Chan v. CA (1994)

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FELISA CHAN, petitioner, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, 4.

All the respective claims of the parties against each

and GRACE CU, respondents. other for damages and attorney's fees are hereby
1994 Mar 3
1st Division SO ORDERED." 5
G.R. No. 109020
Both parties appealed to the RTC of Manila. Grace Cu
DECISION maintained that the MTC should have fixed a longer
period, while Felisa Chan contended that the MTC erred in
extending the term of the lease and in upholding the
DAVIDE, JR., J.: validity of the consignation. In its Decision of 27 March
1992, the RTC affirmed the decision of the MTC.
This is a petition for review on certiorari of the decision of
the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 28870 1 which Cu then went to the Court of Appeals on a petition for
reversed and set aside the decision of the Regional Trial review 6 alleging therein that the RTC erred "in not fixing
Court (RTC) of Manila in Civil Case No. 91-55879. 2 The a longer period of extension of the lease" and "in
RTC had affirmed the decision of the Metropolitan Trial extending the duration of the lease to 30 June 1992 but
Court (MTC) of Manila in Civil Case No. 131203-CV. 3 subverting its factual findings in justification of the
extension as it concluded that the period was intended by
The antecedent facts are set forth in the challenged the parties for a longer duration." In its challenged
decision of the public respondent Court of Appeals as decision of 20 January 1993, the Court of Appeals
follows: reversed and set aside the decisions of the MTC and the
RTC and dismissed the complaint for consignation for lack
"It appears from the records that on February 1, 1983, of merit. It likewise said that the MTC and the RTC erred in
Felisa Chan and Grace Cu entered into a contract of lease passing upon the issue of ejectment raised in Chan's
whereby the latter will occupy for residential purposes counterclaim since an action for ejectment can only be
Room 401 and the roof top of Room 442 of a building initiated through a verified complaint, not a counterclaim.
owned by the former located at Elcano corner Urbistondo,
Manila. The term of the lease is one year or up to In dismissing the complaint for consignation, the Court of
February 1, 1984 at a monthly rental of P2,400.00. Said Appeals ruled that under Article 1256 of the Civil Code,
contract of lease was renewed every year for two consignation may only be resorted to by a debtor if the
successive years or up to February 1, 1986. In the creditor to whom tender of payment has been made
contracts, it was agreed that the premises shall be used refuses without just cause to accept it. The Court of
as a learning center. After February 1, 1986, there was no Appeals held that Chan's refusal to accept the rental was
written contract of lease executed by the parties, but justified. It said:
Grace has continuously occupied the premises as a
learning center. "Thus, the respondent [Chan] allowed the petitioner [Cu]
to hold classes in the premises only until March, 1981. 7
The monthly rental was raised every year. In January, Obviously, from respondent landlord's point of view,
1989, it was increased to P3,484.80. beyond March, 1989, 8 (1) the petitioner may no longer
be considered as lessee or debtor who may relieve herself
Sometime in November, 1989, Felisa padlocked the way of liability by tendering payment of the rentals and if
to the roof top. Thereafter, there was an exchange of refused, by consigning them in court; and that (2) the
communications between the parties. Grace insisted that petitioner is a squatter or trespasser who has occupied
she should be allowed to use the roof top of Room 442, the premises not only without any agreement with the
while Felisa maintained that only Room 401 was leased respondent by against her will. So as far as the
and that the use of the roof top which, according to her respondent is concerned, this consignation may not come
poses danger to the students, was merely tolerated. under the provisions of Article 1256 of the Civil Code cited
Eventually, Felisa terminated the lease, giving Grace until above. Simply put, respondent's refusal to accept
January 1, 1990 to vacate the premises. petitioner['s] rental payments was with just cause and
that, therefore, the respondent may not be compelled to
Because of the dispute between the parties, Felisa did not accept such rental payments." 9
collect the rental for December, 1989. Whereupon, Grace
tendered to Felisa a check amounting to P3,310.56. The On the issue of ejectment, the Court of Appeals made the
latter refused to accept the check. So Grace's lawyer following observations:
tendered the payment in cash in the same amount of
P3,310.56, with notice to Felisa that if she will not accept "Now, for a digression, We cannot see our way clear why
the payment, the same will be deposited in court by way the MTC and the RTC passed upon the issue of ejectment
of consignation. At this juncture, Felisa allowed Grace to raised in respondent's counterclaim and fixed the term of
hold classes only up the March, 1990. the lease up to June 10, 1992. Under Section 1, Rule 70 of
the Revised Rules of Court, an action for ejectment can
On January 15, 1990, Grace filed Civil Case No. 131203 for only initiated through a verified complaint, not
consignation with the Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila, counterclaim. This is basic. Thus, the said courts should
Branch 15, alleging in her complaint that Felisa refused to not have fixed the term of the lease. This issue can only
accept, without justifiable cause, the rentals for the be decided in a case of ejectment filed pursuant to the
premises in question. Felisa interposed in her answer a said rule. The Supreme Court, in Ching Pue vs. Gonzales
counterclaim for ejectment, contending that the lease, [87 Phil. 81] held:
being month to month, had expired but that despite
demand, Grace refused to vacate the premises." 4 'Consignation in court under Article 1176 of the Civil Code,
is not the proper proceedings to determine the relation
On 18 December 1990, the MTC rendered its decision, the between landlord and tenant, the period or life of the
dispositive portion of which reads: lease or tenancy, the reasonableness of the rental, the
right of the tenant to keep the premises against the will of
"WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered as follows: landlord, etc. These questions should be decided in a case
of ejectment or detainer like those two cases brought by
1. The court declares that the roof top of the building at Gonzales against two of the petitioners under the
442 Elcano corner Urbistondo Street, Manila is included in provisions of Rule 72 of the Rules of Court. In a case of
the lease; ejectment. the landlord claims either that the lease has
ended or been terminated or that the lessee has forfeited
2. The court fixes the term of the lease over the subject his right as such because of his failure to pay the rents as
premises until June 30, 1992 upon the expiration of which, agreed upon or because he failed or refused to pay the
petitioner [Grace Cu] is ordered to vacate the said new rentals fixed and demanded by the lessor. The lessee
premises. in his turn may put up the defense that according to law,
the rental demanded of him is unreasonable, exorbitant
3. The court declares the consignation of rentals made by and illegal, or that the period of the lease has not yet
the petitioner to be valid and legal and hereby release[s] been expired, or that if the rental law is applicable, and
the petitioner from the obligation of paying the said that the premises are destined solely for dwelling, he may
rentals; not be ousted therefrom because the owner does not
need them for his own use, etc. We repeat that all these
questions should be submitted and decided in a case of prayed for by Cu, for the duration of which Chan would be
ejectment and cannot be decided in a case of precluded from increasing the rentals.
consignation.'" 10
In her Comment, 15 Cu claims that the Court of Appeals
Chan's motion to reconsider the decision 11 having been decided the case properly and in accord with applicable
denied by the Court of Appeals in its Resolution of 23 law and jurisprudence. As to the dismissal of the
February 1993, 12 she filed the instant petition wherein counterclaim for ejectment, Cu cities Metals Engineering
she alleges that: Resources Corp. vs. Court of Appeals 16 which holds that
where there is no claim against the counterclaimant, the
"1. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS HAS DECIDED counterclaim is improper and should be dismissed, and
THE CASE IN A WAY PROBABLY NOT IN ACCORD WITH THE that a compulsory counterclaim is auxiliary to the
LAW OR APPLICABLE JURISPRUDENCE OF THE SUPREME proceeding in the original suit and derives its jurisdictional
COURT (SECTION 4 (A), RULE 45 OF THE RULES OF support therefrom in as much as it arises out of or is
COURT; necessarily connected with the transaction or occurrence
that is the subject matter of the complaint. It follows that
2. THE HONORABLE COURT OF APPEALS, WITH UTMOST if the court does not have jurisdiction to entertain the
RESPECT, COMMITTED AN ERROR: main action of the case and dismisses the same, then the
compulsory counterclaim, being ancillary to the principal
(A) IN HOLDING THAT THE COUNTERCLAIM FOR controversy, must likewise be dismissed since no
UNLAWFUL DETAINER WAS IMPROPERLY INCLUDED IN THE jurisdiction remained for any grant of relief under the

(B) IN RELYING ON THE CASE OF CHING PUE VS. In her Reply to the Comment, 17 Chan maintains that the
GONZALES (87 PHIL. 81) AS BASIS FOR NOT ACTING UPON Court of Appeals should not have dismissed the
THE COUNTERCLAIM FOR UNLAWFUL DETAINER AND IN counterclaim because such dismissal would deny her
IMPLIEDLY DISMISSING THE SAME; justice and give undue advantage to Cu. She set up the
counterclaim for ejectment to avoid the effects of Section
(C) IN RENDERING A DECISION WHICH PROMOTES, 4, Rule 9 of the Rules of Court which bars a counterclaim
INSTEAD OF AVOID, A MULTIPLICITY OF SUITS; not set up and Section 2 (A) of the Rules of Summary
Procedure which states that a compulsory counterclaim
(D) IN RENDERING A DECISION WHICH GAVE THE PRIVATE "must be asserted in the answer, or be considered
RESPONDENT UNWARRANTED BENEFITS BECAUSE SHE IS barred." The Metals case is not applicable to this case
PRACTICALLY ALLOWED TO CONTINUE OCCUPYING because the issue therein was lack of jurisdiction by
PETITIONER'S PREMISES WHILE PETITIONER, WHOSE reason of non-payment of docket fees.
TO LITIGATE ANEW AND/OR TO RE-COMMENCE UNLAWFUL Cu filled a Rejoinder to the Reply. 18
After deliberating on the allegations, issues, and
Chan maintains that the Court of Appeals erred in giving arguments raised by the parties in their pleadings, we find
due course to Cu's petition for review and in deciding merit in the petition.
upon issues which Cu never raised in her petition. Chan
contends that the Court of Appeals should have limited It must be stressed that the validity of the consignation
itself to the matter of the extension of the lease period and the propriety of the counterclaim for ejectment were
and not on the jurisdiction over the action or subject not raised before the Court of Appeals. As to the first, both
matter of the suit which was never raised, nor on the the MTC and the RTC rules that the consignation was
propriety of the counterclaim for ejectment. valid. The MTC specifically stated in its decision:

Chan submits that while it is true that her cause of action "On the validity of the consignation, both parties agreed
for unlawful detainer was incorporated in her answer to that the controlling case is Ponce de Leon vs. Syjuco Inc.,
the complaint for consignation, the Rules of Court do not 90 Phil., 311. The court believes that under the
prohibit such procedure, and in her case the MTC has undisputed facts earlier narrated, petitioner has complied
exclusive original jurisdiction on the counterclaim for with all the requisites laid down in the said case, namely;
ejectment. The summary disposition of the complaint for 'The debtor must show (1) that there was a debt due; (2)
consignation as determined by the trial court was not that the consignation of the obligation had been made
affected by the filing of the counterclaim since it is a because the creditor to whom tender of payment was
counterclaim allowed under Section 1 of the Rule on made refused to accept it, or because he was absent or
Summary Procedure as it did not involve any question of incapacitated, or because several persons claimed to be
ownership nor did it allege any claim in excess of entitled to receive the amount due (Art 1176, Civil Code);
P20,000.00. She then concludes that what the Court of (3) that previous notice of the consignation had been
Appeals has impliedly suggested was for her to file a given to the person interested in the performance of the
separate complaint for unlawful detainer, which would be obligation (Art. 1177, Civil Code);;(4) that the amount due
laborious and would encourage multiplicity of suits; was placed at the disposal of the court and (5) that after
hence, the counterclaim for unlawful detainer should not the consignation had been made the person interested
have been dismissed. was notified thereof." 19

Chan also contends that the case of Ching Pue vs. The RTC explicitly affirmed the MTC on this issue, thus:
Gonzales 14 is not applicable because in Ching Pue the
consignation cases were filed with the Court of First "3 With respect to the validity of the consignation, the
Instance of Manila which did not have jurisdiction to pass Court affirms the finding of the trial court that indeed
upon the unlawful detainer cases that were properly plaintiff substantially complied with all the requirements
cognizable by the Municipal Court. In the instant case, the of consignation and, therefore, the same was valid and
consignation case was filed with the MTC which also has effective." 20
jurisdiction over the counterclaim for ejectment. The Court
of Appeals should have ordered the ejectment of Cu not Chan filed no petition for the review of the RTC decision
only because it found that her refusal to accept the and had, therefore, accepted the said ruling, Cu did not,
payment was with just cause, thereby impliedly holding for obvious reasons, raise the issue on consignation in her
that Cu has no right to stay in the premises in question, petition for review in CA-G.R. SP No. 28870. Since the
but also because when it promulgated its decision on 20 validity of the consignation was not raised before it, the
January 1993, the extended period (until 30 June 1992) Court of Appeals seriously erred when it dismissed the
fixed by the trial court and the Regional Trial Court had complaint for consignation on the ground that it has no
already expired. merit. Section 7, Rule 51 of the Revised Rules of Court
Chan further asserts that the Court of Appeals' decision
gives Cu undue and unwarranted benefits since Cu was "SEC. 7. Question that may be decided. ---- No error
granted much more than what she prayed for in her which does not effect the jurisdiction over the subject
complaint for consignation and Chan's counterclaim was matter will be considered unless stated in the assignment
dismissed. A new ejectment suit may last for years, even of errors and properly argued in the brief, save as the
beyond March 1995 which is the expiration date originally court, at its option, may notice plain errors not specified,
and also clerical errors."
One will search therein in vain even for an obiter dictum
Jurisdiction is not involved in the consignation case, and which suggests that an action for ejection cannot be set
no plain errors with respect thereto are discernible from up in a counterclaim. In the instant case, the ejectment
the MTC and RTC decisions. was set up as a counterclaim in the MTC which has
jurisdiction over it and Cu joined that issue and the
As to the counterclaim for ejectment, it must be incidents thereto by her answer to the counterclaim and
emphasized that the parties have conceded its propriety the counterclaim to the counterclaim.
and accepted the MTC's jurisdiction thereon. As a matter
of fact, the consignation was relegated to the background The Court of Appeals therefore should have confined itself
and the parties heatedly tangled on the nagging issues on to the principal error raised in Cu's petition in CA-G.R. SP
the duration of the lease after the expiration of the last No. 28870, viz., the duration of the extended term of the
written contract, the power of the court to extend the lease fixed in the decision of the MTC and affirmed by the
lease, and the length of the extension ---- all of which RTC. As fixed, the term of the lease was extended to 30
were provoked by and linked to the counterclaim for June 1992. That period had expired six months before the
ejectment. In her Position Paper for the Plaintiff filed with Court of Appeals promulgated its challenged decision.
the MTC, 21 Cu admitted having filed an answer to the Considering that Chan did not file any petition for the
counterclaim and even a counterclaim to the review of the RTC decision and was, therefore, deemed to
counterclaim: have agreed to the extension; and considering further
that Cu, as petitioner in CA-G.R. SP No. 28870 , did not
"In answer to the counterclaim, plaintiff [Cu] asserted that come to us on a petition for review to seek reversal of the
the lease is not on a month-to-month basis but for as long decision therein and should thus be considered to have
as the premises is being used as a learning center. She agreed to the dismissal of her consignation case, the
contends that it will be highly inequitous that after parties must be deemed bound by the extended term,
undergoing so much expenses, her occupancy of the which has, nevertheless, already lapsed.
premises will be abruptly terminated. . . . that on the basis
of justice and equity, the period of plaintiff's lease should We hold that the MTC had the authority to extend the
be fixed for at least five years from February 1990. . . . period of the lease. The parties started with a written
contract of lease with a term for one year from 1 February
As counterclaim to the counterclaim, plaintiff alleged. . . ." 1983 to 1 February 1984. This was renewed every year for
22 two successive years, or up to 1 February 1986. No
written contract was made thereafter, but Cu was
and assigned as one of the errors to be resolved by the allowed to occupy the premises at a monthly rental which
court the following: was increased every year. In November 1989, Chan
informed Cu of the termination of the lease and gave her
"2. Whether or not the plaintiff may be ejected from the until 1 January 1990 to vacate the premises. Articles 1670
subject premises." 23 and 1687 of the Civil Code thus came into play:

A counterclaim is any claim for money or other relief "ART. 1670. If at the end of the contract the lessee
which a defending party may have against an opposing should continue enjoying the thing leased for fifteen days
party. It need not diminish or defeat the recovery sought with the acquiescence of the lessor and unless a notice to
by the opposing party, but may claim relief exceeding in the contrary by either party has previously been given. it
amount or different in kind from that sought by the is understood that there is an implied new lease, not for
opposing party's claim. 24 Counterclaims are designed to the period of the original contract, but for the time
enable the disposition of a whole controversy of established in Articles 1682 and 1687. The other terms of
interested parties' conflicting claims, at one time and in the original contract shall be revived.
one action, provided all the parties can be brought before
the court and the matter decided without prejudicing the xxx xxx xxx
rights of any party. 25 A counterclaim "is in itself a
distinct and independent cause of action, so that when ART, 1687. If the period for the lease has not been
properly stated as such, the defendant becomes, in fixed, it is understood to be from year to year, if the rent
respect to the matter stated by him, an actor, and there agreed upon is annual; from month to month, if it is
are two simultaneous actions pending between the same monthly; from week to week, if the rent is weekly; and
parties, wherein each is at the same time both a plaintiff from day to day, if the rent is to be paid daily. However,
and a defendant. . . . A counterclaim stands on the same even though a monthly rent is paid, and no period for the
footing and is to be tested by the same rules, as if it were lease has been set, the courts may fix a longer term for
an independent action." 26 In short, the defendant is a the lease after the lessee has occupied the premises for
plaintiff with respect to his counterclaim. over one year. If the rent is weekly, the courts may
likewise determine a longer period after the lessee has
Section 8, Rule 6 of the Rules of Court provides that the been in possession for over six months. In case of daily
answer may contain any counterclaim which a party may rent, the courts may also fix a longer period after the
have against the opposing party provided that the court lessee has stayed in the place for over one month."
has jurisdiction to entertain the claim and can, if the
presence of third parties is essential for its adjudication, Article 1687 grants the court the authority to fix the term
acquire jurisdiction of such parties. Under Section 4 of of the lease depending on how the rentals are paid and on
Rule 9, a counterclaim not set up shall be barred if it the length of the lessee's occupancy of the leased
arises out of or is necessarily connected with the premises. In the light of the special circumstances of this
transaction or occurrence that is the subject matter of the case, we find the extended term fixed by the MTC to be
opposing party's claim and does not require for its reasonable.
adjudication the presence of third parties of whom the
court cannot acquire jurisdiction. A counterclaim may be WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED and the
compulsory or permissive. The former is that covered by challenged Decision of 20 January 1993 of the Court of
Section 4 of Rule 9. Appeals in CA-G.R. SP No. 28870 is hereby SET ASIDE, and
the Decisions of 27 March 1992 of Branch 11 of the
Chan's counterclaim for ejectment is a compulsory Regional Trial Court of Manila in Civil Case No. 91-55879,
counterclaim because it is necessarily connected with the and of 18 December 1990 of Branch 15 of the
transaction or occurrence which is the subject matter of Metropolitan Trial Court of Manila in Civil Case No.
Cu's complaint, viz., the lease contract between them. 131203- CV are REINSTATED.
Consequently, the Court of Appeals erred when it held
that Chan's cause of action for ejectment could not be Costs against the private respondent.
seen up in a counterclaim.
We agreed with Chan that Ching Pue vs. Gonzales is
inapplicable because in Ching Pue the consignation cases Cruz, Bellosillo, Quiason and Kapunan, JJ., concur.
were filed with the Court of First Instance which did not
have jurisdiction over ejectment cases; necessarily, no ---------------
counterclaim for ejectment could have been interposed Footnotes
therein. The ratio decidendi of the said case is that
consignation is not proper where the refusal of the
creditor to accept tender of payment is with just cause.
1. Rollo, 114-120. Per Associate Justice Angelina S.
Gutierrez, concurred in by Associate Jstices Fidel P.
Purisima and Jesus M. Elbinias.
2. Annex "G" of Petition; Id., 88-96.
3. Annex "F" of Petition; Id., 82-87.
4. Rollo, 115-116.
MTC Decision, 5-6; Rollo, 86-87.
6. Annex "I" of Petition; Id., 100-112.
7. Should be March 1990.
8. Id.
9. Rollo, 118.
10. Rollo, 118-119 mphasis supplied).
11. Annex "K" of Petition; Id., 121-129.
12. Annex "L" of Petition; Id., 131.
13. Rollo, 15-16; Petition, 10-11.
14. 87 Phil. 81 [1950].
15. Rollo, 133-140.
16. 203 SCRA 273 [1991].
17. Rollo, 144-148.
18. Rollo, 151-154.
19. Id., 86.
20. Id., 95.
21. Annex "E" of Petition; Rollo, 68-77.
22. Rollo, 71-72.
23. Id., 73.
24. Section 6, Rule 6, Rules of Court.
26. FRANCISCO, op. cit., at 464.

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