Make Blasphemey Law Humane

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By T.H Shah

In his presidential address to the nation on 11th August 1947, Quaid-

e-Azam, the founder of Pakistan, remarked:

“You are free; you are free to go to your temples, you are free to go
to your mosques or to any other place of worship in this State of
Pakistan. You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has
nothing to do with the business of the State.”

What should have been the constitutional pattern of Pakistan is

clearly set by Jinnah in this speech. Later on the complex
constitutional glitches like, Hadood Ordinance, Honour Killings Laws,
and Blasphemy Laws paved the way for violation of human rights
under the cover of these laws and the minority groups remained
most affected one. The current waves of worst inhumane suicidal
and terrorist attacks in Pakistan can be traced to ignoring this basic
constitutional lesson of Quaid-e-Azam.

Blasphemy laws are construction of military mind of dictator Zia-ul-

Haq which he introduced to lengthen his regime in the name of
Islam as he found it the easiest way to play with the people’s
emotions. These laws are in fact sections 295-B and 295-C dealing
with sentence regarding desecration of Quran and anyone defaming
the name of prophet Muhammad (PBHU). The proposed sentence
comprised of life imprisonment or death, but unfortunately, these
laws have become source of violence and discrimination. Blasphemy
laws have been used not only for political motives but also for
quenching the thrust of personal vindictive feelings. Several peoples
have been killed and houses set on fire under the protective cover
of blasphemy laws. In those areas marked with majority of minority
forced conversions is done under the protecting cover of blasphemy
laws. Hindus and Christian girls are either killed or entrapped in
false charges and cases on so-called contempt of religious principles
of Islam under this law.

Misconstruction of religious principles by those with vested interests

is the easiest task in a society stricken with demon of illiteracy and
underdevelopment. Under such situation, some religious gimmicks
prove successful to seek political benefits. Have we not seen the
incidents of religious bigotries in Indian Gujarat and Ahmed Abad
committed solely for political gains? When analysed deeply, the
system of Islamic punishment is misconstrued and in most Islamic
countries, it is carried on without taking into account the ground
realities. On 20th November 2009 in Somalia, a twenty years girl was
stoned to death at the hands of Somalia extremists as she was
found guilty of having sexual relations. Somalia is undergoing civil
war, worst poverty and underdevelopment where ones may have
recourse to theft, robbery and other criminal activities to have their
basic needs of life fulfilled. Why here we forget that application of
Islamic punishments becomes null and void under such
circumstances. The point for reference here is the partial suspension
of some of the parts of Islamic punishment for theft by great Pious
Caliph Hazrat Ummar during the period when famine broke out in

The distressing side of the issue is the unwillingness of the large

number of people to bring about any change in these laws because
most the people are unaware of the true spirit of Quran and Hadiths
(Sayings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBHH). The religious
parties particularly Jammat-e-Islami vociferously resist any move
directed towards repealing these laws. We try to forget the very
common and sensible phenomenon that both political and religious
parties in Pakistan implicitly flouting Islamic Laws whether relating
to Quran directly or to some other source. Is it not against the
teaching of Prophet Muhammad (PBHU) to deprive the common
peoples of basic necessaries of life like sugar and flour? In a wake of
current suicidal attacks and bomb clashes, the educational
institutions remains closed and it is tantamount to snatching the
right to seeking knowledge by each man and woman which is
expressly stated by the Holy Prophet. The current poverty and
absence of sugar, flour, electricity and gas are the crimes being
committed by the government and all goes against Islam and it is
the severest insult and desecration of Islamic teachings.

What to call the incident of slaughtering three months baby child in

Korangi No.6 at Karachi; reported on 11th January 2010 in daily Urdu
paper Jang; the case in which parents slaughtered their baby child
on the instructions of local religious preacher (Jahil molvi/ignorant
minister of religion). Is it not the contempt and insult of the Quranic
teaching? Has the molvi not read the rights of child in Quran and
Hadiths; why he asked the parents to slaughter their child? Under
which laws the government and the people around will charge the
culprits of this heinous crime? To me, it is explicit insult to the
teachings of Holy Quran and sayings of the Holy Prophet. This brutal
incident portrays the fact that any illiterate person can be made
easy tool to gain some specific interests under the guise of religion.
The suicidal attacks in the name of Islam are result of misconstrued
religious teaching presented before ignorant peoples who don’t
hesitate to commit any inhumane act on the name of religion. Same
is the case with the supporters of blasphemy laws who see their
interests shattering in the amendments of these laws.

Islamic history is replete with such examples showing the utter

insult of Islam at the hands of infidels but the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) displayed tremendous clemency and kindness
to such peoples. Was it not the insult of the Prophet of Allah by the
old women who used to throw animals entrails upon the Prophet
Muhammad (PBHU)? But when she fell ill, the Prophet Muhammad
himself visited her house to know about her health and safety. Why
we forget the Sulla-e-Huddabiya (Huddabiya Accord 6 Hijjrah)
between the Muslims and the non-Muslim of Quraish tribe. When
Sohail bin Umro, leader of the Quraish objected over the name
Rasool-ul-Allah with Muhammad at the end of the agreement, the
holy prophet asked Hazrat Ali to stamp out the words Rasool-ul-
Allah; but on refusal by Hazrat Ali, the holy prophet himself effaced
the words Rasool-ul-Allah leaving the name Muhammad ibne
Abdullah only. It’s the supreme expression of liberality and
tolerance by the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). Sectarianism is
another phenomenon openly denouncing the principles of the Holy
Quran. No one can deny the fact that the followers of one sect
hesitate to offer the prayer behind the Imam of the other sects; they
even hate going to each other mosques. During the lifetime of Holy
Prophet non-Muslims including Christians used to come to the
Mosque of Nabvi (Masjedi Nabvi) to seek knowledge and information
about Islam, but he never forbade anyone from entering into the

Today the behaviour and attitude of the Muslims runs counter to the
true spirit of Islam and the Holy Quran. This whole mess-up is the
result of ignorance of the masses about its actuality and essence of
teaching. Ironically the puritanical ulemas has closed the door of
Ijtehad (exercise of independent judgement) and their large number
is bent upon imposing such version of Islam plagued with
conventional, traditional and tribal norms and values. It is time that
all religious scholars both modern and traditional sit together and
carve out such strategy to counter the negative propaganda against
Islam. Its possibility lies only when they succeed in presenting the
tolerant and liberal image of Islam before the world.


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