Notice: Meetings: Codex Alimentarius Commission— Nutrition and Foods For Special Dietary Uses Codex Committee
Notice: Meetings: Codex Alimentarius Commission— Nutrition and Foods For Special Dietary Uses Codex Committee
Notice: Meetings: Codex Alimentarius Commission— Nutrition and Foods For Special Dietary Uses Codex Committee
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER the collection of information unless it DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE
contains documents other than rules or displays a currently valid OMB control
proposed rules that are applicable to the number. Food Safety and Inspection Service
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and Rural Housing Service [Docket No. FSIS–2006–0023]
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency Title: Section 515 Multi-Family Codex Alimentarius Commission:
statements of organization and functions are Housing Preservation and Revitalization Meeting of the Codex Committee on
examples of documents appearing in this Restructuring Demonstration Program Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary
section. (MPR) for Fiscal Year 2006. Uses
OMB Control Number: 0575–0190. AGENCY: Office of the Under Secretary
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Summary of Collection: The for Food Safety, USDA.
Agriculture, Rural Development, Food ACTION: Notice of public meeting and
Submission for OMB Review; and Drug Administration, and Related request for comments.
Comment Request
Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006 (P.L. SUMMARY: The Office of the Under
August 17, 2006. 109–97) provided funding for, and Secretary for Food Safety, U.S.
The Department of Agriculture has authorizes the Rural Housing Service Department of Agriculture (USDA) and
submitted the following information (RHS) to conduct a demonstration the Food and Drug Administration
collection requirement(s) to OMB for program for the preservation and (FDA), U.S. Department of Health and
review and clearance under the revitalization of the Section 515 multi- Human Services are sponsoring a public
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, family housing portfolio. The Multi- meeting on September 12, 2006. The
Public Law 104–13. Comments Family Housing Preservation and objective of the public meeting is to
regarding (a) whether the collection of Revitalization Restructuring provide information and receive public
information is necessary for the proper Demonstration Program will utilize comments on agenda items and draft
performance of the functions of the numerous authorities to provide the United States positions that will be
agency, including whether the financial assistance necessary to discussed at the 28th Session of the
information will have practical utility; Codex Committee on Nutrition and
revitalize rental properties and preserve
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate Foods for Special Dietary Uses
them for affordable housing.
of burden including the validity of the (CCNFSDU) of the Codex Alimentarius
methodology and assumptions used; (c) Need and Use of the Information:
Commission (Codex), which will be
ways to enhance the quality, utility and RHS will use the collected information
held in Chiang Mai, Thailand on
clarity of the information to be to evaluate the strengths and October 30–November 3, 2006. The
collected; (d) ways to minimize the weaknesses to which the proposal Under Secretary for Food Safety and
burden of the collection of information concept possesses or lacks to select the FDA recognize the importance of
on those who are to respond, including most feasible proposals that will providing interested parties with the
through the use of appropriate enhances the Agency’s chances in opportunity to obtain background
automated, electronic, mechanical, or accomplishing the demonstration information on the 28th Session of the
other technological collection objective. The information will be CCNFSDU and to address items on the
techniques or other forms of information utilized to sustain and modify RHS’ agenda.
technology should be addressed to: Desk current policies pertaining to
Officer for Agriculture, Office of DATES: The public meeting is scheduled
revitalization and preservation of for Tuesday, September 12, 2006 from 1
Information and Regulatory Affairs,
affordable rental housing in rural areas. p.m. to 4 p.m.
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB), Description of Respondents: ADDRESSES: The public meeting will be
[email protected] or Individuals or households; not-for-profit held in the Auditorium (1A003), Food
fax (202) 395–5806 and to Departmental institutions; State, Local, or Tribal and Drug Administration, Harvey Wiley
Clearance Office, USDA, OCIO, Mail Government. Federal Building, 5100 Paint Branch
Stop 7602, Washington, DC 20250– Number of Respondents: 3,600. Parkway, College Park, MD. Parking is
7602. Comments regarding these adjacent to this building and will be
information collections are best assured Frequency of Responses: available at no charge to individuals
of having their full effect if received Recordkeeping; Reporting: Annually. who pre-register by the date below (See
within 30 days of this notification. Total Burden Hours: 4,670. Pre-Registration). In addition, the
Copies of the submission(s) may be College Park metro station is across the
Charlene Parker,
obtained by calling (202) 720–8681. street. Codex documents related to the
An agency may not conduct or Departmental Information Collection 28th Session of the CCNFSDU will be
sponsor a collection of information Clearance Officer. accessible via the World Wide Web at
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
unless the collection of information [FR Doc. E6–13874 Filed 8–21–06; 8:45 am] the following address: http://
displays a currently valid OMB control BILLING CODE 3410–XT–P
number and the agency informs current.asp.
potential persons who are to respond to The Food Safety and Inspection
the collection of information that such Service (FSIS) invites interested persons
persons are not required to respond to to submit comments on this notice.
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48908 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Notices
Comments may be submitted by any of Safety and Applied Nutrition, FDA, —Proposals of the Working Group for
the following methods: 5100 Paint Branch Parkway (HFS–800), the Section on Food Additives (for
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: This College Park, MD 20740; Phone: (301) Sections A and B).
Web site provides the ability to type 436–1450; Fax: (301) 436–2636. E-mail: • Draft Revised Standard for Gluten-
short comments directly into the [email protected]. Free Foods.
comment field on this Web page or FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE • Proposed Draft Revision of the
attach a file for lengthier comments. Go PUBLIC MEETING CONTACT: Ellen Matten, Advisory List of Nutrient Compounds
to and, in International Issues Analyst, U.S. Codex for Use in Foods for Special Dietary
the ‘‘Search for Open Regulations’’ box, Office, USDA, FSIS, Room 4861, South Uses Intended for the Use by Infants and
select ‘‘Food Safety and Inspection Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, Young Children.
Service’’ from the agency drop-down SW., Washington, DC 20250; Phone: • Proposed Draft Recommendations
menu, then click on ‘‘Submit.’’ In the (202) 205–7760; Fax: (202) 720–3157. on the Scientific Basis of Health Claims.
Docket ID column, select the FDMS SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: • Discussion Paper on the Proposals
Docket Number FSIS–2006–0023 to for Additional or Revised Nutrient
submit or view public comments and to Background Reference Values for Labelling
view supporting and related materials The Codex Alimentarius Commission Purposes.
available electronically. (Codex) was established in 1963 by two • Discussion Paper on the
• Mail, including floppy disks or CD- United Nations organizations, the Food Application of Risk Analysis to the
ROM’s, and hand- or courier-delivered and Agriculture Organization and the Work of the CCNFSDU.
items: Send to FSIS Docket Room, World Health Organization. Codex is the Each issue listed will be fully
Docket Clerk, USDA, FSIS, 300 12th major international organization for described in documents distributed, or
Street, SW., Room 102, Cotton Annex encouraging fair international trade in to be distributed, by the German
Building, Washington, DC 20250. food and protecting the health and Secretariat prior to the CCNFSDU.
Electronic mail: economic interests of consumers. Members of the public may access
[email protected]. Through adoption of food standards, copies of these documents via the World
All submissions received must codes of practice, and other guidelines Wide Web at the following address:
include the Agency name and docket developed by its committees, and by
number FSIS–2006–0023. promoting their adoption and current.asp.
• All comments submitted in implementation by governments, Codex Public Meeting
response to this notice, as well as seeks to protect the health of consumers
and ensure fair practices in trade. At the September 12 public meeting,
research and background information draft U.S. positions on these agenda
used by FSIS in developing this The Codex Committee on Nutrition
and Foods for Special Dietary Uses items will be described, discussed, and
document, will be posted to the attendees will have the opportunity to Web site. The (CCNFSDU) was established to study
specific nutritional problems assigned pose questions and offer comments.
background information and comments Written comments may be offered at the
will be available for public inspection in to it by Codex and advise Codex on
general nutritional issues; to draft meeting or sent to the U.S. Delegate for
the FSIS Docket Room at the address the 28th Session of the CCNFSDU, Dr.
listed above between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 general provisions, as appropriate,
concerning the nutritional aspects of all Barbara Schneeman at
p.m., Monday through Friday. [email protected]. Written
• In addition to submitting comments foods; to develop standards, guidelines
or related texts for foods for special comments should state that they relate
by mail to the above address, the U.S. to activities of the 28th Session of the
Delegate to the CCNFSDU, Dr. Barbara dietary uses, in cooperation with other
committees when necessary; and to CCNFSDU.
Schneeman of the Food and Drug
Administration, invites U.S. interested consider, amend if necessary, and Additional Public Notification
parties to submit their comments endorse provisions on nutritional
aspects proposed for inclusion in Codex Public awareness of all segments of
electronically to the following e-mail rulemaking and policy development is
address: [email protected]. Standards, guidelines and related texts.
The CCNFSDU is hosted by the Federal important. Consequently, in an effort to
Pre-Registration: To gain admittance ensure that minorities, women, and
to this meeting, individuals must Republic of Germany.
persons with disabilities are aware of
present a photo ID for identification and Issues To Be Discussed at the Public this notice, FSIS will announce it on-
also are required to pre-register. In Meeting line through the FSIS Web Page located
addition, no cameras or videotaping The following items on the Agenda at
equipment will be permitted in the for the 28th Session of the CCNFSDU 2006_Notices_Index/. FSIS will also
meeting room. To pre-register, please will be discussed during the public make copies of this Federal Register
send the following information to this e- meeting: publication available through the FSIS
mail address—[email protected] • Matters referred to the Committee Constituent Update, which is used to
by September 5, 2006: from other Codex bodies. provide information regarding FSIS
—Your name • Guidelines for Use of Nutrition policies, procedures, regulations,
—Organization Claims: Draft Table of Conditions for Federal Register notices, FSIS public
—Mailing address Nutrient Contents: (Part B, containing meetings, recalls and other types of
—Phone number provisions on Dietary Fibre). information that could affect or would
—E-mail address • Draft Revised Standard for Infant be of interest to constituents and
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE Formula and Formulas for Special stakeholders. The update is
28TH SESSION OF THE CCNFSDU CONTACT: Medical Purposes Intended for Infants; communicated via Listserv, a free
Nancy Crane, Assistant to the U.S. —Section A: Draft Revised Standard for electronic mail subscription service for
Delegate to the CCNFSDU, Office of Infant Formula industry, trade and farm groups,
Nutritional Products, Labeling and —Section B: Formulas for Special consumer interest groups, allied health
Dietary Supplements, Center for Food Medical Purposes Intended for Infants professional and other individuals who
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Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 162 / Tuesday, August 22, 2006 / Notices 48909
have asked to be included. The update floodwater retarding dam Structure 35A. Medley, Florida, within the Miami
is available on the FSIS Web page. Upon consideration of the affected Customs port of entry. The application
Through the Listserv and web page, environment, alternatives, was submitted pursuant to the
FSIS is able to provide information to a environmental consequences, and provisions of the Foreign–Trade Zones
much broader and more diverse comments and coordination with Act, as amended (19 U.S.C. 81a–81u),
audience. In addition, FSIS offers an e- concerned public and agencies, the and the regulations of the Board (15 CFR
mail subscription service which State Conservationist for NRCS, part 400). It was formally filed on
provides automatic and customized Nebraska found that based on the August 10, 2006.
access to selected food safety news and significance and context and intensity FTZ 32 was approved on September
information. This service is available at that the proposed action is not a major 6, 1977 (Board Order 123, 42 FR 46568, Federal action significantly affecting the 9/16/77), expanded on March 3, 1982
news_and_events/e-mail_subscription/. quality of the human environment. (Board Order 184, 47 FR 10612, 3/11/
Options range from recalls to export Thus, a Finding of No Significant 82), and expanded on March 20, 1990
information to regulations, directives Impact (FONSI) was made. (Board Order 466, 55 FR 11631, 3/29/
and notices. Customers can add or FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: 90). The zone project currently consists
delete subscriptions themselves and Stephen K. Chick, State Conservationist, of the following sites: Site 1 (72 acres,
have the option to password protect U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural 750,000 sq. ft.)—warehousing and
their account. Resources Conservation Service, Federal exhibition center located at NW 25th
Building, Room 152, 100 Centennial Street and 107th Avenue, Miami; Site 2
Done at Washington, DC on August 17,
2006. Mall North, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508– (205 acres)—within the Beacon Centre
3866; telephone (402) 437–5300. development located north of NW 12th
F. Edward Scarbrough,
Street and east of 87th Avenue, Miami;
U.S. Manager for Codex Alimentarius. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The
and, Temporary Site (1 acre) within a
[FR Doc. E6–13851 Filed 8–21–06; 8:45 am] sponsoring local organization concurs
49–acre warehouse facility located at
with this determination and agrees with
BILLING CODE 3410–DM–P 12500 N.W. 112th Avenue, Medley
carrying forward the proposed project.
(expires 9/1/2008).
Structure 35A no longer meets the The applicant is now requesting
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NRCS safety and performance standards authority to expand the general–purpose
for a High Hazard Class structure. The zone to include the entire multi–user,
Natural Resources Conservation proposed action is to rehabilitate food–service warehouse facility located
Service Structure 35A to current NRCS High at 12500 N.W. 112th Avenue in Medley
Hazard Class requirements and extend (Proposed Site 3, 49 acres). The site is
Environmental Assessment; its life for 100 years. The following
Rehabilitation of Floodwater Retarding owned by Sysco Food Service of South
actions are proposed: the existing Florida, Inc. The proposed site will also
Structure 35A, Upper Salt Creek principal spillway would be removed
Watershed, Lancaster County include the temporary site. The
and replaced, the auxiliary spillway applicant is also requesting that 1 acre
Nebraska would be widened, the top of dam (50,000 sq. ft.) at Site 1 be restored to
AGENCY: Natural Resources would be raised, and foundation drains zone status. (A minor modification was
Conservation Service, USDA. re-established. approved in June 2006 (A(27f)-29–2006)
Information regarding this finding removing 1 acre (50,000 sq. ft.) from Site
ACTION: Notice of Availability, Finding
may be obtained at the contact 1 to establish the temporary site.) No
of No Significant Impact.
information listed above. No specific manufacturing requests are
SUMMARY: The Natural Resources administrative action on being made at this time. Such requests
Conservation Service (NRCS) has implementation of the proposed funding would be made to the Board on a case–
prepared an Environmental Assessment action will be taken until 30 days after by-case basis.
in compliance with the National the date of this publication in the In accordance with the Board’s
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as Federal Register. regulations, a member of the FTZ staff
amended. Pursuant to the implementing Signed in Lincoln, Nebraska on August 8, has been designated examiner to
regulations for NEPA (40 CFR parts 2006. investigate the application and report to
1500–1508); the USDA Departmental Stephen K. Chick, the Board.
Policy for the NEPA (7 CFR part 1b); the State Conservationist. Public comment is invited from the
Natural Resources Conservation Service [FR Doc. E6–13875 Filed 8–21–06; 8:45 am] interested parties. Submissions (original
Regulations (7 CFR part 650); and the BILLING CODE 3410–16–P
and 3 copies) shall be addressed to the
Natural Resources Conservation Service Board’s Executive Secretary at the
policy (General Manual Title 190, Part address below. The closing period for
410); the Natural Resources their receipt is October 23, 2006.
Conservation Service gives notice that Rebuttal comments in response to
an environmental impact statement is Foreign–Trade Zones Board material submitted during the foregoing
not being prepared for the rehabilitation period may be submitted during the
of floodwater retarding Structure 35A in (Docket 32–2006) subsequent 15-day period (to November
Upper Salt Creek Watershed, Lancaster 6, 2006).
Foreign–Trade Zone 32—Miami,
County Nebraska. The Environmental A copy of the application and
Florida, Application for Expansion
Assessment was developed in accompanying exhibits will be available
cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with NOTICES
coordination with the sponsoring local An application has been submitted to for public inspection at each of the
organization (Lower Platte South the Foreign–Trade Zones (FTZ) Board following locations: U.S. Department of
Natural Resources District) for a (the Board) by the Greater Miami Commerce, Export Assistance Center,
Federally assisted action to address Foreign–Trade Zone, Incorporated, 5835 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 203,
flood control prevention in the Upper grantee of FTZ 32, requesting authority Miami, FL 33126; and, Office of the
Salt Creek Watershed and the status of to expand its zone to include a site in Executive Secretary, Foreign–Trade
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