Android Industrail Training Report

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Online Used Goods Selling App.


Name :


Roll No. :


Semester : 7th Sem

Branch :





Online Used Goods Selling App.


Name :


Roll No. :


Semester : 7th Sem

Branch :



The Android operating system is an open platform: Any hardware manufacturer or provider can make or sell Android

Android is cross-compatible: It can run on devices of many different screen sizes and resolutions, including phones
and tablets.

Developing in Android is simple because its default language is Java.

Java: Your Android programming language

Android applications are written in Java not the full-blown version of Java thats familiar to developers using Java
Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), but a subset of the Java libraries that are specific to Android. This smaller subset
of Java excludes classes that arent suitable for mobile devices. If you have experience in Java, you should feel right at
home developing apps in Android.

An Android application can consist of only a single activity or several. An activity serves as a container for both the
user interface and the code that runs it. You can think of activities as pages of your app one page in you app
corresponds to one activity.

Intents are used to start activities and to communicate among various parts of the Android operating system. An
application can either broadcast an intent or receive an intent.
An intent is composed of two elements:

An action: The general action to be performed (such as view, edit, or dial) when the intent is received.
Data: The information that the action operates on, such as the name of a contact.

Cursorless controls:
Unlike the PC, where you manipulate the mouse to move the cursor, an Android device lets you use your fingers to do
nearly anything you can do with a mouse. Rather than right-click in Android, however, you long-press an element until
its context menu appears.
As a developer, you can create and manipulate context menus. You can allow users to use two fingers on an
Android device, rather than a single mouse cursor, for example. Fingers come in all sizes, so design the user interface in
your apps accordingly. Buttons should be large enough (and have sufficient spacing) so that even users with larger
fingers can interact with your apps easily, whether theyre using your app on a phone or tablet.

Views :
A view, which is a basic element of the Android user interface, is a rectangular area of the screen thats responsible for
drawing and event handling. Views are a basic building block of Android user interfaces, much like paragraph <p> or
anchor <a> tags are building blocks of an HTML page. Some common views you might use in an Android application
might be a TextView , ImageView , Layout, and Button, but there are dozens more out there for you to explore. Many
more views are ready for you to use.

Asynchronous calls:
You use the AsyncTask class in Android to run multiple operations at the same time without having to manage a
separate thread yourself. The AsyncTask class not only lets you start a new process without having to clean up after
yourself but also returns the result to the activity that started it creating a clean programming model for
asynchronous processing. In general, we use loaders in this book rather than AsyncTasks, but its useful to know about
AsyncTasks for those occasional cases where a loader wont do what you want. A thread is a process that runs
separately from, but simultaneously with , everything else thats happening.
You use asynchronous processing for tasks that might take more than a small fraction of a second, such as network (Internet)
communication; reading from, or writing to, storage; or media processing. When users have to wait for your task to complete,
use an asynchronous call and an element in the user interface to notify them that something is happening.
Downloading the latest Twitter messages via the Internet takes time, for example. If the network slows and you arent
using an asynchronous model, the application will lock up and the user will likely assume that something is wrong
because the application isnt responding to her interaction. If the application fails to respond within a reasonable
length of time (defined by the Android operating system), the user sees the Application Not Responding (ANR) dialog
box, as shown in Figure . The user can then choose whether to close the application or wait for it to recover.

Background services:
If youre a Windows user, you may already know what a service is: an application that runs in the background and
doesnt necessarily have a user interface. A classic example is an antivirus application that usually runs in the
background as a service. Even though you dont see it, you know that its running.
Most music players that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, for example, run as background services.
Users can then listen to music while checking e-mail or performing other tasks that require the use of the screen.

Software Tools:
Various Android tools are at your disposal while youre writing Android applications. The following sections outline
some of the most popular tools to use in your day-to-day Android development process.

Audio and Video support.

Google APIs.

Thanks to the Internet capabilities of Android devices, users can find realtime information on the Internet, such as the
next showing of a new movie or the next arrival of a commuter train. As a developer, you can have your apps use the
Internet to access real-time, up-to-date data, such as weather, news, and sports scores, or (like YouTube) to store your
applications icons and graphics.
You can even offload your applications more intense processes to a web server whenever appropriate, to save
processing time or to streamline the app. In this well-established software architecture, known as clientserver
computing, the client uses the Internet to make a request to a server thats ready to perform some work for your app.
The built-in Maps app is an example of a client that accesses map and GPS data from a web server.

Audio and video support:

Including audio and video in your apps is a breeze in the Android operating system. Many standard audio and video
formats are supported, and adding multimedia content to your apps such as sound effects, instructional videos,
background music, and streaming video and audio from the Internet couldnt be easier. Be as creative as you want
to be. The skys the limit.

Your app can access a users Contacts list, which is stored on the device, to display the contact information in a new
or different way or you can create your own Contacts list. You might even write an app that couples the contact
information with the GPS system to alert the user whenever shes near a contacts address. Dont use information
from the Contacts list in a malicious way. Use your imagination, but be responsible about it.

Suppose that someone releases an app that sends a users entire Contacts list to a server for malicious purposes. For
this reason, most functions that modify a users Android device or access its protected content need specific
permissions. For example, if you want to download an image from the web, you need permission to use the Internet
so that you can download the file to your device, and you need a separate permission to save the image file to an SD
card. When your app is being installed, the user is notified of the permissions your app is requesting and can decide
whether to proceed. Though asking for permission isnt optional, its as easy as implementing a single line of code in
your applications manifest file.

Google APIs:
Users of the Android operating system arent limited to making calls, organizing contacts, or installing apps. As a
developer, you have great power at your fingertips you can even integrate maps into your application, for example.
To do so, you use the Maps APIs that contain map widgets.

Pinpointing locations on a map:

Perhaps you want to write an app that displays a users current location to friends. You can spend hundreds of hours
developing a mapping system, or you can use the Android Maps API, which Google provides for use in your
apps. You can embed the API in your application and you dont have to invest hundreds of development hours or even
a single cent. Using the Maps API, you can find almost anything that has an address. The possibilities are endless a
friends location, the nearest grocery store, or your favorite gas station.

Starting a New Project in Eclipse:

First things first: Start Eclipse. You should see a screen that looks similar to the one shown in Figure3-1 . Now youre
ready to start cooking with Android. Install the Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) plug-in. It gives you the
power to generate new Android applications directly from within the Eclipse File menu.

Figure 3-1: The Eclipse development environment.

Follow these steps to create your first Android application project:

In Eclipse, choose FileNewOther . Select Android Application Project.

The New Android App Wizard opens, as shown in Figure 3-2.


Enter Hello Android as the application name.

The application name is the name of the application as it pertains to Android. When the application is
installed on the emulator or physical device, this name appears in the application launcher. The Project and Package
names should auto complete for you. The Project Name field is important. The descriptive name you provide
identifies your project in the Eclipse workspace. After your project is created, a folder in the workspace is named with
the project name you define.
When you set up Eclipse ,the Eclipse system asks you to set your default workspace. The workspace usually defaults
to your home directory, where the system places files pertinent to you and where you can find your home directory
listed in the Location field. If you would rather store your files in a location other than the default workspace location,
deselect the Create Project in Workspace check box, which enables the Location text box. Click the Browse button,
and select a location where you want your files to be stored.

Figure 3-2: The New Android App Wizard.

3. In the Package Name box, type

This is the name of the Java package.
Understanding Android versioning
Version codes arent the same as version
names. (Huh?) Android has version names and
version codes. Each version name has a single
version code associated with it. The following
Version Name (Platform Level)
2.3.3 - 2.3.4
4.0.0 - 4.0.2

table outlines the version names and their

respective version code. You can also find this
information in the Build Target section of the
New Android Project dialog box.
Version Code (API Level)

4. Select Android 4.1 from the Build SDK drop-down list and API 8: Android 2.2 from the Minimum Required
SDK drop-down list, and then click Next.
The Build SDK drop-down list identifies which application programming interface (API) you want to develop for this
project. Always set the Build Target SDK to the latest version that youve tested your app on. When you select
Android 4.1, you build and test your app on devices going up to Android 4.1. Doing so allows you to develop with the
Android 4.1 APIs, which include new features such as Android Beam. If you had selected Android 2.2 as the target,
you wouldnt be able to use any features supported by version 4.1 (or 3.1). Setting the Minimum Required SDK
version lower than the Build Target SDK means that your app still runs on older devices, all the way down to Android
2.2 in this case. When you set the build target and minimum required SDKs to different values, you cant use any
APIs newer than the minimum required SDK on old devices. For example, you cant use Android Beam on an
Android 2.2 device; the app will crash.
For more information, see the section Understanding the Build Target and Min SDK Version settings, later in this
chapter. The Android Application Icon Editor appears.
5. (Optional) Create an application icon for your project and click Next.
6. In the Create Activity box, choose BlankActivity and click Next.
The New Blank Activity screen appears, as shown in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3: Set up your new activity.

7. Enter MainActivity in the Activity Name box.

The New Blank Activity screen defines what the initial activity is called the entry point to your application. When
Android runs your application, this file is the first one to be accessed. A common naming pattern for the first activity
in your application is (How creative.)
8. Click the Finish button.
Youre done! You should see Eclipse with a single project in the Package Explorer. For the purpose of this book,
Package Explorer and Project Explorer (which is showing in Figure 3-4) are the same thing. Different names; same

Figure 3-4: The Eclipse development environment with your first Android project , Hello Android.

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