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Human Challanges in Arab Worlds

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By T.H Shah

The roots of current mind-boggling development in science and

technology are traceable to the assets of knowledge once possessed
by the Arab scientists and the Greek intellectuals. The former has
done great service to humanity by providing valuable services in the
fields of science and technology whereas the later has proved to be
the springboard for nourishment of logic and philosophy in the
world. Thanks to the ancient Arabian prolific minds new and new
miracles are happening and some in the offing in the arena of
science and technology while the emergence of modern state
system and democracy in political system in most of the European
countries get credit from the writings of great Greek philosophers
Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. On comparative analysis, it proves true
that the champions of Reformation and Renaissance have greatly
been influenced by rationalistic political philosophy of the Greeks.

The current zenith of European development is blend of Arabian

scientific knowledge and lessons taken from the political philosophy
of the Greek theorists. On the other hands, the Arabs said farewell
to the knowledge once been their inheritance and instead of
establishing democratic political system set up monarchy in the
Arabian Peninsula. Today, the Arab world is barren of knowledge,
political freedom and human rights. This can be authenticated from
the prism of human development in the Arabia regions. Mere
construction of mega buildings, palaces and roads do not fulfil the
criterion of human development. Possessing piles of wealth and
resources is not human development as it is concerned with
providing a milieu that gear towards the full development of human
personality in all its aspects. More and more concentration upon
investment in the people, understanding their needs is the only way
to human development. Sorrowfully, such traces are absent in
princely states of the Arabia.

In contemporary political systems, it’s the individual who is the end

in itself while state is the mean to this end which is the crux of
democracy. In past, state was considered to be an end and
individual was the mean to this end; this gives an air of
authoritarian state where prevails the benefits and interests of
those on the roost of the affairs. Many political systems have fine-
tuned themselves in a wake of modern political developments like
Communism China where the right to private property is now a fiat
accompli. People in Nepal supplanted monarchy with democracy
proving the strong value of ballot over bullet and giving new
orientations to human rights and political freedom. Whereas, the
masses under monarchical control in Arabian states are from pillar
to post having absolutely no say in any aspects of the political

affairs. The political temperament indicates that state security
rather than human security is the ultimate end of the princely

It is widely recognized principle that no nation can develop unless

half of its population is not involved in the active political affairs.
Here the roles of women stands supreme while in Arab society
women lead life of constant drudgery both in social and political
affairs. The patriarchal warp of the society has blocked all the ways
of development for women. In case of any violence whether
domestic or of any other kind, the legal system does little. This
strain of violence in life of Arab women is spanning over their whole
lives in different stages observable in the forms of child marriage,
genital mutilation, marital rape and killings in the name of honour.
Same type of violence and discrimination exist in economic spheres
and in many cases they are deprived of inheritance which is their
basic right under Islamic Shariah as well.

The analysis of the Arab states from economic aspect brings to fore
the bleak picture; though rich in oil resources economy is
plummeting causing unemployment. Broadly speaking, out of many
other factors the economic slow-down and unemployment is the
result of the absence of the quality and type of education not
characterised by technical and vocational skills. In consequence,
about 40 per cent of high school and university graduates between
ages 15–25 do not find work on entering the job market, the
situation further aggravates a trend towards high numbers of
unemployment among the educated class. Unemployment in Arab
states has put adverse imprints upon the females; its rate is higher
in Arab women compare to young Arab women. According to the
findings by Arab Labour Organisation (ALO) in 2005 the youth
unemployment rate for men was 25 per cent of the male labour
force compared to 31.2 per cent for women.

The progress of Arab countries in respect of human security within

the perspective of health system is critical. To most, the health
system is perceived in a narrow sense of health care only. When
analysed from human security, health system comprised of all those
activities having direct bearing upon health like suitable foodstuffs,
balance diet, clean environment and access to clean drinking water.
These elements are of great standing in formulating health policy to
ensure human security. Ironically, the health system of Arab
countries doesn’t measure up to this criterion. Due to patriarchal
society, the arrival of newly female baby is unwelcoming sign and
the mother become centre of hate not only by the family members
but also by neighbours.
This cultural demon has very negative and adverse consequences
for women’s health and it has promoted the mind-set that a boy’s

education is more important than a girl’s; and this sort of prejudice
has resulted in severe gender disparities; consequently in a region
where one out of every three people is illiterate, two-thirds of those
so deprived are female. This sort of gender prejudice keeps the
expectant mothers worry during prenatal stage causing gruesome
bearings on their health during.

In political sphere, the role of women in Arab politics is tantamount

to nothing. Study of politics, political philosophy and political theory
is not the part of the syllabi in educational system which led to
unawareness about politics and political consciousness among the
masses particularly the women. History of Islam and Islamic
civilisation furnish ubiquitous examples and evidence of women
equality with men in political rights. This includes the rights of vote,
election and nomination to the political offices. The verses of the
Holy Quran 58:14 and 60: 10-12 testify the fact the participation of
women in argumentations and discussion even with the Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH). Though there are some reservations for women
not being head of the state, but it doesn’t imply to entirely sideline
the women in political affairs. The political systems of Saudi Arab
and United Arab Emirates (UAE) contradict with Islamic political
philosophy in respect of women political rights.

The panacea to the socio-economic and politico-religious ills the

Arab countries are stricken with lies in transforming overall attitude
and political systems. The need is to free the current version of
Islam in Arab countries from the shackles of tribal values replacing it
with the liberal one oriented on dignity of human beings in all
spheres of life regardless of any discrimination of whatsoever kind.


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