Hakin9 OPEN 04 2013

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Dear Readers,

Editor in Chief:
Ewelina Nazarczuk
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Editorial Advisory Board: John Webb, Marco

Hermans, Gareth Watters, Peter Harmsen, Dhawal
Proofreaders: Jeff Smith, Krzysztof Samborski
Special thanks to our Beta testers and Proofreaders
who helped us with this issue. Our magazine would
not exist without your assistance and expertise.
Publisher: Pawe Marciniak
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e would like to introduce completelly free issue of

Hakin9 Open. This time you will learn how to use
BackTrack with web application penetration tests. You will

also read how to use Metasploit, and get knowledge about

cyber wallet with an article Digital Wallet The New Way
of Exchanging Money? which will allow you to understand what exactly it is, and how to secure it to make your
transfers safe. For those ones who are interested in their
companys security we have prepared a special section
with articles Why Hire a Hacker?, and How Could Organisations Leverage Open-Source Intelligence To Gain
More Insight Into Their Cyber Threats?.
We hope our articles written by experts will expand
your knowledge, and let you become a IT security professionals.
Enjoy your time with Hakin9!
Ewelina Nazarczuk
Hakin9 Magazine Junior Product Manager
and Hakin9 Team

Art Director: Ireneusz Pogroszewski

[email protected]
DTP: Ireneusz Pogroszewski
Publisher: Hakin9 Media sp. z o.o. SK
02-676 Warszawa, ul. Postpu 17D
Phone: 1 917 338 3631

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the

highest quality of the magazine, the editors make no
warranty, expressed or implied, concerning the results
of the contents usage. All trademarks presented in the
magazine were used for informative purposes only.
All rights to trade marks presented in the magazine
are reserved by the companies which own them.


The techniques described in our

articles may only be used in private,
local networks. The editors hold no
responsibility for misuse of the presented
techniques or consequent data loss.



PenTesting with BackTrack

Web Application Penetration Testing
with Backtrack

How to Secure Your Company?


By Prabhakaran Nair, CEH, ECSA, CHFI, OPST,

Industries always prefer for open source tools that basically used for penetration testing and vulnerability assessment of Web Applications .First choice for penetration tester is Backtrack and latest version is kali.
Backtrack is a operating system that consist some open
source tool which is built in different languages such
as python,perl and ruby which offer better results from
Web Application penetration testing prospect.In My Article i am going to cover most of the tool which is used
for Web Application Penetration Testing.

How a Vulnerability
Exploitation Works?


By Jorge Mario, Awareness & Security Researcher

In the follow article, We reveal step by step how a vulnerability exploitation works using the free powerful
port scanner Nmap and the exploitation tool Metasploit
Framework MSF, booth integrated under same graphical user interface; Armitage easy GUI managing for all

Meta-Fast AND Meta-Furious A quick

hands-on description through the hacking
cicle using Armitage and the metasploit
By Gabriel Lazo Canazas, eCPPT, CPTE, LA
Its not that easy for a beginner to grasp the concepts
of the Metasploit framework and its several tools and
tweaks. There is a lot of material in hacking techniques,
advanced auxiliary modules, cool tips and strategies
but throughout the classes I teach, there is always at
least one student asking for a quick reference in Armitage to start understanding the Metasploit suite. Thats
why I decided to write this article, in order to help those
pentesting starters and give them a hint of the true
Metasploit power.


Why Hire a Hacker?


By Dominique Karg, Chief Hacking Officer at

Before I start this article I would just like to clarify that
Im not advocating the hiring of computer criminals. If
you are being held to ransom by someone claiming to
have control of your infrastructure, and demanding payment to prevent further damage or exposure, then you
need to contact the relevant authorities. However, if you
want to prevent said criminals hijacking your systems
then perhaps a hacker is exactly the person you need
for the job! At AlienVault, we pride ourselves in working
with hackers and having them as part of our team to
ensure we provide the best service to our customers.

How Could Organisations Leverage OpenSource Intelligence To Gain More Insight

Into Their Cyber Threats?
By Laurent Mathieu, CISSP, Information Security
It seems to me that many organisations, including some
of the largest ones, do not sufficiently utilise the opensource intelligence capabilities available online in order to gain further insight into their own cyber security
threats. By adopting even basic techniques, organisations may be able to improve their detection time and
responsiveness to at least some of their cyber threats.

How to Hack Cyber Wallet?

Digital Wallet The new way of exchanging money?

By Alexandre S. Cezar, CISSP, Information Security Consultant and Project Manager
This article intends to introduce the reader the concept
of Digital Wallets, to show some interesting approaches
that are being used to secure them and discuss the associated risks, tools for exploitation and techniques to
secure your Digital Wallet.

PenTesting with BackTrack

Web Application
Penetration Testing
With Backtrack
Industries always prefer for open source tools that
basically used for penetration testing and vulnerability
assessment of Web Applications. First choice for
penetration tester is Backtrack and latest version is kali.
Backtrack is a operating system that consist some open
source tool which is built in different languages such as
python, perl and ruby which offer better results from Web
Application penetration testing prospect. In My Article i
am going to cover most of the tool which is used for Web
Application Penetration Testing.

Content to Be Covered in This Publication

Enumerating Web Application Version and Architecture
Identify Services and Ports Running on Web
Application Server
Enumerating Different Type of Databases
Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration
Testing of Web Application


Web Application Penetration Testing is a method to

evaluate the security of Web Application. They focus on security of Web Application, vulnerablitues
etc. In today world 90 percent of companies website and there web application architecture is vulnerable for attack. Web Application vulnerabilities
lead to compromise web application and gain access to confidential information. Objective of this
publication is just to gain information how to test
web application from security prospect and try to
patch all the hole which can lead to deface your
web application.

Enumerating Web Application Version and


In the first phase of Web Application Penetration

Testing we need to gather or enumerate different
type of information of Web Application which we
need to test such as:
Enumerating Ip address, DNS Records
Gathering Operating System Information and
Application in which webSite is hosted
Mirroring and Finding Directories of Website

Figure 1. Dnsenum.pl


Web Application Penetration Testing With Backtrack

Enumerating Ip address, DNS Records

Is multithread script to enumerate information on a
domain and to discover non-contiguous ip blocks
and dns records.This tool is also used for zone
transfers. Command and output E.g (Figure 1) as
you see in above diagram because of security issues we havn,t disclose the name of domain and
its records.
We used the simple command that is ./dnsenum.
pl targedomain.com.
DNSMap tool
Is another important tool which we can used to find
subdomain we need to check whether that domain
have subdomain and running which kind of web
application (Figure 2).
as you see in above diagram because of security
issues we havn,t disclose the name of domain and
its records.
We used the simple command that is ./dnsmap
This tool is written in Ruby language the dnsrecon
can be used to:
Reverse lookup for range.
Expand a top level domain.
Brute force DNS Host and Domain using a
Query the NS, SOA, and MX records.
Performed zone transfer on each NS server reported (Figure 3).

We used the simple command that is ./dnsrecon.

so in this -d is stand for domain there is other different switches are avail but
my objective is just to conduct web pentesting.
py -d targedomain.com

Identify Services and Ports Running on Web

Application Server

Before going to peform any kind of Vulnerablity

Assement and penetration in to the web application first we need to identify which application they
using what is platform or operating system in which
they host there website.
First We identify which application and there
version is running or simple words we need to
perform Banner Grabing (Process of gathering
OS,Application Information). There are different
ways we will used to conduct banner grabbing
Is a command which we used to perform banner
grabbing on target (Figure 4) if we go through the
diagram first we type nc target.com 80 once you
type this command they you need to type http
method and commad is HEAD / HTTP/1.0.
Is a opensource tool which is used for information gathering. With the help of NMAP we trying to
find the operating System of target web application
server. So we used the command such (Figure 5)
Other commands
Protocol Scan Method to identify the ports

Figure 4. NetCat

Figure 2. DNSMap tool

Figure 3. DNSRecon


Figure 5. Nmap

PenTesting with BackTrack

nmap -sO


nmap -sV targetdomain.com

nmap -sV -version-intensity 8 target.com

Check Particular Port

nmap -p1,21,25,80,443 -sO


Identify UDP Services running on WebServer

nmap -sU -p- targetdomain.com

Identify Services Version

Figure 6. http-enum.nse

(for setting amount of probe to change the intensity level of scan).

Aggresive Detection,OS Detection and Script
Scanning With Nmap
nmap -sC -sV -O targetdomain.com
nmap -sT -sC targetdomain.com

Mirroring. Enumerating File Directories of

Targe Web Site

Directory listing and mirroring of website play a vital role for the penetration testing of Web Application. We can get the idea how directory structer
in Web Application. With the Help of Backtrack
tool we can try to do mirroring of website because
some website protected with robots.txt which not
allowed to browse the entire directory.
Nmap Commands
In Nmap first we need to find the directory of nmap
scripts. Open the Script Directory = root@bt: cd /
= nmap --script http-enum.nse -p80 targetdomain.com

Figure 7. Webshag

Figure 8. Directory Listing With Metasploit

http-enum.nse is a script which is basically used to

discover directory of webserver (Figure 6).

Webshag is a tool in backtrack which is used for
web security audit.Here we used webshag for
webcrawling and directory listing.
To Open WebShag Please follow step: Backtrack => Information Gathering => Web Application
Analysis =>WebCrawler=>webshag-gui.
As Per Diagram once you open webshag you
need to move your cursor to Spider menu once you
go to spider menu in the setting Target you must
mention the name of the target (targetdomain.com).
You have to open same targetdomain website in
your browser and then go to click OK (Figure 7).
Directory Listing With Metasploit
Please go through the steps to performed directory
Listing With Metasploit
Open Metasploit
We need to Select Scanner of Directory Listing
and the command is

Figure 9. FTP User and Password Crack

msf > use auxiliary/scanner/http/dir_scanner


Web Application Penetration Testing With Backtrack

Then We need to Set ip address of the webserver

auxiliary(dir_scanner) > set rhosts IP-Address

then type run to start scanner (Figure 8)

FTP User and Password Crack
With the Help of Hydra We tried to find admin
username and password of FTP Server.Please
go through the steps
Backtrack => Privlieges Esclation => Password
Attack => online tool => hydra-gtk (Once you
open the tool please go through the screenshots
First Type the ipaddress of ftp server,define the port
number and select the protocol (Figure 9). In the
password option select the username list and locate the usertext file that consist the username list
and then select the password list option and locate
the password list file that consist passwords (Figure
10). In the tunning just select number of task 2 and
in timout define the parameter 30 (Figure 11). See
the results once you select start (Figure 12).

Enumerating Different Type of Databases

In this Publication We will discuss how to enumerate the different type of database and try to fetch
records with open source tool which is avail in
Enumerating Types,Version and Ports of Database
Enumerating and Bruteforcing Database Admin
Enumerating Records from Databases

Enumerating and Audit Types, Versions and

Open Ports of Databases

In this Modules we will Demonstrate how to enumerate database type,version and open port of databases with the help of Backtrack tool.
First We need to identify type of database and
there port
Command is = nmap -sT -sC

Output = if u see the white check we identify there

are running mysql and postgresql (Figure 13)

Figure 10. Username And Password Selecting

Figure 12. See the Results Once You Select start

Figure 11. Select Number of Task 2 and in Timout Define the

Parameter 30

Figure 13. nmap -sT -sC


PenTesting with BackTrack

Enumerating and Exploiting Databases


To Enumerate MYSQL Database we need to used

Metasploit. We need to follow steps by which we
gain access to the databases
Step 1
First We need to find the username and password
of Database with Metasploit
open metasploit (msfConsole) in Backtrack
need to Serach mysql exploit modules type
search mysql

Type the following Command to Select Exploit

command = use auxiliary/scanner/mysql/
mysql _ login

Set the ip of Remote Host Database

Command = set RHOSTS Targetip
We need to give location of user list to perform
bruteforce attack
command = set user _ file /root/Desktop/

We need to give location of password file to

perform bruteforce attack command = set
pass _ file /root/Desktop/passwords.txt

Then we need to run that exploit

command = Exploit
You can go through the output (Figure 14)
Step 2
Once you Find the Username and Password of
Database Account now next step we need to enumerate complete information about the database
open metasploit in Backtrack 5
msf > use auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql _ enum
msf auxiliary(mysql _ enum) > set PASSWORD *******
msf auxiliary(mysql _ enum) > set USERNAME root
msf auxiliary(mysql _ enum) > set RHOST
Step 3
We can do same enumeration against postgres
datbase by using PostgreSQL Login Utility:
use auxiliary/scanner/postgres/postgres _ login
set the ipaddress of Postgres which you want
enumerate set RHOSTS
Select the userfile that consist the list of us/opt/metasploit/msf3/data/
ers set user _ file

Step 4
Sql Database Enumeration With SQLMAP. sqlmap
is python based tool which is used for enumerating
and penetration testing of databases.Please follow
the steps to enumerate and penetrate into the databases
Step 1 = Try to search anything relared to id
e.g trainers.php?id=
You will get plenty amount of link of website
which end up with id=1 or other value
Go to Backtrack =>Exploitation Tool =>Database
Exploitation =>MysqlExploitation =>Sqlmap
Type the following syntax (Ustand for url)



To get a list of databases running on target database /sqlmap.py -u http://www.web.com/


Once you find the databases select the specific database and try to enumerate the table of
that database and the command is ./sqlmap.py



in the current syntax mani is the name

of database mif u see the command we have
use D mean database


Step 5
Enumerating Oracle Database With Metasploit
first we need to identify 1521 port is open on
target if its open it mean they running oracle
To identify we need to run nmap and type the
following command nmap -sV -p 1521
once we find the 1521 port is open then we
need to open metasploit to enumerate which
oracle version they are using and the command is msf > use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/
tnslsnr _ version

set the ipaddress of oracle database server


auxiliary(tnslsnr _ version) > set RHOSTS

msf auxiliary(tnslsnr _ version) > run

once you get results then we need to Enumerating Oracle Sid
msf > use auxiliary/scanner/oracle/sid _ enum
msf auxiliary(sid _ enum) set RHOSTS


select the passwordfile that consist the password list set pass _ file /opt/metasploit/msf3/


Figure 14. Enumerate MYSQL Database


Web Application Penetration Testing With Backtrack

(you can get the

list of sids of the user)
Conduct Sql Injection With Metasploit against
Oracle Database
msf > use auxiliary/sqli/oracle/dbms _ export _

msf auxiliary(sid _ enum) > run


msf auxiliary(dbms _ export _ extension) > info


auxiliary(dbms _ export _ extension)




auxiliary(dbms _ export _ extension)




SID uyyy (id which we find)

msf auxiliary(dbms _ export _ extension) > run

once you run you will get the list of databases

Web Application Vulnerablity Assement

With Backtrack Tool

In Backtrack We have multiple tools which do fingerprinting and vulnerablity Assessment for Web
Content Management System Identification
and Vulnerability Assessment
Identification loadbalancer and Web Application Firewall

Content Management System Identification

and Vulnerability Assessment

Backtrack have multiple tools that used to identify

CMS, banner grabbing and vulnerablity Assessment.Now Day 80 % organization using CMS in
there network and backtrack tools is always a best
choice for penetration tester to test the CMS.
Tools Which we demonstrate in this article:
BlindElephant = A python based tool which is
used for web application fingerprinting. The
BlindElephant Web Application Fingerprinter
attempts to discover the version of a (known)
web application by comparing static files at
known locations against precomputed hashes
for versions of those files in all all available releases. The technique is fast, low-bandwidth,
non-invasive, generic, and highly automatable.
To Open BlindElephant => Backtrack Menu

=> Information Gathering => Web Application

Anaylysis => CMS Identification => blindelephant if you see the Figure 15 the command is
python BlindElephant.py -p guess http://www.
wordpress.com/ wordpress
python BlindElephant.py -p guess http://www.
joomla.org/ joomla

if you see the command -p stand for pluggin

CMSExplorer = A python based tool which enumerate plugins, modules and other components
of CMS.To open CMS Explorer Please follow
step to open CMS Backtrack => Information
Gathering => Web Application Analysis = >CMS
Identification =>CMS Explorer. Comands
for Drupal WebSite = ./cms-explorer.pl -url
http://example.com -type drupal
for Joomla WebSite = ./cms-explorer.pl -url http://
example.com -type joomla (Figure 16)

whatweb = A python tool used for enumerating

banner grabbing, application server information. To open WHATWEB Backtrack => Information Gathering => Web Application Analysis
= >CMS Identification =>whatweb
comand = ./whatweb targetdomain.com

Please go through the output (Figure 17)

WAFFIT = Python Based tool which is used to
identify web application firewall on target web application server. To Open WAFFIT Backtrack =>
Information Gathering => Web Application Analysis = >IDS IPS Identification =waffit> Command
= ./wafw00f.py http://certifiedhacker.com/
joomscan = Python based used which is used
for perform vulnerablity scanning against joomla

Figure 17. whatweb

Figure 15. BlindElephant

Figure 16. CMSExplorer



PenTesting with BackTrack

Website. Top Open Joomscan Backtrack =>

Vulnerablity Assessment =>Web Application Assessment = > CMS Vulnerablity Identification =>
joomscan Command = ./joomscan.pl -u target.
com. Please check the Figure 18 these is an output of what i did perform
Dirbuster = A java based tool used for enumerating hidden directories and files on web
application server. To Open DirBuster Backtrack => Vulnerablity Assessment =>Web Application Assessment = > Web Application
Fuzzers=>dirbuster. In Below the target url option we need to define the url of the website,
select list Bruteforce. Click Start (Figure 19)
ASPAuditor = Perl tool which is used for audit Asp
WebSite.To Open Aspauditor Backtrack =>Vul-

nerablity Assessment =>Web Application Assessment =>Web Vulnerablity Scanner =>asp=auditor

Command = /asp-audit.pl http://google.com -bf
(-bf stand for bruteforce asp.net version)
VEGA = It is an Java based open source tool
which is used to test web application security.
This tool consist a modules that basically used
to validate command injections, sql injections
other vulnerabilities. To open VEGA Backtrack
Menu => Vulnerability Assessment => Web Application Assessment =>Web Vulnerablity Scanner => VEGA. ONCE YOU OPEN VEGA YOU
Need to SELECT SCAN Option (Figure 20)
Once you Select Scan option it will come with
below windows that ask for selecting modules.
There are two modules in VEGA First One is
called Injection Modules (Figure 21)

Figure 18. joomscan

Figure 21. Dirbuster

Figure 19. Dirbuster

Figure 20. VEGA


Figure 22. W3af


Web Application Penetration Testing With Backtrack

site you want to test. On the left Option You

see the profile on the based on which you
can do audit against Web Application Servers. Once you select profile click on start. Second modules is Response Processing Modules
please go through the Figure 23. InInput Base
Url we need to define the target name e.g (target.com). If you select these modules then you
have to check options against target web application according to the conditions and your
choice what you want to gather.
W3af is penetration testing and auditing tool
which consist various modules based on Web
Payload, Exploits and attacks.

Figure 23. define the target name e.g(target.com)

W3af is penetration testing and auditing tool

which consist various modules based on Web
Payload, Exploits and attacks. To Open W3af
Backtrack => Exploitation Tool => Web Explotitation Tool =>W3afgui. In the Below Figure 22 You can see the option of TARGET. In
TARGET you need to mention name of web-

Prabhakaran Nair
Information Security Consultant Working
With Koenig Solutions Ltd


PenTesting with BackTrack

How a Vulnerability
Exploitation Works?
In the follow article, We reveal step by step how a
vulnerability exploitation works using the free powerful
port scanner Nmap and the exploitation tool Metasploit
Framework MSF, booth integrated under same graphical
user interface; Armitage easy GUI managing for all users.

n short, we exploit the well known vulnerability

ms08_067_netapi reported by microsoft as MSBMS08-067 also known as CVE-2008-4250 or
OSVDB-49243 in a windows Xp service pakc 3
that although old, still remains operating in major
organizations as NASA, remember this month the
International Space Station (ISS) switched from
Windows Xp to Debian, for improved reliability
The operating system we use to play the penetration test is Backtrack 5 R3, an operating system
based on Ubuntu 10.4 developed primarily to audit, scan and penetrate systems. The most recent
version is backtrack 5 release 3, the project has
evolved to Kali Linux which no longer takes ubuntu
repositories, but directly from Debian. Kali is currently in version 1.0.
Lets start. First we launch the GUI Armitage
thats going to manage Nmap and Metasploit
Framework consoles in graphic mode:
Tools/Network exploitation Tools/Metasploit Framework/Armitage or from Gnome just Type Alt+f2 then enter
Armitage and press run. Before it make sure you
are running Postgress engine. You also need Nmap
and Java, all those tools are already pre configured
and pre installed with the backtrack operate system.


First window shows connection options as we

said the tool is already preconfigured by the operate system. We select connect. It will take few minutes to do that.

Then is necesary run the Metasploit Framework

RPC Server; Press Yes.


How a Vulnerability Exploitation Works?

The interface is composed of two columns and

one row; The left column manages, payloads, Post
and exploitation Metasploit modules. The right column called target window shows in graphic mode
targets and their features. Finally, the row adobe
manages Nmap, MSF consoles views also some
attacks too. Main interface look like this

If the scan is good, Hosts are shown with icons

into the target window. if not so, make sure you are
scanning the correct ip range based on your network class. Afterwards, We select from the menu
bar Attacks/Find Attack.

We are going to scan ports from whole local

network (LAN). There are some types of scan as
you can see in the screenshot, considering our
network is class C (Ip range from to, we are using quick scan (Os detect), the equivalent to the next Nmap advance
root@bt:~# nmap --min-hostgroup 96 -sV -n -T4 -O
-F --version-light


When the attack analysis is complete, you can

now see an attack menu attached to each host in
the targets window


PenTesting with BackTrack

Now we can perform many all those types of attacks shown in the attack menu attached, we are
going to exploit a well known vulnerability CVE2008-4250 so we choose Attack/smb/MSB-MS08067-netapi. This module exploits a parsing flaw
in the path canonicalization code of NetAPI32.dll
through the Server Service. This module is capable of bypassing NX on some operating systems
and service packs. Settings are: LHOST local host
ip; LPORT: local port; RHOST: Remote Host ip;
RPORT: Remote port; SBMPIPE: Portocol. Settings are already configured, just hit Launch.

When the attack is successful, the appearance

of the target icon change and one Meterpreter session is opened.

Then we are able to communicate and interact

with the remote host through Meterpreter session,
we can now post exploit the system, we can Access: Migrate process, escalate privileges, steal
Token, Dump Hashes, Persist, Pass Session. Interact: Command Shell, Meterpreter Shell, Desktop Shell. Explore: Browse Files, Show Processes,
Log Keystrokes, Screenshot, WebCam Shot. Also
Pivoting, Arp scan and kill processes.

Now we are going to To interact with the desktops targeted host, go to Meterpreter/Interact/
Desktop (VNC). This will stage a VNC server into
the memory of the current process and tunnel the
connection through Meterpreter. The system will
provide you the details to connect a local VNC client to your target as seen in the screenshot

We need type in terminal as a root the command

and details given by the system, thats going to
connect us to vcn :



How a Vulnerability Exploitation Works?

root@bt:~# vncviewer

And thats all, by this way We can manage remotely in graphics mode the compromised host
through VNC.
For more information about vulnerabilities and
exploits, here is an updated table with effective Exploits pack (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/

Jorge Mario
Awareness & Security Research
Websolutions Colombia Co-founder
ScamBox Founder

PenTesting with BackTrack

And Meta-Furious
A quick hands-on description through the hacking cicle
using Armitage and the metasploit framework.
Tools you will need to practice with the contents described
in this article: BACKTRACK 5R3 with Metasploit and

ts not that easy for a beginner to grasp the

concepts of the Metasploit framework and its
several tools and tweaks. There is a lot of material in hacking techniques, advanced auxiliary
modules, cool tips and strategies but throughout
the classes I teach, there is always at least one
student asking for a quick reference in Armitage
to start understanding the Metasploit suite. Thats
why I decided to write this article, in order to help
those pentesting starters and give them a hint of
the true Metasploit power.
Armitage is a very useful tool that provides a GUI
for Metasploit. It provides an easy way to represent and configure the targets, exploits and also
helps a lot with the post exploitation process. We
will be covering the first 4 phases of the hacking
cycle (Figure 1) with the use of Armitage.
In this article I will assume that you have already
downloaded Backtrack 5R3 that has Armitage already installed. If you want to download and configure Armitage by your own on a Windows/Linux
computer, you can visit the official web page: www.
To begin using Armitage we have to launch the
application inside Backtrack 5r3, on the path: Applications Backtrack Exploitation tools
Network Exploitation tools Metasploit framework Armitage (as shown on Figure 2).
Right after you click calling for Armitage, you


will be presented with a connection window with

the default settings (username and password),
just click connect and if you are asked to Start
Metasploits RPC server click Yes. You will have
to wait a little and then will be presented with a
screen similar to the one shown in Figure 3.

Figure 1. Hacking Cycle

Figure 2. Path To Launch Armitage


Meta-Fast And Meta-Furious

Ok then, now that we have Armitage up and running we will start by doing the basics of the hacking cycle.


Say you are on a local network with your pentesting lab inside. The first thing you would want to
know is what systems are alive and available. You
can do that by using the very famous networking
tool named NMAP. The best thing about Armitage
is that you can call several options and different
tools from within Armitage itself.
To call nmap just go to the Host menu, select
NMAP SCAN and choose one of the options avail-

able. Recommended for this particular phase:

PING SCAN will send pings throughout the specified range detecting those systems that are up
and running. The result will be shown on a list at
the bottom of the screen (as shown in Figure 4).
From there you could choose a specific system, go
to the HOSTS menu and click on the ADD HOSTS
option. You will have to manually enter the IP from
the chosen system in order to add a target.
QUICK SCAN: Once you click the quick scan option you will be asked to enter a scan range. For
this scenario I am in the network.
You can provide different types of syntax here. EG:

When the quick scan is done, you will be prompted with a Complete! message box and if the scan
found any live system, it will present it something
like the Figure 5.

Figure 3. Armitage Launched

Figure 4. PING SCAN Results




PenTesting with BackTrack


Alright, we now have three systems found by the

nmap tool. We wish to know more about each one
of them. Our next step will be to fire more scan
mechanisms integrated in Armitage that make
use of several of the tools and tricks provided by
Metasploit (e.g: auxiliary modules).
We have two quick options to perform the scan:
Hosts NMap Scan Comprehensive or
maybe Quick Scan (OS detect). This option
will launch a new NMap Scan provided with
different options that will help to determine
the Operating System and the services being
used in the target system. Once you choose
this option, you will have to select a range of
IP addresses or type in the specific IP you
want as a target.
Right Click the selected target/host and
choose SCAN. This option will launch a couple of auxiliary scans provided by metasploit itself. This scans will provide information about
the services and the Operating System.
For this article I chose the second option. Take
notice that the target system has now a windows

logo picture on it. Armitage does this to inform visually about some of the results. Right click the
target again and choose services. This will list
you the services available at the target. The result
is shown in Figure 6.

Gaining access

Now that we have relevant information about the

target, the next step would be finding vulnerabilities and attack vectors. We can do this by going to
the ATTACKS menu and choose FIND ATTACKS,
once the process is over we will receive a message informing us that there is a new option on the
Right click your target and you should see a new
menu option: ATTACK.
This option will list you the available services
on the target system and also possible exploits
to be used in order to gain access on the target
system. In this scenario the target system has a
WindowsXP SP2 operating system which has the
Microsoft NetAPI vulnerability. As you can see
in Figure 7, Armitage recommends the ms08_067_
netapi exploit for use in the vulnerable service.
Clicking on that exploit option will present us with
a new window that contains the metasploit attack
options already set (Figure 8).
After we click Launch, we will see metasploit attempting to gain access to the target system via

Figure 7. Attack Menu

Figure 5. Live Systems Found By Nmap

Figure 6. Scan Results


Figure 8. Metasploit Attack Options


Meta-Fast And Meta-Furious

the exploit we chose. If everything works fine,

metasploit will let us know that we have a new
meterpreter session available (in this case session 2 as seen in Figure 9). This new session
means that we now have access and control of
the system. If we pay attention to our target in
the hosts grid we will notice the host with a bolt
around it. This is Armitage letting you know that
you have control over that system and that the
penetration has been successful.

Post Exploitation & Maintaining access

From this part on, it is almost Game Over for the

target system. This is because we now have full
control over the system with the meterpreter payload. You will have to try out the different options
provided by meterpreter in order to get a good
grasp of it. I will mention the most popular options
used in pentesting.

Privilege scalation

Right click on the target system and head to the meterpreter option Access Escalate Privileges.
The use of this technique is very usefull if you
have restricted or user-level privileges. Metasploit
will attempt to give you SYSTEM privileges so you
can have total control within the system.

Figure 9. Dump Hashes Menu

Dump Hashes

You can choose any of the two offered options

(Figure 9). In this example, I chose the lsass method. After you click on it you will have to wait for a
completed message, go to the View menu and
Once you have clicked on the credentials option, you will be presented with a hash table of all
the users available locally on the target system
(Figure 10). The next step would be to try those
hashes on a hash cracking software like john the
ripper or ophcrack, so you can get the passwords
in plain text.


Within the explore menu you will have several interesting options (Figure 11). Screenshot will give you
an instant real time picture of the targets screen.

Command shell / Meterpreter shell

The last option is not the least important. The command shell for seasoned pentesters is all they
need to control the entire system. The power of
meterpreter resides on automating and making
things very easy and fast that in other way would

Figure 12. Interact Menu

Figure 10. Hash Table

Figure 11. Explore Menu


Figure 13. Meterpreter Console


PenTesting with BackTrack

be obtained through the command shell or several

techniques but that would take a lot of our time.
Both options can be reached within the Interact
menu at the meterpreter options (Figure 12). Once
you select any of those, you will see a shell at the
bottom window (Figure 13).
For the maintaining access part, the idea is to
make the system accessible every time we need
or want to. They are lots of techniques and strategies depending on the target system and the pentesters preferences. You could use a simple yet
powerfull tool like netcat or use the power provided by metasploit by using metsvc (meterpreter service) that could be launched from the meterpreter
console in Armitage.
At the meterpreter console, type run metsvc.
This will install meterpreter as a service on the target system on port 31337. Once installed, you will

be able to connect everytime you want (provided

the system is turned on).
Say a couple of days go by and you need to access the system again for your pentesting activities.
In order to connect to the remote meterpreter service, you will have to use a multi-handler provided
by metasploit also, and the metsvc_bind_tcp payload.
At the msf console in your armitage window (Figure 15), type:
use exploit/multi/handler
set PAYLOAD windows/metsvc_bind_tcp
set LPORT 31337
You can choose another port if you like.
This would be the target IP.
show options (Figure 16)

Figure 14. Meterpreter Service Successfuly Installed

Figure 15. MSF Console

Once you issue the exploit command, the multi/

handler will try to connect to the remote meterpreter service on port 31337. If everything goes neat,
we will see a new meterpreter session opened just
like the one we had before (Figure 16). We can
continue now with our pentesting needs.
If you like to uninstall this service once you have
finished your pentesting job, you will have to issue the run metsvc r command. Please be careful with this, a malicious attacker will only need to
know that this service is up and running in order to
connect to it. Metsvc requires no authentication!
So please understand that there are a lot of risks
involved with this last technique.
Just to end I would recommend you continue playing around with armitage and further on with the
metasploit suite itself. Remember, the true power relies on Metasploit and there are tons of options that
are really helpful on an everyday pentesting basis.

Gabriel Lazo Canazas eCPPT CPTE

LA 27001

Figure 16. New Meterpreter Session Opened


Gabriel is a Lima Per based security

engineer, researcher and pentesting instructor, he is part of many security projects and collaborates with the technical
writing for some of the RAMA Multimedia
publications. He is also ENHACKE CEO, an
Information & IT Security company based
in Per. You may contact him at www.enhacke.com or www.


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How to Secure Your Company?

Why Hire a Hacker?

Before I start this article I would just like to clarify that Im
not advocating the hiring of computer criminals. If you are
being held to ransom by someone claiming to have control
of your infrastructure, and demanding payment to prevent
further damage or exposure, then you need to contact the
relevant authorities. However, if you want to prevent said
criminals hijacking your systems then perhaps a hacker is
exactly the person you need for the job! At AlienVault, we
pride ourselves in working with hackers and having them
as part of our team to ensure we provide the best service to
our customers.

f you need a flat head screwdriver to remove a screw, would you use a cross head?
Of course you wouldnt it wouldnt work
for one reason. Similarly, if you needed to dig a
hole would you use a spoon? While youd get
the job done the time wasted could be better invested elsewhere. Its only natural to use the
tool thats been perfectly designed for the job
yet, for some reason, when it comes to securing
the corporate infrastructure, many are frightened
by the idea of hiring a hacker. I believe theyre
missing out.
In a previous article I discussed the term ethical
hacker and, while I dont intend on regurgitating
the theme here, it is worth just reminding you that
I believe you should call a spade a spade and a
hacker a hacker ethics is irrelevant. I also define
a hacker as someone who thinks a certain way
about technology. For that reason, if you want to
make sure your systems are secure then the best
way is to test their strength and that would be best
done by someone who thinks a certain way about
That said, not all hackers are the same so here
are the skills, I believe, a hacker should display:

Out of the Box

My hacker definition sums this up perfectly. Rather than looking at how something should work,


a hacker will approach it from a different angle. He wont try your security doors to make
sure theyre locked, but instead push on the wall
around it to see if the bricks hold up and if the
windows have glass does the putty hold them
in place.

No isnt in his vocabulary

Tenacity is another key skill a hacker must possess someone who doesnt take no for an answer. Take a locked door there are a number of
ways of opening it and a hacker will keep trying
until he manages it. Of course the easiest way is
to locate the key but, if one isnt on hand, then can
the lock be picked? Can it be drilled? What about
cutting the lock out altogether? I think the phrase
from a legendary film Youre only supposed to
blow the bloody doors off perfectly encapsulates a
hackers enthusiasm to get the job done.

Morals of an alley cat

Now, before everyone starts baying for my blood,

I dont for one minute advocate paying a criminal
for his services unless theyre rehabilitated and
youre into second chances. However, a hacker
needs to think and act like a criminal or whats the
point. Criminals dont play by the rules and being
afraid to push the boundaries is why a lot of companies end up experiencing breaches.


Why Hire a Hacker?

Porridge for breakfast

While Ive said theres no reason why a rehabilitated hacker shouldnt be employed, it does raise serious concerns primarily, why did they get caught?
Professional hackers will pride themselves on their
skill at infiltrating systems, undetected, and will
certainly not want to leave an electronic fingerprint. A criminal conviction shouldnt be seen as
a qualification but rather testament that perhaps
theyre not up to the job!

if theyre loose lipped they could inadvertently

expose the organisation to ridicule
a hacker likes nothing better than ridiculing
someone elses inadequacy
At the end of the day, someone who has the skill
and tenacity to get the job done is the perfect fit
for any organisation. Dont let a name come between you and the opportunity to secure the perfect asset for your business.

A big head

An egotistical hacker isnt necessarily a brilliant

hacker in fact quite the reverse is often true. Ive
sat and listened to far too many people claiming
responsibility for something that Ive known they
didnt do often because I was in fact responsible,
but thats for another time.
There are a number of reasons why bragging is
a bad trait in a hacker:
they should be able to prove their ability rather
than just talk about it

Dominique Karg
Chief Hacking Officer at AlienVault

How to Secure Your Company?

How Could
Leverage Open-Source Intelligence To Gain More Insight
Into Their Cyber Threats?
It Seems To Me That Many organisations, including some
of the largest ones, do not sufficiently utilise the opensource intelligence capabilities available online in order to
gain further insight into their own cyber security threats. By
adopting even basic techniques, organisations may be able
to improve their detection time and responsiveness to at
least some of their cyber threats.

he well known 2013 Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) from Verizon provides
an in-depth analysis of a broad range of security breaches and sheds some light on the circumstances under which they were detected. According to the report, the span of time from the
initial compromise to the moment when the victim
organisation discovered the incident was a matter
of months or even more for 66% of the incidents
that were investigated. Thats a pretty long time for
a compromised system and sensitive information
to be at the disposal of bad guys while still going
unnoticed! Along with these alarming figures, the
report shows some suggestive indicators on how
the breaches initially get discovered by the victim.
Third parties discover data breaches much more
frequently than the breached victims do (respectively 69% and 31%). Incidents categorised as reported by a third party include those learned from
law enforcement agencies, clients, partners and
other external parties. That looks very bad, doesnt
it? And these are just the incidents we know about,
while some other cyber crimes may have been flying under the radar. A key question here is how
could these detections have turned out better?


SIEM requires great efforts and

aggregates data often limited to ones
own environment

Security Information and Event Management

(SIEM) technology has been a hot investment for
the last decade. There have been great efforts on
gathering intelligence by mining data and correlating internal sources, including databases, middleware, infrastructure components, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS), and many
more. Most recent generations of SIEM technology are surfing on the buzzword of big data. They
are expanding SIEM capabilities to even smarter
mechanisms, being fuelled by massive data sets
coming from a much wider variety of sources literally expressed in terabytes per week. This cutting-edge technology is part of the new security
arsenal designed to address traditional security
solution limitations, like signature-based detection
technologies. SIEM may valuably augment security breach detection capabilities while improving
the overall security posture. This however comes
at some cost, as getting a handle on SIEM usually requires significant resources, efforts and expertise. Most small and even many medium-sized


Could Organisations

businesses just cant afford that luxury. On the other hand, SIEM is more generally limited to generating intelligence from internal sources within the
perimeter network. Supporting collection mechanisms often do not integrate nicely with unstructured external data sources.

Emerging cyber threat intelligence

offering wont uncover 100% of the APTs

In the light of todays fast-paced cyber threat landscape and the emergence of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT), security vendors and providers are bringing new threat intelligence solutions
on the table. Rather than just providing CERT,
SANS and vendors advisories on the latest ongoing threats, they tend to aggregate supplementary
restricted data sources, such as honeypots, malware zoos, vendors managed devices and other
endpoints, giving a better understanding of whats
going on down on the wire. By doing so in conjunction with contextual analysis, the vendor may
provide its customer with an actionable threat intelligence feed related to corporate IP addresses,
domain names, sensitive URLs, file content, etc.
Some of these new services may probably pay off
and help in uncovering quite a few APTs in some
cases. They might be especially worthwhile when
offered by big players in telco, managed services
or enterprise security products arenas. The larger
their infrastructures scale, the wider their field of
view is likely to be.

As usual, a multi-layered approach is

better when it comes to security

As for any other information security practice, a

good cyber threat intelligence strategy may follow
a multi-layered approach. This is particularly true
when considering APTs, where the detection risk is
inherently noteworthy. On one hand, if an organisation focuses all its efforts on SIEM or other assimilated techniques, its eye-range might be limited to
the inner perimeter. On the other hand, an organisation relying on an external vendor to carry out threat
intelligence monitoring outside its perimeter would
probably be limited to the vendors field of view.

Embedding OSINT into a cyber threat

intelligence strategy

With this in mind, some forms of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) mechanisms could be embedded into the corporate threat intelligence strategy and connect the dots with the other layers.
Although OSINT has been traditionally used by
government and military agencies, some of the
underlying techniques may be suitable in other


businesses. This term is so called open-source at

it refers to overt and publicly available sources on
the Internet. OSINT techniques consist of conducting regular reviews and/or continuous monitoring
over multiple sources, including search engines,
social networks, blogs, comments, underground
forums, blacklists/whitelists, and so on. Likewise,
similar techniques are commonly used by marketing departments for competitive intelligence and
business intelligence purposes. They are, however, utilised as strategic decision support tools rather than cyber threat intelligence means. In case of
the latter, the purpose is twofold.

Various techniques to reveal weaknesses

and uncover ongoing cyber threats

The first objective is to uncover ongoing threats by

looking up open sources for signs of suspicious activity associated with a predefined set of targets.
The second objective is to understand the organisations footprint and how it might be viewed by potential cyber-criminals in terms of interest, visible information, exhibited vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
This could be achieved by using reconnaissance in
a similar way as a typical pentester does. However,
this reconnaissance process might be more repeatable and automated compared to the pentesters.
Techniques are numerous and may be more or less
complex, depending on the needs and what can be
afforded. They can be carried out using a variety
of services and tools, including free online utilities.
They can range from using specially crafted search
engine alerts (i.e. Google dorks, web crawling for
blacklists, etc.) to creating dummy user accounts in
underground hacking forums.
As a simple example, an organisation named
MyOrg Ltd may implement some basic search
engine alerts crawling the web for patterns like
MyOrg has been hacked, MyOrg * defaced, MyOrg

* SQL injection or even Fake MyOrg emails. Such

a surveillance mechanism could allow the organisation to catch-up on an ongoing threat which is
being discussed by some users, bloggers, online
newspapers or hackers claiming to have broken
into a system. Yes, still a lot of hackers show off
their tour-de-force on Twitter and from time to time
exchange lists of vulnerable URLs in public places.
Another straightforward example would be to
query various search engines with common patterns of vulnerabilities by using the so called
Google dorks or similar requests. For instance,
the following requests may at times reveal some
juicy targets: inurl:MyOrg.com login: * password=







How to Secure Your Company?

To give you one last illustration, social networks

and search engines could both be monitored for
tracks of careless employees or contractors posting confidential information about their work activities. This could be done by setting-up alerts
based on patterns related to trade secrets, current R&D projects or classification footer records like Confidential MyOrg Ltd or MyOrg Ltd
proprietary information. A bit of a side note here:
care should be taken not to violate privacy and to
comply with regulations when monitoring activity
on social networks.

OSINT for whom and for what purpose?

All kind of business may see advantages in implementing OSINT mechanisms. While many large
organisations focus their efforts on implementing
a comprehensive (and expensive) SIEM system,
some may balance their investments with other
forms of cyber threat intelligence. As with other
information security investments, OSINT initiatives should follow a risk-based and cost-effective
approach. For instance, a major defence corporation may be interested in a more ambitious OSINT
program than a small toy manufacturing company. The first one might be a juicier target than the
second one. It may implement complex and highly
customised OSINT techniques focusing on several criteria, including, but not limited to, key stakeholders and executives details, sensitive projects,
IP address ranges, domain names, URLs, etc.
Small businesses, which cant easily afford SIEM
or costly cyber threat intelligence solutions, could
find worth considering simple OSINT techniques
similar to some of those outlined above. As with
other cyber threat intelligence mechanisms, bear
in mind that OSINT wont uncover all of the ongoing threats. The simplest mechanisms might uncover just a small few of those. They may however come at minimal cost, so why not to go with
them? Just think about it as a component of a
multi-layered threat detection or cyber threat intelligence strategy.


It is clear today that traditional (and expensive) security protections like signature-based and walland-fortress approaches are not enough anymore
in protecting against emerging cyber threats. Organisations should move towards new approaches to fill the gaps in their traditional security arsenal. As has been seen, no single solution will fill
all gaps; organisations should rather seek for a
combination of several ones by adopting a multilayered approach. Although they have been tradi-


tionally used merely by government and military

agencies, some forms of OSINT techniques will
probably be considered by a growing variety of organisations as an additional detection layer.
Going back to the original question, there are
multiple ways to make use of OSINT. Organisations may focus their OSINT strategy on uncovering ongoing threats (reactive detection), conducting online reconnaissance (proactive prevention)
or a combination of both. As has been noted, the
complexity of an OSINT strategy may vary significantly between organisations depending on objectives and resources. They may also change over
time as a step forward in meeting new and higher requirements. The simplest techniques can be
carried out at almost no cost. More complex techniques may require more efforts to put everything
in motion, maintain the process and look over the
output data. There might be a high rate of false
positives somehow, which requires great work to
filter them out and to tune the system up. OSINT
can be performed whether as ad hoc reviews or a
continuous process.
OSINT can be either done in-house or contracted out. At the moment, a limited number of vendors
provide OSINT services. Rare are the vendors
which provide a comprehensive global surveillance
of open sources over the cyberspace. Frequently,
the offered solution cant be customised enough to
really meet the organisations needs. Many consultancies provide OSINT reviews as a service,
even sometimes in continuous mode. Because of
a more limited client portfolio, the service they run
may be more tailored to each clients need.
A last point to mention is that organisations must
keep addressing the human factor while carrying
out OSINT practices. Staff online behaviour remains a key concern. Organisations should develop guidelines and best practices on personnel
use of the web and social networks, while performing OSINT reviews and monitoring to ascertain how much sensitive information can be found
online. Bear in mind that even if a piece of data
disclosure in a public place might not be a big
concern in itself, this piece may be used in correlation with other available data to infer more sensitive information.

Laurent Mathieu
CISSP, is an information security consultant. Hes been in the
security industry for more than 9 years, serving both the private and public sectors in Europe. He has hands-on cybersecurity experience, having worked in CERT and SOC environments for years.






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How to Hack Cyber Wallet?

Digital Wallet
The New Way of
Exchanging Money?
At todays economy we all are very used to purchase using
debit and credit cards, to use cash or check.
This is about to change, in fact this change is already
happening. Companies like Google, VISA, MasterCard,
PayPal and others are releasing digital wallet solutions to a
demanding market.

re you ready for this change on our ways?

This article intends to introduce to the reader the concept of Digital Wallets, to show
some interesting approaches that are being used
to secure them and discuss the associated risks,
tools for exploitation and techniques to secure
your Digital Wallet. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Introduction to the Technology

As a concept, a digital wallet is a software running

on an electronic device that allows an individual to
make electronic commerce transactions. This can
include purchasing items online with a computer
or using a smartphone to purchase something at
a neighborhood store. This also can refer to the
same individual purchasing goods at a local supermarket or buying tickets in a theater.
Increasingly, digital wallets are being made not
just for basic financial transactions but to also authenticate the holders credentials. For example, a
digital-wallet could potentially verify the age of the
buyer to the store while purchasing alcohol. It is
useful to approach the term digital wallet not as a
singular technology but as three major parts:
The system (the electronic infrastructure)
The application (the software that operates on
an electronic device)
The device


A digital wallet is linked into an end-user, bank,

or vendor application and provides the application with instrument management and protocol
management services. The digital wallets that are
linked into vendor and bank applications provide
these management services in the same way that
end-user digital wallets do. A vendors digital wallet, however, may be part of a much larger software application that is integrated with order and
fulfillment systems. Similarly, a banks digital wallet may be part of a larger application that is integrated with general ledger, profit & loss, and reconciliation systems.
Furthermore, a wallet is not limited to being a
plug-in or applet or some other extension of a web
browser. A digital wallet with a graphical user interface may also run as an application on its own. A
digital wallet may also run on computers that are
not connected to the Internet such as smart cards
or personal digital assistants. The user interface
to the digital wallet may vary in such cases. In the
case of a PDA, for example, the digital wallet may
have a pen-based user interface. In the case of a
smart card, the digital wallet may have no user interface at all. Nevertheless, in each case, the set
of functions that the digital wallets interface presents to its client should be the same.
Digital wallets will increase efficiency on the customers end as well asfor the retailer. They will


reduce the average transaction time and allow

corporations to increase their customer intimacy.
Eventually, they will have the ability to store coupons from multiple retailers and will process discounts automatically. Technology allows the infrastructure of digital wallets to be easily integrated
with banks and retailers. Corporations can work
with the software companies and the banks to customize the digital wallets and adapt them to their
existing network.

A market overview

Some very interesting data published by Mobile

Payments Today shows that 41% of iphone users
have performed transactions in their smartphones,
78% of retailers plan to invest in mobile commerce
and by 2015 mobile payments can reach 1 trillion
dollars worldwide.
Its definitely something to consider, as those
transactions should be targeted with more attention by the evil side of hacking
So, we need to come up with better ways to secure it. There are several movements worldwide
pushing for a larger and broader adoption of mobile payments through digital wallets. New Zealand, due to its unique characteristics (Small
number of Telcos and Banks, new financial system, not too many loyalty plans) is being used as
a ground zero field test for several vendors while
you read this article.

Is Digital Wallet a mature technology?

Korea has had them for over eight years and Koreans use it frequently so we can say that at least
it has deployments and mass adoption at some
parts of the world and in our fast evolving world,
eight years means a lot on terms of technology

The underlying aspects

The technology behind the digital wallet is multifaceted. The infrastructure and logistics of the actual
cash transfer is advanced, but the mobile device
technology is fairly simple. Obviously, an important
feature of a digital wallet is that it is accessible from
a mobile device, and in addition to the hardware
and softwareincorporated into the phone, the device may need to be modified in order to scan a
phone at the checkout. There are multiple ways a
digital wallet system can be implemented including
optical scanners, Bluetooth, NFC or RFID tagging.
Well look for the security aspects of those later in
the article.
Its important to understand that the term digital wallet is a wide descriptor for a range of tech-


How to Hack Cyber Wallet?

nologies that let you perform many tasks. In general, a digital wallet is an app in the way you pay
for things.
Many digital wallet services work through apps
on your smartphone. At the supermarket, for instance, you might simply tap your phone to a compatible check-out register to pay instantly. For others, all you need to use them is something you
know, such as your mobile phone number and a
PIN (personal identification number).
No matter what form it takes, a digital wallet is
based on encryption software that substitutes for
your old, analog wallet during monetary transactions. You benefit from the protection and convenience. Merchants benefit because theyre more
protected against fraud and they sell more products, faster.
Usually, a Digital Wallet will reside in the client
side of things, the user will simply download a selected app on the his/her device(s) and fill it with
your data and move forward, examples are Apples Passbook (http://www.apple.com/ios/whatsnew/#passbook) and Google Wallet (http://www.
google.com/wallet/) but due to obvious security
reasons plus the need for standardization for a
broader adoption, Server Side Digital Wallets are
gaining momentum.
On this case, the app resides on the vendor
premises (Datacenter, Cloud Service) and the user simply enters his credentials during the purchase phase. One example of a Server-Side Digital Wallet is Visa v.me (https://www.v.me/). As
today Server Side Digital Wallets are being deployed in online web transactions, so for a more
broader view of field implications lets focus on
the Client Side apps what will remain being largely used.

Digital Wallets Security Implications

Its clear now that the device which contains the

Digital Wallet holds sensitive customer information, but the providers have minimized the risk
of data breaches at a certain level and trusting
the user some level of responsibility, which lets
be honest its not so different from the traditional ways we have, you need to secure your cash,
cards and checks.
Digital wallets are encrypted and are safer to use
than most credit cards, which dont require more
than a signature. The digital version requires a
personal identification number (PIN) to process a
transaction, unlike many of its plastic counterparts.
Hacking will always be a threat, but digital wallet
companies like Google have made security their
top priority. Confidential information, such as the


customers billing address, credit card number,

and social security number will be encoded. The
customers credit card information is also stored
on a separate chip within the phone that will not
be connected to the wireless network. The encryption and PIN requirement of the digital wallet will protect the customer and reduce implied
security risks. Sometimes photographs/biometrics are enforced within the app and must match
the information presented on the Point of Sales
(POS) side of the transaction what makes hacking a little bit harder.
Its not the intention of this article to provide an
application by application level of analysis trying
to find bugs or some exploitable path, rather than
that, lets focus on different aspects of the Digital
Wallets and in many ways, less focused.
The communication environment.
PS: We will come back to some application security aspects later on, but more on a consumer
guideline type of approach.

The Network Layer

All the Digital Wallets we have seen and all future

Digital Wallets cannot run from a fundamental basics. The device features and capabilities.
Some devices will support Bluetooth, others will
support NFC, others a combination of those.
Its important for you to take a note on that and
analyze the device youre going to install your
Digital Wallet because this can make a huge difference on the security aspects provided and also, flaws.
Now, were going to visit the security aspects of
NFC, as its adoption is far more wide than Bluetooth in Digital Wallets solutions but before it, lets
go one step back and discuss a little bit of RFID as
this is the basis of NFC.

What is RFID technology and how does it


RFID means radio frequency identification, like

NFC both employ radio signals for all sorts of tagging and tracking purposes, sometimes replacing
bar codes. NFC is still an emerging technology;
RFID, however, is currently in widespread use all
over the world.
RFID tags contain an antenna and a memory
chip that stores data. To see that data, you need
an RFID reader. These tags and readers are used
in a whole world of different applicarions.
The tags are embedded into retail products to
help stores keep tabs on inventory. Indeed, inventory and package tracking are two of the most
common uses of RFID. But these tags can do


Digital Wallet The new way of exchanging money?

much more. The RFID highway toll tag in your

car automatically identifies you to the toll reader,
even at top speed, which bills you later. Some airlines use RFID tags to efficiently track and control
large loads of baggage. And RFID appears in socalled smart passports and credit cards, as well
as identification badges that let employees access secure areas.
RFID often works well at distances of many feet;
otherwise, youd have to veer your car dangerously close to a toll gate in order to make sure the
reader accepted your payment. And RFID is a oneway communication system, in which data flows
from tags to the reading equipment.

Figure 1. How RFID works

Is RFID vulnerable?

As RFID is a standard technology and widely adopted, but yes, theres some exploits and techniques in the wild showing how to exploit it.
While many institutions (banks & Governments)
who are rolling out this contact-less technology
claim that their RFID tags are encrypted and secure, we also hear many claims from the hacking
community that these encryptions can & will be
hacked. If you search in Google for RFID hacking
there is literally hundreds of posts. Any RFID reader can be used to read a RFID tag.
Since the tags can be read without being swiped
or obviously scanned (as is the case with magnetic
strips or barcodes), anyone with an RFID tag reader can read the tags embedded in your clothes and
other consumer products without your knowledge.
Also, for various reasons, RFID reader/tag systems
are designed so that distance between the tag and
the reader is kept to a minimum. However, a highgain antenna can be used to read the tags from much
further away, leading to privacy problems.
So, there are plenty of reasons that you should
care about your RFID Security. Now that we know
about the NFC father sins lets move forward and
understand the son own issues.


Near Field Communication (NFC)

At its most basic level, near field communication is

a standard for very short-range radio transmission.
A pair of NFC transmitters can communicate at
a maximum range of about 4 inches (10 centimeters). Some chips are designed to exchange data
only if youre touching the devices.
There are already smartphones on the market
with NFC chips that will let you purchase items just
by holding your phone close to a receiver at a cash
What exactly happens when two NFC devices
establish a communication?
Basically, NFC devices can act as active or passive. Difference is that active devices are powered
ones that actively consume data and passive ones
are non-powered devices also called NFC tags
and are powered at communication time by the active NFC.
This process creates a radio field. The radio field
generated by the tag interacts with the field generated by your phone. The NFC chip in your phone
detects and decodes the radio field and the NFC
app you used uses that information on the way
presented (link, purchase, a file, etc).
Some NFC transactions will involve two powered devices. On this case both devices act as
active and passive components, when active, a
device sends information and when passive, it accepts information.
Furthermore it should be mentioned that NFC
communication is not limited to a pair of two devices. In fact one initiator device can talk to multiple target devices. In this case all target devices are enabled at the same time, but before
sending a message, the initiator device must select a receiving device. All non-selected target
devices must then ignore the message. Only the
selected target device is allowed to answer to
the received data. Therefore, it is not possible to
send data to more than one device at the same
time, so on NFC, broadcasting messages are
not possible.
Its important to remember that NFC just covers
the actual transmission technology. It doesnt determine the content of those transmissions. The
various hardware and apps that incorporate NFC
chips will dictate what information changes digital
hands. While the transmission technology is standardized, the content that can move across it isnt.
Because NFC is a standard, it has particular
specifications. The transmission frequency for data across NFC is 13.56 Mhtz (thats a good thing!
as it avoids all the hamming problems of running
in 2.4 Mhz).


How to Hack Cyber Wallet?

The NFC forum, an organization that establishes

and promotes the NFC standard, designed NFC to
send data in three different transmission speeds.
Currently, an NFC device can send data at a rate of
106, 212 or 424 kilobits per second. These speeds
are fine for short bursts of information, but arent
suitable for heavy-duty tasks like watching videos
or playing games.
There are three modes of operation for NFC.
The read/write mode allows an NFC device to
read a tag like the kind youd find in a poster.
The peer-to-peer mode makes it possible for two
NFC-enabled devices to exchange information.
This lets you do things like tap your phone to another persons phone to exchange contact information. Finally, theres the card emulation mode.
This is what lets NFC emulate or imitate a smart
card like the kind you use in public transportation
or ticketing systems.
Its important to remember than NFC is a developing standard. It will evolve as time goes on.
While the standard dates back to 2004, its still a
young technology. Adoption of NFC has been slow
in the United States, only a few smartphone manufacturers and retail organizations support it. In other parts of the world, notably Japan and Korea, its
much more popular.

And the NFC hacking

At Defcon 20, the security researcher from Black

Wing Intelligence, Eddie Lee presented the NFC
Proxy, a very interesting Android application designed to analyze/replay NFC communications.
As the name states, NFC Proxy allows you to
proxy NFC communications but not only. It also allows saving it and replay.
You can use NFC Proxy on two different ways
Replay Reader (Skimming mode*)
You can read Credit Card information by putting
the NFC Proxy nearby a Credit Card (that supports
NFC) and youll extract the information.
You can visualize the data (not the numbers and
dates), save or export it.
Replay Card (Spending mode)
With the saved data, you just need to put your
smartphone closer to the NFC POS and if it detects it (probably will) itll replay the data.
Theres also a relay mode that allows one device
to read the Credit Card and over a wireless link to
transmit the data to a second device closer to the
POS that will execute the transaction.

The Security Aspects of NFC

Whenever wireless communications are involved,

theres a potential security risk as we saw earlier.
Could it be possible for an unscrupulous person to
eavesdrop on communications between NFC devices? The answer is a resounding yes. With the
right antenna, hardware and software, its possible
to snoop on transactions.
Even though NFC transmissions must take place
over very short ranges (10 centimeters is the maximum distance), with many applications requiring
even shorter ranges -- its possible to pick up transmissions from much further away. Defining exactly
how far away an eavesdropper can be isnt easy. It
relies on several factors, including whether the information is being sent in active or passive mode,
the type of antenna and receiver the eavesdropper
is using and how much power the active component pours into the transmission. Its possible that
someone trying to listen in on an active component
could get a signal as far away as 10 meters as
some proof of concept attacks proved.
Another potential problem with NFC is that someone could attempt to disrupt communications by
broadcasting radio signals in the NFC spectrum
during transactions. While this isnt the same as
eavesdropping, it could be a source of annoyance.


Figure 2. NFC Proxy Screenshot

We must say that is unlikely that someone will

leave their physical Credit Card wide open for
someone to play with it but this application really


Digital Wallet The new way of exchanging money?

demonstrates some weakness in the NFC protocol. Lets also not mistaken it by a Digital Wallet
application vulnerability. Its NFC protocol related.
Vendors will protect the Data in the Digital Wallet
and many times encrypt the radio communication.

Choosing your Digital Wallet Application

When deciding for a Digital Wallet to use, its important to look not only for the usability of the application but also how it deals with the security aspects of the transaction.
Lets just mention some items you should consider to have on your digital pocket;
Biometry as an authentication method (Apple
acquired sometime ago a company called Authentec that provides Biometric solutions) so
we might see this coming soon as a capability;
Use PIN as a mandatory authentication method at least;
Look for solutions that take advantages of new
chips such as Sonys FeliCa. This chip provides highly secure, very short range, very
low power, extremely easy to set point-to-point
contactless communication between devices.
Encrypt all the data stored on your device with
strong algorithms;
Allow remote erase or quick disable in case of
losing the device
Encrypt all the communication;
Allow alert services (send a message when a
transaction is done)
Readily-available and clear information on how
they collect, store and use your information. A
provider should also make clear whether your
private information will be stored on a physical
device or in the cloud (or both), and how they
are protecting it.
Review the application history (if there are exploits available, the number of times hacking
was detected or the number of times the application was exploited, and the time it took for
the fix to be available.) As a friend of mine always says It only needs to be software to
have bugs

Tips on using your Digital Wallet

First of all: I like having a Jailbreak IOS or rooted

Android, it offers more fun, it allows you to play with
more tools and have more control of your device
but if you do it, please purchase a second smartphone and let it run as indicated by the vendor if
youre going to use a Digital Wallet. You can have


serious issues by using the application on a nonsupported environment. Some additional ideas
you should follow on your Digital Wallet device.

Enable Device Passwords

Set phones, tablets, personal computers and other

devices to require a password before they can be
used. Enjoy the benefits of additional layers of security mobile devices or PCs offer.

Connect To Secure Networks

Choose secure network connections you trust.

A simple test: more secure WiFi connections require passwords and are easily identified as WPA
or WPA2. Highly-unsecure WiFi is wide-open for
anyone to connect to, and may be labeled as a
WEP connection.

Install Apps From Sources You Trust

Not all apps are what they appear to be. In fact,

you could be getting more than you bargained
for. A free game might not be just a game, but
an app designed to illicitly collect personal data
from you. Reading the user ratings and reviews
can provide some clues about the integrity of
the app.

Keep Your Device Updated

Hardware and software manufacturers release frequent updates to optimize performance and security. Stay aware of updates and their impacts, and
ensure they are installed.

Use Security Software

Be smart about it activate applications for detecting and removing threats, including firewalls.
Also activate virus and malware detection and intrusion-detection systems.

Keep Your Private Stuff Private

Dont share sensitive data with those you dont

trust. This includes when you respond to email requests, phone inquiries or allow control to anyone
you would not normally hand over a physical wallet to. Credible service providers and support staff
will never ask for private information such as passwords or payment-account numbers.

Keep Login Credential Secure

Easy access to usernames and passwords leads

to misuse. Dont write down information used to
access your digital wallet in plain view or store in
an unprotected file.


How to Hack Cyber Wallet?


Emigh, Jacqueline. Smartphones Are Turning into Wireless Wallets. Brighthand. March 6, 2011. (Jan. 28, 2012)
Google. Google Wallet: How it Works. (Jan. 28, 2012) http://www.google.com/wallet/how-it-works.html#in-store
Zebra Technologies. RFID Tag Characteristics. (Feb. 10, 2012) http://www.zebra.com/id/zebra/na/en/index/rfid/faqs/
Strickland, Jonathan. How Near Field Communication Works: http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/near-field-communication6.htm
NFC-Forum: http://www.nfc-forum.org/home/
Why is RFID a vulnerable technology?: http://www.armourcard.com.au/why-is-rfid-a-vulnerable-techno
Cockrane, Peter. Lets banish cards and cash and embrace the digital wallet: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2013-04/25/money-has-always-been-virtual
Hoffman, Chris. From Plastic to Smartphone: When Will Digital Wallets Take Over?: http://www.howtogeek.
Haselsteiner, Ernst and Breitfu, Klemens. Security in NFC Communications: http://events.iaik.tugraz.at/RFIDSec06/Program/papers/002%20-%20Security%20in%20NFC.pdf
How stuff works? Digital Wallets: http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/gadgets/high-tech-gadgets/digital-wallet.htm

Use A Password That Only Works With Your

Digital Wallet

I know, it sucksbut loosing money sucks more.

Identify Who To Contact If There Are Issues,

Before One Arises

Financial institutions, payment networks and merchants are all needed to make electronic and mobile payments work. Make sure you understand
the quickest way to resolve any issues that arise
and who is responsible for any fraudulent activity
on your account.

Review Contract Terms And Conditions

This is where rights and liabilities are defined. Topics should address data privacy, opting-in and out
of various features and impacts of enrolling and
canceling accounts and services.


Digital wallets are a technology that is still under

heavy development and consolidation and itll take
some time until the world fully embraces it. Too
many questions are still being answered but its
certain that itll here to stay. Youll use it sometime.
Maybe today or maybe after 5 years from now.
But youll use it.
Be ready for it. Itll change the way we do business and who knows, it might change the way we
see economy.
Or, are you in doubt?
Think about it. 10 years ago who would bet
that smartphones or tablets will play such a critical
role on todays society?
Better be ready for.


Some vendor options for the ones interested on

trying or studying deeper the subject.


Amazon Amazon Mobile App

Google Google Wallet
Apple Passbook
iCache- Geode Wallet
Visa v.me
Western Union Mwallet
Fujitsu W-Wallet
Armour Card ArmourCard
MasterCard PayPass
Paypal Forward

Alexandre S. Cezar
Alexandre S. Cezar, CISSP is an experienced Information Security Consultant
and Project Manager with eighteen years
in the Information Security and Network
areas; most of them working for governments, telecom and financial customers
on projects worldwide. Alexandre is a specialist on several
technologies like Next Generation Firewalls, Deep Packet Inspection, Intrusion Prevention Systems, Network Forensics,
DDOS Protection, SIEM tools, virtualization security and operational systems.


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