Motivation Letter - Correction

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During my education at diploma III in accounting department at Economics Faculty, Hasanuddin University, I learned
my basic financial matters and some basic theories of management, then I continued my study to SI or what we called
undergraduate in where I learned most aspects of management and economics theory. When I implement field of study for my
undergraduate thesis, I have known that the successful keys of business companies or enterprises, either national or
international depend largely on their way to accommodate between economic policies of central and even regional
government to corporate strategy under a non- or a changing taste of the consumers. These are valid also to human resources,
production, and financial and marketing management. A good coordination among those management divisions will result a
successful in meeting and introducing products and services to consumers. Although the management is sometimes quit
difficult to predict situation, opportunity, and create products and services to a challenge or on going changing of global trend
in a short and long period of time that makes some certain companies can not create new products and services suitable with
consumers wants now and in the future, but by implementing corporate strategy and planning under the on going and a
changing economic policy will open a large opportunity for companies to cultivate successful performance in their respective
field of activities. Thats way I am very interested in enriching my knowledge in Corporate Strategy and Economic Policy
subjects in Maastricht School of Management in Netherlands.
I know that this highly prestige school offers many management strategies and economic policy subjects related not
only to my pass experience and current job but also to my former educational background and even will create a lot of
additional knowledge to my advance management strategy as well as economic policy theories and practices for business
restructuring and consultancy implementation. Many companies in Indonesia have been confronted with such problems since
the monetary and economic crisis violating the country, and rearrangement of corporate strategy is needed under the on going
changing of economic policies of government in the pass, now and surely in the future to speed up economic recovery and to
obtain a better of welfare condition of the society.
My purpose after graduation in the future is to provide professional and skilled human resources in order to formulate
comprehensive conceptual framework and analytical foundation for suitable and flexible corporate strategy and decision
making under a complex environmental condition of economic policy making of the government in a changing consumer
To increase the quality of human resource for skill and professional manpower in Indonesia, especially in South
Sulawesi Province and the Eastern Part of Indonesia, my institution need many experts, experience and knowledgeable
lecturers which is available at any time needed to teach the students with comprehensive advance management and economic
theory (either macro or micro level as the basic tools to understand the direction of economic policies of the government in
the country) as well as its implementation. The lack of those mentioned categories of lecturers force my university to please
the guest state lecturers and other experts to take part in teaching some of those advance subject of management and
economics that are really important for the broad knowledge and view point of the students. However, they teach only if the
time available for them, because hundreds of students are under their guidance for thesis writing. Thats way, I dare to say by
learning corporate strategy and economic policy in my purposed university, it will give a huge contribution for quality of the
graduate students to my current institution in the medium term in the future, even in the long run.
My experience of doing research with Research Institute of Hasanuddin University in cooperating with CV.Asha
Planindo Consultant and with government partners PT. Rekadesindo Mandiri consultant has given me a broad view of
knowledge not only in research it self, but also about management and economics implementation. Moreover, my. purposed
subjects in Maastricht School of Management such as Consultancy Process and Economics Implementation are part of my
research knowledge in relating to business opportunity, community welfare, and employment creation problems of the small
and medium scale of business. In addition, My experience in the business of housing constructions as well as Raw Fish
intermediary and exporting company, non-Governmental Organization and the provision of car spare parts at UD. Fajar Baru
Motor have been involving me in numerous economic activities, especially in budgeting, financial strategy and corporate
matters. All these knowledge have highly been integrated with management procedures and economics implementation
consideration in my activities, particularly in financial allocation strategy.
Furthermore, under corporate strategy and economic policy will not only provide contribution to my broad knowledge
and scientific view as well implementation, but also enlarge some standard aspects of management and economics both in
learning process and communities insight of management as well as economic knowledge in the Eastern Part of Indonesia.
Under such international standard procedures, it is hoped that to bring better cooperation between provinces in the region and
Indonesia as well, so is also between Indonesia and Netherlands through the increment of export and import as well as
educational aspects of both of our countries in the future.
With my above point of view, I could hopefully convince Sir/Madam that I am the one of the right candidates for
Stuned Scholarship Program as a realistic solution to approach my goals and friendship of both of our countries. The gap
between lack of human resources as lecturers in concerned field at my current institution and the rich of material knowledge
and a lot of expert lecturers in my purposed university which have a tight relation to my former experience and educational
background, including in business activities, strategic planning of financial matters and management science as well its
implementation force me to study more deeply and focus to my interest field of study if I am a student in Maastricht School of
Management. By spreading the knowledge about Corporate Strategy and Economic Policy all over Indonesia, it will be able

to boost the economic activities between Indonesia and Netherlands as well as education progress in the future, while
enlarging employment and welfare improvement opportunities of both of our people in the coming period of time.

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