Perak-Answer Physics-Trial SPM 2007

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FIZIK (4531)


Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 14 halaman bercetak



PHYSICS PAPER 1 (4531/1)

PHYSICS PAPER 1 (4531/1)

1 D 26 D
2 A 27 C
3 C 28 C
4 C 29 A
5 C 30 B
6 D 31 B
7 B 32 B
8 B 33 C
9 C 34 A
10 C 35 C
11 D 36 A
12 C 37 D
13 C 38 B
14 C 39 B
15 B 40 A
16 A 41 C
17 B 42 D
18 A 43 A
19 A 44 C
20 C 45 A
21 D 46 C
22 D 47 D
23 C 48 B
24 A 49 B
25 C 50 A

4531 2


PHYSICS PAPER 2 (4531/2)


1. (a) (i) To measure the the potential difference across the wire/conductor 1 mark
(ii) Ammeter 1 mark
(b) (i) Error due to the instrument which has a reading when it is not in 1 mark
(ii) 1 μA 1 mark
(4 marks)

2. (a) (i) More responsive to heat 1 mark

(ii) The fine and uniform tube allows a movement of the liquid to be 1 mark
observed Easily / higher sensitivity
(b) (i) 15 mm/1.5 cm 1 mark
(ii) θº = 150 - 15 x 100 1 mark
190 - 15
1 mark
= 77.20

(5 marks)

3. (a) electromagnetic waves / transverse waves 1 mark

(b) Constructive interference takes place and bright fringes are observed. 2 marks
Destructive interference takes place and dark fringes are observed.
(c) Lights with one colour or one wavelength 1 mark
(d) ax 2 marks
o.5 x 10 -3 x 6 x 10 -3

 6 x 10 meter

(6 marks)

4. (a) Total internal reflection 1 mark

(b) (i) Light ray as follow

4531 3


3 marks

1 mark

(c) Inverted / virtual 1 mark

(d) 1
sin C
1.76 
sin C 2 marks
C  34.6 o
(7 marks)

5. (a) Distance/time 1 mark

(b) 1 Before: water levels are the same and the roof stay intact 1mark

2 After : water levels are not the same and the roof rise up 1 mark
(ii) Pressure above the roof is higher compare to pressure 1 mark
(iii) Speed increases pressure decreases or vice versa 1 mark
(c) Bernoulli 1 mark
(d) Q is slower and R is faster 1 mark
Q is higher and R is lower 1 mark
(8 marks)

6. (a) (i) Farthest in Diagram 6.2 compare to Diagram 6.1 1 mark

(ii) Decreases 1 mark
(b) streamline 1 mark
(c) (i) W = 10 x 70 1 mark
= 700 J 1 mark
(c) (i) Kinetic energy to potential energy to kinetic energy 2 marks
(d) (ii) Sound/ heat 1 mark
(8 marks)

7. (a) (i) It has a high resistance and so little or no current flows 1 mark
through R2. Hence the potential at B is close to 0V
(ii) When it is dark, very little light falls on the LDR and so its 1 mark
resistance is high. The potential at A is close to 0V.

When it is bright, a lot of light falls on the LDR. The 1 mark

potential difference across the LDR drops to 0V and so the

4531 4


potential at A is close to +6V.

(b) Input A Input B Output Q All correct- 2m 2 marks
0 0 1 At least 1
0 1 0 wrong – 1m
1 0 0 All wrong- 0m
1 1 0
(c) (i) Input A: 0 3 marks
Input B: 0
Output Q: 1
(ii) Light level : dark 2 marks
Soil condition: dry
(10 marks)

8. (a) (i) A resultant force is a single force which is a vector sum of 1 mark
all the forces that act on the object.
(ii) The resultant force is equal to zero 1 mark
(b) (i) 20 2 marks
Cos θ =
θ = 360 52’
(ii) T Sin θ + T sin θ = 20 3 marks
2 T Sin θ = 20
T = 16.67 N
(c) (i) Tension of the string in diagram 8.3 is the maximum 2 marks
because the angle θ is the smallest
(ii) Tension of the string in diagram 8.2 is the minimum 2 marks
because the angle θ is the largest
(iii) Diagram 8.2 1 mark
(12 marks)


9. (a) (i) Refraction / Total Internal Reflection 1 mark

(ii) Block 1 (Rectangle) Block 2 (Prism) 2 marks
Refracted ray smaller then The incidence ray is perpendicular
the incidence ray and there is no refracted rays
Angles of incidence in the prism = Angles of reflection in the 1 mark
Refractive index = 1 C= Critical angle 1 mark
Sin C
The ray of light comes from a dense to a less dense medium or 1 mark
The angle of incidence in the dense medium is greater than the
critical Angle
(b) (i) Draw a diagram to show the rays of light 1 mark
Total internal reflection. 1 mark
180 0 fish eye view 1 mark
Obstacle 1 mark
(c) (i) Draw a correct ray diagram with at least 2 rays 1 mark

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Box 1 mark
Using two right-angled prisms 2 mark
Arrangement of prism 1 mark
Total internal reflection 1 mark

(ii) Draw a diagram to show arrangement

Right angle prism which cause the the rays to bent through 180 0 1 mark
4 prism 1 mark
2 eye piece 1 mark
2 objective lens
1 mark

(20 marks)

10. (a) It is a coil carrying a current field 1

(b)  number of turns in solenoid in Diagram 10.1 is more 3
 the magnitude of current flowing in Diagram 10.1 is bigger
 the number of paper clips attracted to solenoid in Diagram 10.1 is
(c) (i) the strength of the magnetic field increases when the magnitude 1
of current increases
(ii) the strength of the magnetic field increases when the number of 1
turns in solenoid increases
(d)  When the switch is on, the soft iron core becomes electromagnet. 4

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End A becomes north pole.

 End B becomes south pole
 Magnet P repels from end A
 Magnet Q attracts to end B
(e) (i)  when the switch is on, current flows in the solenoid, soft iron 4
core becomes electromagnet
 electromagnet attracts the iron armature, the hammer hits the
gong and bell rings
 when the hammer moves towards the gong, the contacts open,
current stops flowing
 The iron core loses its magnetic
(ii)  increase the number of turns of wire 6
 the magnetic field produced by each turn overlap to produce a
resultant field which is much stronger.
 Increase the magnitude of the current / dry cells
 To increase the strength of the resultant magnetic field
 Replace the straight iron core with a U-shaped iron core
 Produce stronger magnetic field strength
(20 marks)


11. (a) (i) Force per unit area 1 mark

(ii) High altitude low density of air 1 mark
Less collision of molecules with surface 1 mark
Low altitude high density of air 1 mark
More collision of molecules with surface 1 mark
(b) (i) hρg = 0.76 x 13 600 x 10 1 mark
=103360 Pa 1 mark
(ii) hρg = 0.1 x 13 600 x 10 1 mark
= 13600 Pa 1 mark
(iii) 0 Pa 1 mark

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(c) Large tyre – better stability 2 marks

Liquid in hydraulic system – liquid cannot be compressed 2 marks
Large mass – big inertia 2 marks
Large base area – better stability 2 marks
Low centre of gravity – better stability 2 marks
8 marks)

Choose – M 1 mark
Large tyre, liquid in hydraulic system, large mass, large base 1 mark
area or low centre of gravity/better stability, liquid cannot be
compressed and big inertia
(20 marks)

12 (a) (i) Half-life is the time required for the activity of a sample of 1 mark
the radioisotope to become halved.
(ii)  emits β – particles, 2 marks
 can penetrate the soil and emerge from the ground
 sufficiently long half-life 2 marks
 after a period of 2 days the activity of the source will be
weak enough to not pose any danger
 A Geiger- muller 2 marks
 Very sensitive detector/ it can be carried about from
place to place
 A ratemeter 2 marks
 It gives the count rate directly
 R is suitable 2 marks
 Emits β – particles, have sufficiently long half-life
(b) (i)  Arrangement of apparatus: 1 mark

 Observed the reading on the scaler without an absorber

 Put a piece of paper, aluminium and lead between the
source and the detector in turns.
 For each kind of absorber, record the reading on the
 Carry out the same procedure for the three substances.
 α radiation will be stopped by all three kinds of absorber

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 β radiation will be stopped by aluminium and lead

 γ will be stopped by lead only 1 mark

1 mark

1 mark

1 mark
1 mark
1 mark

(c)  wear a photographic badge to measure the intensity of radiation 2 marks

in the surroundings (any two)
 store radioactive substances in a lead container
 use a pair of forceps or tweezers to hold a radioactive substance.
(20 marks)

PHYSICS PAPER 3 (4531/3)



4531 9


1 (a)(i) - Base current / IB 1 1

(ii) - Collector current / IC 1 1

(iii) -Length of the connection wire 1 1

(b)(i) -C 1 1

(ii) - IB and IC 1
- Correct column of manipulated variable and 1
responding variable
- State the units of IB and IC correctly 1
- All the values of IC are correct 2
- [4 or 3 values of IC are correct…..1 mark]
- The values of IC are consistently to one 1 6
decimal point
IB / µA IC / mA
10.0 0.5
20.0 1.0
30.0 1.5
40.0 2.0
(c ) 50.0 2.5

Draw a complete graph of IC against IB

Tick √ based on the following aspects :
- A. Show IB on Y-axis and IC on X-axis √
- B. State the units of the variables correctly √
- C. Both axes are marked with uniform scale √
- D. All five points are plotted correctly √√
- E. Best straight line is drawn √
- F. Show the minimum size of graph at least √
5 x 4 ( 2 cm x 2 cm ) square
( counted from the origin until the furthest
point )
Number of ticks Score
7 5
5-6 4
3-4 3
2 2
(d) 1 1
5 5
- IC is directly proportional to IB
(e) 1 1
-Ensure all connections in the circuit are tight
-No short circuit

4531 10


( any relevant response ) 1 1


2(a) -Show the method to determine the value of P by 1
showing the corresponding horizontal line with T
= 60 o C
-State the value of P correctly : 120.0 kPa ± 0.1 1 2

(b) -Show the method to determine the value of the 1

temperature by showing the extrapolated line
-State the value within acceptable range: 1 2
-312 OC ± 1

( c) -P increases linearly with T 1 1

(d) -Draw a sufficiently large triangle( 6 cm x 3 cm ) 1

-Correct substitution 1
= 138
160  0

State the value / answer with correct unit

=0.238 kPa oC-1 1 3

T = ( 227 + 273 )
(e) -Correction substitution 1
P = 0.238( 227 + 273 )
-State the value of P with correct unit
1 3
-the mixture of water is stirred continuously until the
temperature of the water is steady 1 1

4531 11


Graph of IC against IB

IC / mA






4531 12
0 10 20 30 40 50 IB / µA


4531 13
SULIT 4531

Graf P melawan T

P / kPa
120 o C





-312 o C

-320 -280 -240 -200 -160 -120 -80 -40 0 40 80 120

4531 14 SULIT
SULIT 4531

Section B
Question number 3
(a) 1 If the mass increased so the acceleration decreased.
(b) 1 The acceleration of an object decreases when its mass increases.
(c) 1. To investigate the relationship between mass and acceleration.
2. Manipulated variable : Mass of trolley
Responding variable : Acceleration
3. Constant variable : Force
4. Ticker tape, cellophane tape, ticker timer, power supply, trolley, friction
compensated runway and rubber band.

5. Diagram and label.

6. A trolley is pulled by rubber band which provides a constant unit of force.

7. Cut into 5- tick strips and a tape chart for the motion of the trolley is made.
The acceleration of the trolley, a is calculated and recorded in table.

8. Repeated with two and then three identical trolleys stacked up.

9. The result is recorded in the table.

Mass, m/Number of 1/m Acceleration, a/cms-2

10. A graph of a against 1/m is plotted.

4531 15 SULIT
SULIT 4531

Question 4.

(a) 1. The brightness of the bulb increased when the length of the wire decreased.
(b) 1. The length of wire increase, the resistance of a conducting wire also increases
(c) 1. To investigate the relationship between length of wire and resistance.
2. Manipulated variable : Length of wire
Responding variable : Resistance, R
3. Constant Variable : Thickness of wire, type of wire, temperature of wire.
4. Ammeter, Voltmeter, battery, rheostat, switch, 100 cm constantant (s.w.q 24),
connecting wires.
5. Firgure.

6. Measure the initial length, l = 20 cm.

7. Fix the ammeter, I = 0.5 A. The reading of the voltmeter, V is recorded in
table. The value for resistance R = , is calculated.
8. Repeated for l = 40 cm, 60 cm, 80 cm and 100 cm. Calculated the resistance
for each of the length of wire.
9. Tabulation of the data.
l/cm I/A V/V R=V/I Ω

10. Plot a graph of R against l.

4531 16 SULIT

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