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Hi I am sarath chandra.i am shring MS Access Database one liners.

happy reading

Microsoft Access is the database application from the Microsoft Office Suite of applications. It is a
powerful personal database and data manipulation tool that is also widely used in many small
Latest version of MS Access------Access 2013
Microsoft Access Is A--------- RDBMS (RelationalDatBaseManagementSystem)

The file extension for an Access 2003 database is-----MDB(Microsoftaccess Data Base)
The file extension for an Access 2007/10 database isACCDB(ACCessDataBase
Microsoft Access stores information in what is called a database
Saving a database in Access is done---At the beginning of the database
The raw facts and figures are------- Data

An organized collection of logically related data is known as-----------Database

A database is a tool for collecting and organizing information
A database is a tool for collecting and organizing information
A computerized database is a container of objects
one database can contain more than one table
The Parts Of MS Access---Tables, Forms, Reports,Quories,Macros,Modules
A database table is Object in which data is stored in rows and columns
When Entering Field Name, How Many Characters You Can Type In Maximum------64
The Default And Maximum Size Of Text Field In Access------50 And 255 Characters
A collection of related records in database is known as a----File
A file containing relatively permanent data is------ Master file
A subset of characters within a data field is known as----- Data string

table is where data is stored

Without a database there can be no table!

Which database object is created first before any other created---Table
Forms are forms is used for referred to as "data entry screens
Forms is used for---- viewing, entering, and editing data in the tables
Reports -----which is used to summarize and present data in the tables
Query--- retrieve specific data from the tables
The feature that database allows to access only certain records in database is----------Queries
The result of a query is displayed in a----Query Datasheet
Macros--- Macros in Access can be thought of as a simplified programming language which you can
use to add functionality to your database
Modules--- objects you can use to add functionality to your database.
form in MS Access-----It is an input screen designed to make the viewing and entering data easier
This form displays multiple records, one per row, in the Form window---DataSheet
This option allows you to build a new table by entering data directly into the datasheet---- datasheet
In Access, this view is used to create and modify the structure of a form -----Form Design
In Access, this displays the results of a calculation in a query---- Calculated field
In Access, this operation copies a backup file from the storage medium back onto the computer---Restore
Which Field Type Will You Select When Creating A New Table If You Require To Enter Long Text In
That Field----Memo
Which Field Type Can Store Photos---OLE(object linking and embedding)
The Command Center Of Access File That Appears When You Create Or Open The Ms Access
Database File--------Database Window
In access, the best types of queries to use for data analysis are----Select Queries
The arranging of data in a logical sequence is called----Sorting
It Is An Association Established Between Common------- Relationship

To create relationship between two tables---- drag the primary key of a table into foreign key of
another table
Types of relationships in MS Access----one to one,one to many,many to many
What do you mean by one to many relationship between Student and Class table---- One student
can have many classes
In one-to-many relationship the table in one side is called ----parent
and on many side is called-----child
Cascade delete option--- is available in Edit relatiionship dialog box which makes sure that all the
related records will be deleted automatically whn the record from parent table is deleted
This Key Uniquely Identifies Each Record--------Primary Key

What do you call a primary key field included in another table-----Foreign key
Which Enables You To View Data From A Table Based On A Specific CriterionQuery
Which Of The Following Database Object Hold Data-----Tables
Which Following Database Object Produces The Final Result To Present-----Report
Which editor was provided for use with Access Basic----Notepad

This object is used to automate the database----A Macro

A spreadsheet style object that allows data to be stored and retrieved at a later date---Table
This object is used to return subsets of data---A Query
This object changes its contents depending on the object that has the focus. Tools to create
other objects can be found here---A Ribbon
The Ribbon was first introduced in Access 2007, replacing old style dropdown menus
This object can be used to input data. Data can also be filtered and sorted. It can contain
controls such as textboxes, labels and buttons---A Form
The process of rearranging the fields and tables of a relational database to reduce data
redundancy and dependency. ----Normalization
Some rules are set in databases to check and permit only correct values. What is this feature called--DataValidation
Database access levels are specified so as to define who can access what in a database. It is identified
What it is called to present information in a particular order based on numeric or alphabetical value--Sorting

Which type of field is incremented automatically----AutoNumber

This type of query summarizes large amounts of data in easy-to-read, row-and-column format--CrossTab
To set a password for the database, select which in the Microsoft Access Open window----- Open
In MS-Access short cut for Open an existing database---Control + o
In MS-Access to open new database press---- CTRL+N
Which filter method lets you filter the records that match the selected field-------Filter by selection
This Is The Stage In Database Design Where One Gathers And List All The Necessary Fields For The
Database Project----- Data Definition
A Database Language Concerned With The Definition Of The Whole Database Structure And Schema
DML(Data Manipulation Language)---- SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT
DDL( Data Definition Language)--- CREATE, ALTER, DROP
DCL(Data Control Language)--- GRANT, REVOKE
TCL(Transactional Control Language)--- COMMIT, ROLLBACK

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