InSight Radar 2 (IR2)

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Radar Operations Manual

Covers the Nobeltec Line of Radar Products

InSight Radar 2 (IR2)

NTMRG002 4/04

Table of Contents
InSight Radar Introduction ........................................... 1

Welcome to Nobeltec ..........................................................1

What is Nobeltecs IR2? ......................................................1
The InSight Radar Window .................................................2
What is a Nobeltec digital radar? ........................................4
How Does the Nobeltec Digital Radar Work?................4
Important Notice Regarding 2kW Dome Models ...........4
What is the InSight Radar Box? ..........................................5
How Does the InSight Radar Box Work? ......................5
Minimum System Requirements .........................................6
Recommended System Requirements ...............................6

Setting up InSight Radar .............................................. 7

Installing InSight Radar (IR2) ..............................................7

Installing the Hardware ..................................................7
Installing Nobeltec Software ................................................8
Using the Radar Setup Wizard ...........................................9
Initial Radar Setup .............................................................12
Setting the Trigger Delay .............................................12
Aligning the Radar Image ............................................13
Setting the Radar Presets............................................17


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with InSight Radar ....................................... 21

Opening the InSight Radar Window ..................................21

Turning on your Radar .....................................................22
Radar right click and Radar menu ...............................22
Radar Toolbars .............................................................23
Range Scale ................................................................24
Adjusting the Gain .......................................................26
Reducing Sea Clutter (SEA) ........................................26
Reducing Precipitation Clutter (Rain) ..........................27
Radar / Chart Overlay ..................................................28
Cursor Ghosting ...........................................................29
Rejecting Radar Interference .......................................29
Measuring the Range and Bearing to a Target ............30
Setting up a Guard Zone .............................................32
Pulse Length ................................................................32
Radar Orientation (rotation) .........................................33
Off Centering the radar (shifting) .................................34
Recording the Radar ...................................................35
Decluttering the Radar .................................................36
Resizing the Radar Image ...........................................37
Using Radar in Admiral - Advanced Features ...................38
NavViews Multiple Monitor Support ............................38
Full Screen Radar Console..........................................39
NavView Toolbars ........................................................41
Target Tracking ............................................................42
Point and Click Radar (MARPA) ..................................43
Radar Configuration Options .............................................47


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Understanding Radar .................................................. 51

How to Interpret the Radar Picture ...................................51

Radar Horizon ...................................................................53
Radar Horizon and Mother Nature ....................................53
Minimum Detectable Range ..............................................54

Troubleshooting .......................................................... 57

Troubleshooting Direct Connections .................................57

Troubleshooting Network Connections .............................58
Frequently Asked Questions .............................................61


InSight Radar Introduction

Welcome to Nobeltec
Congratulations. You have purchased the worlds most advanced marine radar.
How to use this manual
This manual assumes that you are already familiar with Nobeltecs charting
software. The Nobeltec software is easy-to-use and powerful. If you need a brushup, please refer to the Users Guide that came with your Nobeltec charting software.
You can also access the On-line Software Help File by clicking on the Help drop
down menu and then on the Help Topics option.
Also included in your Nobeltec software is a Training CD. This CD is full of light
overviews of the products functionality. For a refresher course on this powerful
software, take some time to review the training clips on this CD.

What is Nobeltecs IR2?

InSight Radar (or IR2) is Nobeltecs comprehensive radar solution. It includes either
a special radar that transmits digital data or a converter box to convert the standard
analog radar into the required digital format. It also includes a special version of
Nobeltecs navigation software designed to work with this digital radar data stream.
This radar software includes a host of powerful tools designed to make navigating
more safe and fun.
If the InSight Radar option is installed on top of the Nobeltec Visual Navigation
Suite or Admiral programs, the version of the program is followed by an R (e.g.
Version 7.0.793R) and will say InSight Radar on the Help | About screens. You will
also see a Radar drop down menu near the other menu options.

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)


Operations Manual

The InSight Radar Window

The InSight Radar window is the window inside the Nobeltec software for viewing
radar images. It can be resized and moved like any other standard window. It also
has a host of features specific to the radar functionality. The window is viewed in
either the standard PlanView mode or Admirals exclusive NavView.

InSight Radar
Window in

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual


InSight Radar in
Admirals NavView

Well talk more about these two window options and the way of using them later in
this Operations Manual.
The InSight Radar combines all the power of electronic charting with all the
functionality of a radar. These two technologies are considered by many to be
essential for safe navigation. Combining the two technologies provides a level of
functionality not attainable separately.
The IR2 product line has two ways to interface Nobeltec software with a radar:

A Full Nobeltec InSight Radar. A special radar designed to send digital imagery directly to a personal computer through your computers ethernet port. IR2 is
Nobeltecs digital radar.

InSight Radar Box. This converter box works with most legacy radars to convert
the analog radar information into digital imagery. The benefit of this option is that
it does not require a complete retrofit of your radar system and yet takes advantage of the advancements in radar display. Connecting this device to your computer is accomplished through a standard TCP/IP port.

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)


Operations Manual

What is a Nobeltec digital radar?

Nobeltec IR2 is complete radar solution that sends the radar information directly
to a personal computer in a format that it can understand. Most radars transmit
information between the transceiver and a display unit in analog form. However, a
digital radar sends the information digitally, making extra displays unnecessary.

How Does the Nobeltec Digital Radar Work?

The Digital Radar connects to a personal computer through a standard ethernet or

network port. In most cases, it can also be connected to a network hub or router. For
Network connections consult the Installers Guide.

Important Notice Regarding 2kW Dome Models

The Nobeltec IR2-2D (2kW Dome) varies slightly from other IR2 models. Although it
is still a digital radar, it connects to the computer differently than the other IR2 radars
(see diagram below). In addition, the IR2-2D does not have some of the same
features as the other IR2 models. If the feature being described is not available for
the IR2-2D, the term 4kW and Higher will be listed next to the feature.

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual


What is the InSight Radar Box?

The InSight Radar Box is a specially designed box that converts the analog signal
from many existing radars into a digital format usable by a personal computer.
Over the past decades, little has changed with the way a radar antenna sends and
receives radar microwaves. However, there have been significant advancements
in the display and utility of the resulting image. Until now, boaters wanting to take
advantage of these technological advancements had to replace the entire radar
system even though the antenna was virtually unchanged.
The InSight Radar Box is another market breakthrough. With the InSight Radar Box
and Nobeltec software, you can avoid the cost of a complete retro-fit and still get the
significant advantages of combining the information of radar and electronic charts.

How Does the InSight Radar Box Work?

The InSight Radar Box essentially repeats the radar data from your traditional
radar display to the personal computer. Depending on your radar make and model,
tuning or other adjustments may occur on the already processed radar image. An
advantage to this radar system is that you can keep your existing radar display for
redundancy, comparison and safety. A disadvantage, aside from taking up more
helm space, is that the radar image may look slightly different between the computer
and radar display.

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)


Operations Manual

Minimum System Requirements

In order to properly run Nobeltec InSight Radar software, you need the following:

Windows 2000/XP

Pentium III 1 GHz with 256 MB RAM and 50 MB hard disk space (Additional
space required for navigation data)

CD-ROM drive

The following available data ports


2 Serial or USB ports (GPS, Heading sensor or other device)

USB port for Nobeltec InSight Radar Box input (if applicable)

Ethernet Network port for the Digital Radar input (if applicable)

Heading Sensor capable of outputting NMEA heading information If not using

the preferred combo GPS/Heading sensor, we recommend the Nobeltec heading
sensor. Its fast 10Hz output makes for better radar overlay.

GPS capable of outputting NMEA heading information.

Recommended System Requirements

In order to get the best results using Nobeltec InSight Radar software, we
recommend you use a PC with the following specifications:

Windows 2000/XP Pro

Pentium IV 2.4 GHz with 512 MB RAM (or more) and 50 MB hard disk space
(Additional space required for navigation data)

CD and DVD-ROM drive

The following available data ports


2 Serial or USB ports (GPS, Heading sensor or other device)

USB port for Nobeltec InSight Radar Box input (if applicable)

Ethernet Network port for the Digital Radar input (if applicable)

High-end 3D video graphics card with OpenGL capabilities

Heading Sensor capable of outputting NMEA heading information If not using

the preferred combo GPS/Heading sensor, we recommend the Nobeltec heading
sensor. Its fast 10Hz output makes for better radar overlay.

GPS capable of outputting NMEA heading information.

For Technical Support on your InSight Radar

If your technical question revolves around the InSight Radar Box or the Nobeltec
software and how it functions with the incoming radar signal, call Nobeltec technical
support at: (800) 732-2800.


Setting up InSight Radar

This chapter is a review of what should have already been done through the
Installers Guide.

Installing InSight Radar (IR2)

Getting your radar up and running can be separated into two areas:
1. Installing the hardware
2. Setting up the Nobeltec software

Installing the Hardware

Included with your Nobeltec radar solution are installation and wiring instructions.
The majority of technical support issues revolve around incorrect installation.
Nobeltec strongly recommends using a qualified marine technician to install your
radar hardware. If you install the hardware components yourself, be sure to double
check your wiring and connections.
Depending on which radar solution you own, the radar may integrate to the
computer using the USB (Universal Serial Bus) port, or the Ethernet Network port.
Instructions for each of these connections is documented in the Installers Guide.

Refer to the Installers Guide for detailed

installation instructions

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Setting up IR2

Installing Nobeltec Software

It is necessary to install this software even if you have Nobeltec software already
loaded on your system. In addition to installing the Nobeltec software on a new
computer, it can also upgrade existing Nobeltec software to recognize and operate
the InSight Radar 2.
To install the Nobeltec software, Insert the program CD into your CD-ROM drive.
The program will autorun an installation program.
Follow the on screen instructions to install or update the Nobeltec software.
If the CD does not autorun, follow the next set of instructions.
1) Select Start | Run from the taskbar and type E:\setup.exe (substitute the drive
letter of your CD-ROM drive for E if it is different).
2) Follow the on screen instructions to install or update the Nobeltec Software.
Once installed, you should see a splash screen similar to the one shown below.

Nobeltec Admirals Splash Screen showing the

InSight Radar components are installed.

Tip: Notice that in the lower right corner, under the banner:
Including, the InSight Radar components are installed. If you do
not see this, chances are good that you have installed the wrong
CD. Locate the correct CD and re-install.

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Setting up IR2

Using the Radar Setup Wizard

This section assumes that you have correctly installed the IR2 and that it is
functioning properly.
The Insight Radar option to the Nobeltec software includes a Radar Setup Wizard
that simplifies the integration process. You must run the Radar Setup Wizard the
first time you install the software on a new computer on which you want to see the
InSight Radar.
The Wizard also sets up the communication ports for other NMEA devices such as
a GPS, heading sensor and more.


When running the Radar Wizard, it is important that you turn off all
IR2 radars and copies of Nobeltec software connected to the network
except the IR2 radar that you want to connect with.

To launch the Radar Setup Wizard

1) Click on the Start button on your Windows task bar. Then Programs | Nobeltec
| Radar Wizard

If the Radar Setup Wizard is not in the Nobeltec program group, you have not
installed the Nobeltec software with the Insight Radar module. Check to make
sure that you installed the correct CD.
2) After the opening screen appears, click on the Next button.

3) Verify that you have accomplished all of the requirements as outlined and then
click on the Next button.

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Setting up IR2

Operations Manual

The Radar Setup Wizard will search your available serial ports for incoming
information, including your GPS and heading sensor. Continue stepping through the
Radar Setup Wizard making sure to closely follow the instructions.

Tip: When you run the Radar Setup Wizard, make sure that your
GPS, heading sensor and the radar are all properly installed,
turned on and connected to your computer.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Setting up IR2

Once the Radar Setup Wizard detects your radar and other NMEA devices, you can
advance the Radar Wizard to the Adjust Radar Image page.

The primary objective on this page is to see the data in the white box towards the
bottom of this screen flowing on both sides. The data on the left side is data going
to the radar from the PC. The data on the right side is the radar responding to the
PC. As long as you see data on both sides of this window, you can finish the radar
This page shows, after the appropriate radar warm-up period, a mini-version of the
current radar image.
Tip: You may need to cycle the power on your radar for the Radar
Viewer image to appear.
If desired you can adjust the radar image inside the Radar Wizard. To do so, click
on the Adjust button to control various functions of the radar. None of the settings
that you enter here will be saved in the Nobeltec program.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Setting up IR2

Operations Manual

Initial Radar Setup

Setting the Trigger Delay
After successfully installing the radar, transmit trigger delay should be reviewed and
adjusted in order to compensate for cable transmission delays. Longer cable runs
generally require a higher trigger delay setting.
To do this, start the Nobeltec software and launch the Insight Radar window. Once it
is open and displaying a radar image, adjust the Transmit Trigger Delay. Next, click
on the Radar drop down menu then on the Initial Radar Setup option.

Setting the Transmit Trigger Delay: The transmit trigger delay (TxTrig) is a setting
that when set incorrectly can cause a donut like ring to appear in the center of the
radar image. The trigger delay should be initially set to reduce the size of the ring.
In most cases, Transmit Trigger should be between 125 and 160. Refinement of the
Transmit Trigger is best done using Nobeltecs radar overlay on a chart.
Transmit Trigger Delay can also affect the radar image of a straight object such
as a breakwater or riverfront. These can appear deformed due to excessive or
inadequate trigger delay. Properly setting this may require on-the-water tuning when
looking at a straight object. The trigger delay adjustment removes deformations in
the radar return as shown in the images below.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Setting up IR2

Aligning the Radar Image

Getting the radar to properly align with the electronic chart requires a few key
devices and software settings. As a summary, these three are:
Compass Master Heading Correction: In certain cases, it is not possible to install
the digital compass exactly parallel with the vessel center line. This software setting
allows an offset to be entered into the program to compensate for this occurrence.
Radar Heading Line: For similar reasons to the compass, it is not always possible
to install the radar with the front of the radar exactly parallel with the vessels keel
line or center line. The Radar Heading Line adjustment can compensate for this
Compass Deviation: Magnetic compasses can give incorrect readings for many
reasons. The most typical is magnetic interference on the boat. The engine block,
a large anchor or chain, and even electronics can create magnetic interference.
The Nobeltec software allows you to make entries in a deviation table that tells the
software how to adjust the incoming heading data to compensate for these local
Tip: Using a Combination GPS/Heading sensor that determines
heading based on dual GPS antennas (instead of magnetic
influence) significantly improves the accuracy of incoming heading
data and simplifies the radar alignment process.

Remember: Aligning the radar with a chart is not a perfect

science. Remember that a chart is a hydrographers artistic view
of the coastline and surrounding navigable information. A radar
on the other hand is a real depiction of what is being returned
and interpreted by the radar. You should expect that there will be
some level of disparity between the chart and the radar.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Setting up IR2
Adjusting the Compass Master Heading Correction

This process allows you to align the digital compass with the vessel center line. This
is normally a one-time process that corrects the entire 360 equally.
To align the compass determine the amount of offset and enter it into the Compass
Heading Correction screen.
To do this, Open the Nobeltec software and click on the Boat Properties tool which
can be found on the toolbar (shown below). You can also right click on the boat and
choose the option titled: Properties.

Once the Boat properties window is open, the General tab shows how the compass
bearings are displayed (True or Magnetic) along with the magnetic variation at
the boat location. Click on the Deviation button to open the Compass Heading
Corrections dialog.

Enter the compass master correction

value in the field provided.
Because the master value affects all
degrees equally, make sure that you
enter it before you proceed to creating a
compass deviation table.

Click the OK button to close out of this dialog.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Setting up IR2

Adjusting the Radar Heading Line Rotation

This process allows you to align the radar transceiver with the center line of the
vessel and only needs to be set once. This is a different function than aligning your
heading sensor so make sure you are adjusting the radars physical heading line to
match the center line of your vessel.
One way to do this is to simply eyeball the difference. However, it is easiest to do
this using the radar overlay feature. If the charted land does not appear to line up
correctly with the radar return for the same land mass, use the rotate scroll bar to
adjust the rotation angle until the overlaid image aligns correctly.
Remember: Make sure you have a heading sensor connected to
the PC. Without a heading sensor, the Nobeltec software cannot
align the image correctly onto the chart. To check if you have
heading connected and that data is being sent to your Nobeltec
software, add the Heading console item to the console and verify
that it does not read N/A. (Tools | Options | Console | Heading
check box).
To adjust this setting, Start the Nobeltec charting software and launch the InSight
Radar window. Once it is open and displaying a radar image, click on the Radar
drop down menu then on the Initial Radar Setup option.

Once in this window, use the spinner buttons or the slider to line up the image.
Remember: The Radar Heading Line is a one-time setup. Once
you have it corrected, there should not be a regular need to
adjust this setting. Alignment issues while underway are typically
a function of compass deviation challenges.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Setting up IR2

Operations Manual

Creating a Compass Deviation Table

Due to magnetic interferences and other considerations, magnetic compasses
can provide inaccurate information. To complicate this matter, the level of heading
innacuracy can change at each compass heading. To resolve this, inside the
Nobeltec software is a table that allows you to enter correction values at each 5

Tip: Using a Combination GPS/Heading sensor that determines

heading based on dual GPS antennas (instead of magnetic)
significantly improves the accuracy of incoming heading data and
simplifies the radar alignment process.
Once you have resolved the radar heading line and compass master rotations, you
now need to test the radar alignment at various headings to discover the onboard
deviations. The easiest way to do this is to be on the water in a clear open area and
drive at each heading for a short while correcting the deviation as you go.
An example of a way to do this follows:
1) Once on the water with the Nobeltec software running with radar and the heading sensor, open the Compass Deviation Adjustment tool (click on the Deviation
entry button in the Compass Heading Corrections window - shown above).

2) Steer to magnetic North.

3) With a chart window open with radar overlay turned on, observe how the radar
lines up with the chart. If the radar does not line up correctly, use the screen
above to rotate the radar image to the chart. Once lined up, hit the Add button to
add this value to the deviation table.
4) Now, change the vessel heading to another heading and repeat the process until
you feel confident that the radar image lines up with the chart at each heading.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Setting up IR2

Setting the Radar Presets (4kW Models and Above Only)

The auto gain and auto sea functions allow for hands free operation of the radar. As
with any other setting on the radar, these modes must be properly set up in order to
operate correctly. The following sections describe the presets that must be set for
proper operation.

There are several presets that affect the quality of the image. This section only
reviews those that affect the performance of the radar while using the auto
The dialog above is used for all preset controls (your actual values may vary from
those in the image). Pressing OK applies and saves the changes you have made.
Pressing Cancel eliminates any changes you have made, and restores the settings
prior to modification. Restore Defaults sets the values to factory defaults.
Follow the instructions below to adjust specific preset values on the radar.
Auto Tune Preset Controls
The Nobeltec radar is always in auto tune mode. In order to optimize the image, it
is necessary to set the auto tune preset to make sure you are receiving the best
quality image possible. Once set, you should not need to adjust the auto tune
preset unless the image quality deteriorates out of the control of the auto control.
Generally, you should adjust the auto tune preset once a year to make sure you
have the best image.
Follow these steps:
1) Select Adjust Radar Presets by right clicking on the radar image window or from
the Radar menu.
2) Adjust the auto tune control down until you see the image start to deteriorate.
Note the value of the setting.
3) Adjust the auto tune control up past the point where the image looks good until
the image starts to deteriorate.
4) Select the point between the two where the quality of the image is at its best.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Setting up IR2
Setting the Auto Gain Preset

The auto gain function automatically preserves the look of the image based on the
auto gain preset. You must first adjust the auto gain preset before adjusting the auto
sea settings. Once the auto gain is set, it will be set for all ranges.
Follow these steps to adjust the Auto Gain preset:
1) Click and depress the Auto Gain toolbar button

2) To adjust the image quality, right click in the InSight Radar window and select
Adjust Radar Presets
3) Adjust the auto gain control down if the image looks too strong. Adjust the auto
gain control up if the image looks too faint.
4) Click OK once the image looks good.
Setting the Auto Sea Clutter Preset
The Auto Sea function adjusts the image to dynamically compensate for changing
sea state due to wind or swells. The radar evaluates the type of echoes returned
and more Sea Clutter control is applied from the center going out on the image. One
benefit of the Auto Sea setting is that if the sea state increases due to wind, more
Sea Clutter control is applied on the leeward side of the image to counteract the
wave chop on that side of the vessel.
Auto Sea is a combination of two modes: Harbor Sea Clutter and Auto Sea Clutter
control. When the range of the radar is 1 mile or less, the program places the radar
in the Harbor Sea Clutter mode; over 1 mile and the program switches the radar to
Auto Sea Clutter mode.
Harbor Sea Clutter is applied in situation where Auto Sea Clutter control does
not work well; in environments where strong echoes are returned from land or
nearby buildings. Unlike the Auto Sea Clutter mode, this mode does not attempt to
dynamically adjust the Sea Clutter application, but rather applies a static Sea Clutter
control value based on the Harbor Sea Clutter preset.
As with the Auto Gain setting, the Auto Sea Clutter applies to all ranges. But due to
the nature of Sea Clutter application, it is applied based on the STC Curve profile
set below and generally has greater application closer to the vessel.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Setting up IR2

Follow these steps to adjust the Auto Sea Clutter Preset:

1) Set the radar range to 12nm.
2) Click and depress the Auto Sea toolbar button

3) Select the Adjust Radar Presets option by right clicking on the radar image
window or from the radar menu.
4) Set the auto sea preset to 10. Set the STC Curve preset to 4. Click OK.
5) Manually adjust the gain until you get secondary echoes through out the image
(make sure your radar color selection allows you discern between strong and
weak echoes).
6) Go into the Adjust Radar Presets option again.
7) Adjust the Auto Sea preset value up until most of the weak echoes for an 8nm
radius are eliminated. Click OK.
8) Adjust the radar range to 1.5nm and verify that strong echoes from nearby
vessels or land are not eliminated. If land or vessel echoes are small or have
been eliminated, follow the steps above to decrease the Sea Clutter preset.
Follow these steps to adjust the Harbor Sea Clutter Preset:
1) Set the radar range to 1nm.
2) Click and depress the Auto Sea toolbar button.
3) Select the Adjust Radar Presets option by right clicking on the radar image
window or from the Radar menu.
4) Set the harbor sea preset to 10. Set the STC Curve preset to 4. Click OK.
5) Manually adjust the gain until you get secondary echoes through out the image
(make sure your radar color selection allows you discern between strong and
weak echoes).
6) Go into the Adjust Radar Presets option again.
7) Adjust the Harbor Sea preset value up until most of the weak echoes are
eliminated. Click OK.
8) Adjust the radar range to 1/8nm and verify that strong echoes from nearby
vessels or land are not eliminated. If land or vessel echoes are small or have
been eliminated, follow the steps above to decrease the Harbor Sea Clutter


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Setting up IR2

Operations Manual

STC Curve
The STC Curve function allows you to control the Sea Clutter profile of the radar.
By default, the STC Curve profile is set to a value of 4. For most applications, there
should be no need to change this setting. However, you may want to adjust this
value to get a better application of Sea Clutter if the radar is either mounted very
high on the vessel, or extremely low. This setting affects all modes of Sea Clutter
application (auto, harbor and manual).
Follow these steps to adjust the STC Curve profile:
1) Set the radar range to 12nm.
2) Set the gain and sea clutter to manual settings.
3) Setting the STC curve profile to a lower number causes the application of sea
clutter to be focused around the vessel. Setting it to a higher number causes
STC to be applied through out more of the image. Adjust the STC curve profile
value up or down and observe its impact on the radar image.
4) Select the desired application of the STC curve profile and click OK.
NOTE: If the STC curve profile is not set correctly, adjusting the sea clutter (manual
or automatic) may not have the desired impact. If you notice that increasing the sea
clutter control has no impact on the image, your STC curve profile is too low. On the
other hand if you notice that echoes disappear too quickly when applying sea clutter,
the STC profile may be too high.



Working with InSight Radar

Opening the InSight Radar Window

1 Launch the Nobeltec Navigation software by double clicking on its desktop icon.
2 Click on the Radar drop down menu and then InSight Radar Window...
or Click on the InSight Radar Window toolbar button

The InSight window will open. If the radar unit is turned on and is properly
connected to the computer, the InSight window automatically displays the radar
image similar to that shown below.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Working with IR2

Operations Manual

Turning on your Radar

Once the hardware portion of your digital radar is properly installed, viewing a radar
image is as simple as powering the antenna, and opening an InSight Radar window
within the Nobeltec software.
With the radar powered on, click on the Radar Transmit/Standby
begin or stop radar transmission.

button to

Depending on the antenna, the power-up process takes between 90 and 120
seconds. Once powered, Nobeltec automatically displays incoming radar data. If the
radar is in standby mode, use the Radar Transmit/Standy toolbar button to begin
Once the InSight window is open and active, a range of tuning and control options
and other features are available. InSight Radar features are listed on the following

Radar right click and Radar menu

The InSight window can be managed as any other window. It can be minimized,
maximized and can even share the screen with another chart window. The InSight
Radar window can also be closed while the radar is still in operation. If you are
overlaying the radar image on an electronic chart, the dedicated radar window is
not required to be visible.
Similar to other Windows applications, common features can often be found by
clicking on the right mouse button or the Radar menu. The following pages describe
the radar features found in these menus in greater detail.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Radar Toolbars
There are a number of radar toolbars that give you complete control over the
InSight Radar features. The three primary toolbars are displayed below. The
remaining available toolbars contain the same toolbar buttons as those displayed
below but are re-organized in smaller subsets.
To turn on new toolbars, click on the Tools drop down menu, then on the Toolbars
option. Check the toolbars that you want to see and click on the Apply button.
Radar Control Toolbar
Auto Range

Auto Gain*

Range Up and Down

Auto Sea Clutter*

Gain Up and Down

Sea Up and Down

Radar Tools Toolbar

Transmit Radar Overlay IR Rejection EBL

Open Radar



Rain Up and Down

Range Rings

Guard Zone


Radar Advanced Toolbar (Nobeltec Admiral Only)

Acquire Target

Radar Rotation Speed*

*Please Note: If you are using the IR2-2D (2kW Dome), these tools are not available
and will be greyed out on the toolbar.

Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Range Scale
Range Scales: The range buttons determine the size of the area that appears
in your InSight Radar window. In addition, the range setting also determines the
number and distance of the range rings. Click on the Range Up or Range Down
button to increase or decrease the range of the radar respectively.
Range Scales in nautical miles
Range (nm)
Ring Interval





1 1/2








No. of Rings

Range (nm)
Ring Interval
No. of Rings













Tip: The maximum range depends what radar model you own.
The ranges for the InSight Radar Box when integrated with a
third party radar may vary depending on the range options of that
The Range setting is shown in the upper left hand corner of the InSight window.
Once you have requested a range change command, it may take a second or two
to update the radar window.
Tip: When the InSight Radar Window is the active window, you
can also change the radar range by hitting the Zoom buttons

or the keyboard +/- keys.

Autorange: This useful feature automatically adjusts the radar range to

match the chart window. This keeps the overlaid radar image consistently
scaled and sized with the chart window and helps maintain a cleaner image.
When enabled, a change in radar range or chart zoom level changes the other
window accordingly.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Radar Range Toolbar

In addition to the Radar Control toolbar displayed above, there are two additional
Range toolbars designed to give you greater flexibility and control.
Auto Range

Range Down

Range Up

Auto Range

Range Levels:
Marina, Harbor, Bay & Horizon

Range Up and

The special Range Levels buttons are designed to give you the ability to range
out or in to a given level with a single click. Depending on your radar type, these
ranges may vary slightly.

Approximate Range Level

1/4 nm
1 nm
4 nm
16 nm


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Chapter 3
Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Adjusting the Gain

Use the Gain Up

and Gain Down

keys to adjust the sensitivity of the

A higher gain value makes the radar more sensitive to radar returns, allowing it to
display weaker targets. However, if the gain is set too high, the image might get
overly cluttered with background noise and even strong returns could be hidden or
masked. Conversely, a lower gain could cause weak echoes to be missed.
Auto Gain (4kW and Higher)
Based on the Radar Presets, the Auto Gain function is designed for hands
free operation of the radar. By setting the gain preset (as described in the
chapter titled Setting up the InSight Radar) the software preserves the
relative gain settings for every range level.

Reducing Sea Clutter (SEA)

Use the Sea Up
and Sea Down
keys to reduce the effect of random
echo returns from waves or rough water near the vessel. Sea Clutter is sometimes
referred to as STC (Slow Time Constant) or just SEA.
Reducing the on-screen clutter caused by the echoes of waves is accomplished by
increasing the SEA value.
Sea Clutter is primarily focused near the vessel and shows on your radar screen
as a thick cluster of radar returns. Increasing the Sea Clutter (or STC; Slow Time
Constant) can help filter out the echoes between rough seas and real targets.


Chapter 3
Operations Manual

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Working with IR2

Auto SEA (4kW and Higher)

Based on the Radar Presets, the Auto SEA function is designed for hands
free operation of the radar. By setting the SEA preset (as described in the
chapter titled Setting up the InSight Radar) the software adjusts to the
changing weather conditions to maintain the radar quality. The effect of Auto SEA
varies based upon range and conditions.

Reducing Precipitation Clutter (Rain)

The vertical beam width of the radar antenna allows you to see targets on the
surface even when a ship is rolling. This feature, however, can have the side effect
of confusing rain, snow or other conditions with real targets. Increasing the Rain
value helps to discriminate between weather and solid returns.
Use the Rain Up
and Rain Down
keys to reduce the effect of weather
or other meteorological phenomenon on your radar image. Be careful not to
increase the rain value too much as it can filter out real targets with the weather.
Rain Clutter control is still effective when the Gain is lowered.
If you are using the 2kW Dome model, the Rain Up and Rain Down actually turn
Rain Clutter on and off. The Rain Up button turns Rain Clutter on and the Rain
Down button turns it off.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Working with IR2

Operations Manual

Radar / Chart Overlay

Overlay Radar Image on Chart: Overlaying the radar on the chart is the
ideal way to merge the power of electronic charting and the security of radar.
The chart brings context to what can often be a confusing display of radar
blobs. Clicking on the radar overlay button toggles the radar overlay on and off.
When radar overlay is on, the important radar information is also displayed in the
corners of the chart screen as shown below.

Warning: Radar Overlay on your electronic charts requires a

high speed and well-adjusted compass. Slight deviation errors
are significantly magnified with radar overlay. Make sure that you
have setup your radar and digital compass correctly.

Tip: You can also turn Radar Overlay on by right clicking on the
chart and choosing the Radar Overlay button or from the Radar
drop down menu.


Chapter 3
Operations Manual

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Working with IR2

Remember: The Auto Range feature

keeps the chart scale
and the radar range in sync, making it easy to understand the
radar in context with the chart. To change the radar range, simply
zoom out using any of the charting zoom tools, including the plus
and minus keys on your keyboard.

Cursor Ghosting
When in SplitScreen mode, one way to compare the electronic chart and the radar
is to use a function called Cursor Ghosting. If Cursor Ghosting is enabled in the
Radar tab of the program Options, then moving your cursor over the radar or chart
creates another cursor in the other window in the same relative position. Cursor
Ghosting is particularly useful when trying to understand more about certain radar
targets. By hovering your mouse cursor over the radar target in question, you can
see its exact location on the chart.

Rejecting Radar Interference

Radar Interference Rejection: Interference Rejection (IR) is a setting that
reduces the interference caused by radar signals from other radar units
operating in the same frequency band as your radar. There are four IR
options. Off, 1 (weak), 2 (middle) and 3 (strong). The higher you set IR, the less
interference you will receive. In order to not miss weak targets, make sure to turn
interference rejection off when no interference exists.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Measuring the Range and Bearing to a Target

The range and bearing to a target can be measured inside the Nobeltec application
a number of ways, including using the range and bearing to the cursor as displayed
in the Info tab of the NavBar at the bottom of the screen or by using the appropriate
console panes as shown here.

Bearing of Boat to Cursor (BBC)

Range of Boat to Cursor (RBC)

You can also measure range and bearing to a target using the three radar tools
Range Rings. This button toggles the radar range rings on and off. As
described above in the Range section, these rings are at preset distances
from the vessel based on the radar range. The distance between rings is
shown in nautical miles and is found in the upper left hand corner of the radar
window directly next to the Range setting.

Radar Range
of 3/4 nm

Range Ring
Interval of 1/4 nm

To measure the range of a radar echo from the vessel, count the number of rings
between the center of the display (where the vessel is) and the target. Check the
range ring interval and guesstimate the distance of the target to the nearest ring.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Variable Range Marker (VRM): This tool is a user-controlled range ring that
surrounds the vessel. The VRM is normally used to measure distances to
targets and is adjusted by grabbing it with the mouse cursor and dragging it
to the desired distance. The range for the VRM is displayed in the lower left hand
corner of the InSight window as shown below.

Variable Range
Marker distance
from vessel

Gain and Sea

Clutter Indicators

Electronic Bearing Line (EBL): This is a bearing line from the center of the
vessel that remains constant as the vessel moves. Use the EBL to measure
the bearing from the vessels position to a target. To adjust the EBL, click
on it and drag it to the desired angle. The angle can be displayed in three ways as
shown below and is found in the lower right corner of the radar window.

EBL in Clock degrees

EBL in Relative degrees

EBL in Absolute degrees


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Working with IR2

Operations Manual

Setting up a Guard Zone

Guard Zone: One of the powerful InSight features is the ability to create
fully customizable guard zones. This zone acts as a shield to the vessel. If
the InSight Radar receives radar returns inside the guard zone, you will be
notified with an alarm. Once a guard zone is created, you can click on any of the
outer edges to change the size and shape of the guard zone in that direction. Click
in the center to move the whole guard zone around the vessel. When radar echoes
enter the guard zone, you are notified in the Status tab of the NavBar as seen here.

Warning: Neither guard zones nor any other part of the InSight
Radar should be relied upon as the sole means for detecting
collision possibilities. To improve the function of the guard zone,
make sure your radar is properly adjusted to see targets inside
the guard zone.

Pulse Length (4kW and Higher)

Pulse Length: Refers to the length of time of each transmit of the radar
waves by the transceiver. Typically a longer pulse length produces better
long range target detection and a shorter pulse length is for better target
range discrimination. The pulse length is shown in the upper right corner of the
InSight Radar window.The pulse lengths are pre-set for each range so you are not
typically required to change this setting. However, if you are not satisfied with the
current pulse length setting, it is possible to toggle between the pulse lengths with
this toolbar button.
Pulse length and
Rotation Speed


Orientation and

Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Radar Orientation (rotation) (4kW and Higher)

You can rotate the InSight Radar window by using the Radar drop down menu or
the right click. In both cases, click on the option Radar Orientation and then on
one of its sub-menu options. The current orientation is displayed in the upper right
corner (as seen on previous page). Orientation options are:
Heads Up: Rotates the radar image such that the line connecting the
center of the radar image to the top of the display is the
vessels current heading. The radar is painted relative to own
ships heading. This rotation option works only if you have an
attached heading sensor.
North Up:

Rotates the radar image so that North is always directly up

on the radar window. In this case the line connecting the
center of the radar image to the top of the display is the
North indicator.

Course Up: This option rotates the radar image to the current Course
Over Ground (COG). As your course changes, so does the
radar window. COG is necessarily different than Heading in
that your boat can be pitching and rolling creating sudden
heading changes while COG remains consistent. Heading
is typically delivered via a heading sensor while COG is a
function of your GPS and track history.
Leg Up:

This option rotates the radar image to the intended course

between your start point (or last waypoint) and the next
waypoint in your route. Leg Up is useful when your ship is
yawing excessively and the radar image is changing too
much. This option only works when you have a activated
route in a chart window.

Please Note: When using the 2kW Dome, the only Radar
Orientation available is Heads Up. If the radar image is overlaid
on an electronic chart, you can select any of the orientation
modes listed above.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Off Centering the radar (shifting) (4kW and Higher)

Own ship position can be off centered to provide greater radar range. You can
control the positioning of the radar image inside the radar window in one of three
Click and Drag:

With your mouse, click and drag on

the vessel icon to recenter the image
wherever desired.

AutoScroll: Look Ahead:

Clicking on this button does two

things. First, it orients the radar image
to Heads Up and then centers the
radar image at the bottom of the radar
window. This gives you the maximum
view ahead.

Center on Boat:

This button re-centers the radar

image. This button performs the same
command in a chart window.

Radar image is off centered to the Look Ahead position.

Notice that the heading line extends up on the image
and the North indicator extends to the lower right side.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Recording the Radar

Record/Playback Control: Another powerful feature of the Nobeltec software is
the ability to record the radar images on your voyage and play them back at a later
time. Clicking on this button launches a dialog that looks like a VCR control:


This button launches a dialog where you can find pre-recorded

radar files. Radar files are saved with a .rad or .ras
extension. Once found, the radar window plays the recordings
back at real-time speeds. Note: Not all radars support the
Record/Playback functions.


This rewinds the radar file that you are currently viewing.


Pause the radar file that you are currently viewing.


This button begins recording the radar data in real-time. By

clicking on this button you will be prompted to designate the
file name and location on the hard drive.


This stops playing the file that you are currently viewing.


When depressed, the loop button constantly replays the radar

playback file that you have chosen.
Warning: Recording radar files consumes large amounts of hard
drive space in short periods. You may want to delete radar files or
back them up once they are no longer needed.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Working with IR2

Chapter 3
Operations Manual

Decluttering the Radar

Declutter Hot Key: In the InSight Radar Window or a chart window with Radar
Overlay, press and hold down the space bar to clear the windows of any radar
objects other than the radar return itself. This gives you a radar image free of all
objects, including the range rings, the Variable Range Marker, etc. When finished,
let up on the space bar and your radar image will return to normal.

Standard InSight Radar


Standard InSight Radar with


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Chapter 3

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Resizing the Radar Image

The InSight Radar window can be resized like any standard Window. In addition, the
radar image inside the window can be made to fit the window or can be maximized
so that the radar takes up more of the window space. To do this right click in the
InSight Radar window and choose either the Fit or Clip option.

Fit Mode

Clip Mode


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Working with IR2

Chapter 3
Operations Manual

Using Radar in Admiral - Advanced Features

A powerful benefit of Nobeltecs Admiral product is the special, non-Windows look
and feel called NavView. NavView has been designed specifically for touchscreen
monitors and on the water navigation where operating a mouse on a moving bridge
can be troublesome. Buttons and menu entries are oversized and easy to read.
While Admirals NavView has all of the commonly used features for navigation, it
does not have some of the planning features. The idea behind NavView is that it is
for navigating and light planning. Serious planning is most effective in the standard
PlanView mode.
NavView is easy to understand and operate, however if you need a refresher
course, review the Users Guide that came with your Admiral product.

NavViews Multiple Monitor Support

One of the powerful features of Admirals NavView is the ability to have a single
computer drive more than one monitor. This is particularly useful when using
integrated devices such as the InSight Radar. Hooking up multiple monitors allows
you to show the InSight Radar on one screen as a dedicated radar while the other
monitor(s) show other navigation data.

A primary benefit of NavView is the use of screen real-estate. By eliminating the

Windows toolbars and other functions, your PC looks and operates more like a
function specific device than a PC. The InSight Radar window can be maximized to
full screen or split as shown here.


Chapter 3
Operations Manual

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Working with IR2

Full Screen Radar Console

When the InSight Radar is being displayed as a full screen in NavView, a special
Radar Console provides detailed navigation and radar information on either the right
or left side of the screen. Although the InSight Radar window can be displayed full
screen with a single monitor, it was developed with multiple monitors in mind.

Split Screen InSight Radar

Window and Chart Overlay
in NavView.

Full Screen InSight Radar

in NavView with the Radar
Console on the Left side.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Working with IR2

Operations Manual

The Vessel
Vessel name
The Cursor

Selected Target
Range and Bearing
Radar Settings
Sea Clutter
IR rejection
Expand Targets

The reported values in the Radar Console are effected by the settings in the Radar
tab of the program Options. Changing the side of the Radar Console from left to
right or turning it off altogether is also accomplished through the program Options.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

NavView Toolbars
The radar toolbars in NavView are similar to the toolbars in the PlanView. However,
Admiral has some additional radar features. Each button on the NavView toolbars,
shown below, operate the same way as the same button in PlanView.
If you are using the 2kW Dome model, please note that the Auto Sea, Auto Gain,
Double Speed and Pulse Length tools are not available. These tools will be greyed
out if you are using that specific model. For more information, please revisit these
sections which are listed in greater detail earlier in this Chapter.

The Radar Controls toolbar in NavView controls the radar in

the same way as the toolbar of the same name in PlanView.

The Radar Tools toolbar in NavView has a few extra

radar tools that are Admiral features only.

In addition to the main NavView toolbars, Admiral has two additional toolbar buttons:
Double Speed (4kW and Higher): When connected to a 24 volt power
source, the IR2 can operate at twice its normal antenna rotation speed.
Double speed is useful for high-speed vessels or when operating in tight
navigation waterways. By operating at double speed the radar is refreshed at twice
the speed as normal.
Acquire Targets Mode: This button puts your cursor into the acquire targets
mode for manually identifying radar targets. This is discussed in greater
detail below.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Working with IR2

Chapter 3
Operations Manual

Target Tracking
The Admiral product has a built in comprehensive target tracking system. Targets
can be acquired one of three ways:

Automatic Identification System is a system

where vessels can broadcast position,
course, speed, rate of turn and other useful
information. It can be used to educate local
traffic about the traffic conditions. Vessels of
a certain size are required to broadcast the
AIS signals, but anyone can listen. If your
vessel is equipped with an AIS receiver or
transceiver, Nobeltec Admiral picks up the
incoming information and paints the targets
on the chart.

External Radar:

Many external radars can acquire targets

using either ARPA or MARPA. Most of
these radars can also broadcast this data
to Nobeltec using the NMEA standard
sentences. When properly connected,
Admiral paints these targets from external

Point and Click (MARPA): Nobeltec Admiral can be used to easily

acquire and track radar targets. Using the
power of the PC and the mouse cursor,
identifying and tracking targets is easier
than ever.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Chapter 3

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Point and Click Radar (MARPA)

MARPA is an acronym for Mini Automated Radar Plotting Aid. Its primary purpose is
for collision avoidance and target tracking.

No single navigational aid should be relied upon for
the safety of vessel and crew. The captain has the
responsibility to use all navigation aids to verify position.
Electronic navigation aids are not a substitute for basic
navigational principles and common sense.
Properly tuning and adjusting your radar in changing
conditions is critical for target tracking.
MARPA target tracking requires accurate heading data. A
poorly performing heading sensor makes target tracking
impossible. For best performance, use a high speed GPS
gyro compass and GPS.
Remember: MARPA requires a well adjusted and properly setup
digital compass. If using a magnetic compass, you will have to
setup a deviation table to adjust the compass input for magnetic
interferences on your boat. For more information on setting up
your compass deviation table see the chapter titled: Setting up
the InSight Radar


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Chapter 3
Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Acquiring MARPA targets

Acquiring MARPA targets in Nobeltec is simple. The first step is to identify the target
that you wish to track.
There are three ways to acquire MARPA targets using Nobeltecs exclusive Point
and Click Radar.
Double Click:

In the InSight Radar window, simply move your

mouse on top of the radar target that you wish to
track and double click.

Right Click

In the InSight Radar window, move your mouse

on top of a radar target, right-click and select the
option: Acquire this target.

Acquire Mode

The Acquire mode changes the cursor to a

dashed box. When in this mode, every left click, in
the InSight window and a chart window that has
Radar Overlay, tells Nobeltec to track the radar
object at the location you clicked.

MARPA targets using Nobeltecs Point and

Click radar. Targets are shown in InSight Radar
window and Targets Navbar.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Once youve identified a target, it takes a few full radar swings for Nobeltec to
properly acquire and track the target.
MARPA Symbology
Nobeltec uses the IMO approved MARPA symbology.



Dashed box

Attempting to acquire target. Typically

takes up to 7 full rotations.

Blue Circle with


Tracking target. Vector shows course

and speed.

Red Triangle with


Target is a threat because it is inside the

alarm setting. Showing course and speed
through the vector.

Yellow Diamond

Lost target. Attempting to re-acquire.

The predictor line extending from the targets symbol gives an estimate of target
course and speed. The end of the predictor line shows the position where, barring
changes, the target will be in a designated amount of time. The predictor line timing
is set to 5 minutes by default.
Tip: If the MARPA target is lost, another feature of the Point and
Click Radar is to use your mouse to drag the symbol back over
the radar echo to help it re-acquire. You can also delete targets
with the right click.
Once a target has been acquired you can see it in the Radar Console as we saw
earlier in the chapter, or on the Targets tab of the NavBar as shown here.

The Targets tab of the NavBar shows all the targets that are being tracked, including
AIS targets. Use the drop down box in its upper left corner to choose the target that
you wish to view. The More Info section is used to display the extra information from
AIS targets.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Target Tracking Terms and Acronyms

Full Name



Closest Point of

CPA is the closest distance that can be achieved

between your vessel and the tracked target based
on your collective speed and direction.


Time to Closest
Point of Approach

The time it takes to achieve the CPA. Time is

expressed in minutes.


Target Range

The targets range from your vessel.


Target Bearing

The bearing of the target in True or Magnetic.


Target Course

The tracked targets course.


Target Speed

The tracked targets speed.

Setting a Target Alarm

The alarm settings are set based on the targets CPA and/or TCPA. By default the
alarm settings are set to:

1/2 nm


300 seconds.

When a predicted CPA of any target becomes smaller than the CPA alarm or its
predicted TCPA less than the TCPA alarm limit, an audio alarm sounds and the
target displays as a red triangle with a red vector.
To change the alarm settings go to the program options by clicking on the Options
toolbar button
or through the menu system by clicking on the Tools drop down
menu and then on Options. Now click on the Targets tab and change the Target
Threat Criteria as desired. For more information on the Options, see the section
later in this chapter.
Warning: The CPA/TCPA alarm should never be relied upon as
the sole means for detecting the risk of collision. The navigator
is responsible for using all means of threat detection, including
visual observations.


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Radar Configuration Options

In the Nobeltec Options, are two pages specific to Radar or Targets.
To view the Targets tab of the Options dialog
1 Launch the Nobeltec software by double clicking on its desktop icon.
2 Click on the Tools drop down menu, and select Options...
3 Now click on the Targets tab.

Display ARPA Targets: A yes choice tells the Nobeltec software to display ARPA
targets coming from an external radar in the standard NMEA format.
ARPA Targets based on magnetic: A yes choice tells the Nobeltec software to
recognize an external ARPA source as magnetic bearing data rather than true
bearing data.
Display AIS Targets: A yes choice tells the Nobeltec software to display AIS targets
coming from an external AIS receiver or transceiver.
Target Name Settings: Tells the Nobeltec software how to display the AIS target
names when overlaid on the chart. The options are None, Short or Full.
ARPA Target Timeouts: The time displayed is the time that Nobeltec will keep the
ARPA target from the external radar painted on-screen before deleting the target.
Display Predictors and Wakes: When checked these objects display for all target
types. Set the number of minutes ahead or behind respectively for each object
type to display.
Target Threat Criteria: Check the Detect Threats box to enable the threat criteria.
Once checked, set the CPA and TCPA limits. You can also turn the audible alarm


Chapter 3

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Working with IR2

Operations Manual

To view the Radar tab of the Options dialog

1 Launch the Nobeltec software by double clicking on its desktop icon.
2 Click on the Tools drop down menu, and select Options...
3 Now click on the Radar tab.

Auto Range Links With: When Auto Range is turned on, this setting controls what
windows are effected. Auto Range is the feature that keeps the InSight Radar
window and chart window in sync. As you zoom in or out on either of the displays the other matches the range change.
All Chart Windows: This option keeps all chart windows at the same zoom or
range level.
Chart w/ Radar Overlay Only: Changes the zoom or scale of chart windows that
have the radar overlay turned on to match the radar range.
Keep range setting: When checked, this feature remembers the tuning settings for
Gain, Sea Clutter, etc for each range. As you adjust the range, the InSight radar
will revert to your last used tuning settings.
Suppress echoes around Boat: Resolves what is commonly referred to as Main
Bang Suppression. This feature turns off all radar echoes around the boat within
a certain radius of pixels.
Warning: Use caution when using this feature as it could remove
real radar echoes that could be collision threats.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Working with IR2

Ghost Mouse Cursor: Shows a ghosted image of the mouse cursor in every chart
window. Most typically this would be used when the radar window and a chart
window are not in the same rotation angle so identifying targets is made simpler.
Degree Marks on Radar Rings: Turns on or off the degree values from the radar
range rings.
Vessel Centric Bearings: This option lets you change how the angle of the
Electronic Bearing Line is measured and displayed. The value set here is used in
the InSight window.
Radar Text Banner: This option changes how the radar information is displayed
when overlaid on an electronic chart. There are three options, Boxed, Full and
None. This option does not affect the display of the text itself only the background box.
Radar Resolution (not on all radars): This option is only available if you have
certain versions of the Nobeltec digital radar. Further, the options included are
based upon the particular Nobeltec digital radar you own. Click on the down
arrow to see what options are available. While, higher resolution gives an
improved radar image it generally consumes more memory.
Image Clipping: Some radars return the radar image in a square. This setting
allows you to keep the radar image as a square or clip the corners to see a more
standard circular radar image.
Always Open Radar Window: This option tells the Nobeltec software whether or
not to open a radar window by default each time the program launches.
Full Screen NavView Radar Console (Admiral only): In NavView, Nobeltec
Admirals non-windows look and feel, when the InSight radar is full screen the
Radar Console appears. There are three options from which to choose: Left,
Right and None.
Colors: The InSight radar allows you to change the colors of each overlayable item.
Use this to make objects more visible in different lighting situations or simply for
viewing preference. To adjust your color settings, use the slider tabs to adjust
the size of the color section. Once the slider tabs are in place, you can then right
click in any color section to open the Color Selection dialog box and select your
desired color settings.



Understanding Radar

The capability of a radar varies depending on where the radar is mounted, the
radars performance, weather conditions, and the skill of the operator. This chapter
describes the conditions that affect the capability of the radar, and the correct
interpretation of the radar picture.

How to Interpret the Radar Picture

To interpret the radar picture, an operator should be familiar with the radar video
presentation caused by the wanted and unwanted effects. For instance, the
produced by bridges, sand beaches, waves and even a boats wake may all be
represented differently than expected based on their visual appearance.
For correct interpretation of the radar picture, it is highly recommended that the
operator practice using the radar in good weather conditions.
Normal Echoes

The figure above shows an example of typical radar picture compared against a
sample real-world scenario. There are a number of things to learn from this image
regarding how a radar works. Here is a list of some important ones:
1. The bouy #1 is being blocked by the cape or hill and is not visible in the radar
2. Due to its proximity and size, the large boat returns a strong radar return that
is similar to its actual profile. On the other hand, the small boat is painted as
a small dot, because its reflection area is smaller. Also notice that the smaller
boats wake returns a large reflection.
3. The hill on the starboard side of the vessel, because of its dense forest and hilly
nature, returns large echoes, while the sandy beach to the port returns a weak
radar image. The exception to the port side return is the windbreak forest which
returns strong echoes because of its profile differences.

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Understanding Radar

Operations Manual

False Echoes
False echoes may appear according to surrounding circumstances. Examples of
false echoes and causes of these echoes are described below.
False echoes caused by reflection
A close target may appear in two different directions. One is a real echo, while the
other is a false one produced by reflected waves from structures near the radar
antenna, such as a funnel, a mast, etc. If a large structure, like an iron bridge exists
nearby, it can also create false echoes.
False echoes caused by multiple reflection
When your boat passes near a large boat, radio waves are repeatedly reflected
between the two, causing several echoes at regular distances to appear in the
same bearing. These false echoes produced by multiple reflection are called
multiple echoes. In this case, the real target is the closest. Because multiple
echoes soon disappear when your boat moves from the reflection target or the boat
direction has changed, even if these multiple echoes are produced, the true image
is easily detected.
Shadow and dead angle
If the funnel, mast, post and other structure are located near a transceiver or if a
tall obstacle is present, a shadow is produced from the rear of these structures.
In extreme cases, no targets will appear in the shadow for a good distance. This
range is called the dead range, and the shadow can be produced entirely or
partially. Since the dead angle due to the funnel, mast, etc. is detectable during the
installation of the transceiver, it can be eliminated by changing the radar mounting
False echoes caused by side lobes

The radiation beams emitted from the transceiver comprise side lobes in addition
to the main lobe. Since the side lobe energy is very low, it does not affect distant
targets. A false echo due to the sidelobes is produced from a close-in target with
strong reflections. A false echo caused by the side lobes appears as an arc. It is
eliminated by slightly reducing the gain or by changing the FTC level.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Understanding Radar

Radar Horizon

The radio waves used for radar are called microwaves, and like light, they travel
in straight lines. Because light is generally refracted toward the ground surface,
we are able to see farther than the physical horizon. This is called the optical
horizon as compared to the physical horizon. Otherwise, microwaves have similar
characteristics to light, and this is called a radar horizon. Since microwaves are
longer than light in terms of wavelength, the radar horizon is farther than the optical
horizon by about 6% and the physical horizon by about 15%. The radar horizon
changes according to the radar transceiver height and target height.

Radar Horizon and Mother Nature

As temperature and humidity change in the air, the refractive index of radar radio
waves change, consequently causing the detectable range of the radar to vary. This
gives us a variation of detectable range due to a change in ambient conditions

When cold air flows over the warm surface, the radar waves are curved upwards.
This phenomenon is called sub-refraction. As a result, the detectable range of the
radar is reduced. This is likely to occur in polar regions, or in warm currents where
cold air from the polar regions flow into the sea.

When the air being warmed up inland flows in the cold sea, radio waves are curved
downward. This is called super-refraction. In this case, the range of the radar
increases. This phenomenon is apt to be produced in the warm coastal regions,
and becomes noticeable as the temperature difference becomes larger.

Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Understanding Radar

Operations Manual


If air layers having a different temperature or different atmospheric pressures are

produced alternately in the altitudes, a distant target exceeding the visible range
of the radar is detectable. This phenomenon is caused when air layers having a
different temperature contact each other. The radio waves are not refracted, but
reflected on the boundary where the two layers differ. As a result, radio waves can
be propagated farther that the curvature of the earth. The passage where the radio
waves travel is called a Duct. The abnormal propagation of radio waves through this
duct is called ducting.

Minimum Detectable Range

The minimum distance that the radar can detect a target is called the Minimum
Detectable Range. This minimum range varies depending on radar factors such as
transmission pulse width, RF leakage time and height of transceiver. The following
section describes the factors that affect the Minimum Detectable Range.
Height of Transceiver

Height of the transceiver affects the short range target detection. If the transceiver
is mounted at a relatively high level from the sea surface, the radar wave may
skip closer targets causing the radar to fail in detection of these closer targets. The
radars Vertical Beam Width is also involved, as shown in the figure above. Wider
beam results in better short range detection, however it also shortens the detectable


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual

Understanding Radar

Transmission Pulse Width

In most radar systems, including the Nobeltec Digital Radar, the radar transmission
pulse width is automatically selected to short or long depending on the range scale.
At a short range, a short pulse width is used to improve the close target detection
as well as picture definition. At long ranges, a longer pulse width is used to achieve
good long range performance.
Range Resolution

The range resolution is defined as the minimum distance between two targets in the
same bearing which are discriminated as two images in the radar picture.
Bearing Resolution

The bearing resolution is defined as the minimum bearing where the two targets
of the same distance are displayed separately as two independent images on the
screen, and is determined by the transceiver Horizontal Beam Width.




Troubleshooting Direct Connections

Test the Connection without the Radar Wizard
If the Radar wizard is unable to see the IR2, a good next step is to try and find the
radar another way.
Power the radar and wait for one to two full minutes for the radar to decide to use
its default IP address. Reboot your computer. Once everything is up and running,
click on the Start button and then on the Run option. In the field provided, type the
Ping t
As shown below.

This sends a "Hello are you there" type message to the radar. You should see the
following screen:

Once satisfied that the radar is responding, you can terminate the Ping command
by clicking on the X button in the upper right corner (like any other window) or by
hitting the Ctrl and C key together.
If the list does not scroll as above, or gives the message "Hardware error",
"Request timed out" or anything other than "Reply from" as shown
above, something is wrong with the connection. Check the following:


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)


Operations Manual

1) The PC and the IR2 Control box are connected with a crossover cable and not a
straight through cable.
2) The Network Interface Card software is installed correctly.
3) The power is turned on to the radar and has been for at least one full minute.
4) The LEDs on the RJ-45 connector on both the PC and the MDS box are illuminated and/or blinking. The left most LED should remain solid, while the other
LED may blink.
5) Verify the IP address and Subnet mask are correct.
6) If you are uncertain about the PCs network configuration, please contact the
network administrator or the NIC card provider technical support.

Troubleshooting Network Connections

Test the Connection without the Radar Wizard
If the Radar wizard is unable to see the IR2, a good next step is to try and find the
radar another way.
Power the radar and wait for one to two full minutes for the radar to obtain an IP
address from the Router/hub. The IP address assigned to the radar is dynamic and
may change if the radar is powered off for a period of time, or if the router/hub is repowered.
The Router/hubs that Nobeltec recommends you use, allow you to view the DHCP
table to obtain all the devices on the network. Using this tool for your Router/hub,
locate the IP address of the IR2 Radar. It will be in the list as: RadarSensor, as
shown in the images below.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual


With this particular Linksys router, type in the IP address of the router into the
Internet Explorer address field to get to its diagnostic pages. Clicking on the Status
tab displays the image. The DHCP Clients table button shows the entire list of
devices on the network as shown below:

The RadarSensor is clearly identified with its accompanying IP address.

Click on the Start button and then on the Run option. In the field provided, type the
IP address displayed in the DHCP table as shown:

Ping t
As shown below
This sends a "Hello are you there" message to the radar. You should see the
following screen:


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)


Operations Manual

Once satisfied that the radar is responding, you can terminate the Ping command by
clicking on the X button in the upper right corner (like any other window) or by hitting
the Ctrl and C key together.
If the list does not scroll as above, or gives the message "Hardware error", "Request
timed out" or anything other than "Reply from", something is wrong
with the connection. Check the following:
1) Verify that the IR2 works with the direct connect mode. This significantly reduces
the possibility of failure in the IR2 Control box and focuses our attention on the
2) The PC and the radar are connected to a router/hub using straight through
cables (hold connectors upside down side-by-side and verify that the color order
is the same on both sides.)
3) The Network Interface Card software is installed correctly.
4) The power is turned on to the radar and has been for at least one full minute.
5) The LEDs on the RJ-45 connector on both the PC and the MDS box are illuminated and/or blinking. The left most LED should remain solid, while the other
LED may blink.
6) Verify the IP address and Subnet mask are obtained automatically.
7) If you are uncertain about the PCs network configuration, please contact the
network administrator or the NIC card provider technical support.


Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)

Operations Manual


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I was tracking a target on my radar screen and it suddenly disappeared. What
happened to it?
A: One of the most critical pieces of data for target acquisition is a stable and
correct heading value. MARPA or AIS targets are generally lost when the target
is too small, returning too weak of an echo, or the heading fluctuates too much.
If you experience lost targets on a consistent basis, you can create a recording
of your radar and send it to us for further troubleshooting. To start recording,
right click on the Radar window and select Record/Playback. Select Record, and
the software will ask you for a file name. The extension for the existing IR2 radar
is .RAD. Please zip your playback file and e-mail to [email protected] with
a description of your problem.
Q: My radar image occasionally looks smeared. What is causing this?
A: Smearing of the radar image generally occurs due to one of two reasons
which include:
1) The PC is trying to do too many computations at one time (Nobeltec
recommends using at least a 1GHz system to prevent this).
2) As the radar changes ranges, there is a transition between the previous
pulse length the radar was using and the pulse length of the new range
setting. The transition between these two causes the smearing to occur.


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