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TCM Wisdom TubeTM

Strong Sexual Performance for Men

Brad Whisnant




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Male Hormones
Strong Sexual
Performance for Men
Brad Whisnant, DAOM

Brad Whisnant

Your vision will become clear only when you can look
into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who
looks inside, awakens.
Carl Gustav Jung


Tel: (626) 780-7182 Fax: (626) 609-2929

Web: Email: [email protected]

Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine, PO Box 92493, City of Industry, CA 91715

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In 2007 I lost it all in the financial collapse and went volunteering.85% of all
millionaires go broke, its a fact..


Dr. Tan, Master Tung- ALL ACUPUNCTURE WORKS! These are the
styles that work best for me

Herbs/Pulse diagnosis
Dr. Jimmy Chang

Practice management
solo practice, no contracts, no community, bill insurance, 2-4 people per
hour, cash rate is 85/50, sell Evergreen herbs 30-40cents a gram

Belief system
Expect more

I failed miserably the first two years in acupuncture. It was spectacular!

Plastic surgeon, detox center, MD, allergist clinic, nurse practitioner, bio
identical, spa, wellness center, therapy combo, solo practice, house calls,
group, volunteer, working hourly, ER hospital, herbal house call van deal, old
folks home, 4 overseas volunteer trips

In my clinic, I see 110-120 people a week on my own, each patient individually, no

group treatments, no assembly line acupuncture. I see 25-30 people a day, and I work
9-6/7pm, MondayTuesday- Thursday/Friday. My wife runs the front office, I do all the
herbs, treating, insurance, cleaning, laundry, make herbs, ordering of supplies and
materials. We have only been open since 2009 March. We were at 76 people first
week. I DIDNT KNOW ANYBODY IN MY AREA! It was a small town, 12,000 people
mostly of fisherman/farmers/blue collar workers, no acupuncture ever in the town.
Why am I here talking? Because I'm a novice. Because I'm new. Because I dont
know that much. If I can do this? YOU ALL CAN!!! IM NOT SPECIAL!

We only have 1 hour.


Ill talk to today about the most common reasons why.

Average male will lose 1-3% per year of testosterone starting at

age 28-29. We typically peak our physically at 28-30. Look at top
tier athletes? When do they start slowing down?

Of course there SOSOOSS MANY reasons why; prostatitis',

cancer, infection, horrible relationships, other urological problems,
genetic issues, hormones issues.

Every man in the WORLD GOES THRU THIS, just like all women.
Since men's hormones loss is so much slower most men, chalk it
up to just getting older, thats just how it is.

Today, Ill be talking about 99% of what you will see with each
typical man in your clinic.

Ok, thats NOT HOW IT IS.

Most men today in their 30s, though most will deny it, have sexual
issues, performance issues, and dont feel they want to feel.

Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine, PO Box 92493, City of Industry, CA 91715

Tel: 626-780-7182 Fax: 626-609-2929 Website: Email: [email protected]
Shall not be copied, duplicated, or distributed in any format or be used for teaching without prior written consent from Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine.

Less than 2% of all men are treated
HUGE MARKET for any practitioner to expand their practice
90% of all men will come in for pain. You need to be GOOD/GREAT at treating
pain. Once you fix that, then they will almost ALWAYS open up to you, I have
this issue or that issue
Its a relative easy thing to fix. Mens hormones are simpler to fix than female
hormones, for the simple reason men has less different hormones to fix.


Why is it such a problem now?
Most men are overweight: Estrogen is stored in men's belly fat
Most me dont lift weights: More muscle, more testosterone
Most men are too stressed: All that cortisol screws up your hormones
Most men have circulation issues; which impedes blood flow
Most men are on a drug
Statins- too high cholesterol, you can make nitric oxide
Blood pressure- restricted blood to heart, and penis
Anti depressant- stops ability of nerves to either get erect or climax
Estrogen/propecia- grows hair, but blocks testosterone


What's wrong with Levitra, Cialis, Viagra? Or hormone replacement gel?

What can we do?

Lots of side effects with pills. Stuffy nose, flushed face (embarrassment),
dependency, back pain, impaired vision, dizzy, doesnt feel natural, drop blood
pressure, cant sleep, feel hung over next day, have to time it right. expensive.

Acupuncture, herbs, diet, exercise, meditation/prayer are

wonderful for all this stuff.

Hormone replacement? Nothing yet. I bet though in 20 years will see (just like
women with Premarin) will see uptick in cancer for men.

Things we wont cover

40minutes, 150bpm, 5 times a week, minimum, lift weights as well
Cut your fat down, dont stuff yourself, get the belly fat off,
Prayer, meditation, good relationships
We should ALL have good sexual function into our 60s-70s

Hormones are so much more than just sex for me
Hair loss/growth
Mood up and down
Getting older, not feeling good
Peeing all night, no sleep



Two top things you see in your clinic:

Need to lower stress/increase circulation

Liver qi, move qi move blood
Side note, if you penis isnt working? It means your heart is in
trouble. Canary in the coal mine.

Increase hormones, adrenals/thyroid

Kidney yin and yang, really focus on thyroid and adrenal function
Thyroid test? Do you know?
Kidney yang/qi/yin all that? The Chinese didnt separate the
kidneys from the adrenal glands. Its the adrenals.

Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine, PO Box 92493, City of Industry, CA 91715

Tel: 626-780-7182 Fax: 626-609-2929 Website: Email: [email protected]
Shall not be copied, duplicated, or distributed in any format or be used for teaching without prior written consent from Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine.

Points are worthless. You will need a strategy. You will also need cause
an effect. Most men will not give the wait and see approach. Either
things start working, or they dont.
Even with Western drugs? It takes 2 weeks. So, I tell my patients, give
me 2 weeks, that's what you give your doctor.
You can treat all the spleen qi you want, or all the kidney yang xu you
want, if you dont produce a profound effect as NOTICED by the patient
(not you) you will lose the patient. Its not how good you think you are, its
how good your patient thinks you are.


Stress and energy, Liver Qi stag/blood stag, move qi and blood, calm shen,
open collaterals etc.

22.04-5 33.09 (one arm)/ TCM LI3-4, LI10

44.8-9-10 (other arm) no applicable TCM points

66.03-4, 77.18-19-21 (one leg) /TCM LV2-3, SP-7-9

88.01-2-3, 77.08-09 (other leg) /TCM ST36

1010.01-5-6-8 on head / TCM Si Shen Cong, DU20 yin tang


Move liver qi, de stress, increase blood flow, clear stagnation, blockage,
move blood and qi

Kidney yang xu, yin xu, essence issue, old, weak, just plain worn out, beat
down, fatigued

PC7-5-4 (3 heart spirit needles) one arm/ TCM PC6

88.01-2-3 with 77.18-19-21 controls the essence (one leg) /TCM SP-7-9

33.01-2-3, 33.07-08 other arm /TCM LI5-6-7-8

77.08-09-10-11, 77.24-25 other leg

Or substitute 88.01-2-3 /TCM ST36

66.01-3-4, 77.18-19-21 one leg /TCM SP1-2, LV2-3, SP6-7-9

77.27 3 lateral passes, 77.05-6-7 , /TCM GB34-39

3 san chas, yi (lung) er (heart) san (liver/kidney),

LU, HT, KD, Ling Gu (one arm)
If you want you can substitute with 22.08-09 great for kid issues

11.01 *Dao ma by Dr. Maher different number system, Ill show you

Kidney yang xu, yin xu, essence issue, old, weak, just plain worn out, beat
down, fatigued
A great way? You can run your back shu points if you like, maybe one time
back shu points and then one time Tung points. Thats a crazy successful
way to treat.
Just look at working out?? Hello?? Our goal is to fix the patient not be
constrained by our thinking
Have no way as our way
I dont care if its crystals in your bathroom, if it works? Use it. If it doesn't
work get rid of it! Dont blindly follow; anything or anybody.

Kidney yang xu, yin xu, essence issue, old, weak, just plain worn out, beat
down, fatigued
Another wonderful strategy? Dr. Tan 12 magical.
Why? At this age? Almost all if not all meridians and zang and fus are
screwed up. You need to address them all!
12 magical is amazing. You can spin it multiple ways.
R arm, LI1, TW1, SI, L arm, Ht8, PC8, LU7
L left, SP6, KD7, LV5, R left ST36, GB34, Bl40
Add in yin tang, ear shen men, pt zero.
Beautiful tx, how else can we spin it?
You are a TCM fan? Ok, KD3-7, ST36, CV2-3-4, DU4, LI10, LI4
You are a 5 element fan? Great. ST36, LI1, Bl66, KD10 etc

Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine, PO Box 92493, City of Industry, CA 91715

Tel: 626-780-7182 Fax: 626-609-2929 Website: Email: [email protected]
Shall not be copied, duplicated, or distributed in any format or be used for teaching without prior written consent from Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine.




Single herbs Chinese major ones

Look at Evergreen Vitality, and Vital Essence, Kidney yang tonic, Kidney
yin tonic, imperial tonic, vibrant, circulation sj etc.

Lu Rong- DHEA, precursor to testosterone, memory, stamina, anti aging,

impotence, reduces fat, lowers cholesterol, top ED herb. 5 star ED herb. I
like straight DHEA 100-150mg a day.
Ying Yan Hou- testosterone (Er Xian Tang), PDE-5 Viagra, get more blood
to penis, increase nitric oxide, frees up testosterone. 5 star ED herb
Bai Ji Li increases testosterone, has protodiscin that improves libido, build
muscle, build strength, helps sperm motility, sexual desire and sexual
dreams, stronger and stiffer erections. 5 star ED herb
Bai Guo Ye (ginko) blood flow/ or leech/ or Dan Shen/ or Ji Xue Teng

Great stuff to start with.

Look at Thyroforte, low thyroid, adrenal function great stuff
Look at Calm ES with Circulation SJ. Calms shen, moves blood. (dont be
scared about circulation sj)

All these are or should your base, 50% of your formula then modify.


Why do I like teng herbs?

She Chaung Zi- increase stamina, lower premature ejaculation

Tu Su Zi- its a seed, Chinese medicine, seed of life, seed of sex
These 5 herbs alone will fix 80% of your men, regardless of the why


Single herbs Chinese random ones I use alot

Single other herbs, Chinese and non Chinese.

Go Qi Zi
Sou Tang
Fu Pen Zi
Di Long
Ren Shen

Iodine, lugos, super huge for adrenals, thyroid, hormone production.

10star idea for ED. Lets talk about this idea

These all depend on the person, other meds, money etc.

Macca powder. Super powerful to increase adrenal production, used for

ages in South America as a sexual tonic
D- ribose. Precursor to the mitochondria, super freaking important. I
mean, who wants to have sex when they are exhausted.
Niacin is good blood mover , lowers cholesterol, super important
Murira Puama extract- known a Potency Wood- one of the best ED drugs



Single other herbs ideas

Single other herbs ideas

L-arginine HCL very similar to sildenafil citrate (Viagra) L-arginine makes nitric
oxide and also make the enzyme that blocks PDE5 (PDE5 destroys nitric oxide) it
relaxes and enlarges vessels around penis. 5 star essential herb for ED

Aven Sativa Extract, (oat straw) increase sexual stamina, increase

muscles sensitivity, helps with penis excitement

Yohimbie (popular for diet) great for strong erections, blood flow (from Africa)

Zinc- improves immune function but main reason increase sperm count
and blocks conversion of testosterone to estrogen, more free floating
testosterone. Oysters anybody?

Damiana extract- mayan herb. Increases virility and stamina

Ashwagada- India herb for stress and sex. Opens and relaxes.
Tongkat Ali increase sex drive, harder longer erections, muscle gain, weight loss,
increased energy and overall happier

Long pepeer or Da Zao or Gan Cao- all help the bio availability of these
herbs. Increases absorption of herbs, dont forget your basic Chinese
principals. Harmonize.

Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine, PO Box 92493, City of Industry, CA 91715

Tel: 626-780-7182 Fax: 626-609-2929 Website: Email: [email protected]
Shall not be copied, duplicated, or distributed in any format or be used for teaching without prior written consent from Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine.



So what is my strategy?

Wrapping up.

Lugos iodine to get the adrenals and thyroid going, with arginine + dhea
An evergreen formula its just general stuff, add in a few of the single herbs,
depending on my patient. Chinese formulas? Er Xian Tang, Bu Huang Wu Tang,
(like like hormones with blood movers)

Keep balance, basic TCM principal. Even with hormones. When you touch one?
You touch them all. Be careful! Dont just flood your patient with testosterone. The
body will OUTSMART YOU. It will convert testosterone BACK into to estrogen if
you screw it up.

Huan Shan Dao? Return to youth? Qi Bao Ma Ren? Etc etc

Side effect of too much testosterone. Loss of hair, night sweats, anger, heat (TCM
liver fire, yin xu) keep it in balance.

Acupuncture 1 a week, to monitor herbs and get the body back to balance quickly.
Get exercise, cut down on drinking, dont stuff yourself, lift weights, get sweating!
Work on your relationships, foreplay starts at breakfast.

Why I like DHEA/ (Lu Rong) and Progestrone (Mang Jing Zi) so much. Those are
PRECURSORs to everything else. The body will make what it needs. Much safer to

Dont stress man. Let it come naturally.


The time is NOW

Its an Apple a day!

Hundreds of hormones control the chemistry of your body. Without hormones,

nothing in your body works. Hormone treatment address those hormones that
most impact the aging process and quality of life: testosterone estrogen,
thyroid, DHEA, and cortisol
Hormone treatment for men is safe if done correctly.
All of the hormones mentioned above are important. But testosterone is the
most important. Low T is responsible for most of the symptoms men
experience during andropause.
Male hormone therapy is healthy. Men feel significantly better 4 to 6 weeks
after their hormones are balanced. And studies now show that balanced
hormones result in a healthier body and mind, and less chronic illness
(including Alzheimers) over time.
Effective hormone treatment for men is about balance. One size does not fit all.

I found my own truth through 40,000 patients and continue to find my
You dont have to listen to me
Use ANY teacher, as a guide.

Not 7 Apples on Sunday

Not 31 Apples at the end of the month
What are you doing TODAY?

Thank you!
Brad Whisnant, DAOM
If you have additional questions? Go to my website
and Id be happy to help you



Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
didnt do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
Mark Twain

Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine, PO Box 92493, City of Industry, CA 91715

Tel: 626-780-7182 Fax: 626-609-2929 Website: Email: [email protected]
Shall not be copied, duplicated, or distributed in any format or be used for teaching without prior written consent from Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine.

To read articles by todays speaker, watch

online videos, or to see his/her complete
seminar/webinar schedule for this year, please

More information on the classic single herbs mentioned in

this seminar/webinar can be found in the
Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology
More information on the classic formulas can be found in
the Chinese Herbal Formulas and Applications
Collection formulas can be found in the eLotus
Clinical Manual of Oriental Medicine
All the above texts are available through

Herbs mentioned in this seminar/webinar, are

available through our sponsor Evergreen
Herbs & Medical Supplies. Please contact
them for a catalog and see how they can help
your practice.

This webinar is sponsored by:

Evergreen Herbs & Medical Supplies

Toll-free Tel: 866-473-3697
Email: [email protected]

Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine, PO Box 92493, City of Industry, CA 91715

Tel: 626-780-7182 Fax: 626-609-2929 Website: Email: [email protected]
Shall not be copied, duplicated, or distributed in any format or be used for teaching without prior written consent from Lotus Institute of Integrative Medicine.

Evergreen Herbs is not just an Herbal company, we are an

environmentally friendly, health conscious contributor to the healthcare community at large. Evergreen was founded by Dr. John Chen
and Tina Chen, siblings and coauthors of the Chinese Medical
Herbology and Pharmacology, and the Chinese Herbal Formulas
and Applications books.
Evergreen is a family business that is run by professionals like you
who care about Chinese medicine. And as a family business, we
have the well-being and satisfaction of our customers at the top
of our list. We care about the quality of our herbs, because we
care about our consumers, and have your best interest at heart.
Our goal is to support you in improving your clinical skills, and
enhancing the well-being of your patients.
To learn more about Evergreen Herbs and our products, please

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