September 23, 2015

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The Maple Lake

Volume 120, Number 52 Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Maple Lake, MN 55358

Inside . . .

Ducks Unlimited
Banquet: page 3


Lights, camera, action in Maple Lake

Although the details of the
filming project are still very
hush-hush, its hard to hide
movie cameras in Maple Lakeeven on a Sunday morning.
Action outside Maple Lake
Bowl caught the attention of
church-goers and visitors leaving
the Legions annual pancake
breakfast early Sunday morning
as film crews from Love American Journeys, LLC prepared to
shoot a pilot for a possible reality
show featuring Maple Lake Bowl
owner, Amy Koch, tentatively
named American Journeys.
Above, Left: This sign greeted visitors to The Pines Bowling Alley in Maple Lake, Sunday, Sept. 20, where Love American Journeys, LLC was filming a reality television show
involving bowling alley owner, Amy Koch. Above, Right: The weapons at what was
being dubbed Minnesotas Lilest Gun Shop for the show drew several local gun enthusiasts who came to watch the Vikings home opener, in front of the cameras Sunday,
to admire the merchandise or make purchases.

Football: page 8

Cross Country: page 9

Coming up
Waterfowl Season
Opener is Sept. 26
St. Tims Fall Festival
is Sept. 27

Above: Amy Koch, right, speaks with a local man about

the guns being sold as part of the reality show. A sign behind her offers buy a gun, get a free game. Next to Koch
is a member of the filming crew.

ML Library Fall
Fundraiser is Oct. 3
Homecoming is
Oct. 4-10

Above: Crews took some shots of the outside of the local business before heading inside to continue shooting. Very little more is known about the reality show which appears to be a CBS production. Crews slipped in and out Sunday without revealing too
much information. Left: Lanora Glazier, front, and Carol Cantin, back, apply makeup to
Scott Paumen before entering the filming area where the reality show, tentatively named
American Journeys, was being filmed. Paumen was one of several local people to
appear before the cameras. Glazier was later filmed as a background bowler.
(Photos by Charlene Wurm)

Lucky Local

Library hosts annual fundraiser Oct. 3 St. Tims 63rd Annual Fall
Festival this weekend

Donna Fries of Maple Lake

was the $1,000 winner on September 16 at Madigans Pub &
Grill Wednesday Bar Bingo
night. This win made her double
lucky- she won $500 at Madigans Bar Bingo the week before!

Minnesota state
parks report big
increase in visitors
A post-Labor Day report
from the Minnesota Department
of Natural Resources shows a
significant increase in the number of people buying permits
and staying overnight at Minnesota state parks and recreation
areas in 2015 compared with
2014. Erika Rivers, director of
the DNRs Parks and Trails Division, expects the upward trend
to continue as fall color spreads
across the state.

State Parks
continued on page 6

In the September 16th issue
of the Messenger, Mary
Smogers name was mispelled
in the Bruns participates in 3Day Walk article and cutlines.
Also, LuAnn Bruns first name
was mispelled. To read the full
corrected version go to
In the same issue, the cutline
for the State of the Cities
photo should have been Eagle
Trace Golf and Event Center.

Library volunteers and dignitaries were gathered for the library opening in 2009 (front)
Carol Northenschold, Mary McBrady, Helen Mooney, Linda Hruby, Kath Heffron, Denise
Blizil, Sue Sylvester, Charlene Wurm, Dorothy Kersten, County Commissioner Dick
Mattson, (back) Vicki Grimmer, Cindy Miessen, Kate Mooney, Terry Mooney, Rep. Bruce
Anderson, Mayor Mike OLoughlin, Jean Borrell, Jeff Sylvester, Senator Amy Koch,
Theresa Andrus, and Katie Serranno.
(Photo from the Messenger archives)
by Nick Pawlenty

The Maple Lake Library was

established in 2009 by a group
of motivated and determined
people who thought it was important to have a public library
in Maple Lake. After being
turned down by the Great River
Regional Library system in
2006, the volunteer group
turned their efforts to opening a
library on their own, beginning
with a request to the public for
new and gently used books.
The group collected over
thirty thousand books from all
over Wright County and the

dream of a library in Maple

Lake seemed suddenly possible. Three years later, the dream
became a reality and the Maple
Lake Library opened its doors
for the first time.
This years fundraiser is
shaping up to be bigger and better than ever and will include a
silent and live auction, a catered
dinner, a social hour, wine pull,
and live music from Joe
Thomas and Robin Aeshliman.
The cash raffle tickets are
the bargain of the evening at
only a dollar apiece. Its
cheaper than most things people buy in a week, said library

board member Terry Mooney.

And this comes with a chance
to win great prizes!
This years fundraiser will
be held at the American Legion
Club in Maple Lake on Saturday, October 3, from 5-9 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased at
the library, the American Legion Club, Irish Blessings Coffeehouse, the Maple Lake
Messenger, and Star Bank.
If you would like to donate
to the Maple Lake Library or
volunteer in helping with the library, contact at (320) 9633389 or tandpmooney@gmail

Top: The St. Timothys Fall Festival offers fun and games
for every age. Join the celebration this year on Sunday,
Sept. 27, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Above: Patrick Pawelk will
be back with his horses this year for buggy rides.
(Photos from the Messenger archives)
The annual St. Timothys Fall
Festival will be this Sunday,
September 27, from 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. The Thanksgiving turkey
dinner will run from 10:30 a.m.
to 1 p.m. and costs $10 per adult,
$5 per child over three. In addition to the delicious turkey dinner, there will also be
hamburgers and snack stands
available throughout the day.
The festivities include the
Big Ticket Raffle with a grand
prize of $1,500, second prize is
$500, third through fifth prizes
are $250 each, and sixth through

15th prizes are $100 each.

Other events that will be held
include the popular baskets of
chance, a country store, bingo,
pull tabs, meat raffles, cake
walk, pedal pull, horse and
buggy rides, a kiddie farm train,
and many games for the kids to
Donny Todd, which is a
combination of alternative pop
rock and Catholic music, will
play from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
St. Timothys Parish School
is located at 241 Star Street East
in Maple Lake.


Maple Lake Messenger Page 2

September 23, 2015

by Harold Brutlag
George Palmer and I tried fishing in the strong south wind on Indian Lake last week Tuesday afternoon and the biggest problem we
had was holding the boat on a spot we wanted to fish. We got out
about 2:30 p.m. and fished the south shore when the wind gusts
were just too strong on the west end of the lake. We caught sunnies
there, but mostly small ones in the shallow water. About 4:30 the
wind seemed to have gone down a little and we headed for the west
end and anchored in about 15 feet of water. It took several more anchoring attempts to find some weeds to help keep us from blowing
off the spot. The bite wasnt fast, but we had 15 between us when
we started discussing whether we wanted to fillet them or release
them for another day. We both have fish in our freezers and releasing them won out! That wasnt the first time we have released our
catch, but it makes sense if you dont really need them. Its something bass and muskie anglers do all the time, so why not panfish
fisherpeople? I visited with a friend, Richard Cloeter, an ardent panfish guy from my home town (Henning), on Friday and he said he
hasnt been able to find any decent sunfish for a month even though
he fishes often. I suggested 14-17 feet which he was going to try.
He and his wife (Kathy) and another classmate (Harlan Syverson)
from Eden Prairie and I were attending the funeral of a good friend
(Lenora Nory Johnson), a high school classmate in South St.
Paul. Fortunately for me, Ed Pawlenty gave me some directions on
how to get there, a place I hadnt visited since Nory and her husband, Frank (also deceased), observed their 50th wedding anniversary about 13 years ago. Anyway, the four of us took time to plan a
65th high school class reunion to keep alive a tradition to have one

by Kent Peterson - N55623
What does it feel like to fly
like a bird? Well, you can get a
pretty good feeling by flying an
ultralight airplane, and Doug
Ouverson of Maple Lake knows
the feeling well; he and his wife,
Joann, are the owners of two ultralights, hangared at the Maple
Lake Airport (MGG), and have
logged about two hundred hours
of flight time in them.
Doug first got interested in
aviation at the tender age of
seven as he watched his neighbor, Rex, flying his Cub around
their Fertile, Iowa, home, doing

loops and other antics that a boy

would find fascinating. But flying lessons would have to wait
as the boy grew to manhood and
family responsibilities took priority over taking flying lessons.
It was a wait of about fifty-seven
years, but he finally took instruction at the airport in Clear Lake
in a two-passenger plane, from
an instructor who was well into
his eighties. Finally, Doug was
ready for his solo flight (no instructor in the plane) in a single
seat ultralight he built himself,
but of course, had never flown.

The Retiree
by Jerry Hoem
Wife said the other day,
There's a bad odor coming
from the basement. Do you
think we have a dead mouse
down there? She has remarkable olfactory talents and can
usually tell if I had onions last
weekend or if I need to change
socks. On the other hand, I don't
know if that was a skunk on the
road until well after she has
opened all the windows.
Our basement isn't a very attractive place. It's not the kind
of place you would want to use
as a recreation roomunless
you are a mouse. In fact, only
about a quarter of the space
under the house is a real basement, with an overhead door
originally meant for boat storage. The rest is crawl space. We

The Maple Lake

Maple Lake, MN 55358
Michele Pawlenty, Publisher
[email protected]
Harold Brutlag, Master Printer,
Columnist, Publisher 1968-2000
Kayla Erickson, Projects Manager
Vicki Grimmer, Ad Sales/Marketing
Sam Zuehl, Newspaper Ad Design/Sales
Linda Ordorff, Office/News
Published every Wednesday at
Maple Lake, MN 55358,
Second Class Periodical Postage Paid at
Maple Lake, MN 55358

have found dead creatures there,

and have set various kinds of
traps to catch them. Once we
even caught a frog in one of the
I set about to locate the offensive smell, as Wife reminded
me that we were hosting a dozen
people from church the next
day, and she preferred not to
smell a dead mouse.
Once in a similar situation I
found the mouse under my
workbench. The bench had a
previous life as a kitchen cabinet and was now hideously
messy, since I last cleaned it
about ten years ago. I had accumulated a couple dozen paint
cans in it, along with screws,
nails, plumbing parts, and electrical parts. On top was a heavy

every five years. There were 40 in our class and 19 are still alive.
We plan to meet in Wadena Oct. 6 at noon which suited me just
fine. I can take Vanna with and do some ruffed grouse hunting later
that afternoon. On Saturday morning I attended the funeral of a
cousin, Ken Brutlag, who was a grocer for most of his life in Henning. He didnt let the grocery business keep him from fishing and
hunting, and his boys said they had him out fishing about two years
ago for the last time. One son, Gerald, lives in Grand Rapids, MN
and when our conversation turned to hunting he commented hes
seeing some ruffed grouse, but not very many. Locally Bill Pilger
exchanged verbal notes at H& H Sport Shop and said he planned
to take his dog out over the weekend north of Duluth where he has
been hearing some drumming. That season opened last Saturday
and I dont have anything to report whether it was a good opener
or not. Another friend, Frank Johnson, was at the Saturday funeral
and he let me in on the local fishing scuttlebutt. Hes an ardent walleye angler and commented fall fishing is getting better on Ottertail
Lake, one of the premier walleye lakes in that county. He caught
his limit (6) in the evening earlier that week and figures catching
larger fish will only get better in the next several weeks. That more
or less tells me its time to head up to Koronis and give that lake a
try. I didnt see much for wildlife on the trip to Henning, but there
was one adult eagle feeding on a raccoon road kill near Ottertail. It
apparently was pretty hungry and moved onto the shoulder when
we drove by. There were about eight turkeys out feeding near
Wadena, but that was about it! I noticed the soybeans looked more
mature and the Ottertail County farmers were already combining
soybeans. Edible beans is another crop raised in that area and they
are also being harvested.
This weekend kicks off the duck hunting season which I usually
reserve as a time to think about taking off the screens and putting
on the storm windows. Im wondering if there are any other residents in Maple Lake who go through the same age-old ritual twice
a year. I know Jack Borell on Ramsey Lake does the same thing.
Fortunately our house is a one-story rambler.

After I took off, I realized

that flying the plane was more
than I expected, he exclaimed.
I flew around in the airport pattern, but when I went to land, I
bounced the plane off the runway and into the air. At that
time, I knew I couldnt continue
the landing and had to go
around, so I applied full power
and flew back up to pattern altitude. As I approached the runway again, I thought, Im going
to get hurt today!
The second time was better,
and he landed and stopped the
plane. There was grass hanging
from the right wingtip, and I
knew there was a God in
heaven. A man who was watching walked up to him and said,
I couldnt believe you tried to
fly this plane in this wind. When
you bounced and applied the

power, you were off the runway

higher than the hangar door!
He now has two ultralights: a
40 hp green CES Hawk (the solo
flight plane) and a 50 hp black
and orange Skyraider. I enjoy
the ultralights, he said. I can
maintain them myself. I usually
fly within a sixty-mile radius of
Maple Lake, in light winds.
Why the move from Winsteds grass airstrip to Maple
Lake? I would rather fly from a
grass airstrip, but this airport is
very close to our home. So,
about two years ago he bought
the old Maple Lake Airport FBO
(flight base operation) building
and settled in. On a still morning
or evening, you might hear the
sound of a small engine above
you. Wave; its probably Doug.
Until next month, stay out of
the trees!

tool box, deck screws, and my

cork collection. Also on top was
a single file cabinet loaded with
papers. In searching for the
smell, I had removed a bunch of
old newspapers from a footlocker and spread them around
on the floor to be stored elsewhere.
A retiree's best friend is a
lever, since we retirees seem to
get weaker day by day. I had
two dandy levers nearby; an old
dock post and a heavy six-foot
steel rod. Using the rod, with all
my might I was able to raise one
end of the workbench a few
inches. I slid the dock post underneath with my foot so I could
use a leaf blower as a corpse
finder, causing the drawer to
open just enough to slide off the
bench. The lever let the bench
tip, opening the doors underneath. Paint cans rattled out.
The file crashed to the floor. The
bench shook itself back in place,
but the floor was covered with
junk, papers, cans, tools, dirt,
bugs, bottles, clamps, nails,

screws, pencils, bolts, washers,

wires, everything but a mouse
corpse. No mouse was found
under the bench.
My priority changed from a
mouse hunt to garbage collection. Opening the overhead door
helped get rid of the smell, and
gave me a way to get rid of the
trash. After only a few hours,
the floor re-emerged and I could
sweep out the remaining dirt
and bugs except for the part
stuck to my clothes.
Long ago I found mouse remains in a crawl space after
crawling around for an hour or
two. They don't seem to smell
when dry. I think that fate had
met the recent mouse. Maybe it
got swept out with the bugs and
dirt and washers and screws and
nails. Nobody from church
seemed to notice any problems
while they were upstairs. We did
hear some colorful mouse stories from them, though, after recounting my work with levers.
Basements really ought to be
cleaned from time to time.

Subscription Rates
$25 per year in Wright County
$28 Minnesota Out of County
$52 Out of State
E-Edition Free with print subscription
(No refunds on unexpired subscriptions)
For change of address send old address with
current address to the Maple Lake Messenger,
P.O. Box 817
Maple Lake, MN 55358
(USPS 3285-6000)
News: Monday at 4 p.m.
Programs and Events: Monday at 4 p.m.
Display Advertising: Monday
Classified Advertising: Tuesday at noon

Phone: 320-963-3813
Fax: 320-963-6114
News Email:
[email protected]
Advertising Email:
[email protected]

New veterinary clinic in Maple Lake!
Full service care for your animals with
24-hour on-call veterinarian.
Located on Highway 55 next to H&H Sport shop.
We also have locations in Watkins (320-764-7400)
and Kimball (320-398-3600)
Call now for an appointment!

Readers are invited to take part in discussions of interest to the Maple Lake community.
All letters to the editor must be signed and must include the writers address and telephone number or email address. Letters of private thanks, solicitation, petition and
those containing libelous material will not be published. The Messenger reserves the
right to edit all letters.

Letter to the Editor:

In July, Lake Chapter of A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota (American
Bikers for Awareness, Training & Education) held their annual Bike
Show at Camp Friendship in Annandale and for the first time also
held a Bike Show at Camp Courage in Maple Lake. These events
were attended by many happy campers and their chaperones. Our
members that brought their motorcycles had just as much fun and
left with big smiles. These are both great camps and we have supported them by sponsoring a camper each year for over 20 years.
A.B.A.T.E. of MN is a non-profit organization that promotes the
positive actions of motorcyclists and keeps up-to-date on legislative
issues affecting motorcycling. Lake Chapter activities are generally
held just west of the Twin Cities. We are very proud of our members
and encourage others to help out when they can. Anyone interested
in more information on A.B.A.T.E. of Minnesota can contact the
current Lake Chapter President, Keith Efron at 612-703-5755

Ask a
by Sgt. Neil Dickenson
Q: Does traffic have to wait
for someone on a bicycle trying to cross at an intersection?
A: Bicyclists and motorists
are equally responsible for
safety on the road. The number
one contributing factor to bicycle-vehicle collisions is failure
to yield the right-of-way by
bicyclists and drivers alike.
If the bicyclist is off their bicycle at an intersection and
walks across, they have all the
rights at the intersection as a
pedestrian would. Motorists
must stop for crossing pedestrians at every intersection, even
those without crosswalks or
stoplights. Motorists should stop
far enough back so drivers in
other lanes can also see the
pedestrian in time to stop.
Those riding a bicyclist must
obey all traffic control signs and
signals, just as motorists.
Bicycle-vehicle collisions are
due to a variety of behaviors by
the rider, such as disregarding a
traffic sign or signal, inattention
and distraction.
Each year in Minnesota, approximately 40 pedestrians and
7 bicyclists are killed as a result
of collisions with motor vehicles.
As a group, pedestrians and
bicyclists comprise nearly 10
percent of all traffic fatalities
each year 67 percent of these
fatal crashes occur in urban
40 percent of pedestrians
and 21 percent of bicyclists
killed had consumed alcohol.
19 percent of pedestrians
killed were not crossing properly.

Maple Lake

Rules of the
Road and Safety Tips
Bicyclists may ride on all
Minnesota roads, except where
Bicyclists should ride on the
road, and must ride in the same
direction as traffic.
Motorists must at all times
maintain a three-foot clearance
when passing a bicyclist.
Bicyclists must signal their
turns and should ride in a predictable manner.
Bicyclists must use a headlight and rear reflectors when it's
dark. To increase visibility, add
a rear flashing light.
Motorists must drive at safe
speeds and be attentive look
for bicyclists and check blind
Drivers should use caution
and look twice for riders when
Drivers should use caution
when opening door upon parking on side of road.
This is a great question and
topic to talk about. I have seen
an increase in bicycles on our
roadways, so we all need to be
extra cautious to prevent bicycle/pedestrian collisions with vehicles.
A portion of state statutes
was used with permission from
the Office of the Revisor of
Statutes. If you have any questions concerning traffic related
laws or issues in Minnesota,
send your questions to Sgt. Neil
Dickenson Minnesota State
Patrol at 1131 Mesaba Ave, Duluth, MN 55811. (You can follow
me on Twitter @MSPPIO_NE
[email protected]).

5th Season - Free Admission!

Every Friday, Saturday & Sunday*

7AM - 2PM

Open: April 12 - October 25

110 Birch Avenue South Maple Lake

(Maple Lake Museum grassy area/parking lot/sidewalk)

$10 Day of set-up at 7AM (Some free tables available)

Fundraiser to help support the Maple Lake Museum!
* New Day! Monticello Market is now closed.

Contact John Haack at 612-819-4225

Maple Lake Messenger Page 3

September 23, 2015

Sept. 21 Wright County Council approves preliminary budget and levy

months, but it cannot be in- creased by $29,109, due primaCity staff members have
Sheriffs report
creased. Following Decembers rily to increases in the sheriffs budgeted for 20 council meetby Katie Friedman

On September 14, Jeffrey

Alan Goble, 55, of Delano, was
arrested in Delano on the charge
of disorderly conduct.
On September 15, Matthew
Scott Stewart, 21, of Monticello, was arrested in Buffalo on
the charge of 1st degree assault.
On September 15, Catherine
Elizabeth Perkins, 50, of Monticello, was arrested in Monticello on the charge of 3rd
degree sale on a narcotic.
On September 15, Tommy
Robert Grant, 63, of Monticello,
was arrested in Monticello on
the charge of 3rd degree sale of
a narcotic.
On September 15, Delilah
Marie Bachand, 36, of Monticello, was arrested in Buffalo on
the charge of 5th degree possession of a controlled substance.
On September 15, Jodi Lee
Anderson, 44, of Monticello,
was arrested in Buffalo on the
charge of 5th degree possession
of a controlled substance.
On September 15, Jesse
Ryan Howell, 22, of Montrose,
was arrested in Buffalo on a
Wright County warrant for tampering with a motor vehicle.
On September 15, Brent Paul
Martin, 41, of Annandale, was
arrested in Buffalo on a weapon
On September 15, Timothy
Arthur Pumarlo, 56, of Buffalo,
was arrested in Buffalo on
Wright County warrants for 2nd
degree assault, terroristic threats
and a weapon violation.
On September 15, Barbie
Jean Calvert, 31, of Annandale,
was arrested in Annandale on
the charge of disorderly conduct.
On September 16, Daniel
George Probst, 30, of Montrose,
was arrested in Buffalo on the
charge of receiving stolen property.
On September 15, Harmoni
Jean Paumen, 35, of Buffalo,
was arrested in Buffalo on the
charge of domestic assault.
On September 15, Colleen
Marie Elsberry, 56, of Cokato,
was arrested in Cokato on a

Wright County apprehension

and detention order for domestic
assault violation.
On September 16, Amber
Nadine Erfanian, 33, of
Watkins, was arrested in Buffalo
on the charge of theft.
On September 16, Shelly
Marie Platz, 51, of Clearwater,
was arrested in Kandiyohi
County on a Wright County
warrant for 5th degree controlled substance violation.
On September 17, Andrew
Charles Jankowski, 23, of Delano, was arrested in Delano on
the charge of disorderly conduct.
On September 18, Adam
Vincent Koebensky, 34, of Buffalo, was arrested in Buffalo on
a Hennepin County warrant for
On September 18, Matthew
David Bettridge, 24, of Buffalo,
was arrested in Buffalo on the
charges of theft of a motor vehicle and possession of stolen
On September 18, James Anthony Sandberg, 32, of Monticello, was arrested in Buffalo on
a MN Department of Corrections warrant for 3rd degree
criminal sexual conduct violations.
On September 18, Nicholas
Lynn Welker, 30, of Clearwater,
was arrested in Stearns County
on a Wright County warrant for
On September 19, Jasmine
Ann Quarles, 23, of St. Michael,
was arrested in Albertville on
the charge of domestic assault.
On September 19, Jacob
Charles Ekern, 28, of St.
Michael, was arrested in Albertville on the charge of 5th degree possession of a controlled
On September 20, Curtis Lee
Moeller, 39, of Monticello, was
arrested in Monticello on the
charge of domestic assault.
On September 20, Brandon
James Alexander Chretien, 22,
of Monticello, was arrested in
Monticello on the charge of disorderly conduct.

Sept. 14 Wright County

Attorneys report
Bennett, Willie Ray, age 31,
of Buffalo, sentenced on
09/11/15 for Felony Failure to
Register as a Sex Offender to
34 months prison. Sentenced
for Probation Violations for
Criminal Sexual Conduct in the
Fourth Degree to 365 days jail,
concurrent. Sentenced by Judge
Bland, Christopher Michael,
age 25, of Maple Lake, sentenced on 09/14/15 for Gross
Misdemeanor Third Degree
DWI to 365 days jail, $3,000
fine; 305 days, $2,800 stayed
for three years on conditions of
probation, serve 60 days jail,
pay $200 fine plus surcharges,
attend Awareness Panel for Impaired Drivers, undergo chemical dependency treatment and
follow all recommendations,
have no use or possession of alcohol or non-prescription
drugs, submit to random testing, have no same or similar violations. Sentenced by Judge
Leckey, Jenny Lee, age 33,
of Maple Lake, sentenced on
09/02/15 for Misdemeanor Do-

mestic Assault to 90 days jail;

87 days stayed for two years on
conditions of probation, serve 3
days jail, pay $75 public defender co-payment, undergo a
chemical dependency evaluation and follow all recommendations, have no use or
possession of alcohol or nonprescription drugs, submit to
random testing, remain medically compliant, pay restitution, have no contact with
victim, have no same or similar
violations. Sentenced by Judge
Mead, Danny K., age 32, of
Monticello, sentenced on
09/14/15 for Misdemeanor
Giving False Information to a
Peace Officer to 31 days jail.
Sentenced for Probation Violations for Gross Misdemeanor
Violation of a No Contact
Order to 31 days jail. Sentenced by Judge Halsey.
Schrupp, Teresa Catherine,
age 22, of Buffalo, sentenced
on 09/11/15 for Probation Violations for Misdemeanor Fourth
Degree DWI to 75 days jail.
Sentenced by Judge Strand.

City looking for Park

Board members
Applications are now being
accepted for openings on the
Park Board. This position is appointed by the City Council.
The Park Board recommends
facility development, reviews,
and helps modify or create individual park development plans.
The board makes recommendations about Maple Lake parks

priorities and fees. The Park

Board consists of 5 members that
serve for a period of 4 years and
members are paid $45 per meeting which are held as needed.
If you are interested in serving on the Park Board, complete
the form on our website or write
a letter of interest and submit it
to City Hall.

At their most recent meeting,

Tuesday, September 15, Maple
Lake City Council members approved the citys 2016 preliminary budget and levy based on
the proposed budget for the city,
and scheduled a Truth in Taxation hearing to be held December 1. The proposed levy can be
reduced during intervening

Truth in Taxation hearing, the

final levy will be established.
At a workshop September 1,
councilmembers reviewed a
city staff-proposed budget for
2016 that included the General
Fund, all enterprise funds, all
special revenue funds and all
debt service funds.
The General Fund Levy in-

contract, snow removal contracts, salaries for city staff,

council and committee members, as well as a transfer from
the Airport Fund to help cover
expenses of a courtesy car, a
funding need for a future water
tower and a decrease in special
assessment revenues for taxforfeited property.

ings in 2015 and are budgeting

for 24 meetings and two personnel meetings in 2016. A
raise in the council salary is anticipated this year, and would
take effect in 2017, a non-election year.

City Council
continued on page 9

10th annual Ducks Unlimited Banquet

Above: A Greenwing trying

his hand at the antler ring
toss. According to the info
provided, "A Greenwing is
any person under the age
of 18 who is a member of Ducks Unlimited. Greenwings are our future conservationists." Right: It was a full house at
the 10th Annual Ducks Unlimited Banquet on Tuesday, Sept. 15, held at the MapleLake American Legion Club. Approximately $20,000 was raised to support wildlife and wetlands conservation.

Left: Devin Davidson and Harry Wahlquist, who was named a Life Sponsor. The plaque reads "In deep appreciation
and recognition of outstanding contributions to waterfowl conservation." Wahlquist has been involved with Ducks
Unlimited for 45 years. Right: Barry Farber won the "Otter Trailer Full of Great Stuff" raffle valued at $1,000.

Above: Doug Kelm, of

Maple Lake, with the $1,800
shotgun he won at the
Ducks Unlimited Banquet.
Right: Joel Diers, Doug
Unglaub, Sylvia Diers and
Gary Grindle posing with
the hand-crafted fire basket
that was won by Unglaub, from St. Cloud, and made by Grindle, of Annandale.

(Photos by Bob Zimmerman)

Wright County to honor those impacted by suicide

by John Holler

Few things in life are as a

tragic and impactful as suicide.
From the victim to those loved
ones left behind, the result of
suicide is widespread and profound. At the Sept. 15 meeting
of the Wright County Board of
Commissioners, Court Services
Director Mike MacMillan came
before the board to request that
those families impacted by men-

tal health be honored.

Our request is a simple
one, MacMillan said. Were
requesting approval to purchase
a bench on behalf of suicide
awareness, which is this month.
It is a way to celebrate and
honor those who have lost loved
ones, friends and family to suicide and mental illness.
There will be no cost to the
county for the bench, which
would be placed on the county

Sept. 21 Maple Lake

Fire Department report
Maple Lakes Volunteer Fire
Department and Ambulance
Service responded to the following emergencies during the past
Sept. 20, 7:18 p.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.
Sept. 20, 3:51 p.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Allina
Sept. 19, 8:29 a.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.
Sept. 18, 7:40 p.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.

Sept. 18, 0:38 a.m.: Medical.

No ambulance transportation.
Sept. 17, 11:11 a.m.: Medical. Patient transported by
Maple Lake ambulance to the
Buffalo Hospital ER.
Sept. 16, 9:26 a.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.
Sept. 14, 8:44 a.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Maple
Lake ambulance to the Buffalo
Hospital ER.
Sept. 14, 2:56 a.m.: Medical.
Patient transported by Allina
There were no fire emergencies during the same time period.

courthouse site as part of Septembers national Suicide

Awareness Month. Commissioner Mark Daleiden said he
knew of three spots on the courthouse property that would be
good locations for the memorial.
The board unanimously approved authorizing MacMillan
and his staff to proceed with the
purchase of the memorial bench
and to work with County Coordinator Lee Kelly to determine a
location for the bench.
Commissioner Charlie Borrell said he hopes the bench will
serve as a reminder to those with

depression or mental health issues that there is an alternative

to suicide and that there are
services out there for those who
are contemplating taking the
tragic final step to end their
The message that we want
to get out is to not be afraid to
ask for help, Borrell said.
There is help available and it
works. The stigma of not asking
for help is what we need to overcome.

County Board
continued on page 10

Scam advisory
Wright County Sheriff Joe
Hagerty would like to remind
local residents to be wary of unscrupulous contractors using
pressure tactics and deceit to sell
their driveway repair services.
Law enforcement agencies continue to receive reports of contractors collecting money up
front without completing repairs,
starting repairs without permission, or offering free services
and reduced cost services due to
leftover material only in the end
to bill home owners several
thousand dollars over the negotiated price.
To help prevent yourself from

falling victim to one of these

scams, the Wright County Sheriffs Office recommends working with established companies,
asking for references, verifing
references, getting multiple estimates, and to be cautious of
companies requesting payment
up front.
If you believe you have been
a victim of a scam or have information on a contractor using
these tactics, please contact your
local law enforcement. In an
emergency call 911; the Wright
County Sheriffs Office nonemergency number is 763-6821162.


Maple Lake Messenger Page 4

September 23, 2015

Church, 2051 50th St. NE,
County Rds. 25 & 113.
Sept. 29: Annandale Lakers
AA & Al-Anon, 8 p.m., United
Methodist Church of Annandale, 250 Oak Ave. N.; 320-2743380.
Sept. 29: Celebrate Recovery (non-denominational Christian-based recovery program), 7
p.m., Monticello Covenant
Church; 763-295-2112.
Sept. 29: Gamblers Anonymous & AA, 7:30 p.m., Buffalo
Evangelical Free Church, 2051
50th St. NE, County Rds. 25 &

And thats the

way it was . . .
Sarah OLoughlin, a 2006
graduate of Maple Lake High
School, came back from Iraq
Maple Lakes waste water was
diverted to another sewer plant
State Representative Mark
Buesgens was arrested for DWI
near Maple Lake with a .16
blood alcohol level And
thats the way it was five years
ago this week.
The Parade of Homes came
to Maple Lake for the first time
Eds Barbershop had a historic barber pole stolen from the
front of the shop WrightHennepin Co-op led the way on
the clean-up of Lake Maria
And thats the way it was fifteen
years ago this week.
Two people were arrested for
a marijuana growing operation

and the residence was found

with trip wires, almost a dozen
guns, and drying marijuana
plants in the barn The duck
opener in 1990 started on October 6th at noon Two juveniles, Myron Welty and Michael
Edward Jensen, were arrested
for more than a half-dozen
stolen cars And thats the
way it was twenty-five years ago
this week.

Upcoming Red Cross blood drives

Donors of all types are encouraged to help save lives by giving
blood. Appointments can be made by calling 1-800-RED-CROSS
or visiting Upcoming blood donation opportunities in Wright County: Sept. 28: 1-7 p.m., American Legion, 200
Babcock Boulevard W., Delano; Oct. 5: 9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., T.O.
Plastics, 830 County Road 75, Clearwater; Oct. 7: 1 - 7 p.m., Community Center, 505 Walnut St., Monticello; Oct. 10: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m.,
Cub Foods, 1008 Highway 55, Buffalo; Oct. 14: 8:30 a.m. - 2:30
p.m., Community Center, 206 Central Ave., Buffalo

September 23rd Puzzle

Sept. 24: Knights of Columbus, 7 p.m., St. Timothy's

Sept. 24: AA & Al-Anon,
7:30 p.m., Buffalo Evangelical
Free Church, 2051 50th St. NE,
County Rds. 25 & 113.
Sept. 26: AA, 7:30 p.m.,
Buffalo Evangelical Free
Church, 2051 50th St. NE,
County Rds. 25 & 113.
Sept. 28: S.A.M. quilting
group, 8 a.m., St. Timothy's
Church basement.
Sept. 28: Al-Anon and
Men's 12 Step Group, 7:30
p.m., Buffalo Evangelical Free

Programs & Events

Celebrate Autumn with lunch at Maple Manor

Celebrate Autumn Wednesday, Sept. 23, at the Maple Manor
Dining Site from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Come and enjoy roast beef
and horseradish sauce, whipped potatoes with gravy, vegetables and
a raspberry parfait. Door prizes for diners and root beer floats. Bring
a copy of your favorite fall-time recipe and see if you win Business

Heres How It Works:

Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into
nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must
fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once
in each row, column, and box. You can figure out the order in
which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already
provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier
it gets to solve the puzzle!
Answers on Page 11

Giebenhain donates again

Nobel Shadduck Harvest Fest is Saturday

Pioneer Park in Annandale is hosting its annual Nobel Shadduck
Harvest Fest in honor of the Parks founder on Saturday, September
26, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fun for all including giant bouncing
dragon, K-9 demonstration, spelling bee, games for kids, bake sale,
white elephant sale, museum buildings open for touring. free wagon
rides all day. The Parks famous stew and corn bread meal is available for purchase. Kids admitted free.
Pioneer Park is located on Highway 55 on the east edge of Annandale. For additional information call 320-274-8166 or check the
Park website

Bethlehem Lutheran LWML Annual Fall Bazaar

The annual Bethlehem Lutheran Fall Bazaar will be held Saturday, Sept. 26, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. There will be a breakfast serving
sweet rolls, juice and coffee and a lunch which will include sloppy
joe sandwiches, pie, juice and coffee (take-out is available). Items
for sale this year include baked goods, canned and fresh vegetables,
crafts, Christmas items, cookbooks, greeting cards, and white elephant gifts. Thrivent will match funds from the bazaar. Bethlehem
Lutheran Church is located at 7809 County Road 35 West, Annandale.

First time home buyers workshop is Saturday

The airport set a tentative approval to blacktop the runway
Hypnotist Michael Jackson
planned a seminar October 1st to
show the usefulness of the subconscious mind The Songmasters played a set at the Maple
Lake Baptist Church on October
3rd And thats the way it was
fifty years ago this week.

Wright County residents thinking about buying a home are invited to attend a one day informative workshop designed to help
them learn the basics of home ownership.
Wright County Community Action (WCCA) offers a first-time
home buyers seminar (Home Stretch) which will cover a variety
of topics related to the home buying process. Area lenders, real estate agents, and other housing professionals will instruct the workshop.
Home Stretch will be offered on Saturday, Sept. 26, from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. at Citizens State Bank, 145 Nelson Boulevard, Montrose,
MN 55363. To register, call Wright County Community Action
(WCCA) at (320) 963-6500, ext. 238.

St. Timothys Fall Festival is Sunday

Wellness on Wheels

Wright County Public

Health offers cholesterol testing
in the Wellness on Wheels van.
The WOW Van schedule is
and or by calling
our new phone number, 763682-7516 (toll-free 1-800-3623667 ext 7516). Please use this
number for more information or
to make an appointment.
Wellness on Wheels Services include: Adult and Child
Immunizations; Health Screening: Blood Pressure, Diabetes,
Cholesterol (by appointment),
Pregnancy, Health and Wellness; Child Car Seat Check (by
about: Healthy Lifestyle - Exercise, Nutrition, Recommendations for Routine Medical Care,
Safety - Individual, Home, Car
Seat, Pregnancy, Childbirth,
Growth & Development, Reproductive Health & Family
Planning, Infectious Diseases,
Chronic Illness, Unhealthy

Lifestyle Behaviors, such as

Smoking, Drug and Alcohol
Abuse, Unsafe Sex; Information and Assistance in Accessing Resources.
For immunizations, bring
past immunization records to
the van, if available. * Van
hours Monday through Thursday are from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to
1 p.m.
Upcoming dates:
Thursday, Oct. 8: Cub
Foods, Monticelllo
Tuesday, Oct. 13: Coborns,
Thursday, Oct. 22: Marketplace, Cokato
Tuesday, Oct. 27: Marketplace, Annandale
The complete WOW van
schedule is available online at:
Wright County Public
Health offers cholesterol testing
in the Wellness on Wheels
(WOW) Van. The entire test
takes about 30 minutes. We
have two different test options.
A 12 hour fast is required for a
lipid profile including blood
sugar screening. The cost is
$35. A non-fasting test is also
available. This test gives your
total cholesterol and HDL. The
cost is $25.

60+ and Healthy Clinics

The 60+ and Healthy Clinics,
provided by Wright County
Public Health, provides foot
care for the senior citizens of
Wright County. Toenail trimming is offered to meet the
needs of those seniors who have
a health condition such as diabetes or are unable to trim toenails themselves.
The 60+ and Healthy Clinics
will be charging a $15 fee for
foot care services. This fee is
necessary because the clinics are
no longer being funded by grant
money. However, if you are un-

able to pay the fee, you will not

be turned away. The clinics are
hosted from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
If you have any questions,
please ask clinic staff or call WC
Public Health at 1-800-3623667 or 763-682-7456. Upcoming dates:
Tuesday, October 6: Rockford Walnut Place Apartments,
8830 Walnut Place
Tuesday, October 13:
Cokato Edgewood Gables
Apartments, 600 3rd Street SE
For the full schedule, visit:

Richard Giebenhain enhanced the diners having lunch at

the Maple Manor Dining Site by providing his own farmraised quality melons over the last two weeks.
(Photo submitted)

55+ Driver Improvement Program

The Minnesota Highway
Safety Center will be offering
55+ Driver Improvement Program courses on the following
September 29th (8Hr. First
Time Course) 8:30 a.m. to 5
p.m., Albertville City Hall, 5959
Main Ave. NE., Albertville
October 1st & 2nd (8Hr.
First Time Course) 5:30 to 9:30
p.m., Buffalo Presbyterian
Church, 507 County Rd. 134,
The driver improvement
course is open to the public; preregistration is required. A MN
Highway Safety & Research
Center certified instructor
teaches this class. By utilizing
the most up-to-date research in

the field, participants will be

provided the latest information
in regards to driver safety, new
laws, and vehicle technology.
The fee for the four-hour refresher course is $20 and the
eight-hour course is $24. For
more information or to register,
visit or
call TOLL FREE 1-(888)-2341294.
Persons age 55 and older who
complete the course qualify for
a 10% discount on their auto insurance premiums for three
years, according to Minnesota
law. First-time participants must
complete the initial eight hours
of training and a four-hour refresher class every three years to
maintain the 10% discount.

The Church of St. Timothy is hosting their annual Fall Festival

on Sunday, Sept. 27, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. A turkey dinner will be
served from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. with alternative pop rock/Catholic
music by Donny Todd to follow from 1 to 4 p.m. Come and enjoy
bingo, pull tabs, meat raffle, cake walk, pedal pull, horse and buggy
rides, baskets of chance, kiddie farm train, country store, kids
games, snack stands, hamburgers, the big ticket raffle and more.
The Parish School is located at 241 Star St. E in Maple Lake.

Free movie event at Bethlehem UCC Sunday

A Free movie event at the Bethlehem United Church of Christ
in Maple Lake takes place on Sunday, Sept. 27, at 11 a.m. featuring
Shall We Dance with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Bring a snack
to share if you'd like. The church is located at 400 County Road 37.

Holy Cross Fall Bazaar is Oct. 3

Holy Cross Lutheran Church will host its annual Fall Bazaar on
Saturday, Oct. 3, from 8 a.m.-noon. Quilts, crafts and baked goods
will be offered. Proceeds will support a number of mission projects
throughout the year.

Maple Lake Library fundraiser is Oct. 3

The Maple Lake Library will host its annual fall fundraiser on
Saturday, Oct. 3, from 5-9 p.m. at the Maple Lake American Legion
Post #131. The night will include a silent and live auction, a catered
dinner, a social hour, wine pull, cash raffle and live music from Joe
Thomas and Robin Aeshliman. Tickets can be purchased at the
Maple Lake Library, the American Legion Club, Irish Blessings
Coffeehouse, the Maple Lake Messenger, and Star Bank. If you
would like to donate to the Maple Lake Library or volunteer in helping with the library contact Terry Mooney at (320) 963-3389 or
[email protected].

5th Annual Love INCGala Fundraiser is Oct. 4

Senior Dining Menu Sept. 21-25

Offering a nutritious meal in
a warm, caring atmosphere with
friendship and fun. Everyone
welcome. The Senior Dining
Center is located at Maple
Manor West, 555 2nd St. W. For
more information, call 320-9635771.
MONDAY, Sept. 28
Whipped Potatoes w/Gravy,
Seasoned Peas, Wheat Bread,
Fresh Fuit
TUESDAY, Sept. 29

Swiss Steak, Onion-Roasted

Potatoes, Squash, Wheat Bread,
Lemon Chiffon
BBQ Chicken, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans, Wheat
Bread, Peaches
Specials of the Day
FRIDAY, Oct. 2
Lemon-Pepper Fish, Baked
Potato w/Sour Cream, Steamed
Broccoli, Wheat Bread, Mixed

Don't miss out on the 5th Annual GALA fundraiser for Love
INC-Big Woods. It will be held on Sunday, October 4, starting at
4:30 p.m. at the Classic Hall in Annandale. The catered dinner from
the Waverly Caf will include roast beef, mashed potatoes and a
dessert cheesecake. There will be a silent auction, live auction,
music, a Love INC update, and more. Contact the Love INC Clearinghouse for tickets or more information. 763-682-2550 or
[email protected]

St. Tims Church offers free concert Oct. 7 &8

St. Timothys Catholic Church presents musical savant, Tony DeBlois, in two free community concerts, Wednesday, Oct. 7, at 7 p.m.
and a Thursday, Oct. 8, school concert (after 9 a.m. Mass).
Blind and autistic from birth, DeBlois has a repertoire of over
10,000 songs and has performed for presidents, been a guest on the
Today show, Entertainment Tonight and the CBS Sunday Morning
show. Come early, space is limited.

Programs & Events

continued on page 7

Submit community programs and events to

[email protected]
The Maple Lake Messenger reserves the right to edit entries and does not guarantee publication of community events. Space limits the size
and number of articles. Programs and Events deadline is 4 p.m. Monday. If your information must be published, please consider placing an ad.

Maple Lake Messenger Page 5

September 23, 2015

5460 63rd St. NW, Box 462, Maple
Ph.: 763-463-9447
Pastors: Culynn Curtis
Visitors Are Always Welcome!
SUN.: 8 a.m., Traditional Service;
9:15 a.m., Faith Formation Hour;
10:30 a.m., Contemporary Service.
MON.: 11 a.m., Prayer Group; 1
p.m., Quilters.
WED.: 6 p.m., Worship on
Wednesday; 6:45 p.m., The112; 7
p.m., Choir, Confirmation.
400 County Rd. 37 NE, Maple
Ph.: 320-963-3118
[email protected]
[email protected]
Interim Pastor: Michael Fritz
SUN.: 9:30 a.m., Worship Service;
10:30 a.m., Fellowship; 10:45 a.m.,
Sunday School, Confirmation; 11
a.m., Movie Matinee.
WED.: 6:30 p.m., Choir.
8 Oak Ave. N., Maple Lake
Ph.: 320-963-3726
Pastor: Father John Meyer
Interim School Principal: Dawn
SAT.: 3:30-4:15 p.m., Confessions;
4:30 p.m., Mass.
SUN.: 8 & 10 a.m., Mass.
11390 Elliott Ave. N.W., M.L.
Ph.: 763-878-2820, 320-333-8636
Pastor: Rev. George W. Sagissor III
SUN.: 10 a.m., Worship Service;
11:15 a.m., Sunday School, Bible
4282 114th St. NW, Maple Lake,
MN 55358
3 miles so. of I-94 on Co. Rd. 143,
just off Hwy. 8; Ph.: 320-9633957; 605-553-5240
Pastor: Luke Baehr
SUN.: 9 a.m., Worship; 10:30 a.m.,
Sunday School, Bible Study.
10252 St. Hwy. 55 N.W., Annandale
Ph.: 320-274-8951
Pastor: Dennis L. Johnson
FRI.: 9:30 a.m., Women's Bible
SUN.: 8:15 a.m., Prayer; 8:30 & 11
a.m., Worship Services; 9:45 a.m.,
Sunday School; 6 p.m., Discovery
MON.: 9 a.m., Grandmas in
Prayer; 7 p.m., Men's Bible Study.
TUES.: 7 p.m., Celebrate Recovery.
WED.: 2 p.m., Young at Heart;
5:30 p.m., Wednesday Night Supper; 6 p.m., Wednesday Night Connection.
250 Oak Ave. N., Box 329, Annan.
Ph.: 320-274-5127
Pastor: Ruth Hograbe
FRI.: 7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous.
SUN.: 9 a.m., Worship Service;
10:15 a.m., Coffee Fellowship,
Sunday School.
TUES.: 8 p.m., AA/Al-Anon.
7809 Co. Rd. 35 W., Annandale
Ph.: 320-963-3592
Pastor: Lynn Machula
SUN.: 9:30 a.m., Worship Service;
10:30 a.m., Sunday School & Bible
PO Box 1020, Annandale
Location: Hwy. 55, next to The
Ph.: 320-248-6024 & Facebook
SUN.: 10:30 a.m., Worship Service; Energized Music and Quality
Children's Programs Provided.
1284 Keats Ave. N.W., Annandale
Ph.: 320-963-3284
Pastor: Marianne Zitzewitz
SUN.: 9:30 a.m., Worship.


331 W. Harrison St., Annandale
Ph.: 320-274-8827
Pastor: Dave E. Nelson and Tom
SUN.: 8:30 Traditional Worship;
10 a.m., Contemporary Worship.
200 2nd Ave. NE, Buffalo
Ph.: 763-682-3582
Pastor: Devin Locati
SAT.: 9:45 a.m., Bible Study; 11
a.m., Church Service.
1705 Hwy. 25 N., Buffalo, Mo.
Pastor: Rob Jarvis
Ph.: 763-682-3278;
SUN.: 9 a.m., Worship Service;
10:30 a.m., Bible Study and Sunday School.
TUES.: 8 p.m., Young Adults
WED.: 10 a.m., Bible Study; 7
p.m., Confirmation Class.
WED.: Discussion Group Meets
the 2nd & 4th Wednesday, Sept.
thru May, 7:30 p.m., at Buffalo
Community Center, Across the
Street from the Post Office at 206
Central Ave. (Hwy. 25). For More
Information, Call Luke at 763-6824616. Everyone is welcome. Please
See the Regularly Updated Multipage Web
2051 50th Street NE, Buffalo, MN
(corner of Hwy. 25 N. & County
Rd. 113)
Ph. 763-682-6846;
[email protected]
Senior Pastor: Brian Thorstad
THURS.: 7 p.m., Small Groups;
7:30 a.m., AA & Al-Anon.
FRI.: 6 a.m., Men's Small Group; 7
p.m., Small Groups.
SUN.: 9:30 a.m., Worship Service;
11 a.m., Sunday School for All
MON.: 7 p.m., Women's Bible
Study; 7:30 p.m., Al-Anon.
TUES.: 7:30 p.m., Men's Small
Group, AA, GA.
WED.: 6:30 p.m., Awana, Choir
1601 Hwy. 25 N., Buffalo
Ph.: 763-682-1470
Lead Pastor: Max Frazier
SUN.: 8 a.m., Traditional Worship;
9:30 & 11 a.m., Sunday School,
Contemporary Worship; 12:15
p.m., Pizza Lunch & Prayer; 3
p.m., Generations Choir Practice; 4
p.m., AWANA; 6:30 p.m., Chill
Out (in various homes).
MON.: Noon, Prayer Group; 1
p.m., Women's Bible Study; 7 p.m.,
A Journey Through Paul's Life &
TUES.: 6 a.m., Deep Waters; 6
p.m., Grief Share.
WED.: 6 p.m., Hang Time (in various homes); 6:30 p.m., 9th Grade
THURS.: 6:30 p.m., Worship Team
Practice, Divorce Care; 6:45 p.m.,
Choir Rehearsal; 7 p.m., Trusted
Friends Workshop.
12449 Clementa Ave. NW, Monticello
Pastor: Jim Tetlie, 763-878-2092
Secretary's office hours are: 9 a.m.
to 3 p.m., Mon., Wed., Thurs.
Tuesdays, Wednesday & Thursday
SUN.: 10 a.m., Worship.
WED.: 7 p.m., Worship.
Affiliated with Evangelical Free
Box 171, Montrose; 763-675-3003
Interim Pastor: Dawson Grover;
SUN.: 10 a.m., Worship at Montrose Elementary School Gymnasium.
8464 160th St. N.W.
Clearwater, MN; 320-558-2750
Pastor: Dave Fogal
SUN.: 10:30 a.m., Worship Service.

Joseph Zumbusch, age
Sunday, September 20,
A Mass of Christian Burial
for Gordon Gordy Zumbusch
will be held on Thursday, September 24, at 11 a.m. at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church in
Buffalo with visitation prior to
service beginning at 9 a.m. Interment will follow at St. Charles
Cemetery in Maple Lake.
Casket bearers will be Aaron

our youngest
members in the

Babies from
9 months to
2 years old.
Supply photo or
schedule to have
picture taken
at the office.

Call 963-3813

enjoyed doing his daily crossword puzzle, was a skilled wood

worker and craftsman, and loved
to watch football.
He was an active member of
the American Legion for over
sixty years. He will be missed by
all who knew him!
Gordy is survived by sisters,
Joyce Painschab of Waverly, and
Marcella Borrell of Mahtomedi;
niece, Angie (J) McClelland, and
great nieces, Eva and Anna McClelland of Maple Lake; many
nieces and nephews; and other
loving family members and
He was preceded in death by
his wife, Muriel Zumbusch; par-

ents, Joseph and Florence Zumbusch; brother, Douglas Zumbusch, and sister, Mildred
In lieu of flowers, a memorial
in Gordy and Muriel Zumbuschs name can be sent to St.
Francis Xavier Catholic Church,
in Buffalo.
The Peterson Chapel in Buffalo is serving the family. Online
condolences may be made to

In Loving Memory of
Donna Sawatzke
who has been gone for 2 years
by her family

A million times Ive

needed you
A million times Ive cried
If love alone could have
saved you
You never would have died
In life we loved you dearly
In death we love you still
In our hearts you hold a place
No one else can ever fill
It broke our hearts to lose you
But you didnt go alone
Part of us went with you
The day God took you home.


John Rothstein,
d e e p l y
beloved son,
friend and
many, died unexpectedly and
joined Jesus into eternal life on
Sunday, September 20, 2015.
Mass of Christian Burial will
be held 11:00 a.m. Thursday,
September 24, at St. Timothy
Catholic Church, Maple Lake,
with Fr. John Meyer as Celebrant. Burial will follow at St.
Timothy Catholic Cemetery.
Visitation will be held 4-8 p.m.
Wednesday and 9:30 10:30
a.m. Thursday, both at Dingmann
Funeral Care Chapel, Maple

Lake. A prayer service will be

held 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the
funeral chapel. St. Timothy Resurrection Choir and Jarett Edwards will provide music for the
Fredrick, Donovan Gilson, Nikki
White and Thomas Ripplinger
will serve as casket bearers. In
lieu of flowers, please have a
Mass offered in your parish and
pray a Holy Hour for young
adults to have the courage and
zeal in serving God and neighbor.
Matthew John Rothstein was
born to Arthur and Donna (Ripplinger) Rothstein. Matt grew up
and attended school in Maple
Lake, graduating with the Class
of 2012. He was employed by
Bondhus Tool in Monticello.

Matthew's respect and reverence

for God was evident in his outdoor adventures of hunting and
fishing. His special affection for
animals included his dog,
Champ, as his buddy.
Matthew is survived by his
parents, Art and Donna Rothstein
of Clearwater; brothers, Nicholas
(fiance, Nikki White) of Monticello and James of Annandale;
grandparents, Jim and Erma Ripplinger of Albertville; and many
uncles, aunts, cousins, and
friends. His girlfriend, Jess, will
always hold a special place in his
heart. He is preceded in death by
his grandparents, Leander and
Genevieve Rothstein.
Arrangements are entrusted to
Dingmann Funeral Care Burial
& Cremation Services of Maple

Maple Lake
(320) 963-5731
View Guestbooks, Obituaries,
and Videos Online.

Quantity Rights Reserved

Annandale: Hwy. 55 (320) 274-3828
7 a.m- 10 p.m. 7 Days a Week
Cokato: Hwy. 12 (320) 286-6341
7 a.m. - 10 p.m. 7 Days a Week



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Diaper Parade entries wanted!

Forsythe, Ken Dalbec, Steve

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Gordy was born on October
23, 1925, to Joseph and Florence
He graduated from Maple
Lake High School in 1943 and
enlisted in the U. S. Army and
served in WWII.
He married Muriel Forsythe
on September 23, 1950, and they
made their home in Buffalo
where Gordy worked for the
U.S. Post Office.
Gordy was a kind and caring
man. He loved spending time
outside walking, gardening and
fishing. He was an avid reader,


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The Marketplace, Annandale
instructor, Rachael Bomsta will be
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Register at The Marketplace Service
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Maple Lake Messenger Page 6

September 23, 2015

District 881 Menus

MONDAY, Sept. 28
Blueberry muffin, string cheese,
strawberries, juice choice, milk
TUESDAY, Sept. 29
Scrambled eggs, tortilla salsa, orange wedges, juice choice, milk
Egg and cheese croissant sandwich,
apple sauce, juice choice, milk
Pancakes/syrup, mixed fruit, juice
choice, milk
FRIDAY, Oct. 2
Breakfast burrito, salsa, strawberries, juice choice, milk

MONDAY, Sept. 28
Best ever BBQ chicken on a bun,
sweet coleslaw, buttery corn cobette, milk. Alt.: Chili con carne
TUESDAY, Sept. 29
Chicken fajitas, spicy pinto beans,
romaine lettuce, diced tomatoes,
milk. Alt.: Sloppy Joe on a bun
Baked frito pie, romaine lettuce,
diced tomatoes, breadstick, milk.
Alt.: Hot turkey sandwich
Chicken potato bowl, mashed potatoes/gravy, seasoned corn, nutrition
bar, milk. Alt.: Pizza burger
FRIDAY, Oct. 2
Hot dog on a bun, garden salad,
baked fries, fruit choice, nutrition
bar, milk. Alt.: Penne pasta rosa

Teacher Tami Kolehmainens

1st grade students have been
learning many new things. The
first day of school the 1st grade
has a Scavenger Hunt. The hunt
begins in our classroom with a
mystery note to find stars
throughout the building. After we
find a star a new clue is attached
to it to get us to our next destina-

Rachels Challenge
Community Event
While her life was tragically
cut short during the Columbine
High School shooting on April
20, 1999, Rachel Joy Scotts
shining example of kindness and
compassion was not defeated
that day. Come hear the inspiring true story of one girls dream
being fulfilled over a decade
after her death. The presentation
is a powerful reminder of the little things we can do every day to
make the world a better place.
September 23rd, 7 p.m., at
the high school auditorium
* During the elementary assembly, students learned about a
young girl named Rachel. However they did not hear about the
Columbine tragedy or Rachels
Recommended audience: 6th
grade and up.

Powder Puff / He-Man

games kick off
Homecoming Week
Homecoming Week starts off
on Sunday, October 4, when the
Jurassic Juniors take on the
Smash Hit Seniors for the annual Powder Puff / Heman
games. The fun begins at 2:30
p.m. when the junior and senior
girls hit the field at Irish Country
Stadium for a friendly game of
touch football.
Immediately following the
girls game, all juniors, seniors
and their immediate families are
invited to the high school cafe-

teria for a potluck dinner. Beverages, plates and utensils will be

At 5:30 p.m. the junior and
senior boys will meet up on the
high school gym floor for what
is sure to be a close match of HeMan volleyball.
Admission to the games is
open to the public and the cost
for both events is $3 per person,
or $2 per person with a canned
food item. Children under 5 will
be admitted to the games for
free. Food items will be donated
to Maple Lakes Backpack Buddies program, and the money
collected is used by Irish PATHS
to cover the cost of expenses,
and for support of the MLHS
students and staff.
Parents who need to sign up
for the potluck, or have questions, are asked to contact Paula
763.878.134; 763.245.0608 or
[email protected].

Post Prom dinners

begin Oct. 7
The V by HH will be hosting
the Post Prom dinners on
Wednesday evenings from 5-7
p.m.; the first on Oct. 7. Future
meal dates are Nov. 4, Feb. 3,
2016, March 2, 2016, and April
6, 2016. Meals include a choice
of entree, a healthy option and
kids meals. Door prizes are also
awarded. All proceeds support
the all night lock-in Post Prom

State Parks
continued from page 1

We are anticipating a lot of

visitors at parks this fall, enjoying good weather and fall colors, she said.
The new report shows that
year-to-date (Jan. 1-Sept. 7)
sales of one-day permits in 2015
are up 16 percent over the same
time period in 2014, and sales of
year-round permits are up 12
percent. Overnight stays also
are up by 9 percent compared
with last year. These results continue the trend of steady increases over the past several
Earlier data showed that, between fiscal year 2013 (July 1 to
June 30) and fiscal year 2015:
Sales of one-day vehicle permits ($5) increased 24 percent.
Sales of year-round vehicle
permits ($25) increased 19 percent.
Overnight stays increased 13
Were pleased to see such a
significant increase in the number of people making time to get

Call 320-963-3813
or Email
[email protected]

outdoors, said Rivers, and we

hope todays visitors will pass
along their love of the outdoors
to the next generation so that the
trend continues.
To appeal to that next generation, the Parks and Trails Division has added mountain bike
trails, yurts and Wi-Fi at state
parks. It also has added kayak
and stand-up paddleboard
rentals, free use of fishing kits
and GPS units, and a series of I
Can! programs that teach beginners how to camp, fish, rock
climb, paddle and more. New
outreach strategies include
touch-screen kiosks, social
media and a variety of online
trip-planning tools, including
virtual tours and ParkFinder,
which sorts parks by desired
features, such as whether they
have a beach, a bike trail and
naturalist programs.
Legacy funding has made
many of these updates possible, Rivers said. The Parks and
Trails Fund, created after voters
approved the Clean Water, Land
and Legacy Amendment in November 2008, receives 14.25
percent of the three-eighths percent sales tax revenue that may
only be spent to support parks
and trails of regional or
statewide significance.
For more information, email
or call the DNR Information
Center at [email protected]
or 651-296-6157, 888-6466367, between 8 a.m. and 4:30
p.m. Monday through Friday.

vorite part was the watermelon

seed contest.
Olivia Mueller, Emily Larson,
Michael Kubian, Canyon Karvonen, Max Beffel, Carter Colbenson, Cayden, and Canyon
Courtright, Savannah Geyen, and
Remington Daluge all say their
favorite part is Go Noodle.
Leila Dalum, Landon Holland, Jill Sherwood, and Emma
Haflichs favorite part is art class.
Navarro, Abby Gindele, Madeline Dehmer, and Noah Fischer
say their favorite part was the
scavenger hunt.
Dan Paumens favorite part is
math class.

Schools offer tax info, set preliminary levy

by Katie Friedman

School News

tion. The very last clue is at the

office. There we find a special
treat to help us cool off, freezies.
Another favorite activity that is
done is something they have
done in kindergarten, too. Go
Noodle is a website that helps
students do movements or activities to get their body and brain
ready to learn and to get the wig-

gles out. We do this before important instruction times to make

sure they are ready to learn. We
have done a few art projects this
year that are tied to an even bigger project that will be sent home
around Christmas, they are very
excited about this. In math we
have reviewed numbers to 12.
We have done many different activities with this and have learned
new games, too.
Tami Kolehmaimnens 1st
grade students share their favorite part of 1st grade so far.
My Favorite Part of First
Grade so Far is
Landon McLeod, Keara
Aune, and Tyler Hallorans fa-

With the expectation of

downward adjustment in coming months, the Maple Lake
School Board has approved the
maximum allowable 2015 tax
levy (payable in 2016) at
$2,779,758.87. With the current
levy set at $2,446,698.45, this
would raise the levy by
$333,060.42, for a 13.6 percent
Each year the district approves its levy at the maximum
amount in September before refining its numbers and presenting a final figure in December.
At the boards most recent
meeting, Monday, September
14, Superintendent Mark Redemske characterized that final
number as a moving target,
explaining that although paperwork at the state level remains
to be completed, approval of a
preliminary levy is due before
the boards next meeting.
In the absence of Boardmembers Shelly Liljequist, Ben
Elsenpeter and Joe Mavencamp, those present Board
Chair Arnie Michalicek and
McAlpine, Rick Thomas and
Joe Paumen voted unanimously to approve the maximum allowable amount, which
can be lowered in coming

months but not raised.

In a Messenger article describing the school districts
proposal for new operating and
projects levies, published
Wednesday, August 19, it was
erroneously reported that the
district has a policy of keeping
six months worth of expenses
on hand. The actual target
amount is six weeks worth of
expenses, and the error is regretted.
On the topic of the levy proposals, Redemske demonstrated an addition to the
that enables voters to calculate
personal tax impact of the referendum for any single address
in the school district. Found on
the sites homepage, midway
down the left-hand column, the
feature is titled November 3rd
Referendum, and also contains a link to further information on the proposed levies.
Regarding other matters on
the evenings agenda, the
Reviewed enrollment numbers, which offer cause for
some optimism. At the end of
June, the district had 417 elementary students and around
460 at the high school. Opening
day enrollment this year had
perhaps an unprecedented bal-

ance of 432 students at each of

the elementary and high school
levels. While high school numbers fell short of projections,
elementary numbers exceeded,
with enrollment increases in
every grade but second, making
for a district-wide increase of
19 students. If youre going to
grow, Redemske commented,
elementary is a good place to
Adopted a resolution appointing Maureen Donohue,
Doris Anderson, Vicki Gries,
Marge Peterson, Sue Boros,
Jenny Polsfuss, Lee Ann Yager
and Elizabeth Borell as election
judges for the school districts
special election November 3.
These election judges will act
as clerks of election, count the
ballots cast and submit the results to the school board for
canvass. Donohue will also
serve on an absentee ballot
board with Kristi Anderson and
Heidi Goelz.
Accepted donations that included $500 to the Backpack
anonymously, and an assortment of school supplies along
with $724 in cash to be used for
supplies for any local students
who cannot afford them, contributed jointly by the Maple
Lake High School Classes of
1970 and 1975.

Approved a consent
agenda that included the installation of Rachel Lawler as a
volunteer junior high volleyball
coach; family and medical
leave for Dale Plaggerman, and
an intermittent family and medical leave for Louie Manuel; an
intermittent unpaid medical
leave of absence for Heidi
Kelm; revision of Jordan Mathiasens hiring as a special education teacher to BA, Step 2;
hiring of Nancy Kopff as a
third-grade teacher and Dawn
Hanson as a paraprofessional;
and, paid for by a grant, temporary positions as kindergarten
aides from September 14
through October 13 for Lori
Lee, Ashley Schwindel, and a
position to be shared by Patti
Nygaard and Amanda Walhowe.
Tabled, due to the absence
of three board members, a
closed discussion regarding
contract negotiations with support staff, confidential staff and
Set a November deadline
for board members to complete
an evaluation of the superintendents job performance.
As Columbus Day is observed on the second Monday
in October, the next school
board meeting will be Tuesday,
October 13, at 7 p.m.

Friendly competition benefits Maple Lake schools

The Maple Lake High
School classes of 1970 and
1975 held their class reunions
on Saturday, Sept. 12. During a
reunion planning meeting,
Becky Ward Mead, class of
1970 and former Maple Lake
teacher, suggested that the two
classes hold a competition to

see which class could raise the

most money for the local
schools. After some trash talking and spying between The V
and Madigans, where the reunions were being held, the
class of 1975 was victorious.
Together, the classes raised
over $700 for the benefit of

Maple Lake students.

Maple Lake School Board
member, Shelley Phillipp
McAlpine, was on hand to accept the donations on behalf of
the school district. The donations will be ear-marked for
supplies for those students
whose families struggle finan-

cially. It was a fun and worthy

endeavor and the two classes
challenge other classes to do the
same at their reunions.
The other highlight of the
evening was the drawing for
two embroidered fleece throws,
handmade by Jane Jude Decker,
Class of 1970.

The attendees of the Class of 1975 reunion.

(Photo submitted by Cindy Miessen)

The attendees of the Class of 1970 reunion.

(Photo submitted by Bonnie Jude)

Maple Lake Messenger Page 7

September 23, 2015

End-of-summer checklist

Programs & Events

continued from page 4

Manufacturing Day at Pace Industries

Manufacturing Day is to draw a greater attention to the outstanding opportunities that a career in manufacturing can provide and
promote the skills that will lead to a long-term career. Pace Industries Product Tech Division will be opening their plant for tours on
Thursday, October 8, between 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Please register at, then choose FIND AN
EVENT, and use the filter to find Pace Industries Product Tech Division; 310 Congress Street West, Maple Lake, MN. Once you click
on the event choose Register Now, or call Karen at 320-963-3200
for more information.

Falling Leaves brunch to be held Oct. 8

What's a "classroom in the hall" all about? Come join the
"Falling Leaves" brunch held October 8, 9:30 a.m. at St. John's
Lutheran Church in Annandale and you'll hear all about it. Jim Martin of Annandale will share the joys of tutoring elementary children
even though he is blind. Speaker Jean Bruton of St. James will share
how "Life can Change in a Moment" and singer Nicole Kotila's
music will add wonderful color to the morning. Make your reservations by calling Eleanor at 320-274-5460, Dawn at 612-723-3905
or email - [email protected]. This event is sponsored by
Stonecroft Ministries.

MN Pioneer Park Pancake Breakfast is Oct. 18

Come celebrate the season at Minnesota Pioneer Park. The Fall
Pancake Breakfast will be held on Sunday, October 18, from 9 a.m.
to 1 p.m. Enjoy all-you-can-eat pancakes served with real maple
syrup and eggs, sausage, juice, coffee and milk. Find MN Pioneer
Park on Hwy 55 in Annandale. For more info call 320-274-8489 or

BCT announces the cast of Meshuggah-Nuns

Buffalo Community Theater is excited to announce the cast of
their fall musical comedy: Meshuggah-Nuns!
This talented group of performers from Buffalo and other nearby
communities includes: Theresa Anderson-Kentner as the Purser;
Jon Benson as Howard Liszt/Tevye; Connie Gabriel as Sister Hubert; Rhea Langemo as Sister Robert Anne and Louise Rau as Sister
Amnesia. Linda Metcalf returns to BCT for her third Nunsense production as the Reverend Mother.
In this latest Nunsense adventure, the "Little Sisters of Hoboken"
are hitting the high seas on the Faiths of All Nations cruise.When
the cast of Fiddler on the Roof (with the exception of the guy
playing Tevye) gets seasick, the ships captain asks the sisters and
Tevye to put on a show. The result- Meshuggah-Nuns!
Hilarity reigns supreme on the high seas with songs like Say It
In Yiddish, Contrition, In the Convent, and If I Were a Catholic.
From Sister Amnesias attempt at magic to the sing-along Fiddlerspiel, Meshuggah-Nuns! is an ecumenical fun-fest. On the technical
side of the production, Cokato resident Dave Metcalf returns to direct Buffalo Community Theater's third Nunsense send-up with
music direction provided by Buffalo's Michael Walsh.
Performances will take place at Discovery Auditorium in Buffalo, October 16-18 and October 23-23. A special "Pink Night at
BCT" will take place on October 17. On this evening $2 from every
ticket sold will be donated to the Buffalo Hospital Foundation to
support their Cancer Care Services in our community.
All seating is reserved, and advanced tickets are available online
from the BCT website: Any remaining tickets will
be sold at the door.
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota
through a grant from the Central MN Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

After a few months of blue

skies and warm temperatures,
summer revelers will soon bid
adieu to the sultry days of this
beloved season. Summer is
often a season filled with vacations and recreation, but as the
warm days dwindle and work
and school commitments begin
anew, there is additional work
to be done in preparation for the
months ahead.
* Stock up on pool equipment. Homeowners who have
pools can take advantage of
end-of-season sales to purchase
a few more gallons of pool
chlorine or other pool equipment. Store them after you have
winterized the pool, and you
will be ahead of the game in
terms of supplies for next year.
* Plan your garden harvest.
If you have a backyard garden,
pick your tomatoes and other
vegetables before the weather
starts to get chilly. Herbs can be
washed and frozen in zippertop baggies so they can be used
when cooking over the next
several months. Boil tomatoes
for sauce and freeze or jar
them. Begin to clear out residual stems and plant debris from
the garden.
* Clean patios and furniture.

Scrub and hose down outdoor

furniture, cushions and living
areas. Clean and dry items before storing them for the winter,
so everything is ready to go
when the warm weather returns
next year.
* Purchase spring bulbs.
Buy bulbs for spring-blooming
flowers and map out where they
will be planted for beautiful
flowers next year. Wait until
temperatures start to dip before
planting the bulbs, otherwise
they may begin to produce
shoots prematurely, zapping the
bulbs of energy.
* Check the heating system.
Although turning on the heat
may be the last thing you're
thinking about, it's a good idea
to test it and, if necessary, have
the system serviced prior to the
arrival of cold weather.
* Tend to the deck and other
repairs. Make repairs to outdoor structures now, and they'll
be more likely to survive the
harsh weather that's just over
the horizon. Apply stain or
sealant to further protect wood
structures in advance of snow
and ice.

Summer Checklist
continued on page 10


Post 131 Maple Lake Lottery Tickets On Sale 320-963-3911

Monday-Saturday: 10 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. Sunday: 11:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Wed., Sept. 23rd - MLWS Wine Club 7 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 26th - Pawelk-Jensen Wedding
Sunday, Sept. 27th - Vikings Football

Join us for the Vikings Games!

2 for 1s
Potluck at Half-Time
Drawings for Prizes
Meat Raffles

Now Serving
Lunch & Dinner:
Monday - Friday!
Lunch: 11AM-2PM Dinner: 4-8:30PM
Full Menu Soup & Salad Bar
Friday Night Dinner Specials
This Fridays Special is
Prime Rib - $17
Friday 5:30 p.m. & Sunday during the Football Game
Friday & Sundays Includes a $2/$40 Package & Sundays a $5/$100 Package
Meat Raffle proceeds go to: Maple Lake Spanish Club & Irish Girls Fastpitch Softball

Holy Spirit Academy Open House is Oct. 22

Holy Spirit Academy is hosting a gathering for prospective students and parents on Thursday, October 22, from 7 to 9 p.m. All
are invited to come and learn more about the school. There will be
a presentation with plenty of time for Q & A. Refreshments will be
served. Please visit [email protected].

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Building-Home Improvement

Foundation Floating Slabs
Brick Stone Driveways
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Garages Free Estimates
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Annandale, MN 55302


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Garage Doors Electric Openers

Sales Service Repairs

We will construct your

pole building or sell you
the necessary material.
Come in and talk over
your building needs.
We're here to serve you.

Tim & Lorie Hegle

375 Spruce Avenue N.
Maple Lake, MN 55358

Maple Lake Lumber Co.

Borrell Refrigeration,


Plumbing, Heating
& Air Conditioning

Toll Free: 1-800-273-4699
Call: (320) 963-3934
Fax: (320) 963-1934



Water Conditioning & Drinking Water Systems


Dave Borrell 320-963-3107


Residential & Commercial

Block ICF Poured Foundation Brick & Stone Floors Floating Slabs Garages
Concrete Staining/Stamping Patios Driveways Steps Sidewalks Removal Replacement

Maple Lake

Stan Fuller 612-366-0910

Office: 320-963-5522


Fax: 320-963-5530 fuller@
References Available Fully Insured

Everything in
Concrete &



Licensed & Bonded


Licensed &Directory
Call 320-963-3813



To put an ad in a


Maple Lake Messenger Page 8

September 23, 2015

Maple Lake defeats Melrose 30-26

by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

#40, Damien Kaley, turns the corner while #23, Michael

LaTour, looks for an up-field block.

The Irish football team is

now 3-2 overall after a narrow
four-point win over the sixth-instate ranked Melrose Dutchmen,
Friday, Sept. 18, in Maple Lake.
The home team held Melroses star running back to just
68 yards and were on the plus
side for turnovers, Irish Coach
Tim Knudsen said, on their way
to a 30-26 win.
Their running back has had
10 touchdowns and 768 yards in
four games, Knudsen said.
Melrose is a tough and experienced team.
Mid State
Sub 1
Football Standings

#11, Nate Maas, secures the football with two hands as

he prepares for contact with a host of Dutchmen defenders.
(Photos by Ashley Becker)

Maple Lake



Irish senior Damian Kaley

and junior Nate Maas each
rushed for two touchdowns
against the Class 3A team Friday
Kaley led off with a one-yard
touchdown run in the first quarter to put Maple Lake on the
Melroses Tyler Braegelmann
threw a 15-yard pass to Jordan
Klaphake to lead off the second
quarter, but Maple Lake answered with two touchdowns of
its own, both from Maas. Maas
completed an eight-yard run and
a 20-yard run for the points.
Melroses Caldin Rieland
caught a 28-yard pass for six
points in the third quarter to
make the score 23-14 in Maple
Lakes favor. It was the only
touchdown of the quarter.
The Dutchmen outscored the
Irish 12-7 in the final quarter
with Kaley getting the home
teams lone touchdown, a twoyard run. Kaley finished the
night with 103 yards rushing.
Offensively Maple Lake

rushed for 300 yards and was 68 in passing.

Going forward the Irish need
to work on getting off the field
defensively on third-and-long,
Knudsen said after the game.
We need to be better on special teams. We need to clean up
our penalties on offense.
Up next for Maple Lake is
Rockford on Friday, Sept. 25, at
Rockford. The game begins at 7
First quarter
ML: Kaley 1yd run (Austin
Becker run)
Second quarter
Mel: Jordan Klaphake 15yd
pass from Braegelmann (Zack
Pierskalla kick)
ML: Maas 8yd run (Becker
ML: Maas 20yd run (Brandon Borell pass from Maas)
Third quarter
Mel: Caldin Rieland 28yd
pass from Braegelmann (Pier-

skalla kick)
Fourth quarter
ML: Kaley 2yd run (Andy
Mavencamp kick)
Mel: Pierskalla 22yd run
(pass failed)
Mel: Drake Meyer 24yd
pass from Braegelmann (run
Individual statistics:
Rushing: Kaley 103 yards,
20 carries, 2 TDs; Maas 85
yards, 14 carries, 2 TDs;
Becker 111 yards, 22 carries;
Logan McCollough 1 yard, 1
Passing: Maas 62 yards on 5
for 8, 1 interception.
Receiving: Chase Olson 53
yards on 3 catches; Kaley 7
yards on 1 catch; Grant Mergen
2 yards on 1 catch.
Team statistics:
Rushing: 300 yards, 57 carries, 4 TDs
Receiving: 362 yards on 65

Irish volleyball now 10-1 on season

by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

Irish defenders gang-tackle a Melrose ball carrier in last

Friday night's action.

The Maple Lake volleyball

team had their perfect record
marred last week when the unbeaten Irish hosted BelgradeBrooten-Elrosa and were taken
down by the Jaguars in five
Despite the loss, the Irish still
hold a 10-1 record with three
wins last week in addition to the
Maple Lake kicked off the
week by hosting the Sartell
Sabres, Tuesday, Sept. 15, in a
non-conference match-up that
the Irish dominated in four

Maple Lakes Amber Klug

led the home team to a 3-1 win
with 11 kills, nine digs and five
serving aces.
The Irish won the first game
25-18, fell 20-25 in the second,
then rebounded to claim the final
two games 26-24 and 25-12 to
win the match.
On Thursday, Sept. 17,
Maple Lake hosted Central Minnesota Conference foe BelgradeBrooten-Elrosa 3-2.
Game scores were 14-25, 2515, 25-21, 25-21, 15-13.
Maple Lake rebounded on
Saturday, Sept. 19, in Farmington where they defeated nonconference foes Mahtomedi 2-0

and Red Wing in the Farmington

Game scores were 25-21, 2125, 9-15 against Red Wing.
The Irish will play again on
Tuesday, Sept. 22, in Annandale
and Thursday, Sept. 24, in Kimball starting at 7 p.m.. On Friday,
Sept. 25, and Saturday, Sept. 26,
they travel to a tournament in

Central MN
Volleyball Standings
Maple Lake



#8, Austin Becker, gets to the edge courtesy of great

blocking in last Friday's contest.

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Above: Sophomore Amber Klug, #3, spikes the ball during Saturdays game against Red Wing at the Farmington
Tournament. Right: Olivia Marquette, #2, sets the ball as
Brooklyn Toedter, #11, prepares for the spike return to the
Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa Jaguars.
(Photos by Chad Pingel)

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Community Calendar
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Maple Lake Messenger Page 9

September 23, 2015

Boys and girls second in Delano race

The Catch
by Jeff Plattner

The Irish boys cross country team race off the starting line against Delano Thursday, Sept. 17. (Photo by Chris Fobbe)
by Brenda Erdahl
Sports Writer

Sommer Carlson won the

race, Thursday, Sept. 17, to lead
the girls cross country team to a
second-place finish at Delano.
Halle Geyen came in third despite less-than-favorable weather
that left the course wet and
On the boys side, Devin Deringer led with his third-place
finish and Simon Willard was
seventh in the teams secondplace overall finish.

Coach Ben Youngs called it a

true cross country meet because of the course conditions.
The junior high kids were on
the line and then they stopped to
let bad weather go through, he
said. The rain came down in
buckets. The course was messy.
That affected times, especially those who dont have
spikes, he said. Still, most of
the kids had fun with the course.
Both the junior varsity and
junior high girls teams took first
Thursday as did the junior high

and JV boys teams. The junior

high girls team finished with a
perfect score of 15. Mary Miller
ran for first and Augusta Demarais was second.
Brady Tongen won the boys
JV race and Logan Wininger was
second in the race.
The Irish were scheduled to
run at Pierz on Monday, Sept. 21.
The 24-team meet would include
the No. 1 Class A boys and girls
teams and some of the top talent
It will be a great test to see

where we stand, Youngs said

before the race.
On Saturday, Sept. 26, Maple
Lake will travel to Milaca for
what Youngs described as the
biggest high school cross country
meet in the world.
In Maple Lakes division
alone there will be 50 teams.
Obviously we will see some
outstanding competition, and we
will learn where we stand against
some of the best teams in the
state, Youngs said.

From left to right: Emma Carlson, Halle Geyen, Linus Brown and Daryn Strub during Thursdays cross country meet
against Delano at Lake Rebecca Park.
(Photos by Chris Fobbe)

City Council

NFL Quick Hits

Two weeks of the 2015 NFL
season are nearly in the books
and its been a pretty standard
year so far, right? Hardly! My
goodness, where do we even
begin? Well, for starters, the
Saints, Eagles, Giants, Ravens,
Seahawks and Colts (they host
the NY Jets on Monday night),
who combined to win 56 games
last season, are 0-11. The
Jaguars, Titans, Raiders, Redskins and Buccaneers, who were
a combined 14-66 last season,
are all 1-1.
DeMarco Murray, the NFLs
first defending rushing champion to change teams since
1947, has carried the ball 21
times as a Philadelphia Eagle for
a total of 11 yards. Murray
rushed for 1,845 yards as a
member of the Dallas Cowboys
a year ago. Speaking of the
Cowboys, they are 2-0 and now
without, not only Dez Bryant
(foot), but also possibly Tony
Romo (collarbone) and Jason
Witten (ankle/knee), for the
foreseeable future. The Eagles,
who looked unstoppable versus
first team defenses in the preseason, have been terrible in five of
eight quarters played. The
Kansas City Chiefs gave up two
TDs in 0:09 on Thursday night,
against Denver, to cap off an unthinkable last-minute collapse,
at home, that reminded many of
The Heidi game. The Chiefs
have also now gone 21straight
regular-season games without a
receiving TD by a wide receiver.
After two games, Tom Brady
has already thrown for 754 yards
and 7 TDs. Over the course of a
16 game season, that pace would
bring Brady to 6,032 yards passing and 56 TDs We said he and
the Patriots would be playing in
complete screw you mode this
year. In their Monday night
opener against San Francisco,
the Vikings looked like the worst
football team on the planet. They

rebounded Sunday, at home,

against the Detroit Lions, to save
what could have quickly been a
lost season. Larry Fitzgerald,
who had caught two TDs in his
previous 17 games, caught three
TDs on Sunday, against the
Chicago Bears. DeAngelo
Williams, who rushed for just
three TDs in his last two seasons
with the Carolina Panthers,
rushed for three TDs on Sunday,
against the 49ers, while filling in
for LeVeon Bell, as Bell serves
his suspension for violating the
leagues substance abuse policy.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers,
who were manhandled at home
on opening day, 42-14 by rookie
QB Marcus Mariota and the
Tennessee Titans, held future
Hall of Fame QB Drew Brees
and the Saints in check, at the
Superdome on Sunday, beating
the Saints 26-19. It was the Bucs
first win in their last eight tries
against the Saints. The St. Louis
Rams, who beat the Seahawks at
home in Week 1, were blown out
on the road by the Washington
Redskins on Sunday. Rookie RB
Matt Jones, who figures to be
the heir apparent to Redskins
RB Alfred Morris, who likely
wont be re-signed after this season, had his coming out party
with 123 yards rushing and 2
TDs. The Green Bay Packers,
who are 2-0 just like the Cowboys, also have more injuries to
deal with like the Cowboys. Already without stud WR Jordy
Nelson, to begin the year, the
Packers are now without OT
Bryan Bulaga (meniscus) and
perhaps RB Eddie Lacy (ankle)
as well. The last team to appear
in three straight Super Bowls
was the Buffalo Bills, who appeared in and lost four straight
from 1991-1994. In their quest
to reach a third straight Super
Bowl, the Seahawks are now 02 and badly in need of getting SS
Kam Chancellor signed to a new

continued from page 3

The overall budget requirement for the city for 2016 is
$1,661,647 an increase of
$48,232 over 2015. The overall
proposed levy for 2016 is
$935,028 an increase of
$29,109 over 2015.
The city has received its preliminary tax capacity figure
from Wright County, and it has
risen from $1,515,306 to
$1,581,123 an increase of approximately 4.34 percent, due
to the fact that residential property home values generally increased about five percent.
Based on budget numbers
discussed at the councils workshop, the citys proposed 2016
tax rate would be 57.771 percent a decrease of 1.364 percent from the 2015 tax rate of
59.135 percent. If the council
had chosen to keep the tax rate
the same as 2015 (59.135 percent), an increase of $17,640 to
the levy would have been required. Council members opted
to increase the levy for the
Water Fund for a future water
tower, bringing the tax rate to
59.137 percent a .002 percent
increase over 2015.
Homes valued for the taxable market at $85,000 in 2015,
taxed at $502.66, would see an
increase of $25.13 in 2016. A
home valued at $100,000, taxed
in 2015 at $591.37, would see
an increase of $29.57. A home
valued at $140,000, taxed in
2015 at $827.92, would see an
increase of $41.40.
In other business, the council:
Conducted a public hearing
and adopted a resolution establishing an Economic Development Authority (EDA). The
council desires to establish an
EDA for the city in order to
promote certain economic,
commercial, housing and industrial development, and redevelopment goals and objectives. A
public hearing must be held before establishing an EDA,
which serves as a recommending body to the council and is a
separate political entity that can
own property and have a separate levy for development that

would otherwise be funded

through the General Fund. An
EDA offers flexibility in carrying out extensive economic development functions of the city,
including promoting existing
businesses and recruiting new
business, issuing revenue
bonds, acquiring property, purchasing and selling land, serving as a limited partner, and
making or guaranteeing other
credit. An EDA could also assume the powers of an HRA,
which has the power and stated
purpose to undertake certain
housing and redevelopment and
renewal activities. Council representation is required on the
EDA, and economic director Jo
Foust has recommended the establishment of a five-member
commission. As it is a new entity, the councilmembers will
serve as original members, their
terms coinciding with council
terms. If the city desires to
change the makeup in the future, bylaws can be amended
and as many as two more members can be added.
Approved a construction
contract change-order with
SAK Construction for the 2014
Street Improvement Project in
the amount of $144,815.50. A
few sewer segments remain to
be lined and are in an advanced
state of deterioration. In a
change-order under the existing
contract for the 2013 Inflow
and Infiltration (I&I) Improvement Project, as a subcontractor
to SAK, LaTour Construction
would complete the work, replacing a six-inch sewer and an
existing two-inch galvanized
water main with eight-inch
PVC and a four-inch PVC
main. The quoted amount to
complete the construction as
proposed is $159,279.05, approximately 10 percent higher
than the amount estimated in
the projects feasibility report.
The revised estimated project
total cost is $183,200, compared to the projected amount
of $166,100. City engineer Phil
Gravel offered two options for
financing the project. Option
one was to include the amount

as part of the Minnesota Public

Facilities Authority (PFA) loan
for the sewer portion of the
project; however, the city
would have to pay a $6,850
mark-up to SAK, as allowed in
the contract. Option two was to
pay approximately $114,720
from the Sewer Fund and
$54,400 from the water main
portion through the Water
Fund. The funds have sufficient
reserves to complete the project. Council consensus was to
finance the project through the
Sewer and Water funds. Construction will begin in October
and is expected to be substantially completed in June 2016.
An assessment hearing for affected property owners will be
scheduled at a later date.
Passed a motion to direct
Northland Securities to work
with city staff on the preparation of all necessary bond offering documents relating to the
refunding of the existing Series
2009B Bond issue. George Eilertson of Northland Securities
has proposed that new refunding bonds be issued at the councils November meeting, and it
is anticipated that the city will
issue $725,000 in General Obligation Water Revenue Refunding Bonds to refund the
2017-2027 maturities of the series, which was initiated in
2009 at $1,020,000. These
bonds have a remaining average interest rate of approximately 3.97 percent. Based on
interest rates available in the
current bond market, new refunding bonds may be able to
be issued at an average interest
rate of approximately 2.2 percent. This interest rate reduction would result in a total net
savings of approximately
$45,900, after related costs of
issuance are taken into consideration.
Offered preliminary support of sanitary sewer renovation to accommodate an
expansion project by Pace Industries, which has authorized
plans for an eventual 60,000square-foot expansion of the facility next spring. Realignment

and steel encasing of a 200-foot

portion of force main will be
performed by a contractor,
under supervision of the city
engineer, in a project scheduled
for completion this fall. Approval is contingent upon the
city and Pace entering into an
appropriate agreement governing the terms of the project and
the city engineers approval of
site plans and surveys.
Granted an Interim Use
Permit to Lake Region Co-op
for a dynamic display sign, with
an expiration date of 10 years
or until no longer occupied by
the current owner.
Heard a proclamation by
Mayor Lynn Kissock recognizing October 1-10 as Minnesota
Manufacturers Week, in honor
of the contribution made by
manufacturers locally and
across the state. The proclamation noted that Maple Lake
manufacturers provide highquality jobs for area residents,
with 13 manufacturers providing 626 local jobs in 2015 and
providing $23,780,860 in 2014
annual wages.
Accepted the resignation of
liquor store manager Carol
Bestland, effective December
31, and directed staff to post advertisements to fill the position.
Accepted the resignation of
Andrew Johnson from the public works department and directed
advertisements to fill the position.
Recognized Accounting
and Administration Clerk Roxanne Howard for five years of
service to the city.
Approved a consent agenda
that included staff attendance at
the Minnesota Municipal Beverage Association Conference
October 21 in Roseville, $995
to Strategic Insights for software, and a gamblingexempt
permit for a post-prom party
fundraiser April 16 at the high
These actions were taken in
the absence of Councilmember
Bart Lauer. The councils next
meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 20, at 7 p.m.

This weeks Maple

Lake Irish activities
Thursday, Sept. 24
4:15pm Football: 7th Grade Game
Eden Valley-Watkins @ Eden Valley Elementary; 4:15pm Football:
8th Grade Game Eden ValleyWatkins @ Eden Valley Elementary; 4:15pm Volleyball: 7th Grade
Game vs. Eden Valley-Watkins @
Maple Lake HS Activity Center;
4:15pm Volleyball: 8th Grade
Game vs. Eden Valley-Watkins @
Maple Lake HS Activity Center;
5:45pm Volleyball: JV Match Kimball Area @ Kimball Area High
School; 5:45pm Volleyball: C
Match Kimball Area @ Kimball
Area High School; 5:45pm Volleyball:Girls C Match Kimball Area @
Kimball Area High School - North
Gym; 5:45pm Volleyball:Girls JV
Match Kimball Area @ Kimball
Area High School - Wirth Gym;
7:00pm Volleyball: Varsity Match
Kimball Area @ Kimball Area High
School; 7:15pm Volleyball:Girls
Varsity Match Kimball Area @
Kimball Area High School - Wirth
Friday, Sept. 25
TBD Volleyball: Varsity Tournament TBA @ TBA Varsity Only
Time - TBD; 7:00pm Football: Varsity Game Rockford Area Schools
District @ Rockford High School
Saturday, Sept. 26
TBD Volleyball: Varsity Tourna-

ment TBA @ TBA V Only - Time

- TBD; 10:00am Cross Country:
Varsity Invitational Milaca @ Milaca CC
Monday, Sept. 28
4:30pm Football: JV Game vs.
Rockford Area Schools District @
Maple Lake High School
Tuesday, Sept. 29
4:00pm Football: 7th Grade Game
Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted @
Howard Lake Middle School;
4:00pm Football: 8th Grade Game
Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted @
Howard Lake Middle School;
4:00pm Volleyball: 7th Grade
Game vs. Howard Lake-WaverlyWinsted @ Maple Lake HS Activity
Center; 4:00pm Volleyball: 8th
Grade Game vs. Howard LakeWaverly-Winsted @ Maple Lake
HS Activity Center; 5:30pm Volleyball: JV Game Dassel-Cokato @
Dassel-Cokato High School;
5:30pm Volleyball: C Game Dassel-Cokato @ Dassel-Cokato High
School; 7:00pm Volleyball: Varsity
Game Dassel-Cokato @ DasselCokato High School
Thursday, Oct. 1
4:00pm Cross Country: Varsity Invitational Saint John`s Prep @ St
4:00pm Volleyball: 8th Grade
Kennedy Junior @
Kennedy Junior High; 4:00pmVolleyball: 7th Grade Game Kennedy
Junior @ Kennedy Junior High;
4:30pm Football: C Game (CANCELLED) vs. Rockford Area
Schools District @ Maple Lake
High School; 5:45pm Volleyball:
JV Match Paynesville Area @ Paynesville High School; 5:45pm Volleyball: C Match Paynesville Area
@ Paynesville High School;
7:15pm Volleyball: Varsity Match
Paynesville Area @ Paynesville
High School


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The Maple Lake

Maple Lake Messenger Page 10

September 23, 2015

Public Notices
August 18, 2015 Minutes
Lauer/Geyen, to approve the Agenda
with the following additions under
New Business. All present voted in
7. l. Approval of Transfer of
Robert Voecks and Leo Davids
Hangar Unit F-1-A to John Seefeldt
7. m. Project Update 2015
Sewer Repairs Project.
A motion was m/s/p, Northenscold/Lauer, to approve the consent
agenda. All present voted in favor.
Geyen/Northenscold, to adopt a resolution calling for a public hearing to
be held on September 15, 2015 at
7:00 p.m. on the question of establishing an Economic Development
Authority. All present voted in favor.
Kissock/Geyen, to adopt Resolution
R2015-33 approving the renewal of
the Consumption and Display permit
for Irish Blessings contingent upon
meeting all State licensing requirements.
Kissock/Jude, to pay a portion not to
exceed $427 for the sewer meter at
the Zumbusch property at 71 Birch
Avenue S. All present voted in favor.
Kissock/Geyen, to adopt Resolution
R-2015-34 closing out Fund 313,
Geneva Road/6th Street NW Project,
and transferring the balance of
$5,316.84 to Fund 100. All present
voted in favor.
Kissock/Geyen, to pay $1,200 toward the cost of the study. All present
voted in favor except Jude and Lauer
who abstained.
Kissock/Lauer, to consent to the
transfer of Unit F-1-A owned by
Robert Voecks and Leo Davids to
John V. Seefeld and to approve a
lease beginning August 18, 2015 for
a term of 82 months, 13 days, contingent upon the receipt of the required Certificate of Insurance. All
present voted in favor.
Kissock/Jude, to approve the Airport
Courtesy Car Policy and Agreement
subject to minor housekeeping issues. All present voted in favor.
Geyen/Lauer, to adjourn at 8:21 p.m.
All present voted in favor.

City Clerk/Treasurer
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning and Zoning Commission of the
City of Maple Lake, at City Hall, on
Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at 7:00
p.m. to consider the application of
the City of Maple Lake for a Conditional Use Permit to attach barbed
wire fencing along the top of the existing fence surrounding a building in
a P, Public/Government District on
the property located at 405 Oak Avenue South, PID # 110-010-004090.
Anyone wishing to be heard with reference to this Conditional Use Permit
will be heard at this meeting.
Lee Ann Yager
Zoning Administrator
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of
Maple Lake, at City Hall, at 7:00
p.m., October 13, 2015, to consider
the application for Daniel and Julie
Clasemann for a Variance to the
Zoning Ordinance to erect a third
stall on an existing garage closer
than thirty (30) feet from the side
property line abutting the street on a
corner lot in an R-2, Urban Zoning
District, at their property located at
600 Maple Avenue North, PID#110038-002010.
Anyone wishing to be heard with
reference to this matter will be heard
at this meeting.
Lee Ann Yager
Zoning Administrator
I, Steve Simon, Secretary of
State of Minnesota, do certify that:
The following business entity has
duly complied with the relevant provisions of Minnesota Statutes listed
below, and is formed or authorized to
do business in Minnesota on and
after this date with all the powers,
rights and privileges, and subject to
the limitations, duties and restrictions, set forth in that chapter.
The business entity is now legally
registered under the laws of Minnesota.
Name: Pleasant Day Marketing,

File Number: 831955500020
Minnesota Statutes, Chapter:
This certificate has been issued
on: 7/1/2015
Steve Simon
Secretary of State
State of Minnesota
The filing of an Assumed Name
does not provide a user with exclusive rights to that name. The filing is
required for consumer protection in
order to enable consumers to be
able to identify the true owner of a
1. List the exact Assumed Name
under which the business is or will be
conducted: Book Break.
2. Principal place of business: 63
Birch Ave. S., PO Box 185, Maple
Lake, MN 55358.
3. List the name and complete
street address of all persons conducting business under the above
Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered
office address: Marilyn Groth, 8113
67th St. NW, Maple Lake, MN 55358;
Dennis A. Groth, 8113 67th St. NW,
Maple Lake, MN 55358.
4. This certificate is an amendment of Certificate of Assumed
Name File Number: 613841600026.
Originally filed on: 8/15/2012.
5. I, the undersigned, certify that
I am signing this document as the
person whose signature is required,
or as agent of the person(s) whose
signature would be required who has
authorized me to sign this document
on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the
information in this document is true
and correct and in compliance with
the applicable chapter of Minnesota
Statutes. I understand that by signing
this document I am subject to the
penalties of perjury as set forth in
Section 609.48 as if I had signed this
document under oath.
/s/ Marilyn A. Groth
Marilyn A. Groth, owner/operator

County Board
continued from page 3
In other items on the Sept. 15 deal with sick leave policies and
agenda, the board:
the verbiage of an employment
* Approved a resolution pri- probationary period.
oritizing the countys list of de* Approved a resolution to
ficient bridges. A total of nine extend Social Security coverage
bridges was listed. The resolu- to eligible elected county offition allows the county to seek cials. The resolution would
federal funding for bridge re- allow those who choose to take
pairs or replacement. Four of part to contribute to Social Sethe bridges were county bridges curity as well as PERA. The
and five of them are township elected officials have the right
bridges, located in Cokato, to join the program or opt out of
Franklin, Middleville, South- it. The effective date will be
side and Woodland townships.
Jan. 1, 2016, for those who
* Authorized the county del- choose to participate.
egation for the Association of
* Authorized Board Chair
Minnesota Counties annual Mike Potter to attend the annual
conference Dec. 7-8 in St. meeting of Minnesota TransCloud.
portation Alliance Nov. 4 in
* In a related item, voted to Cannon Falls.
cancel the Dec. 8 board meeting
* Referred to the building
because it coincides with the committee discussion of adding
AMC conference as well as an exterior door to Room 127 of
being subject to having one the Health and Human Services
board meeting cancelled in a building. During a recent trainmonth with five Tuesdays.
ing exercise, it was determined
* Approved an Emergency that the distance from Room
Performance 127, which is a conference
Grant contract with the sheriffs room, is too far away from any
department for the remainder of current building exits, which
2015 in the amount of $56,490. poses a security issue.
A matching local amount is re* Approved reducing the
quired, but that match is being standard committee days in Nomet through employee
and December to one
Same day
* Referred three items to the Wednesday Nov. 18 and DeSept. 23 personnel committee. cember 16. This is done annuThe first was discussion of ally because of conflicts created
splitting the personnel policy during the Thanksgiving and
and procedures manual into two Christmas holidays.
different documents a policy
* Authorized signatures on a
manual and an employee hand- 2016-17 grant between the sherbook that deals with procedural iffs department and the Minissues. The other two issues nesota Department of Natural
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Resources Off-Highway Vehicle Enforcement Grant in the

amount of $19,214. The grant
will provide more time for sheriffs deputies to enforce compliance with off-road vehicle laws.
* Approved signatures on a
2016-17 law enforcement
agreement between the sheriffs
department and the cities of
Rockford and Hanover.
* Referred discussion concerning the purchasing agent
position to the personnel committee.
* Approved removing the
generator from the Zuk machinery that was used at the former
compost facility. The highway
department staff will remove
the generator and attempt to sell
it at auction and prepare to dismantle the remainder of the machinery to sell for scrap. Recent
prices for the sale of scrap metal
have been as high as $80 a ton.
* Appointed Jason Kramber
to represent the county on the
Central Minnesota Emergency
Services Board Committee For
Next Generation 911. In the
same motion, the board also approved selecting Richard
Nevela as the alternate representative.
* Set a deferred compensation committee meeting for 9:30
a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 23.
* Approved renewal of the
contract with ROI Moving Supply for the continued placement
of an ATM machine in the
county courthouse.

Summer Checklist
continued from page 7
* Examine the roof and chimney. Winter is a poor time to
learn you have missing roof
shingles or a leak. Furthermore,
ensure the chimney and venting
to the outdoors is not obstructed
by abandoned animal nests.
* Check your closets. Go


through clothing and remove

any items that are damaged or no
longer fit, donating them if possible. Clean out kids' closets as
well, as pants that fit perfectly in
May will not necessarily fit
come September.
* Stock the shed. Once the


weather has cooled down, move

outdoor flower pots, hoses and
lawn ornaments you no longer
need into the shed or garage
while ensuring items needed in
fall and winter, such as rakes,
snow shovels and snowblowers,
are more accessible.


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Sales & Service

Cokato and Grinnell
The Maple Lake
Mutual Ins. Co.

Kramer Sales & Services

Simplicity Snapper Lawn & Snow Equipment
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efco Chainsaws & Trimmers
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Service Power
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Oak Ave. North
Maple Lake
8-1 of 610
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Ryan Zylstra
Ryan Zylstra

Home Auto Farm Business

Fire print
Wind Liability

Endicott Ave.

NW Maple Lake
9571 Endicott Ave.
NW Maple
Fax: (320)

We print almost anything!

For price quotes, call the Maple Lake Messenger at:

Solid Waste320-963-3813
Disposal Services Including:
Industrial Waste
Foundry & General Manufacturing Wastes
Construction & Demolition Waste
Sludges & Ash


Rec Veh Business

Home Farm Auto
A Policy of Rec
Veh Business

A Policy of Working Together

Cokato and Grinnell

Mutual Ins. Co.
Home Auto Farm Business
Fire Wind Liability


Dave Zylstra



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Flyers Posters
Invitations Postcards
Business Cards
Letterheads & More!

Visit us
Same day copies

For price quotes

Contact us at


Quality NAPAParts
NAPA Parts

Repair, Inc.
Tom Blizil, Prop.
Hwy. 55 West
Flushes Now
Maple Lake
Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m.-5p.m. Available!

See Tom for all your auto & truck maintenance needs!


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Over 3,000

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Any Vehicle Make or Model
Friendly Knowledgeable Staff
All technicians average 20 years experience
No appointment necessary

520 Division St. W. Maple Lake, MN



500 Cty. Rd. 37 E

Maple Lake
Open 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday

Get your business noticed

weekly in the Messenger!


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Extra Special Offer For New Customers:

*Offer valid for new customers only, with $25 minimum order. See website for full details.

Maple Lake
Chiropractic Clinic
121 Division Street West Maple Lake

Classified Advertising
Must be placed by noon on Tuesday for Wednesday publication.
Call 320-963-3813-ONLY $2 per line (Minimum-$6)
Free private party classifieds for Messenger subscribers!

copies available!
Maple Lake Messenger (320) 963-3813

Medica &


Hours for
Dr. Shinabarger
Tuesday & Thursday
Noon to 7 p.m.

Hours for Dr. Kisner

Mon., Wed., Fri.: 1-6 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m. to Noon

To provide patients with optimal care and service,

Dr. Shinabarger & Dr. Kisner are available additional hours at:

Crow River Chiropractic Clinic of St. Michael

(763) 497-4499 Colonial Mall


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[email protected] 320-963-2400

Now serving
residential &
home office!

Maple Lake Messenger Page 12

September 23, 2015

A Complete
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Providing Insurance for:

for Boats,
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E-15, E-30,

50 Elm Street East







Long Term Care

Locally Owned

Providing Services for

Your Financial Future:

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401K Rollovers
Roth IRA

Turning Dreams Into Reality

Clearwater, MN 320-980-2710

Traditional IRA
*Lake Central Investments is Cetera
Investments Services LLC program,
member FINRA/SIPC. Cetera Investments Services LLC is unaffiliated with
any other name entity.



Maple Lake 320-963-3163 Annandale 320-274-8216

Clearwater 320-558-2480

Sales & Service

e of 1 H





Dir: N of Annandale on Hwy 24, E on CR 39,
N on Ireland Ave NW & E on 105th St NW

80 Acre Mostly Wooded Parcel

Abundant with Deer, Turkey, &
Waterfowl. One Resident
Building Entitlement Included.





Please inspect property at your convenience
& call with questions

Not to Scale
Visit website for complete listing & pictures

Winterizing by full factory trained technicians.

Indoor & Outdoor Storage Shrink Wrap
Full Line of Parts & Accessories Pontoon Trailer Rentals



Lic. 86-01

Indoor & Outdoor Storage

Dock & Lift Removal
Winterizing Shrink Wrap

News Sports Community Classifieds

Legals Viewpoint Business Directory

Dont go to
the lake
Hwy. 55 Annandale


Buy Photo Reprints!

There is so much more online!
View Anywhere, Anytime!
Its not too early to
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Indoor & Oudoor Storage!

Trees need trimming?

The Maple Lake

WH Services can help with all

of your landscaping needs:

Subscribe Today!

Aerial bucket truck work

Tree and stump removal
Tree and shrub pruning / shaping
Emerald ash borer treatment
Storm damage clearing
Lot clearing

We Rock The Boat!

90 day, no-interest financing available


Call to

Parts & Service

14882 Hwy. 55 4 Miles West of Annandale

(763) 477-3000

Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.



Gift Cards

(320) 963-3813
Fax: (320) 963-6114

8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday-Sunday Closed
218 Division St. W
P.O. Box 817
Maple Lake, MN 55358

A subsidiary of Wright-Hennepin
Cooperative Electric Association

Parade of Stables

Monday-Wednesday: 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Thursday-Saturday: 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday: Closed

Next to Cenex 901 State Hwy. 55 East, Maple Lake 320.963.3715

Wine of the Month

All Varieties


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Try the New Fall Varieties!


Spiced Rum
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(Must be 60 years of age or older)

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Join Today & Experience
Maple Lakes

Check Out Our


Maple Lake Library


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Receive 10% Off All

Donated Wine Purchases!

11:00AM 3:00PM
Riding and Driving Demonstrations
Learn About the American Saddlebred
Learn about Horseback Riding

Stables at Greenfield Farm

612-245-7104 7144 Gowan Ave NW Maple Lake, MN 55358

Presented by the
Minnesota Saddlebred Horse Association

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