Karaikal Pannaiyal Protection Act 1966

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ACT, 1966
(No.3 of 1966)


1. Short title, extent and commencement.




Act to override contract and other laws etc.


Appointment of conciliation' Officers.

.. 5. Constitution of Revenue Court.


. -

., .


Revision by the High Court.

7. Wages payable to pannaiyals.

8. Dismissal of pannaiyal.

8.A Special privileges for member of Armed Forces.

9. Adjudication of disputes.
10. Bar of jurisdiction of Civil and Administrative Court...
11. Power to make rules.


(Act No. 3 of 1966)
17th February, 1966

to provide for the improvement of agrarian conditions in the

area known as Karaikal in the Union territory of

WHEREAS it is necessary to regulate the relationship

between farm labourers and lwdcwners and provide a machinnery for settlement of disputes ;
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly in the Sixteenth
Year of the Republic of India as follows :1. Short title, extent and commencement.-(1)
This Act
may be called the Karaikal Pannaiyal Protection Act, 1966.

(2) I t shall extend to the area known as Karaikal in the

Union territory of Pondicherry. .-

(3) It shall come into force on

Government may, h y aotiEcation in

as the
Official Gazette,

'such date


'The .kc1 comes inlo force in Karaikal on the first day of May 1966-

Vide Solification No. 7-36!&5/F3, dated 1st May 1966 of Lhe Finance
Department, Pondicherry.


2. Defhitions.-In
this Act, unless
* - i h:
repugnant in thd






(a) agricultural- year" means

from 1st day of May ;




(b) "Conciliation Officer" means, in relation to any area,

the Conciliation Officer appointed under this Act for such
area and where no such o f k e r has been appointed, the
Revenue OfficerITahsildar having jurisdiction over the
area ;
(c) "C:o~~ernment"
n;esns the Administrator appointed by
the President under article 239 of the Constitution of India ;
(d) "gross produce'' includes the yield obtained at the
poradi ;
(e) "landowner" in re:atior. t o a pannaiyal means the
owner of a land or other person deriving any right from
him in respect thereof, who has engaged the pannaiyal for
cultivating the said land ;

(f) "Pannaiyal" means any person engaged by the land:

owner to look after a farm and do all cultivation work on
the land whenever necessary in the course of an entire agricultural year, hut does not include one who is engaged either
casually or only for a specific item of work;
(g) "Revenue Court" means, the Revenue Court constituted under this Act and where no Revenue Court has been
so constitutd, the Court. of -@e Admipistrator, Karaikal ;


3. Act to override contract and other law& etc.-%'he

visions of this Act-


(a) shall have effect, notwithstanding anything t o the

contrary contained in any pre-existhg law, cudom, usage,
or d $ c r ~or ordxer of- Court, but,
. agreement
.. , 4 3 - . 2 :s'
- ,

, c .



(b) shall not apply in respect of the land held by a landowner if the total extent of land held by h& does not exceed one veli (6-2/3 acres) which is either wet land or d r y
land irrigated from any Government source or three velis
(20 acres) of dry land not irrigated from Government
4. Appointment of Conciliation Officers.-The
Government or any authority empowered by him in this behalf may,
by order, appoint any Ferecn for any area specified therein, to
be a Conciliation Officer for the purpose of performing the
functions entrusted to a Conciliation Officer by this Act.

5. Constitution of Revenue Court.-The Government may,

by notification in the Oflicial Gazette, constitute for any area
specified therein a Revenue Court for the purpose of performing the functions entrusted to a Revenue Court by this Act.
6. Revision by the High Court.-The Revenue Court shall
be deemed to be a Court subordinate to the High Court and
its orders shall be liable to revision by the High Court on all
or any of the following grounds, namely :-

(a) it has exercised a jurisdiction not

law, o r

vested in it by

(b) it has failed to exercise a jurisdiction so vested, or

(c) it has acted in the exercise of its jurisdiction illegally
or with material

7. Wages payable to pannaiya1s.-(1) Wages shall be payable to pannaiyals and members of their families, for each day
of work done at the following rates in kind :-

(a) two marakkals of paddy for every adult male worker;

(b) one marakkal of

worker ;

paddy for every adult woman


(c) three-fourths marakkal of paddy for every

not being an adult.


(2) KO pannaiyal shall be entitled to claim in addition

any kind of customary privilege or remuneration, provided
that an adult male pannaiyal shall, in addition, be entitled at
each harvest to his share in the aruvadaipangu (crop share)
or" half-a-marakkal for ej-ery kalam of gross produce (or in the
case of produce other than paddy, of one twenty-fourth of the
gross produce) and be given manaikollais according to cilstom.
8. Dismissal of pamnaiyn1.-(1)
Whenever a landowner
dismisses a pannaiyal he shall, within fifteen days from the
date of s ~ c hdismissal, make a report thereof in writing to
the Conciliation Officer having jurisdiction oTver the area.

(2) The Conciliation Officer may, on receipt of such

report from the landowner, or of an:;
complaint from the
pannaiyal who has been dismissed, call upon the landowner
and the pannaiyal concerned to appear before him in person
or by agent and to represent their respective eases.

(3) After considering the representation, if any so made,

and after making such further inquiry into the case as he may
deem fit, the Conciliation Officer may, if h e finds that the
dismissal of the pannaiyal was not just and proper, by an
award in writing, require the landowner to take back the
pannaiyal and reinstate him in all the rights which would
have accrued to him but for his dismissal.

(4) Ir' the landowner fails to comply with the award of

the Conciliation Officer under sub-section (3), the Revenue
Court may, on receipt of intimation of such failure, after such

. . -- . .",.',
enquiry as it considers necessary, direct the landowner to pay
the pannaiyal such compensation as may be fixed by it without detriment to the rights accruing to pannaiyal under subsection (3).

(5) If the landowner fails to pay the compensation so

fixed to the pannaiyal, the Revenue Court may, on application
by pannaiyal, direct that it be recovered as if it were an arrear
of land revenue and paid over to the pannaiyal.

(6) Any landowner or pannaiyal may terminate the

engagement by giving notice of not less than 1 2 months ending
with the expiry oi the next ~grlculturalyea., or by mutual
agreement, provided that where the landowner terminates the
engagement under this sub-section, he shall be liable to pay to
the pannaiyal, grain or money equivalent to six months wages
or such amounts as may be mutually agreed upon


[a-A. Special privileges for member of Armed Forces

(1) Any pannaiyal enrolled as a member of the Armed Forces,
on discharge or retirement from service, or on being sent to
Reser1.e may make an rpplication to the Conciliation Officer
within such period as may be prescribed by rules made in this
behalf for reinstating him as a pannaiyal with all the rights
enjoyed by him immediately before his enrolment as a member of the Armed Forces.

(2) The Conciliation Officer shall, on receipt of an application under sub-section (I), call upon the landowner and t h e
pannaiyal concerned to appear before him in person or by
agent to represent their respective cases.

(3) After considering the representations, if any, so made

and after making such further inquiry into the case as he
may deem fit, the Conciliation Officer may,-





- . "-

Ins. by Act 6 of 1971, section 2, w . e . f . 27-2-1971.

r .

(a) if

. .


- . < - ,1.

he is satisfied having regard


(i) the reduction, if any, in the extent of the

after the date of the enrojment ;


(ii) the nature of the agricultural operations carried

on in respect of that farm after the date of the application ; and
(iii) such other matters as may be
made in this behalf;

prescribed by rules

that it will not be just and proper to require the landowner

to reinstate the pannaiyal, he may pass an order in this
behalf; or

(bj by an award in writing, require the landowner to

take back the pannaiyal and reinstate him with all the
rights enjoyed by him immediately before his enrolement
as a member of the Armed Forces:
Provided that any award for reinstating any pannaiyal
under this section shall, in respect. of any farm where there are
standing crops on the date of such award, take effect immediately after the harvest of such crops.

(4) The provisions of sub-sections (4) and (5) of section 8

shall, as far as may he, a p p l ~in relation to an award under
(b) ,of sub-section
- (3) &
': * ,they
- ' apply
, -.in relation to an
award under sub-section (3) of section 8.

(5) Where a member of the Armed Forces dies while in

service, the special privileges conferred by this section on
such member shall be available to the widow of such member,
or any person dependent upon such member immediately be, .
fore his death.


(6) If a question arises whether any person i s a member

of the Armed Force$ or not, such question shall be decided by
the Government and the decision of the Government thereon
shell be final.

Explanation.-In this section "member of the Armed

Forces" means a person in the service of the Air Force, Army
cr PTavy of the Union or* India and includes a sem~an].
9. Adjudication of disputes.-(1) Save as otherwise expressly provided in t5is Act, any dispute between a landowner
and a pannaiyal including any matter which affects their
mutual harmonious relationship in the cultivation of land, or
ziny question which may arise as to the payment or non-payinent of any urages shall, on application by 2ny party, be
decided by Conciliation Officer.

(2) [Against any award passed by a Conciliation Cfficer

under sub-section (3) of section 8 or under clause (b) of subsection (3) of section 8-A or any final order passed by a Conciliation Officer xnder clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 8-A or under sub-section (1) of this section, an appeal
shall lie to tile Revence Court within thirty days of the passing
of the award or order, as the case may be], unless the Court
in the special circumstances of any case, condones the delay
in preferring the ap2eal within that time ; and the decision of
the Revenue Co~zrtin that matter shall be final.

(3) Every application under sub-section (1) and every

memorandum of appeal under sub-section (2) shall bear a'
court-fee stamp of one rupee.
10. Bar of jurisdiction of Civil and Administrative Court.No Civil Court or Administrative Court shall entertain any
suit or other proceeding to set aside or modify any order,

Subs. by Act 6 of 1971, section 3, w.e.f. 27-2-1971.


decision or award passed by any Revenue Court, Conciliation

Oficer, or other authority under this A d or in respect of any
other matter falling within its or his scdpe.
11. Power to make rules.-(I) The Government may, by
natification, make rules to carry out the purposes of this Act,
and in particular for the execution or enforcement of any
orders, decisions or awards passed thereunder o r for the
removal of m y doubts or difficulties which may arise in giving
efiect tn the provisions thereof.

(2) All rules made under this Act shall, as soon as may
be after they are made, be laid before the Legislative Assembly
of Pondicherry while it is in session for a total period of
fourteen days, which may be comprised in one session or in
two s~lccessivesessions, and, if before the expiry of the session
in which it is so laid or the session immediately following, the
Legislative Assembly makes any modification in the rule or
decides that any s i c h rule should not be made, that rule
sllall thereafter have effect only in such mociified form or be
af no effect as the case may be, so, however, that any such
modification or annulment shall be without prejudice to the
validity of anything previously done under that rule.

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