Rajalakshmi Engineering College: CS1010 - C# Dotnet Framework Unit - I

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CS1010 – C# Dotnet Framework



1. What are the advantages of using .NET?

2. What is .NET?
3. What do you mean by CLR?
4. What is the use of CTS?
5. What is CLS?
6. What is metadata? Mention its uses in .NET.
7. What is Namespace? List out the Namespaces of .NET Framework.
8. What is class?
9. How to create objects in C#?
10. How to define constants in C#?
11. What are the major categories of data types in C#?
12. What is value type? Give example.
13. What do you mean by reference type? Give example.
14. What is the difference between logical and short circuit operators in C#?
15. What do you mean by Jagged Arrays?
16. How arrays are declared in C#?
17. What is type casting and how it is done in C#?
18. What is the use of Enumeration?
19. What is string? How strings are declared?
20. What is structure? How it is created in C#?


1. Explain in detail about the activities of CLR.

2. Explain about various Namespaces of .NET framework.
3. Briefly explain all the control structures in C#.
4. Explain in detail about various operators available in C#.
5. Explain about various string handling methods.
6. Explain about Enumerators and structures in C#.


1. What is encapsulation? How it is achieved?

2. What is method overloading?
3. What is polymorphism? How it is achieved?
4. What do you mean by abstract methods and classes?
5. What is inheritance?
6. What is garbage collection?
7. What is exception? How it is handled in C#?
8. What are the various types of Exceptions?
9. What is the use of finally block?
10. What is interface? How it is defined in C#?
11. How to compare two objects in C#?
12. How to create Cloneable objects?
13. What is delegate? How it is created in C#?
14. What do you mean by event?
15. What is the use of indexer? Write the syntax for indexer?
16. Define properties. Explain the syntax for properties.
17. What do you mean by operator overloading?
18. Explain the syntax for unary and binary operator overloading.


1. Explain about interfaces in C#.

2. Explain in detail about Exception Handling.
3. Briefly explain the concept of Delegates.
4. What is event? How events are created? Give example.
5. Explain in detail about Inheritance?
6. Explain in detail about the concept of operator overloading.


1. List out the general properties of control.

2. What is the use of scrollable control?
3. What are all the members of container control?
4. What is form? List out the properties of Form Type?
5. Explain the various methods of form.
6. What is syntax for creating Menu and Menu Item?
7. What is pop up menu? How it is created?
8. List out the properties of status bar.
9. Write the syntax for creating tool bar and explain it.
10. How to add images to toolbar buttons?
11. What do you mean by tool tip?
12. List out the properties of Textbox.
13. What is the difference between Radio button and Check box?
14. What do you mean by group box?
15. What is combo box? What is the difference between list box and combo box?
16. What is the use of Track bar?
17. What is Error Provider?


1. Explain in detail about creation of Menus.

2. What is status bar? Write a program to create status bar and explain.
3. Write short notes on the following controls.
(i) Checkbox (ii) Radio button (iii) Group box
4. Explain with suitable example the control Error provider.
5. Write a program for the controls List box and Combo box.
6. What is dialog box? What are the different types of dialog box? Write the
program for creating dialog boxes.


1. List out the classes of System.IO Namespace that support file and directory
2. What are all the members or methods of Directory Info type class?
3. List out the properties of File System Info class.
4. Explain the arguments of method open( ).
5. List out the possible file Modes.
6. Mention the values for file Access Enumeraton.
7. What is the difference between the methods open( ) and openRead( ) of the class
8. What do you mean by Abstract stream class?
9. Write a program to read and write the text to the file.
10. What is the purpose of using the method Peek( ) of class TextReader?
11. What are the two faces of ADO.NET?
12. List out the various ADO.NET Namespaces.
13. What do you mean by dataset?
14. What are the various properties of Data Column?
15. Explain the syntax for adding Data column to a Data table.
16. How to delete rows from Data table?
17. What is DataView?


1. Explain in detail about various methods for handling files and directories.
2. Briefly explain stream Writes and StreamWriters.
3. What is the use of Binary Reader and Binary Writer? Explain with suitable
example program.
4. Explain in detail about the steps to be followed to create the complete data table.
5. What is OLeDbDataReader? How to insert update and delete Records using
OleDb command.


1. What is the use of HTTP?

2. What is IIS?
3. Write the basic structure of HTML Document.
4. What do you mean by virtual directory?
5. List out the various HTML GUI Types.
6. What is the use of attribute action of form tag?
7. What is the difference between the methods GET and POST?
8. List out the benefits of ASP.NET.
9. List out the properties of HTTP Request and Response type.
10. What are the various types of web controls?
11. What do you mean by Application cache?
12. What do you mean by Cookies?
13. How can we create cookies?
14. What is the Role of XML Web services?
15. What do you mean by WSDL?
16. Give the basic format of WSDL document.


1. Explain in detail about Web Service Description Language (WSDL).

2. Explain about the building blocks of an XML webservice.
3. Briefly explain the concept of cookies.
4. Explain in detail about various ASP.NET webform controls.

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