Project - Behavioral Model: Homework 2 - April 24, 2005

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Project - Behavioral Model

Homework 2 - April 24, 2005

Jason Nemeth

The purpose of this assignment was to

implement a working mock-up of the
microprocessor using a behavioral VHDL


I. Introduction



II. Requirements
The microprocessor must have the
following capabilities:
1. Direct access to internal
memory with at least 256
2. An instruction set capable of
executing at least the
following two benchmarks:
a. Output 10 signed integers in
sorted (largest first) order
where the numbers are
input in random order.
b. Output the mean (to the
nearest integer) of 16
signed integers read into
the processor.
3. One 8-bit input port, and one 8bit output port.
4. Optional one single-bit Input
enable line, and one singlebit Output ready line
The overall layout of the
microprocessor is shown below in
Figure 1. The behavioral model
was created such that all these
characteristics were met. The
model is capable of modeling both
provided benchmarks.

Input Enable

Output Ready

Figure 1. Layout of the Microprocessor

III. Design Decisions

The first major design decision made was
regarding the opcodes required. The
averaging and sorting operations have
been implemented in psuedocode, and
the necessary operations have been
identified. However, due to possible
optimizations made prior to the
implementation of the structural model,
the required opcodes may change. So
far Add, Shift Right 4 bits, Move (from
one memory location to another), and
Jump (code execution) have been
identified as necessary instructions. As
noted, more may be needed as
optimizations increase.
ALU Implementation
The ALU will be memory-mapped, and
one of its two inputs will be designated as
directly mapped to the input port (location
254 as noted in previous report). This will
allow the addition operation to take place
as the numbers are entered. Then, only
a single clock-cycle will be required for
the shift operation before the result can
be presented on the output lines.

Behavioral Model
The behavioral model was developed
with the above requirements and
decisions in mind. The model makes a
number of assumptions regarding the
delay times of operations, and in general
assumes synchronous operation in all
cases. The model accurately models an
average and sort operation, producing
the output along the output lines and
setting the Output Ready bit high
whenever an operation completes.
Room for Improvement
Since memory can generally be written to
in approximately 2 ns, and a clock cycle
may be closer to 30 ns, it may be
advantageous to asynchronously perform
memory operations as it would greatly
increase the speed of the sorting
operation, which requires three memory
writes per swap. This could provide a
significant improvement if it can be

IV. Results
The results of the behavioral model are
what one would expect from a simple
behavioral system. The model produces
the correct averaged or sorted output in
all tested cases. The model estimates an
averaging operation will take
approximately two clock cycles on top of
16 clock cycles taken to input the

numbers. The model also estimates a

sort operation will take approximately 128
clock cycles on top of the 10 clock cycles
needed in read in the numbers. The
results are shown in Table 1, with the
values representing the number clock
cycles beyond the data input. In this
behavioral model the clock cycle was set
to 30 ns, a speed derived from the speed
of the adder created in Homework 1.
This obviously leaves lots of room for
improvement, and shows that the most
complicated portion of this project will be
coordinating how information flows into
and out of main memory.
Table 1. The results of the behavioral simulation

V. Conclusions
The results of the behavioral model will
be used to test for the proper operation of
the structural and RTL models, as they
were in the first Homework of the quarter.
As such, the behavioral model will remain
useful as a benchmark of the future
implementations. In addition to proving
the proper functionality of the system, the
model provides a pretty good indication
that the majority of the work optimizing
the system needs to be directed at
reducing the computation time of the
sorting benchmark.

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