Feedwater Heater
Feedwater Heater
Feedwater Heater
A feedwater heater is a power plant component used to pre-heat water delivered to a steam
generating boiler. Preheating the feedwater reduces the irreversibilities involved in steam
generation and therefore improves the thermodynamic efficiency of the system. This reduces
plant operating costs and also helps to avoid thermal shock to the boiler metal when the
feedwater is introduced back into the system cycle.
In steam power plant, usually modelled as a modified Rankine Cycle, feedwater heaters allow
the feedwater to be brought up to the saturation temperature very gradually. This minimizes
the inevitable irreversibilities associated with heat transfer to the working fluid which is
In an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with an open feedwater heater, steam from the boiler
(state 5) expands in the turbine to an intermediate pressure (state 6). At this state, some of the
steam is extracted and sent to the feedwater heater, while the remaining steam in the turbine
continues to expand to the condenser pressure (state 7). Saturated water from the condenser
(state 1) is pumped to the feedwater pressure and send to the feedwater heater (state 2). At the
feedwater heater, the compressed water is mixed with the steam extracted from the turbine
(state 6) and exits the feedwater heater as saturated water at the heater pressure (state 3). Then
the saturated water is pumped to the boiler pressure by a second pump (state 4). The water is
heated to a higher temperature in the boiler (state 5) and the cycle repeats again. The T-s
diagram of this cycle is shown below
at each component is
the turbine, y kg is extracted
(1-y) kg continues to expand
Feedwater Heater:
(1-y) =
For convenience, heat and work interactions for regenerative Rankine cycle is expressed per
unit mass of steam flowing through the boiler. They are:
Heat Input: qin = h5 - h4
Heat Output: qout = (1 - y)(h1 - h7)
Work Output: Wturb,out = (h5 - h6) + (1 - y)(h6 - h7)
Work input: Wpump,in = (1 - y)(h2 - h1) + (h4 - h3)
Open feedwater heaters are simple and inexpensive, and can also bring the feedwater to
saturated state. However, each feedwater needs a separate pump which adds to the cost.
In an ideal regenerative Rankine cycle with a closed feedwater, steam from the boiler (state 4)
expands in the turbine to an intermediate pressure (state 5). Then some of the steam is
extracted at this state and sent to the feedwater heater, while the remaining steam in the
turbine continues to expand to the condenser pressure (state 6). The extracted steam (state 5)
condenses in the closed feedwater while heating the feedwater from the pump. The heated
feedwater (state 3) is send to the boiler and the condensate from the feedwater heater (state 7)
is allowed to pass through a trap into a lower pressure heater or condenser (state 8).
Another way of removing the condensate from the closed feedwater heater is pump the
condensate forward to a higher-pressure point in the cycle. The T-s diagram of this cycle is
shown below.
T-S diagram of an ideal Regenerative Rankine Cycle with One Closed Feedwater Heater
Heat and work interactions for regenerative Rankine cycle with one closed feedwater heater
is expressed per unit mass of water flowing through the boiler. They are:
Heat Input: qin = h4 - h3
Heat Output: qout = (1 - y)(h1 - h6) + y(h8 - h1)
Work Output: Wturb,out = (h4 - h5) + (1 - y)(h5 - h6)
Work input: Wpump,in = (h2 - h1)
Compared with open feedwater heaters, closed feedwater heaters are more complex, and thus
more expensive. Since the two streams do not mix in the heater, closed feedwater heaters do
not require a separate pump for each heater. Most power plants use a combination of open
and closed feedwater heaters.
Non-destructive examination (NDE) are used for tube-side and shell-side inspections.
Since tube conditions are critical, eddy current and ultrasonic testing (UT) are used to
evaluate tube integrity. Eddy current testing determines wall thinning and identifies crack that
have occurred.
When leaks are detected, tubes are usually plugged with tapered or mechanical plugs and
are expanded in the tubesheet. Explosive plug are also used.
Copper-based tubing has been replaced by other materials in order to reduce the carryover of dissolved copper