Central University College: Topic
Central University College: Topic
Central University College: Topic
1.0 INTRODUCTION-----------------------------------------------------------------
1.8 METHODOLOGY-----------------------------------------------------
1.10 CONCLUSION------------------------------------------------------------------------
2.0 INTRODUCTION-----------------------------------------------------------------
This is the first chapter of the resear4ch work designed to illustrate the Background of the
study, statement of the problem, General and specific objectives of the study, significance
of the study, Resarch question, Methodology and some explanation of certain issues, then
The past few decades have witnessed a rapid pace of urban population concentrations in
In Ghana for example the urban population in 1960s was 23 percent of the total
service of Ghana, 1988).This has engendered both scholarly and policy interest and
concerns. The concerns has emanated from the fact that the bulk of the urban population
is constituted of migrants from rural areas and small towns in the countryside. The loss of
rural population to urban centers is often bemoaned for its implied averse effect on rural
development. The empirical data have revealed that migration is generally selective of
the young, versatile, and/or better educated members of the community. This creates a
noted. With the demand for urban migration, amenities exceeding their supply, the urban
crime and other forms of delinquency. The quality of life at both the areas of origin and
Migration from the urban places of Ghana is therefore caused by individuals and families
seeking better economic opportunities to improve the quality of their lives. Secondary
determinants are varied, ranging from family obligations to the quest for adventure.
The benefits of migration for the rural areas lie mainly in returned migrants’
contributions to the economic development of those areas. Migrants also contribute to the
urban areas’ economic development, but their presence in large numbers has caused
problems in the housing and in the delivery of social services. Rural development policies
and land settlement schemes have been unsuccessful, due mainly to the lack of a
Over the years, the relevance of migration, the rationale for migrating, and the policy
response to migration patterns and magnitudes have dominated academic and policy
International migration has immense significance for many countries. For typical
migration is of equal, if not, greater importance. Given that the rural-urban categorization
is the major spatial grouping in sub-Saharan African countries, and that urbanization in
these countries is on the rise, it is hardly surprising that rural-to-urban migration has
The present study augments the developing countries’ migration literature by examining
The main purpose of this paper is to determine the impact of Ghana’s Inter –sectoral
migration on migrants’ welfare. In pursuit of this, we also explore migration patterns and
example, in 1991/92, 17.1 percent of Ghana’s population was rural-to-rural migrants and
The pattern of internal migration in 1998/99 was not very different from that of 1991/92;
urban-to-rural migrants accounted for 16.6 percent of the population, whilst rural-to-rural
and urban-to-urban migrants represented 14.4 percent and 10.9 percent of the population,
It is important to note, however, that in both 1991/92 and 1998/99, the majority of
This research is to attempt to find out what constitute the determinants of urban migration
in Ghana. Also, there is a need to consider why people migrate from one place to the
Under the statement of the problem, there are various determinants of rural urban
migration. Some question has been posed on this topic. Frequently asked question on
(a) Do migrants leave their geographic region in other to seek greener pastures?
(b) Why are people always migrating from one region- to- another
(c) Do migrants contribute to the economic welfare in the region he/she is migrating
In other to answer these basic questions or address certain issues why people migrate in
developing country (Ghana), there is self awareness that life in the city is highly
developing .In other words, people believe moving from one region would allow them
acquire some units of satisfaction. It has been noticed that lack of social amenities,
etc.hinders /retrogress the growth of those in the rural communities. Base on assumption,
it is belief that 90% of inhabitants in the rural sector would be glad if given the
growth in the cities, thereby strengthening banks, school, small scale enterprise,
sponsoring medium scale farmers etc. In the city, it is belief that government spend more
on development process than that of rural areas .Base on this factors, people migrate from
Life in the rural areas is one of the diverse reasons why people commit suicide. In this
region, base on statistics, it is illustrated that there are high mortality rate (no gain for
However, as the rate of illiteracy increase in this region, people move into farming, life
There are various problems engaged in rural areas. Due to this illustration, rural urban
migration has been a major factor in developing countries. The fact that the crime rate of
the city exceeds that of the rural areas, people are still migrating due to
Migrants believe so much in the cities, this is the fact that the city is well developing, and
by this they could migrate in order to acquire skills, jobs etc Migrants believe Economic
resources tend to be more in utilization in the cities, thereby if government can work one-
one with local chiefs their could be a c gradual development at the rural areas. It is belief
that migrants have no positive impact on the development of the economy, rather they
overpopulate the cities, were some are seen in armed robbery, piracy and all criminal
• To what extent do people rely or belief that the cities are more developed than the
urban areas.
• The need to educate migrants who seek greener pastures outside their region.
• The study is significantly relevant because it lays certain foundation for the
• The study helps in broaden the knowledge and technical know-how or rather
• To enable the economy develop in rural areas and their by contribute positively to
economic development.
• To analyze economic differences between the rural areas and the cities. Also
• How will government reduce migrations of rural urban countries? in the case of
• Are there no jobs or establishment that would better the life of migrants in their
rural areas?
• What are the positive and negative impacts of migrants in a developing country
Primary Data
Primary data was ascertained from individual sampling questionnaire and interviews of
habitants in the rural areas in Ghana. Also data from city migrants was adopted.
Secondary Data
Statistical records were obtained from the Ghana statistical board, regional chiefs, and
organizations in the communities. Other relevant Information was derived from News
which includes the statement of the problem, objectives of the study, significance of the
study, the research question, methodology, organization of the study and scope of the
The study covers the determinants of rural urban migration from one region to another in
Ghana. Illustration on factors that gives migrant the drive to seek greener pastures else
were. The study would be narrowed in the regional movements of people within the
nation. The study will link Government policies to reduce migrations and stimulate
In conclusion, it is believe that the rural sites are being faced with economic hardship on
farming process, which would lead to low harvesting of crops. Based on this, developing
countries can sit up if financing of small scale business increases, this would cause a “Big
push” in the Agricultural sector. Basically, if Government would stimulate local business,
and improve technological equipments, there chances of a reduce migration in rural areas.
1.0 Introduction
The literature review is divided into two segments, Theoretical and empirical reviews.
The first segment reviews the main theories of rural-urban migration in general. The next
segment covers the past and present works of the empirical determinants of rural urban-
Practical evidence has been derived and facts have been tested to elaborate the main
developing countries. The rate at which migrants seeks greener pastures, incorporates one
Basically, rural urban migration is seen as a situation where some specific people of a
developing country seek greener pastures, or a way to better their life in the cities.
In this scene, rural urban migration has limited factors to economic growth and
development Increase of migrants in the cities, base on seeking greener pastures, would
The rate at which migrants move to the cities has no economic impact but a retrogressive
GDP growth) in the sense that it’s lower than potential growth as estimated by experts in
.In other words, population growth can be both as a stimulus and an impediment to
development in cities; thereby developing countries are concerned with the common view
that rapid population growth presents an obstacle to the growth of living standards.
movement to the cities acts as a barrier to capital accumulation and capital Deepening,
retards the rate of productivity, growth and, in general, adds more to the numbers to be
The economic danger of rapid population growth due to migration lies in the consequent
inability of a country both to increase its stock of capital and improve its state of art
rapidly enough for it’s per capital income not to be less than it otherwise would be.
If the rate of technological innovation cannot be forced, and is not advanced by faster
centers are the most ethnically mixed because of migration to towns and cities by those in
search of employment. Rural areas, with the exception of cocoa-producing areas that
have attracted migrant labor, tend to reflect more traditional population distributions.
One overriding feature of the country's ethnic population is that groups to the south who
are closer to the Atlantic coast have long been influenced by the money economy,
Western education, and Christianity, whereas Gur-speakers to the north, who have been
less exposed to those influences, have came under Islamic influence. These influences
were not pervasive in the respective regions, however, nor were they wholly restricted to
Large agglomerations of settled communities existed in Ghana and other parts of Africa
century. It has been noted that the Ashanti capital of Kumasi, for instance, was large and
densely populated in the eighteenth century (Liebenow, 1986; Bascum, 1955). Many of
the early settlements served as tribal and religious centres. Although some exhibited the
functioning" (Walton & Cams, 1973: 1), they did not completely live off an agricultural
They were part of the agricultural hinterland and catered largely to peasant
agriculturalists and craftsmen. Social and economic activities were organized mainly on
The settlements were, therefore, essentially the "preindustrial" type. Colonial rule and the
intensification of European investments and economic activities saw the growth of 'new'
towns and the decline of some of the old ones. The new viable towns, such as Accra,
commercial centres. Since the colonial era, and especially after World War II, the
Ghanaian population has generally experienced a very rapid growth. The country's
Ghana, 1988).
Better nutrition, improvements in personal hygiene, health care, the control and
development while the towns have benefited from natural population increase, the influx
of people from the surrounding territories and rural hinterland has even been more
dramatic. Migration has remained the major source of growth for the towns and cities
Ghana, like many other developing countries, suffers from the problem of uneven
development and distribution of basic social amenities between rural and urban areas.
Facilities for higher education, quality health care, major sports and entertainment
facilities, telecommunication, and the modem economy, are all centralized in the regional
and national capital cities. The dualism and disparities, themselves legacies of the
colonial administration, still persist after more than three decades of political
different national governments. The building of better roads and transportation systems
has only served to facilitate migration from the rural areas. In Ghana, as in other African
countries, the disparities in the distribution of resources help to explain this phenomenon.
Most of the rural-urban migrants of today move in response to the "push" from the
vagaries of rural living and the "pull" of Western industry, commerce, and "bright lights"
The educated person in Ghana is perceived as someone who belongs to the city
(Caldwell, 1969). It has been said that the school curricula have undermined the
traditional rural order by failing to teach the requisite skills for adaptation to the
indigenous social environment. Educations at all levels have orientated the recipients to
town-life. However, the lack of prestige for farm work, the social degradation and stigma
associated with rural living, lack of appropriate jobs, and the dearth of social amenities
The social background of the rural-urban migrant population in Ghana is therefore mixed.
It is believe that developing countries are faced with low level equilibrium trap. A low
level equilibrium trap is a situation were by a country finds itself in a poverty striking era,
An increase in rapid population growth also causes increase in rural urban migration in
developing countries. There are two main interrelated reasons why rapid population
Firstly, rapid population growth may not permit a rise in per capital incomes sufficient to
provide savings necessary for the amount of capital formation for growth.
Secondly if population growth outstrips the capacity of industry to absorb new labour,
Models of the low-level equilibrium trap attempt to integrate population and development
income, and national income growth. This type of model, which originated in the 1950s,
is designed firstly to demonstrate the difficulties that developing countries may face in
policy action.
Capital Formation
Capital formation takes place through saving and new land brought into cultivation. Due
to rising population growth, urban migration increase and thereby leads to disaving,and
low investment, which would imply pressure on government to take drastic measure for
areas, migration to the city would increase in other to look for greener pasture
the united Nations commission on population and development, New York April,7,2008
The forty –First session of the commission was on population and development
In the light of the above, the Government of Ghana has taken steps, with financial and
urbanization by implementing programmes such as urban I, II, III and IV projects which
Policy is being developed to address the urban transportation problems in the country;
whislt the ministry of Water Resources is assessing the challenges of water supply. Other
rural/urban migration are the designated of selected communities as growth centers and
centre at the University of Ghana. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and interior have also
makers, planners and other stakeholders including civil society, on the challenges and
opportunities of urbanization and its linkages to Ghana’s poverty reduction and socio-
economic development.
2.1.7Strategies for Rural Development
The rate at which development would precedes lies in interrelations of The Ministry of
Local Government and Rural Development would exists to promote the establishment
government for the people of Ghana to ensure good governance and balanced rural based
mobilizing and harnessing local resources for local national administration and
and popular participation. Facilitating the promotion of a clean and healthy environment.
and Sanitation.
• To improve upon the human resources and institutional capacities for all
• www.un.org/esa/population/cpd/cpd2008/Country.../Ghana.
• Frazier, E F (1961) ''Urbanization and Its Effects upon the Task of Nation-
Building in Africa South of the Sahara", in Journal of Negro Education, Vol