416-445; Z. Papaskiri. Essays, part I, p. 52-53; J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox Faith, p. 119; Sh.
Gloveli. Abkhazian Kingdom, p. 24-25 etc.
Kh. S. Bgazhba. From the History of the Abkhazian Written Language, Tb., 1967, p. 12; Z. V. Anchabadze. Form the
History of the Medieval Century Abkahzia, p. 196.
Kh. S. Bgazhba. Form the History of the Written Language of Abkhazia.
D. Gulia. on My Book History of Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 1951 (Reprint edition). Tb., 1998, p. 10, 15.

L. Akhaladze. Paleographic Characteristics of the Georgian Written Language in the Epigraphic Monuments of
Abkhazia. -Intercultural Communications. Tb., 2007, p. 32-40.

Chapter VI. Church Architecture of Abkhazia


I. Tsitsishvili. History of the Georgian Architecture. Tb., 1995 (in Georgian); Sh. Amiranashvili. History of the Georgian Art. Tb., 1961 (in Georgian); V. Beridze. Ancient Georgian Architectur. Tb., 1974 (in Georgian). of the same author:
Several Problems of the Georgian Central-Dome Architecture of the Transitional Period. Tb., 1983; L. D. Rcheulishvili.
Some Aspects of the Georgian Architecture of the Black Sea Coast. mediaeval century art. Rus. Georgia. M., 1978; of
the same author: The Dome Architecture of the 8-10th centuries in Abkhazia. Tb., 1988 etc.
V. Beridze. Ancient Georgian Architecture, p. 18.
3 Ibid, p. 19.

5 G. Chubinashvili. History of the Georgian Art. Tb., 1936, p. 65-66 (in Georgian); of the same author: Architecture of
Kakheti, Tb., 1959, p. 41.
V. Beridze. Ancient Georgian Architecture, p. 20.

D. Tumanishvili. on the National Integrity of the Medieval Century Georgian Architecture. Literature and Art, 3-6,
1993, p. 177 (in Georgian).
V. Beridze. Monuments of the Culture of Abkhazia. Jvari Vazisa, 1, 1995, p. 65 (in Georgian).
S. Janashia. Works, vol. 1. Tb., 1949, p. 124 (in Georgian).
Z. Aleksidze. Epistolic Book. Tb., 1968, p. 167-168 (in Georgian).
G. Chubinashvili. History of the Georgian Art, p. 167-168.
R. Mepisahvili. Dranda 9 Monument of Architecture of the 8th century). The IVth International Symposium dedicated
to the Georgian art. Tb., 1981, p. 12.
M. Khotelashvili. A. Jacobson. Byzantine cathedral of the village Dranda (Abkhazia). -Vizantiiski vremennik, vol. 45.
M., 1984, p. 192-200, 204-205.

D. Tumanishvili. on Architecture of Abkhazia, p. 80; L. Shervashidze. Archeological excavations in the fortress Abaanta. Field Archeological Study in 1976 Tb., 1979, p. 233.
L. Rcheulishvili. Dome Architecture of the 8-9th centuries in Abkhazia, p. 73-74.
D. Tumanishvili. Christian Monuments of Abkhazia. Jvari Vazisa, 1, p. 68 (in Georgian).
R. Khvistani. Chkhortoli Church, -Abkhazia, 1, Tb., 2006, p. 129 (in Georgian).
L. Shervashidze. Tskelikari. -Material on Archeology of Abkahzia. Tb., 1971, p. 64.
G. Chubinashvili, N. Severov. Ways of Development of the Georgian Architecture. Tb., 1936, p. 82-83 (in Georgian);
V. Beridze. Some Problems, p. 7; of the same author: The Ancient Georgian Architecture, p. 47.

Z. Jangveladze. Church Architecture of the 9-10th centuries in Abkhazia. -Historical Researches, 1, Tb., 1998, p. 44.

V. Beridze. The Ancient Georgian Architecture, p. 44-45; L. Khimshiashvili. Some Problems of Restoration (Tsromi,
Bedia). - Friend of the Monument, 14, Tb., 1969, p. 77(in Georgian); I. Varsimashvili. Bedia. -Friend of the Monument,
p. 31-32, Tb., 1973, p. 31032 (in Georgian).
L. D. Rcheulishvili. Domed, p. 77; P. Zakaraia. The Georgian Architecture of the 11th 013th centuries. Tb., 1990, p.
22, 42 (in Georgian).

A. Katsia. Ilori (monuments of the XIth century). Tb., 1963, p. 78; M. Trapsh. Wprls, vol. 4. Sukhumi, 1975, p. 85; R.
Khvistiani. Christian Monuments of the Upper Flow of the river Okumi (Gumurishi church). - Researches N2, Tb., 1988
(in Georgian); A. Katsia. Monuments of Architecture in the valley Tskuara. Materials of Archeology ofAbkhazia, Tb.,
1967, p. 91.
A. Katsia. Monuments of Architecture, p. 19.
V. Belotserkovskaia. Medieval Century Fortresses in the Olympian Besiege. Nauka and Jizn, N1. M. 2008, p. 148-149.
R. Shmerling. Small Forms in the Architecture of the Medieval Century Georgia. Tb., 1962, p. 77; D. Tumanishvili. On
Architecture of Abkhazia, p. 81.
V. P. Pachulia. In the Country of the Golden Fleece. M., 1863; L. D. Khrushkova. The Sculpture of the Medieval Century Abkhazia. M., 1980; Yu. Voronov. In the World of the Architectural Monuments of Ablhazia. M., 1978; History of
Abkhazia. Edited by S. A. Lacoba. Sukhumi, 1991 etc.

Chapter VII. Territory of Modern Abkhazia within the United

Georgia of the 11-15th Centuries.
1. Abkhazia from the 11th Century till the 40s of the 13th Century.

M. Lordkipanidze. King Bagrat III. Tb., 2002, p. 25-26 (in Georgian).

On the origin of the Marushidze family name see. : N. Berdzenishvili. Problems of History of Georgia, vol. VIII. Tb.,
Problems of History of Georgia of the Feudal Period, vol. VI. Tb., 1990, p. 98 (in Georgian).
3 On the chronology of acquiring by Bagrat the title of King of the Kartvels opinions of the scientists differ. I. Javakhishvili pointed to the fact, that Bagrat III acquired it in 1008, after the death of his father (I. Javakhishvili. History of the
Georgian People, vol. II. Tb., 1983, p. 130-131, -in Georgian). In M. Lordkipanidzes N. Shoshiahvilis and V. Silogavas
opinion Bagrat III had this title from 1001 (Corpus of the Georgian Inscriptions, vol. 1, p. 56; in the same work, vol. II,
p. 52-53. -in Georgian). On the basis of the analyses of the Chronicles of Kartli and other sources. Z. Papaskiri came
to the conclusion, that Bagrat had to acquire the title of the Kings of the Kartvels after the death of Bagrat II, i. e.
from 994 (Z. Papaskiri. Formation of the integral Georgian Feudal State and some Problems of the outer-political condiepigraphic material (L. Akhaladze. Georgian and Armenian Sources on the titulature of the king of the Abkhazians.
-Historical Researches, 2004, N7, p. 26-27 (in Georgian).

History of Georgia, vol. III. Tb., 1979, p. 153 (in Georgian).

5 Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 276 (in Georgian); Chronicles of Kartli. Translation, introduction and comments made by G.
V. Tsulaia. Tb., 1982, p. 58; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 76.
I. Javakhishvili. History of the Georgian People, vol. II, p. 126.
M. M. Gunba. Abkhazia in the second millennium A. D. (XI-XIIIth centuries). Sukhumi, 1999, p. 78.
K. Kudriavtsev. Collection of Materials on the History of Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 1922, p. 120.
M. M. Gunba. Abkhazia in the second millennium A. D. , p. 66.
This opinion belongs to K. Kudriavtsev and later in a milder form is repeated by SH. Inal-Ipa, but in the monograph
of M. Gunba it acquired more categorical form.
Chronicles of Kartli. Translation, introduction and comments made by G. V. Tsulaia, p. 58; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 75.

G. Chubinashvili. Golden Cup from Bedia. Moambe. Academy of sciences of Georgia, 1940, X. B. (in Georgian).
Corpus of the Georgian Inscriptions, vol. III, Mural insriptions, I, Sioni of Ateni. G. V. Abramishvili and Z. N. Aleksidze prepared for publishing and provided with the research and index. Tb., 1989, p. 177, N47 (in Georgian).
Corpus of the Georgian Inscriptions, vol. II, p. 53. N33.
L. Akhaladze. Georgian and Armenian Sources on the Titulature of the King of the Abkhazians, p. 29 (in Georgian).
Corpus of the Georgian Inscriptions, vol. II, p. 55, N35.
Ibid, p. 56, N36.
Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 83; Life of Georgia, vol. 1, p. 281 (in Georgian); Sumbat Davitisdze. History and
Narration about the Bagrations. The text was prepared for publishing, commented and provided with the index by G.
Arakhamia. Tb., 1990, p. 53 (in Georgian).
On this problem see: N. Lomouri. The designations of Georgian in the Byzantine Sources. Foreign and Georgian
terminology of the notions Georgia and Georgians, p. 82-83; G. Japaridze. The Arabik designations of the Georgians
and Georgia. - Foreign and Georgian Terminology of the Notions Georgian and Georgia, p. 132-134; Z. Papaskiri.
Abkhazia-Georgia. Tb., 1998, p. 141-142; of the same author: Essays . . . , i, p. 67-68; L. Akhaladze. Georgian and Armenian.
. . p. 30-31 (in Georgian).

Aristarchus Lastivertshi. History. Georgian translation with the research, comments and index was edited by E. Tsagareishvili. Tb., 1874, p. 42. ; Vardan Areveltsi. World History. Translated from ancient Armenian N. Shoshiahvili and E.
Kvachantiradze. Introduction, comments and index made by E. Kvachantiradze. Tb., 2004 (in Georgian), p. 122. Term
Abkhaz in meaning of the Georgia was used by Armenian historian of the XIIIth century Stepanoz Orbelian. See. :
Stepanoz Orbelian. Ancient Georgian translations of Life of the Orbelians. Armenian text translated into Georgia,
commented and edited by L. Davlianidze-Tatishvili. Tb., 1978, p. 34 (in Georgian).
N. Lomouri. Name of Georgia in the Byzantine Sources, p. 23-88; Z. Papaskiri. Essays. . . , part i, p. 67 (in Georgian).
G. Japaridze. The Arabik designations of the Georgians and Georgia. Foreign and Georgian Terminology of the Notions Georgia and Georgians, p. 132-134 (in Georgian).
D. Kobidze. Meaning of the Term Abkhaz according to the Persian Sources of the X-XVth centuries. Mnatobi, N2.
Tb., 1957. p. 126-128 (in Georgian). K. Tabatadze. Terms designating Georgia and Georgians in the Persian Sources
of the X-XVth centuries. - Foreign and Georgian terminology of the notions : Georgia and Georgians, p. 218-222 (in
Georgian); Z. Papaskiri. At the Sources of the Georgian-Russian Political relations. Tb., 1982, p. 116-123.
Sh. Meskhia, I. Tsintsadze. From the History of the Russian-Georgian Relations. Tb., 1958, p. 14-21; . Z. Anchabadze.
From the History of the Mediaeval Century Abkhazia, p. 171-177; N. F. Kotliar. Georgian Plots of the Ancient Russian
Chronicles. Form the History of the Ukrainian-Georgian Connections. III. Tb., 1975, p. 8-19; Z. Papaskiri. At the
Sources of the Georgian-Russian Political Relations, p. 116-123. Z. Papaskiri. On the Problem of the International Role
of Georgia in the XIth century. -Problems of History of USSR, ed. V. M., 1976, p. 121-123; Incorrect Interpretation of the
Russian Sources. see. : Sh. D. Inal-Ipa. Problems of the ethno-Cultural History of the Abkhazians, p. 416-417; A. L. Papaskiri. Problems of the Russian-Abkhazian Literary Ties. -works of the State University of Abkhazia, vol. VI. Sukhumi
, 1988, p. 114-129; Abkhazians. Chief Editors Yu. D. Anchabadze, Yu. D. Argun. M., 2007, p. 69.
Chronicle of Kartli. Translation. . . G. V. Tsulaia, p. 60.

Ibid, p. 61.
B. Kudava. The church of the west Georgia in IX-XI.
B. Kudava. Form the History of the Abkhazian Catholicosate (XI-XIIIth centuries) Georgian Diplomacy, vol. 9. Tb.,
2002, p. 579.
According to Vakhushti Bagrationi, the centre of Egrisi was Bedia (life of Kartli), vol. IV, p. 796.
Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 796; M. Bakhtadze. Institute of the Principality in Georgia. Tb., 2003; p. 245-249.
Z. Anchbadze. From the History of the Mediaeval Century Abkhazia, p. 177-178.
On this problem see. : G. Tskitishvili. For reading one place from the Eulogy of the Crown Bearers. Georgia in the
epoch of Rustaveli. Tb., 1966, p. 222-227; I. Antelava. On Stating of the Interpretation of the Text History and Eulogy.
XI-XIVth centuries. Georgian Historical Sources. Tb., 1988, p. 42-47; M. Bakhtadze. Institute of Principality. . . , p.



33 K. Kudriavtsev. Collection of Materials on History of Abkahzia, p. 122; Sh. Inal-Ipa. Problems. . . , p. 67; Yu. Voronov.
The Abkhazians Who are they, Gagra. 1993, p. 8-12; M. Gunba. Abkhazian in the second millenium, p. 67.
Life of Georgia, vol. 4, p. 780.
35 People call this bridge, - the bridge of Queen Tamar, but the Georgian inscription being made on the bridge reads
King Bagrat supposedly Bagrat the III. See. : S. T. Barnaveli. For Dating of the Besleti bridge. Macne, 1970, N6, p.
143; V. Beridze. Cultural Monuments of Abkhazia. -Jvari Vazisa, 195, N6, p. 67; L. Akhaladze. Epigraphic of Abkhazia,
as the historical source (lapidary and mural inscriptions), I. Tb., 2005, p. 181.
M. M. Gunba. Abkhazia in the second millenium, p. 65; O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 2007,
p. 152.
A. K. Katsia. Monuments of the Valley Tskuara - Materials on Archeology of Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 1967. p. 67; Corpus
of the Georgian isncriptions. vol. 2, p. 30-31; V. Silogava. Epigraphic of Megrelia and Abkhazia. Tb., 2004, p. 257-259; L.
Akhaladze. Epigraphic of Abkhazia, as the historical source (Lapidary and mural inscriptions), i. Tb., 2005, p. 140-146.
T. Kaukhchishvili. Corpus of the Grek inscriptions in Georgia. Tb., 2004, p. 59-72.

Z. Papaskiri. Territory of Abkhazia in the XI-XVth centuries, p. 180-181.

Z. V. Anchabadze. From the History of the Mediaeval Century Abkhazia, p. 179. Approximately the same opinion is
shared by S. Lakoba, O. Bgazhba. History of Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 2007, p. 151.
M. M. Gunba. Abkhazia in the second millennium A. D. , p. 91.
Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 79-80.
This fact, was estimated in historiography as the struggle for the royal power. See. : Z. Papaskiri. Territory of Abkhazia in the XI-XVth centuries, p. 180.
Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 31; Giorgi Mtsire. Life of Giorgi Mtastmindeli. I. Lolashvili prepared the text for
publishing and provided with the research and glossary. Tb., 1994, p. 222.

N1 Likhni Cathedral (Gudauta District of Abkhazia). Holly Trinity with the Georgian Inscription (14th century).

NN 2-3. Pitsunda (Bichvinta ) From the Georgian Gospel, image of the Evangelist Mark
and the fragment of the text by Evangelist Luke (12th century).

NN4-5 From the Mokvi (Ochamchire district of Abkhazia) Georgian Gospel (1300).

N6 Georgian inscription form the church of Archangel Mikhael being located on the Mount
Msigkhua of Gudauta District of Abkhazia (9th century).

N7 Village Mokvi (Ochamchire district). Georgian inscription made by Grigol Mokveli on

the stone plate of the Mokvi Cathedral. (12th century).

N8 Georgian isncription of the Tsebelda (Gulripshi district of Abkhazia) church of Saint

Giorgi (12-13th centuries).

N9 Village Chlou (Ochamchire district). Georgian isncription of the Eristav of Eristavs

(Prince of Princes) of Odishi (Megrelia) and Mandaturtukhutses (equals the position of the
minister of the Inner Affairs) - Ozbeg Dadiani (Middle of the 15th century).

V. Silogava. Georgian Epigraphic of Megrelia and Abkhazia, p. 207.

Hearth of Afon. Tb., 1996, p. 196-225.
Giorgi Mtsire. Life of Giorgi Mtastsmindeli, p. 173, 204.
V. Silogava. The Georgian Epigraphic of Megrelia and Abkhazia, p. 204.
Life of Georgia, vol. II, p. 99.
Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 94.



Ibid, p. 101.
Z. V. Anchabadze. Form the History of Abkhazia, p. 182; Sh. Inal-Ipa. Problems. . . , p. 413; M. Gunba. Abkhazia in
the II millennium A. D. p. 93; O. Ch. Bgazhba, S. Z. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 151.
53 Abkhazia and the Abkhazians. . . , p. 86.
Kartlis Tskhovreba. History of Georgia. Chief editor R. Metreveli. Tb., 2008, p. 214.
55 Life of Georgia, vol. II, p. 49; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 90.

Life of Georgia, vol. II. p. 65; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 92.
Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 93.
Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 101.
Life of Georgia. vol. II, p. 182-183; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 105.


On the Likhni Hoard see. : L. Khrushkova. Likhni. Mediaeval Century Palace Complex of Abkhazia. M., 1998; S.
Shamba. Monetary Circulation on the territory of Abkhazia (Vth century B. C. ). Tb., 1987. Inscriptions on the Likhni
coins were studied by V. Silogava. See. : V. Silogava. Georgian Epigraphic of Megrelia and Abkhazia, p. 221-225.
S. Shamba. Monetary Circulation on the Territory of Abkhazia (Vth century B. C. ). p. 76; D. Kapanadze. Georgian
Numismatics. Tb., 1969, p. 69.
Together with the Georgian money in that period Georgia were circulating the Byzantine coins as well.
Life of Georgia, vol. II, p. 180.
Ibid, p. 192-194; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 104.
Life of Kartli, vol. II, p. 58; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 91.

Corpus of the Georgian Inscriptions, vol. 1, p. 104-106.

J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox Religion, p. 141-147.
Monuments of the Georgian Law, vol. 2, p. 48, 51-53.
See. : B. Khorava. Episcopacy of Bedia. -Historical researches, vol. III, Tb., 2000, p. 21042; G. Kalandia. Odishi Episcopacy. Tb., 2004, p. 79-96; L. Akhaladze. Epigraphic of Abkhazia, as the Historical Source, I, p. 36-51.

L. Akhaladze. Epigraphic of Abkhazia, as the historical source, I, p. 209.

L. Akhaladze. Paleographic characteristics of the Georgian written language in the epigraphic monuments of Abkhazia, p. 32-39.
L. Akhaladze. Epigraphic of Abkhazia, as the historical source, I, p. 83, 246, photo N17.

2. Abkhazia from the 40s of the XIIIth century

to the 90s of the XVth century.

Life of Georgia, vol. II, p. 207-208.

Wilhelm de Rubruk. Travel to the Orient. Introduction, translation and comments made by A. G. Mallen. S-Pb. 1911,
p. 66-67; N. Asatiani. History of Georgia from Ancient Times to the XIXth century. Tb., 2001; p. 220-221.
Life of Georgia, History of Georgia, p. 268.

Kartlis Tskovreba. History of Georgia, p. 268.

Ibid, vol. II, p. 243.
Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 801.
L. Akhaladze. Epigraphic of Abkhazia, as the historical source, 1p. 33-39 (in Georgian); L. Shervashidze. Mediaeval
Century Painting in Abkhazia. Tb., 1989, p. 62-64.

E. Metreveli. Materials on History of the Georgian Colonies in Jerusalem. Tb., 1962, p. 43, 100-101, 196 (in Georgian).
Life of Georgia, vol. I, p. 801.
T. Beradze. From the political Geography of Odishi, p. 160.

Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 257-258; 801-802; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians. . . , p. 137-138. It is not correct, that the
History of Abkhazia, ASSR, part I, p. 89). Vakhushti says, that Bedieli got what he had possessed before.
Richard J. La Papante et les missions dOrient an moyen Age, XIII-XVs. Rome, 1977, p. 178.
V. Kiknadze. Latinian Historian about Georgia of the XIVth century. -Works of the Tbilisi State University. History,
Arts and Ethnography, 1983, vol. 243, p. 101-103 (in Georgian).

T. Beradze. From the Political Geography of Odishi, p. 154-156 (in Georgian).

T. Beradze. Navigation. . . , Tb., 1982, p. 41-42, 81-82.
Information of the Arabian Historians of the XIV-XVth centuries about Georgia (Al-Umari, Al-Mukhibi, AlKalkashanda). Tb., 1988, p. 53 (in Georgian).
Ibid, p. 57.

Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 803.

Ibid, p. 803-804.
Ibid, vol. II, p. 201

E. Takaishvili. Archeological travel around Georgia. -Ancient Georgia, III133; I. Lordkipanidze. Wall-Paintings in
Tsalenjikha. Tb., 1992, p. 22.
P. Ingorokva. Giorgi Merchule, p. 149-150; K. Berulava. Historical Place of Abkhazia, p. 77.
T. Beradze. On the Etymology of Gagariand Ugagi-Macne, Series of History. . . , 1973, N1, p. 122-123.
Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 275, 804-805.

Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 278; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 138.
Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 278; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 139.
S. Ransiman. The Fall of Constantinople in 1453. . , 1983, p. 150; M. Kirzioglu. Osmanlilar in Kafkaz-eleri ni fethi
(1451-1590). Ankara, 1976.
Ducae Michaelis. Historia Byzantina. Patrologia Graeca, t. CLY, II, p. 128.
of the Turks into the Black Sea coast of Georgia). - Researches in Source Study, 1982, Tb., 1985, p. 107-111.
ASLSF, VII, 1871, p. 317-318.

Ibid, p. 102-103.
Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 284.
Ibid, p. 284, 704-705.

M. Tamarashvili. History of the Catholicism among the Georgians, p. 50-52, 56-63, 594-598 (in Georgian); History
of the Georgian Diplomacy. Tb., 2003, p. 364-374 (in Georgian); Fallmerayer, Geshichte des Keisertums von Trapezuna.
Munchen, 1827, p. 265; W. Miller. Trebizond, thi last greece empire. London, 1926, p. 96.
D. Paichadze. Anti - Ottoman coalition of the European countries and Georgia. Tb., 1989.
T. Beradze. The Principality of Odishi in the XVI-XVIIth centuries. -Samegrelo. Tb., 1989 (in Georgian).
Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 805; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 140.
Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 806; Abkhazia and the Abkhazians, p. 158.

Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 807; the same work, vol. II, p. 342.
Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 386.
Ibid, vol. II, p. 343.
Ibid, p. 809.
ibid, p. . 390.

3. The Trading Stations of Genoa in Sebastopolis Tskhomi//Tskhumi


I. Javakhishvili. History of the Georgian Nation. Essays in XIIth volumes, vol. III. Tb., 1982, p. 329 (in Georgian);
History of Georgia, 1. Tb., 1956, p. 242-243 (in Georgian). Z. Anchabadze. From the History of the Mediaeval Century
Abkhazia, p. 240.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia -Historical region of Georgia, p. 821-834, 882.

V. Cherniavski. Notes on the Monuments of the West Trans-Caucasus, the research of which is especially persistent.
F. Brun. The Eastern Coast of the Black Sea according to the ancient periples and compass maps. Notes of the Society of Odessa of History and Antiquitiesmvol. IX. Odessa, 1875, p. 410-432; Topographical Table of the Eastern Coast
of the Black Sea Nameless and according to the compass maps; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia-Historical Region of
Georgia, p. 820-838; B. Gogia. Abkhazia. . . , p. 22-29.
T. Beradze. Navigation. . . , p. 46.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 828-829.
S. Karpov. Trapezund Empire and the West European States, p. 48-59.

Badoer L I. lebero dei conti di Giacen o Badoer (Constantinopoli 1436-1440), testo a cura di Dirini e. T. Bertele (FL
muavo Ramuse, III). Roma, 1956, p. 59.
Ibid, p. 188.
N. Murzakevich. The History of the Genoan Settlements in the Crimea. Odessa, 1837, p. 37; Primandie Histories de
commerce de al mer Niore, et de colonies de la Krimec. Paris, 1847, p. 123-127; Pr. Uvarova. Abkhazia. Materials on Archeology of the Caucasus, ed. IV. M., 1894, p. 125-127; E. Zevakin, N. Penchko. The Essays on the History of the Genoan
Colonies in the West Caucasus in the XIII-XVth centuries. Historical Notes, 1938, N3; Z. Anchbadze. From the History
of the Mediaeval Century Abkhazia, p. 23-24; R. Katsia. Ecomonic Expansion of teh Mediaeval Century Genoa in the
west Caucasus. -Izvestia of the Institue of Abkhazia, 1989; E. Mamistvalishvili. Form History of Odishi. -Works of the
Tbilisi University, 1992, N320, p. 52-59 (in Georgian); Z. Papaskiri. Essays. . . , I, p. 80-81 (in Georgian); K. Kudriavtsev.
Collection. . . , p. 134-139; A. Fadeev. Brief Essay on Abkhazia, p. 116.

T. Beradze. Navigation. . . , p. 99.

W. Heyd. Historie du Commerce de Levant an Moyen-Age, t. I. Leipzig, 1923, p. 192.
J. Richard. La Papante et les missions dorient an moyen age, XIII-XV s. Rome, 1977, p. 185.
T. Beradze. Navigation. . . , p. 22.

M. Balard. La Romanie enoise, vol. I-II, 1978, p. 142; W. Heud, Histoirer du commerse, I, p. 142-143;
M. Balard. La Romanie. . . , p. 141.
ASPSP, VI; 1868, p. 266.

T. Beradze. The Navigation. . . , p. 100-101.

M. Balard. La Romanie. . . , p. 658-668; Yurgevich. On the Monetary Genoan Findings in Russia. -Notes of the Society
of Odessa of History and Antiquities, vol. III. Odessa, 1878, p. 53-155.

D. Kapanadze. Georgian Numismatics. Tb., 1969, p. 174 (in GEorgian); D. M. Lang. Studies in teh numismatic hisotry of georgia in Transcaucasia. New-York, 1955, p. 87; M. Balard. La Romanie. . . , p. 608; T. Beradze. The Navigation.
. . , p. 100-112.
VII, 1871, p. 338-339.
Ibid, p. 53.
Ibid, p. 873-874.
T. Beradze. The Navigation. . . , p. 110.

O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 165-173.

Chapter VIII. Territory of Modern Abkhazia in the 16th century

Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 781.

Ibid, p. 776.
3 Turkish sources on History of Samtskhe-Saatabago. The Turkish documents with the Georgian translation was edited,
investigated and commented by Ts. Abuladze. Tb., 1983, p. 57.
S. Herbershtein. Notes on Moscovia. M. 1988, p. 181.
5 T. Beradze. Navigation, p. 125.
T. Beradze. From the political geography of Odishi, p. 171; of the same author: Vakhushti Bagrationi about Abkhazia
and Jiketi. -Problems of the History of Abkhazia. Tb., 1998, p. 103-104 (in Georgian).


Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 784.

T. Beradze. Vakhushti Bagrationi about Abkhazia and Jiketi, p. 104-105.
Life of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 786.
Fr. Dubua de Monpere. Travel around the Caucasus, vol. 1, p. 24-25.
Life of Kartli, vol. IV, p. 784.
T. Beradze. Vakhusti Bagrationi about Abkhazia and Jiketi, p. 104-105.
Life of Georgia, vol. II, p. 349.
The monuments of the Georgian Law, vol. II. The texts were edited, commented and appended by I. Dolidze. Tb., 1965,
p. 179.

Life of Georgia, vol. II, p. 497; The same work, vol. IV, p. 811; Life of Kartli (Parisian Chronicles, the text was edited,
provided with the introduction, comments and appendix by G. Alasania. Tb., 1982, p. 42 (in Georgian).
Life of Kartli, vol. IV, p. 814; in the same work, vol. II, p. 360, 502.
T. Beradze. Navigation, p. 208-210.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the Historical Region of Georgia, p. 231.

T. Beradze. Navigation, p. 21-22, 58-60.

B. Khorava. Relation of Odishi and Abkhazia, p. 70.
Ibid, p. 71.
Life of Gorgia, vol. IV, p. 778-781.
Monuments of the Georgian Law, vol. III, p. 222.
Ibid, III, p. 222.

Ibid, vol. II, p. 180.

B. Lominadze. from the History of the Feudal Relations in Georgia, I. Tb., 1966, p. 117-186 (in Georgian).
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox Faith, p. 173-183.

Ibid, p. 185-186.
Description of the Georgian scripts, collection (A) of the former Church Museum, vol. I. 1969, p. 319.

Chapter IX. Abkhazia in the 17th Century.

Relations of Odishi and Abkhazia.

I. Tabagua. Georgian in European Archives and Book Depositories, III. Tb., 1987, p. 157 (in Georgian).
B. Khorava. Interrelations of Odishi and Abkhazia in XV-XVIIIth Centuries, p. 94-95.
3 A. Lamberti. Description of Colkhis, p. 17-18; I. Antelava. Levan II Dadiani. Tb., 1990, p. 40-47 (In Georgian).
Il. Antelava. Levan II Dadiani, p. 49.
5 I. Tabagua. Georgia in European Archives and Book Depositories, II, p. 46.
Z. Anchabadze. From the History of the Mediaeval Century Abkhazia, p. 273; G. Jamburia. West Georgian in the First
Third of the XVIIth century. Essays of History of Georgia, vol. 4. Tb., 1973, p. 300.
I. G. Antelava. Essays on History of Abkhazia of the 17-18th Centuries, The second edition. Sukhumi, 1951, p. 28; Z.
Anchabadze. From the History of the Medieval Centuries Abkhazia, p. 261-262; N. Berdzenishvili. Problems of History
of Georgia, vol. III. Tb., 1966, p. 288.

I. Tabagua. Georgian in the European Achieves and Book Depositories, III, p. 156-157; Z. Anchabadze. From the History of the Medieval Century Abkhazia, p. 239.
Chr. Castelli. Informations and Album about Georgia, p. 194, picture N 549.
I. G. Antelava. On the Problem of the Feudal Relations in Abkhazia in the XVII-XVIIIth centuries. Works of the
State Museum of Abkhazia, ed. I, Sukhumi, 1947, p. 61; G. A. Dzidzaria. Collective Farming, p. 212.
I. G. Antelava. On the Problem of the Feudal Interrelations in Abkhazia, p. 108.
Essay on the System of Social Political Every Day Life of Abkhazia and Samurzakano. -Collection of Works About
Collective Farming, p. 17.
A. Lamberti. Description of Colkhis, p. 18.
Il. Antelava. From the Political History of the Odishi Principality, p. 110.

I. G. Antelava Essays on History of Abkhazia, p. 28; Il. Antelava. From the Political History of the Odishi Principality, p. 110-111.
Il. Antelava. From the Political History of the Odishi Principality, p. 112.
Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia), vol. IV, p. 825.
A. Lamberti. Description of Colkhis, p. 16.
Chr. Castelli. Information and Album about Georgia, p. 43.
A. Lamberti. Description of Colkhis, p. 19.
A. Lamberti. Description of Colkhis, p. 19-21.
Christoforos Castelli. Information and Album about Georgia, p. 44.
A. Lamberti. Description of Colkhis, p. 21-22; I. Antelava. Levan II Dadiani, p. 69.

A. Lamberti. Description of Colkhis, p. 24.

Il. Antelava. From the Political History of the Odishi Principality, p. 128.
Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia), vol. IV, p. 828.
A. Lamberti. Description of Colkhis, p. 24.
Z. Anchabadze. From the History of Mediaeval Abkhazia, p. 265.
Giudiche Giuzeppe. Letters About Georgia. Translated from Italian, introduced and commented by B. Georgadze.
Tb., 1964, p. 86 (in Georgian).
Chr. Castelli. Information and Album about Georgia, p. 51.
S. Belokurov. Materials, p. 267.



Materials on the Ecclesiastical and Ethno political History of Abkhazia. Embassy of Fedot Elchin and Pavel Zakhariev
in Megrelia, p. 163-167.
33 Ibid, p. 272, 296-301. See also: Materials on the Ecclesiastical and Ethno - political History of Abkhazia. Embassy of
Fedot Elchin and Pavel Zakhariev to Megrelia (1639-1640). Tb., 2005, p. 171.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia - Historical Region of Georgia, p. 240.
35 Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia), vol. 2, p. 421.
Peshangi. Shakhnavaziani. Edited by G. Leonidze and S. Iordanishvili, vol. I. Tb., 1970, p. 157 (in Georgian).
Chr. Castelli. Information and an Album about Georgia, p. 82.
K. Okujava. Abkhazia in XVIIth century. Tb., 2002, p. 36.
M. Tamarashili. Georgian Church from its Foundation to Our Days. Publishing, Edition and Introduction made by Z.
Aleksidze and J. Odisheli. Tb., 1995, p. 611 (in Georgian).

Chr. Castelli. Information and an Album about Georgia, p. 192, 194.

K. Grigolia. Inscription on the Ilori Icon, p. 157.
Z. Anchabadze. From History of the Mediaeval Century Abkhazia, p. 266.
I. Antelava. Levan II Dadiani, p. 88.

Missionaries and Abkhazia.

Alienation of the Abkhazians from the Georgian World.

S. Belokurov. Materials for the Russian History, p. 324, 351-352.

I. Tabagua. Georgia in European Archives and Book Depositories, vol. II. Tb., 1986, p. 211 (in Georgian).
I. Tabagua. Georgian in the European Archives and Book Depositories, vol. III, p. 170.
A. Lamberti. Description of Colkhis, p. 187.
B. Lominadze. From History of the Georgian Feudal Relations, I. Tb., 1966, p. 211.
Kartlis Tskhivreba (Life of Georgia), vol. IV, p. 786.


I. Tabagua. Georgian in the European Archives and Book Depositories, vol. III, p. 170.
Ibid, P. 169170. ; Kartlis Tskhivreba (Life of Georgia), vol. IV, p. 787A. Lamberti. Describtion of Colkhis, p. 188189; Z. Anchabadze. From the History o the Mediaeval Century Abkhazia
Z. Anchabadze. From the History of the Medieval Century Abkhazia, p. 292, 300; B. Lominadze. From the History of
the Georgian Feudal Relations, vol. I. Tb., 1966, p. 228 and further; N. Berdzenishvli. Problems of History of Georgia.
Tb., 1990, p. 593. 615-616; K. Grigolia. Some Considerations about P. Ingorokvas book Giorgi Merchule. -Mnatobi,
1990, N3, p. 130-131; D. Muskhelishvili. In the Name of the Historical Truth. _Koministi, 1989, April the 5th.
53 Z. Anchabadze. From the History of the Mediaeval Century Abkhazia, p. 300.
B. Lominadze. From the History of the Feudal Realtions, vol. I. Tb., 1966, p. 229; K. Grigolia. Some Considerations
on P. Ingorokvas Book Giorgi Merchule, p. 130; D. Muskhelishvili. In the Name of the Historical Truth. -Komunisti,
1989 5th of April.


55 Sh. B. Nogmov. The History of the Adyghe People. Nalchik, 1970, p. 54-55.
N. Berdzenishvili. Problems of History of Georgia, Book III, p. 277-288; N. Berdzenishvili. Problems of History of
Georgia (1990), p. 610-611.

Kelasuri Wall.

Ts. Abuladze. Name of Georgia and Georgian Political Formations in the Ottoman Written Sources. _ Foreign and
Georgian Terminology of the Notions Georgia and Georgians, p. 274.
D. Muskhelishvili. Historical status of Abkhazia in the Georgian statehood.
S. Kakabadze. History of Georgia. Tb., 1922, p. 90.
A. Lamberti. Description of Colkhis, p. 185-186.
See here map N16.

Abkhazia in the second half of the XVIIth century.


Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia), vol. IV, p. 782.

T. Beradze. From the Historical Geography of Odishi, p. 237; of the same author:Vakhusti Bagrationi and the Problems of the Historical Geography of Odishi, p. 67-73; Yu. Voronov. The Kelasuri Wall. The Soviet Archeology, 1973,
N2, p. 98-115. Of the same author: In the World of the Architectural Monuments of Abkhazia. M., 1978, p. 98-103. Of
the same author: Dioskuriada-Sebastopolis-Tskhum. M., 1980, p. 21, 114; L. I. Lavrov. Ethnography of the Caucasus, L.
1982, p. 90.
Z. Anchabadze. From the History of the Mediaeval Century Abkhazia, p. 295-296; T. Beradze. Vakhushti Bagrationi, p. 72.
M. M. Gunba. The Kelasuri Wall. Proceedings of the Institute of the Language, Literature and History of Abkhazia,
Ibid, map N1; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 837-840.

B. Khorava. The Relations of Odishi and Abkhazia, p. 100.

Chr. Castelli. Information and Album about Georgia, p. 80, picture 22.
Description of the Scripts. Collection H, vol. V. Tb., 1994, p. 74.
Z. Anchabadze. From the History of the Mediaeval century Abkhazia, p. 289.
Th. Sakhokia. In Abkhazia Tsnobis Purtseli, 1903, December 11th, N 2349.
Dm. Bakradze. Archeological Travel Through Guria and Ajara. S-Pb., 1878, p. 193.

Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia ), vol. IV, p. 836.

Peshangi. Shahnavaziani, p. 73-74.
Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia) vol. IV, p. 836.
Z. Anchabadze. From the History of the Mediaeval Century Abkhhazia, p. 267.
Peshangi. Shahnavaziani, p. 83.
Peshangi. Shahnavazaini, p. 83; B. Khorava. Relations of Odishi and Abkhazia, p. 104.

N. Asatiani. Materials on History of Georgia of the XVIIth century (description of Georgia being made by Paul of
Aleppo). Tb., 1973, p. 75.
Macarius of Antiochia. Information about Georgia. Translated from Arabian by T. Margvelashvili. Armagani. Tb.,
1982, p. 119-120 (in Georgian).
1902, p. 207, 248.
Ibid, p. 206-209; 215-216.
Ibid, p. 248-251.
Ibid, p. 107.

Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia ), vol. IV, p. 842.

B. Khorava. Interrelations of Odishi and Abkhazia, p. 110.
E. Takaishivili. From the Archeological travel throughout Megrelia, p. 188, 222.
Makarius of Antiokhia. Information about Georgia, p. 105.
Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia), vol. IV, p. 840.
M. Tamarashivili. History of Catholicism. . . , p. 204-207; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of
Georgia, p. 266-267.
M. Tamarashvili. History of Catholicism. . . , p. 207.
M. Seleznev. Guide for Understanding Caucasus, Book 1, p. 46.
I. G. Antelava. Essays on the History of Abkhazia of the XVII-XVIIIth Centuries, p. 38.

Description of the Scripts. Collection N, vol. V, N2102, p. 74.

Kartlis Tskhkovreba (Life of Georgia), vol. IV, p. 845.
M. Seleznev. Guide for Understanding the Caucasus, book 1. S-Pb., 1847, p. 162-163.
M. Tamarashvili. History of Catholicism. . . , p. 208.
B. Khorava. The Relations of Odishi and Abkhazia in the XV-XVIIth centuries, p. 114.
Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia), vol. IV, p. 850.
Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia ), vol. IV. p. 850.

M. Tamarashvili. History of Catholicism. . . , p. 208.

M. Tamarashvili. History of Catholicism. . . , p. 209-210.
Z. Anchabadze. From the History of the Mediaeval Century Abkhazia, p. 270.
M. Brosse. Correspondence in Foreign Languages of the Georgian Kings with the Russian Rulers from 1639 to 1770.
S PB. , 1861, p. 130.
Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia), vol. IV, p. 851.
T. Chichinadze. Manuscript from Bedia. -Kvali, 1897, May 11th, N20 (In Georgian).
Essays of The Abkhazian ASSR, part 1, p. 122; Z. Anchabadze, G. A. Dzidzaria, A. E. Kuprava. History of Abkhazia.
Sukhumi, 1986, p. 63.

T. Chichinadze. Bedian Inscribtion. -Kvali, 1897, May 11th, N20(In Georgian).

T. Chichinadze. Bedian Inscription. -Kvali, 1897, May 11th, N20 (In Georgian).
Kartlis Tskhovreba (Life of Georgia), Vol. IV, p. 862-863.
Monuments of the Georgian Justice, III, p. 670.
The Monuments of the Georgian Law, III, p. 670.
T. Chichinadze. Manuscript form Bedia. -Kvali, 1897, May 11th, N20; V. Zukhbaia, Kh. Zantaraia. Gali. Sukhumi,
1988, p. 72-73.

Ethnic Processes.

): Shushania, Jgviburia, Toliokro,

Subukia, Jakobia, Gugutia, Mchishia, Kakauri, Uchaia Mamisshuri, Uchaia Sokherdia, Uchaia Tolskvamia, Didia Gabriela, KodiaKatsibaia, Elishia Tomikhila, Rusakia Martsvalia, Matupia Shuritoli, Gogilava Mamismama, Mamasperi, Gurua Chucha, Tsistaria Mamismama, Kodia Tolibedi, Kajana Deismama, Logua Kurikhan,
Jguburia Nikolaa, Dzadzua, Konjaria, Piolia and others.
Uchana Mikhilia, Uchana Gurmikhili, Uchana
K. Okujava. Abkhazia in the XVIIth Century. Tb., 2002, p. 26.
M. Tamarashvili. History of Catholicism. . . , p. 135.

Mirchkilia, Jakobia Toliokro, Didia Jgekochi, Didia Kochilei, Kodia, Orkolei, Kodia Machikhola, Kodia Solerdia, Kodia Mikhilia, Djguburia Gurishia, Shushania
Sokherdia, Kochivara Kuatara, Dzadzua Gabrieli, Dzadzua Ardashela, Dzadzua
Ingaria, Gogilaa Toliokro, Kadjana Mestumchishna, Khistaria Tolimanu, Davitia
Mestumria, Tsistaria Kochna, Logua Tolishia, Elishia Kocheli, Elishia Tolmikhila,
Elishia Uskuamada, Kondjaria Mamalei, Kondjaria Toskuamna, Chutishia Toliokro, Michkilia Piolia, Chuchu Kontaria and others.
Dadiani Khakhuta, Chagua Gogia, Lasuria Ukulashi,
Lasuria Uskuamia, Lasuria Mikhilia, Mamulia Tseblaria, Chagua Gurmikhila,
Gunia Babadia, Grigolia Gokurtskhia, Jikia Skuamilen, Didia Toliokro, Ambalia
Khukhulia, Ambalia Khutsi, Djomnia Gamigona, Jomnia Vajikocha, Kakua Mkhiarula, Kakua Moirdina, Gamkervalia Khakhuta and others.
Kitia Kuakualia, Kitia Kerabimi, Kitia mamulia, Kitia Shurimigdi, Kitia Jgirkochi, Kitia Pirnate, Pertia, Korcholua mamashi,
Jaknia kaka, Jakonia Vajoba, Jakonia Papishia, Jakonia Babadish, Djakonia Skuamili, Jakonia Kodziria, Luadjagia Sanatreli, Artoni Mamulia, Khungia Utskinara,
Mikelia Shurimigdi, Bigua Uchalei and others.
Tipshkhua Khutsesi, Tipshkhua Nanatria, Tipshkhua
Iese, Tskuria Jgekochi, Zvanekeria Babashuri, Tskuria Sordi, Gulua Tutashkhia,
Stepanaskeri Shuritoli, Stapanaskeri Mikhilia, Bulia Mordilia, Tutashkhia Kupacha, Toliskuami Pazha, Toliskua Kirchkheli, Shantia Uchakochi, Marulava Shuritoli, Chkhirua Shurimigdi, Gorgilava Orkona and others.
Vardania Khutsesi, Vartangia, Bagia Mitanapi, Tseblaria Gachirdia, Tseblaria Kakalia, Khalibesshvili Dalaba, Salatia Uchardia, Salatia Gairchkini, Dushia Toskuamia, Dusia Dzuka, Dushia Mamaia, Vardania Sabedo,
Vardania Mikhilia, Vardania Skumishia, Shonia Uchardia, Niseria Mamikordi, Niseria Kakha ber, Niseria Utskinari, Niseria Kakalia and others.
Shamgia Tavaza, Shamgia Kukualia, Shamgia
Mashutua, Chuchuria Uchakochi, Gavasheli Datia.
Gogordava Khutsesi, Gogordava Gvata, Mikhilia Chaglia, Chania Machikholi, Palia Shurimigdi, Margia Kvatskha, Lorteg Bibilia, Gichordi Pkha and others.

Mchitinava, Margia, Tanna, Dzasania;

Datuskaria (Datuskiria ?), Chkhorelia, Kobakhia, Albaria, Borkia;
Golidzula Tsatsulua, Chkhokhodze, Shegua, Germania;
Gurmikhili Kubetsia;
Alesendria, Moirdi Kvirkvelia, Uskvama
Kvirkvelia, Gvianishi Chagaloskiri;
Mutagigun Khubilava, Gogua, Nadaraia;
: Gabrava
Gurmikhili Esebia;
Totodji Davitia, Gaizardi Apia, Anchbukhu Chkhangua, Bebelia Bagatelia,
his wife was from the family of Apakidze and their son Masi Bagatelia, Beleshia;
Makhu Vardania, Sabedo Vardania, Nikhilia Vardania, Skumishia

Vardania, Giorgi Vardania;

Jaiani Bibilia. 117

The Monuments of the Georgian Justice, vol. III. Tb., 1970, p. 382, 419, 423, 425, 426, 428, 431, 434; J. Gamakharia,
B. Gogia. Abkhazia the Historical Region of Georgia, p. 165-167.
S. Kakabadze. Church Documents of West Georgia, Book I, p. 149-150.
For the aboriginal Georgian population of North-West Megrelia, being captured by the Apsua-Abkhazians the only
way of surviving the cruelty of the new-comers was the Apsuanization, accepting of the language, religions and traditions
of highlanders. It resulted in vanishing of the lower layers of the local population, being sold in captivity or being turned
accepted the ethnonyme agirva denoting the Megrelian. (T. Gvantseladze. Terms, denoting the Georgians in the Abkhazian and Abazian languages. Foreign and Georgian terminology of the Notions Georgia and Georgians, p317).
That part of the Georgian population, having settled in Abkhazia according to their free will, escaping from the serfdom
yoke (N. Berdzenioshvili. Problems of History of Georgia, 1990, p. 610, 616).

The Monuments of the Georgian Justice, vol. III, p. 668, 670; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia -Historical Region
of Georgia, p. 269.
E. Takaishvili. Georgian Antiquities, vol. 1. Tb., 1920, p. 36 (in Georgian); Kh. Bgazhba. From the History of the
Written Language in Abkhazia. Tb., 1967, p. 29; J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox Religion, p. 276-281 (in
Monuments of the Georgian Justice, vol. III, p. 677.
N. Berdzenishvili. Problems of History of Georgia (1990), p. 238.
G. Eliava. Megrelian-Russian Dictionary. Tb., 1997, p. 255.

Sh. Inal-Ipa. The Abkhazians. Sukhumi, 1965, p. 103-105; S. Zukhba. Abkhazian Oral Folk Arts. Translated from
Abkhazian by T. Gvantseladze and A. Arabuli. Tb., 1988, p. 201-202.
S. Janashia. Tubal-Tabal, Tibaren, Iber. _Works, book III. Tb., 1959, p. 14 (in Georgian).
Ibid, p. 15.
Sh. Inal-Ipa. The Abkhazians. Sukhumi, 1965, p. 201-212.
N. Berdzenishvili. Problems of History of Georgia (1990), p. 618; B. Khorava. Relations of Odishi and Abkhazia, p.
V. Abaev. The Ossetian Language and Folkore, vol. 1. L. , 1949, p. 321.
V. Tatishchev. History of Russia, vol. 1. M., -L. , 1962, p. 171.

Klaproth J. Reise in den Kaukasus und nach Georgien unternommen in der Iahren 1807 und 1808. Erster band/Halle
und Berlin, 1872, s459; D. Muskhelishvili. Historical Status of Abkhazia in the Georgian Statehood. -Researches on History of Abkhazia/Georgia. Tb., 1999, p. 141.
Reports given by K. Kokh and E. Spenser About Georgia and Caucasus. Translated from German, introduced and
Commented by L. Mamatsashvili. Tb., 1981, p. 135 (in Georgian).
A. Diachkov-Tarasov. Abkhazia of the Bzip. Proceedings of the Caucasian Department of the Russian Imperial
Geographical Society, vol. XVIII. Tb., 1905, p. 65.
A. Fadeev. A Brief Essay. . . p. 51. S. Zukhba. The Abkhazian Oral Folk Art, p. 214, 336; I. Antelava. Essays on History
of Abkhazia of the XVII-XVIIIth ceneturies. Sukhumi, 1951, p. 93, 109; Sh. Inal-Ipa. Duripsh.

Religious Situation.

B. Lominadze. From History of the Georgian Feudal Relations, vol. 1. Tb., 1966, p. 216.
Chr. Castelli. Information and Album about Georgia, p. 177, 192.
The Book of Travel by Evlia Chelebi, part 1, p. 106.
M. Seleznev. Guide for Understanding the Caucasus, book, 1, p. 28.

Macarius of Antiochia. Information about Georgia, p. 106.

M. Tamarashivili. History of Catholicism. . . , p. 209.
B. Khorava. Relations of Odishi and Abkhazia, p. 112-113.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodox Religion, p. 112-113.

A. Lamberti. Description of Colkhis, p. 153.

Travel of Charden through the Trans Caucasus in 1672-1673. Tb., 1902, p. 95.
Travel of Chardin through the Trans Caucasus, p. 108.
B. Khorava. Relations of Odishi and Abkhazia, p. 158.

Chapter X. Anthropological Data on the

Ethno genesis of the Abkhazians.

V. V. Bunak . Anthropological Composition of the Population of the Caucasus. Vestnik of the Sate Museum of Georgia,
vol. XIIIA. Tb., 1946, p. 95-108; G. K. Janberidze. Abkhazian-Adigean relations in the light of the data of Anthropology.
of sciences of Georgia. Tb., 1956; GK. Janberidze. The Problem of the Abkhazian Origin in the Light of Anthropological
Data. Autoreferat of the Candidate Dissertation. M., 1963; M. G. Abdushelishvili. Anthropology of the Ancient and Modern Population of Georgia. Tb, m1964; A. A. Voronov, P. K. Kvitsinia, A. P. Pestriakov, N. V. Salamatina. Anthropomorphological Characteristic of the Abkhazians. Abkhazian Longliving. M., 1987, p. 940100; P. K. Kvitsinia. Anthropological Characteristic. Abkhazians. M., 2007, p. 39-48; Essays from the History of Georgia. Abkhazia. Tb., 2007, p. 173-177
(in Georgian); L. O. Bitadze, Sh. G. Laliashvili, T. N. Jashashvili. Anthropo-Genetic Characteristic of the Abkhazians.
Analebi, 2008, N2, p. 341-360 (in Georgian).
M. G. Abdushelishvili. Materials on the Craneology of the Caucasus. Works of the Institute of Experimental Morphology of the Academy of Sciences of Georgia, vol. 5. Tb., 1995, p. 327-392 (in Georgian); M. G. Abdushelishvili on the
Craniology of the Ancient and Modern Population of the Caucasus. Tb., 1966. V. P. Alekseev. Origin of the Caucasian
Peoples. M. 1974; Bogdanov A. P. On the Sculls from the Caucasian Dolmens and on the Sculls from the Caucasian burial
mound and cemetery. -Information of the amateurs of the science, anthropology and ethnography, vol. XXXV, ed. 4. M.,
3 A. A. Voronov. Genogeography of the blood factors in the Trans Caucasus. -IX International Congress of the anthropological and ethnographical sciences. M. 1983, p. 1-20; Robert E. Ferrell, Naira Salamatina, S. M. Dalakishvili, N. A.
Bakuradze and Ranajit Chakraborty. A Population Genetic Study in the Ochamchire Region Abkhazia, SSR, American
journal of Physical Anthropology, 1985, p. 63-71, 66. ; A. A. Voronov, S. M. Dalakshvili, N. V. Salamatina, R. U. Ferrell.
Genetic Characteristic of the Abkhazians. Genetic Study. -Abkhazian Longliving. M., 1987, p. 127-135.
I. P. Ladaria. On the study of dermatogliphics of the population of the Caucasus. -Soviet Ethnography, 1975, N4, p.
121-130; G. L. Khit, V. O. Aslanishvili. New Materials on Dermogliphics of the Population of the West Caucasus. -Field
Research of the Institute of Demography. M., 1986, p. 170-174.
5 R. S. Kochiev. Odonthological Characteristics of the Ethnic Groups of the Caucasus. -Thesis of the Reports at the All
Odonthological Characteristics of the Ethnic Groups of the Caucasus. Authoreferat of the Candidate Dissertation . M.,
1971; V; F. Kashibadze. Differentiation of the Population of the Caucasus according to the Odonthological data. -Problems of Anthropology, 1988, ed. 80, p. 75-83; G. A. Aksianova. Characteristics of the Dental System (the age of coming
out, racial peculiarities, caries desease). -Abkhazian Longliving. M., 1987, p. 120-127; V. F. Kashibadze. The Caucasus in
the Anthropological Space of Eurasia. Odonthological Researches. Rostov-na-Donu, 2006.
P. K. Kvitsinia. Morphological peculiarities of the aboriginal population of Abkhazia (on the example of the male Abkhazians). Authoreferat of the Candidate Dissertation. M. 1982; E. N. Miklashevskaia, V. S. Solovieva, O. A. Giliarova,
M. Yu. Peskina. Peculiarities of the Somatic Development of the Abkhazian children and juveniles of the different ethno
territorial groups of the SSSR; Authoreferat of the Doctoral Dissertation. M., 1985, p. 47.
Abdushelishvili. Anthropology of the ancient and modern population of Georgia. Tb., 1964; G. K. Janberidze. The
Problem of the Origin of the Abkhazians in the Light of the Anthropological Data. Authoreferat of the Candidate Dissertation. M. 1963.
V. P. Alekseev. Origin of the Peoples of the Caucausus. M. 1974.

P. K. Kvitsinia. Anthropological Characteristics. - The Abkahzians. M., 2007, p. 39-48.

Ibid, p. 42.
Ibid, p. 39.
A. A. Voronov, P. K. Kvitsinia, A. P. Pestriakov, N. V. Salamatina. Anthropomorphological Characteristics of the Abkhazians. Abkhazian Long -living, p. 94-100.
P. K. Kvitsinia. Anthropological Characteristics. -The Abkhazians, p. 41.
G. K. Janberidze. The Problem of the origin of the Abkhazians in the Light of the Anthropological Data. AuthoreferatM., 1963.
Ibid, p. 10.
V. P. Alekseev. Origin of the Caucasian Nations. M., 1974, p. 193.
Ibid, p. 194

G. L. Khit. Dermatogliphics of the Nations of the USSR, p. 109.

G. L. Khit. Dermatogliphics of the USSR Nations, p. 109.
Ibid, p. 101-107.
I. P. Ladaria. On the Study of the Dermatogliphics of the Population of the Caucasus. _ Soviet Ethnography, 1975, N4,
p. 121-130.

Ibid, p. 126.
A. A. Voronov, S. M. Dalakishvili, N. V. Salamatina, R. U. Ferrell. Genetic Characteristic of the Abkhazians. The
Phenomenon of Long living, p. 127-135.
A. A. Voronov, S. M. Dalakishvili, N. V. Salamatina, R. U. Ferrell. Genetic Characteristic of the Abkhazians. The
Phenomenon of Long living, p. 134.
A. A. Voronov, S. M. Dalakishvili, N. V. Salamatina, R. U. Ferrell. Genetic Characteristic of the Abkhazians. The
Phenomenon of Long living, p. 129.
P. K. Kvitsinia. Anthropological Caharacteristis. -Abkahzians, p. 39-48.

M. G. Abdushelishvili. Materials on the Craniology of the Abkhazians. -Works of the Institute of Experimental Morphology of the Academy of sciences of Georgia, 1995, vol5. p. 327-392 (in Georgian); V. P. Alekseev. Origin of the Caucasian Nations. M. 1974.
Anthropologic History of the Abkhazians, p. 62.
V. V. Bzhania. The Results of the Study of the Gumista Settlement in 1967. The Brief Information of the Institute of
Linguistics of the USSR, 15, M., 1969.



V. V. Bzhania, D. S. Bzhania. The Newest Archeological Discoveries in the mountainous Abkhazian villages - Achmarda and Arasadzikh. Archeology, Ethnology and Folklore of the Caucasus. Makhachkala, 207, p. 189-193.
Ibid, p. 191.
33 Ibid, p. 191.
In 1977 the excavations were carried out by archeologists M. Baramidze and M. Tsvinaria and anthropologist V. Aslanishvili.
35 K. V. Lomtatidze. The Abkhazian Language. -The Languages of the USSR. Iberian-Caucasian Languages, vol. 4. M.,
1967, p. 101-123.

Observations (axes F1 and F2: 57.55 %)




F2 (20.49 %)









































F1 (37.06 % )

Fig. N1. Location of the West Caucasian ethnic groups on the projection of
the I-II components on which the Abkhazians are ; 1 Ochamchire, 2-Gudauta,
3-Gagra, 4-Senaki, 5-Zugdidi, 6-Gali, 7-TsalenJikha, 8-Chkorotskhu; the Lazians
are: 9-Sarpi, 10-Khelvachauri, 11- Khelvachauri (migrants); Gurians are: 12-Ozurgeti, 13-Chokhatauri, 14-Lanchkhuti; The Acharians are: 15 Batumi, 16-Khulo,
M. G. Abdushelishvili. Anthropology o the Ancient and Modern Population of Georgia. Tb., 1964.
Ibid, p. 67.

17-Kobumeti, 18-Keda, 19-village Gordjomi, 20-village Riketi, 21-village Shubaani,

22-Kvemo, 23-Balszemo, 24-Balskvemo; The Rachians are : 25-Ambrolauri, 26-Oni,
27-Highlenders; The Sechkhumians: 28 Tsageri; The Imeretians are: 29- Bagdadi,
30-Vani, 31-Chiatua, 32-Zestafoni, 33-Samtredia, 34-Terjola, 35-Tkibuli, 36-Sachkhere; The Adigenas are : 37-Abadzekhi, 38-Chemgui, 39-Bzhedugi, 40-Shapsugs
from Takhtamukai, 41-Shapsugs from LazarevskaiaThe Chekessians are: 42- from
Zelenchuk, 43-from Besleneevka; The Abazians: 44-from Tapant, 45-from Ashkhara; The Karachaians are: 46-from Ust-Djegutinsk; The Balkarians are : 47- from
Elbrus; The Kabardinians are: 48-from Baksan, 49-from Lesken, 50-from Nagorn.

T. Mibchuani. Following the Bloody Trails of the Abkhazian Separatists. Tb., 1994, p. 82-88.
L. O. Bitadze, Sh. G. Laliashvili, T. N. Jashashvili. Anthropo-Genetic Characteristic of the Abkhazians. -Analebi, 2008,
N2, p. 341-360 (in Georgian).
Anthropological History of the Abkhazians. Tb., 2008, p. 311 (in Georgian).

Observations (axes F1 and F3: 51.64 %)





22 2




F3 (14.58 %)






















26 13 18












F1 (37.06 % )

Fig. N2. Location of the ethnic groups of western Caucasus on the projection of
the I and III components. 1-50 are ethnic groups pointed in the graph N1.

Anthropological History of the Abkhazians, p. 89-160-182-242, 254-275.

Ibid, p. 74-160.
V. P. Alekseev. Origin of the Caucasian Peoples. M., 1974.
G. K. Janberidze. The Problem of the Origin of the Abkhazians in the Light of the Anthropological Data. M., 1963.

Anthropological History of the Abkhazians. Tb., 2008 (in Georgian).

S. Rao, Linear Statistical Methods and Their Usage. M., 1968, p. 461-540.
R. R. Sokal, F. S. Rohlf. 2000. Biometry. Freeman Co., New York, p. 887.
Hammer, Harper DAT, Ryan PD. PAST: Paleontological statistics software package for education and data analysis.
Paleontological Electronica (2001) 4:9. (http://paleo-electronica.org/2001_1/past/issue1_01.htm).

Fig. N. 3 Location of the ethnic groups according to the quantitative signs of

dermatogliphics on the projects of the I-II components, where the Abkhazians are:
1-Ochamchire, 2-Gudauta, 3-Gagra; The Megrelians are: 4-Senaki, 5-Zugdidi,
6-Gali: The Lazians are: 7-Batumi; The Gurians are: 8-Ozurgeti, 9-Chokhatauri;
The Acharians are: 10-Batumi, 11-Khulo, 12-Keda, 13-village Gorjomi, 14 village
Riketi, 15-villageTkhilvani; The Svan are: 16-Lentekhi, 17-Mestia (Balszemo),
18-Mestia (Balskvemo); The Rachians are: 19-Ambrolauri, 20-Oni (highlanders);
The Lechkhumians are: 21-Tsageri; The Imeretians are: 22-Bagdadi, 23-Chiatura,
24-Zestafoni, 25-Samtredia, 26-Terjola; The Adigeans are: 27-Abadzekhs, 28-Chemguans, 29-Abazians of the Ashkhar dialect The Cherkessian are: 30-Adige-Khabal;
The Karachaians are: 31-Karachaevsk; The Kabardinians are: 32 from Beslen; The
Balkarians are ; 33 from Elbrus.

G. K. Janberidze. Interrelations of the Abkhazians and Adigean Ethnic Groups in the Light of the Data of Anthropology. Manuscript, 1960, p. 1-25 (In Georgian). The manuscript is kept in the fund of the department of Anthropology of I.
Javakhishvili Institute of History and Ethnology.

V. V. Bunak. Ethnic Commonness and the Racial Division. - The Racial - Genetic Processes in the Ethnic History, 1974,
p. 3-10.

Chapter XI. Linguistic bases of ethnic history of Abkhazia


ps(a), qva






N. J. Marr. On the History and Language of the Abkhazians. M-L., 1936.






dze o
dze o
ia (ja)

dz o

Ibid, p. 57-58.
3 K. V. Lomtatidze. The Achkharian Dialect and its lace among the other Abkhazian-Abazian dialects (together with the
texts0. Tb., 223 (in the Georgian language).
Ibid, p. 224.



ps(a), qva, ga.

tskhum//tskhwim "
Malta, Bobo, Jura

5 G. T. Gvantseladze. On the History of one Type of the Georgian Toponymes Materials of the VIth International Sci-

The place of the Abkhazian language among the relative languages, with the
consideration of the historical aspects.

S. Janashia. On the Genealogy of Egnate Ingorokva. in the book. : S. Janashia. The Cherkessian Dairies. Tb., 2007, p.
Is Cited according to the book. : S. N. Janashia. The Cherkessian Dairies. p. 204.
The Toponymes with the syllable qva is convincingly etymologized on the Kartvelian Base by M. Chukhua. His work
is in print.
Some politized authors under the pressure of the Russian empire ideology fully deniy the kinship of the Georgian
language with the Caucasian language of hilghlanders and this is beyonf the criticism. This problem was solved by the
academician A. S. Chikobava in 1979. See A. S. Chikobava. Introduction to the Iberian-Caucasian linguistics. Tb., 1979
(in the Georgian languge , the Russian variant is in print).

Life of Georgia. The list of the Queen Anna. Tb., 1942, p. 2 (in Georgian).


Ibid, p. 3.
Ts. I. Abuladze. The Name of Georgia and Georgian Politicl Formations in the Ottoman Written Sources. -Foreign and
Georgian terminological notions of Georgia and Georgians. Tb., 1993, p. 274-276 (in Georgian; Summary in Russian
and English).

2. The semantics of the terms Apkhazi, Apkhazeti and their correlatives

by the materials from the ancient sources.

O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 4-5

Abkhazia and Abkhazians, p. 3.


. Ape


apswa, abasgos





Abasgia, 16

Life of Georgia. The list of Queen Annp. 94. Here we meet the case of usage of the term Abkhazeti concerning
the events of the I century B. C. though, this example is justly considered to be anachronism and interpolation. See.: I. A.
Javakhishvili. . Works in 12 volumes, vol. VIII. Tb., 1977, p. 177 (in Georgian).
D. S. Letodiani. Political Relations of Abkhazia, Abshileti and Sanigeti with Egrisi (Lazika) in the VI_VIIIth centuries.
Tb., 1991, p. 39 (in Georgian).




Apkhazeti Abasgia,

abasgos apxazi





Z. V. Papaskiri. Abkhazia is Georgia. Tb., 1998, p. 110-111 (in Georgian).

Ioan Sabanisdze. Martyrdom of the Saint and Blissful Abo. -Chrestomaty of the ancient Georgian literature, vol. I.
Compiler S. Kubaneishvili. Tb., 1946, p. 62 (in Georgian).
The data of the text of the chronicles by Juansher Juansheriani need a special analyses:anachronisms, problems of
authencity etc. For the details see.: T. I. Gvantseladze. Interpolations, concerning Abkhazia in the text of chronicles by
Juansher. Tb., 1997 (in Georgian).



Akharh egaracuc

Gorji Darja (Gorji darja)


Apkhazeti. 22

E. V. Tsagareishvili. The name of Georgian and Georgia in the Armenian written monuments. Foreign and Georgian terminology of the notions Georgia and Georgians. Tb., 1993, p. 207-208 (in Georgian).
Holud-Al-Alem - in the book.: Istahri, Hodud-Al-Alem, Hamdalakh Kazvini. Transaltion and comments by V. Puturidze. Tb., 1937, p. 13-16 (in Persian and Georgian).
See. : Foreign and Georgian TerminologyTb., 1993.
Life of Kartli, vol. II, Tb., 1959, p. 15 (in Georgian); T. I. Gvantseladze. On understanding of one fragment of the
Life of Georgia (the country of Alans, that is Abkhazeti). The Heritage of the Kartvels, vol. II. Kutaisi, 1998 (in
About the settlements of the Alans in different historical epochs see .: A. Aleman. The Alans in the ancient and medieval century written sources. M., 2003; R. Topchishvili. The Area of the original settlement of the ancestors of the Ossetians the Alans. Tb., 2008 (in Georgia, summary in Russian and English).




alani koci





Abevas regi. )



Mingrelia regi (

I. Kipshidze. Grammar of the Mengrelian (Iberian) language with the chrestomaty and vocabulary. S-Pt. 1914, p. 193.
N. Bagaturia. The Turk tribal names in the Geogrian dialects and folklore (qazakhi, alani). Kartvelian Heritage, vol.
II, Kutaisi, 1998, pp. 38-39 (in Georgian). Com. R. Topchishvili. Area of the original settlements of the Ossetian ancestors,
p. 6.
T. I. Gvantseladze. Importance of the information of Jhon Mandevil from 1375 for localization of ethnic Abkhazia.
Collection of works of Caucasiologists. Tb., 2004, p. 48-51 (in Georgian).
See. The maps published in the following books: P. Allen. The Atlas of Atlases. The map makers vision of the world.
Atlases from the Cadbury Collection. Birmingham Central Library. London, 1988; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. AbkhaziaHistorical Region of Georgia, p. 817-854.

3. The issue about the origin of the term apxazi and its connections with other

The term apswa.



aJa- (a-ja-d gj





ja-pasa>apsa>apsa-wa>aps -wa. aps( )wa.







K. V. Lomtatidze. The word aow , denoting a human being in the Abkhazian language. Information of the Academy
of Sciences of Georgia, vol. IV, 1975, p. 8-9, 80-81, 103-104, 240 (in Georgian).

The terms abaza, abasgos//abaskos//abaskhos, apkhaz-i and aba(a)zakha. The


In the details see.: N. J. Marr. History of the term Abkhaz. -in the book. : N. J. Marr. On the Language and History
of the Abkhazians. M-L., 1936.

T. V. Gamkrelidze. From the Hsitory of Ethnonimy of Ancient Colkhis. -Foreign and Georgian Terminologyp. 584585 (in Georgian, summary in Russian and English).
Ts. I. Abuladze. The Name of Georgia and Georgian political formations in the Ottoman written sources, p. 274-275; L.
I. Lavrov. Obezs of the Russian Cronicles. The Soviet Ethnography, N4, 1946, p. 163; N. G. Volkova. Ethnonymes and
the tribal names of the North Caucasus. M., 1973, p. 36; S. Janashia. An Expedition to the Adigean autonomous Region.
April-May 0f 1929. Works, vol. IV. Tb., 1968, p. 74, 77, 98, 104, 110, 124 (in Georgian); S. N. Janashia. An expedition to the
Adigean Region. April-May of 1929 in the book: S. Janashia. Cherkessian Dairies. Tb., 2007, p. 80, 82-83, 104-105, 110,
117, 131. Autonomious Region. April-May 0f 1929. Works, vol. IV. Tb., 1968, p. 74, 77, 98, 104, 110, 124 (in Georgian); S.
N. Janashia. An expedition to the Adigean Region. April-May of 1929 in the book: S. Janashia. Cherkessian Dairies. Tb.,
2007, p. 80, 82-83, 104-105, 110, 117, 131.
G. G. Paichadze. Names of Georgia in the Russian Written Sources. Tb., 1989, p. 11-60.



33 O. I. Kakhadze. On the Base for Abkhaz//abkhaza. Foreign and Georgian Terminology, p. 557 (in Georgian; summary in Russian and English).
S. Janashia. Svanian-Adigean (Cherkessian) Language encounters. Works, vol. III, Tb., 1959, p. 102 (in Georgian);
The same in Russian. see: S. Janashia. Cherkessian Dairies, p. 184; of the same author:Abadzexi. Enciclopedic Material.
Works, vol. VI, Tb., 1988, p. 227-228 (in Georgian).
35 S. Janashia. An Expedition to the Adigena Autonomous Region, p. 74, 77, 98, 104, 110, 124 (in Georgian); S. Janashia.
An Expedition to the Adigean Region, p. 80, 82-83, 104-105, 110, 117, 131 (in Russian).
Life of Kartli. The list of Queen Ann1942, p. 103 (in Georgian). The brief contents of the document remains in the
Armenian translation of the Life of Georgiaas well: They entered Badjaniketi and Sjiketi, that are located lower
Apkhazeti. See. : Old Armenian Translation of Life of Georgia. The Georgian text and Armenian translation with the
research and vocabulary was edited by I. Abuladze. Tb., 1953, p. 150 (in Georgian).

4. Kartvelian substratum in Abkhazian language.

Kartvelian substratum in the phonological system and structure of the roots of

Abkhazian language.

The detailed servey of the corresponding sources and literature see. : in the same source, in chapter VI and also: T.
Phutkaradze. The Georgians. Part I, p. 175-200, 264-297 (in Georgian).
In details see. : K. V. Lomtatidze. Historical-Comparative Analyses of the Abkhazian and Abazian Langiages. Ip. 9,
170-172 (in Georgian); E. K. Kilba. Peculiarites pf the Speech of the Abkhazians form Batumi. Tb., 1983, p. 7, 10.

Kartvelian Christian terms in Abkhazian language.

George Mtatsmindeli. The life of Joane and Eqvtime. Georgian prose, v. I. Tb., 1981, p.382 (in Georg. Lang. ); SulkhanSaba Orbeliani. Georgian dictionary , v. I. Tb., 1991, p. 364.

5. The kartvelian social terminology in Abkhazian language.


In details about this look: T. Gvantseladze. To the question about the kartvelian substrate in Abkhazian language on
the base of the Christian hieratic vocabulary. Coll. Georgian heritage , v. I. Kutaisi, 1996 (In Georg. Language).
B. G. Hewitt. The valid and non-valid application of philology to history. Revue des etudes Georgiennes et Caucasiennes, N 6-7. Paris, 1990-1991, p. 260-261.
The sketches of Abkhazian history. Part I. Sokhumi, 1960, p. 111-113.

6. The kartvelian substratum toponyms in Abkhazia.

T. Gvantseladze. Language data and their meaning for the research of Abkhazias ethnic history. Problems of the
Abkhazian history. Tb., 1998, p. 49 (in Georg. Language).
The list of Mukhadjirs, who had this surname look: B. Khorava. Abkhazians being Mukhadjirs in 1867 year. Tb., 2004,
p. 123-170 (in Georg. Language).


G. T. Gvantseladze. To the ethimology of the name of the village Kvitouli. Kartvelian heritage, v. XII. Kutaisi, 2008.

7. The Kartvelian surnames among Abkhazians.

Data of Kiatiba Chelebi about Georgia and Caucasus. Translated from the Turkish, with preface, commentaries and
added pointers, G. Alasania. Tb., 1978, p. 136 (in Geo. Language).

This deacon is mentioned in the document in 1988 y. look. J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy (I c. 1921 y. ).
Tb., 2005. p. 994 (in geo. Language the list of priests of Sokhumian eparchy for 1988 y. in Rus.
B. Khorava. Makhajiri, p. 123-170.

O o

O o

O o

O o


Statues of Georgian right, v. III, ecclesiastical legislator statues (XI XIX cc.). Texts were published and provided with
notes and pointers by Prof. I. S. Dolidze. Tb., 1970, p. 419-434 (in geo. Language).
Look in details: L. Akhaladze. The epigraphy of Abkhazia as the historic source I. Lapidary and fresco inscriptions.
Tb., 2005 y. (in Geo. Language); T. Gvantseladze. The ethnic membership of the north-west Georgia by the lapidary
inscriptions of the middle centuries. Kartvelian heritage, v. III. 1999 (in Geo. Language).
P. Tskhadaia. The historic and modern toponymy of Samurzakano

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the hiustoric region of Georgia, p. 588.


53 K. V. Lomtatidze was relating this surname ending with the Abkhazian word a-wawe - : human. However in the bibliography of his science works, which were made on her own, the scientist has written a note to one of her works names:
In Geogian surnames, the connection of the ending va with this words is doubtful look. the bibliography of Academician Ketevan Lomtatidze works. Tb., 2007, p. 11.



J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and orthodoxy (I c. 1921 y. ). Tb., 2005, p. 927.

55 Ibid, p. 944.
Ibid, p. 993

N. I. Marr. About the language and history of Abkhazians, p. 87, p. 143.

O. P. Dzidzaria (Dzaria). Marine vocabulary in Abkhazian language. Sokhumi, 1989.
Let us mark to compare, that M. Salia had gathered and had analyzed in high academic level 536 Megrelian Lazian

O. P. Dzidzaria (Dzaria). The Naval Lexics in the Abkhazian Language. Sukhumi, 1989.
Ibid, p. 66.

Ibid, p. 25.
Ibid, p. 82.

9. The vocabulary of other sectorial groups in Abkhazian language.

K. Shakril, V. Kh. Konjaria. The Abkhazian language vocabulary, vol. I, Sokhumi, 1986, p. 33. The coast of the sea is
also designated by the composite agaca, composed with the words aga the sea + a-ce mouth. It is remarkable that
O. Dzidzaria (Dzaria) does not point to the fact that the word aga has the semantic of south.

A lot of Kartvelian terms have been borrowed by


Look in details: T. Gvantseladze. Kartvelizms in Abkhazian botanical terminology and Abkhazian historic migration
direction. Thanks to Giorgi Rogava (anniversary collection). Tb., 1997 (in Geo. Language); N. Machavariani. The vocabulary of plants in Abkhazian. (semantic structural analyze). Tb., 2006 (in Geo. language).
M. Bukia. The vocabulary of horse-raising in Zanian. Tb., 2006, p. 183 (in Geo. language).
X. Tb., 200, p. 243 245 (in Geo. Language).
I. Bebia. The Megrelian borrowings in agricultural vocabulary in Abkhazian language. The materials of XX republics
science dialectological session. Tb., 2000, p. 27- 30 (in Geo. Language).

T. Gvantseladze. The main themes of Abkhazians living buildings and their names. Materials of the # 57 science session
of the institute of language of the name of A. S. Chikobava. Tb., 1998, p. 20-21 (in Geo. Language). Comp.: I. Adamia.
Georgian ntional architectonics, v. II. Tb., 1968 (in Geo. Language).
In details look: L. Akhaladze. The epigraphy of Abkhazia as the historic source. I. Lapidary and fresco inscriptions.

Chapter XII. Ethnological Interpretation of Historical

and Cultural Features of Abkhazia

I. Tabaghua. Georgian in European archives and libraries, v. 2. Tb., 1987, p. 170 (In Geo. language).

The book of Evlia Chelebis travel. Translation G. Puturidze, part I. Tb., 1917, p. 100 -105 (In Geo. language).
3 V. P. Kobichev. The settlement and the place of inhabitance of the North Caucasian nations inthe 19th
XX centuries. M., 1982, p. 19.
N. Vitzen.North and East Tataria or the concise feature story of few countries and nations. Adigians,
Balkarians and Karachians in the data of European authors XIII the 19th centuries. Nalchik, 1974, p. 90.

N. Dubrovin. Abkhazians (Azega). The history of the war and owning of Russians in Caucasus. v. I, book
II. S-Pb. , 1871, p. 37.
T. Sakhokia. Traveling. Tb., 1950, p. 310 - 312 (in Georgian).
K. Chernishev. More about Abkhazia. Caucasus, 1854, 23 October, # 83.
S. Bronevski. The latest geographic and historic information about Caucasus, part 1. M. 1823, p. 325.
I. Adamia. Georgian national architecture. Book 2, 1968, p. 39 (in Georgian).
I. A. Ajinjal. From the ethnography of Abkhazia. Sukhumi 1969, p. 15.
K. V. Lomtatidze. The category of mutuality (mutual unity, reciprocity) in Abkhazian Adigian languages. Iberian Caucasian linguistics, v. XII. Tb., 1960, 275 -288.
B. Janashia. Georgian vocabulary. Tb., 1954, p. 263 (in Georgian).

The book of Evlia Chelebis travel, part I, p. 95 (in Georgian).

I. Javakhishvili. The history of Georgian nation. V. II. , Tb., 1948, p. 10 (in Geo. language)
V. P. Kobichev. Settlements, p. 15; P. C. Palas. Notes about the trips, Adiginas, Balkarian and Karachians, p. 219.
A. Miller. Circcassian buildings. The materials by the Russias ethnography, v. II. S. -Pb. , 1917, p. 60.

S. B. Nogmov. History of the Adigean People. Nalchik, 1958, p. 883.

N. Dubrovin. Abkhazians, p. 37 38.
Arkanjelo Lamberti. The description of Kolkhida, which is called Megrelia at present, p. 188 189.
The trip of Guldenshtedt in Georgia, v. I. Tb., 1962, p. 372 (in Geo. language).
E. Prudkov. From Sokhumi. Caucasus, 1870, 17 (29) July, # 82, p. 2; G. A. Ribinski. Sokhumi area.
tion (journal), addition 39. S-Pb. 1877, p. 929 and others.

frefw > refw



Fr. Dubua De Monpere. The trip around Caucasus, v. I. Sokhumi, 1937, p. 41; S. Janashia. The works, v.
IV. Tb., 1968, p. 93 -94; A. Makhvich-Matskevich. Abadzexi. 1864, # 3, p. 3; V. Vasilkov. Articles about the
Temirgoans domestic life. The collection of materials for the description of the local area and Caucasian
tribes, addition 1901, p. 99; E. N. Studenetskaia. Karachaians Caucasian nations, v. I. M. 1960, p. 380 and
Sh. D. Inal-Ipa. The Abkhazians, p. 190.
A. K. Shagirov. Ethimological Dictionary of the Adigean-Chircassian languages. M., 1977, p. 96.
Economical Conditions of the Aboriginal Population of the Sukhumi department Collection of InforP. Giorgidze (Petre Charaia). Abkhazia and Abkhazians Iveria, 1888, 12th of August, N169, p. 2 (in




9cef 8ys


N. Albov. Ethnographical Observations in Abkhazia- Alive Oldities. Edition. 3, S-Pb., 1893, p. 308.
Kotsia Chkapshaneli. A letter from Abkhazia Moambe, N1. Tb., 1898, p. 105-106 (in Georgian); N.
Albov. Ethnographical Observations in Abkhazia, p. 308; I. A. Ajinjal. From the Ethnography of Sukhumi.
1969, p. 80.
S. I. Bakhia. Abkhazian Abipara Patronomy. Tb., 1986, p. 30.
A. Miller. Circassian Constructions. Materials on the ethnography of Russia. v. 2. S-Pb, 1917, p. 2; Abri
de la Motre Travel of Sir Abre Motre to Europe Adigeans, Balkarians and Karachians. Nalchik, 1974, p.



33 Abkhazians Nations and Cultures. M., 2007, p. 248 249.

B. Janashia. Abkhazian Georgian vocabulary. Tb., 1954, p. 152.

35 I. A. Ajinjal. From the ethnography of Abkhazia, p. 80.

Fr. Dubua De Monpere . The trio around Caucasus, v. I, p. 116 142.

N. Dubrovin. Abkhazians, p. 38.
S. G. Zvanba. The kiss beyond the curtain. Caucasus , 1853, 22 July, # 53.
S. I. Bakhia. Abkhazian abipara, p. 22.
I. Kh. Kalmikov. About some terms, which characterize the development of the living house and the becoming of the monogamy family in Adigian nation. Archeological ethnographic collection. Nalchik,1974,
152 153; E. N. Danilova. The family and patronymics in the system of rural unity of Abazians in the
second half ofthe 19th century. - Soviet ethnography 1973, # 5, p. 85 -87; T. Lapinski. Highlander nations
of Caucasus and their war against Russians for freedom. notes of the Caucasian department of Russian
geographic unity. Book I. 1861; A. Makhvich-Matskevich. Abadzexi, p. 3; V. Vasilkov. The article about
the Temigroian lifestyle. the collection of the materials for the description of local lands and tribes of Caucasus, add. 29, 1901, p. 99; A. Miller. Chircassian constructions, p. 9.

This construction and the term with its meaning are not traditional for the Abkhazian lifestyle, because
they got into Abkhazian only inthe 19th century with the spread of the tobacco culture. The term is borA. Miller. Circassian constructions, p. 66.
I. Adamia. Georgian national architecture. Tb., 1968, p. 52 56 (in Geo. language).
I. Kh. Kalmikov. Circassians. Cherkesk. 1974, p. 206, 207; A. Kunina. Family customs and ceremonies
of Shapsugs. M., 1940, p. 22; E. N. Danilova. The family and patronymic in the system of rural unity of
Abazians in the second half ofthe 19th century. Soviet ethnography, 1973, #5 , p. 86; M. Mamakaev. Circassian type (family) and its the process of its disposition. Grozny 1962, p. 18; karachaians. Cherkessk,
1978, p. 130, 261; T. Sakhokia. A trip. Tb., 1950, p. 314 (in Geo. Language); A. Vekua. From the lives and
customs of Abkhazians. Transcaucasia, 1912, 15 16 June, p. 3; Sh. D. Inal ipa. Abkhazians, p. 559; G. F.
Chursin. Materials by Abkhazia ethnography, p. 190; N. Janashia. Articles about Abkhazias ethnography.
Sokhumi,1960, p. 81 and others.

I. A. Ajinjal. From the ethnography of Abkhazia, p. 17.

M. M. Ivashenko. The researches of archaic monuments of the material culture in Abkhazia. The inarcheology of Kolkhida. V. I. Tb., 1999, p. 178 189; M. M. Trapsh. Works, v. I. Sokhumi, 1970, p. 98 113;
researches, add. 78. Tb., 1981, p. 9 and others.
T. Mikeladze. The grave diggers of Kolkhida of early Paleolithic age. Tb., 1985, p. 14 17 (in Geo. language).
Z. V. Anchabadze. The history and culture of ancient Abkhazia. M., 1964, p. 180 183.
Sh. D. Inal-ila. Abkhazians, p. 547.
G. Chursin. Materials of Amkhazias ethnography, p. 203-204.



A. Lamberti. The description of Kolkhida, p. 189.

53 The book of Evlia Chelebi traveling, p. 103 (in Geo. language).

A. Lamberti. The description of Kolkhida, p. 228 231, The book of Evlia Chelebi traveling, p. 101 , 103;
E. Kovalevski. Articles of Caucasian ethnography, - Europes informatory. v. III. S-Pb. 1867, p. 90 and others.
55N. Dubrovin. Abkhazians, p. 7, 9; P. Giorgidze (P. Charaia) Abkhazians and Abkhazia. Iveria, 1882,
12 August, # 169 (in Geo. language).
F. A. Zavadski. Abkhazia and Tsebelda. Caucasus. 1867, 30 July, # 59.

Sh. D. Inal-ipa. Abkhazians, p. 217; Ts. N. Bzhania. From the history of the culture of Abkhazians.
Sokhumi, 1973, p. 211.
Ts. N. Bzhania. From the history of the culture of Abkhazians, p. 20.
At the same place, p. 16 19, 30.
Sh. D. Inal-ipa, G. V. Smir. Cattle raising. cattle - raising and agriculture of Abkhazians. Tb., 1986, p.
Ts. N. Bzhania. From the history of the culture of Abkhazians, p. 31 32, 36.

Sh. D. Inal-ipa. G. V. Smir. Cattle raising, p. 125

L. I. Lavrov. Obezs of Russian articles. soviet ethnography. 1946, # 4, p. 161 170; L. I. Lavrov. The
origin of Kabardians and their inhabitance on the modern territories. Siviet ethnography, 1956, # 1, p.
19 28; The history of south Caucasian nations from the ancient times till the end of the 18th century. M.,
1988, p. 198.

The article about the formalization of communal political lifestyle of Abkhazia and Samurzakano.
through the Caucasian range, path and plot of land Pskhu. in formation of the Caucasian department of
Russian geographic community, v. the 16th.
Sh. D. Inal-ipa, G. V. Smir. Cattle raising, p. 123 -124; Ts. N. Bzhania. From the history of house holding and culture of Abkhazians, p. 13.
Ts. N. Bzhania. From the history of house holding and culture of Abkhazians, p. 13.

Ts. N. Bzhania. From the history of house holding and culture of Abkhazians, p. 59; Sh. D. Inal-ipa. Abkhazians, p. 218 225.
S. Bronevski. The newest geographical and historic data about Caucasus, Part I, p. 326, 345.
Sh. D. Inal-ipa, Abkhazians, p. 223.
P. Giorgidze (P. Charaia). Abkhazia and Abkhazians. Iveria, 1888, 12 August, # 169, p. 1-2 (in Geo.
S. Bronevski. The newest geographical and historic data about Caucasus, part I, p. 326.

A. V. Pakhomov, Abkhazia in agricultural way articles of the rural agriculture Caucasian community,
# 1-2, p. 49.
Lavrentiev. The short statistic description of Abkhazia and Tsebelda. The statistic description of the
provinces and regions of the Russian empire. Caucasian region, v. the 16th , part 5. S-Pb. 1858, p. 264; E.
Prudkov. From Sokhumi. - Caucasus, 1870, 17 July, # 82.
A. V. Paxomov. Abkhazia, p. 42-43, 49-50; N. Dubrovin. Abkhazians; P. Giorgidze. (P. Charia). Abkhazia, p. 1; A. N. Diachkov Tarasov. Bzipian Abkhazia. The data of Caucasian department of imperial
history, v. VIII. Tb., 1990, p. 614-615 (in Geo. language); I. G. Antelava. Articles about the history of Abkhazia of the 17th 18th centuries. Sokhumi, 1951, p. 119-120; Sh. D. Inal-ipa. Duripsh. The works of
Abkhazian institute of language, literature and history, v. 29. Sokhumi, 1959, p. 82.
Lavrentiev. The short statistic description of Abkhazia and Tsebelda, p. 264; I. Averkiev. From the south
east coast of the black sea. - Caucasus, 1866, September 29, # 76.
N. Dubrovin. Circassians, p. 153; A. D. Besleneev. To the issue of the development of rural house holding of the highlanders of Kubani region. - From the history of rural household of Karachian Circassians.
Chircassik, 1971, p. 5; I. M. Shamanov. The agriculture and agricultural lifestyle of Karachians. - From the
history of rural household of Karachian- Chircassians. Chircassk. 1971, p. 67
S. A. Egizarov. The forms of the peasants land owning in Kutaisi province and the appearance of ques-

tionable lands. the collection of the materials of the studies of economical lifestyle of state peasants of
N. Albov. Ethnographic, p. 309; K. F. Gann. A trip to Mingrelia, samurzakania and Abkhazian in 1900
y. Caucasian informer, 1902, # 4- 5.
F. I. leontivich. The customs of Caucasian highlanders, v. I. Odessa, 1882, p. 176; Kh. M. Dushanov. Several issues from the studies of Adigian families and patronyms informer, Kabardian Balkarian science
researching institute, add. 4, 1970, p. 79; A. D. Beleneev, To the issue, p. 5.
I. Shamanov. Agriculture and agricultural lifestyle of Karachians. From the history, p. 69.
Ts. N. Bzhania. From the history, 172 173; Sh. D. Inal-ipa. Abkhazians, p. 231 232.
A. V. Pakhomov. Abkhazia, p. 41.
G. S. Chitaia. To the issue of the origin of Abkhazian arable tools. Moambe of the academic science of
Georgia, book #2, # 3. Tb., 1941, p. 249 (in Geo. language).
A. V. Pakhomov. Abkhazia, p. 51.
R. K. Chanba. Agriculture. Agriculture and cattle raising of Abkhazians. Tb., 1986, p. 53.

Sulxan-Saba Orbeliani. Georgian dictionary, v. II, Tb., 1993, p. 362 (in Geo. language).
I. Javakhishvili. Novels, v. V. Tb., 1986, p. 383 (in Geo. language).
N. Dubrovin. Circassians, p. 158.
M. Ballas. Wine making in Russia, part 2. S-Pb., 1896, p. 87.
p. 147 156; Sh. D. Inal-ipa. Abkhazians, p. 245 359; R. K. Chanba. Agriculture, p. 67.


f;msv; f
v; f

B. P. Janashia. The Abkhazian vocabulary of viticulture and wine making. Auto referent. Tb., 1955, p. 5

w o

I. Guldenshtedt. The geographic and statistic description of Georgia, p. 145; The living of Georgia, v.
Akaba. The costumes and hoses of Abkhazians. Tb., 1982, p. 7; E. N. Studenetskaia. The common features
tography in linguistics and ethnography. L. 1974, p. 257 263. ; Karachians and Circassians. Caucasian
nations, v. I. M., 1960, p. 168 169 and so on.


Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani. Georgian vocabulary, v. I. Tb., 1991, p. 38 (in Geo. language).

I. A. Ajinjal. From the ethnography of Abkhazia, p. 365.
A. Lamberti. The desctiption of Kolkhida. The collection of materials for the description of the local
places of Caucasian tribes, add. 43. p. 41 42.

,fc0t ,sc0t f,sc0f

Caucasian nations, v. II. M., 1962, p. 397; I. A. Ajinjal. From the ethnography of Abkhazia, p. 340.
Emidio Dorteli dAskoli. The description of the black sea and Tataria the notes of Odessian community
of history and ancient times, v. XXIV, part 2, Odessa. 1922, p. 126; The trip of Jan Sharden in Caucasus in
S. T. Zvanba. Winter trips of Ubikhians to Abkhazia. Ethnographic etudes. Sokhumi, 1955, p. 46.
Sh. D. Inal-ipa. Abkhazians, p. 341; K. S. Shakril. Several vocabulary and sound accordance in Abkhazian Adigian languages. Sokhumi, 1968, p. 65.
A. I. Abdokhov. The phonetic and vocabulary parallels in Abkhazian Adigian languages. Nalchik,
1973, p. 65.
L. G. Lopatinski. Russian Kabardian vocabulary with notes. Collection of materials for the description of local lands and tribes of Caucasus, add. 12, dep. 2, 1981, p. 60; N. F. Jakovlev. The grammar of the
literal Kabardian Circassian language. M-L., 1948, p. 137.
A. K. Shagirov. The ethimologic vocabulary of Adigian (Circassian) languages. Part 2. M., 1977, p. 42
43; Karachians and Circassians. Caucasian nations, v. I. M., 1960, p. 175.
A. Lamberti. The description of Kolhida. The collection f materials for the description of local places
Balkarians and Karachians, p. 90; Leonid (L. A. Karelin). Abkhazia and its Christian antiquities. M., 1887
and so on.

S. I. Bakhia. Abkhazia Abipara patronymics. Tb., 1986. .

B. K. Gardanov. The communal order of Adigian nations. M., 1967, p. 148 150; V. V. Vasilkov. The
article of the Temigroians lifestyle. - The collection f materials for the description of local places and tribes
of Caucasus, add. 29, p. 82; M. A. Meretukov. Householding at Adigians. The culture and the lifestyle of
Adigians. Maikop, 1980, p. 9 and so on.
N. Berdzenishvili. The issues of Georgian history. Tb., 1990, p. 603 (in Geo. language)

F. A. Zavadski. Abkhazia and Tsebelda. Caucasus, 1867, 30 July, # 59; N. Dubrovin. Abkhazians,
p. 72 74; The historic note about the administration of Caucasus, v. I, 1907, p. 118 120; Sh. D. Inal-ipa.
Abkhazians, p. 399 and so on.

I. Averkiev. From the north-east coast of the black sea. -Caucasus, 1866, 22 September, # 74; F. A. Zavadski. Abkhazia; A-a. Economic condition of the native population of Sokhumi department. The collection of
data about the Caucasian highlanders, v. VI. Tb., 1872, and others.
Sh. D. Inal ipa. Articles about the history of the marriage and family of Abkhazians. Sokhumi, 1954;
L. Kh. Akaba. Abkhazians of Ochamchire region. Caucasian ethnographic collection, v. VII. M., 1955; A.
Kuchuberia. The large family of Abkhazians. Macne (the series of history), # 5, 1968; S. I. Bakhia Okruashvili. The main features of the Abkhazian lifestyle before the revolution. The Caucasian ethnographic
collection, v. VII. Tb., 1988. p. 85 114.
I. A. Kislakov. The inheritance and the property division of the nations of the middle Asia and Kazakhstan. L., 1977, p. 16 and so on.
M. L. Meretukov. The family and the marriage of the Adigian nations. Maikop, 1987, p. 52; S. I. Bakhia
Okruashvili. The main features, p. 96 98.

R. Topchishvili. The origin of the Georgian surnames. Tb., 1997, p. 38 39 (in Geo. language).
of the Adigian science researching institute of language, literature and history, v. VIII. Maikop, 1968, p.
305 307.
Ksaverio Glavani. The description of Circassia. Adigians, Balkarians and Karachians, p. 163; E. Chistiakova. The religion and the lifestyle condition of women at Shapsugians. The religious survivals of Circassian Shapsugians. M., 1940; Sh. D. Inal-ipa. Abkhazians, p. 476, 448 449.
Sh. D. Inal-ipa. The article about the Abkhazian etiquette. Sokhumi, 1984. p. 172.

(c] s

N. Dubrovin. Circassians (Adige); L. J. Lulie. The beliefs, religious ceremonies and prejudices of Circassians. The data of the Caucasian department of the Russian geographic committee, book. 5, 1862; E.
Veidenbaum. The holy groves and trees of the Caucasian nations. - The data of the Caucasian department
About the condition of Abkhazian by the religious means. - Caucasus, 1868, 10 January, # 5, p. 3 4; The
religious beliefs of Abkhazians. The collection of data about the Caucasian highlanders, add. 5, 1871, p.
6 7; G. F. Chursin. The materials about the ethnography of Abkhazia. p. 64 76; Sh. D. Inal Ipa. Abkhazians, p. 516 564. , Ts. N. Bzhania. From the history of the household and the culture of Abkhazians,
p. 251 266 and others.
S. Nogmov. History..., p. 70-71.
Sh. Inal-ipa. Problems of the Ethno-Cultural History of Abkhazia, p. 175.
G. F. Chursin. The materials about the ethnography of Abkhazia, p. 34.
Ts. N. Bzhania. From the history of the household and the culture of Abkhazians, p. 59, 61, 63, 305.
S. Bronevski. The newest geographic and historic data about the Caucasus, part I, p. 229; L. I. Lavrov.
Historical -Ethnographic Essau on the Caucasus. L., 1978, p. 41-47.
Sh. D. Ina- ipa. The issues of the ethno cultural history of Abkhazians, p. 175.
Kh. S. Bgazhba. The Bzipian dialect of the Abkhazian language. Tb., 1964, p. 244.
G. F. Chursin. The materials about the ethnography of Abkhazia, p. 28.

Chapter XIII. Abkhazia From the Beginning

of the 18th Century to the 80-s of the 18th Century

The Historic Documents of Kingdom of Imereti and Provinces of Guria and Odishi (1466-1770). Edited by
Sh. Burjanadze. Tb., 1959, p. 45; K. Chkhataraishvili. From the History of Georgias Domestic Relations,
p. 43 44; Ibid: West Georgia. . , In: Essays of History of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 455 (in Georgian).
Kartlis Tskhovreba, vol. IV, p. 863 (in Georgian); Mehmed Rashid. History, vol. II, p. 581; V. Chochiev.
The Data of Mehmed Rashid, p. 25 (in Georgian).
3 Kartlis Tskhovreba, vol. IV, p. 863-864; K. Chkhataraishvili. From the History..., p. 58-61; Ibid: West
Georgia..., pp. 457-458; I. Tabagua. Georgian-French Relations. Tb., 1972, p. 63 (in Georgian).
N. Shengelia. The Ottoman Documental Sources About the fortresses of Anaklia and Rukhi. Tb., 1982, p.

21, 23, 27 (in Georgian).

5 Ibid, p. 90-92, 97.
Kiatip Chelebi. The Calendar of the Historic Fact, p. 135; The Data of Katip Chelebi..., p. 134, 253; Kartlis
Tskhovreba, vol. IV, p. 883 (in Georgian); Sh. Burjanadze. The Map of Likht-Imereti of 1737 as the First
Source of the History of Georgia. The News of the Institute of Manuscripts, # 1. Tb., 1959, p. 192-197; K.
Chkhataraishvili. From the History..., pp. 461-462 (in Georgian).
Sh. Burjanadze. The Map of Likht-Imereti of 1737..., p. 183; K. Chkhataraishvili. From the History..., p.
462 (in Georgian).
The Data of Kiatip Chelebi..., p. 134.
N. Shengelia. The Ottoman Sources on the History of Georgia 15-18th Centuries, p. 116.
K. Chkhataraishvili. From the History..., p. 467 (in Georgian).

G. Paichadze. Russian-Georgian Political Relations in the First Half of the 18th Century. Tb., 1977, p. 63,
S. Jikia. The Documents About the One Episode of the Life of the Ottoman Garrison in Sokhumi. Georgia and the East. Tb., 1984, p. 217-223 (in Georgian).
Kartlis Tskhovreba, vol. IV, p. 784 (in Georgian).
N. Shengelia. The Ottomans Kuchuk Notes About the Sokhumi Castle. In: The Near East and Georgia. Tb., 1991, p. 311-314 (in Georgian); N. Shengelia The Ottomans Petitions, p. 274 286.

Sh. Burjanadze. The Map of Likht-Imereti of 1737..., p. 123, 225-226.

Kartlis Tskhovreba, vol. IV, p. 785 (in Georgian).
I. G. Antelava. The Essays of the History of Abkhazia of XVII XVIII centuries. The second edition.
Sokhumi, 1951, p. 156.
In: The works of Abkhazian institute of XIX c. Sokhumi, 1958, pp. 78, 81; K. Machavariani. The Descriptive
Guide..., p. 246.
B. Khorava. Interrelations of Odishi and Abkhazia..., p. 131 (in Georgian).
K. Chkhataraishvili. The West Georgia, p. 469 (in Georgian).

K. Machavariani. The Descriptive Guide..., p. 247.

B. Khorava. Interrelations of Odishi and Abkhazia. . , p. 131-132.
Ibid, p. 132.
Kartlis Tskhovreba, vol. IV, p. 783 (in Georgian); B. Khorava. Interrelations of Odishi and Abkhazia. . , p.
A. A. Tsagareli. Literacy and Other Historic Documents of XVIII century related to Georgia, vol. I. SP-b.,
1891, p. 28, 261.

K. Chkhataraishvili. The West Georgia in 70-80s of XVII Century, p. 665 (in Georgian).
B. Khorava. Interrelations of Odishi and Abkhazia..., p. 162.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 180.



I. Tabagua. The Legation of Sulkhan -Saba Orbeliani in France. In: Matsne, the series of History. . ,
1965, #3, p. 84 (in Georgian).
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 301-303 (in Georgian).
B. Khorava. Episcopate of Bedia. In: Historical Researches, vol. III. Tb., 2000, p. 41.
33 A. Tughushi. Episcopate of Tsaishi. Zugdidi, 2001, p. 87.
Ibid, p. 65.
35 J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 301-309 (in Georgian).

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 649.

Ibid, p. 287, 650.

Kartlis Tskhovreba, vol. IV, p. 786 (in Georgian).

Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani. The Trip to Europe. The works, vol. I. Tb., 1959, p. 231.

Chapter XIV. Abkhazia In The Late XVIII - Early XIX Centuries.

Entry of Abkhazia Under The Protection of Russia

N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 181.

N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 181-184; A. Pakhomov. Notes on the Estates of Prince George Sharvashidze. In.: Saistorio Moambe, #7, 1953, p. 244.
3 I. G. Antelava. The Essays on the History of Abkhazia of XVII-XVIII centuries, p. 82; G. Dzidzaria. Accession of Abkhazia into Russia. In. : The Proceedings, vol. I. Sukhumi, 1988, p. 22.
A. Pakhomov. Notes on the Estates..., p. 231, 244.

5 Z. Tsurtsumia. Several Issues about the History of Abkhazia in the Turkish historiography. In: Historical

Researches, vol. V. Tb., 2002, p. 130-132 (in Georgian).

The protecting treaty between Russia and Georgia (by kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti), signed in 1783.
Besarion Gabashvili (Besiki) the famous Georgian poet (1750-792).
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 331-339 (in Georgian).

N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 186; M. Rekhviashvili. Imereti in XVIII century. Tb., 1982, p. 220
(in Georgian).
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 186-188; B. Khorava. The mutual relationships of Odishi and Abkhazia...;, p. 167-168.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 190.
Acts, vol. II, p. 577, # 688, p. 340; N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 192.

A. Tsagareli. Literacy and other Historic Documentations, vol. II, add. II. S-Pb., 1902, p. 39-40.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia The Historic Region of Georgia, p. 287. Moscow bishop discussed
the pretensions of the ruler of Megrelia about the main part of the territory of that time Abkhazia in the
appointment of the archimandrite Pafnoti Khoziashvili (who was sent as the ambassador to Russia).

M. Dumbadze. Abolition of the Imeretian state, p. 855-856 (in Georgian).

Acts, vol. II, p. 340-341.
It seems that there is considered the year of arrival of the king of the united Georgia, Alexander I (14121442) to Abkhazian Eristavity, to whom the Eristav of Abkhazia, Sharvashidze, showed the taciturn obedience (see here, chap. VII, 2 of this book).
Acts..., vol. II, p. 463.
Ibid, p. 337-339.

I. G. Antelava. Essays on the History of Abkhazia of XVII-XVIII centuries, p. 88-99; N. Kortua. Georgia
in the Russian-Turkish War of 1806-1812. Tb., 1964, p. 109.
G. Dzidzaria. The Struggle for Abkhazia in the beginning of XIX century. Sokhumi, 1946, p. 11.
I. G. Antelava. Essays on the History of Abkhazia of XVII-XVIII centuries, p. 98-99.
Acts..., vol. II, p. 536.
Acts..., vol. III, p. 190, 194.

Ibid, p. 190.
Acts..., v. II, p. 191-192, 574.
Acts..., v. III, p. 190, 194.
Ibid, p. 190.



33 Ibid, p. 202, 209; The Assertion of the Russian Ruling in Caucasus, vol. III, part II, p. 541.

Acts, v. II, p. 191-192, 574.

35 Ibid, # 905, p. 517; # 906, p. 517 518; # 908, p. 518.

Acts..., vol. III, p. 193.

Ibid, # 912, p. 521.
A. Pakhomov. Notes on the Estates of Prince George Shervashidze, p. 231.

Acts..., v. III, p. 193.

Ibid. # 905, p. 517; # 906, p. 517-518; # 908, p. 518.
Ibid, # 918, p. 525-526.
Ibid, # 912, p. 521.
Ibid, p. 191-192.
Ibid, p. 194-195.

Acts..., vol. III, p. 193.

Ibid, p. 196.
O. A. Ardashelia. Eastern Policy of Napoleon I and Georgia. Tb., 2005, p. 79-80 (in Georgian).
A. R. Ioanisian. Accession of Caucasus to Russia and the International Relationships by the beginning of
XIX century. Yerevan, 1958, p. 145.

Acts, v. III, p. 197 198.

Acts, v. III, p. 199.
N. Kortua. Georgia in the Russian-Turkish War..., p. 185.



Internal Policy of Russia, vol. IV, p. 59-50.

53 G. Dzidzaria. The Struggle for Abkhazia, p. 16.

The fact is disclaimed by the Abkhazian historiography (O. Bgazhba, S. Lakoba. The History of Abkhazia, p. 213-214).
55 Acts, vol. III, p. 200; The Asseveration, vol. II, p. 41; N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 197.
Essays from the History of Abkhazian ASSR, Part I, p. 137.
Ibid, v. IV, # 575; B. Khorava. The mutual relationships of Odishi and Abkhazia..., p. 135-136, 178.
Acts, v. IV, # 578, p. 426; # 583, p. 429.

Acts, v. III, pp. 200, 201-202, 205; N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 197; Essays from the History
of Abkhazian ASSR, Part I, p. 137.
Acts, v. III, p. 198 199
Ibid, p. 201, 203.
Ibid, p. 206 206.
Ibid, p. 206.
Ibid, p. 208 209; N. Kortua. Georgia in the Russo-Turkish War..., p. 261.

N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 197.

Acts, vol. III, p. 209.

Acts, vol. III, p. 209; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia The Historic Region of Georgia, p. 661-662.
G. Paichadze. Abkhazia within the Russian Empire in 1810-1917. In: Researches..., p. 217. Z. Papaskiri.
Studies in History of Present-day Abkhazia. From Ancient Times till 1917, Part I, p. 128.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lakoba. The History of Abkhazia, p. 216 217.
Acts, v. III, p. 204; N. Berdzenishvili. Essays on the Georgian History. Book II. Tb., 1965, p. 408.

Acts, v. IV, #286, p. 206.

Ibid, # 284, p. 202 203; # 519, p. 389 390.
Ibid, # 524, p. 393 394; # 291, p. 209, # 290, p. 207; N. Dadiani. The life of Georgians, p. 200; N. Kortua.
Georgia in the Russian-Turkish War..., p. 248 255.
N. Berdzenishvili. Essays on the Georgian History, book II, p. 408.
Acts, v. III, p. 209; N. Kortua. Georgia in the Russo-Turkish War..., p. 257.

Foreign Policy of Russia, vol. , V. M., 1967, p. 372-373.

Ibid, vol. IV, # 529, p. 396.
Ibid, # 532, p. 396 -397.

Ibid, p. 421; A. Mikhaelovski-Danilevski. Description of the Turkish War 1806-1812, vol. III. S-Pb., 1849,
p. 266.
Ts. Kiria, Sh. Saria. Materials on the History of Georgia. Tb., 1967, # 5, p. 30.
Acts, vol. IV, p. 422-425; A. Mikhaelovski-Danilevski. Description of the Turkish War..., p. 266; S. EsActs, vol. IV, # 439, p. 328; Essays of the History of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 873; N. Kortua. Georgia in the
Russo-Turkish War..., p. 264-265.
Acts..., vol. IV, p. 425; A. Mikhaelovski-Danilevski. Description of the Turkish War..., p. 266; N. Kortua.
Georgia in the Russo-Turkish War..., p. 265; G. Dzidzaria. Accession of Abkhazia into Russia, p. 46.
Acts, vol. IV, p. 424; A. Mikhaelovski-Danilevski. Description of the Turkish War. . , p. 267; G. Dzidzaria. The Struggle for Abkhazia. p. 27.

Essays on the History of Abkhazian ASSR. Part I, p. 140.

Acts, vol. IV, # 434, p. 312; G. Vachridze. Temporary Governing in Imereti (1819-1840). Kutaisi, 1999,
p. 117 (in Georgian).
Acts, vol. IV, p. 425.
Ibid, # 434, p. 322.
Ibid, p. 425.
K. Kudriavtsev. Materials..., p. 158.
Essays on the History of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 873.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lakoba. The History of Abkhazia, p. 214.

Acts, vol. 4, # 536, p. 398-399.

Ibid, vol. 4, # 575; B. Khorava. The mutual relationships of Odishi and Abkhazia, p. 135, 136, 178.
Acts. . , vol. 4, # 578, p. 426; # 583, p. 429.

Chapter XV. Abkhazia in 1810-1880

1. The Trial of Strengthening the Russian Authority
in Abkhazia (1810-1820)

The Bucharest Peace.

Acts..., vol. IV, # 452, p. 339.

Acts..., vol. IV, # 544, p. 405-406; # 545, p. 406 -407; N. Kortua. Georgia in the Russian-Turkish War of
1806-1812, p. 266.
3 Internal Policy of Russia, vol. VI, p. 413-415, 417.

The Samurzakano issue.

The pretensions of Turkey.

N. Kortua. Georgia in the Russian-Turkish War of 1806-1812, p. 420-421; Essays of the History of Georgia, vol. IV, p. 876.
5 Acts..., vol. V, # 926, p. 785.
The Historic Documents and the Records of the State Museum of Georgia, II. The Historic Documents.
Book I. The Political Documents of the Imereti Kingdom (1784-1810). The texts with notes and guides had
been prepared for addition by Sh. Burjanadze. Tb., 1953, p. 136.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 204.
Acts, vol. V, # 926, p. 785-686.
Ibid, # 595, p. 504.

Ibid, p. 505.
Internal Policy of Russia, vol. VII, p. 743.
Acts..., vol. V, # 928, p. 789.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 205; N. Kortua. Georgia in the Russo-Turkish War of 1806-1812, p.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 205; Acts..., vol. V, # 935, p. 798.
Acts..., vol. V, # 935, p. 798; N. Kortua. Georgia in the Russo-Turkish War of 1806-1812, p. 446.
Acts..., vol. V, # 929, p. 790; # 934, p. 790.
Ibid, # 934, p. 796-797.

The Oath of Tsebeli and Samurzakano.

Ibid, # 934, p. 797.

Ibid, # 935, p. 798; # 936, p. 800.
Ibid, # 940, p. 805.
Ibid, # 940, p. 805, 807.

The beginning of Russian-Caucasian war.


Acts..., vol. V, # 599, p. 507-508.

The Institute of Manuscripts, A-1130, p. 79r-82v.
Ibid. , p. 94r-98; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia The Historic Region of Georgia, p. 293-295.

The attempt of strengthening the princely authority.


A. F. Fadeev. Russia and Caucasus..., p. 282.

S. Esadze. Historical Records on the Governance of the Caucasus, vol. I, p. 32; N. S. Kiniapina, M. M.
Bliev, V. V. Degoev. Caucasus and the Middle Asia in the Internal Policy of Russia (the Second Half of XVIII
80ies. XIX cent. ). M., 1984, p. 35; The Articles About the History of the South Caucasian Nations..., II, p.
Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 926, p. 644.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 209.

A Rebellion in Imereti and Abkhazia.



Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 926, p. 644.

Acts..., # 930, p. 645-646.
The Central Historic Archive of Georgia, fund 1087, schedule II, case 357, p. 14.
Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 744, p. 537.
33 G. Dzidzaria, J. Kacharava. From the History of the Common War of the Georgian and Abkhazian Nations (XIX -the beginning of XX c. ). Tb., 1981, p. 21.


The renewal of the Ottoman pretensions.


2. Peoples Rebellion and Military-Diplomatic Activities

of Russiain 20-ies of XIX Century
Rebellion of Abkhazians of 1821 and 1824

G. Avalishvili. The Trip From Tbilisi to Jerusalem. The text for the addition was prepared, with researches, notes and vocabularies was added by El. Metreveli. Tb., 1967, p. 29-30.
35 Acts..., VI, part I, # 896, p. 630.
B. Khorava. The New Dynasty of the Princedom of Dadiani. Tb., 2001, p. 31-62 (in Georgian).
Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 932, pp. 653-654.
Internal Policy of Russia, vol. XI, p. 467.
Acts..., vol. VI, part II, # 759, p. 429; # 760, p. 430.

The Institute of Manuscripts, fund of Veidenbaum, # 1717.

Ibid, # 1716.
N. Dubrovin. The History of the War and Authority of the Russians in Caucasus, vol. VI. S-Pb., 1888, p.
The Institute of Manuscripts, fund of Veidenbaum, # 1717; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority
in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 552.
Ibid, vol. II, part II, p. 552.
Ibid; N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 461-462.
The Institute of Manuscripts, fund of Veidenbaum, # 1718.
Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 934, p. 655.


The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 553-554.
Ibid, p. 554-556.
Ibid, p. 556.
Ibid, p. 553-558.
Ibid, p. 557.
53 Ibid, p. 558.


Ibid, p. 558-589.
55 N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 459.

Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 940, p. 659; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III,
Part II, p. 560.
Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 935, p. 655.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 209; Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 937, p. 656.

N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 209; Acts..., vol. VI, Part I, # 940, p. 659; # 941, p. 659, vol. VI, part
II, # 1094, p. , 646; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 560; N.
Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 464-466.
N. Dubrovin. The History, vol. VI, p. 460; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol.
III, Part II, p. 560.
Ts. Kiria, Sh. Saria. The Materials..., # 13, p. 34-39.
Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 940, p. 659; N. Dubrovin. The History. . , vol. VI, p. 464.

N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 209; Acts..., vol. VI, Part I, # 940, p. 657-659.
Acts..., vol. VI, Part I, p. # 940, p. 658-659; # 941, p. 659; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in
Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 563-564.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 209; Acts..., vol. VI, Part I, # 941, p. 659; N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 465.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 209-210.
Ibid, p. 210; N. Dubrovin. The History. . , vol. VI, p. 468; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in
Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 566.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 210-211.
Ibid, p. 211; N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 468; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in
Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 566.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 211; N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 469-470; The Ascertain-

ment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 566.
J. F. Gamba. The Trip to Caucasus. Vol. I. Translation and commentaries by M. Mgaloblishvili. Tb., 1987,
p. 86 (in Georgian).
The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 568.
Acts..., vol. VI, Part II, # 777, p. 437; # 779, p. 438. N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 471.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 211.
J. F. Gamba. The Trip to Caucasus, p. 81-82.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 211; N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 471; The Ascertainment
of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 568-569.
Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 944, p. 660.

Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 946, p. 661; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III,
Part II, p. 670.
Ibid, # 949, p. 661; # 948, p. 661; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part
II, p. 569.
N. Dadiani. The Life of Georgians, p. 212; Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 951, p. 662; # 953, p. 663; # 956, p. 664;
N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 471; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol.
III, Part II, p. 570.
Acts..., vol. VI, Part I, # 456, p. 664; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III,
Part II, p. 570.
The Articles of I. Dubetskoy, p. 133.
Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 953, p. 662; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III,
Part II, p. 570.

A. N. Diachkov-Tarasov. Gagra and Its Nearby Territories, p. 93.

the preface and notes by G. Gelashvili. Tb., 2005, p. 217; Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 962, p. 668; N. Dubrovin.
The History..., vol. VI, p. 512; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p.

Acts..., vol. Vi, part I, # 961, p. 665; # 962, p. 668.

The Articles of I. Dubetskoy, p. 133; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol.
III,Part II, p. 572.
G. Phillipson. The Memories. M., 1885, p. 191.
The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 572.
Eduard Eikhvald About Georgia, p. 216-217; N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 513; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 573-574.
The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 574-575.
N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 513-514.

Eduard Eikhvald About Georgia, p. 217; The Articles of I. Dubetskoy, p. 134; N. Dubrovin. The History...,
vol. VI, p. 514; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 575.
The Descriptor of the Georgian Manuscripts of the State Museum of Georgia. The New Collection (Q),
The Manuscripts of the Museum, vol. I. Tb., 1957, p. 265; Eduard Eikhvald About Georgia, p. 217; N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p 575-576.
Eduard Eikhvald About Georgia, p. 217; The Articles of I. Dubetskoy, p. 134; N. Dubrovin. The History...,
vol. VI, p. 516; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III, Part II, p. 577.
The Descriptor of the Georgian Manuscripts of the State Museum of Georgia. The New Collection (Q),
The Manuscripts of the Museum, vol. I, p. 265; N. Dubrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 516-517; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III. Part II, p. 578; The Articles of I. Dubetskoy, p.
Eduard Eichvald About Georgia, p. 218; The Articles of I. Dubetskoy, p. 136; N. Dubrovin. The History.
. , vol. VI, p. 517; The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus. Vol. III. Part II, p. 578.
The Article of the Management of the Arrangement of the Political Lifestyle of Abkhazia and Samurzabrovin. The History..., vol. VI, p. 517.
The Ascertainment of the Russian Authority in Caucasus, vol. III. Part II, p. 578-580, 581.

Abkhazia in the second half of 20-ies of XIX century.

G. Rogava. The Religion and Church in Georgia in XIX-XX Centuries. Tb., 2002, p. 80 (in Georgian).
Internal Policy of Russia, vol. IV, p. 850- 853.

E. Eikhvald About Georgia, p. 173.

Acts..., vol. VI, part I, # 960, p. 665.
coming of Its Remains in the Modern Conditions. Tb., 1972, p. 75.
Acts. . , vol. VII, # 332, p. 401.

3. The Abkhazian Princedom in 30-50-ies of XIX Century

Ibid, # 333, p. 401.

M. Selezniov. The Instruction to Study Caucasus. Book II, M., 1847, p. 180.
A. N. Diachkov-Tarasov. Gagra..., p. 94.
The Historic-Ethnographic Museum of Kutaisi. The fund of the Manuscripts, doc. # 1562 (in Georgian).
Acts..., vol. VII, # 335, p. 402.
1939, p. 108.

A. Shchirbatov. The General-Field Marshal, Prince Pskevich-Erevanski, v, III. SP-B., 1891, p. 229-230.
P. I. Pestel. The Russian Truth. SP-B., 1906, p. 48.

B. Khorava. Abkhazian Expedition in 1830. -The Historic Researches, VI. Tb., 2003, p. 93-112.
Acts..., vol. VIII, p. 449.
B. Khorava. Muhajirun in 1867 in Abkhazia, p. 28.

The missionary activities in Abkhazia.


A. Diachkov-Tarasov. Gagra..., p. 108.

Abkhazia in the Russian Literature. Sokhumi, 1982, p. 10-11.
B. Khorava. The Ascertainment of the Russian Governing in Tsebelda in 1837. - Materials of the Science
Conferences of the Young Scientists and Aspirants of IV Interuniversity Conference. Tb., 2006, p. 201-206;
The Essays from the History of Abkhazian ASSR, part I, p. 180.
Acts..., vol. VII, part I, # 341, p. 404.


J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 378, 379.

G. Rogava. The religion and church in Georgia in XIX-XX centuries, p. 83-85; J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 79.
G. Gasviani. The former and new Abkhazians, p. 139-184.

The Black Sea costal line and Abkhazia.

J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 394-395; The Central State Historic Record of Georgia,
fond 489, I, case 5095, p. 1.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 398.
Acts..., vol. IX, # 401, p. 460-460; B. Khorava. Muhajirun of 1867 in Abkhazia, p. 29-30.


G. A. Dzidzaria. The Attachment of Abkhazia to Russia, p. 50; B. Khorava. Muhajirun of 1867 in Abkhazia, p. 30.
N. A. Smirnov. The Policy of Russia at Caucasus of XVI-XIX centuries. M., 1958, p. 197.
Acts..., vol. IX, # 426, p. 492-493; The Essays from the History of Abkhazian ASSR, part I, p. 180.
G. A. Dzidzaria. The Attachment of Abkhazia to Russia, p. 63.
S. Z. Lakoba. The articles of the political history Abkhazia. Sokhumi, 1990, p. 17-18.
Acts..., vol. IX, # 432, p. 496, 497; B. Khorava. Muhajirun of 1867 in Abkhazia, p. 33.
G. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun and the Problems of Abkhazian History in XIX Century. Sokhumi, 1982, p. 373.

The Samurzakano issue.

Acts..., vol. IX, p. 513-519; A. Dziachkov-Tarasov. Gagra..., p. 121; B. Khorava. Muhajirun of 1867 in
Abkhazia, p. 35.
G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun p. 55, 69-70.
The Essays from the History of Abkhazian ASSR, part I, p. 183.
Z. Tsintsadze. The Issues about the Borders of Megrelian (Odishi) Princedom in the First Half of XIX
c. - The Collection of the Historic Geography of Georgia. # VII. Tb., 1989, p. 97 (in Georgian).
M. Dumbadze. The West Georgia in the First Half of XIX c. Tb., 1957, p. 268 (in Georgian).
Acts..., vol. X, # 256, p. 248.

Creation of Abkhazian eparchy.


Acts..., vol. X, # 278, p. 268; S. Esadze. Historical Records on the Governance of the Caucasus, v, I, p.
S. Esadze. Historical Records on the Governance of the Caucasus, vol. I, p. 135-137.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 413; Saint Archpriest Gabriel (Kikodze) and Abkhazia.
Compiled by J. Gamakharia. Tb., 2007 p. 567-568
Saint Archpriest Alexander and Abkhazia, p. 14-21.

The Crimean war and Abkhazia.

P. Guedella. Palmerston. London, 1926, p. 360-361; The History of Diplomacy, vol. I, p. 656-664.
Acts. . , vol. X, # 282, p. 270; # 283, p. 271; # 286, p. 273-274; E. Burchuladze. The Crimea War and
Georgia. Tb., 1960. p. 268-270.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 431.

N. Takalandze. Michael Sharvashidze and the Crimean War. - The Historic Researches. Tb., 1999, p.
E. Burchuladze. The Crimea War and Georgia. Tb., 1960, p. 270.
D. Ninua. Several Issues about the History of Abkhazia in the Period of the Crimea War, 1853-1856. The Proceedings of the A. Gorki Sokhumi Pedagogical Institute, vol. IX, 1956, p. 196.
E. Burchuladze. The Crimea War and Georgia. Tb., 1960, p. 405-421; The Essays from the History of
Abkhazian ASSR, part I, p. 196.
Acts..., vol. XI, # 43, p. 54.

4. The End of The Russian-Caucasian War and Weakening

of the Abkhazian Princedom.

S. Esadze. Historical Records on the Governance of the Caucasus, vol. I, p. 97-99.

A. Zisserman. The Field-Marshal Bariatinski. 1815-1879. M., 1888, p. 33-35.
Acts..., vol. XII, part II, p. 776.
Ibid, p. 792.

Acts..., # 737, p. 859-860; # 739, p. 861-865; The Essays from the History of Abkhazian ASSR, part I, p.
188; B. Khorava. The Conquering of the West Caucasus and Abkhazia. - The Historic Researches, VII, Tb.,
2004, p. 110-111.
G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 198.
A. Zisserman. The Field-Marshal Bariatinski, p. 388.

G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 183.

B. Khorava. Muhajirun of 1867 in Abkhazia, p. 61.
G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 195; B. Khorava. The Resettlement of Pskhuians. - The Proceedings of
the II Republic Conference. Kutaisi, 2004, p. 256-259.
S. Esadze. Historical Records on the Governance of the Caucasus. vol. I, p. 52; B. Khorava. Muhajirun
of 1867 in Abkhazia, p. 62.
G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 2008; B. Khorava. Muhajirun of 1867 in Abkhazia, p. 63.

The Central State Historic Record of Georgia, fond V, I, case 7506, p. 41; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia.
Abkhazia The Historic Region of Georgia, p. 329-333.
The Central State Historic Record of Georgia, fond 416, II, case 177, p. 48; G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 250-252.
S. Janashia. George Sharvashidze, p. 7 (in Georgian).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia The Historic Region of Georgia, p. 711-712.

The Central State Historic Record of Georgia, fond 416, II, case 177, p. 78; The Essays from the History
of Abkhazian ASSR, part I, p. 201; G. Dzidzaria. Accession of Abkhazia into Russia, p. 67.
Kavkaz, 1866, # 68, September 1 (in Russian).
The Central State Historic Record of Georgia, fund 545, I, case 91, p. 19; G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun. .
, p. 284.

Ibid. , p. 74; G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 284.

The Central State Historic Record of Georgia, fund 545, I, case 91, p. 19; G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun...,
p. 284.
G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun...., p. 285.
The Central State Historic Record of Georgia, fund 545, I, case 91, p. 4-6; G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun...,
p. 283.
G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 285-286.
Ibid, p. 286.

The central state historic record of Georgia, fund 545, I, case 91, p. 115; G. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 286.
G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 288.
Droeba, 1867, #23. We have to mark that in 1868 the inhabitants of Pitsunda district asked the commander of the Sokhumi military unit, General V. Geiman, to leave D. Chavchavadze as the commander of
the district, to whom they very quite thankful, mainly because of the position taken by him in the period of
Muhajirun in 1867 (The central state historic record of Georgia. Fund 545, I, case 324. p. 5-11)
The Saint Archpriest Alexander and Abkhazia..., p. 295; B. Khorava. Muhajirun of 1867 in Abkhazia, p. 70.
The central state historic record of Georgia, fund 545, I, case 91, p. 27; G. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 288.
The central state historic record of Georgia, fund 545, I, case 91, p. 28.

G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 279-289.

Ibid, p. 280.
The central state historic record of Georgia. Fund 545, I, case 91, p. 1; G. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 281.
Sh. Chkhetia. The documents..., p. 118-119.
G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 287-289.
B. Khorava. Muhajirun of 1867 in Abkhazia, p. 72-73.
The central state historic record of Georgia. Fund 545, I, case 252, p. 2.
The Collection of the Statistic Data about Abkhazia, vol. I, unit II, p. 39.

The church in Abkhazia in 60-ies

Grove. The Colt Caucasus, p. 212.
S. Esadze. Historical Records on the Governance of the Caucasus, p. 279; S. Lakoba. The Essays of the
Political History of Abkhazia, p. 89-90; p. 32.
B. Khorava. Muhajirun of 1867 in Abkhazia, p. 74.
The Russian orthodoxy: the volte-faces of history. Release of A. I. Klibanov. M., 1989, p. 442.
The Saint Archpriest Alexander and Abkhazia, p. 141-143.

The creation of Abkhazian written language.


The Saint Archpriest Gabriel and Abkhazia, p. 124, 200-204.

P. A. Uslar. The Ethnography of Caucasians. The linguistics. Abkhazian Language. Tf., 1887, p. 16-17.
P. A. Uslar. About the Composition of the Alphabet..., p. 48-49.

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia The Historic Region of Georgia, p. 374-375.

T. Gvantseladze, M. Tabidze, K. Sherozia, K. Chanturia. The Language of Worship and Religious Edu, vol. V. Kutaisi, 2001, p. 101-102.
Sh. D. Inal-Ipa. The Pages of the Abkhazian Literature. Sokhumi, 1980, p. 23.
Z. V. Anchabadze. The Essay of the Ethnic History of Abkhazian People, p. 89-90, p. 96.

5. Colonization of Abkhazia in 60-70-ies of the XIX Century

and the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878

K. Machavariani. Abkhazia and the National Knowledge in It. -Vestnik Obrazovania, 1892, # 6, p. 136.
The Review of the Activity of the Society of the Restoring of Orthodox Christianity at Caucasus in 18601910, p. 157.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia The Historic Region of Georgia, p. 336-339.
A. V. Vereshchagin. The Road Notes. . , p. 66.
A. V. Vereshchagin. The Black Sea Costal Side, p. 7-16.

A. V. Vereshchagin. The Black Sea Costal Side, p. 16-17; A. V. Vereshchagin. The Road Notes. . , p. 20.
A. V. Vereshchagin. The Black Sea Costal Side, p. 16-17; A. V. Vereshchagin. The Road Notes. . , p. 20.
A. V. Vereshchagin. The Road Notes..., p 79-95.
A. N. Diachkov-Tarasov. Abkhazia and Sokhumi in XIX century. - The Data from the Caucasian unit of
p. 431.
A. N. Diachkov-Tarasov. Abkhazia and Sokhumi in XIX century, p. 194.
A. N. Diachkov-Tarasov. Several Words about the Settlement of Tsebelda. - Kavkaz, 1868, # 129, 3 (15)
A. N. Diachkov-Tarasov. Abkhazia and Sokhumi in XIX century, p. 196.


Ibid, p. 196-199.
A. A. Olonetski. The Colonization of Abkhazia. . , p. 78; G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun, p. 432.
Ibid, p. 79.
V. Maevski. Kutaisi Province. Addition # 7, p. 90.
Saint Priest-Martyr Kirion II and Abkhazia, p. 203; Saint Archpriest Gabriel and Abkhazia, p. 44-58.

The Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 and the new Muhajirun of Abkhazians.


Sh. A. Megrelidze. Georgia in Russian-Turkish War in 1877-1878, p. 77-84; Sh. Megrelidze. Georgia in
the Eastern Wars, p. 74 (in Georgian).
A. N. Diachkov-Tarasov. Abkhazia..., p. 296-208; G. A. Dridzaria. Muhajirun..., p. 356-369.
Caucasian calendar for 1879 year. , p. 330-331.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 511, 515.


G. A. Dzidzaria. Muhajirun. . , p. 381, 396.

N. I. Marr. On the Language and History of Abkhazians, p. 177.
J. Gogebashvili. Writings, vol. III. Tb., 1954, p. 317.
A. A. Olonetski. The Colonization of Abkhazia..., p. 79.
S. Meskhi. The Settlement of Abkhazians. - Droeba, 1878, # 24, February 2.

P. Charaia. The land using in Abkhazia. - Kvali, 1897, # 13, March 23, p. 310
Tsnobis Purtseli, 1905, # 2821, May 17.
F. Gershelman. The Reasons of Problems at Caucasus, p. 21.
A. V. Vereshchagin. The Black Sea Coastal Side..., p. 22.
S. Lakoba. The Essays of the Politic History of Abkhazia, p. 89-90; p. 35.
Droeba, 1883, # 2440, November 29, p 311.

S. Kaukhchishvili. The History of the Settlement of Greeks in Georgia. - The Proceedings of A. Tsulukidze. Kutaisi State Pedagogical Institute, vol. VI. Kutaisi, 1946, p. 134-135.

Chapter XVI. Abkhazia from 1881 till February of 1917

1. Toughening of the colonial policy in 1881 1905
Colonization and the ethnic composition of the population.

D. Chumburidze. The Russian settlements in Georgia (XIX XX centuries) and the trancCaucasian unit
of the resettlement administration. The article of the history of the colonial politics of Russia in Georgia,
Book I. Tb., 2007, p. 85 86 (in Geo. language).
Tsnobis purtseli, 1902, June 25.

p. 80, 83.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia The historic region of Georgia, p. 57 58; J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia
and orthodoxy, p. 643.
5 J. Gamakharia. From the history of Georgian Abkhazian mutual relationships, p. 17; R. Chanturia. The
liberation movement in Abkhazia in the second half of XIX and in the beginning of XX cc. (1864 1905
years). Tb., 2006 (in Geo. language).
T. Gvantseladze. The massive changes of the Abkhazian toponyms after 1864 year. Caucasian Iberian
linguistic, v. XXXIV, Tb., 2000, p. 45 (in Geo. language).
Ibid, p. 47.

The social economic conditions.


O. Kh. Bgazhba, S. Lakoba. The history of Abkhazia, p. 261.

G. Zaridze. Several aspects of the social relations of Abkhazian nobility in XIX c. Klio, 2006, # 30, p. 104.
(in Geo. Language).
O. Zhordania. The history of the Christian reform in Georgia, Tb., 1982, p. 30.
republic of Georgia. The public council of Abkhazia in 1917 1921 years; his: the social economical condith
years of XX century. Tb., 2002, p. 3 17.
Kvali, 1899, # 3, March 28 (in Geo. language).
T. Sakhokia. The travels. Tb., 1950, p. 303 (in Georgian).

The anticolonial movement.

J. Gamakharia. From the history of Georgian Abkhazian mutual relationships, p. 18.

J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and orthodoxy, p. 610.
Look about this: The Sacred Archpriest Gabriel (Kikodze) and Abkhazia. Tb., 2007.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 516 517.
At the same place, p. 524.
Mtskemsi, 1885, # 18, September 5 (in Geo. language).

J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and orthodoxy, p. 552.

The Sacred priest Ambrosi (Khelaia) and Abkhazia. p. 62 68.
Look, The Black Sea Vestnik (informer), 1899, May 8 9. # 102 103; June 17, 18, 19, ##133 135; June
20 # 136. June 23 # 138.

the committee of the restoring the orthodox Christianity at Caucasus in 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901 years.
B. Zukhbaia. Sokhumi. Tb., 1997, p. 138; 50 years of the soviet Abkhazia. Sokhumi. 1971, p. 26.
The Sacred priest Ambrosi (Khelaia) and Abkhazia, p. 144, 145.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and orthodoxy, p. 598 601.
Z. Papaskiri. The articles, part I, p. 228.

The religious life.

Look. A. Nodia. The letter from Abkhazia. Iveria, 1902, March 29.
The Sacred priest Ambrosi (Khelaia) and Abkhazia, p. 385 391.
The Sacred priest Gabriel and Abkhazia, p. 64, 631 632.
At the same place, p. 671 672.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and orthodoxy, p. 610 612.



33 Ibid, p. 616 617.

35 S. Basaria. Abkhaz ia, p. 55; Look: G. Rogava. The spiritual activity of Georgians in Abkhazia in XIX
century. Tb., 2002, p. 34.
The Sacred priest Ambrosi (Khelaia) and Abkhazia, p. 63; A. Silagadze, V. Guruli. From the history of


K. Machavariani. The descriptive guide book, p. 190 191; look: Sh. Inal Ipa. Abkhazians, p. 505.
S. Avidzba. Novo Atoni Cathedral church of the name of saint Pantheleimon. Sokhumi, 1977, p. 6 8;
look: The sacred archpriest Gabriel and Abkhazia, p. 45 57.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and orthodoxy, p. 523
Ibid, p. 1020 1029
Ibid, p. 520.
Ibid, p. 520, 521.
Ibid, p. 80.
Ibid , p. 80.


Ibid, p. 78.
Ibid, p. 78 83.
Tsnobis purtseli, 1905, April 1 (in Geo. language), J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the historic region of Georgia, p. 363.
Look: I. Gelenava. Parish schools of Abkhazia (1900 1917 year). Logos, Tb., 2007, # 4 , p. 209 215
(in Geo. language); I. Glenava. About the several aspects of the religious educational politics of Tsarism in
Abkhazia in 1900 1917 years The historic verticals, 2005, # 9, p. 81 89 (in Geo. language)
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and orthodoxy, p. 1020 1029.
I. Gelenava. About the several aspects of the religious educational politics of Tsarism in Abkhazia in 1900
1917 years (on the bases of the data of Samurzakano). -Klio, 2005, # 26, p. 77 98.
53 N. Vekua. The elementary education in the pre revolutionary Abkhazia of 1851 1917 years. Sokhumi,
1958, p. 143.
N. Vekua. Sokhumi highland school (1863 1917 years. )- to the communistic raising up, 1958. # 5, p. 73.


55 D. Gulia. The history of Abkhazia, v. I, p. 21.

A. Khvingia. The memories. Manuscript, notebook # 2, p. 54; Look: The museum of Georgian education,
case 4669. p. 56; Z. Tsintsadze. At the sources of the rejection of Abkhazia from Georgia. The problems of
Abkhazian history, Tb., 1998, p. 138.
T. Mibchuani. Abkhazia, part I. Tb., 2006, p. 148 150.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the historic region of Georgia, p. 777.

2. Abkhazia in the period of the democratic revolution,


J. Gogebashvili. About Abkhazia. Works, v. IV. Tb., 1955, p. 200.

Iveria, 1903, # 118, June 4.
Iveria, 1903, June 28; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the historic region of Georgia, p. 362, 727
728; look: I. Gelenava. From the cultural life of Abkhazia (1917 1921 years). Tb., 2003, p. 36 36.

O. Bgazhba, S. Lakoba. The history of Abkhazia, p. 265.

S. Lakoba. Abkhazian gunmen of the revolution 1905 1907 years. Sokhumi, 1984, p. 42.
Ibid, p. 37.
J. Gamakharia, Abkhazia and orthodoxy, p. 617 680.

G. Sharvashidze. The work in two volumes, v. I. Kutaisi, 2006, p. 301 302.

J. Gamakharia. From the history of Georgian Abkhazian mutual relationships, p. 23.
Kavkaz, 1906. January 13.
book of Geography is said: The Abkhazians by their appearance greatly differ from the Circassians. . .
, the appearance is wild and rough. The main characteristic feature of the Abkhazians is - laziness and
carelessness; during the whole year the Abkhazian works nor more than 20-30 days, the rest of the time he
does nothing or wanders. . . The piece of a land being somehow toiled gives such harvest of the corn, that is
enough for the Abkhazian during the year (A. Baranov, N. Gorelov. The Geography of the Russian Empire,
Moscow, 1914, p. 139).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the historic region of Georgia, p. 393 394.

Z. Papaskiri. The articles, part I, p. 243.

N. Tavdgiridze, who during the years had the highest positions in Abkhazia (head of the town Sukhumi,
head of the Sukhumi district etc.), later wrote that: Here especially during the 15-20 years, their (Russians
author) work and propaganda was directed towards implementing of the idea to the Abkhazians that the
integrity with Georgia ruined them , that the Georgians are trying to swallow and destroy them. That
idea - he wrote: - with the help of the teachers and clergy was implemented at the schools among the pupils
(J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia, Abkhazia the historic region of Georgia, p. 66).
Tsnobis purtseli, 1905, May 5 (in Geo. language); J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the historic region of Georgia, p. 365.
Tsnobis purtseli, 1905, April 22 (in Geo. Language).

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the historic region of Georgia, p. 366 367.

Ibid, p. 729 730.
Z. Papaskiri. The articles, Part I, p. 243.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the historic region of Georgia, p. 731.
Ibid, 368 369.
Ibid, p. 66.

In the second State Duma (February June of 1907 ) from this regions Konstantine Kandelaki was
presented, In the third (September October of 1907 June of 1912 ) Pr. Sharvashidze again, in the forth
(September October of 1912 February of 1917 ) Samurzakono representative Akaki Chkhenkeli (G.
Saitidze. Georgian political idea and the state Duma of Russia (1905 1917). Tb., 2005).
The news of the trance Caucasus, 1909, February 18.

The Sacred priest martyr Kirion II and Abkhazia, p. 148. Before the attend of the Duma, On February 22 of 1906, the Sokhumi episcope Kirion and the Imeretian Leonid (Okropiridze) in Gachina met the
representative of the Abkhazian nobility origin, with the former Tbilisi Governor, the administrator of the
Emperor Nikolai II mothers council, General G. D. Sharvashidze (who was the great grand son of Kelesh
bei) As soon as the general was informed about the arrival of the Georgian archpriests he said: I sympathize autocephaly and autonomy . After this quite warm meeting, ep. Kirion wrote : I have heard from a
lot, that Sharvashidze in not the loyal Georgian, but this not true (Ibid, p. 118 119).
Ibid, p. 213.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and orthodoxy, p. 692; The sacred priest Kirion II and Abkhazia, p. 33, 305 307.
The sacred priest Kirion II and Abkhazia, p. 268.
Ibid, p. 423 438.

In March of 1906, in the magazine Kolokol, against the assignment of the bishop Kirion in Sokhumi,
I. Vostorgov, under the pen-name of Russian published the dirty letter the voice from Sokhumi. The
worthy response was given to him by the archpriest Ambrosi Khelaia in the special letter According the
including Abkhazia. One more letter against the Bishop Kirion under the title of is the end near? belongs
to I. Vostorgov, and it was published in September of 1906 in the same magazine (N 261).
On of them who had supported the rehabilitation of the Georgian archpriest was the deputy of the third
state Duma, prince P. Sharvashidze, which is proved with his letter for the name of Bishop Kirion of December 7 of 1909 (The sacred - Martyr priest Kirion II and Abkhazia, p. 329 330).
The sacred priest Gabriel and Abkhazia, p. 672.
Kvali, 1901, February 25 (in Geo. language); T. Sakhokia. My contemporaries, Tb., 1984, p. 52 (in Geo.
Iveria, 1899, May 28 (in Geo. language).
Tsnobis purtseli, 1904, # 2418, February 23 (in Geo. language).
Iveria, 1903, April 19 (in Geo. language).
Sakhalkho Gazeti, 1911, June 26 (in Geo. language).

Sakartvelo, 1915, December 12 (in Geo. language).

Sakartvelo, 1916, March 1 (in Geo. language).
Sakartvelo, 1915, November 3 (in Geo. language).
Sakartvelo, 1915, November 3 (in Geo. language).
Sakartvelo, 1916, February 9 (in Geo. language).
Themes, 1912, # 91, November 1 (in Geo. language).
Iveria, 1904, January 6 (in Geo. language).
Kvali, 1902, September 29 (in Geo. language).
Sakhalkho Gazeti, 1911, December 14; Tsnobis purtseli, 1904, November 17 (in Geo. language).
Batumis Gazeti, 1911, October 19 (in Geo. language).
Droeba, 1909, June 25; Batumis Gazeti, 1911, November 27 (in Geo. language).
Sakhalkho Gazeti, 1912, July 13 (in Geo. language).
Sakhalkho Gazeti, 1911, October 20; Sakartvelo, 1915, December 6 (in Geo. language).

Droeba, 1909, July 25 (in Geo. language).

Batumis Gazeti, 1912, July 27 (in Geo. language).
Gruzia, 1915, December (in Geo. language).
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 693.
The Caucasian calendar for 1917 year, Tb., 1916, p. 851 854.

The Soviet Abkhazia, 1917, September 2.

G. A. Dzidzatia. The formalization of the pre revolutionary Abkhazian intelligence. Sokhumi 1979, p. 111
in 1900 1907 years, The candidate dissertation Tb., 1999, p. 105.
The Caucasian calendar of 1917 year, p. 347 348, 373 374, 395 396, 414, 429, 435 436, 443 444.
Abkhazian literature. The short article, red. M. Mirneli. Tb., 1975, p. 14.
The anthology of the Abkhazian poetry, red. I. Abashidze. Tb., 1957, p. 7.
Abkhazian literature. The short article, p. 17.
The Sacred archpriest Gabriel and Abkhazia, p. 617.
J. Gogebashvili. The works, v. IV. Tb., 1955, p. 200.

J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 722 723.

J. Gamakharia. B. Gogia. Abkhazia the historic region of Georgia. p. 383 385.

J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 342 343.

The sacred priest Ambrosi and Abkhazia, p. 566.

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the historic region of Georgia, p. 385 386.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodoxy, p. 374 376.

Chapter XVII. Abkhazia as the part of the

democratic republic of Georgia
1. The issue of Abkhazia during the struggle for the state independence of
Georgia (February of 1917 May of 1918)

R. Grdzelidze. History of the Political Parties of Georgia (1910-1924). Tb., 1998, p. 82 (in Georgian).
G. Dzidzaria. Formation of the Pre Revolutionary Abkhazian Intelligetsia. Tb., 1979, p. 284; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 67-68.
3 D. Chitaia. Abkhazian Issue in the First Republic of Georgia. Peoples Council of Abkhazia. Tb., 2006, p.

J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and the Orthodox religion, p. 777-781. The Delegates of the Assembly were
mainly the peasants being brought from the different villages, with who was speaking one of the leaders of
the Bolshevik movement N. Lacoba and not the bishop. (G. Dzidzaria. Formation, p. 387-288).
5 Holly Martyr Kirion II and Abkhazia, p. 345-353, 473-474; Holly Confessor Ambrosi and Abkhaiza, p.
R. Grdzelidze. History of the Political Parties of Georgia, p. 109-121.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 389.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of ABkhzia, p. 289.
E. Eshba. Aslanbek Sheripov. Sukhumi, 1990, p. 158.
Chief speaker of the meeting was A. Sheripov. Georgian social-democrats (Mensheviks) had nothing in
common with his call to the congress, as writes V. Shnirelman (V. Shinerlman. Wars of Memory, p. 261).
Vice versa, even a speech made of by A. Chenkheli did not bring the desired results (O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba.
History of Abkhazia, p. 290).

S. Basaria. Abkhazia, p. 86-90; J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia. p. 69,
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 390.
Ibid, p. 397.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia: Problems of History and Politics. The collection was compiled by R. Kharebava. Tb., 2000, p. 90.
Ertoba, 1918, 22, 24 March (In Georgian).
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 290.

Gagra and Bzipi districts into the Sukhumi district.


Alioni, 1917, 30 November (In Georgian).

Status of the autonomous regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia within Georgia (1917-1988). Tb., 2004,
p. 213-214, 218.
A. Menteshashvili. Historical Premises for the Modern Separatism in Georgia. Tb., 1998, p. 16.

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 402.

In January of 1918 Town of Sukhumi and the whole Abkhazia was turned into the arena for robbery and
violence. Only introduction of the state of siege regulated the matter in the town and neutralized the criminals (Sakartvelo, 1918, 18 January. In Georgian), being the main support of the Bolsheviks.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical region of Georgia.
Ibid, p. 409.

The entry of the National Guard to Abkhazia was preceded by appeal of the head of the government of
the Trans Caucasus A. Chkhenkeli to the Abkhazian and Samurzakanians to immediately take all the
measures and stop the anarchy, call the peoples assembly and send to Tbilisi its representatives together
with us and the highlanders from the North Caucasus, work out the Constitution, state the right borders, in
In Georgian).
Sakartvelo, 1918, 1 June. In the Struggle against the Bolsheviks T. Marshania was ready to take part with
his array, but V. Jugeli, as Social-democrat did not accept the offer of the Prince (D. Chitaia. Abkhazian
Problem, p. 160).
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 294.
S. Basaria. Abkhazia, p. 91, 92; O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia. 295.


Sakartvelo, 1918, 23 May (In Georgian).

See: A. Chochua. Selected Works. Tb., 1978, p. 69 70.
Eri, 1992, 14 February (In Georgian).
A. Menteshashvili. Historical Premises, p. 18.
33 O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 300-301.
D. Chitaia. The Abkhazian Problem, p. 169.

2. Abkhazia Autonomous unit of the Democratic Republic of Georgia.

June of 1918 - March of 1919


35 J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 413.

Ibid, p. 748 749.

A. Menteshashvili. Historical Premises, p. 21.

O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 304-306.

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 414, 748-753, 759; A. Menteshashvili. Historical Premises, p. 21-22.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 752-753.

Ibid, p. 415, 753-756.

G. Mazniashvili. Reminiscences. Batumi, 1990, p. 59-79 (In Georgian); Sakartvelos Respublica, 1918, 30
July (In Georgian); Borba (Struggle), 1918 22 August etc.
S. Basaria. Abkhazia, p. 95.
Sakartvelos Respbublica, 1918 2 October (In Georgian).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 424, 766-767. 17 December of
1918. The Government of Georgia decided to hand to the Ministry of Justice materials on the study of the
Bolsheviks (J. Gamakharia. Form the History of the Georgian-Abkhazian Relations. Tb., 1991, p. 73 (In
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 312-313; V. Shnirelman. Wars of the Memory, p. 263.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia- Historical Region of Georgia, p. 78-81.



A. Menteshashvili. Historical Premises, p. 19.

D. Chitaia. Abkhazian Problem, p. 18.
Sakartvelo, 1918, 1 June (In Georgian).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia -Historical Region of Georgia, p. 423.
E. Eshba. Aslanbek Sheripov, p. 161.
53 Literaturnaia Abkhazia, 1991, N1, p. 201-202.


O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 310-311.

55 Ibid, p. 307-308.

Sakartvelo, 1918, 1 June (In Georgian).

G. Mazniashvili. Reminiscences, p. 97.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Goergia, p. 415-418.
Ibid, p. 77, 760.

Ibid, p. 418, 760-761.

Ibid, p. 418-419.
Ibid, 420-421.

J. Gamakharia. from the History of the Georgian-Abkhazian Relations, p. 63.

The so-called theory on the occupation and annexation by Georgia the territory of Abkhazia in 1918
- 1921 was called by S. Chervonnaia. The most absurd myth (S. Chervonnaia. Abkhazia, 1992; Post Communist Vandea of Georgia. M., 1993, p. 39, 40), though she does not deny, that in those extreme conditions
the complex and hard process of restoring of the Georgian Abkhazian State was accompanied with the
mistakes, faults, provocations, crime. Nevertheless, she writes: We cannot even speak about the annexation and occupation of Abkhazia by the Georgian Mensheviks in face of those historical facts (agreement from the 9 February of 1918; treaty from 11 June of 1918 author ). (Ibid, p. 42).
G. Dzidzaria. Formation, p. 294 295; J. Gamakharia. From the History of the Georgian-Abkhazian
Relations, p. 67-70.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 763 -766. The statement about
predominance of the Georgian delegates in the Council, as was groundlessly written by V. Shnirelman is not
true (See his: Wars of the Memroy, p. 263).
D. Chitaia. the Abkhazian Problem, p. 226-227.
The diplomatic representative of Germany in Georgia - Von Kress in his letter from 9 September of 1918

informed the minister on the Abkhazian Affairs in the government of Georgia R. Chkhotua that he met
N. Zhordania and discussed with him the problem of possible return of A. Sharvashidze to Abkhazia. The
head of the government of Georgia answered, that in such case the Abkhazian Peoples Council will solicit
the government for A. Sharvashidzes return to his mother-land and that latter will inform the Council on
his activities, and then the government is ready to meet the petition of the Peoples Council. On the 18th of
September of 1918 R. Chkhotua sent the letter of the German diplomat to Sukhumi addressed to V. Sharvashidze (D. Chitaia. Abkhazian Problem, p. 476).
S. Lacoba. Essays on the Political History of Abkhazia, p. 68; O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 314.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical region of Georgia, p. 84.
Ibid, p. 756.
A. Menteshashvili. Historical Premises, p. 25-26.

G. Dolidze. How Should we talk with the Russian Generals and Politicians or What Happened in Ekaterinodar 89 years ago. Tb., 2007, p64-65.
Ibid, p. 80, 81.
Ibid, p. 82-83.
Literaturnaia Abkhazia, 1991, N1, p. 202-203.

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 85-86.

There were arrested S. Ashkhatsava (Candidate on the post of the chair from the opposition), I. Margania, D. Alania, G. Ajamov, G. Tumanov, M. Shlatter etc.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 424-425.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 323.
J. Gamakharia. from the History of the Georgian-Abkhazian Relations, p. 73.

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 426.

A. I. Denikin. Essays on Russian Turmoil. Armed Forces of the South of Russia. Collapse of the Russian
Empire. October of 1918 -January of 1919. Minsk, Harvest, 2002, p. 282.
Denikin Judenich Vrangel, II edition. - M., - L., 1931, p. 100.
Separatist Historiography deliberately distorts the reality, blaming the government of Georgia in persecution of the Armenians, Greeks and other nationalities. (O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia,
p. 335-336). The valid facts prove the opposite. F. E. The residents of the village Armenian Atara being
displeased with the actions of the Georgian soldiers wrote to the Commissar of the Sukhumi district - B.
Ckhikvishvili at the beginning of 1919: We always were in friendly terms with the democratic brotherly
nation. During the Bolshevik anarchy in the district we worked and struggled together with the heroic
National Guard (of Georgia - author). In days of the Turkish landing troops we helped the army divisions
acting in our region. In the war of the Georgians and Armenians we proved our benevolent attitude towards
the democratic authorities. We strongly believe and trust and continue to believe and trust the democratic
authorities of the republic and its representatives the district, with whom we always have solidarity during
the elections in the Armenian national district council of Sukhumi (J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia: Problems
of history and politics. Tb., 2000, p. 1160. In March of 1919 the head of the Armenian national council of the
district and a member of the Abkhazian national council Kh. Avdalbekian wrote to N. Zhordania about
the independence of the Republic of Georgia had the strong sympathies towards the young democratic
giving its votes to the social-democratic party (J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region
of Georgia, p. 91). The same can be said about the Greek population, the national council of which under
the chairmanship of doctor I. Pashalidi supported Democratic Republic of Georgia. Even S. Basaria writes

about it (S. Basaria. Abkhazia, p. 95). The Greek society was persecuted not by the Georgians, but by the
Abkhazian bandit Bolshevik organization Kiaraz. It was discussed at the national council on the 20th of
July of 1918. The obvious support of Georgia by the Armenians and Greeks being the subjects of Turkey
then, can be explained with the state policy of leveling them in the social-economical aspect (giving the land
to the Armenians and Greeks, which was earlier allowed for them only to rent and political aspect (the
right of elect and be elected) with the Abkhazians and Georgians causing the discontent of the separatists.
The Armenians and Greeks were alarmed with the pro Turkish attitudes among the Abkhazian population
and this was the reason of their gradual closeness with the Georgians. Other national groups of Abkhazia
were also friendly with the Georgians. Loyalty to the Georgian State from the side of the German population appeared the ground for the trial of the separatists to punish them. In connection with this matter the
diplomatic representative of Germany in Georgia and Caucasus asked Minister on the Affairs of Abkhazia
to take necessary measures for defending of the German colonists from the possible danger (D. Chitaia.
Abkhazian Problem, p. 255-256).
A. Denikin. Essays on the Russian Turmoil. October 1918 January 1919, p. 283.
J. Gamakharia. from the History of the Georgian-Abkhazian Relations, p. 73.
The statement, that the Abkhazian people put under boycott the elections of the Organizational Assembly
of Georgia is not true (O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhaiza, p. 335). Failure of the Assembly of the
national council from the 25th of November of 1919 cannot be the ground for such statement. The Council
was discussing the issue of the additional elections into the Organizational Assembly (constituent meeting)
(D. Chitaia. Abkhazian Problem, p. 315-317).

3. The Political Situation in Autonomic Abkhazia

its Occupation by Soviet Russia. March of 1919 March of 1921

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 435.

Ibid, p. 433-435, 772, 774.

J. Gamakharia. From the History of Georgian-Abkhazian relations, p. 82

A. I. Denikin. Essays on the Russian Turmoil. October 1918 January 1919, p. 284.

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 436-437, 774, 775.

A. I. Denikin. Essays on Russian Turmoil. October 1918 January 1919, p. 288-293.
A. Menteshashvili. Historical Premises, p. 36-41.

A. I. Denikin. Essays on Russian Turmoil. October 1918 January 1919, p. 296

A. I. Denikin. Essays on Russian Turmoil. January 1919 March 1920. Minsk, Harvest, 2002, p. 237, 18
June 1919. E. Gegechkori appealed to the Italian mission with the request on the mediation and declared:
The Government of Georgia will accept the borders offered by Denikin, if between the river Bzip and
Mekhadir in the neutral zone the Italians will be dislocated. (D. Jojua. Georgian-Italian Relations in 1919
- 1920. Tb., 1997, p. 10. In Georgian). Later, when it became clear, that the Italian army would not come to
Georgia and would not replace the English, the government appealed to the latter on the neutralization of
the Gagra zone. In spite of this, The Georgian army stayed on the Mekhadir till the compulsory Sovietization of Georgia.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 320 etc.
N. Zhordania. My Past (Reminiscences). Tb., 1990, p. 110-111.
A. Denikin. Essays on the Russian Turmoil. January 1919 March 1920, p. 266-271.

A. Menteshashvili. Historical Premises, p. 46.

The same source, p. 46-49.
Occupation and Factual Annexation of Georgia. Documents and Materials. Tb., 1990, p. 75-76.
Ibid, p. 64-68.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 316-321.
A. Menteshashvili. Historical premises, p. 47-49.
In February of 1920 the assembly of the Abkhazian Intelligentsia accepted a special resolution on the
return of the Mukhadjirs and for the support appealed to the Government of Georgia. In spite of the fact,
that the problem of the Muhadjirs was posed on the 7th of April of 1920 by N. Chkheidze before the chairman of the Supreme Council of the European Union States, V. Shnirelman deceiving the readers writes, that
the address of the Abkhazians to the Government of Georgia was directed to the bureaucratic channels. (V.
Shnirelman. Wars of the Memory, p. 265).

Holly Confessor Ambrosi (Khelaia) and Abkhazia, p. 240 241.

Ibid, p. 101-102, 258-281.
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia and Orthodox Religion, p. 816 -821.
Ibid, p. 812 814; Holly Confessor Ambrosi and Abkhaiza, p. 291-295.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 336.

The Abkhazian National Council, having discussed at the assembly from 25 July of 1918 thesis on the
nationalization of the state institutions being sanctioned by the Ministry of the Inner Affairs of Georgia,
did not consider necessary to apply it to Abkhazia due to the multinationality of the region. The Council
resolved, To leave temporarily on the territory of Abkhazia, as the common language of the state institutions the Russian language (J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical region of Georgia, p. 422). On
the 30th of July of 1918 Ministry of the Inner Affairs of Georgia informed the chairman of the Abkhazian
national council, that the government never gave any orders concerning the nationalization of the institution in the Sukhumi district and further also the nationalization of the institutions of Abkhazia is not meant.
Postal-Telegraph institution of Abkhazia (As in Tbilisi, Zakatala and Borchalo districts) functioned in the
Russian and Georgian languages (J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia Abkhazia Historical region of Georgia, p.
761 762).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 454-456.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 336.
Z. Papaskiri. Essays, part II, p. 65.
Ibid, p. 66; S. Lacoba. The days in Sukhum-Kala were winged, 1988, p. 53-55, 63; O. Zhordania. Dimitry
Gulia:Materials form the Pedagogical activities. Bulletin of the centre for the spirituality and culture of
Abkhazia, 2008, N3, p. 6 (In Georgian).

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 453 454, 781. Status of the autonomous regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia within Georgia, p. 248.
Organizational Assembly of Georgia. Stenographic report. 45th assembly, 2 August of 1919. , p. 12-16 (In
Ibid, p. 16-17.
Ibid, p. 25-27.
Ibid, p. 28 (As it was said above, the Abkhazian national council on the 13th of May of 1919 was renamed
into the National Council of Abkhazia).

Ibid, p. 29-35.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia The Historical region of Georgia, p. 97.
All the three projects of Constitution of Abkhazia were published in the book. : A. Menteshashvili. Historical Premises, p. 80-94.
Status of the autonomous regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia within Georgia, p. 46, 248.

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 452.

Ibid, p. 100.

Central State Archive of Abkhazia, Fund I -39, inventory 1, act 12, pages 3 4.
Political opposition in the National council was not interested in the real constitutional rights of Abkhazia. In the declaration of the parliamentary party (fraction) of social-democrat-internationalists being declared in the National Council on the 25th of November of 1919 was said, that in the conditions of the modern
conjuncture democratic republic of Georgia is recognized and defended form the inner and outer enemies;
For the parliamentary party of the independency of Georgia was the means of achieving the goal; in the
future, with the change of the political situation, the internationalists would support joining of Georgia
and Abkhazia to the common family of the Russian peoples without the preliminary terms concerning the
form of the political structure of Georgia and Abkhazia in the common family (J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia.
Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 111). The sensation around the constitutional rights being made
by the separatists aimed not the winning of the real autonomy, but the failure of any agreement on the given
matter and criticism of the government. Acting in this way, we simultaneously were looking for the chance
of establishing contacts with the RSFSR and joining it, - openly wrote M. Tarnava (L. Toidze. On the Problem of the Political Status of Abkhazia. Tb., 1996, p. 6).
Central State Archive of Abkhazia, fund I-39, inventory1, act 12, pages 5 -7.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 101-102.
Stating, that N. Ramishvili threatened the members National Council is a fake of the separatists (O.
Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 334).

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 103.

Ibid, p. 105.
The Status of the Autonomous Regions of Abkhazia and South-Ossetia within Georgia, p. 257-261.

By the decision of the Government of Georgia from the 4th of November of 1919, as it was said above, the
Constitutive Meeting formulated the parity committee working fruitfully. Thats why the refusal to form
the parity committee repeatedly cannot be excused.
Status of the Autonomous regions of Abkhazia and South-Ossetia within Georgia, p. 261.

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 466-469.

Ibid, p. 465.

Sakartvelos Respublica, 1991, 6 June (In Georgian).

Struggle for October in Abkhazia. Collection of the Document and Materials. 1917 1921. Sukhumi,
1967, p. 172 173.
Ibid, p. 175 176. Stating, that the revolutionary committee, being formed in the middle of February of
1921 consisted of E. Eshba, N. Lacoba and I. Akirtava is not in compliance with the reality (O. Bgazhba, S.
Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 340).
Struggle for October in Abkhazia, p. 175.

Chapter XVIII. Political Status of Abkhazia

within the Soviet Georgia. 1921-1937

A. Menteshsavili. Historical Premise, p. 59.

B. Sagaria. Formation and Strengthening of the Soviet Statehood in Abkhazia (1921 1938). Sukhumi,
1981, p. 41.
3 Workers of Abkhazia to V. I. Lenin (1918-1921-1924). Collection of the documents. Compiled by G. Dzidzaria. Sukhumi, 1970, p. 31.
A. Menteshashvili. Historical Premises, p. 50-60. See also: G. K. Orjonikidze. Articles and Speeches,

volume I. M. 1956, p. 200-201.

5 J. Gamajharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia -Historical Region of Georgia, p. 469.
Declaration of the SSR of Abkhazia is associated without any basis with the name of V. Lenin by the separatist historiography. (O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 430-431). In reality, not a single letter,
address or greeting being sent from Abkhazia by the revolution committee or separate persons to the leader
(see. Workers of Abkhazia to V. Lenin), was not received, analyzed and answered personally by him.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia historical region of Georgia, p. 470-472. The plan of separation of

tially. The territory from the Cold River to Psou - Pilenkovo (Leselidze) volost remained within the Black
Sea district of the North-Caucasian region. From the 27th of April of 1922 the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of Abkhazia was unsuccessfully trying to make the All Russia Central Executive
Committee (ARCEC) to declare the border of Abkhazia with Russia the river Psou. The authorities of Russia not only refused to meet the appeal of the CEC of Abkhazia, but even did not obey the decree of the Presidium of the CEC of the USSR from the 31st of October of 1924 on joining the Pilenkovo volost to Abkhazia.
After the interference of the leadership of the Trans Caucasian Federation (Sh. Eliava, S. Ter-Gabrielian) of
the CEC of the USSR on the 25th
ties of the Russian Federation to put into practice the decree from the 31st of October of 1924. The Russian
side agreed to form a special commission with the participation of all the interested sides. On the basis of the
commissions conclusion working from August of 1925. The Presidium of the CEC of the USSR on the 31st
out according to the decision of the same Presidium of the CEC of the USSR from the 12th of April of 1929
(B. E. Sagaria. From the history of restoration of the state borders of Abkhazia Izvestia (information) of
the D. Gulia Abkhazian Institute of Language, Literature and History. XIII. Tb., 1985, p. 16-20).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia - the Historical Region of Georgia, p. 473-474.
Ibid, p. 118.
Ibid, p. 480-481.
Strengthening of the Soviet Power in Abkhazia. Collection of Documents and Material (1921-1925).
Sukhumi, 1957, p. 44-51.

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical region of Georgia, p. 118-119.

Ibid, p. 480.
Ibid, p. 117.
Pravda Gruzii (The truth of Georgia), 1921, 22nd of November.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 475.
V. Lenin. Full Collection of the Works, vol. 43, p. 198-200.
V. Lenin. Biographic Chronicles, vol. XI. M., 1980, p. 270.

M. Vachnadze, M. Guruli. Together with Russia or without it. Tb., 2007, p. 59-60 (in Georgian).
A. Menteshashvili. Historical Premises, p. 67.
Abkhazia was obliged to inform it on the expanses and give the appropriate reports. In replenishment of the
budget of Georgia the sovereign Abkhazia participated even in 1921. (J. Gamakharia. From the history
of the Georgian Abkhazian relations, p. 118-120).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia. , p. 118.
Ibid, p. 475.

Ibid, p. 481.
On the 14th of November of 1921 the plenum of the CC of the Communist Party of Georgia approved the
decision of the Caucasian Bureau on formation of the Trans Caucasian Federation (Essays on history of
the communist party of Georgia, part. II Tb., 1983, p. 28). But a group of the leading Georgian executives
headed by B. Mdivani and being well-known as national-uklonists was against that idea. It seems that E.
making an impact on the national- uklonists he was given a task to make such kind of proposal.
On the 29th of October of 1921 the Caucasian Bureau requested from Sukhumi the data on the national
composition of Abkhazia. The leading party organ the organizational bureau RCP in Abkhazia sent to
the Caucasian party bureau the following statistic data: Georgians 70, 114 (38 %) Highlanders and
Abkhazians 45, 705 (25%) , the various Asian people - 20, 196 (11. 1 %), Russians - 18, 97, (9. 9 %) , other
European people 13, 784 (7. 6%), Armenians - 13, 038 (7. 5%), Jews 448 (0. 3%). See. J. Gamakharia.
From the History of the Georgian Abkhazian Relations, p. 124.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 481-482.
Ibid, p. 482.
On Georgias behalf the agreement was signed by the vice-chairman of the revolution committee S.



Kavtaradze, on behalf of Abkhazia - the representatives of Abkhazia in the government of Georgia N.

Akirtava and vice-chairman of the peoples council - S. Kartozia (an Abkhazian).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 483-484.
Formation of the Union of the Socialist Soviet Republics. Collection of the documents. M., 1972, p. 237238.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 342.
33 Formation of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics, p. 257 -259, 349-359.
Ibid, p. 381-386.
35 O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia. P. 342.
Pravda, 1922, 31st of December.
Z. Papaskiri. Essay. Part II, P. 98.
Ibid, p. 98-99.

L. Toidze. On the Problem of the political Status of Abkhazia. P. 20-21. The author points out to the original: Archive of the political parties (Tbilisi), Fund 14, inventory 2, act 1, p. 230-235.
Assembly of the councils of Abkhazia. Collections of the documents and material. 1922-1023. Sukhumi,
1959. p. 153; Z. Papaskiri. Essays, part II, p. 99.
Sakartvelos Respublica, 1991, 19th of February (publication of the protocol of the plenum with the introduction of president Z. Gamsakhurdia).
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia - Historical Region of Abkhazia, p. 489.
According to the Constitution of 1924 9 IV. 15), autonomous republics of Russia used to send to the Council of the Nationalities of the Supreme Council of the USSR 5 representatives each (i. e. 5 times more that the
sovereign Abkhazia) and the autonomous districts 1 representative each (as Abkhazia).

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 489-491.

N. Lacoba. Articles and Speeches. Sukhumi, 1987, p. 176-178.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 491.
autonomous republics of the Trans Caucasus. Collection of the documents (1923-1937), vol. I. M., 1964, p.
Assemblies of the Unions, Vol. 6, p. 673. As a source is named:Bulletin of the III All Abkhazian assembly of the Unions. Edition ABCEC, p. 10-11.

L. Toidze. on the Problem of the Political Status of ABkhaiza, p. 25.

History of the Abkhazian ASSR, 1983, p. 197.
L. Toidze. On the Political Status of Abkhazia, p. 25.
Komunisti, 1926, 13th of June (in Georgian).



53 Comminsti, 1926, 15th of June (in Georgian); Working Abkhazia, 1926, 19th of June.

I. Stalin. The Essay, vol. 5. M. 1953, p. 24, 35036, 38, 188-189 etc.
55 According to the census of the population of 1926 all the population of Abkhazia comprised 212 000

persons and among them the Georgians 68 000, Abkhazians 55, 9 Armenians 34, 7, Russians - 20, 4,
Greeks 27 000, others 6 000. (A. Lezava. Alteration of the class-national structure of the population of
Abkhazia (end of the 19th century - 70-ies of the 20th century). Sukhumi, 1989, p. 26.
Comunisti, 1926, 16th of June (in Georgian. ); Working Abkhazia, 1926, 16th of June.
I. Stalin. Essays, vol. 5. M., 1953, p. 27-28, 40, 187-190 etc.
In March of 1923 I. Stalin being especially strict in respect of the Georgian people, wrote about the
mythical Georgian chauvinism, being directed towards the Armenians, Ossetians and Abkhazians. (I. Stalin. Essays, vol. 5, p. 189). In spite of the falseness of that statement, the Georgian Bolsheviks had to struggle
against that invented chauvinism.

Collection of the Constitutional acts of Georgian SSR, p. 117-120 (in Georgian).

According to the agreement being made between Georgia and Abkhazia on the 16th of December of
Post and Telegraph, Special Commission (CHEKA), Workers and Peasants Inspection, Justice, Maritime
Transport. The problems of the Foreign affairs were handed over to Georgia. The railway stations and the
international trade were passed over to the Federation of the Trans Caucasus, being in the stage of formation.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 497-502, 508.
Statement of B. Sagaria on the matter, that the Constitutions of 1926 consolidated equal federal statelegislative relations of Georgia and Abkhazia (Unity, 1990, N3), are far from the reality.

The separatists dont like the single representatives of the Soviet Regime, especially the persons of the
Georgian nationality (I. Stalin, L. Beria etc. ), blaming them in all the sins (See the details on this matter: Z.
Papaskiri. Essays, II, p. 120-131.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 121.

Ibid, p. 474-480.
Ibid, p. 478-480.
The Saint Confessor Ambrosias and Abkhazia, p. 351.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 122.
Trudovaia Abkhazia, 1926 9th of June. From the all 14 leading authorities of the central organs of the
power in 1927 were 9 Abkhazians, 3 Georgians, 1 Armenian, 1 Russian and 1 Greek. By 1929 the situation
was somewhat changed: 7 Abkhazians, 5 Georgians, 1 Russian, and 1 Greek. (J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia.
Abkhazia Historical Region of Georgia, p. 801).

Almost in the same situation appeared to be Nakhichevan, which was claimed Azerbaijan and Armenia.
In July of 1920 the Nakhichevan SSR was announced. In 1923 it was included in Azerbaijan with the status
of the Autonomous district and from 1924 as an Autonomous Republic.
L. Toidze. For the Problem of the Political Status of Abkhazia, p. 26.
Ibid, p. 27.

J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia Historical region of Georgia, p. 125, 503-504.

Ibid, p. 503.
Comunisti, 1931, 20th of February (in Georgian); Congresses of the Councils Tb., p. 557-561.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkahzia, p. 347.

In details about this problem See: Z. Papaskiri. Essays, part II, p. 110-113, 117, 121-123. J. Anchabadze. from the History of Georgia-Abkhazian Relations. Tb., 2005, p. 76.
Materials on History of Abkhazia, I Edition. Sukhumi, 1990, p. 12.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 343.
Ibid, p. 344.
Congresses of the Councils, Tb., p. 766-787.
The VIIth all Georgian Congress of the Councils (stenographic report). Tb., 1935, p. 284.

In his report N. Lacoba remarked, that the document processing was performed in the native Georgian
language only in Gali region (Soviet Abkhazia, 1935, 16th of January).
Soviet Abkhazia, 1935, 14th January; Congress of the Councils, Tb., p. 764-765.
The Status of the Autonomous Regions of Abkhazia and South - Ossetia within Geogria, p. 337-343.
Ibid, p. 343-348; Soviet Abkhazia, 1937, 4th of August.

Chapter XIX. Abkhazia during the Epoch of the

Soviet Socialism 1938-1990.

Soviet Abkhzia, 1938, 14-16th July.

History of Abkhazia. Sukhumi, 1991, p. 348.

3 Z. Papaskiri. The myth on the crash of the ethno I culture of the Abkhazians from Georgias side at the

end of the 30-40ies of the 20th century. Historic researches, VI. Tb., 2003, p. 134.
Teachers Newspaper, 1938, 3rd of August.
5 In 1862 1865 the Abkhazian written language being formed by general I. Bartolomei and especially by P.
underwent two stages of Latinization. In 1926 N. Marr composed a Latin font and in 1928 N. Jakovlev created the Latin graphical images for the Abkhazian language; it was in use till 1938.

In this context is worth attention the fact, that in Armenia which was not responsible for the autonomous
formation, the Kurd written language was transformed to the Armenian graphical images.
History of Abkhazia, 1991, p. 348.
Soviet Abkhazia, 1937, 11th of July.
Out of the 7 members of the commission (chairman D. Gulia) 5 were Abkhazians.
T. Gvantseladze. on the History of the Transformation of the Abkhazian graphical Images to the Georgian. Bedia, N6-7. Tb., 2000, p. 89.

T. Gvantseladze. on the History p. 88-89; Z. Papaskiri. The Myth on the Crash p. 9.

Kh. Bgazhba. Works, Book I. Sukhumi, 1987, p. 28.

with the teaching process in the language of the corresponding

republic or the Russian language

G. Lezhava. between Georgia and Russia. M. 1997, p. 121-122.


V. Pachulia. Councils of the Abkhazian SSR in the period of the great world war (1945 -1945). Sukhumi,
1990, p. 15.
Apsni Kapsh, 1989, 2nd of August.
Council of the Peoples Commissars of the USSR and CC of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union beth
of January of 1938 ) on the 13th of March of 1938. The decree was on the
compulsory study of the Russian language in the national schools of the Soviet Socialist and Autonomous
Republics and also in the Autonomous Regions. According to one of its articles, the teaching process of the
Russian language at the lesson ought to be conducted only in the Russian language (Directives of SCP (B) and
decree of the Soviet Government on the National Education from 1917-1947. I issue. M. - L. , 1947, p. 183).
History of Abkhazia. 1991, p. 360.
Ibid, p. 361.
Abkhazian Labyrinth. Tb., 1999, p. 25-26.

B. Shinkuba. Collection of works in four volumes, v. III. Sukhumi, 1989, p. 540 (in Abkhazian). Here and
further is given the translation of the material in the Abkhazian language belongs to professor T. Gvantseladze for what we are expressing our gratitude.
History of the Abkhazian Literature, book I. Sukhumi, 1986 (In Abkhazian).
V. Pachulia. Councils of the Abkhazian ASSR, p. 15.
V. Kvarchia. Oikonyms of Abkhazia in the written sources. Sukhumi, 1985, p. 45.
V. Pachulia. Council of the Abkhazian ASSR, p. 16-17.

A. Mgeladze. Stalin, as I know him. The pages of the nearest past . Tb., 2001, p. 108.

O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 357-358. Migration of the residents of West Georgia to
Abkhazia, where, as it has been shown above, only in the 16-17th centuries the Apsua-Abkhazians gained a
footing, driving out the Georgian population or assimilating it - is the fully legitimate action (see, in the same
source, chapter IX).

Sabchota Abkhazeti, 1953, 4th October (In Georgian).

Zaria Vostoka, 1954, 5th of January; Apsni Kapsh, 1954, 8th of January (in Abkhazian).
History of Abkhazia, 1991, p. 368-369.


33 G. Lezhava. Abkhazia: Autonomy of the Intra National Tension. M., 1999, p. 127.


D. Sturua. Separatist Movement in Abkhazia in 60-70-ies of the 20th century.

35 Ibid, p. 21.

Ibid, p. 22.

G. Lezhava. Abkhazia: Anatomy of the intra national tension, p. 133.

D. Sturua. Separatists Movement in Abkhazia, p. 44.
Ibid, p. 35.
L. Lezhava. Abkhazia: Anatomy of the Intra National Tesion, p. 150.
Z. Papaskiri. Essays, part II, p. 173.

D. Sturua. Separatists Movement in Abkhazia, p. 47.

G. Lezhava. Abkhazia: Anatomy of the Intra National Tension, p. 151.
Ibid, p. 152.

Zaria Vostoka, 1978, 7th of May (In Georgian).

G. Lezhava. Abkhazia: Anatomy of the Intra National Tension, p. 159.

L. Marshania. Tragedy of Abkhazia. Tb., 1995, p. 11-12.

O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 414.




Izvestia, 1990, 10th of March (in Georgian).

55 Komunisti, 1990, 10th of March (In Georgian).
The Presidium of the Supreme Council of Georgia by the decree from the 20th of June 1989 formed a commission on the problems of political and legislative assessment of breaching of the agreement from the 7th of
May of 1920. The Supreme Council of Georgia on the 18th of November of 1989 approved the conclusion of
the commission and before the congress of the peoples deputies of the USSR put the question of legal and
political assessment of the breach of the agreement between Georgia and Soviet Russian from the 7th of May
of 1920 (L. Toidze. Intervention and Occupation, p. 309 334).

Soviet Abkhazia, 1990, 28th of August.

Komunisti, 1990, 26th of August (In Georgian).
J. Gamakharia. Abkhazia, p. 8.

Independence of Georgia (1990 1992)

On the basis of the referendum from the 31st of March 1991 the Supreme Council of Georgia on the 9th of
April of 1991 accepted the Act on the restoration of the State independence. ON 26th of May of the same year
3 The detailed analyses of this process are interesting as the after-war military nomenclature was mainly

formed on the basis of the war party.

Solidarity (Aidgilara), 1989, N1, 25th of October.

5 A. Krilova. Abkhazian Marathon. Crisis of UIS. www. novopol. ru/article 1283.
I. Lacoba participated in the elections of 2003 to the State Council from the list of the Russia Peoples

S. Chervonnaia. Abkhazia . . , p. 113.

khazian (1989 2001). The collection of political legal acts. Author T. Diasamidze. Tb., 2008, p. 50-56.


J. Gamakharia. Policy of Zviad Gamsakhurdia in Abkhazia (1990-1993). Tb., 2004, p. 7.

Sakrtvelos Respublica (Republic of Georgia), 1991, June 8th.
Apkhazetis Khma (Voice of Abkhazia), 1991, 18th July.

J. Gamakharia. Policy of Zviad Gamsakhurdia in Abkhazia, p. 11 (in Georgian).

Ibid, p. 12-13.

The session of the newly elected Supreme Council of Abkhazia was open exactly on the day when president Z. Gamsakhurdia was forced to leave Georgia on the 6th of January of 1992.

Abkhazetis Khma (Voice of Abkhazia ), 1992, 12 May.

As, for appointing the ministers two third of the votes were needed, the Supreme Council appointed the
executives of the ministry duties with the simple majority of votes.

Free Georgia, 1992 27th of June.

S. Lacoba. Abkhazia de-facto or Georgia de-jure? Khokkaido, 2001, p. 25.
Z. Papaskiri. Essay , part II, p. 355.
Abkhazians Labyrinth. Tb., 1999, p. 32.
O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 415. On the Constitution of 1925. See here: chap. XVIII.

Chapter XXI. Abkhazia in 1992-2011

1. War in Abkhazia 1992-1993

G. Gasviani, T. Gasviani. War in Abkhazia. Tb., 2005, p. 161 (in Georgian).

D. Japaridze. Tragedy in Abkhazia. www.abkhazeti.narod.ru./pages/2/161.htm.

3 Labyrinth of Abkhazia, p. 125.

G. Gasviani, T. Gasviani. War in Abkhazia, p. 172-173.

5 Abkhazian Labyrinth, p. 208.

Z. Papaskiri. Assays , part II, p375.

Essays from the History of Georgia. Abkhazia. Tb., 2007, p. 357 (in Georgian).
Z. Papaskiri. Essays , Part II, p. 389.

O. Bgazhba, S. Lacoba. History of Abkhazia, p. 380.

G. Gasviani, T. Gasviani. War in Abkhazia, p. 180.
Abkhazetis Khma (Voice of Abkhazia), 1993, 14th of January (in Georgian).

Information of the Parliament of Georgia, 1993, N5-8, p. 135-136 (in Georgian).

Abkhazian Labyrinth, p. 150.

G. Gasviani, T. Gasviani. War in Abkhazia, p. 191.

G. Gasviani, T. Gasviani. War in Abkhazia. p. 198.

E. Shevardnadze. Thought about the past and future. Tbilisi, 2005, P. 177 (in Georgian).

2. Abkhazia in the Post War Period. 1993 2011.

As for example separation of Slovakia from Chekhoslovakia on the 1st of January 1992.

Ibid, p. 39-40.

G. Gasviani, T. Gasviani. War in Abkahizia, p. 215.

www. documetn. kremlin. ru/doc. asp. ID=051405.

The newspaper 24 Hours, 2010, 17th November.

The newspaper 24 Hours, 2010, 22nd November.

Chapter XXII. History of Ethnodemographic Development of the

Population of Modern Abkhazia

V. Jaoshvili. the Population of Georgia. Tb., 1996 (in Georgian).

B. Z. Ashuba. On the History of Formation of the Modern Ethno demographic Situation in Abkhazia. The Population of the USSR in the 20-ies. M., 1991.
3 Dubua deMonperet. Travel around the Caucasus, vol. I. Sukhumi, 1937, p. 123.
P. Gugushvili. Sociological Scetches, vol. II. Tb., 1971, p. 351-352.
5 J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the historical region of Georgia, p. 309 311, 679.

1. National Composition of the Population of the Sukhumi Region

Sokhumi Region



South Caucasian


Ochamchire Region
Pitsunda Region

26. 475






32. 179




7. 080


13. 205


41. 364

26. 475

V. Jaoshvili. the Population of Georgia. Tb., 1996, p. 74.

Ibid, p. 78.
J. Gamakharia, B. Gogia. Abkhazia the Historical Region of Georgia, p. 352.
A. Totadze. Population of Abkhazia. Tb., 1994, p. 7.


J. Gamakharia Abkhazia and Orthodox Religion. Tb., 2005. P. 593-594

Saint Martyr Kirion II and Abkhazia. Tb., 2006, p. 124.

2. National Composition of the Population of Abkhazia. Graph. 2


J. Gamakharia. From the history of the Georgian-Abkhazian Relazions, p.124

Conclusion of the State Committee of Georgia on stating the fact of genocide and ethnic cleaning on the
territory of the autonomous Republic of Abkhazia.

Chapter XXIII. North-West Georgia on the Historical Maps


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