Call For Papers

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Seminar on
“History of Irrigation in Eastern Asia”
13 October 2010, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Theme: “History of Irrigation in Eastern Asia”

Scope: The seminar will focus on historical evolution of an irrigation system and associated governance mechanisms,
as well as adaptation measures (innovative mechanism or technology) to cope with rapidly changing economic, social
and environmental conditions surrounding irrigated rice farming, in particular under small land holding, high sediment
transportation, and high water fluctuation (drought and flood).

The authors are requested to contribute on following sub-topics:

1. technology (efficient water use, water productivity increase, water savings) and infra structural development
2. management of organization (water users' association, leadership, organizational setup)
3. institutional and legal frameworks (rules, enforcement of rules, fee collection, federation of association, laws
and regulations)
4. governance system (water governance structure, conflict resolution)
5. hydraulic structures and management of irrigation system
6. sustainable development
7. comparative perspectives

Deadlines: Abstracts (500-600 words) by ………… 24 April 2010

Acceptance of abstracts by ……………. 25 May 2010
Full length papers by ……………………. 26 July 2010

Please mail the ‘Expression of Interest’ and Abstract to Vice President Dr. Hafied A. Gany (Indonesia) with copy to
ICID Central Office as per above deadlines. The authors must follow the prescribed guidelines while preparing their

This International Seminar is being organized by ICID’s Working Group on History of Irrigation, Drainage and Flood
Control (WG-HIST) during its 61st International Executive Council (IEC) Meeting and 6th Asian Regional Conference
from 10-16 October 2010 at Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Contact co-ordinates:

Seminar Convener: Vice President Dr. Hafied A. Gany (Indonesia), E-mail: [email protected],
[email protected], Tel: +62-021-846-1160; +62-021-723-0318; Fax: +62-021-723-0317

Technical Organizing Committee: (i) Vice President Dr. Hafied A. Gany (Indonesia), E-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]; (ii) Dr. Kamran Emami (Iran), E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]; (iii)
Prof. N. Hatcho (Japan), E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]; (iv) Dr. K. Roettcher (Germany),
E-mail: [email protected].

ICID Central Office: International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, 48 Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri,
New Delhi 110021, India. Tel: +91 11 26115679/26116837/24679532, Fax: +91 11 26115962; E-mail: [email protected].

Website: Please access conference website: for more information on events during 61st IEC
and 6th Asian Regional Conference at Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Seminar on
“History of Irrigation in Eastern Asia”
13 October 2010
61st International Executive Council Meeting and the
6th Asian Regional Conference
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, October 2010


Name (Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof): ___________________________________________

Occupation: ___________________________________________

Organization: ___________________________________________

Full Postal Address: ___________________________________________


Tel: ______________________ Fax: ________________

E-mail address: ___________________________________________

Please consider my abstract/paper under following sub-topic (choose one from the announcement):

sub-topic no.

Registration Fee: There is no separate registration fee for this Seminar. However, participants must register for
the main event i.e. 61st IEC and 6th ARC, 10-16 October 2010, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Field Trip: The Seminar will be followed by a one-day field trip at the same time with the one day technical tour
giving special focus on: “the evolution of paddy field irrigation technology and management system in combination
with the visit to historical sites”. This field trip is subject to a payment of US$60 per person to cover the
transportation, lunch and technical tour guide.

Please access our websites: and/ or for more information.

Seminar Convener: Vice President Dr. Hafied A. Gany (Indonesia), E-mail: [email protected]



Please follow the instructions below in preparing your manuscript in hard copy, to be reproduced in the Proceedings
(Volume) of the Seminar. Please make sure that your manuscript is written in English.

Printing requirements

Only single-sided laser printouts (or printouts of similar quality) of 300 dpi or more and with uniform blackness of the
lettering are acceptable. Print out your text on a normal white A4 (size 21 X 29.7 cm) paper with margins of 3.5 cm at
the top and the bottom and 2.5 cm on the left and right of the page. Number all pages consecutively outside the
printing area. Maximum length of the paper (including references and figures) is 10 pages.

General typing requirements

Typeface: Times New Roman

Size of type in text: 12-point justified
Space between lines (leading): single space
Type size for small print (footnotes, etc.): 10-point justified
Section Headings (incl. Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions, Summary and
conclusions): 12-point boldface.
Section Sub-Headings & Sub-Sub-Headings: numbered, 12-point justified incl. number(s), 1 blank line between
Space between separate sections: 2 blank lines
Space between separate paragraphs: 1 blank line.

Structuring the text

Please structure the paper as follows: Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussions,
Conclusions, Summary, Acknowledgements, References and Appendices.

Title: Times New Roman font, capital letters, 14-point, boldface and centered. 1 blank line afterwards

Authors: Times New Roman font, 12-point, italic, centered. Three blank line afterwards. Authors must be listed
successively one after another as R. Goodman, P. Youngs and G. Taylor. At the bottom of the 1st page type a black line
to separate the text from the affiliation footnotes. Type all affiliations (names and postal addresses of corresponding
institutes or organizations) or information directly associated with authors (e.g., "On leave from" or "Postal address"
etc.) in 10- point Times New Roman.

After each free standing heading, sub-heading or sub-sub-heading, there is one blank line.

Allow 2 blank lines after each section to the heading of the following one.

References: References in the text are cited as follows: Miller (1986), Miller and Anderson (1987) or Miller et al.
(1989), if there are more than two authors.

Mathematical Symbols and Formulae: All characters should be typed. Avoid confusion between similar looking
symbols, letters and numbers or Greek and Roman letters. Equations should be numbered by Arabic numerals in
parentheses on the right-hand side (flush right).

Units: The metric system is mandatory and wherever possible, SI units should be used.

Figures: All figures, whether diagrams, graphs or photographs (black and white) should be of high quality. Figures
and legends must be centered. Figure legends (10-point type with 2 point space between lines) are to be placed under
the figures. Figures must be numbered and abbreviated as Fig.1., Fig. 2. etc. in boldface. The text of the caption
should follow immediately. Allow 2 blank lines after each figure before the text is continued. Figures should be in file
formats that are compatible with WORD Office 97 for Widows such as BMP or TIFF files.


Tables: Tables should be handled like figures. The table caption should be numbered as Table 1., Table 2. Etc.
boldface. The text of the caption should follow immediately. Table captions appear above the table. Tables should be
created by WORD Office 97 or by Excel 97 for Windows.

Equations, figures and tables are numbered consecutively.

Footnotes: They should be numbered consecutively and prepared in 10-point type.

Appendices: Appendices should be labeled by capital letters, e.g. Appendix A, Appendix B etc. and treated like
independent sections otherwise.

Acknowledgements: This section should be prepared in 10-point type with, preferentially, "Acknowledgement(s)" in
italic. The text follows immediately. Allow 2 blank lines after this section.

References: Heading in 12-point type boldface and free standing, one blank line afterwards. If possible, book titles
and titles of journals incl. volume numbers in italic. The first line of each individual reference begins on a new line. All
authors' names and initials have to be typed as surname followed by initial, i.e., Mandelbrot, B.B. If there are more
than two authors, please use "and"; before the last author.

Writing Style: Neither headings, sub-headings, figure legends, table captions nor any other word in the text should
be capitalized except for the opening letter, names and certain abbreviations. Only when used with numbers, the
following abbreviations and expressions should be capitalized: Fig(s). 1, Table(s) 2, Sect(s). 5, Chap(s). 10, Appendix
A, Paper II, Theorem 5, Eq(s). (9), etc. If abbreviations of names or concepts are used throughout the article, they
should be defined at first occurrence. The following words should be abbreviated when they appear in the running text
followed by a number unless they come at the beginning of a sentence: Eq., Fig., Sect., Chap.; e.g. "The results are
depicted in Fig. 15. Figure 3 reveals that ...". The respective numbers of equations should occur in parentheses, e.g.,
Eq. (9). Thus, e.g., "We have shown in Eq. (9) that ... Equation (9) indicates that ...".







Author: Park, Sang Hyun1 and Uom Myung Chul2

The Saemangeum tidal reclamation project has been developed for 28,000 ha of land and 12,000 ha of freshwater lake in the western coast of Korea
since 1991. There are two rivers that flow into the lake. The Mangyung River, located in the urban areas, is more polluted than Dongjin River, located
in rural area. In the Mangyung River basin, high concentrations of total phosphorous (T-P) and total nitrogen (T-N) are not estimated to be decreased
within the allowance level until the land reclamation to be started when the seadike is closed in 2006. For the improvement of water quality in the
Mangyung watershed area, more sewage treatment systems in the city and livestock areas would be installed until 2006. In addition, several artificial
wetlands and a settling basin are to be installed in the lake of Mangyung area. In spite of such kind efforts, T-P is estimated to be 0.103 mg/l that is
beyond the allowance level of 0.100 mg/l in lake of Mangyung area.

On this basis, tidal area in Dongjin river estuary is to be reclaimed partly from 2006 and Mangyung area is to be suspended until the water quality
improved. More effort is poured to improve the water quality in Mangyung area. Result from model study applying WASP5 model, most efficient
scheme is derived to expand 3,500 m long setting basin to 10,500 m long basin at the upper part of lake. The water level will be increased to 1.5 m
depend on water flows, density of nutrients and irrigation demands during crop season. After the expansion of the basin, 0.103 mg/l of TP decrease to
0.096 mg/l in the lake that would be allowed in standard level.

As the long settling basin will supply irrigation water at (+) 1.5 m of high water level to the low part of farmland directly, irrigation cost would be
decreased than pump from the lake at the water level of (-) 1.5 m during cropping season. The side slope of the channel in the basin is milder than 1:3
to improve the water quality and ecological diversity in the riparian buff zone of the lake. The sediment soil in the basin would be dredged after
floods to keep enough space for the flows and it would be nourished in the low part of the reclaimed areas.

In conclusion, the new settling basin would contribute to improve water quality and ecological diversity and irrigation water management of
Saemangeum fresh water lake in the near future.

Director of Research Group on Saemangeum Tidal Reclamation Project in Rural Research Institute of Korea Rural and Agricultural
Infrastructure Corporation (KARICO).
Senior Researchers in Research Group on Saemangeum Tidal Reclamation Project in Rural Research Institute of Korea Rural and
Agricultural Infrastructure Corporation (KARICO).

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